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MATTHEW LEVERING ‘har epic ha origina in incre panishinent of det,» eibtive ponshmene Aquinas nd Athans id Anse fundamentally ace then icons viewing Jes death night of the reco cade ad _eibtve anishmen, een though hi isonly one ofthe lens hugh ‘ebich Aguas an Achat inept Je’ dest, ‘Aree hue of his agreement the New Tetment etimny tht in Pols werd, "we ate now jsfied by his blood” (Rom 539). in Jen chat al the ues of God wa pleated to vel ad through bir to reconcieto him al thing, wheter on eth or in esse, making peace by the Blood of his eos” (Cal 11920) and isi se Jes i hr all hings were created” (Co 11816). Atonement anderen ma be hele together, “Graham MeFodane, therfore, rightly emphaies hat “ti proper to locate the dams of edepeion within ehe tage of cresion. We 0 12 Deus ourundestanding of resin prove the aeeine rredep= ‘Son and theefre informs what on and cannot be aid sbout the means ‘By which the puology maybe edesed and redeemed” Among the pith for understanding Jes mel death foro en, x ene one tated by te ose inscribed in the shee it of ceton » CHAPTER 3 I. No EXPLANATION? {his 2014 Annual Anat Theology Lecture in San Diego, Oliver Sovenen bare oe only reson ita of expantions! “They serie atenemen apps witout exliing hw To that nen they ae ot eal atonemen eos at all They ae ne might Sophy inten of ths For seeing to li 2 hee "wouldhave to explin ow the thing arly works In 395 say on he name, Micha! Winter re tein £9 this problem in wtberingexuau ied “No Explanation: Agreed”? ‘erie observed tht madern tesogins, no mater bw gre ei ‘Bogecmeat over she autre he nen, re ned in the pi “prdtcual wenn how the tonemen work Theisen of FW Dilsoe iene of wider ook "The “how efths opeton ‘eas s mystery.” In Winter eption sen tela ate bea ‘toc esl contented with restatemen ater the “explanations” of ‘he tenet am apache 0 ji a ene when 9 my Tr rear en 3. Pir ei tw tnt Rad He be © hi Rin Egham Ait Ty 3 n BENJAMIN MYERS ‘bcos the atonement have ee pose by ath secular and lions ‘Gustaf Aun hasbeen infiential here. The aim of his book, Chr ns Vice, so show the speronty ofthe pattie atonement made ‘over Ite Cuba, evangelie, sd ier Proestne preaches Alen rated the pariaie model frit lck of lary and onstency. Unlike {8 theologial competitor, the pari model has no mecbasiom. Ie defies sytemaiaton” Tea too ich for etonal accounting. Alen id no aly mean that this ode! was har to ndersand. He bared that pave teaching onthe stoners ws steralycotrdiory Le Invales, be i, “sn antncmy which cannot be vested by onal ‘By cones, Asn mglid thatthe Arslan models dizeptible recielybeease tie “im its very atrctoe atonal theory"? Aula ‘ef to systematic hs pti Clr Vitor model has een le Ktrym Tanner to cbuerve, ute sigh, that “Clr Vicor i not ‘model of stone tll in that lc adres che question of| ‘he mechani of th atonemen.* Bat tht wa arly an erg ca [Ale pat sne one am of is book wat o fer drut of te sent mectanims His appronch, with fe undeiing nctern-Beropean= Lutheran stmptions about the perfdios unreliability of reson ha dane macht shpe absent diacusions ofthe atonement. When i one 0 tinking about the enh of Ch, preion and inligilty have come to be tparded a deficits The bes stonement mode, pa uy, would be he one that lest capable of expenston- ‘sty Chris hecogy {wil rg dha Chan ansgsty did indent ‘velop what cou be called (with sbvius anachonisn) an atonement ‘model wil ey 0 show that hie ode capable f rational expla Son: chasis own ree stonernent mechani deve by t hv me pyseal ges. Ths mode, wil sue not only moze cabernt han Saying decribed by An: eis sho fe rier ine critlony and 2 ‘son of the aman condition. seni Stage Maer ec ‘THE PATRISTIC ATONEMENT MODEL IL THE MODEL "bgin by stating the patria atonement model none, mpi ya supine sae in the Fora Mi (0) Humanity, ceed inthe image of Go, is loved by God (i Thee sone hema mae individ hamsn Beings prvi in this univer. (Resin) (@ Burhomon nature ar accom othe power of deh (042) Dest isnot a psa quality Dota pivatin of being (rnin) (9) To ese humanity fom is plight, God need ro cetseve human begs rom che sate of det (@ Bu Go unable o entra sat of death, Lt undengo pv tio les beng (M1) The divine naar nine ie ad les, icapble suffering or change (boii) (6) Whar God vo do (@ in Chris, God becomes incarnate the divine nau uid ‘with uaa nue. {ht Ect how dis union occurs is unknowable. ype ‘ion (9) Inti anion, each nate retain sown iictivenes while puting in the poperer of the her. Chis human race thous compromng its banaue) i illed with vine ie andthe divine natere without exapromsing impale abe ro enter he prvason of eth (8) When Chriss human nature occult dst, the filles of Alvin ie ener the privatise ate of eth AS esl the p= “orion filled. celled oat In te death oF Chit, death ie (The ean) (0) Chit’ erection ithe inevitable consequence ofits death. “The fering, dying Chri hows he union ofthe divine nature ‘with human pte sbje to det he tenrtecied Crist, ‘hows the unkn of the divine tere with aman nature no longer mec dst, (40) What happens to borin ature in Christ happens ro humanizy as awhole, becate of MA. (The nel ee) (0) Funan mare ow Bed fro he power of death andi rere toi cated pon Thies Good Thing. (Ti lion) B ‘BENJAMIN MYERS (12) Human nsere now sited 19 God ad receives beet surpassing i crested potion. Thiiea Very Good Thing The pi) ‘Even fom this bare outline it wil be clear tha the metaphysis _scumpion are not window desing The snpsons of elie (1) {nd the natae of cath M2} snd divine pect (M3) al ene nor he fncioning of he mol. {wil ot be eplring OA) nthe pape, butir importa to Leep thir point im mind becaae sds 3 ese line beeen the inwable tt ofthis model and te enkoowabe bi Dacusons of dhe atonement can too enly besotted by prematere apes o myer. Ath eign fic there always foeone rent 0 Hrowup thir nde andy "We ju don now how eal append hehe” ‘Thete ian admirable clarity in the way pave thinkers disin- _Biched beeen che thing that knowabl nd he ting ha oer ‘Vireally nobody in Chratan ancigsity thought i wer posable 20 lunderzand the hypoxic union; but dey dd Belew e war pole tovandersand the atonement That it enough about (Mt) the ret ‘ofthis paper twill conier eh ater three mecaphysia aiumpsone| In severe order: divine mtu as impasse, death a 2 privaton, an human nacre a univer, II]. DIVINE IMPASSIBILITY (One slo ds pai writers defending or even exlining bee of divine input, They eke fr granted at something ha i etaled inthe des of God, But inpasility criea the way they undestand the economy of lair. Divine imps ithe reson fo the nc ation, Atanas spelt ow his loge in his treatise On ie aaron. ‘Because of hell humin beings need oe rece om thee “oeropt. ‘ily thei tendancy trond death and dey (ang Puls term op ‘om I Cor 1542) The Son of Gods that someone Would need to die humanity wast be wscued fom death. Yet hte the Som encounters ‘he problem of his own inposibly. AS Athanasios puts, "Yee Beng fmmorel and ehe Son ofhe Father, he Word war nt able to di"? The ‘lations this problem war the incaraion. "For his eon he kes iti aleealianaled ” ‘THE PATRISTIC ATONEMENT MODEL Inset body capable of death The Son becomes carats that he sell be able od He ies osc homey back rom det ‘Oyo Alexandra develope the ume argument, with spchlatenon to the communion of aributes betwee the two nates of Chris Because exch auare pres in the properties ofthe othe, te teny that God undergoes string and death, even though the dine ‘atre remains unchanged by she oes. Cyl wre: “This war mater of tein othe whole weed And ce hit {Scout Son wie ofl, ven ph he wn bead he power ‘eaten in fit are od be wpe alin lsh hw ‘Sle of ing ond eee is ery on a hat een the a ‘Bling gabe dco be br bone wi ou by wich fed Aadagsin He nde his wry cw 2 body caste of ating death and capable of ‘mingoe ogra ove inl might oa npn ‘The inearatin is nt only 4 sltion wo the problem of human sin and death, isolation tothe pblem of iin pei. Iealows| God odrink the ep of aman fering the deg le lems ‘ng God. God i touched by sling wthou being change bys OF ‘Desh feral harmlen to he divine nature. Acconling 0 Gregory cof yen, jar ou can ely ouch water without atm, 50 tisesy— in| face, "infinitely exer” —for the divine nate to fouch death without sufcsing bn The pole sr God wo ind 4 way to make cone ‘vith deh aval since Gd ono nly jmp onthe ipery ide | Sosbeing. God cine crite a rock io Beary that even God cannot if ‘and bythe ane lgie God canna ue ee dive power make the divine snare wbjet 9 nonbeing Bie Ss on ue wer sce Asda Mec ae Se aE oh. 7 FEI eae Se on 1D Gyro Ad, Orie Rie Ri es Ron A. Ge pone ne Sage re, Cail i ats ie Seley Cane Cie, eset cn ee ae * BENIAMIN MYERS “The cai Chita ron would have agreed with Dietich Bon bower celtated ying thse “nly the uring God can bap But wile moder theologians have wed this inight to tok thee divine ‘psi patatiethelogans wed ito dled te incarnation, From ‘he tnd f ety Ces hough a deine nature pb of se tng wold beno lp tall since st would mea tht God had noe rely shared isthe ona lige bat onlin seve divine vesion oft and () that God welt was desth noi since God would be sabe tp death dough oan el ce spec power Only an incorpedle, Ie-gving dine nate unsedo corupabe human ast abe Both | hae fly nthe haman plight abd wo overcome se Ceepoey of Nanas “Sounds mou ike Bonhoelr when be xcims,"We nde a Gd mae ‘es once dvd tate igh oe" The Soa hamsn ature the -dooey ine eth, Bot whit eps trough hae dor i the esi “Word who by hs mere presence, as death i if IV. DEATH AND PRIVATION “This coanecian berween divine mpasbility and man coruptbiicy Ihasbrought into the inser workings othe pats ronerent mode “Human morality i revered when the Hifegiving divine nace makes ‘ovtct wan atte the pint of alls ie vonbeing. TE he ide ower nonbeing reversed, then dead as become i wih Er atother wy of ying that death bar ded. En dhe word of Gregory of [Nye “Wher deth ere x contact wih if, darks with igh t= upon with ncoreption, tbe wore of thee things dnppered ino 2 ate of on-einence"? The staph sami (MI) ate bove, thar death i privtion of being, x cristo eis view of sation [Nontcing canceled out when touched by hele giving Crestor Desh isdefeed notin the manne of combat you cannot wee wih ' prvaon. Den eee im he ame way eh dees cess Whenever {heights earned on eve teoe sha ently Chitin teacher, expecially hee pesching Tike owe vied phi lngaage to describe Chet emp ever the ae tm fino Hh ty a cic staan fe oe so Sons ‘THE PATRISTIC ATONEMENT MODEL power ofdeth and ell Saf ln wats fr astray by such mythic Tengge ao concade thar he ey church viewed the atonement 23 combat” betwen God and Stan. fie ard o imagine a mare ext gor misundersanding ery Chisin aching ‘Altay in he second century, Chron writers ha developed com plex metaphysical refit ons of he es tha el exseaea pone ty Shc evilconld have spooky ontological sacs longi God vo hat ‘God would have to somos. Sacceivegensaons of ene Maronite Sv-gnotie, and aii Nenichaesn polemics hammered home the 33 ‘te convictions that not 3 postive hig ins wn ight ba 3 Drivation feng and sth prison occns among testes, nt on $uancenden pane slorgsge God. When the ely Christa iensiied ‘he dernons a fllen angel, they were making + poemical point. Tey “ere not lying the demons by comparing Wem co angel chy were “Temotig the denn fom he gussavine ats thet they enjoyed in “Malle cle, Chriinty rege the demons othe lowly fice ‘of wayward eres wahin Gods word. Tei intriguing to noice how sy eaey Chistian eacets eared the demons not with graly awe Bot with something loser fo sympathy “Augustine's tetmen the demons in ee est hal ofthe Cit of Gad “trade the boundiry Derween pty and contempt, while Origen and Gregory of Nyt speclted thatthe Bille angels would probly be “ved inthe end. They ve crestre, feral 0 why shoul hey be redeemed slong withthe et of creation? ‘While exiy Chitin theology had ge and colorful demonck- oy i was demonolgy contained wishin defiite ety limits. “The demo donot pt lading role sx Chitin accounts of eetion cx rederption, God tr preoewupied wih them or eageged in sag fle again therm. Ien, tli who ave to stra against the Semone Ths srg kes wo mtn Frm: he pial ile of beivers is marked by struggle again the demons cent deme of Chistian romatc Bere andthe geogrphs pend of Christianity involves the progenive dupienent of te gods of Helles polytheism, uder- ston eo be demons (cent theme of polgeie erie) ‘hana draws atenin the demoes ia both af these coments is Life of dno ied with Sermon, ba it Arson, not God who dows bate with hem. To hs rest on the inaraton, Abana Ft develops his scoune ofthe ineseanton aad aenement and then ofes tov proof tht death has een defeated st, the lives ofthe Chin BENIAMIN MYERS. smarty prove that death has los its power since the mary are not nd fying nd scond he spread of Cian among Hlleninie peoples proves ha Cheat lv ol hat, comped ei, the pode ted demons ae neshing” ‘The gos anthe demons. il nda the ave of hit hese being il nd eng Bry he sgn he xs all ge ess Wichita ting see ened stoned The atonement isnot 3 sugale again Suan but» Gee of death, and the vise, angle proof of dest defeat the exitere ofthe church with ie pomerfl tin enginer of mareyedon and exorim. In 25 Uc comb, ey an nr ereszly al God she centr, ota cenbueate Guat Alen was right co nate thatthe ancient Cheniane ofen depicted the segement in siking vs and mye ngage Inone er ‘mon, Jabs Chrysostom compres death 9 hangry dragon. The dragon {Nalowed up Chui, ot knowing thse Crus mora body as 2 fo ‘ned tit. This poiton broughs on violent mach cramps even Worse GG Chryistom asoes us) than the agony of 2 woman in lbor. The dragon writhed im pin, then vomited." He reccved he body which he ‘ould no dge, and 39 he had co ehrow fp agin! The sme food ‘meuphor i ued inthe Eous pasha homily acre to Chrysos fom woe Hades elt be embiteed by the ate of Cries eh ‘The poi of ths mtbr foto show that Chr defened the Devel hough key iis death noe he Devil has enone i the hoa fy. Swallowing 4 buran body, det covers tht ars swallowed ‘God. Because fhe uno often Cv is posit fr he mga ‘ble divine nator enter death and 0 overcome fos hon The chal omy make his ete eal when 9 of mes." took 2 body ad dacoverl God took earth ad encourtered heaven tok ‘wha itm, bat erable before what ithsé not sen = Probably the bet known metaphor acount ofthe atonement ‘Cran acuity is Gregory of Nye Gthock analogy. Mow readers 2B Bi cero, Mansons 217 no Mie fo Meme nt a re ey hh Sr ME ep ae Se ‘THE PATRISTIC ATONEMENT MODEL ‘of Cris Vator wil el si analogy, acting ee, since Aalén bases fo much ois scouaton Gregory’ fihhook. f= Asn view, Gregory ‘epic confit between Go ant Satan; in his confi, God ers © suri ate and ovaries Satan's pomer though a rand deen, ‘Chris was the hook a Satan oc ee ba [have tte that snl Christan eaching ses desth and noe the ‘Devi the basic hon probes om which we have tobe rleemed. ‘And have sted the death was oodenzood a etaton, ea 9 postive ‘thing ints wa ight Both of chev csi are supported by the shook agen Gregory's Catia! Omir The Cl Pi incerpreation as bah tee poier Here the pase in question: “The spyosog power ul nat by nature, cone ie ied on- (be wth Goh pretence sod earth eed sight of him. Heoce Seth God ine So make hie nly accel 1 i Sought ant ra weed imetn our ttre: Haw. a3 ‘a gry fn height Caden ie 2 aoa song Sid eth, wich wot tie Th, when ie came el th Cenandligh shove pon uk, cr oom igh anh Fovitis notin hemo dsks nae he pence igh mor (Ginnie whee este ‘ln igh ote tht the Catal On develop nebo cate mythic pare of ranoen pid to the Devil Bu when Gregory ones downto explaining what bmi pita all bout, emo hig become lear: tht he rl proble ot Satan but death; and ee- ‘ond thor dest snot» ial tit God fos to contend! with, bot oly = ention of li. In fc one of Gregory® maine preaceupaions i his Statin the prvatien theory of ian ony given the Wyte h- book posage hasten eo pore As dit pizrre of combat ‘enween God andthe Dei. Toward the beginning of he orton, Greg- ‘ony expe tac vl smoting bu the arene of good, ja darkness ithe abence of light, He oes gine to eee any notion of dain: tberween good and el; erpaning ‘We so shink inae opponent ‘hewmen To lene:snbeig oper rng bu we onc Sy hth ter pote oe frente 8 ‘nigh oer wety that Serial eposton Dewees ws ” BENJAMIN MYERS, oes ert and wt xi. Att we My hc ada soll, ‘proedoghe But lindo doe nor by notre hve rel esitence (Srihari enasan of mer acy ‘Gregor’ pin cool ely be caer, i tne ety ‘vation go) leaps inthe wor "Jost a shadow lle the ‘withdrawal of he ot ay Tn the fsbhook peg, Gregory uses an analogy show tat lear ‘on canbe anders at temo of rivaton His pore that te “inion of matures in Chis lows the divine nate to ener ae a seke ‘fps, hus ineditely canceling ou that privaion. Tlingy. ‘Gregory dove na peak hereof Goo’ vitry over Sst hey 72 ‘hor dew wanes” in the presence of He Aina id iy ‘once hie acount of the tonement with the ear that “death has Been died And though he wes Auli Tnguage a this point, Seseribing believer’ “victry” (Wen) over death, it poe i nt that ‘Ch a tugged vicioromlyagune deat’ omer ba that believers ‘experience victory now that death as been divolved. Metaphyily, ‘Seath sconce or inthe way thatahadows areremoved byighes expe ‘ena ia “victory” fr beleers “The lnguage of victor is valid therefore, long se sla hat shisis nots dn victor. et God who engagesin combat. Gregecys ‘ihhoak analogy wis contrived eo explain the mechanism by which mpl if gving divine nate eter the prvasion of death, ‘tha privtn ie dispelled by che preence of i.e am extended tae pore lace the wy th wan of meres a Cit make posse the descr ofthe divine notre inca x tae of vation. Aus mike “ast lipover the expe metapycal pare of Gregory orton sco Stach ther mecphyical meanings othe metaphorical puts. The eal ng Cre Vier model, marked sic by combat and dasa barely recogni at an ntereraon of ely Chron eacng ‘Comba language, mf at {cn ll, Figured more prominently in the Syrian rion than in the Geel of Latin, Be yan weer and preaches steed the fc thatthe langage of combat doe not appl ‘God. Thee canbe no combat between the divine nature and anything 1B vn On th ma 2. ‘THE PATRISTIC ATONEMENT MODEL ‘le, ciberwise the dinction between crestor an eation would be ‘mcninglon. Perhaps the mont extensive woe of combat Inguage in al psi Iteratare i found in Jacob of Sry mii “on out Low's ‘ombat with Suan." The homilies give anextemely wake depiction of| “Chris termptaton in dhe wildere, Satan portrayed athe lender of| 1 vst um. The demons engage Crit on the bated ad he dees ‘them. Buc cob epee feming i esr tae ar only Ci Jnamas neers agit ats Teen oe sy hte was ging vin * Chis recapitlices Adams empation: cia human being that he ‘ovrce the Devi. He dos thi an example fo i flower 20 hs ‘hey wil kaow how o snd frm asin erpttion. There commie ‘ate brwen God and evil In fc, een at human beng Chit en oer be mito be Righing anything The wae ngage sn hese Fomite red skort exces to deveibe Saas acts Ie Sata “whe guhrs an army and pepe his meg ie Satan wo mount 2 camosign agains Christ By conta, the homes perene Chi | ‘enle peel, an sopoken, He rerpond to Satan seach ant with ountetacs bt with “omy” seen and" gene raggle”| He dd not act with szeng” Jaco say, but wid "wisdom" Satan ie fall ofsoand and fry, ue Cait esponds simply by quting Sepute in whisper, ness" Paradox, he combs! lnguage in hse aon wed wo how that heres no te combat Berween Chis Siti, Only from Satan's deladed perpective doe i look ike» combs st all Chri has no need to fight aginst anything, ven in his human ‘ates he veromes evil ote i the manner of Tighe tt pee he shadows snp by shining Such eth bee nd aggeive we of combs langosge in enti Christan shesloy. Compared oth, Ase nos of "vie warfare gain the evil he blr ankind in bondage" seems ‘ot ony theologically snvopportable bor sho archer crude nd ery nde we of meager pay te gi in ag Hie swe Fp is Pt a en a BENJAMIN MYERS, “The language ofl or kad, 10 perso in Cristian aig, was ato liable co be diilined by 2 metaphyseal commitment co he prea ‘Shon theory oe itrae tae Chratians eedfo describe hades 2: 2 pce Soch pul language hard to svi, especialy given the New "Tevument pti set af Chris “descen tthe dead and sobeeqoent ‘But Ciczory of Nysa pointed ot that such spas ngage Best ‘undestcod ma metaphor destin of pul eats. nthe dae Jogue on th ool a heresies, Macein tele brother Gregory ‘hat akbogh hades portrayed Sexiptre 3 plc, “itis ikl that Shishade not nnd eo signify a place with dae nae" nse ‘tele s Some ini a icorprelcondsion a i in which the ealive inate soul oecing aut oad Gods aleady Shean ra nt on he ways ar a he oa toasty om God, it sally disoving to vhadown fades” designates ot « quasi= -anacenden nr beach state ofp pain, hen he langage ‘of Chr’ "cory" oer deni likewsesitaphorical Death not 2 [Power againn which Chis asco agg tan absence chat Chis fils ‘V, REALISM AND HUMAN NATURE “The ealy Chision atonement model so rege certain metaphyseal asunpons boat aman mata. The view that humanity sesenilly ‘Soe~tha their univer horn are in which divas partie [pte iao widely een for rated in ext Chisiancy shot ti seom ‘isc or cele. This methyl reais has been abued ike Se many string, the iaflueace of Patni philosophy on nly ‘Chrian chat Tei re cht» Phtoniczhecry of unives od fareahing inh ‘ence on Hebi ad Christian cules. Buc Chrisian thought about “Frama are wa rw rom esp springy, expecially om the Paine CChestAds yplogy, which rsalived a ison of hitrysround (| oo Stattartemn etn reme nce ite: EE eae eae eee wee a eee Se nn om Cet we ‘THE PATRISTIC ATONEMENT MODEL nivel arcane of har mate fo 1 Covina 18 ad Ross 5 Se Pal np opeher the whole man race ander to repesease te head, Cher nt Adan andi both pss he pei inks the {CristsAdam eypolgy tothe univer of deh, ew spel mon Chri echo eds varey of metaphor ad seaogi te dep. Chris impact on oman mature. Ienaews sugges that he unfolding history of man ature ike ingle boo, snd vat Chas ithe pris that encompass the while tory in bet Achanss compares human ity toate oe dy the king decides co come and ive there an the whale town dignified by new resides Inthe se way the whole ‘fmsniy rep the bene when the Son of God tke presence in ve nature The semons of Gregory of Nasianros use examples frm the Kichen eo describe Chritffeton burn atere Chris eampared to ‘yest inthe dough orto sending agent a mile He eam th tile"Ma.. with hi allowing humanity she nay becsog 2 so of yea othe whole ri He hs ted ody ol en, eh death eres "Yer none iike the wonder of my ston» ew dos of ood rere tele word and ec lama beings kes ing ‘tev fox mil. Bing swing we gtr te om another nalogy, cose th hoguage of Pal, Gregory of yas compares the human race tossing copie hat Chis brings back to i Ouewhoe atred tobe roe kom eth omequnce be ‘oped dor 0 ou de boy a seed ash ee 0 neo was rte He pres ee eth come ima ‘Sew With hs on boy be ve ou ate he rile ‘retin ty goto! ay along wth im by his owe = seni Rts abet Asns Nae presi a Ras Sent Rc a ok ey Rese ia St Rn “ 3) Sg ta Ome 3 BENJAMIN MYERS, “These pugs show how flexibly Chrnian writers and preachers ‘ould atthe unity of han nate without neces eying ‘rpan isn meapycl rs, rw enough 0 hve = werkng sur ‘am of he cent! ones of uma nase "A times the language of rife wo wed nthe sane way a e= saucy quoted psge, Mhanaiae deserves Css death 32 mecesary ‘Bailie He wees Since wh requiem ll il hot be ended or, 6 Ln tlie, ewes auch aensny to dn fr thin pila be Sond mong ei enon be now tered the sie 09 Eat dlveringhis own empl to cen he lace of 0 reo kes oie an fe rom ee acne eamgrein, ad {Sstow himself sper den, Spaying ls cwn body ar acre {etnies tse waveral mretion “This lane sng in stds ofthe atonement, since the Akane sus fis png is gery thought have paved the ay for Ansel, Sand Cain He si osu al the Key ingredient forthe ltr devel- ‘opment of penal sbaitaionary atonement sheory. This interpettion [Ssumes that Athans desing the atonement mecha in c= ‘ifcalverms, The problem with thi inerpretstion 320 explain how ‘his mechani, stout in jest a ew ies, with there of Achanae Siu ocheme which does ots to equ penal rari concept "Bovthepasage appear ina very dfn: igh iwe view tar tement ‘ofthe atonement meen bu ofthe universality of aman ase ‘One of the faction sare wv represent the relation beeen she one snd the many. Inacific, oe particle thing feed om bball ‘tthe many, The oneness the comaunty ssymblived so enacted i ‘hectic, When Athieias want o describ che toerene mechs ‘itn he peaks agent length along the ines ha Chav Deen ding Sn impasse divine nate snmes moral Maman nase in onder © ‘pel death Bot when he wanes to describe the nivel reach of Chit’ "sth —the way ne peso es the whole of aman nature—he kes Sp the lnguage of ee Tis page, Atami spy pointing ou hat Cres death eal. The word “all” chimes ike» bel hough te page. Tha s forthe par of te eat hexane how the atonement wks Lis 2 ‘THE PATRISTIC ATONEMENT MODEL, ‘ramon poe inte argument and at dhisjonceare Athans simpy ‘ant tse tht Cit deat ales everyone What happens in Chris appens wo human mare aa whole Ever within this shoe psage, the Ennpung empl a seine Chen fora moment onto smppear again soon a5 has ved is purpone of depicting univer By the ‘lof the page Atha back o his ral om of deaths ee [Sy an incorruptible divine mtr. Ths the tenement mechan; the pesca language ised to how dae dhe mechanism aft human ‘nature ara whole “There ke a sevond trial page i Othe Fcammton. Agia it figures prominently in modern weeng on te atonement and again the efi ngage vee at ep on he wy toe theories of penal Subrivason, But thee fonction of Athans’ sisi langage is te clearer inthis comet Soy oftng ode he body be ha een ois ofteing ipa tec af all been aolibed denth om al ike im, by be efesagts Uke For. yong his on temple ant ire nsmoensa seit for He Wow edn dete ‘tha wa sou nd, beg and wih al hon beings y= Body Tks de the incornpebe Son of God consequent ted al wh Ic is remsable dt tis page 2 often judged as being provo- Anelmian inpie othe Gt thar depict Chit ara arc ofered ‘hat oto God Te ssmpson that Achaea edescbing a atone= ‘ent mechani lends the wade immediatly ito 3 ike of sbsurd- ties How cans scifi be ofeed to dest? Do haman beings owe & Gist ro den? le dea a taacenden being eit need to be placed? ‘Bocas son a we chnage perspective ase the posnge a depiction tot ofthe atonement mechanam but fi univeral effec, then the Siiues vanish, Christ come pt id of eat or everyone, (| bring abou » change oman nace ae 3 wool: Hie defeat uf deal les everybody, ats a sctie or empl Beefs the whale group ‘hough + angle fering “The guetion Athans sneering rw te stonemect Works, ‘befor Tha why the sre ptage immed allowed by other very dierent nalogy the page I bestioned ee, in which BENTAMIN MYERS 2 whale sown acted whe 4 king takes up residence shee. Neither ‘these aalogics—she enfice or the tone with the King —s mene tobe ken (09 ltely and neither of ther i describing 2 mechanism ‘thow Chit’ death iver Tey are beh sued illsratons oeemind the reader thar wha happens ie Chit happens fr the bene ofthe whale obumanig. Reuuning for a momen omy eutine of the ely Chistian atone ‘nto ne can conclude that neil langage wed ne foe 8) (Ge mechanism roped but for (10) (he universality ofthe atonement “Tht noe coven that crf langage unimportant Such gage Ba pic, the psages fiom Atanas show The lnguase of ‘Scifi oed depict the wy humanity a3 whole isnlued ix what ‘ver happen o Chis. The cri pemages im Akasa shoul be | ‘minder of how eay i ifr modera readers o projet he Anselmo tn Calvin sumptions bck oto eaty Cites sources. When this Toppen he onlns of ee ptr model re torte, andthe pti stonement mechanism ted vanish completely. VI. THE SOLUTION AND THE SURPLUS hae oti the patric made in seis propositions andhave ied to eit eevee metapyi smpins that ope like hiden| [es within tis model. Ut me now Biely restate he model in way ‘hac das tention ro overall shape ‘Hiunan being ate the prodoct of lve. Tey ae creed in Goss linge forte parpore ofecroctng divine love. Huan natu. me ‘ed by a eval principe of deni, tends naturally wpward toward God. Since Gotisthe once fal i, be lovingly moving owed God ‘Stabe alive. Butt tur ay frm God, even or one secon 0 Begin to ie to shi dowmvard uy fom if, lov, and ely ‘Since the hepnningofhistory, the whole umn race hasbeen locked ina downward side toward nothings Bux beer of hie get oe fo humanity, the Son of God leapt down fom Bevven ané wrapped binselé| fly nour perce de toward nothingnes. Bur becase he was vine be wa abet are our downward morenen and to reves nit ingan oped movement roward hei love, 2nd relay of Co. la he ‘overeat ofthat one hua if the lie of Chris. he whole of human suture has undergoe death an esurection. 86 ‘THE PATRISTIC ATONEMENT MODEL ‘One might depce his a8 Uchaped drama. Humanity begins at igh point. the lames Goethe in Chat he ine maces i owes in before otving bck p agin Bue she upward ine does ermine tthe top Christdoesnoe merely restore humanity orignal postion. "The upward line he curve shots mich higher ean se tng poi ‘Se fr | hive etn considering ony the negaive aide of the atonement ‘Goa sepona to the haan plight Bur there ie a » gostei: he Spd att es humanity higher tan these trem which We ‘My orn of the pat allades to this pose side othe atonement ‘wen edie been che solution (1) andthe sup (1) I Seems so me tnt noe hesoglweringon te sone taps with he Solution, Bat we think ofthe tonement ony a3 saksn to problem, hen we ae relly only geting one half fe per, nai [quoted Atanas atement tht the Son of Gol became Encontro die He needed ame octane hat he ‘ould get acest death, That was the slton eo eh Human problem ‘Doc Athans dos noc etc i account ro thi sola. Laer ois “argument he exlsine hat Go's oention wat ao al to free bus ‘ture fom deat but oo eeete new sas IChest had nly ‘eed fro death, we would sl remain corp by nature. We ‘Woolly be aco di ven if et bad een aed off forthe ie Being “The rinse of bodies” a Arkansas pus i, wold il be mor ‘So the Son af God goes wep freer, He nt onl emoves som ‘She coches of death bao allows oar naar to parce i is om Encore ie He “inerweaves his fe wih oo Tn a lent netiphor, yet sas that the Sons dv i as Been implored” + pipe witha human nature This moe than 3 saltion to she human pig. ei a if tht surpses aur. ert, Saneifien and defer ta addition wo ecipingcorupion” Cyl wets, ‘erie uptoathonoc hrs above oar atre beau ef Chit." This happens by mean of exactly these sonement mechan js he ‘conmunieaton of stbater working isthe other dition, Through ‘he union ofateres, the divine tere shart in the experience f eth “ithour cessing m be divine ad mabe, while dying aman maar Salied with dvoe ie without easing be human. eg La i ena kh BENJAMIN MYERS From tis prpectv, da soph itor can be so nea i= nin of aterefecr of che atonement. the way sanction He ome timer understood in Potexan theology. The rls tor blog #0 {he atonemere moda proper. The medi works into dein 3 the same dine, commuting human que othe dvie nate Go that God can emer death) 0d divine gales to aman racure 6 tha Inamaniy 8 devated os new stats Ta tercvm on Rome 5, Jon Cheysotom compared the human slight to sal dee. Aan aver a few ois, When be anne py the le, es at ito prison slong wh is wil, en snd servant His ‘only hope fe someone to come ad lente det. Ad ha what ap pect. A benefice comes slong and pay the all debt The poor mas problems are shed and hes overjoyed, But theres more The benetc~ tors not content onl o cea the peione’ debt naon be gives the man ten thouand tle of gla wt Grane And af tht were ‘nt enough, he lens hi ino the royal place and gveshim an erode tion to the king: At ral, the man it levsted fo he higher sata 0 ‘held. And never again dos the beneBitr rend the man f the fw oie thar be had owed This prable one case wher the el empha es inthe paaic anderaanding ofthe nontment. There easton the payment of Ew cnn And there url ten outa lene of gold and 3 poison ‘honor in che royal place. Chryromam snes the language of debt 0 Smart now fom ater stnement del: Bis prable wok fom he kind ofstonement theology that see Chri eth 3 nth Ing mere than a necessary payment. Chrysosom concludes: "For Chest paid off uch more an we owed —at ich more a3 mies ce oxnpaed to sal dro of wer "There es salition and surplus, and both are achieved by 2 single nemo mechan The tices this ety Chinn mode! es ne ‘rly nit caberence and arty bt i inte efrehingbresth of so 1 fbersnetment of human nate a wel a youth optims: devotion e the death of Chit ae well as elcbraton of the reurec ‘onan atiende of ube grand at wellasanandacty and eed of spit ht cone fom beheving tha one only saved but 0 loved, Sovonly debe but ich beyond imagining. ‘io ow Sa re 503, an? a) ns Mewes Bes, 1, INTRODUCTION “The primary dogma losin of he stonenen isthe doctrine of God that the doctrine ofthe Testy and fee dvine abuts frm the primary and determinative fntare ofthe coctene ofthe atonement "Thay crete the oom ostacare within whith ote doctrine hae thei respective Signi, playing thie deine od valuable les Tn vem, the atonement ithe decal esbotion ofthe move ment and setign of God incre fra hough death eo erections {i docarial efeson on who Gos od whe sus in the descent td eration of Chri In thi sene, the deri ofthe aonemest snot $tarow i ofenundesood, damned by theories seeing the cos in telaionvariou feasres of in Rater. the atoneene mas 9 pe ‘fe movement of God with 2 expt drecionliry=a ta ues Gots economic eo save wha ws eae ly hin ahi, ane [Brinn be ight ecm al things nl (Cal 115-20) by a i eC ie ag a a te ap Bitlne eyeifroe e ca in ae Geese ng shou css ono n ert seisgapateen eae ethteetenm

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