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My leadership style that I got was Team Leader and Entrepreneurs. Some strengths that I
identified with was being change-oriented, non-traditional, questioning, and innovative. I have
always strayed away from the norm and strived for change when needed. Embracing change and
adapting to the ever-changing field of health care not only makes one more flexible, but
adaptable to various setting. In past jobs and my current position, I have a knack for looking for
ways to make things more efficient and productive. I use to be a team educator/trainer for one of
my past jobs, and instilling different training methods into my work not only proved to be
successful, but created solid team members that were conscious of growth and willingness to be
independent while working together. There is never one way of accomplishing a task. Plans Ill
take to strengthen my leadership style is to continue to empathize with my fellow
coworkers/classmates viewpoints and encourage a harmonious environment through teamwork
and direction. In the school and work setting I plan to be open to others opinions and ideas,
researching and learning about various leadership nursing roles and scopes of practice, and
always asking for help from mentors and professors so that I may gain a solid foundation
towards my career of nursing. In an article that examined nurse leadership in a emergent
simulation environment among nursing students and licensed RNs, showed that successful
teamwork relies on agreed team objectives and defined roles (Endacott, Bogossian, Cooper,
Forbes, Kain, Young, & Porter. 2015). Being a good leader not only is important from
maintaining good coworker relations but as well as in emergent situations. In the same article, it
showed that the more experienced nurses were better at working as a team, indicating the need to
provide explicit opportunities to develop teamworking skills in the undergraduate curriculum

(Endacott, Bogossian, Cooper, Forbes, Kain, Young, & Porter. 2015). So focusing on becoming a
great leader now can prove to have beneficial effects when I graduate.
Characteristics of a good leader are being honest, ethical, open to constructive criticism,
consistency, listening to his/her team members and acting on those needs, establishing change
when needed, giving advice and constructive criticism, and being a good role model/mentor and
acting professional in all settings. I feel a good leader inspires, instills motivation, and gives you
the tools needed to accomplish any task. Past leaders that I found to be great always encouraged
me for growth, opportunity, and development. Seeing and working alongside a team leader not
only encouraged me to work harder, but to also be open to change and adapting to any problem
that can occur. When you trust and have faith in your team leader then that makes for a strong
team. In Leadership and teamwork in medical emergencies, showed that RN and student teams
who were willing to speak out and be assertive performed best (Endacott, Bogossian, Cooper,
Forbes, Kain, Young, & Porter. 2015). Having a strong voice is important for direction,
advocating for patients, and being clear and concise with problems that you are addressing.
From the article leadership and mental health nursing, said that behaviors that workers
did not like in their leaders were being managed too tightly, getting into trouble for making a
mistake, receiving punishment, but not praise, implementing new policies and procedures
without explanation, being talked down to, and not being treated as individuals (Cleary, Horsfall,
Deacon, & Jackson. 2011). Being aware of the team that you manage and accepting feedback is
key to fostering change in your clinical setting. Although it can seem negative at first, it is
necessary to always take criticism constructively as an opportunity to grow and become better.
On the other hand this study found that increased job performance was found via group

processes involving leadership integrity, valuing workers, trust creation, inspiration, coaching,
and posing intellectual challenges (Cleary, Horsfall, Deacon, & Jackson. 2011). Thus being a
great leader not only increases productivity but creates great interpersonal relationships.
Characteristics of a good follower are open to constructive criticism, knowledge of
growth and opportunity, motivation, adaptable, flexible, and a hard worker. Being a good
follower should always be open to change, willingness to grow and work collectively with
others. Ive always found it that good followers are only as good as the leader they follow. Being
motivated and having that urge to do your best is critical to being a good follower.
Overall I learned a lot about my leadership style and ways that I may improve and
develop during my clinical and work setting. Knowing my style and the way that I address and
handle situations is key to being able to progress and advance as a nurse. Some of the best nurses
that I have worked with show many of the positive above listed qualities. Its clear to see a good
leader from a poor leader. As a student, I will continue to grow and challenge myself to not just
be a good leader, but a better person.
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Deacon, M., & Jackson, D. (2011). Leadership and mental health
nursing. Issues In Mental Health Nursing, 32(10), 632-639.
Endacott, R., Bogossian, F. E., Cooper, S. J., Forbes, H., Kain, V. J., Young, S. C., & Porter, J. E.
(2015). Leadership and teamwork in medical emergencies: performance of nursing
students and registered nurses in simulated patient scenarios. Journal Of Clinical
Nursing, 24(1/2), 90-100. doi:10.1111/jocn.12611

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