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Mr : Hesham


Chapter five
Mr : Hesham
the public

fresh air
a nut

/ at least







Questions with model answers

1- Where did Gulliver find himself?
Gulliver was in a room full of giants.
2-How high from the ground did the baby giant drop Gulliver?
The baby giant dropped him some ten metres from the ground.
3- What would that fall affect Gulliver's life?
The fall would surely had broken his neck
4- Gulliver was lucky when the baby dropped him. Explain
Gulliver was lucky as he didn't hit the hard floor but landed on a soft blanket which the
mother held around the baby. The children laughed loudly again.
5-Why did the farmer pick up Gulliver after being dropped on the blanket ?
The farmer realised that Gulliver could have been killed so he picked Gulliver up and
looked at him closely to see if he was hurt.
6- To what extent was the farmer's face so strange to Gulliver?
When the farmer smiled , Gulliver could see great big lines in his skin and his hairs
looked like the branches of small trees
7- What was the question that Gulliver asked himself ?
Gulliver asked himself if he looked like this to the little people of Lilliput.
8-How was the farmer's wife kind to Gulliver?
The farmer's wife carefully picked Gulliver up and carried him to bed putting
a handkerchief over his legs. Gulliver was so tired that he slept .
9-Why was Gulliver feel sad when he woke up?
Gulliver was very sad when he woke up because he dreamt about his family.
10- How was the bed another problem facing Gulliver ?
Because the bed was perhaps eight metres high so he couldn't reach the floor and Gulliver
thought that his voice would be too quiet for anyone to hear.
11- How did Gulliver manage to defend himself against the two rats?
The rats ( the size of large dogs) began to attack Gulliver , one succeeded in holding onto
his sleeve with its teeth which were the size of swords so Gulliver used his knife
to defend himself and succeeded in hurting one of the rats which ran away.
12-Why was the farmer's wife surprised when she entered the room?
Because she saw Gulliver sitting on the bed with a knife.
13-Who was Glumdalclitch?
Glumdalclitch was the farmer's daughter. She was nine year old

14- How did the wife and her daughter make Gulliver safe from rats?
They prepared a tiny bed for Gulliver and put it on a low shelf inside a cupboard
15- How far was Glumdalclitch useful to Gulliver?
Glumdalclitch made clothes for Gulliver ( seven shirts and four pair of trousers )
and dressed him like a doll . She also taught him her language by pointing to things and
telling him what they were called . She called him Grildrig "puppet"
16- Why did the neighbour admire Gulliver?
As Gulliver was a tiny human and he could speak and walk and do what he was asked
17- What did the farmer ask Gulliver to do for his friend?
The farmer put Gulliver on his kitchen table and asked Gulliver to do things for him
so Gulliver walked up and down and named the objects he pointed to in their
18-Why did Gulliver laugh at the farmer's friend ?
When the old man put on his glasses ,Gulliver thought his eyes looked like two giant
moons seen through two enormous windows. The old man looked angry
19-What did the farmer's friend advise the farmer to do with Gulliver?
He advised the farmer to make Gulliver work so that he could earn money from him
The farmer could take Gulliver to the market and people would pay to see him.
20- Why was Glumdalclitch worried when she heard about her father's plan?
1- Glumdalclitch was worried that people in the market would be cruel to Gulliver.
2- They would pick him and play with him and they might break his arms or drop him
4- She asked her father to be Gulliver guard to check that people didn't hurt him.
21-How did they carry Gulliver to the market?
They put Gulliver in a small wooden box for the half- hour ride to the market in the town
The box had three small holes to help Gulliver breathe and look out.
Glumdalclitch had put some of her doll's soft blankets on the floor of the box
22-Why did Gulliver feel he was in a ship in a storm on his journey to the market?
The horse went about fourteen metres with each step and the box moved so much.
23-What did the farmer's friend at the inn advertise?
Inside the box, a tiny human who could say things and perform for the public
24-Why was Gulliver put on a table?
Gulliver was put on a table in the largest room in the inn so that people saw him
25- Why did Glumdalclitch sit on a low stool next to him?
To look after him and to tell him what to do.
26- What was Gulliver's show in the market?
1-To welcome people when they came into the room.
2-To walk up and down
3-To answer Glumdalclitch's questions about his name , how high he could jump.
4- To name things and to say goodbye when the people left the room
27- When was Gulliver nearly killed in the market?
When a school boy threw a nut at Gulliver .It was the size of a large rock and it nearly hit
his head .It would surely have killed him .Gulliver was pleased when the boy was sent out
28-Why was Gulliver exhausted during his time in the room ?
As he was shown to twelve different groups of people and did the same things for
each group .When his work was finally finished , he was exhausted
29- Why couldn't Gulliver rest completely at the farmer's house?
Because all the farmer's neighbours had heard of him and they came and paid the
farmer to see Gulliver in his room .there were at least thirty people at any time.

30-Show that the farmer was very happy about Gulliver?
The farmer was very happy as he earned a lot of money so he decided to take
Gulliver to all the cities in the land so he could show him to even more people
31- What happened on 17th August,1703?
Gulliver , the farmer and Glumdalclitch set off for the capital city ( Lorbrulgrud ). It was
about three thousand kilometres from the farm where he had stayed to the capital.
32- What was the farmer's plan while travelling to the capital?
To show Gulliver in all of the towns and some of the villages they passed on the way
so they passed eighteen large towns , many small villages and even some private houses.
33-How did Glumdalclitch help Gulliver during his journey to the capital?
She took him out of the box to give him some air .She taught him more of their
language. She showed him where they were travelling.
34- What did Gulliver see on the way to the capital ( Lorbrulgrud ).?
He saw enormous buildings and five or six rivers that were wider than the Nile.
35-How long did they take to arrive in the capital city" Lorbrulgrud"?
After ten weeks , they finally arrived in Lorbrulgrud
36-How did Gulliver know that the capital people amazed and happy to see him?
Thanks to Glumdalclitch's language lessons , he could understand everything .
37-Show that the farmer began to be greedy?
The farmer continued to earn lots of money, but the more he earned, the more he
wanted people to see him .He didn't realise how tiring the work for Gulliver
38-How did that tiring work affect Gulliver's health?
Gulliver lost a lot of weight and felt ill and tired. He looked like a skeleton.
39- How was Gulliver lucky?
When Gulliver thought that he couldn't work another day , a servant arrived from the
palace and ordered the farmer to show Gulliver to the Queen
40-What did the Queen ask Gulliver ?
She told him that he was clearly an intelligent person despite his size and asked Gulliver
to come and live with the king and her family.
41-What was Gulliver's answer to the Queen's offer?
He told her that he worked for the farmer and he would be happy to live with the
Queen if the farmer allowed it.
42- Why did the farmer accept to sell Gulliver?
The farmer knew that Gulliver was ill and perhaps would die so he asked for a thousand
pieces of gold to sell him to the Queen.
43- What was Gulliver's small request ?
he asked the Queen to make him keep Glumdalclitch as his teacher as she had been very
kind to him and had taught him all he knew about their country .( Brobdingnag )
44- What was the effect of that request on Glumdalclitch and her father?
The farmer agreed and was very happy as his daughter would have a job at the palace
Glumdalclitch was very excited by that news.
45- What did the farmer tell Gulliver before leaving the palace ?
He told Gulliver that he was a lucky little man and he would be well looked after there.
46- Why didn't Gulliver say goodbye to the farmer?
Gulliver told the Queen that the farmer had made him work hard and he only wanted to
make money from him and his health had suffered because of that .The farmer sold him
as he thought that he would die .Gulliver said he would be better in the palace.

47-To what extent was The King surprised when he saw Gulliver?
The King was so surprised and asked the Queen why she brought him a toy
48- How did Gulliver see The King ?
The king had a very good education and knew everything about mathematics and the
history and geography of his land .he couldn't believe that what Gulliver told him was
49- What did The King tell the Queen ?
The King told her that a clever farmer had tricked her into giving him money and the king
looked at Gulliver angrily so Gulliver thought that he made an enemy .
Quotations with Model answers.
1-"How are you , sir? I'm very pleased to meet you"
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
Gulliver to the farmer's friend .
2-"Why is this little man laughing at me ? Does he think he's being clever?"
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
The farmer's friend to the farmer.
b) Who did he talk about ?
3 - "If he is too clever, you should make him work so that you can earn some money
from him. Why don't you take him to the market? People will pay to see him there."
a) Who said that ?_To whom?
The farmer's friend to the farmer.
b ) Who was he talking about?
The man was talking about Gulliver?
c) Why would people would pay to see him?
As he was a tiny human to them
4- " Why don't you take him to the market ?"
a) Who said that ?_To whom?
The farmer's friend to the farmer.
b) Why did the farmer take Gulliver to the market ? As people would pay to see him
5- "That's really good idea. I'll take him there and do what you suggest."
a) Who said that ? To whom?
The farmer to his friend
b) What did the underlined word refer to ?
It referred to the market .
6-" Father, what if the people at the market were cruel to Grildrig ?"
a) Who said that ? To whom?
Glumdalclitch to the farmer ( her father )
b) How would people be cruel to Gulliver ? They would pick him up and play with him..
7- "He will be fine. Just think of the money we can get from him."
a) Who said that ? To whom?
The farmer to Glumdalclitch
8-"Let me come with you,then.I can be Grildrig's guard "
a) Who said that ? To whom?
Glumdalclitch to the farmer ( her father )
9-"I'm very pleased to meet you."
a) Who said that? To whom?
Gulliver to the Queen
9-"You are an intelligent person despite your size. Perhaps you would like to live
here, in the palace with me and my family?"
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
The Queen to Gulliver
B) why was he happy to accept it?
To have rest from his hard work with the farmer.
10-"I work for the farmer, But I would be happy to live with you if he allows it."
a) Who said that? To whom?
Gulliver to the Queen
b) What do you think of Gulliver when he said that?
Gulliver was grateful to the farmer as he wanted his permission to sell him to the Queen.
c) Why did the farmer accept to sell Gulliver?
The farmer knew that Gulliver was ill and perhaps would die so he asked for a thousand
pieces of gold to sell him to the Queen.

11- " Go and get me the money he needs?"
a) Who said this ? To whom ?
The Queen to the servants
b) Why did she need the money ?
To pay the farmer for getting Gulliver.
c) How much money did she give him?
A thousand pieces of gold
12 "I'm very happy now that you're my owner .Can I ask one small request ?"
a) Who said this ? To whom ?
Gulliver to the Queen
b) What was his request ?
To keep Glumdalclitch as his teacher .
c) Did the addressee agree to his request?
Yes she did
13-"Well it's time I said goodbye to you . You are a lucky little man."
a) Who said this ? To whom ?
The farmer to Gulliver
b) Why did he tell him that he was lucky?
As he'd be looked after at the Queen
14-" Why didn't you say goodbye to him?"
a) Who said this ? To whom ?
The Queen to Gulliver .
b) Who did they talk about ?
About the farmer
c) Why didn't he say goodbye ?
Because he made him work very hard
15-" What is this ? Why have you brought me a toy ?
a) Who said this ? To whom ?
The king to the Queen .
b) What did he talk about?
About Gulliver
16-" I believe that clever farmer has tricked you into giving him money ."
a) Who said this ? To whom ?
The king to the Queen .
b) Why did he say that ?
He saw that Gulliver didn't the money paid for him
Find the mistake in the following sentences and correct it .
1- Gulliver was in a room full of dwarfs .
2- The baby giant had just dropped Gulliver some two metres from the ground .
3- Gulliver landed in a soft cupboard .
4- Only the wife seemed to realize I could have been killed .
5- His hairs looked like the branches of small grass.
6- The bed was perhaps two metres high.
7- I saw two rats the size of two cats.
8- The rat held my sleeve with its teeth which were the size of a knife
9- I held up my knife to defend myself and succeeded in hurting the cat
10- Glumdalclitch who was 19 years old helped her mother to prepare the bed.
11 They put the bed on a low shelf in the kitchen.
12 The young girl loved cooking and she made me clothes.
13 The wife taught Gulliver their language .
14 Gulliver laughed when he saw the old man's mouth .
15-The farmer and his wife put me in a small wooden box and took me to the market.
16- I answered the farmer's questions using the words I knew .
17 The farmer was very sad because he was now getting a lot of money .
18- The carpenter planned to show me in all of the towns and some of the villages
19- After three weeks we finally arrived in the capital city.
20- The servant asked the farmer to show Gulliver to the king
21 The farmer would be hapy to sell Gulliver for a hundred pieces of gold.
22 Would you mind letting me keep Glumdalclitch as my servant.
23 When the king saw me , he looked at me in sorrow .
24 The king thought that Gulliver was an animal.

Mr : Hesham
at once
a key

Chapter six
Mr : Hesham
laugh at

a bowl

a frog

/ monkey



/ pat



meanwhile bottom


Questions with model answers

1-What did the king decide when he saw Gulliver on his first day in the palace?
The king looked angry and didn't know what to think of Gulliver so he decided that he
should ask for the advice of the best scholars in the land
2- What did the three scholars conclude after examining Gulliver?
They didn't understand how could Gulliver be so small and yet stay alive in their country.
.He was not very strong or very fast, and his teeth were too small to eat anything unless
he ate insects.
3-How did Gulliver defend himself against what the scholars said?
Gulliver told the king that there were many people like him in his country and they lived
as easily as the people in the king's country
4-What was the scholars' comment on Gulliver's talk?
They laughed and said that Gulliver had been taught to say that by the farmer
5- Why did the king ask to see the farmer?
To ask him about Gulliver and finally decided that what Gulliver said was true
6- Why did The king agree that Glumdalclitch stay as a teacher for Gulliver?
As the king could see that Glumdalclitch liked Gulliver greatly
7-How could Gulliver have a lovely house ?
The queen asked the palace carpenter to make Gulliver a comfortable home, the size of
the box that he had been carried in by the farmer.
8-What was Gulliver's home like?
The roof could be lifted so a comfortable bed could be put inside .It had two little chairs,
two tables and some cupboards to put things in .The walls were soft
9- Why did the carpenter make the walls soft ?
So that when anyone carried the house , Gulliver wouldn't hurt himself.
10- How was the key useful?
Gulliver used it to lock the door to stop any rats or insects from entering
11-What were Gulliver's clothes made of?
They were made of the best cotton but they were rough and uncomfortable
12-How was the Queen very keen on Gulliver?
She asked Gulliver to sit with her when she ate. Gulliver sat at a small table by her arm
and ate from a silver plate.
13-What was Gulliver's reaction when he saw the meal of the Queen's daughters?
A meal for one of the two daughters was big enough to feed 20 farmers in his land

14-What did the king ask Gulliver when he joined them on Wednesday?
The king enjoyed talking to Gulliver and asked him about his country's education. and
government .What they did for they worked and where they lived
15- What couldn't the king believe about Gulliver's country ?
The king laughed at Gulliver's talk and said that he couldn't believe that people who were
so small to have houses and cities and to have clothes and jobs, rewards and prizes,
arguments and fights
16-Why did Gulliver say that he couldn't do anything about the king?
Although the king was laughing at Gulliver's country , Gulliver understood that he
was too small to do anything about that
17- What was Gulliver's opinion about the king's country?
The king's country was , in fact ,very like Gulliver's country .It was just much bigger.
18-What was the attitude of the people in the palace towards Gulliver ?
Most people in the palace were kind to Gulliver except for one servant who didn't like
19-What evil act did that servant do to Gulliver?
When no one was looking , he picked Gulliver up and dropped him into a bowl of cream
20- How was Gulliver lucky to escape the cream accident?
Gulliver was a good swimmer and Glumdalclitch rescued him by picking him up
21-How did the Queen punish that servant?
She asked the servant to wash all the cream from Gulliver's clothes.
22- What was the 2nd cruel trick the servant play on Gulliver ?
The servant picked Gulliver up and pushed his legs into the hole of the bone
23- How were the bees a bigger problem for Gulliver?
The bees were enormous to Gulliver and they used to come to the palace in the
summer when they ate fruit or sweet things.
24- Why did the Queen see that Gulliver wasn't very brave?
Because Gulliver was afraid of the bees
25-What did Gulliver do when three bees flew in through his window?
While Gulliver was eating some cake ,one of the bees carried a cake away and the others
flew round his head .Gulliver pulled out his sword and attacked them, cutting off their
stings and eventually the bees flew away.
26-Why couldn't people pass the mountains in the north ?
Because the mountains were fort kilometres high and most of them were volcanoes and
no one in the king's country knew what lied behind them
27- What about the rest of land of the king's country?
The rest of the land had sea all around it , but there wasn't one harbour in all the country.
28- Why didn't anyone travel to other countries?
The seas were all too rough for boats to go out into them .
29- Why didn't they need to get fish from seas?
Because their rivers were full of fish.
30-How many cities were there in the king's country ?
There were fifty one cities in the country and a great many towns and villages .
31 What do you know about the capital ?
The capital city ,Lorbrulgrud , lied on a river and had 80,000 houses.
32- Where did Glumdalclitch take Gulliver?
She took Gulliver out for rides on her horse through the city and into the city parks

33-How did Glumdalclitch carry Gulliver ?

She carried Gulliver in a special box that the Queen's carpenter had made for him.
34- What was the box like ?
Inside the box there were a table and two chairs ,fastened to the floor so they didn't move
35- What did the people in the city ask Glumdalclitch?
They asked her to see Gulliver so she took him out of the box and put him in her hand
36 How did the servant who hated Gulliver try to hurt him?
When he saw Gulliver under the apple tree , he shook the branches and about twelve
apples fell down and one of them hit Gulliver on the back and another hit his face but he
wasn't badly injured. The servant ran away again without anyone seeing him .but Gulliver.
37- How did Gulliver escape from the bird's danger?
When Glumdalclitch left him alone , a bird almost picked him up before he frightened
it away with his sword.
38-The huge hole a problem to Gulliver. Discuss .
Gulliver fell into a huge hole that had been made by some animal and found it very
difficult to get out of it .
39-Why did the hail affect Gulliver badly?
Because. each hail was the size of a tennis ball and it hurt greatly when they hit him so
Gulliver was quickly knocked to the ground but he was lucky to hide under a tree or he
would surely have died. Gulliver had so many bruises that he couldn't walk for many days
40- What was Gulliver's worst accident ?
A dog arrived and smelt him. It took Gulliver in its mouth and ran to its master
41-How was Gulliver lucky to escape the dog's danger ?
When the dog dropped him by the feet of its master , he picked Gulliver up quickly
before the dog could do him any damage
42- What was Glumdalclitch reaction on hearing about that accident ?
When the gardener told her about that accident , she was horrified but she didn't
tell the Queen , thinking that she would be angry.
43- What did Glumdalclitch decide after Gulliver's accidents ?
She promised that she would never leave him alone again .Gulliver was pleased to have
her friendship and to have her help to protect him .
44- Why wasn't Gulliver pleased to hear that promise ?
Because he also needed his own space and freedom.
45-Why did the Queen ask the palace carpenter to make Gulliver a boat ?
Because Gulliver was telling them about his travels on the seas. Gulliver couldn't use
any of the boats in her land because of their size .He needed a much smaller one
46- Where did Gulliver sail the beautifully made boat ?
He sailed it in the bath but the bath was so small that the Queen asked her servants to
make him a small lake in her garden.
47- The Queen & her ladies liked to watch him sailing up and down the lake. discuss.
They sometimes waved their hands around to make a breeze which allowed him to sail
more quickly and Gulliver enjoyed those sailing trips
48-How did the Queen help Gulliver escape the danger of the frog ?
When the frog jumped in the lake , it made a wave that was so big that it nearly turned
the boat over but the Queen grabbed Gulliver to stop that happening.
49- Why did the Queen put the boat on a nail on the wall?
She picked the boat and put it on the nail on the wall in the garden to dry in the sun

50-What was the biggest danger for Gulliver at that time ?

It was from a monkey who belonged to one of the servants
51- How did the monkey get hold of Gulliver ?
The monkey saw Gulliver through the open window and got hold of his jacket and pulled
him holding him as a mother did with her baby .
52- Why did Gulliver decide not to move or escape from the monkey ?
Because when he tried to escape , the monkey squeezed him so hard
53- What did the monkey do when Glumdalclitch opened the door into the room?
The monkey quickly jumped out of the window and climbed up onto the roof of the
palace still holding Gulliver with one hand.
54- How did the servants try to save Gulliver ?
Glumdalclitch asked the servants to rescue Gulliver .They used long wooden ladders
55-How did the monkey try to feed Gulliver on the highest part of the roof?
The monkey held Gulliver as a baby and tried to feed him on some nuts.
56- Why did the servants laugh at the monkey's doing?
Because the monkey patted Gulliver gently when he refused to eat.
57 When did the monkey leave Gulliver ?.
When the monkey heard the servants getting nearer , the monkey got worried and decided
to put Gulliver down before quickly running away .
58- How far was the top of the palace for Gulliver ?
The roof was as high as a mountain and it was a very long way down to the bottom of the
roof where the servants were , and even further to the ground
59-Why did Gulliver pray when the wind blow?
Gulliver hoped the servants could get him down before the wind blew him off the roof
Quotations with model answers
1-"I can't understand how a man can be so small and yet stay alive in our country."
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
One of the scholar to the king
b) About whom did he talk?
About Gulliver
2-"The man isn't very strong or very fast. His teeth are too small to eat anything
without help unless he eats insects."
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
One of the scholar to the king
3-"But that's impossible! He must have been taught to say this by the farmer,"
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
One of the scholar to the king
b) What was the impossible thing for the scholar?
The impossible thing was that there were many people like him in his country and they
lived as easily as the people in the king's country
4-" It seems my scholars are wrong and what you tell me about your own country is
true the Queen can help you .I can see that Glumdalclitch likes you greatly, so I
don't mind if she stays here as your teacher."
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
The king to Gulliver
5-"You know, I can't believe that people who are so small can have houses and cities
,clothes and jobs , rewards and prizes, arguments and fights!"
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
The king to the scholars
6-"Let me tell you about my country ."
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
The king to Gulliver
b) What did the king tell Gulliver about his country? He told him about the geography .
( 10 )

7- "In the north there are mountains that are forty kilometres high."
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
The king to Gulliver
b) How were those mountains a problem?
None could climb them so they didn't know what behind them
8-"You must be a good sailor. Perhaps you'd like to have your own boat ?Then you
could show us what you can do."
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
The Queen to Gulliver
9-"I'd love that. However , I can't use any of the boats in your land because of there
size. I'd need a special one that was much smaller"
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
Gulliver to the Queen
10-"Very well, I will ask the palace carpenter to make you one."
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
The Queen to Gulliver
11-"Quick! The monkey's got hold of Grildrig! He's going into the roof !"
a ) Who said that ? To whom?
Glumdalclitch to the guards
1-The King decided to ask for the advice of the best students in the land.
2- The scholar said that Gulliver must have been taught to say that by the doctor.
3-It seems my scholars are right and what Gulliver tells me about his country is true
4- The King doesn't mind if Glumdalclitch stays as Gulliver's servant
5- Glumdalclitch was very annoyed and was given her own room in the palace .
6- The Queen asked the palace teacher to make Gulliver a comfortable home .
7- Gulliver kept the door in his pocket because he feared that Glumdalclitch would lose it.
8- They used the best wool to make Gulliver's clothes .
9- The Queen was very angry to me and asked for me to sit with her .
10- I always sat at a small table by her arm and ate from a wooden plate .
11- Every Friday , the King would join us .
12- I can't believe that people who are so big can have houses and cities.
13- Most people in the palace were cruel to me , but there was one servant who hated me.
14- He picked me and dropped me into a bowl of soup .
15- It is lucky that I am a good player or I would have drowned .
16- It was the Queen who rescued me by pulling me out of the thick liquid .
17- I felt well after my accident , and was put to bed.
18- The servant picked me up and pushed my legs into the pool .
19- When I was eating some cake in my home , three birds flew in through my window.
20- I pulled out my sword and attacked them , cutting off their wings.
21- In the north of my country , there are hills that are forty kilometres high
22- You can't pass these mountains because many of them are earthquakes .
23- The seas are all so calm that it isn't safe for boats to go out into them.
24- The King told me that there were sixty one cities in his country .
25-The capital city , Lorbrulgrud , lay on a sea and had 80,000 houses.
26- Each hail was the size of a golf ball and it hurt greatly.
27-The dog took me in its nose before I could run away .
28- The carpenter asked me if I was all right .
29- The Queen and her ladies liked to watch me sailing up and down this small seas.
30- A horse jumped into the lake and made a wave that was so big.
31- The monkey jumped out of the window and climbed up onto the floor of the palace.
32 I was now sitting alone at the very top of a roof which was as low as a mountain

Mr : Hesham


Chapter seven


Mr : Hesham

reach up
send away

at once


step on

as usual

fresh air

a concert





Questions with model answers
1- The monkey left Gulliver in danger .Discuss .
The monkey put Gulliver on the very top of the palace roof which was very high and
Gulliver was in danger of being blown off by the wind.
2- How was Gulliver rescued after being put on the top of the palace?
The brave servant reached up from his ladder, put Gulliver in his pocket and carried him
back down to the ground.
3- What was the effect of this adventure on Gulliver ?
Gulliver was so ill that he stayed in bed for two weeks. The king and the Queen often
visited him to see how he was and told him that the monkey had been sent away .
3- Why wouldn't Gulliver be frightened of any monkeys in his country ?
Because the monkeys were so small that they wouldn't be a problem for him.
4- What was the king's reaction when he heard that monkeys were small?
When he heard that monkeys were smaller than Gulliver , He laughed because he thought
that was funny
5- What information did Gulliver tell the king about England?
Gulliver told the king about England and its government , its weather , about the arts and
our education and about the kings and queens .He also explained England's legal system
and told the King about all the events in the country's history
6- What was the King's reaction about Gulliver's talk about England ?
The king was very interested in everything and took notes while Gulliver was talking.
The king later used his notes to ask Gulliver questions
7- Why did the king criticize England ?
The king told Gulliver that the legal system was weak and the government was extremely
strange . Gulliver began to see England through his eyes. The king asked Gulliver where
his country got its money and why they had so many wars.
8-What did Gulliver tell the King about the weapons?
He told the king about the weapons that could easily kill people and destroy buildings
9- Why did the king refuse to hear about making the weapons?
The king told Gulliver that he was interested in science but he didn't believe that anyone
would want to have such terrible things
10 Gulliver seemed to be convinced by the King's opinions .Illustrate .
Gulliver said that his country suddenly seemed small , unimportant and badly run .
11- Why did the King see that Gulliver was lucky ?
Because Gulliver had escaped to a better place where people wanted to grow food rather
than made war. The King told Gulliver that he was sorry for the British people.
12-How was Brobdingnag very different to England?

Brobdingnag didn't need weapons but also Brobdingnag didn't have many books
13- How did Gulliver find the king's library ?
The king's library was the largest in the land and it had only a thousand books in it.
The king told Gulliver that he could borrow anything he wanted to read and asked his
carpenter to make Gulliver a ladder so he could reach the top shelf
14- The book which Gulliver was interested in was very big. Explain .
Gulliver pushed it open against a wall. Gulliver used a ladder to reach the top of the page.
Gulliver used both hands to turn the page .
15 Why did Gulliver read most of the books easily ?
Because their language didn't have many words .
16- How did Gulliver benefit from the books in the library?
He learnt a lot about the country's ideas and beliefs , although they never had wars with
other countries , they sometimes had rebellions between different areas inside the
country. The books also told him about the music in Brobdingnag
17- Why couldn't Gulliver enjoy the concert at first ?
Because the noise was so great that the music only sounded like thunder .
18- When did Gulliver feel that the music was quite nice ?
When the box was out in a far room in the corner of the palace with the doors and the
windows closed.
19 What did Gulliver feel after two years in Brobdingnag ?
Gulliver began to think more and more about his own country .Gulliver wanted to see his
family again , but how he got home
20- How did the King try to reduce Gulliver's loneliness ?
The king promised that if his soldiers found another ship like his ship , he would ask
them to bring it at once to the capital .He would like to find Gulliver some friends of his
own size. . They could live with him in the palace .
21- Why didn't Gulliver like the King's idea ?
Although it was a kind offer , Gulliver didn't like the idea of more people being kept to
please the King and Queen .Gulliver wanted to speak to people who shared his ideas
and who he could talk to without worrying about a giant stepping on him or a bird taking
him away
22-Where did Gulliver and Glumdalclitch travel ?
They travelled with the King and the Queen in the south of Brobdingnag .About thirty
Kilometres from the coast
23- What did Gulliver ask Glumdalclitch to go to the beach ?
Gulliver asked Glumdalclitch to go to the beach to get some fresh air .She agreed and
asked a young servant boy to take him there in a wooden box.
24-Why was Gulliver very pleased to go to the sea?
Gulliver was very pleased to see the sea again after such a long time .He enjoyed
watching the waves and thought about England which was somewhere to the west .
25- How did the sea air affect Gulliver ?
The sea air made Gulliver feel tired , so he lay down in the box and went to sleep.
26- What did the young boy do when Gulliver slept ?
He boy closed windows to keep out the cold wind and went off to look for birds' eggs
27 How did the huge sea bird lift Gulliver ?
The huge sea bird had picked up the box and carried it off in its feet .
28- Gulliver was extremely worried when the bird carried him .Discuss .

As some birds carry seashells and dropped them onto hard rocks to break open the shells
to get to the soft food inside .Gulliver feared the huge bird could do the same to the box.
29- When did Gulliver feel horrible feeling ?
When he felt himself falling very quickly towards the ground .Then he felt a terrible
jolt and for a few seconds he couldn't breathe.
30-Why did Gulliver thank the carpenter for making the box so well ?
When the bird dropped the box into the sea , no water could come in through the edges
of the doors and the box floated quite well .
31- Why did Gulliver feel that he was still in great danger ?
He was far from Glumdalclitch who would have rescued him. .He was also worried
about the rocks .If the box hit a rock , or if one window broke to let in the water. he
would surely drown
Quotations with model answers
1 "It's good to see you're feeling better, tell me what would you have done if a
monkey had taken you in your own country?"
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
The King to Gulliver
b) When did the King say that?
After Gulliver's adventure with the monkey
c) What was Gulliver's answer to the King's question?
There were no monkeys in his country and the monkeys he knew were small
2-" We don't have any monkeys in my country ,but if we did ,I wouldn't be
frightened of them. They are so small ."
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
Gulliver to the King
b) What was the king's reaction after that answer ? He was surprised ?
c) why was the King surprised ?
He didn't believe that there were creatures smaller than Gulliver
3-"I'd love to hear more about your country. Please tell me more."
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
The King to Gulliver
b) What was Gulliver's country ?
England was Gulliver's country .
c) What did Gulliver tell the king about England?
He told the King about England's legal system and its government.
4-"Where does your country get its money from and why do you have so many wars?"
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
The King to Gulliver
b) What did the king hate about Gulliver's talk ?
He hated wars
c) Why did the King ask Gulliver that question ?
As the King didn't find any reason for those wars
5-"Would you like me to show you how to make such weapons yourself?"
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
Gulliver to the King
b) When did Gulliver say that?
When he was telling the King about his country.
c) What did Gulliver want to show the King?
He wanted to show the King how to make the weapons.
6-"I have always been very interested in science but I can't believe that anyone
would want to have such terrible things .I never want to hear about weapons again."
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
The King to Gulliver
b) What do you think of the King's character ?
He was peaceful?
c) What did the king say about the weapons?
He said they were terrible.
7-"I feel sorry for your people .You are very lucky because you have escaped to

a better place where people want to grow food rather than make war."
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
The King to Gulliver
b) Why did the King tell Gulliver that he was lucky?
Because Gulliver was in a better place than his country.
c) What were the King's people interested in ?
In growing food
8-"If my soldiers find another ship like yours . I will ask them to bring it at once."
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
The King to Gulliver
b) How did the king want to help Gulliver ?
He wanted to bring other people like Gulliver to live with him
c) What was Gulliver's attitude towards that?
He didn't like that idea
9- " Hello? Who's picking me up ? Please put me down."
a) Who said that ? To whom ?
Gulliver to the thing who carried the box
b) When did Gulliver say that ?
When the bird carried him into the air.
c) Where did Gulliver find himself after that? He was in the sea in his box.
Find the mistake and correct it in the following sentences.
1- A brave soldier reached up from his ladder , put me in his pocket and carried me back.
2-After this adventure , I was so ill that I had to stay in bed for five weeks .
3- I was told that the donkey had been sent away from the palace.
4-We don't have any cows in my country.
5-So I told him about France : its government and its weather.
6-Why do you have so many peace ?
7- I've always been very interested in geography but I can't believe that terrible things
8- Please , I never want to hear about such sports again.
9- My country , I was so proud of , suddenly seemed small , important and badly run.
10- You are very lucky because you have escaped to a worse place.
11- I discovered that the country of Brobdingnag was very similar to our own.
12- The King's library , the smallest in the land , had only a thousand books in it.
13- He asked his carpenter to make me a ladder so I could reach the bottom shelves.
14- Then I would use both legs to turn the page and do the same thing again.
15-The noise was so great that the music sounded like lightning.
16- In fact , the music was then quite bad.
17- I had now been in Brobdingnag for four years and I began to think about my country.
18- I'd like to find you some friends of your own size.They can live in the house with you.
19-As usual , I was carried in my wooden chair.
20- I looked out of the windows of my box and enjoyed watching the winds.
21- The young officer closed my windows to keep out the cold wind.
22- I felt something lift down my box and I was carried forward at great speed
23- A huge sea animal had picked up my box and carried it off in its feet.
24- After a few minutes I heard the flapping of legs get faster.
25-Then I felt a terrible jolt , and for a few hours I couldn't breathe .
26- I now understood that the box had landed in the floor
monkey monkeys England wars
science 8-weapons
9-unimportant better different largest
thunder 16- nice
palac box
servant up
24- wings

Mr : Hesham
15 asleep

Chapter eight leaf


: Hesham

a reply




look out

/ rude


/ plates


Questions with model answers

1- How did Gulliver try to stop the water from entering the box ?
He tried to put blankets across the edges to stop the water from entering the box..
2- Why did Gulliver want to lift the roof of the box ?
He thought it would be safer sitting on the top of the box where there was air and where
perhaps someone would see him .
3- Why did Gulliver fail to lift the roof of the box ?
Because the roof was too heavy and impossible for him to move .
4- What was the box like ?
The box had a door on one side , and windows on two other side .On the fourth side ,
however , there were two metal loops which the carpenter had put on so that servants
could carry the box easily by attaching them to a rope .
5- What was Gulliver afraid of after four hours on the sea?
After four hours on the sea , Gulliver knew that he would drown or die of cold.
6 What did Gulliver do to get people's attention?
Gulliver put his mouth close to the hole in the box and shouted for help as loudly as he
could .He took his handkerchief and tied it to a pole which he put through the hole and
waved. calling loudly," If you can hear me , help! I'm inside!"
7- What did Gulliver tell the man on the roof of the box?
Gulliver told him that he was an English man who had had a terrible adventure and he
needed to be rescued from a very dangerous situation .
8- What did the voice tell Gulliver in his box?
The voice told him not to worry and his box had been lifted out of the water and was held
by ropes behind the ship .The carpenter would make a hole in the roof to get Gulliver out.
9-What did Gulliver ask one of the sailors to do with the box?
He asked one of the sailors to pick up the box and carry it onto the ship to lift the roof.
10- What was the reaction of the sailors to Gulliver's request? Why ?
The sailors laughed and thought that Gulliver was joking or he was mad as they were
the same size as Gulliver and couldn't lift the enormous box.
11- How did Gulliver get rescued out of his box?
The carpenter made a hole that was large enough to put down a ladder. Gulliver climbed
out of the box at last .
12 How did Gulliver see the sailors when he got out of his box?
Gulliver found that the sailors all looked so small and strange that he didn't want to
answer the questions they wanted to ask .
13 Who was the captain of the ship which rescued Gulliver ?
The captain of the ship was Mr Thomas Wilcocks
14- What did Gulliver keep in the box?.

Gulliver told the captain that the box had some important things that he didn't want to
Lose (valuable furniture and blankets and some other souvenirs )
15- Why was Gulliver very angry with the sailors ?
Because the furniture was fastened to the floor , they badly damaged the cupboard
, table and chairs when they removed it.
16- When did the sailors throw Gulliver's box ?
When they had taken everything out , they cut the ropes and let the box fall back into
the sea , and it quickly sank
17- What did Gulliver dream of during his sleep?
Gulliver dreamt of Brobdingnag and all the adventures that had happened to him there .
18- How was the Captain Thomas Wilcocks kind ?
He ordered Gulliver some food , he spoke softly and gently to Gulliver as he ate .
19- What did the captain decide to do on seeing Gulliver's box?
At about twelve o'clock ,they saw the box and they thought it was a boat .The ship was
Low on food ,they decided to go towards it and ask if they could buy some sea biscuits.
20- Why were the sailors frightened on seeing the box ?
Some of the ship's crew were frightened because they had seen a big house floating
on the sea so the captain decided to go in the small to have a look for himself.
21-What did the captain and his crew do to rescue the box?
When they saw the house ( the box ) , the captain didn't believe it . They tied their ropes
to the loops and the captain asked his men to row the box back to their ship .
22- When did they realize that someone was locked inside the box ?
When they raised the box a little , the captain saw Gulliver's handkerchief appear through
the hole in the side .
23- What was the first question did the captain ask Gulliver ?
He asked Gulliver ," How did you find yourself in that strange wooden house?"
24-What was Gulliver's answer to the captain's question ?
Gulliver answered him with his own question ,"Have you or any of your men seen any
enormous birds in the sea while I was sleeping ?"
25- How far were they from land during that conversation ?
The captain said that they were about five hundred kilometres from any country.
26-What did the captain think of Gulliver after the strange things he talked about?
The captain thought that Gulliver was a criminal , who had been put inside the box to be
punished .The captain would take Gulliver to the nearest port and leave him there.
27- Why did Gulliver plead with the captain ?
Gulliver pleaded with the captain to believe his story and explained all that had happened
to him from the day he had left England to the moment he had found him in the box.
28-What did Gulliver show the captain ?
Gulliver showed the captain all the souvenirs that he had collected from his time in
Brobdingnag ; a comb which he had made from a dried leaf , the sting of a bee which
was the size of a knife ,some pins and needles the size of small swords , and a ring which
the queen had given him
29- What were Gulliver's trousers made from ?
Gulliver's trousers made from the hair of a mouse .
30- Why did the captain refuse to take the ring ?
Because the ring was large enough to wear on his head
31- What was the captain interested in ?

He was interested in a tooth which one of the Queen's servants had removed by the
palace surgeon . It was about thirty centimeters long and the captain couldn't believe it
32- Why did Gulliver speak in a loud voice ?
Because Gulliver was so small in Brobdingnag so he had to speak loudly to be heard.
33- Why did Gulliver laugh when he saw the captain and his crew ?
Gulliver saw the so small and their plates and cups seemed so little that he thought he
would never be full.
34 What did the captain think of Gulliver's story ?
The captain believed Gulliver's story and understood his strange behaviour .
35 Why did the captain ask Gulliver to tell the newspaper his story ?
He wanted the world would know about his amazing adventures. Gulliver said that he
would think about that but he wasn't sure it was a good idea.
36 Where was the ship coming from ?
The ship was on its way back from Vietnam .
37 Why did the ship stop at a few places and why didn't Gulliver leave it?
The ship stopped to buy food and fresh water but Gulliver felt safe on the ship.
38- When did Gulliver arrive back at the south coast of England ?
On 3rd June , 1706 , about nine months after he he had left Brobdingnag
39- The Captain Thomas Wilcocks was generous .Illustrate .
1- The captain refused to keep Gulliver's things until he could pay him for all that he had
done and said that he had been happy to help.
2- He even gave Gulliver some money to hire a horse to ride back to his home.
40- What was Gulliver's reaction to the captain generosity ?
Gulliver told him he had been very kind to him and invited him to visit him in his home
41- How did Gulliver think that he was back in Lilliput ?
The people ,the houses , the trees and the cows in the fields looked so small
42 Why did many people think that Gulliver was very rude ?
Because every time he saw a person in the road in front of him , he shouted at them
to look out because he was sure that he would step on them , like a giant .
43-Why did Gulliver bend down to go inside his house ?
He believed that the door to be so small that he feared he would otherwise hit his head .
44- Why did Gulliver accuse his wife that she didn't feed his children enough?
Because they were all too small and he found it difficult to look at them because he had
only looked up to speak to the giants of Brobdingnag .
45 What did Gulliver's wife think of him?
Like the captain on the ship ,Thomas Wilcocks , his wife thought that he was behaving
very strangely and that perhaps he was mad after his long journey at sea.
46- How long did Gulliver take to see the world as it was ?
It took him a long time to see the world as it really was : a land where everything is the
right size for him to live in
47 What did Gulliver's wife ask him to promise ?
She asked him to promise that he would never go abroad again
Gulliver agreed as there was a job that could pay him enough money in his country.
48- Why did Gulliver agree to promise his wife not to go abroad again ?
He agreed that his adventures were now finally complete and that was the end of
Gulliver's travels.
Quotations with model answers

1- " If you can hear me , help me! I'm inside . ?

a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to one of the sailors
b) Where was Gulliver ?
Gulliver was inside the box.
c) Did the sailor hear Gulliver?
Yes , he heard Gulliver .
2-"Who's there ?" If anyone's inside , speak clearly"
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
b) Where was the sailor ?
On the roof of the box .
3- " It's me ! I'm an Englishman who's had a terrible adventure," Please, I need to
be rescued from a very dangerous situation."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to one of the sailors
b) What was the dangerous situation?
Being inside the box .
4- "Don't worry, you are safe now. Your box has been lifted out of water and is now
held by ropes behind our ship ."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
b) Who lifted the box ? How ?
The sailors . By ropes.
5- " I will ask the ship's carpenter to come and make a hole in the roof to get you out.'
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
b) Why did they want to make a hole ?
To get Gulliver out of the box
6-"That's not necessary , just ask one of your sailors to pick up the box and carry it
onto your ship ,where you can lift up the roof."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
b) What did the sailors do on hearing that? They laughed as the roof was too heavy
7-"You are safe now , but you need to rest ."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
b) When did the captain said that ?
After getting Gulliver out of the box.
8-"Thank you , yes, I'm very tired,"
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
9- "I have some important things in the box that I don't want to lose ."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
10-"It's lucky we found you. Earlier today at about 12.00 , I saw something in the sea
far away ,I thought it was a boat."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
11-"So that explains my rescue,"
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
12-"Yes . It took some time to pull the house to our ship ."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
13- " How did you find yourself in that strange wooden house?"
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
14- "Have you seen any enormous birds in the area while I was sleeping."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
15- We have seen some birds , yes , but none of them seemed to be very big."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
16-"Perhaps because the birds were some distance away,"
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
17-"We are about five hundred kilometres from any country."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
18- " No, you must be wrong. I'd been in the box for only a few hours after it was

dropped into the sea."

a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
19-" I think you are a criminal who had been put inside a box to be punished."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
20-"It's possible that your story is true , to be certain , however , I want you to
show some of the things that you say you have kept in your box."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
21-"Here , you can keep this ring as a present,"
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
22-"Thank you , but that won't be necessary ,"
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
23-"Are the people of Brobdingnag a little deaf."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
24-"No , they aren't deaf, but I was so small in their land that I had to speak loudly ."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
25-"Now I understand why you behaved so strangely .I believe your story."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
The captain to Gulliver
26-"I will think about that , but I wasn't sure this was a good idea."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
27-"You have been very kind to me, one day you must visit me in my home."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to the captain
28-"Look out! Here I come!"
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver to thepeople in the street
29- "Gulliver , you must promise me that you'll never go abroad again."
a) Who said this quotation ? To whom?
Gulliver's wife to Gulliver
Find the mistake and correct it
1 A sea animal had dropped the box in the sea .
2 I tried to stop the water by putting handkerchiefs across the edges of the box.
3 There were two plastic loops which the carpenter had put on the box.
4 I put my nose close to this hole and shouted for help .
5 I took my handkerchief and tied it to a pool.
6 I was extremely sad when I heard a voice shout back.
7 - I am inside , I'm an Irish who has a terrible adventure .
8 I'm going to ask the ship's plumber to make a hole in the roof.
9 The sailors are looked so big and strange that I didn't want to answer .
10- The captain of the ship Mr Thomas Nicholas watched me as I arrived.
11- I told him about the valuable furniture and blankets and some of my jewellery .
12- I dreamt of Brobdingnag and all the chances that had happened to me
13- They had been frightened because they had seen a big mouse floating on the sea.
14 We easily tied our ropes to the holes and asked my men to row the house back.
15 I showed him a comb which I had made from a dried paper.
16- I showed him a ring which was large enough to wear on my leg.
17 The captain seemed to want was a sword of one of the Queen's servants.

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