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May 2010 — VOLUME 35, ISSUE 5
“We Are a People
The recent events in our church family have Church Events
certainly tested our “mettle.” The recent ill-
By Jeff Kressler, Sr. Warden nesses of the Rev. Gordon Weller and the May
Rev. Richard Sauerzopf have left us with the
realization of how much we depend on our
clergy. What is truly enlightening is the re- 1 MINISTRY FAIR
sponse from the parish as soon as we found B&PW CORPORATE
ourselves without our spiritual leader, albeit temporarily. Because of the efforts and
dedication of the St. Paul’s staff, committee chairs and vestry members, the work of St. 8 CONFIRMATION CLASSES
Paul’s has and will continue! We are indebted to the Rev. Deacon Bill Fineout for coor-
dinating the staff duties and to the Rev. Chuck Millar for being the celebrant on April 12 ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR
18 at the last minute! I don’t know what we would have done without them. ASCENSION DAY DINNER
St. Paul’s is very fortunate to have several clergy help us out with various events taking 19 ST. AELRED’S MEETING
place in the weeks ahead. The Rev. Jannel Glennie will be the celebrant at both the 8
and 10 a.m. services for April 25 and May 2. The Rev. Carol Spangenberg from St. 26 ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR
John’s in Charlotte has kindly committed herself to do the Tuesday morning Eucharist
services and also the Monday “4 F’s” get-togethers. We have Carol Ingells and Chuck
Millar who have volunteered to help with pastoral care. St. Paul’s memorial service for
Peggy Brede on the afternoon of May 2 will be done by the Rev. Ron Byrd. We owe
all of these wonderful people a debt of gratitude!
What really indicates the strength of our church are the many outstanding leaders who
have come forward to help. We truly are a “People United!”

Abbreviated SPN
By Christine Caswell, Editor
Due to all of the recent events discussed above in Jeff Kressler’s article and the increased duties put on and assumed
by staff and volunteers, this is a much abbreviated version of SPN. Hopefully, all upcoming events are listed on the
Web site or the Sunday bulletin. We also hope to have everyone and everything back up to speed soon (in time for
the SPN to take a two-month summer hiatus). Thanks for everyone’s patience.
Confirmation Classes
This year’s Spring Confirmation for the Lansing area is scheduled for May 8, at 10:30 a.m., at All Saints', East Lansing.
As always, it offers people the opportunity to come before the Bishop and declare your intention to God and this
branch of the Church. Three options are available. The first is to confirm your Baptismal vows. This is for those baptized
as an infant and now ready to "Confirm" those vows as an adult. The second option is to be "received" into this branch
of the Church. Perhaps you were baptized or confirmed as an adult in another branch of the Church? This is the oppor-
tunity to be welcomed into this Episcopal branch. Finally, there is the opportunity to "reaffirm" your commitment to God
and the Church. We all should take these opportunities during the course of our lives because it often gives the Holy
Spirit a willing heart to work with.

Ascension Day, Dinner and B&PW

Eucharist By Nancy Rudd, President
On Thursday, May 13, at 6 p.m., St. Paul’s will have its The May meeting of the B&PW Guild is Tuesday, May
second annual Deacon’s Dinner Fundraiser for street 11. We meet in the Hill Room at
ministry. The Ascension Day Eucharist will follow at 7
p.m. 6 p.m. Our program this month will be our yearly ser-
vice project. Please bring all your greeting cards to
This year’s dinner will feature the “best Soups of St. bundle.
Paul’s” donated by volunteer chefs. We will also have
hearty grilled cheese sandwiches for the children of all Our corporate communion is Sunday, May 3 at 8 a.m.,
ages. followed by breakfast. Let Debby Pierce know if you
will be attending this event or the May dinner. Cost of
We still need a couple volunteers to donate a pot of the dinner is $8. Join us for either the corporate com-
their gourmet soup. Please mark your calendars now. munion, an evening of delicious food and great com-
We will have a signup sheet in the lobby area. Don’t panionship or both.
miss this opportunity to attend our gourmet soup kitchen
and fundraiser. Come and enjoy our best soups, fellow-
ship, and worship for a good cause. Cost is whatever
you are willing to donate.

United Thank Thank You for

Offering Office Help 4 F’s
May 9 By Bobbi Tisdale, By Nancy Sheldon
Vestry Member There has been a change in plans from
By Nancy Milne, ECW what has been previously announced.
Thank you to the following
Mother’s Day, May 9 at both services, is volunteers for covering We will not be able to visit the Butterfly
office duties during Office Gardens at MSU, so are moving our end
again the time for St. Paul’s spring Manager Kathleen John-
United Thank Offering. UTO’s purpose is of the year picnic to May 3 at my
son's vacation: Lyn house. We will continue our interesting
to help us appreciate the small and Zynda, Marti Repaskey,
large blessings in our lives as we give to study of the psalms with Dr. Lange.
Joyce Renfrew, Julie
help meet the needs of other churches. Please sign up outside of the Merrifield
Fletcher, Lille Foster and
All our gifts are given in one-year Barb Richardson. All of Room or call the church office to make a
grants to encourage the fulfillment of these people did an out- reservation or request a ride. Our picnic
standing job keeping the will also include our annual book share
the church’s mission.
office running. A special and next year’s planning time. We’ll
thank you to Julie for look forward to seeing you!
making sure Fr. Weller
received prompt medical

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Estate Planning Seminars
By Peter Sheldon, St. Paul’s Legal Counsel
As one aspect of St. Paul's Planned Giving Program, which was first announced last year, I will be conducting the an es-
tate planning seminar with Don Lawrence on three different Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. in the Van Atta room: April 28;
May 12; and May 26. The seminar is open to St. Paul's parishioners and their families and will be approximately one
hour long, including a question and answer period. Even if you have an estate plan in place, you are encouraged to at-
tend one of these three sessions because there is currently a good deal of uncertainty as to the direction Congress may
take in restructuring our federal estate tax law, and, as a result, it may be well for certain individuals to consider amend-
ing their current estate plans to address that uncertainty. We hope to see you at one of the sessions.

Save these Dates

June 6 Graduations Sunday—Be sure to get
the name of your graduate to the of-
June 13 Parish Picnic
June 21-25 Tentative dates for Vacation Bible
July 21 Deanery Picnic and Eucharist at Hawk
Island Park

Evangelism & Communications

By Sally Lawrence, Vestry Member
You spoke, we listened! Check out our new St. Paul’s sign
on the east side of the building. We are now checking on
the feasibility of signs that will indicate parking in the
ramp when it is available. Pictures are being snapped
for our vestry and staff pictorial display, and we hope
to have that up soon. Our communications chair, Matt
Ferguson, has been busy making wonderful improve-
ments to our St. Paul’s Web site (http:// and has been busy learning to use Job Well Done!
our new video camera. If you noticed the great video of
By Sally Lawrence, Vestry Member
our Easter Service on the St. Paul’s Web site, then you
know it was put to great use already! If any of you have ever ventured to the undercroft,
Also, we would like to have a presence in the Silver Bells you probably found it to be a pretty scary place.
parade this year but to do so plans must be made soon. Not any more, however. Thanks to the efforts of
We could use help with this project, so if you are inter- Max and Debby Pierce, Dillon John, John Irwin,
ested contact Sally Lawrence or Bill Fineout. Deacon Bill Fineout, Doug Holmes and Don Law-
rence, it has a whole new look. While waiting for
Finally, a gentle reminder to keep looking around for son Mathieu to finish a music lesson, Alex Weisner
that new face on Sunday morning; then greet that per- even made countless trips up the stairs carrying
son with a warm welcome. Invite him or her up for coffee trash! Now it not only looks great, but you can
in the Merrifield room if possible and introduce the new- probably find what you are looking for. Thanks
comer around. guys, for all your hard work.

Send Your Email Address
By Lyn Zynda
For a Parish to thrive and grow good communication is vital. This was never more apparent than last month when Fr.
Weller and Fr. Sauerzopf experienced health-related issues. Fortunately, we were able to send out a Parish-wide
email updating everyone on our clergy’s status.
Having current email addresses has allowed St. Paul’s to distribute the newsletter electronically, which saves more than
$400 per month in staff time, supplies and postage. It will allow us to send information geared to your particular inter-
ests; we can send reminders for upcoming events and activities; and generally communicate with you and the rest of
the Parish quickly, economically and in a more environmentally-friendly manner.
We promise we will not share or sell your email address; we will only send you information that is either for the Parish
generally – changes in service times, for example – or that you have specifically requested. – choir or youth group
information are just two examples. And, you are able to “opt-out” of any or all communication from St. Paul’s with the
click of a button.
If you haven’t done so already, please email me at with the address which you want to receive cor-
respondence. If you prefer, you can call the office or me at 485-3450. Please remember to notify me or the office if
you should change your email address.

Picnic in the Park

St. Aelred’s The Annual Sunday Service and
Picnic in the Park will take place
By Nancy Sheldon on Sunday, June 13, beginning
with Eucharist at 10 a.m. The
St. Aelred’s Guild offers spiri- location is Granger Meadows
tual friendship to members of on Wood Street in DeWitt St. Paul’s Men’s
our congregation in time of Township.
need through notes, visitation, Since Granger Meadows has a Golf League
prayer list management, Eucha- baseball diamond we are an-
ristic visits, celebration of births The first game of the Men’s golf
ticipating a thrilling game of
and marriages, as well as league starts May 6 at 3:30
softball. There is a jungle gym
phone calls to shut-ins. We en- p.m.
for younger members and bas-
courage people to let us know ketball hoops too. If you are interested in partici-
when one of our parishioners is
pating please give your name
in the hospital, is unable to Sign up is available by the
to Deacon Bill or leave word at
come to church, has been moved Merrifield Room to bring one of
to a special care facility or just9 the office (485-9454).
the following: potato salad,
might appreciate a card or visit baked beans, salad, veggies, The League is open to all skill
to let that person know we are fruit dish, chips, dessert. The levels and anyone interested in
thinking about and praying for church will provide hot dogs, good times and good company.
him or her. All parishioners are hamburgers, drinks and picnic
welcome to join us in this Minis- ware.
try on the third Wednesday of
each month from 4:30-5:30 p.m. The 10 a.m. service will take
in the Van Atta Room. place at the Park, in lieu of a
service at the church. The 8 a.m.
service will be at the church as

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Financial Information as of March 31, 2010
By Julie Young, Treasurer

Year to date through March is 25% of the year. Pledge income in March was $20,996, making the year to date total
$84,692, which is 25% of the annual budgeted pledge income.
Operations for March had a net loss of $35,482. Part of this loss can be attributed to Vestry authorized purchases of
computer equipment needed to update the office and video camera equipment being used to record Sunday services.
There were no transfers required from the investment account into the operating account.
The investment accounts/funds had a net income of $34,677 for the month of March.

Vestry Highlights
At the April 20 Vestry Meeting, your vestry:  Discussed special May Sunday plans
 Discussed filling of vacant vestry position
 Enjoyed dinner and conversation with each other  Received vestry committee reports
 Shared in devotions led by Deacon Fineout  Reviewed plans for services and parish coverage
 Approved an amended agenda during Fr. Weller’s recuperation
 Approved the March 16 vestry minutes  Approved a motion to establishing a position of Youth
 Received the Treasurer’s Report as prepared Ministry Coordinator and budgeted for a first pro-
 Approved the following as signers of St. Paul’s ac- gram year from May 2010 to May 2011, with
counts: Gordon Weller, Julie Young, Jeff Irwin, Jeff $11,000 from the Shawver Fund
Kressler and Sally Lawrence  Received Deacon Fineout’s report and update on the
 Discussed the Diocese Ministry Fair to be held at St. clergy
Paul’s April 24  Adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Requests for Prayer

We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Shelley Robinson, Mason Hill, Lois Caswell,
Barb Hacker, Marjorie Belles, Aleda, Dave, Kathryn Senko, Barb Powers, Patricia Reno, Skip and Marsha
Macholz, Gwen Skinner, Tom Foltz, Vivian Hawkins, Linda, Bill, Kent Riley, Jan Bigham, Max Sutton, John
Hawkins, Joan, Karol Ryan, Julie, Phyllis Quinn, Amanda, Laura Miller, Stephanie, Maureen Nauss, Grace,
Norm Landon, Jared Miller, Aviana Bridgeman, Pat Amundson, Sam Montie, Noah, Danielle, Clarence Shan-
non, John Foltz, and Emilio Garcia.
We pray and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, Tyson Carter, Matthew
Rawlins, Jonathon Reno, Jeff Doorlag, and Justin Murphy.
We pray for comfort: for the family and friends of Robert Pearl, Jr. who recently passed away.
We pray for those expecting: Jenelle and Paul Rawlins, Kym and Matt Hall, Summer (Sleight) and Jake Ste-
vens, and Sacha Mallory and Seth Burris.

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Mission and Outreach Activities CarsINC Reviewed
By John Irwin
Where is Christ calling you to help others?
CarsINC is an organization at St Paul’s that not all
May may know about. It is an acronym for Cars-In-the-
13 Ascension Day Deacon’s Dinner Fundraiser Name-of-Christ and grew out of the actions of
Chuck Millar, who saw the need, and was further
TBD United Thank Offering developed by Tom Repaskey (our chairman of the
board) and five other board members: Gordon
August Weller, Kirk Lindquist, Tom Spencer, John Bissell
and John Irwin.
SILS Collection for apartment setup
CarsINC’s places automobiles with people who can-
September not afford to buy them on their own. In our society, it
is not possible to hold a job without a car and, with-
19 Memory Walk for Alzheimer’s Association out a job, it is not possible to buy a car. Breaking
this cycle is the goal of CarsINC.
TBD Greater Lansing Food Bank
We have placed many cars. Currently, we have a
October 2000 Chrysler van, donated by Kathy Vogel and
Chris McDaniels that is being refurbished for distri-
TBD U of M vs. MSU Food Drive bution to Theresa who is willing to work but needs a
car to make that happen. We also collect used cell
30 Red Cross Blood Drive phones and ink cartridges. It gives people an oppor-
tunity to dispose of these items in a safe and eco-
Hat and Mitten Tree
logical manner, and we receive a small amount of
TBD Crop Walk for World Church Vision money which goes into our treasury.
CarsINC is a 501(c)(3) organization, so any mone-
November tary donation to this group is tax deductible. We
TBD ECW United Thank Offering would greatly appreciate any donation you make to
support this outreach, whether it is an empty ink car-
TBD Thanksgiving Baskets tridge, a used cell phone, cash or a vehicle you no
longer can use. If you wish, as a means of donating
December to this outreach program, you may make an auto-
Sudanese Education Fund matic withdrawal from your bank account.
Thank you for your support.
Layette Gifts for the Christ child
1st Sunday Manna Sunday; loose and dedicated offer-
ERD Book Sale:
ings for street ministry; busing and work boots Great Response;
Heifer Gift Cards Gratifying Results
Prayer Quilts By Sue Millar
Because you so generously brought books to and
Habitat for Humanity bought books from the ERD Book Sale, the St. Paul’s
family is able to support the hope-giving and life-
saving work of Episcopal Relief and Development
Great Donations, St. Paul’s !!! with a check for $1,200! Thanks to each of you: do-
nors, buyers, and those who helped set up and sell.
We were able to deliver 45 bags of groceries to Open It’s a wonderful thing when an event that is fun also
Door Ministries for The Greater Lansing Food Bank. Our does good things. Until next year.
Brown Bag Sundays were another success. We look forward
to our competitive U/M – MSU food drive in Sept/Oct.
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Choir News
Choir Newsletter
It’s hard to believe that this is the last choir newsletter until next fall. It’s been a great year, but it’s gone by fast! Con-
gratulations and a huge THANK YOU!! Goes to all of you who helped to make the Easter service and Cabaret such a
success! I was extremely proud of all the acts at Cabaret—you did super work. And I was especially pleased by your
great work at Easter. All the choirs—Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, High School, and Chancel sang especially beautifully.
You, along with the Handbells and the Brass Quartet, all combined to make Easter a celebration of joy. Thank you for
your time and effort and ministry of music!

Singing Schedule
Date Choirs Date Choirs

May 2 High School May 23 High School; Chancel

May 9 All Choirs: Cherubs, Boys’ and May 30 High School; Chancel
Grace, High School, Chancel
June 6 (Graduation Sunday)
May 16 High School; Chancel High School; Chancel

Special Notes
Ensemble Concert
Wednesday, May 12—Last Family Night and 
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
Choir Practices 
The Lange Choral Ensemble will present its annual Wednesday, May 19—Cherub Choir and Boys’ 
Spring Concert on Sunday, May 2, at 7 p.m. Titled
and Grace Choirs Picnic at Patriarch Park in East 
“Choral Music for Organ, Percussion, and Harp,” the
program will feature Chichester Psalms by Leonard Lansing (Meet anytime after 5:00 There will be a 
Bernstein and Dorchester Canticles by Tarik O’Regan. food sign‐up sheet on the bulletin board by the 
In addition, their program will include works by choir room.) 
Bach, Palestrina, Durufle, and Clausen. Tickets are
Sunday, May 23—Choir Banquet and Recogni‐
$10 for adults and $8 for senior citizens and chil-
dren. For more information, please contact Stephen tion after church (approximately 12:00 noon to 
Lange at 482-0369. begin—please sign up for a dish to pass). Last 
Sunday for Boys’ and Grace to vest. 
This was a church school Easter project that we did on our last Lenten class on March 21. The chil-
dren planted seeds and we discussed the parable of the sower.

"Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19When anyone hears the message about the kingdom
and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed
sown along the path. 20The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word
and at once receives it with joy. 21But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or perse-
cution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. 22The one who received the seed that fell among the
thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, mak-
ing it unfruitful. 23But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and
understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."
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Easter Egg Hunt

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Non Profit Org.

Permit 1621

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan
218 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-482-9454
Fax: 517-485-8621
Choir Room: 517-482-0369

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal

Church, Lansing Michigan.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff

The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector
Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
The Rev. Richard Sauerzopf, Priest Assistant
The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout
Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff

Christine Caswell, Editor
Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454,
Page 12 any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.

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