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a2 id ptx

1nc long
*assumes aff ran id tix

1. The ballot is not a political action
a. It only asks one question, who did the best debating, and its the
judges job to answer that.
2. Debate is a pedagogical space
a. It is a critical site of resistance, but not resistance of the
affirmative/negative, rather of status quo shittiness.
b. This means if we create a reasonable doubt that the aff strat is bad for
debate then we win.

1. Truth testing bad
a. The aff tries to lock us in a paradigm of pro/con, and they are the only
ones who can affirm their own identity
b. This puts us in a triple bind, either we coopt their movement/identity,
we argue directly against their identity, or we are forced to out
c. We arent complicit in the forces that they are arguing against, no

d. Turn- an argument that needs no link to win leads to collapse of
debate. This is a terminal solvency deficit because they would be
collapsing the platform they are trying to reform.
2. Commodification and weaponization
a. Your narrative is important, but not in the grand scheme of capitalismthe 1ac is a massive pathos appeal to the humanity of the judge.
b. Your experience in this debate round is commodified and weaponized.
It doesnt do anything but breed ressentiment and force us to out
ourselves in this round.
c. Forcing us to out ourselves to win a debate round turns case- your
experience is not more important than ours.
d. Commodification and weaponization doesnt spur movements, it just
leads to co-option and homonationalism.
e. Homonat is just commodification of identities for benefits- quashes
political potency of aff
3. Narratives bad
a. Self expression just gets co opted in every sphere.
b. Our personal acts of rebellion are just false liberation as long as we
continue to both negate a space and continue to exist in it.
c. This is a double bind- either the aff wants to collapse debate and
has no solvency and is worse than squo, or their 1ac has no solvency
because they continue to follow norms and remain complacent.
d. Self serving- they could have used the topic to talk about rights for
others, or they could have talked about a larger group of people. They
create a self serving debate which leads to its collapse.
e. Literally the same thing as an MRA. Fighting for some rights you may or
may not have, while there are others who exist worse off than you.
Men are to women; what women are to trans people. The aff
perpetuates hierarchies
4. Outing yourself

a. The structure of the 1ac forces us to either argue at a philosophical

level, or use our own identities to combat them.
b. Forcing us to out ourselves creates a direct combat of identities, and is
not only psychologically damaging, but also puts the judge at a
stalemate- he is forced to evaluate our identities and vote.
c. Impacts~~~
5. Collapse of debate
a. You lead to the collapse of debate, these are the impacts
b. Double bind- You perpetuate the weaponization of identity leading
to two things a) destruction of competitive equity because more people
start running similar args or b) people refuse to run these arguments
bc the dont want to out themselves or refuse to be homonationalist
and start to lose rounds and lose access to debate. (ALSO causes
programs to collapse)
c. Debate is a key pedagogical space- this turns the 1ac.
Marginalized voices like ours only get a platform in this pedagogical
event. Collapse of debate leads to me having no voice in the political

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