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George Judiciary Act- established Supreme Court with 1 Chief Justice with 5 Associate Judges

Washington Bill of Rights ratified(1791)

(1789-1797) Hamilton’s Financial Plan
1. Pay off debts to Europe
2. High tariff (to help infant industries)
3. BUS (Bank of United States)
Proclamation of neutrality(1793)- neutral to French Revolution
Citizen Genet- French minister who wanted US support during French Revolution
Jay’s treaty(1794)
• did nothing about impressments
• British agreed to remove its post in US, but did not specify when, so they didn’t until way later
Pinckney’s treaty(1795)- access to New Orleans
• Reaction to Jay’s treaty- better relation with Spain instead of Great Britain(GB)
• 31th parallel for FL border
Whiskey Rebellion- PA rebels. Washington shut them down with his army
Federalists- Loose interpretation, strong central gov’t, pro-GB, large army, high tariff, BUS
Democrat-Republic- strict interpretation, weak gov’t, pro-French, no or less tariff, no BUS
Washington’s farewell address
1. No political parties
2. No permanent alliances
3. Not to get involved in European affairs
4. Avoid sectionalism
John Adams XYZ Affair
(1797-1801) • French siege US ships
• French demanded tribute for compromise
• “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute”
Quasi War- unofficial war with France
Alien and Sedition Act
• Alien Act-president can deport any aliens considered dangerous and to detain any enemy aliens in time
of war (actually created to prevent “aliens” to vote for Dem-Rep)
• Sedition Act- Illegal for newspaper editors to criticize president or Congress (Unconstitutional)
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
• KY and VA declared that Alien and Sedition Act violated 1st Amendment
• Written by Jefferson(KY) and Madison(VA)
Appointed John Marshall as Supreme Court Justice
Thomas Jefferson Jefferson vs Burr
(1801-1809) 12th amendment- one vort for President and Vice President
Lewis and Clark exposition
Federalist -> Dem-Rep
Hamilton supports Jefferson against Burr
Neutral towards Europe
Louisiana Purchase- Bought from Napoleon (France) (Jefferson’s best accomplishment)
• Agrigarian
• Violated strict interpretation
• Got rid of British threat in Western Hemisphere
Marbury v Madison
• Judicial review given to Supreme Court
• Marshall(Federalist) ruled that all the midnight Judges will be removed by Jefferson(Dem-Rep)
Hamilton opposed Burr
Hamilton vs Burr in a duel
Hamilton dies
Barbary pirates looted US ships -> Tipoli War(US Win)
Embargo Act(1809)- US can’t trade with any nations
• Jefferson’s worst mistake
• Led to Panic of 1819
James Madison Nonintercourse Act of 1809- Appealed Embargo Act and now US can trade any nations except France or GB
(1809-1817) Rejects BUS
Macon’s Bill #2- Can trade with 1st one to ally with US
• Napoleon took advantage, but he didn’t keep his promise
War hawks- wanted war against GB
War of 1812
• Americans opposed War
• “Mr. Madison’s War”
• Caused by impressments
• New England did not want War, but South did
Treaty of Ghent- ended War of 1812
• Did not mention anything about impressments
Hartford Convention
• Federalists having meeting in Hartford and opposed war
• When US “won” (actually a tie), Federalists were treated as traitors
• End of Federalism
James Monroe Era of Good feeling- one political party (Dem-Rep)
(1817-1825) Tariff of 1816
• Help industries
• 1st protective tariff
Henry Clay’s American System- very similar to Hamilton’s Financial Plan
1. Protective tariff
2. BUS
3. Internal improvement (infrastructures) was not passed
Panic of 1819- caused by 2nd BUS
Western expansion
MO Compromise (Compromise of 1820)
• Clay’s proposal
o MO will be slave state
o ME will be free state
o North of 36 30 will be free states
Rush-Bagot Agreement(1817)- Disarmament in Canada/US border
FL Purchase Treaty(1819)- Spain sold FL for $5
Monroe Doctrine- Stated that European countries cannot colonize in Western Hemisphere anymore
Lots of canals, roads, steam boats, and some railroads
Eli Whitney invented cotton gin and interchangeable parts
South grew more cash crops, mostly cotton
John Quincy Tariff of Abomination(Tariff of 1828)
Adams Erie canal opened
(1825-1829) PAN conference
Andrew Jackson Common Man
(1829-1836) Universal Male Sufferage- don’t need properties to vote
1st president to use veto a lot
Peggy Eaton affair- Eaton was from lower class who married high official. All the others shunned her. Jackson
forced people to get along with Eaton. Everyone resigned.
Indian Removal Act (1830)- Jackson used military to move Indians to the west
Trail of Tears
Tariff of 1832
Nullification Crisis
• SC tried to break up because they didn’t like Jackson led by Calhaun
• Jackson used force bill to kick SC in the butt and force them to stay
Start of 2 party system (Dem-Rep vs Whigs)
Gag rule- congress decided not to talk about slavery for 10 years
Rise of 3rd party
Start of popular campaign
Spoils System- if you help with campaign, you get federal jobs
Rotation of officeholders
Jackson “killed” BUS and made Pet Banks
Specie Circular- land paid in gold or silver -> Panic of 1837
TX revolution- tried to be annexed, but Jackson veto
Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819- Spanish gave up its claim to FL
Martin Van Buren Panic of 1837
(1837-1841) Also veto TX annexation
William H. Just died before he could do anything
John Tyler During his lame duck period, he annexed TX
James Knox Polk Expansionist
(1845-1849) Manifest Destiny
Mexican Cession(1848)
• Sent John Slidell to persuade Mexico to sell CA and settle TX border (Mexico refused) = WAR!!
• Polk started a war because Mexico wouldn’t see the land (advanced troops beyond Rio Grande, so
Mexico fired)
• Zachary Taylor rapes Mexico lol
• Conclusion
o Rio Grande is border b/w Mexico and TX
o Sold Mexican Cession for $15M
Wilmot Proviso- no slavery on new acquired land (fails like bazillion times)
CA gold rush (1848)
Zachary Taylor Compromise of 1850
(1849-1850) • Admit CA as free state
• Divide Mexican Cession into Utah and New Mexico
• Smaller TX for NM and pay TX $10M for compensation
• Ban slave trade in DC but not the slavery itself
• Adopt new Fugitive Slave Law and enforce it rigorously
Fugitive Slave Law- if slave ran away to north, people in north have to return to south
• Creation of underground RR
• Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Millard Fillmore No one cares about him (sorry Fillmore)
Franklin Pierce Ostend Manifesto- tried to buy Cuba from Spain for $100M, but Spain refused
(1853-1861) Gadsden Purchase- bought small strip of land for $10M (compare that to Mexican Cession LOL; Mexican
Revenge) it was for potential transcontinental railroad purpose
• supporters of Wilmot Proviso
• “free soil, free labor, and free men.”
KS-NE Act(1954)- allowed KS to initiate popular sovereignty exchange for transcontinental RR
Bleedying Kansas
• New England Aid Company paid people to move into KS to make it free state
• N vs S regarding slavery
Sumner-Brooks incident- Brooks caned Sumner YAY
Know-Nothing party- Nativists; “I know nothing”
Birth of Republican Party

James Bchanan Dred Scott v. Stadford(1857)

(1857-1861) • Dred Scott had no right to sue
• Slave counted as property, thus gov’t can’t interfere with slavery
• Stated MO compromise is unconstitutional
• Southern slave owners can bring slaves to north without getting them confiscated
Lincoln-Douglass Debates- Lincoln(slavery is wrong)
John Brown’s Raid at Harpers Ferry
• Brown(slave) revolted
• Lee shuts him down
Did nothing to prevent the secession
Crittenden compromise- give right to hold slaves in all territories south of 36°30’(including Mexican Cession) but
Lincoln rejected it
Abraham Lincoln Secession of Deep South- South didn’t like anti slavery stuff
(1861-1865) Civil War
• Fort Sumter- SC cut off supply line, so Lincoln sent provisions of food to federal troops in SC and SC fired
( beginning of the War)
• Upper South Seceded
• To keep border states, Lincoln did not push for emancipation of slaves
• North advantage was industrial power and economic power
• South advantage was defensive war and familiar land
• Antietam- bloodiest war
• South relied on “King Cotton” which was GB needed South’s cotton, but turns out GB can replace South
with other countries
• Emancipation Proclamation- This war is now about abolishing slavery (kept GB to side with South)
• 13th amendment- abolition of slavery
• Gettysburg=turning point of the war
• Surrender at Appomattox
Homestead Act(1862)- 160 acres to people who would farm for at least 5 years in Great Plain
Morrill Tariff Act (1861)- increase revenue and protect American manufacturers.
Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction(1863)
• Full presidential pardons will be granted to southerners who took an oath of allegiance to Union and
accept the emancipation of slaves
• A state gov’t can be reestablished if 10% of voters in the state took the loyalty oath
Wade-Davis Bill(1864)- proposed 50% royalty not 10%
Freedmen’s Bureau- helped out blacks and homeless whites by providing food, shelter, ad medical aid
Andrew Johnson Reconstruction
(1865-1869) Radical Rep.
• wanted civil rights for blacks
• lead by Sumner (yes, the same dude who got wacked with cane)
• Civil Rights Act of 1866- accepted black as US citizens and forbade discrimination
• 14th amendment- civil rights for all persons born or naturalized in US; equal protection of the law; most
used amendment
Tenure of Office Act- prohibited president from removing federal official (unconstitutional)
Led to impeachment of Johnson, but it failed
Johnson vetoed 3 reconstruction act, but congress passed it.
1. Divided Confederate states into 5 military occupation
2. Confed have to ratify 14th amendment
Ulysses S. Grant Blacks voted for Rep.
(1869-1877) Civil Rights Act of 1875- equal rights in public places
Scalawags- southern Rep.
Carpetbaggers- Northern newcomers
Accomplishments- universal male suffrage, property rights for women, debt relief
Failures- briberies, corruptions in gov’t
Sharecropping- Since blacks can’t afford farm, they rent from whites. Very similar to their slavery life style
Credit Mobilier affair- railroad's major stockholders created Crédit Mobilier of America to divert its construction
profits and gave or sold stock to influential politicians in return for favours.
Panic of 1873- caused by over speculation by financiers and overbuilding by industry and RRs
End of Reconstruction
Redeemers-states’ rights, reduced taxes, reduced spending on social programs, and white supremacy
Rise of KKK
Amnesty Act of 1872-Allowed southern conservatives to vote for Dem to retake control of state gov’t
Had pretty corrupted Cabinet
Whiskey Ring- over $3M stolen from Federal Fund
Belknap Scandal- Sec. War takes bribes exchange for Indian trading posts
Butherford B. Screwed up voting in FL, LA, and SC
Hayes Compromise of 1877- exchange for letting Hayes win, Rep. have to take back military in South.
(1877-1881) New South
• Cotton Mills
• Cheap Labors
Prohibited alcohol in White House
James A. Garfield 100000 Republicans besieged White House seeking for federals jobs
(1881) Got shot
Chester A. Arthur Distanced himself from Stalwarts
(1881-1885) Developed modern navy

Grover Cleveland Interstate Commerce Act(1887)- state controls interstate trading

(1885-1889) Dawes Act- assimilation of Indians (except it’s pretty much stealing land from Indian)
Pendleton Act of 1881
• Set up Civil Service Commission
• People need to take exam to get federal jobs
Greenback party- wanted money not backed by gold or silver (failed)
Bland-Allison Act- Gov’t had to buy $2M - $4M in silver each month and standard silver to gold ratio to 16 to 1

Benjamin Billion-Dollar Congress

Harrison • McKinley Tariff (1890)- raised tax to 48% (highest tariff)
(1889- 1893) • Increases pensions
• Sherman Antitrust Act(1890)
• Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890)- increased coinage of silver (inflation)
• Voting rights of Black Bill- defeated
• Omaha platform
• Wanted direct popular election of US senators
• Wanted initiative(able to offer a bill) and referendums(people can vote on bill)
• Goals
o Unlimited coinage of silver
o Graduated income tax
o Public ownership of RR
o Loans and federal warehouses for farmers
o 8 hour a day for industrial workers(to get votes)
Grover Cleveland Panic of 1893
(1893-1897) Wilson-Gorman Tariff –raise in tariff and first graduated income tax
Coxey’s Army- a march to Washington by 1000’s of the unemployed
• Demanded $500M of public works for jobs
William McKinley Populist
(1897-1901) • William Jennings Bryan- Cross of Gold
• Unlimited silver
Dingley Tariff (Tariff of 1897)- more tariffs
Bought AK
New Imperialism (Second Manifest Destiny)
Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890)- about how navy controls world power
Pan American Conference (1889)- open up latin american countries to american trade and establish better trade
Spanish American War
• Cuban revolt- US helped Cuba
• Yellow Press- exaggerated and false accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba -> US support to Cuba
• De Lome Letter(1898)- Spanish diplomat wrote McKinley sucked
• Teller Amendment- justified american involvement in cuba
• Philippines- Roosevelt ordered Dewey to Philippines and captured it
• Annexed HI- (Cleveland refused) but McKinney annexed it; Dole(pineapple dude) controlled before
• Treaty of Paris
o Cuba is independent state
o US got Puerto Rico and Guam
o US got Philippine for $20M to Spain
o Philippine revolts and takes back
Insular Cases- supreme court cases that stated that countries america took over through imperialism did not
have the protection of the american constitution
Platt Amendment(1901)- US controls Cuba in foreign relations
Open Door Policy in China- Hay went to China to talk about trading stuff
Theodore Big Stick Diplomacy- “speak softly and carry a big stick”
Roosevelt Panama Canal- helped Panama revolt against Colombia exchange for Panama Canal
(1901-1909) French tried to build one, but fails, so US takes it over and complete it
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty(1901)- British tried to make canal next to Panama, but this treaty stopped them
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine- When European intervene in W. Hemisphere, US will use military
Russo-Japanese War(1904-1905)- Roosevelt stops it and was awarded Nobel Peace Prize
“Gentlemen’s Agreement”- CA discriminated Japanese Americans, so they made a treaty; states that if Japanese
don’t send immigrants, US will stop discriminating against Japanese
Great White Fleet- Teddy’s showing off his Navy. Around-the-world cruise to show off
• Goals: Middle class wanting honest gov’t
• Pragmatism
• Rejected laissez-faire theory
Muckrakers- writer who criticized gov’t
Sinclair’s Jungle- talked about meatpacking industry
• Pure Food and Drug Act- forbade the manufacture, sale, and transportation of adulterated or mislabeled
foods and drugs
• Meat Inspection Act- federal inspectors visit meatpacking plants to make sure good quality of meat
Square Deal- fail for both labor and business
Elkins Act(1903)- ICC gained greater authority
Hepburn Act(1906)- ICC can set reasonable rates for railroads
Forest Reserve Act(1981)- 150M acres of land for national reserve
William H. Taft Dollar Diplomacy- giving money and investing for better relations
(1909-1913) RR in China- made RR in china to intensify Open Door policy
Henry Cabot Lodge- came up with lodge Corollary which states, non-European nations can’t colonize in W.
Hemisphere neither
Used Sherman Anti-Trust a lot
Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy- Pinchot criticized Ballinger for opening public lands in AK. Taft fired Pinchot and
progressive protested
Socialist- Extreme Progressives
• Gov’t controlled RR utilities, and major industries such as oil and steel
• Eugene V. Debs- candidate
Woodrow Wilson Moral Diplomacy
(1913-1921) Philippines- as soon as teaching Philippines how to govern, they will gain independence
Puerto Rico- gave them independence
Panama Canal- US also have to pay to use Panama Canal
• Sent troops into Mexico to find Pancho Villa
Underwood Tariff(1913)- reduced tariff
Got rid of gold standard
Clayton Antitrust Act- gave Sherman Antitrust Act teeth to take actions
Child Labor Act- manufactures produced by 14 years and under can’t be shipped
• Lusitania- US ship carrying weapons for Britain
• “He kept us out of war” went into war right after Wilson was reelected
• Zimmermann Telegram- Secret telegram to Mexico from Germany to overthrow US
• Espionage(1917)- Can’t rebel in armed forces or obstruct the operation of the draft
• Sedition Act(1918)- Can’t speak out against gov’t
• Selective Service Act(1917)
• Segregated black units
Wilson’s 14 points
• End to secret treaties
• Reduce armaments
• Freedom of seas
• Making League of Nation
Irreconcilables- Could not accept US membership in League of Nation no matter what
US never joined League of Nation
Warren G. Associated with Teapot Dome, but died before he could be blamed
Harding Make considerably good choices in his Cabinet
Calvin Coolidge He was shady president who was really quiet
(1923-1929) Dawes’ Plan- plan to help out Europe on recovering from WWI
Herbert C. Promised poverty will soon be over
Hoover Great Depression
(1929-1933) • Black Tuesday- people panicked and sold all their stocks
• Causes
o Stock crash
o Uneven distribution of income
o Excessive use of credit
o Overproduction of consumer goods
o Weak farm economy
o Global economic problems
• Ended Dawes’ Plan
• Hawley-Smoot Tariff(1930)- highest tariff ever (49%)
Bonus March- veterans revolting for pension
20th amendment- lame duck period is now shortened (They must hate Hoover or really like Roosevelt)
Isolationism for WWII
Franklin D. Paralyzed by polio
Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt did a lot of stuff, like going to meetings (this helped in women’s rights movement)
(1933-1945) 1st New Deal
• 3 R’s (Relief, Recovery, Reform)
• Bank Holiday- closed all banks to check “health” of the bank
• 21st amendment- repealed 18th (prohibition)
• Emergency Banking Relief Act(EBRA)- checked banks during bank holiday
• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC)- guaranteed up to $5000 when bank bankrupts
• Federal Emergency Relief Administration(FERA)- gave states money to do various projects to make jobs
• Public Works Administration(PWA)- made bridges, dams, and other public works to provide jobs
• Civilian Conservation Corps(CCC)- employed young men to make trails
• Tennessee Valley Authority(TVA)- Made dams to create jobs and electricity to poorer regions of US
• National Recovery Administration(NRA)- fair wages and hours for labor; set codes for wages, hours of
work, levels of production, and prices of goods (unconstitutional)
• Agricultural Adjustment Administration(AAA)- tried to buy crops and burn crops to get stable crop prices
• Civil Works Administration (CWA)- improved sewer pipes and sweeping roads (Just for sake of hiring
• Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC)- regulated the stock market and put limits on speculative
• Federal Housing Administration(FHA)- gave bank loans for building new houses and repair old ones
• Indian Reorganization Act(IRA)- gave back Indians their properties lost from Dawes Act (but not even
close to all of it)
2nd New Deal
• National Labor Relations Act(NLRA AKA Wagner Act)- gave unions rights; led to creation of National
Labor Relations Board(NLRB)
• Social Security Act(SSA)- gave retirement fees to old people
Demagogues- critics of New Deal
• Father Charles E. Coughlin- very fascistic, so Catholic authorities shut him down
• Dr. Francis E. Townsend- give away money to US families
• Huey Long- his criticism led to SSA
Court-Pack Scheme- Roosevelt tried to put his supporters in the Supreme Court
Black votes for Dem(1936)
• Good Neighbor Policy
o Pan-American conferences- better relations with Latin American nations
o Cuba- nullified Platt Amendment
o Mexico- Cardenas seized oil properties, but FDR let companies take care of it
• London Economic Conference(1933)- did not participate
• Recognized USSR
• Tydings-McDuffie Act- independence of Philippines
• Neutrality Act of 1935- prohibit all arms shipments and to forbid US citizens to travel on the ships of
belligerent nations
• Neutrality Act of 1936- Forbade the extension of loans and credits to belligerents
• Neutrality Act of 1937- forbade the shipment of arms to the opposing sides in the civil war in Spain
• Cash and carry- stated that if nation wants to trade, they have to bring their own ships and money to US
• Selective Service Act(1940)- first ever peace time draft
• Destroyers for base- US wanted to support GB, so FDR cleverly trades war ships for GB’s military bases
in Caribbean to avoid criticism from anti-war people
• Lend-Lease Act- giving GB credit to buy weapons from US
• Atlantic Charter- made peace objectives when war was over with GB
• Shoot-on-sight- US Navy escorted British ships and attacked U boats on sight
• US entered WWII right after Pearl Harbor
• Helped with economy
• VE day(June 6, 1944)- Victory in Europe Day
• Turning point in Pacific Front- Battle of Midway
• Island-hopping strategies
• 3 major conferences
o Teheran- Big Three(Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin) met to plan liberating France
o Yalta- Big Three met to divide Germany
o Potsdam- Stalin and Truman met and Truman gave his go for A-bomb on Japan. Makes Stalin
mad, and this could be called start of Cold War
• United Nation created to stop major war
Harry S. Truman GI Bill- help to veterans of WWII
(1945-1953) • Servicemen’s Readjustment Act(1944)- gave veterans money for colleges
• Veterans receive lots of loans
Baby Boom
22nd Amendment- 2 term limit for presidency
Taft-Hartley Act (Union destroyer <- I made that up)
• Outlawed closed shop (places where workers have to join a union before being hired)
• Right to work law- States can outlaw union closed shops
• Outlawed secondary boycott (helping other boycotts that are not related to them)
• 80-day cooling-off period- gave president 80 days heads up before strike
Fair Deal- reform program by Truman, but was defeated
Iron Curtain- Churchill warned about Communism
Containment Plan- trying to “contain” Communism
• Truman Doctrine- will help any nation who are in threat from communism
• Marshall Plan- helped European nations to stand up
• Berlin Airlift- USSR cut off supply line to Western German, so Truman dropped supplies with airplanes
Creation of NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)- pretty successful
Arms race- competition b/w US and USSR to see who can make more A-bombs (pretty dumb after 50 nukes in my
Korean War
• MacArthur ignored Truman and took his troops all the way to China and fails
• Truman fires MacArthur, but MacArthur returns as hero
2nd Red Scare
• Un-American Activities Committee(HUAC)- seek out communists in US
• Alger Hiss case- Hiss was convicted as spy of URRS
• Rosenberg- convicted as spies of URRS and giving formulas of A-bomb to USSR
• McCarthy- accused his political opponents of being communists to get rid of them
• Army-McCarthy hearing- McCarthy’s evilness was exposed
Dwight D. His VP, Nixon, gave Checker speech
Eisenhower(Ike) Interstate Highway System- 42000mi highway created
(1953-1961) Dulles’ Diplomacy- “brinksmanship”- use nuke if necessary
Ends Korean War
At the Geneva Conference, Vietnam splits
SEATO(South East Asia Treaty Organization)- NATO for SE Asia
Suez crisis- US rejected Egypt’s assistance for building Dam in Suez so Egypt ask USSR
Eisenhower Doctrine- US will use economic and military to fight communism
OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
Hungarian revolt- US does not Hungarian to revolt from Communist gov’t
Sputnik- random steel ball sent by USSR
• Lead to creation of NASA and National Defense and Education Act (NDEA)
U-2 incident- U-2 is spy jet from US shut down by USSR; canceled Paris summit
• Claim to take weather inspection (FAIL)
Castro asks US for help, but US refuses, so USSR helps Cuba
US tried to kill Castro with CIA, Castro outlives like 3 presidents who tried to kill him (EVEN MORE FAIL)
TV invented
Kitchen Debate(Nixon)
John F. Kennedy New Frontier programs
(1961-1963) Bay of Pigs invasion(1961)- CIA helped Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro (Fails)
Berlin Wall was created
Cuban Missile Crisis(1962)- USSR stored nukes in Cuba
• US promised not to attack Cuba in exchange for USSR taking back weapons
Vietnam War
• Increased advisors in Vietnam
• Sent more troops
Assassinated by Oswald
Lyndon B. Great Society
Johnson • War on Poverty
(1963-1969) • Office of Economic Opportunity(OEO)- antipoverty agency with a $1B budget
• Medicare-for old
• Medicaid-for poor
• Elementary and Secondary Education Act- for poor
• No more discriminatory quotas
• 2 new cabinet Departments: Department of Transportation(DOT) and Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD)
• Increased funding for higher education
• Increased funding for public housing and crime prevention
Civil Rights Acts of 1964-segregation illegal in all public facilities
Civil Rights Acts of 1965- Ended literacy test
Vietnam War
• Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- President can attack a country without declaring war
• Supported Vietnam War
• Tet Offensive- Bombing everything (Vietcong still don’t give up, so LBJ quits)
Richard M Nixon Democratic convention at Chicago
(1969-1974) Vietnam War
• Vietnamization
Detente with China and USSR
SALT I- disarmament agreement which failed to end arms race
Watergate- someone tried to break into democrat head quarter
Nixon fires Sam Ervin, person who is in charge of investigating Watergate
War Powers Act- Nixon secretly bombed Cambodia
Yum Kippur- Nixon helped Israel from surprise attack from Egypt
• OPEC placed an embargo on oil sold to Israel’s supporters
• 225K US automobile workers lost jobs
• 55mph speed limit to save gas
Nixon resigns
Gerald R. Ford Pardon’s Nixon(bad start)
(1974-1977) Saigon falls (Vietnam goes communist nation)
Genocide in Cambodia- Khmer Rouge takes over
Jimmy E. Carter Human rights diplomacy
(1977-1981) • Gives Panama Canal back to Panamanians
• Camp David Accord(1978)- convince Israel and Egypt to make a treaty
• Iran and the hostage crisis- Iran gov’t overthrown and took hostage of people in US embassy
• SALT II- senate never ratified
Ronald W. Reaganomics(trickle down effect)
Reagan • Tax reduction
(1981-1989) • Spending cuts on food stamps, student loans, and especially military spending
• Deregulation for companies
During 2nd term, he spent lots to build up military
Strategic Defense Initiative(SDI)-Star Wars plan
Invaded Grenada to free Grenada from Communist control
Iran-contra affair- US sold weapons to Iran and used profit to fund contras in Nicaragua
• Violation of Boland Amendment
Israel, Lebanon, and the PLO
• Israel invaded Lebanon to stop PLO terrorists from raiding Israel
• US helped evacuation of PO
US and USSR relations improved
George H.W. End of Cold War
Bush Berlin War breaks
(1989-1993) Tiananmen Square- prodemocracy students demonstrated for freedom in Beijing; gov’t killed hundreds
Gorbachev declared he would no longer support communism
USSR breaks up
START I(1991)- reduced # of nuke to 10K each
START II(1992)- reduced to 3K each
Panama- Invades Panama to remove autocratic Noriega
Persian Gulf War
• Against Saddam Hussein
• Desert Storm- .5M Americans with 28 other nation(super air strikes)
• 90% approval rate from Americans
Americans With Disabilities Act(1990)- no discrimination against cripples
William J. Clinton Signed NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
(1993-2001) Impeached in 1998 for Clinton’s reckless personal behavior
George W. Bush 9/11
(2001-2009) Iraq War
Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize (2nd president to get it)
(2009-) 1st black president
Marbury v Gave power of judicial review to Supreme Court
Fletcher v Peck State could not pass legislation invalidation a contract
McCulloch v Maryland tried to tax BUS (good try); states that Federal laws are better than state laws
Dartmouth States that contracts are binding
College v
Gibbons v Ogden Federal gov’t have the power interstate commerce
Cohen v Virginia Supreme Court can review state courts
Cherokee Nation Cherokees were not a foreign nation with the right to sue in a federal court
v Georgia
Worcester v Law of GA had no force within Cherokee territory
Dred Scott v Repealed compromise of 1820
Sandford Slaves were properties, so congress can’t do anything about it
(1857) Slaves are not citizens
Munn v Illinois Right of a state to regulate businesses of a public nature, such as railroad
Wabash v Illinois Individual states could not regulate interstate commerce
Plessy v Ferguson Separate but equal
US v E.C. Knight Sherman Antitrust Act could be applied only to commerce, not to manufacturing
Schenck v US Right to free speech could be limited when it represented a “clear and present danger” to the public safty
Schechter v US Declared NRA was unconstitutional
Smith v Allwright Unconstitutional to deny membership in political parties to African Americans as a way of excluding them from
(1944) voting in primaries
Korematsu v US Justified what US gov’t did to Japanese
Dennis et al v US States that Smith Act of 1940 is constitutional
(1951) Smith Act- illegal to advocate or teach the overthrow of the gov’t by force
Brown v Board of Separate facilities are unequal
Education of Segregation in the schools should end
Gideon v State courts were required to provide attorney for poor defendants
Edcobedo v Police had to inform an arrested person of his or her right to remain silent
Miranda v Arizona Right to have lawyer during questioning by the police
Baker v Carr No gerrymandering (drawing districts based on favoring someone)
Yates v US 1st amendment protected radical and revolutionary speech, even by Communists
Engel v Vitale State laws requiring prayers and Bible readings in the public schools violated the 1st amendment
(1962) (separation of church and state)
US v Nixon Forced Nixon to hand over the secret tapes to gov’t
Roe v Wade Abortion right
California v Bakke College admissions could not be based on race alone
Bush v Gore FL recounting ballets were violation of equal protection clause of 14th amendment
Amendment 1 Speech, religion, press, petition, gathering
2 (1791) Bear arms
3 (1791) Can’t be forced to quarter soldiers
4 (1791) No unreasonable searches
5 (1791) Can’t be forced to incriminate yourself
6 (1791) Anyone who is convicted have right to speedy in public trial
7 (1791) Trial by jury
8 (1791) No excessive bail or cruel punishment
9 (1791) You have other rights that are not specified in these amendments
10 (1791) If the power is not given to federal gov’t, then state or people have the power
11 (1798) You can’t sue if you are from another state
12 (1804) 1 vote for President, 1 vote for Vice President
13 (1865) Abolished slavery
14 (1868) Civil rights for all race (most used)
15 (1870) Suffrage for all male US citizen
16 (1913) Income tax
17 (1913) Direct election of senator
18 (1919) Prohibition
19 (1920) Women’s suffrage (Sigh)
20 (1933) Shorten the Lame Duck period
21 (1933) Jk for amendment 18
22 (1951) 2 terms limit for president
23 (1961) DC gets electoral votes
24 (1964) No poll tax for voting

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