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This power allows the wielder (referred to as the Creator) to create

works of art that can be given a temporary life, to act as tools,
weapons or even companions. The Rank of Animus determines how
real and effective the power is, from badly drawn with little effect, to a
living work of art that is wonderously useful or intelligent. Each aspect
of the powers of Animus relies on Mana , an internal pool of energy, to
function and manifest.
Animus is broken down into 3 distinct core abilities, each with
their own powers and levels of experise. The Creator's abilities
costs current level x 8 to improve.


The character makes a Intelligence + (Chosen art style) Difficulty

7 check. Success means a viable work, a botch means that you just
created something hostile and terrible.
1 dot- Scribble- The Scribble is a quickly made construct that
barely resembles the item/creature it is supposed to represent. It has 1
die for all relevant effects. The Scribble is Tiny.
2 dots- Doodle- A Doodle isnt much more well defined than the
Scribble, but its effects are more tangible and it has 2 dice for all
relevant effects. The Doodle can be up to Small size.
3 dots- Artwork- Artwork is much more refined and well-made;
many folks will see it as real, or at least plausible. It has 3 dice for all
relevant effects. The Artwork can be up to Medium size.
4 dots- Sensation- This effect of Animus is very well defined
and effective. Most animals or creatures made at this level can fool
experts on the species. It has 4 dice for any relevant effects.
Sensations can be up to Large size.
5 dots-Masterpiece- This effect is almost completely
indistinguishable from any other of its type. It has superior capability
and refined appearance. It has 5 dice for any relevant effects.
Masterpieces can be up to Huge size.
Creatures made with these effects have Stats and Skills of the
appropriate rank to that used in their creation (A Masterpiece wolf, for
example, has 5 in all physical stats, its attacks inflict Str+5 for its
primary attack and Str+3 for its secondary attacks). A object such as a
tool drops the difficulty of its use by the Rank. Weapons inflict the Str+
Rank in damage. These creatures/tools/objects can be as far fetched or
imaginative as the user can draw,sculpt or otherwise emote.
Items and creatures made require 1 Mana to sustain for 1 scene.
Spending a Willpower point each makes them last the entire day.
Spending a permanent Willpower grants them the ability to act
alongside you as independant personas.

Breath of Life

This is the 'spark' that allows the Creator's works to flourish and
act intelligently. This capability limits the intellect of their Creations
and the skills that they can manifest. Another use of this power is to
allow the Creator to give intelligence to items or creatures along their
way, to learn information about their surroundings. While any Creations
by themselves may seem smart or intelligent, this ability give them the
actual intelligence to become a good minion or follower.
The Creator literally breathes life into the object or item to be
awakened and rolls Humanity (Difficulty 8)

1 dot- Very Low- The item or creature can communicate in

grunts and answer simple yes/no questions. This denotes almost
animal intellect
2 dots- Low- The item or creature can communicate in short
sentences and has a simple childlike intellect.
3 dots- Moderate- The item or creature can communicate with
the relative intelligence of an average human and go into some detail.
4 dots- Smart- The item or creature can communicate with
quite a bit of scope/insight.
5 dots- Very Smart- Very likely that the item/creature is
smarter than you are.
Items made intelligent require 1 Mana to sustain for 1 scene. Spending
a Willpower point each makes them last the entire day. Spending a
permanent Willpower point allows the Creator to permanently grant
the item/creature sentient.


This is that intangible something that makes the Creator's work

worthwhile. While her creations may seem alive and intelligent, without
soulforging they are little more than intelligent golems. This allows the
Creator to truly give their creations that independant spark. Many
times, Creations enlivened with this ability fall in love with their
Creator, or at least profess extreme loyalty and desire to protect. This
ability can be used to make other objects Soulbound to their wielders
as well. A Soulbound weapon, vehicle or mount simply performs their
function better. The ability to exert Willpower is the same as a player
Additionally, A Creator with Soulforging can understand spirits
and ghosts as long as they spend a round attuning themselves to the
The character rolls Wisdom + Empathy (Difficulty 8). Success
equals a thoughtful creation, A botch creates a soul-tortured aberration
obsessed with your death.
1 dot- Very Low- The creature is empowered with a minor soul
fragment. Its little, and broken, but still good......The creature/object's
beginning Willpower is 6
2 dots- Low- The soul fragment is stronger....not massively
bright, but the glow is there. The creature/object's beginning Willpower
is 7
3 dots- Moderate- The soul fragment a greater spark like a
human, and has desires and affections that drive it. The beginning
Willpower is 8
4 dots- High- The soul fragment is very strong, rivalling a
supernatural entity. The beginning Willpower is 9.
5 dots- Very High- The soul fragment is a rarity, with adamant
resolve and drive. The beginning Willpower is 10
The by-product of Soulforging objects with Willpower is that they
can serve as Willpower reserves.
1 Mana and 1 Willpower is required to activate a Soulforged
object. These objects remain charged for a day. Permanently sacrificing
a Willpower point allows you to awaken an object or creature. It is
recommended that all three Virtues be learned in order to make the
best Creation.

Using your Virtue

Mana- The Font of Creation overflows with this energy. This allows the
Creator to access their Virtues and various personal effects.
Creators can suffuse themselves with Mana, allowing them to
bolster their personal statistics on a 1-to-1 basis for the duration
of a scene.
Creators can expend Mana to boost their senses for a scene,
gaining -1 Difficulty to all related checks for that sense for that
time period. No more than 5 points may be devoted to any one
sensing type but the following may be also simulated at 2pts per
enhanced sense.
True Darkvision Telescopic Vision Blindsight Aura Sight
Magic Detection Scent
Creators can spend a permanent Willpower point to invest any item
they can effect permanently. This requires a ritual of reflection and
immersion that lasts 24hrs. The character can engage in light activity
only, and the item in question cannot leave their sight.
Mana naturally recharges completely over the course of 8 hours of
sleep. However, artifacts exist that recharge it faster, such as natural
pools of Mana or objects charged with creation energy, such as artwork
or creations of great personal significance.
Iron Will- Shrugs off compulsions and mental coercions
Resilient-All soak damage rolls are Dif 5
Bouncy- Takes 2 dice less falling or blunt damage.
Squeamish- Must make a Stamina check or blow chunks,
helpless for one round
Epic Fail- When you fuck up, you fuck up baaaaad. Any natural
one means things go sideways fast.
Susceptible- You are more susceptible to diseases due to the
Goth thing.

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