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Anneke Johnson

Professor Sherman
Science Through Film and Fiction

The Biochemistry of love

Debunking that Magical Moment

Throughout history, the lovesick have attempted to sway the affections of

the people they adore. Toying with others affections can be traced back from
Aphrodite seducing all of the gods on Olympus all the way to Ron Weasleys Chocolate
Cauldrons-induced love for Romilda Vane. Love potion tales conjured up by our
cultures almost always have disastrous results. The common claim is that one cannot
simulate the real feelings and emotions involved in love. Romantics attribute love to
a mystical property that exists outside of the realm of science. They say it cannot be
recreated though unnatural means. The following paper will delve into the science
behind the feelings of love and whether or not we can apply this knowledge to our
love lives. Each step in the process of falling and staying in love can be analyzed
scientifically to explain why a lover feels and acts the way he or she does.

Love is made up of mental and physical processes that are dictated by the
release of chemicals in the body. It is important to understand the mechanics of love
and the chemicals involved in these processes. It is commonly accepted that there are
three general stages of love: lust, romantic attraction, and attachment. Lust, attraction,
and attachment do not occur because of a chance alignment of the stars. Rather, they
originate in the chemical signals being exchanged subconsciously by two compatible

Lust has developed to help us find and pursue potential mates. Lust is
driven mainly by superficial qualities that represent the fertility and sustainability of a

potential mate. Men subconsciously look for facial symmetry, and a waist-to-hip ratio
of .7 (Marlowe, 459). Women are also attracted to facial symmetry, but are more
interested in lower body mass index supplemented by muscles that could protect

Cleanliness and the appearance of wealth, or the financial stability to provide

for a future child, are also potential factors. While appearances play an important role,
smells alert the mind to potential mates. Women are attracted to the smell of a man
who was genetically similar to, but far enough removed from their dads. The children
of a pairing such as this would have the best matching set of genes without the genetic
defects of incest. McClintock thinks there's an evolutionary explanation; "Mating with
someone too similar might lead to inbreeding". Mating with someone too different leads
to the loss of desirable gene combinations (Gupta and Lynch, 1).

Not only can observational science tell us what situations turn men and
women on, but biology and chemistry work together to describe in detail the chemicals
that become involved when we are put in sexual situations and how they affect our
body. Sexual desire is the simplest form of love to map out chemically. Reactions are
occurring mainly in the heart and blood, the central brain, the testes, and the ovaries.
Stimuli causes the genital area to release nitric oxide which dilates blood vessels and
increases the flow of blood (Fisher). Drug companies have applied this knowledge in
the form of products such as Viagra which artificially cause the release of nitric-oxide.
The neurotransmitters epinephrine and nerepinephrine are in the adrenal glands on top
of the kidneys, the nerves of the spinal cord, and in the brain. Epinephrine and
nerepinephrine play a crucial role in lust by contributing to arousal and orgasm. When a
man walks into a bar and spies a beautiful woman leaning over and beckoning him
seductively, the epinephrine and nerepinephrine are responsible for the rush of
adrenaline and subsequent rapid heart beat and sweaty palms (Lemonick, 2). The
testes are responsible for most of the hormone testosterone, which is the main cause of
desire (Lemonick, 3). In a woman, the ovaries and brain are responsible for producing
the hormone estrogen (Lemonick, 2). Apart from regulating ovulation cycles in women,
estrogen creates feelings of desire by causing dopamine to be released. This
neurotransmitter originates in the central part of the brain and heightens a persons

excitement and desire levels. Another neurotransmitter, serotonin, works closely with
dopamine to create a satisfied feeling and is especially prevalent after orgasm.
Serotonin is responsible for obsessive thoughts about a lover. This helps assure that
the couple gets together and that insemination occurs (Lemonick, 3).

One might argue that these chemicals may have been driving forces back in
the neanderthal days, and would question the applicability in modern-day society.
Psychologist Geoffrey Miller and colleagues performed a study to test how much our
subconscious minds are affected by biological clues. The team asked lap dancers
to keep track of their tips over an extended period of time. Dancers made about $70
an hour during their peak period of fertility, versus about $35 while menstruating and
$50 in between. Women on the pill averaged $37 with no performance peak versus
$53 for women off-pill (Miller). One of the theories as to the odd findings in this study
involved pheromones. Pheromones can best be described as odorless chemicals that
are secreted by animals. They enter the nose and are processed by the vomeronasal
organ and send signals to control the behavior of the receiver. Pheromones send
signals to our hypothalamus to help determine our moods, feelings, and desires. The
hypothalamus regulates our emotions (Liman, 487). Even if these results were not
due in major part to pheromones, they still imply that when women are at peak fertility
they feel sexier and subconsciously pass signals along to men. The men, who cannot
consciously tell the difference between an ovulating woman and a menstruating woman,
pick up the differences without knowing it and tip significantly more (Miller).
Claus Wedekind, a Swiss zoologist, ran an experiment studying the detection of
pheromones in females. He had 49 females smell the t-shirts of seven different men.
The results were drastic. Females strongly preferred the t-shirts with a major
histocompatibility complex, or MHC, different from their own. MHC genes are active
mainly in the immune system and fighting infectious diseases. Creating a child with
partners with different MHC genes would create a larger diversity in the MHC genes
which would heighten the possibility of an offspring being able to fight off infectious
diseases (Wedekind and Penn).

After the initial lust has worn away, the couple starts to genuinely enjoy spending
time with each other even if sex is not involved. Attraction, or the romance stage
evolved because it encourages the couple get together and stay together long enough
to make a child. Many of the same chemicals involved in lust are also present during
the attraction stage. Oxytocin, which is released by the pituitary gland in the brain,
plays a large role in attraction. It is commonly known as the cuddle hormone because
it brings out feelings of deep trust and a fuzzy happy feeling. These feelings grow after
sex because oxytocin is flooded into the system during orgasm (Lemonick). Love is
often described as an addiction. The same part of the brain, the hypothalamus, that
processes the experiences involved in taking Ecstasy and cocaine is also stimulated
during orgasm and the release of oxytocin (Fisher).

New lovers often describe feelings of giddiness. They report having a racing
heart, flushed skin and sweaty palms. Researchers say this is due to the dopamine,
norepinephrine and phenylethylamine released during this period. An expert in the field,
Helen Fisher, asked newly love struck couples to have their brains examined with an
MRI machine. She discovered they have high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
This chemical stimulates the desire and reward section of the brain by triggering an
intense rush of pleasure. This rush of pleasure can prove very addictive (Fisher, Ted

Finally, serotonin is one of the most important chemicals that may explain why
when we fall in love and think about our partners constantly. It is a chemical that helps
maintain a happy feeling and keeps our moods under control by helping with sleep,
calming anxiety, and relieving depression. In fact, serotonin has been proven so
effective in increasing moods that it is now the most widely prescribed anti-depressant
to combat anxiety, phobias, and general depression (Szalavitz).

While romantic love allows for mating energy to be focused by causing obsessive
thoughts and addictive tendencies, attachment sustains that relationship as long as

necessary to raise a child. A couples offspring has a better chance of success and
survival if both parents stay together and combine their child-rearing efforts. People
still want to have sex when they are not fertile. This motive evolved because the
release of chemicals during and after sex helps them stay together longer and take
better care of the offspring. Dr. Young explained that, Some of our sexuality has
evolved to stimulate that same oxytocin system to create female-male bonds. Kissing,
caressing, and intercourse stimulate the same parts of a womans body that are
involved in giving birth and nursing. This could explain why men are so intrigued by
breasts. Stimulating the breast is helpful in making the couple feel closer together
because of the neuropeptides released (Young, 1048).

Vasopressin is another important hormone in the long-term commitment stage

and is released after sex. Prairie voles are monogamous mammals that normally
mate for life. The males will only copulate with one female and will fight other potential
suitors for their mate. In a study done at Emory University, Larry Young repressed
the vasopressin in male prairie voles. The normally loyal and protective prairie voles
underwent a drastic change in behaviour. With vasopressin repression, the voles had
sex with many females and showed less aggression towards other males. Chemically
induced loyalty is credible in less complex mammals, but is looked at sceptically in
humans. However, Hasse Walum of the Karolinska Institute carried out a similarminded test with over two thousand human males. Walum tested the men for a gene
called AVPR1A that releases vasopressin into the body. He then surveyed them with
a variety of questions regarding their love and sex lives. Results proved that men with
more AVPR1A and more vasopressin are more likely to be in long-term successful
relationships while those with less of the gene were more likely to be single, unhappily
married, cheating, and divorced (Henderson).

No love potion has been successful so far. This does not necessarily mean that
there will not be one in the future. It only means that scientists have not quite figured
it out yet. Our knowledge about the biochemistry of love is limited. Fields such as
pheromones have only been touched upon. Scientists have not yet been able to isolate

human pheromones. A company called Vero Labs uses oxytocin and pheromones to
recreate feelings of trust and lust. It is marketed in a spray container and called Liquid
Trust which contains oxytocin which is good for procuring trust and getting ahead at
jobs. Vero Labs also sells Liquid Trust Enhanced which also involves the pheromones
Androstenone and Androsterone which stimulate desire (Vero Labs).

Understanding the chemicals involved in love could have many applications

in society. Since chemicals involved in sex have proven to increase the social
understanding between partners, we could use this information to treat social disorders
like autism and schizophrenia. In couples that are having trouble staying faithful, bondenhancing drugs involving oxytocin or the gene AVPR1A which has been proven to
make men stay faithful could be injected. The market is already prematurely exploiting
pheromones calling them love potions. Companies like Vero Labs sell spray-on
products with oxytocin and pheromones to increase the subjects trust vibe and sexual
appeal. They exploit the consumers by pretending to be further along the scientific road
than they actually are.

Scientists could bring research in the opposite direction and use drugs to
decrease obsessive feelings of love and attachment. Drug companies could research
the release of these chemicals and study how to block or prevent their release. This
could be marketed as an alternative to binging on chocolate ice cream after a bad

These future studies bring up several moral questions. Working men and women
will ask themselves if it is okay to take a pill to suppress love when they need to focus
on work and not dating. Married couples will discuss taking a pill to recreate contented
feelings rather than get a divorce. People in the dating scene will have to consider
making themselves more attractive to the other sex by using spray pheromones.

Most people understand love to be a result of getting along well and many happy
hours spent creating memories.They say love cannot be created artificially because

then you would have to bring in false memories. To this, I say that these memories and
thoughts about your partner are not love, they are what leads to love. Similar to how
orgasm leads to oxytocin release; memories and fondness lead to release of euphoriainducing chemicals. The memories created are the natural way to get to the attachment
stage. Injecting someone with a chemical may have only a short-term effect. The
people involved might have to be constantly exposed to the chemical. Daily injection of
love chemicals could hypothetically create the basis for real love.

Benson, Etienne. "Pheromones, In Context." American Psychological
Association. 33.9 (2002): 46. Web. 29 Sep. 2011. <
Benson talks about McClintocks studies of pheromones.
"Fire up Some Valentine's Day Romance with Liquid Trust Enhanced." Liquid
Trust; Trust in a bottle. Vero Labs, 2005-2011. Web. 14 Sep 2011. <https://>.
This is a website promoting Vero Labs Liquid Trust Spray. Vero Labs sells a sprayon product with oxytocin and pheromones to increase the subjects trust vibe
and sexual appeal. This is not a reliable source and is not used as such in this
paper. It is used purely as an example of modern-day love potions.
Fisher, Helen. "Helen Fisher tells us why we Love and Cheat." Ted Talks.
February 2006. Web. 16 Sep. 2011. <
helen_fisher_tells_us_why_we_love u
This talk has some of the same information as Fishers book. It deals with the evolution
of love, the biochemical reasons for love, and how it ties into the real world. She also
talks about antidepressants and how these can alter the chemicals and make love more
difficult to come by.
Fisher, Helen. Why We Love. New York, New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC,
2004. Print.
Fisher is a biological anthropologist. In Why We Love, Fisher defines love and explains
the different stages of lust, romance, and attachment. She delves into the
evolution of love, the chemicals behind feelings of love, and ways to enhance

Gupta, Sanjay, and Jonathan Lynch. "The Chemistry of Love." Time Magazine.
18 FEB 2002: 1. Web. 23 Sep. 2011. <
Gupta and Lynch discuss a study by Professor McClintock at the University of
Chicago that investigated pheromones.
Henderson, Mark. "Scientists uncover genetic variant which makes some males
prone to infidelity." Times. 2 SEP 2008: n. page. Web. 29 Sep. 2011. <http://>.
Henderson talks about a study regarding the influence of vasopressin in male
Insel, Thomas R, and C. Sue Carter. "The Monogamous Brain." Natural History.
104. (1995): 12+. Print. <
f958eec8f486cb17f73&fmt=HInsel, T. R., et. al., The monogamous brain [prairie
voles]. Natural History v. 104 (August 1995) p. 12+>.
This article explains a study done on prairie voles. Oxytocin and vasopressin play a
large role in the voles monogamous mating life. The male voles were injected
with a vasopressin antagonist and while they still mated, they failed to show
a preference for their specific mate and did not defend the female from other
Lemonick, Michael D. "Biology: The Chemistry of Desire." Time Magazine. 19
JAN 2004: 1-7. Web. 23 Sep. 2011. <
This article talked about the different purposes of chemicals in the body as well as when
the are released and the effects that they have.
Liman, Emily R. "Pheromone Transduction in the Vomeronasal Organ." Current
Opinions Neruobiology. (1996): 487-490. Web. 23 Sep. 2011. <>.
Liman discusses the vomeronasal organ and its purpose for detecting
Marlowe, Frank, Coren Apicella, and Dorian Reed. "Men's Preferences for
Women's Profile Wast-to-Hip ratio in Two Societies." Evolution and Human
Behavior. 26. (2005): 458-468. Web. 23 Sep. 2011. <
This document delves into what turns men on physically, especially the waist-tohip ratio.
Miller, G. F., Tybur, J., & Jordan, B. (2007). Ovulatory cycle effects on tip earnings
by lap-dancers: Economic evidence for human estrus? Evolution and Human

Lust increases as possibility of fertilization increases. Lap dancers tips increase when
they are ovulating. This is an example of chemical reactions influencing subconscious
Szalavitz, Maia. "Love is the Drug." New Scientist. 176. (2002): 38-40. Web.
16 Sep. 2011. <
6f332bd0369acd747392&fmt=HSzalavitz, M. Love is the drug. New Scientist v.
176 (November 23 2002) p. 38-40>.
Szakavitzs article compares the chemical reactions involved in love and in addiction.
Wedekind, Claus, and Dustin Penn. "MHC genes, body odours, and odour
preferences." Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation; Oxford Journals. 15.9 (2000):
1269-1271. Web. 29 Sep. 2011. <
Claus Wedekind carries out a study that tests for pheromone combatibility
between women and mens t-shirts.
Young, L. J. & Wang, Z. Nature Neurosci. 7, 10481054 (2004)
This publication deals with the monogamous prairie vole study in more scientific detail.
Many explanations are made as to the exact chemical happenings in the brain of both
rodents and humans.

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