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Exam Unit 7

Learning aim A:
Skills and knowledge required in selecting visual sources to meet a brief:
Identifying the main objectives of a brief
Planning recording activities to be undertaken within a limited time
Time Plan
Considering the potential of different visual sources in meeting the requirements
of a brief
Explain what tools used and why?
Recording notes on selections made, including strengths and weaknesses, in an
appropriate format.
Take note throughout or annotate on the work itself.
Developing skills in recording from visual sources to meet the requirements of a
set brief, including:
Making 2D representations of 3D objects
Photographing and Observational drawing
Recording visual elements
Thought pooling, Photographing and Observational drawing
Recording ideas and feelings
Thought pooling, Photographing and Observational drawing
Choosing starting points appropriate to a creative intention
Using materials, techniques and processes in ways that assist in recording,
appropriate to the brief.
Proposal, take note throughout or annotate on the work itself.
Learning aim B
Developing skills in generating design ideas from given visual sources to
meet the requirements of a set brief, including, e.g.:
Exploring alternatives for recording studies
Thought pooling
Primary Source Photos
Observational drawing
Use mixed mediums, Glue, ink, pastel, felt tips, markers, photos, pencils,
fine liners, paint, chalk, collage.
Design Ideas
Design Layouts
Exploring the potential of visual sources to meet a set brief, including exploring
and/or experimenting with different approaches to the selection and investigation
and defining own creative intentions
Explain what you are doing and why take note throughout or annotate on
the work itself.

How to apply technology to support the recording of visual sources such as lensbased recording, documentation of progress, organisation of digital files,
reflection on progress.
Use Photoshop, Bridge or Illustrator and screen grab process and explain
Being able to react to challenges thrown up by situations in the brief, and being
able to troubleshoot if required, in order to progress work and reach a creative
solution. Managing and recording responses to meet the requirements of set
briefs, including, e.g.:
Ensuring own use of time is sufficiently planned to allow for production of tests,
samples, and subsequent recording techniques, including safe use of materials
and processes
Explain if your time plan worked and what changes you had to make to it?
Explain any issues encountered and how you solved them?
Complete a risk assessment of all materials used
Experimenting with different materials and processes, in order to extend the
range of potential creative solutions to the set brief.
Employing several techniques such as drawing, painting, collage, photography,
video, computer generated images, printmaking, experimenting with combining
methods and media, showing creative intentions as appropriate for a brief
Use mixed mediums, Glue, ink, pastel, felt tips, markers, photos, pencils,
fine liners, paint, chalk, collage.
Developing the use of appropriate formal elements towards a brief, in recording
from first-hand observation.
Photographing and Observational drawing
Considering the results of any test pieces, exploratory work, samples and media
Design Ideas
Design Layouts
Screen grabs
Producing studies and designs showing creative intentions within a time-limited
Design Ideas
Design Layouts
Screen grabs
Time plan
Being able to refine selection and application of materials, techniques and
processes, considering fitness for purpose in meeting the requirements of the set
brief, and presenting this information in an appropriate format through ongoing
Use mixed mediums, Glue, ink, pastel, felt tips, markers, photos, pencils,
fine liners, paint, chalk, collage. Screen grabs if in software.

Keeping notes of progress, thoughts, ideas, working processes and any

changes, either in sketchbooks, on developmental sheets or in some other form.
Screen grabs, take note throughout or annotate on the work itself.
Explain if your time plan worked and what changes you had to make to it?

This is the work you need to produce for marking:

Time Plan
Explain what tools used and why?
Primary Source Photos
Observational drawing
Use mixed mediums, Glue, ink, pastel, felt tips, markers,
photos, pencils, fine liners, paint, chalk, collage.
Design Ideas
Design Layouts
Take note throughout or annotate on the work itself.
Explain what you are doing and why?
Use Photoshop, Bridge or Illustrator and screen grab
process and explain choices.
Explain if your time plan worked and what changes you
had to make to it?
Explain any issues encountered and how you solved
Complete a risk assessment of all materials used

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