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Unit 7.1 - Numbers and Operations

Numbers can be written in many different ways to help us solve problems.

How do I compare the values of different

How do I numbers and locate them on a number line?
How do I
positive How do I represent
How can I find the using the
and a number as a
values of square and order of
negative fraction, decimal, or
cube roots? operations?
numbers? percent?

7.2.3 - Use rational numbers and

7.2.6 Express the ratio roots of perfect squares/cubes to
7.2.1 Simplify numerical between two quantities as a solve contextual problems.,
expressions involving rational percent, and a percent as a 7.2.1 - Simplify
numbers. ratio or fraction 7.2.4 - Determine the approximate numerical expressions
location of square/cube roots on a involving rational
7.2.5 Solve contextual problems number line.
that involve operations with numbers.


Daily Learning Objectives

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KIPPsters will be able to͙
Locate integers on a number line.
1 of 25

Compare the values of integers using How do I operate Integers Exit Tickets: Integer
comparison symbols. with positive and Operations
Comparison Symbols ч,
ш, т, =, <, >
7.2.1 Simplify numbers?
Model addition problems using a number line numerical expressions Number Line
2 of 25

involving rational 
Compute the sum of two or more integers. numbers.
1 of 5 (Week of 7/19)

Diagnostic Assessment
3 of 25

of 10
July 2010


Model addition problems using a number line.

4 of 25

Compute the sum of two or more integers.

7.2.5 Solve contextual Quiz: Integers

Solve real-world problems involving integers. problems that involve
5 of 25

operations with
Quiz integers.


Daily Learning Objectives

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KIPPsters will be able to͙

Compute the difference of two or more

6 of 25

integers. 7.2.1 Simplify How do I operate Integers Exit Tickets: Integer

numerical expressions with positive and Operations
Comparison Symbols ч,
involving rational negative
ш, т, =, <, >
numbers. numbers?
Compute the product of two or more integers. Number Line
7 of 25

7.2.5 Solve contextual 

problems that involve
operations with
2 of 5 (Week of 7/19)

Compute the quotient of two or more

July 2010

8 of 25
of 10

9 or 25

Simplify expressions involving integers, using

the order of operations.

Quiz: Integers
10 of 25

Solve real-world problems involving integers.



Daily Learning Objectives

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KIPPsters will be able to͙
Benchmark Fractions
Represent fractions using pictures. 7.2.6 Express the ratio
$   % 
between two How do I
11 of 25

quantities as a percent, represent a & '( (')

Identify benchmark fractions and their
and a percent as a ratio number as a
equivalent decimals and percents. or fraction *+ ഥ
૙Ǥ ૜ ഥΨ
૜૜Ǥ ૜
fraction, decimal,
or percent? , '-( -()

Compare the values of decimals, and locate 7.2.2 Compare rational *( '- -')Cart sort: rational
12 of 25

them on a number line. numbers using vs. irrational

ഥ ૚૟Ǥ ૟
3 of 5 (Week of 8/16)

appropriate inequality *. ૙Ǥ ૚૟ numbers

August, 2010

*/ '-( -()

Convert fractions to decimals using division.
*0 ഥ
૙Ǥ ૚ ഥΨ
૚૚Ǥ ૚
13 of 25

Compare fractions, decimals, and integers

*' ' ')
using appropriate inequality symbols.

Number Line Math
Convert fractions to percents using division. Flash
14 of 25

Comparison Symbols ч, ш,
т, =, <, >

To convert 2/5 to a
Convert fractions to percents using Quiz: Ordering
numbers and
15 of 25

proportions 2/5 = n/100

 placing them on
number lines


Daily Learning Objectives

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KIPPsters will be able to͙
Convert percents to fractions. How do I Comparison Symbols ч,
7.2.2 Compare rational represent a ш, т, =, <, >
15 of 25

Compare fractions, decimals, and integers numbers using number as a

using appropriate inequality symbols. appropriate inequality
fraction, decimal,
or percent?
Compare rational numbers using appropriate
inequality symbols. 7.2.3 - Use rational
17 of 25

numbers and roots of

Locate rational numbers on a number line. perfect squares/cubes
to solve contextual
4 of 5 (Week of 8/23)

Quiz ʹ Fractions, Decimals, and Percents How can I find the
Qugust 2010

Perfect Square Quiz: Fractions,

values of square
Decimals, and
18 of 25

Identify the square roots of perfect squares and cube roots?

7.2.4 - Determine the Non-perfect Square Percents
up to º  and identify them on a number approximate location
line. of square/cube roots Irrational Number
on a number line.
Approximate the square roots of non-perfect The square root of 16
squares by 1 )locating them between two refers to the length of a
19 of 25

integers and 2) using a calculator. 7.2.1 Simplify side of a square whose

numerical expressions area is 16.
involving rational
Solve contextual problems involving square numbers. The    of squaring
a number is taking the
20 of 25

1   .


Daily Learning Objectives

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KIPPsters will be able to͙
Determine the approximate location of cube 7.2.3 - Use rational The    of 64 is 4
roots on a number line. numbers and roots of because a cube whose
21 of 25

perfect squares/cubes How can I find the volume is 64 has side

to solve contextual values of square lengths of 4.
Solve contextual problems involving cube
problems. and cube roots?

Simplify expressions using the order of

7.2.4 - Determine the Order of Operations:
operations. (Whole numbers only)
22 of 25

approximate location P
How do I simplify
of square/cube roots E
expressions using
5 of 5(Week of 8/30)

on a number line. M,D

September 2010

the order of A,S

Simplify expressions using the order of operations?
23 of 25

operations. (Rational numbers) 7.2.1 Simplify Simplify expressions

numerical expressions (Upside-down triangle
involving rational method͙no equal
numbers. signs!)
Simplify expressions using the order of
24 of 25

operations (Rational numbers)

Unit 1 Exam
25 of 25

Unit 1 Exam

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