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Year 4

Mar 2016


Do you know if its a boy or a girl?
Have you decided on a name?
What do you know so far and is there anything in particular I can help you

We can talk through a variety of options to determine whats best for you and
your baby. You and your babys safety is very important so I need to ask a few
questions to explore our options further

Previous births
o C section
o >6 children
o Serious post partum haemorrhage

Current baby
o Twins?
o Breech?
o Placenta previa? placenta blocks neck of uterus
o Problems with baby

o Anaemia
o Gestational diabetes
o Pre-eclampsia
o Age >40
o Obesity


What options have you heard about so far

Do you have any questions or preferences or shall we go through options?
Choosing the right place can have a positive effect on the relationship
between you and your baby

Hospital birth

Birth on labour ward of a hospital

o advantages
safest environment because there are doctors around if
problems arise
Can have epidural
o Disadvantages
Less personal


Year 4

Mar 2016

Midwife run birthing centre


Centres separate from hospital run by midwives specficially for labour

o Advantages
More comfortable and homely
More likely to have a midwife you know
o Disadvantages
May need to be transferred to a hospital if any complications
Cannot have epidural

Home Birth

Midwife will come to your home to guide through labour

Evidence shows it is as safe as a hospital/birthing centre if it is second or
subsequent baby (higher risk for first child)
o Advantages
Most personal relaxed environment
Light candles
Can still pay for a birthing pool
o Disadvantages
May need to be transferred to a hospital if any complication
occurs how far is it?
Cannot have epidural

have you thought about pain relief
pain relief is important because if you are in control of your pain you are in
control of your labour



Water birth
o Available in any environment but have to rent one at home
o Large warm pool that help relax and help with pain
o Helps with anxiety, pain and muscle relaxation
o Gentle experience for you and baby
Hypno birth
o You can be self taught hypnosis and controlled breathing by


Year 4

Mar 2016


o So we have gone through the choices for birth and the relative risks
and benefits for each. We have also explored pain relief, is there
anything you are concerned about or I can help you with further?
o It is a big decidion, take some time to think about it, discuss with
you rpartner
o It is worth visiting the local birthing centres to help decide
o NHS.UK website + leaflets
o You are not giving birth alone, you are part of a team that are here
to help you with anything they can with and make sure you feel
comfortable and safe.
o Contact details and follow up

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