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The Ten (10) Best Obj-C/Swift (iOS) Productivity Tools, Plugins

and Libraries

Having the right tools enables a engineer to produce high-quality projects. Today we will share
some of our secrets with you as to what productivity tools, plugins, and libraries Obj-C/Swift (iOS) streamers use
to assist us to be highly proficient.

What Is Obj-C/Swift (iOS)?

Swift is a general-purpose programming language built using a modern approach to safety, performance, and
software design patterns.The goal of the Swift project is to create the best available language for uses ranging
from systems programming, to mobile and desktop apps, scaling up to cloud services Objective-C is an objectoriented strict superset of C and is the language of choice for development with Mac OS X or the GNUStep
Foundation classes Swifts compatibility with Objective-C lets you create a project that contains files written in
either language. You can use this feature, called mix and match, to write apps that have a mixed-language
codebase. Using mix and match, you can implement part of your apps functionality using the latest Swift
features and seamlessly incorporate it back into your existing Objective-C codebase. (Apples iOS Developer
Library). Just recently Apple has Released Swift 2.2 along with Xcode 7.3. Swift 2.2 now has improvements in
components tab, new expressions, improvement to the standard library among other things
Here are the ten (10) best Obj-C/Swift (iOS) productivity tools, plugins, and libraries rnecommeded by engineers:


The Xcode IDE is at the center of the Apple development experience. Tightly integrated with the Cocoa and
Cocoa Touch frameworks, Xcode is an incredibly productive environment for building apps for Mac, iPhone,
iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV.


JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON for short, is a common way to transmit data to and from web services. It is
simple to use and human-readable, which is why its so incredibly popular. SwiftJSON is the better way to deal
with JSON data in Swift.



PhoneGap is an open source solution for building cross-platform mobile apps with standards-based Web
technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS.


GHUnit is a test framework for Mac OS X and iOS. It can be used standalone or with other testing frameworks
like SenTestingKit or GTM.



Eureka is a library to create dynamic table-view forms from a DSL specification in Swift. This DSL basically
consists of Rows, Sections and Forms. A Form is a collection of Sections and a Section is a collection of Rows.

RX Swift

Rx is a generic abstraction of computation expressed through Observable interface. Like the original Rx, its
intention is to enable easy composition of asynchronous operations and event/data streams.



ObjectMapper is a framework written in Swift that makes it easy for you to convert your model objects (classes
and structs) to and from JSON.


Refactorator is an Xcode plugin for refactoring Swift & now Objective-C code. It will rename public or internal
vars, functions, enums etc. For private and local entities use Xcodes existing Edit All in Scope functionality.



Spring is a library to simplify iOS animations in Swift. It has grown into a full-blown animation library that supports
every View, Transitions, Loading Animation and a lot more.


iUI is a framework consisting of a JavaScript library, CSS, and images for developing advanced mobile webapps.
Thats it! The ten (10) best Obj-C/Swift (iOS) tools, plugins, and libraries to help you become more productive
according to engineers. What are your favorite Obj-C/Swift (iOS) productivity tools? What did we
miss in this list that definitely needs to be added to make it complete? is a livestreaming platform to watch real people from all around the world code products live. Join
us today and start streaming your projects, develop or watch dozens of streamers, ask questions and learn how
to program together!


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