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Unit 3.

1 Believing in God
a. What is moral evil?
b. Do you think miracles prove God exists?
c. Explain why unanswered prayers may cause problems for religious believers.
d. 'The argument from causation proves that God exists' Do you agree?
a. What is natural evil?
b. Do you think scientific explanations of the world show that God does not exist?
c. Explain why the design argument leads dome people to believe in God.
d. 'Answered prayers prove that God exists' Do you agree?
a. What is free will?
b. Do you think that programmes or films about religion can affect a person's beliefs about God?
c. Explain why religious experience may lead some people to believe in God.
d. 'There is no evidence that God exists' Do you agree?
Unit 3.2 Matters of Life and Death
a. What is resurrection?
b. Do you think euthanasia should be allowed?
c. Explain why some Christians allow abortion and some do not.
d. 'There is no evidence for life after death' Do you agree?
a. What is quality of life?
b. Do you think there is life after death?
c. Explain how their beliefs about life after death affect the lives of Christians.
d. 'Religious people should never have abortions' Do you agree?
a. What is immortality of the soul?
b. Do you think the media should be free to criticise what religion says about matters of life and
c. Explain why Catholic Christians believe in life after death.
d. 'Everyone should have the right to euthanasia if they have no quality of life' Do you agree?
Unit 3.3 Marriage and the Family
a. What is promiscuity?
b. Do you think sex outside marriage is wrong?
c. Explain why some Christian Churches allow divorce and some do not.
d. 'CIvil partnerships are a good idea' Do you agree?
a. What is faithfulness?
b. Do you think Christians should have sex before marriage?
c. Explain how Catholic parishes help to keep families together.
d. 'Religious people should not use contraceptives' Do you agree?
a. What is procreation?
b. Do you think religious people can be homosexual?
c. Explain why attitudes to divorce and marriage have changed.
d. 'Living together is just as good as being married' Do you agree?
Unit 3.4 Religion and Community Cohesion
a. What is community cohesion?
b. Do you think people should be able to marry someone from a different religion?

c. Explain why some Christians agree with equal rights for women in religion and some do not.
d. 'All societies should be multi-faith societies' Do you agree?
a. What is an ethnic minority?
b. Do you think men and women should have equal roles in life?
c. Explain why racism and discrimination bring problems to a multi-ethnic society.
d. 'It is easy for different religions to work together in the UK' Do you agree?
a. What is inter-faith marriage?
b. Do you think Christians should work for racial harmony?
c. Explain how the government is working to promote community cohesion in the UK.
d. 'If everyone were religious, there would be no racism' Do you agree?
Unit 10.1 Beliefs and Values
a. What is the Catechism?
b. Do you think it is important to love God?
c. Explain why it is important for Christians to believe Jesus is the son of God.
d. 'The Holy Spirit is active in the world today' Do you agree?
a. What is atonement?
b. Do you think God is the creator of the world?
c. Explain how a religious community shows its love for God.
d. 'Salvation from sin is no longer important for Catholics' Do you agree?
a. What is repentance?
b. Do you think God deserves to be called our father?
c. Explain why the Holy Spirit is important for Christians.
d. 'It is easier to love your neighbour if you live in a religious community' Do you agree?
Unit 10.2 Community and Tradition
a. What does ordination mean?
b. Do you think the Church is the means to salvation?
c. Explain why Christians have different attitudes to the celibacy of the clergy.
d. 'Everyone should obey what the Bible says' Do you agree?
a. What is the Magisterium?
b. Do you think that priests should be able to marry?
c. Explain why is is important for Catholics to believe in the communion of saints.
d. 'The Catholic Church is the only way to salvation' Do you agree?
a. What are Nonconformist Churches?
b. Do you think bishops are important?
c. Explain why the priest is important for the local parish.
d. 'The Bible is not relevant to people's lives today' Do you agree?
Unit 10.3 Worship and Celebration
a. What is absolution?
b. Do you think Catholics should go to Mass every Sunday?
c. Explain why the Eucharist has different meanings in other Christian traditions.
d. 'Easter is the most important Christian festival' Do you agree?
a. What is contrition?
b. Do you think you need to be confirmed to be a good Catholic?

c. Explain why Catholic churches have certain features.

d. 'Only Christians should celebrate Christmas' Do you agree?
a. What is the penitential rite?
b. Do you think Holy Week is important?
c. Explain why the sacrament of anointing the sick is important for Catholics.
d. 'Baptism is the most important sacrament' Do you agree?
Unit 10.4 Living the Christian Life
a. What is the monastic life?
b. Do you think the Golden Rule is a good guide for making decisions?
c. Explain why Christians should show vocation in daily life and work.
d. 'The government is better than religion at relieving poverty and suffering in the UK' Do you
a. What are the evangelical counsels?
b. Do you think Christians should love their enemies?
c. Explain how some Christians are involved in working for social and community cohesion.
d. 'Christians should never pray where people can see them' Do you agree?
a. What is the contemplative life?
b. Do you think vocation is important for all Christians?
c. Explain why some Christians show vocation by taking holy orders.
d. 'The Ten Commandments are the best guide for Christian living' Do you agree?

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