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1) Energy Management Inc (EMI)

2) a)
Stakeholder refers to persons and and groups that affected by, an organizations
decisions, policies and operations. The word stake means an interest in business
enterprise. The relevant stakeholders are customers, employees, stockholders, the
media, governments, professional and trade associations, social and environmental
activities and non governmental activities.
They are two types of stakeholders which is market stakeholders and
nonmarket stakeholders. Market stakeholders are those that engaged in economic
transaction with the company. Also known as prime stakeholders. The relevant
market stakeholders are employees, stockholders, creditors, suppliers, customers,
distributors, wholesalers and retailers.
While non market stakeholders are people or groups who do not engage in
direct economic exchange with the firm. Known as secondary stakeholders. The
relevant stakeholders are communities, governments, non- governmental
organization, media, business support groups and general public.

Stokeholders expect to receive dividends and over time.

Customers are more interested in gaining fair value and quality in exchange

for the purchase price of goods and services.

Suppliers wish to received fair compensation for product and services they

Employees wants to received fair compensation and opportunity to develop
their job skills.

The power of stakeholders means the ability to use resources to make an
event happen or to secured a desired outcome. There are four types of stakeholders
power that are voting power, economic power, political power and legal power.
Voting Power : the stakeholder has a legitimate right to cast a vote such as
vote on major decision as merger and acquisition, the composition of the

board of directors and other issues that may come before the annual meeting.
Economic Power : customers, suppliers and retailers have this power.
Suppliers can withhold supplies or refused to fill orders if a company fails to
meet its contractual responsibilities. While customers may refuse to buy a
company products or services if the company act improperly. Customers can

boycott products if they believe the goods are too expensive , poorly made, or

unsafe. Employee can refuse to work under certain conditions.

Political Power : government can use this power through legislation,
regulations and lawsuits. While governments agencies can use this power by
passing new laws or enacting regulations. Citizens may also vote for
candidates that support their views with respect to governments laws and

regulations affecting business.

Legal Power : stakeholders can bring a lawsuit against a company for
damages, based on harm caused by the firm. Lawsuit brought by customers for
damages caused by defective products. Brought by employees for damages
caused by workplace injury, or brought by environmentalists for damages
caused by pollution or harm to species or habitats.

The coalitions are likely to form when they are similar, temporary alliances to
pursue a common interest. The coalition are not static

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