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Pandya, Sonal

Course: FL 515


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Class Level: AP French
Class Size: 14
Previously Studied Material: n/ a
Preparatory Homework:
For Day 1:
Read two articles in English to build background knowledge of topic and post to class discussion
board to share thoughts. Articles in English, posting in French.
Links to articles and discussion board on Schoology
For Day 2:
Summary in French of Day 1 video using teacher selected key words.
Task Name: Les portables et les minerais du sang

Learner outcomes:
[From State of Texas Standards for Languages other than English, level 5]
Student will be able to read and analyze information from a variety of authentic print, electronic &
audiovisual resources. 114.43 c.2.A & C...
Students will be able to compare and analyze cultural practices and perspectives from authentic print,
electronic resources & audiovisual resources. 114.43 c.2.B & D.

Pandya, Sonal

Course: FL 515


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Procedures: [2 full 55 minute class periods, portion of a 3rd class period]

Today students will be completing activities using the computers so they are meeting in the computer
lab. They were informed yesterday and a reminder is posted on the classroom door. Abel F. is the
class technology assistant and can troubleshoot as necessary should tech issues come up. Also,
please remind students that they can switch computers if the one they are working on acts up.
Homework was submitted online so you do not need to check or collect anything.
Warm up:
Direct students to form groups of 3 or 4. They may choose their own groups, just give them a 20
second countdown. Students should take 5 minutes to discuss the following questions in English.
This is a rehearsal of the information and takeaways they should have from their homework.

What is a rare earth element?

Which are the main rare earth elements found in cell phones?
Where are rare earth elements found?
Are rare earth elements actually rare?
How are rare earth elements found in nature (i.e. could you find a nugget as with gold or would
you have to extract it from something, like salt from salt water?
6. What is a conflict mineral?
Engage with technology:
Pass out the handouts : Transciption : Tlphonie mobile: les faces sombres et Glossaire :
Tlphonie mobile : les face sombres
Student will logon to schoology to find the links and information they need for today. They are familiar
with how to do this. They will go to the event Chez les ordinateurs Tlphonie Mobile. The event
contains instructions and links. While the event is in French, Ive included a translation after the
actual text so you know what they are up to and can help them with moving on from one task to the
Schoology event text & links
Bonjour mes lves! Maintenant que vous avez dcouvert lhistoire des minerais des rgions du
conflit et nos portables dun point de vue amricain, vous allez vivre cette histoire dun point de vue
Jour 1 : Vous travaillez sur vos capacits de comprendre et analyzer les textes authentiques. Dans
ce cas, un texte audiovisuel.
Jour 2 : Vous travaillerez sur vos capacits de comparer et analyzer les pratiques et les
perspectives travers des textes authentiques
Toutes ces activits agrandissent vos vocabulaires et vous aident dans vos prparations pour
confronter les textes crit et audio que vous trouverez sur lexamen AP !
Et les activits crites vous donnent des opportunits de travailler vos capacits dexprimer vos
penses en franais

Pandya, Sonal

Course: FL 515


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Jour 1
1. Vous allez visualiser lextrait-vido Tlphonie-mobile : les faces sombres chez TV5monde.
Vous allez complter la transcription qui accompagne ce vido en utilisant le vido et la
feuille Glossaire : Tlphonie mobile : les faces sombres ATTENTIONS AUX
2. Vrifiez vos rponses en cliquant sur la transcription du vido
3. Compltez 2 des exercices qui accompagne le vido. Prenez des screenshots que vous
allez tlchargez Schoology >Assignment> Exercices :TV5 Telephonie Mobile
4. crivez 2 paragraphes sur lextrait du vido. [papier finissez pour les devoirs chez vous]
Paragraphe 1 : un rsum du vido de 10 phrases minimum qui contient des mots/phrase
suivants :
Le tantale Pays
Conditions conflit
producteurs de travail
Il sagit de
Paragraphe 2 :
Quel est votre opinion de ce sujet ? Quelles actions est-ce que vous voulez voir en rponse
cette situation. Parlez des actions des consommateurs, des gouvernements, de la
communaut internationale.
1. (20 min) Choisissez un lien pour explorer ce sujet un peu plus. Vous allez crire un rsum
sur celui que vous choisissez
Rapportage vido:
Rapportage radio:
Attention ! si vous descendez la fin de larticle vous trouverez des liens qui traitent le mme sujet que vous
pouvez explorer aussi.
Articles des journaux franais :

Pandya, Sonal

Course: FL 515


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2. (10 min - maximum) lcrit, prsentez la source que vous choisissez et ce que vous y
apprenez. Expliquez pourquoi vous choisissez ce genre de texte.
3. (20 min) crivez une rdaction qui compare la prsentation de linfo dans les sources
amricaines et les sources franaises. Est-ce quil y a des diffrences ? de similarits ?
Des contrastes importants ?
Hello my students ! Now that you have discovered the story of minerals from regions of conflict and cell
phones from an American point of view, you will experience this story from a French point of view.
Day 1: you are working on you comprehension and analysis of authentic texts. In this case, audiovisual text.
Day 2: You will work on your comparing and analyzing skills regarding the practices and perspectives you
discover/experience through authentic media.
All of this activites will work your vocabulary and help prepare you to confront the audio and written texts you
will find on the AP exam!
And the written activities will give you the opportunity to practice expressing your thoughts in French.
Day 1:
1. Watch the video except Mobile Phones: the dark side on TV5Monde. You will complete the transcript
which accompanies the video using the video and the Glossary/word bank sheet. Careful of your
2. Check you answers by clicking on the video transcription
3. Complete 2 of the accompanying activites on the website. Take screenshots that you will upload to
Schoology>Assignment>Exercices: TV5 Telephonie Mobile
4. Write 2 paragraphs about the video excerpt
Paragraph 1: a summary of the video, minimum 10 sentences, use the following words/phrases:
Paragraph 2:
What is your opinion on this topic? What actions do you want to see in response to this situation?
Talk about the actions of consumers, governments, and/or the international community.
DAY 2:
1. 20 min Choose a link to explore this subject further. You are going to write a summary of the
one you choose.
2. 10 min max In writing, present the source that you chose and what you learned from it. Explain
why you chose the type of text that you did.

3. 20 min Write an essay comparing how the information was presented in the American and
French sources. Are there significant similarities, differences, contrasts?

Pandya, Sonal

Course: FL 515


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Day 3: (with classroom teacher)

Debrief conversation with students.
Which sites did you like best?
How did you feel about submitting your screenshots on Schoology?
Did you prefer writing on paper or would you have preferred to upload your writings?
What types of sources were the most interesting? Why?
What are your thoughts regarding choosing your own dig deeper source?
Other thoughts about this activity?

Pandya, Sonal

Course: FL 515


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Task design:
Handout 1 :
Transcription : Tlphonie mobile: les faces
Dans ce second numro consacr aux tlphones portables, Le Dessous des cartes sintresse aux
lments qui constituent nos tlphones. Do viennent-ils ? O sont-ils assembls ? Dans quelles
conditions ?
(00 :00) ____________________ (lets take), pour comprendre, lexemple du tantale. Le tantale, on en a
besoin pour la fabrication des condensateurs. Ils __________________ (allows) de stocker lnergie donc
de ____________________ (to keep) les donnes quand le tlphone est dcharg. Le tantale est donc
essentiel, dautant plus (even more so) quil permet de fabriquer des condensateurs miniaturiss.
(00 :19) Alors, o trouve-t-on du tantale ? Cette carte nous montre les principales mines dans le
monde en 2011. Les principaux pays producteurs sont lAustralie qui ________________________
(provided) 10 % de la production mondiale officielle en 2009, le Brsil pour 22 %, le Canada pour 3 %,
en Afrique, le Mozambique pour 14 % et ____________________ (especially) le Rwanda et la Rpublique
dmocratique du Congo qui, eux deux, couvrent 40 50 % de la production mondiale de tantale.
(00 :50) Donc allons voir maintenant de plus prs la Rpublique dmocratique du Congo. En R.D.C.,
les minerais de coltan et de cassitrite dans lesquels on trouve le tantale ___________________ (can be)
tre extraits sans ___________________ (methods) mcaniques, de manire manuelle. Les mineurs
____________________(work) dans des conditions difficiles et dangereuses : difficults daccs aux mines
ouvertes, galeries non tayes sur des sols instables, loxygne est rare, la __________________(heat)
suprieure 43 C, pour une moyenne de 12 heures de travail par jour et un salaire qui varie de 1 5
dollars par jour.
(1:28) Ensuite, il y a linstabilit qui est __________________ (constant) en Rpublique dmocratique du
Congo : on sait que divers groupes rebelles viennent sattaquer aux mines pour en contrler
lexploitation. Citons par exemple les Forces dmocratiques de libration du Rwanda, la Nduma
Defense for Congo et les Raa Mutomboki. La ______________ (sale) de ces minerais finance lachat
darmes et donc contribue la ________________ (continuation) du conflit.

Pandya, Sonal

Course: FL 515


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(1:54)Dailleurs ces minerais de la rgion des grands lacs sont appels minerais de sang limage
des diamants de sang . Sous la pression de nombreuses ONG, certaines compagnies renoncent
acheter du tantale venant des mines de R.D.C. Des rglementations internationales ont t _________
______ __________ (put in place) pour limiter le commerce. Les tats-Unis ont dailleurs vot en 2010 la
loi porte par le snateur Dodd et le reprsentant Frank : elle ________________ (demands) que les
socits amricaines et les socits trangres oprant aux tats-Unis _________________ ____________
(become aware) de lorigine des minerais utiliss dans leurs produits.
(2 :32) Par ailleurs, il existe un risque de rupture d__________________________________ (supply) du tantale,
qui nest videmment pas une ressource renouvelable. Les rserves mondiales de tantale actuellement
connues correspondent 153 000 tonnes et si on prend en compte la demande actuelle, il ny aura
plus de tantale dici 75 ans. Or, le dynamisme de la tlphonie mobile fait que la demande en tantale
devrait saccrotre dans les annes venir au rythme de 5 % par an.
(3 :00) Alors, certes, la quantit de tantale par condensateur est ________________ (low) mais en 2011, on
a tout de mme fabriqu 9 milliards 300 millions (9,300,000,000) de condensateurs rien que pour les

Pandya, Sonal

Course: FL 515


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Handout 2:
Glossaire - Tlphonie mobile: les faces sombres


ensemble des fournitures, des produits disponibles


rendre stable, solide; procurer quelqu'un quelque chose de

sr, lui en garantir le bnfice
exprime une relation causale en insistant sur l'importance de
la cause
oxyde d'tain naturel (tain =l'lment Sn)
qualit de ce que est chaud, temprature leve
qui dure, persiste ( en parlant d'un mal, d'un dfaut)
minerai metallique
maintenir, garder quelque chose
soutenir un lment, quelque chose par des arguments, des
vouloir quelque chose (de quelquun) , le rclamer
qui a peu d'intensit, de puissance, de force; dont la qualit, la
valeur sont insuffisantes; qui manque de capacit, de force
crer pour le but de...
manire d'agir, procd qui permet de parvenir une fin;
ressources pcuniaires, fortune, richesse
donner quelqu'un le pouvoir, le droit de faire quelque chose,
d'agir de telle ou tell manire
actions de persvrer dans une action commence
la rapporter, l'analyser, le justifier

Autant plus

Mise en place
Rendre compte (de quelque chose)

privilgie un lment, une circonstance, une condition parmi

faire un effort soutenu pour obtenir un rsultat
action de vendre quelque chose

Pandya, Sonal

Course: FL 515


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Summary of CALL Principles :

Referring back to the CALL principles that my team [team Occulus] developed, Ive outlined in the
table below how each principle is present in this task. These principles definitely guided the
development of this task, causing me to add or subtract elements as I considered them.
1. Task should resemble real-life
2. Task should help students to understand
a greater system of thinking/make
connections with bigger picture
3. Task should allow for customization
based on different learning styles/needs

4. Task should allow students to have input

in deciding on or choosing from a variety
of CALL tasks.
5. Tasks should take advantage of
technologys ability to operate in all five
domains: interpretive communication,
interpersonal writing, presentational
writing, interpersonal speaking,
presentational speaking
6. Task should incorporate content
previously covered in class in addition to
new materials.
7. Task should take place within students
zones of proximal development.

8. Teachers must establish clear objectives

for the CALL tasks and invite students to
buy-in to those objectives at the
beginning of the task.
9. Resources to support necessary
technical competence should be
identified and provided to students

10. Authentic media should be incorporated

as much as possible.
11. Students should be invited to reflect on
both process and content during CALL

This task involves learning more about a current issue that

is relevant to students. Cell phones are an integral part of
their lives.

On day 1, students can choose the 2 video activities they

would like to do. Activity 1 is a summary based on the
audio/transcript, Activity 2 is matching images from the
video with key points, Activity 3 is listening for specific
facts, Activity 4 focuses on vocabulary.
On day 2, students can choose from audio podcast
reports, a newshow video report or written articles to learn
more about this topic.
This task focuses on 2 of the 5 domains - interpretive
communication and presentational writing.

We have discussed global challenges, technology and

modern life as AP themes. This topic touches on all three
themes and returning to those themes would be part of the
presentation of this activities initial homework.
By having students do background reading on this topic in
English, they will have more context for the activity. As AP
students, they are used to working with challenging,
authentic texts so I believe that with the transcript and the
glossary, the main text is accessible to all students.
I included an introduction to the days activities that put the
skills students are working on in student-friendly language.
I think this reminder of purpose and the topics relevance to
something they use every day sets the stage for students
to be engaged.
The students have used Schoology and Apprendre with
TV5 many times so they are familiar with those sites. We
have been using the computers at least once (if not twice)
a week for the past 10 weeks. They also used the same
platform in French 4.
All source materials are authentic.
On day 2, students are invited to think about why they
chose the text type that they did for their dig deeper
source. On day 3, I have set aside time for them to reflect
on both the content and process and share those thoughts
with the class in a debrief session.

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