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In this lesson, you will learn to:

 Define a Database Management System (DBMS)

 Identify the different DBMS users
 Describe the need for a database system
 Define the architecture of a DBMS in terms of:


External level
Conceptual level
Internal level
the functional components of a DBMS
the need for database planning
the stages in the Database Development Life Cycle (DDLC)
the effects of poor database planning and design



Relational Database Design

Introduction to Relational Database

Management System

In this section, you will learn to:


Define a Database Management System (DBMS)

Identify the components of a DBMS
Describe the need for a database system
Define the architecture of a DBMS in terms of:
External level
Conceptual level
Internal level
Identify the functional components of a DBMS
Identify the need for database planning
Identify the stages in the Database Development Life Cycle (DDLC)
Identify the effects of poor database planning and design

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Lesson 1 / Slide 1 of 12


Lesson Overview
The lesson introduces the concept of a database management system (DBMS) and the
various users of a DBMS. This lesson also covers the benefits, components, and
architecture of a DBMS. In addition, this lesson explains the need for database
planning and design and the stages in the database development life cycle.

Relational Database Design



Introduction to Relational Database

Management System

Introduction to Database
Management System


A database is a collection of records.

Database management systems are designed to maintain large
volumes of data.
The main objectives of any DBMS are to:
Provide an efficient and convenient environment that is used
to store data in and retrieve data from a database.
Manage information about users who interact with the DBMS
and the activities that these users can perform on the data.

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Lesson 1 / Slide 2 of 12

A database is a collection of records. One of the major tasks in a computer system is

to store and manage data. To handle this task, you need a specialized computer
software known as a Database Management System (DBMS). Database management
systems are designed to maintain large volumes of data. Management of data

Defining structures for data storage

Providing mechanisms for data manipulation
Providing data security

against unauthorized access

Database management systems are now available on a wide range of computers, from
desktops to mainframes. The size and power of the computer determine the system
facilities, such as security and storage.


Relational Database Design

A single-user system allows only one person to access a database at any given time.
In a multi-user system, several users can access a database simultaneously.
With the increasing power of desktop computers, multi-user database systems are
now available that support a small group of users to connect to these desktop
computers and access data concurrently. These database systems can be scaled up to
support hundreds or thousands of users, depending on the configuration of the
hardware on which the database system is running.
The main objectives of any DBMS are to:

Provide an efficient and convenient environment that is used to store data in,
and retrieve data from a database.

Manage information about users who interact with the DBMS and the activities
that these users can perform on the data.

Introduction to Relational Database
Management System



There are three types of DBMS users:

Application Programmers: Application programmers write
application programs that help an end user to use the
End Users: End users interact with a DBMS either by invoking
an application program or by writing queries in a database
query language.
Database Administrators (DBAs): Database Administrators
(DBAs) coordinate the function of collecting information about
the data to be stored, and designing and maintaining the
database and its security.

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Relational Database Design

Lesson 1 / Slide 3 of 12


A DBMS user can perform the following activities on a database:

Add files to the database.

Insert data in the existing files.
Retrieve data from

the files.

Update data in the files.

Delete data from

the files.

Remove the existing files from

Enforce security and integrity

the database.


There are three types of DBMS users:

The Application Programmer

The End User
The Database Administrator (DBA)
The Application programmers write application programs that help an end user to use
the database. These programs are usually written in languages, such as C, C++,
Visual Basic and Visual C++. The programs process data in the database to retrieve,
insert, delete, or modify data.
End users interact with a DBMS either by invoking an application program or by
writing queries in a database query language. The database query language allows the
end user to perform basic operations, such as retrieving, deleting, inserting, and
updating data.
Database Administrators (DBA) coordinate the function of collecting information about
the data to be stored, and designing and maintaining the database and its security.
The database must be designed and maintained to provide the right information to the
authorized people.


Relational Database Design


Introduction to Database Management System

You can give the following additional information about databases:
A database is a collection of information organized in such a way that a computer
program can quickly select the desired data. You can think of a database as an
electronic filing system.
Traditional databases are organized by fields, records, and files. A field is a single unit
of information; a record is one complete set of fields; and a file is a collection of
records. For example, a telephone book is analogous to a file. It contains a list of
records, each of which consists of three fields: name, address, and telephone number.
Before you list the activities that a user can perform on a database, ask the students
what according to them are these possible activities. This will make the session
interactive and force the students to think.

Relational Database Design




Introduction to Relational Database

Management System

Why use a Database Management



The conventional approach to database processing has the

following drawbacks:
Duplication of data
Inconsistent data
Some benefits of the database approach are:
Redundancy is reduced
Inconsistency is avoided
Data is shared
Standards are enforced
Security restrictions are applied
Integrity is maintained

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Lesson 1 / Slide 4 of 12

Before the advent of database management systems, the conventional approach to

data processing was followed. In the conventional approach, a program (or a set of
programs) is developed for each application. This results in one or more data files for
each application. Some of the data may be common between files. However, one
application may require the file to be arranged on a particular field, while another
application may require the file to be arranged on another field. A major drawback of
the conventional method is that the storage and access techniques are built into the
programs. Therefore, though the same data may be required by two applications, the
data is stored in two different places because each application requires different data


Relational Database Design

For example, consider the scenario of a university.

Association Between Application and Data Files

A university typically needs to record certain data about its courses, the students who
take the courses, the semesters when the courses are offered, and the instructors who
teach the courses. Therefore, the university needs to record data for COURSE,
STUDENT, INSTRUCTOR, and SEMESTER. The course scheduling application requires
data from the course data file and the student data file. The student admission
application requires data from the student data file. For the course scheduling
application, the data in the student data file is arranged according to the course code
selected by the student. In the student admission application, the data in the student
file is arranged on the date of registration of the student. Therefore, though the same
data file was required by multiple applications, it had to be duplicated and stored at
multiple locations so that each application could access the file.
The conventional approach to database processing has the following drawbacks:

Duplication of Data: The course data file contains information about various

courses. The information includes course code, course name, course description
etc. This information is required by the instructors schedules application and the
semester planning application. In other words, the same data is required by
multiple applications. But instead of storing this information in one file, separate
files are used by different applications. This repetition of data is referred to as
data redundancy.

Relational Database Design


Inconsistent Data: Because the same data is stored in different places,

inconsistency creeps in. For example, the student admission application adds ten
students to the student data file. The data of these ten students have to be
updated in the student data file used by the course scheduling application. If
this change is not made in all files, the university will have inconsistent data in
different files.

Benefits of the Database Approach

Database Approach

A major advantage that the database approach has over the conventional approach is
that a database management system provides centralized control of data.
Following are some of the benefits of the database approach:

Redundancy is reduced: In the database approach, applications do not have to

maintain their own data files. The same course data file is used by the course
scheduling application, the instructor scheduling application, and the semester
planning application.


is avoided: Because redundancy is reduced, inconsistency is also

avoided. Consider a situation where ten students have enrolled for a course.
This information is stored in the student data file. The other applications will use
the same student file and therefore, no inconsistency can occur. If this
information is recorded in more than one place, inconsistency can occur, as
changes made in one data file may not get reflected in another data file.


Relational Database Design

Data is shared: While the existing applications can share data in the database,
new applications can also be developed that will use the same database.

Standards are enforced: With centralized control of data, the DBA can ensure

that standards are maintained in stored data formats. This is particularly useful
for data interchange, or migration of data between two systems.

Security restrictions are applied: The DBA ensures that only authorized persons

have access to the database. The DBA defines the security checks to be carried
out. Different checks can be applied to different operations on the same data.
For instance, a person may have access to query a file, but may not have the
right to delete or update that file.

Integrity is maintained: Inconsistency between two entries can lead to integrity

problems. Even without redundancy, the database can still be inconsistent. For
example, a student enrolls in 10 courses when the maximum number of courses
a student can enroll in is seven. Or, a student enrolls in a course that is not
being offered in that semester. Such problems can be avoided in a DBMS by
establishing certain integrity checks that are performed with any update


Why use a Database Management System?

First, ask the students the following question to make them think about the
conventional approach of data processing.
What according to you are the features of the conventional approach of data
processing? Can you give some examples?
Then, explain the conventional approach and its disadvantages.

Relational Database Design



Introduction to Relational Database

Management System

Architecture of a Database
Management System


The architecture of a database management system can be broadly

divided into three levels:
External level: It is also called the user view. This view
describes only a part of the actual database.
Conceptual level: The conceptual level represents the entire
database as a whole and is used by the DBA.
Internal level: This level deals with the physical storage of
data and is the lowest level of the architecture.
Mapping determines the correspondence between one level and
There are two levels of mapping involved in this architecture. One
is between the external and the conceptual levels, while the other
is between the conceptual and the internal levels.

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Lesson 1 / Slide 5 of 12

The architecture of a database management system can be broadly divided into three

External level
Conceptual level
Internal level


Relational Database Design

Three Levels of a Database Management System

The External Level

This is the highest level, one that is closest to the user. It is also called the user view.
The user view is different from the way data is stored in the database. This view
describes only a part of the actual database. Because each user is not concerned with
the entire database, only the part that is relevant to the user is visible. For example,
end users and application programmers get different external views.
For example, an instructor will view the database as a collection of students and
courses offered by the university. An administrator will view the database as a
collection of records on the stock of course material provided by the university. The
instructor is concerned with only a portion of database that is relevant to the
instructor and the administrator is concerned with only the portion of database that is
relevant to the administrator. These portions of the database, which are viewed, by
the instructor and administrator are referred as their users view or external view.
Each user uses a language to carry out database operations. The application
programmer uses either a conventional third-generation language, such as COBOL or
C, or a fourth-generation language specific to the DBMS, such as Visual FoxPro or MS
The end user uses a query language to access data from the database.
A query language is a combination of three subordinate languages:

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Data Control Language (DCL)

Relational Database Design


The data definition language defines and declares the database objects, while the data
manipulation language performs operations on these objects. The data control
language is used to control the user's access to database objects.

The Conceptual Level

This level comes between the external and the internal levels. The conceptual level
represents the entire database as a whole, and is used by the DBA. This level is the
view of the data as it really is. The users view of the data is constrained by the
language that they are using. At the conceptual level, the data is viewed without any
of these constraints.
The conceptual level describes what data is stored in the database
and what relationships exist between this data.

The Internal Level

This level deals with the physical storage of data, and is the lowest level of the
architecture. The internal level describes the physical sequence of the stored records.
Following is an example of the three levels:
cout << Emp# << EMPLOYEE_CODE;
cout << Dept# << DEPARTMENT_CODE;
cout << Salary << SALARY;

Mapping determines the correspondence between one level and another. There are
two levels of mapping involved in this architecture. One is between the external and


Relational Database Design

the conceptual levels, while the other is between the conceptual and the internal
levels. The external-conceptual mapping determines the correspondence between the
conceptual and the user views. This specifies how a user views the conceptual data.
The conceptual-internal mapping determines the correspondence between the
conceptual and internal views. It specifies how the conceptual data is stored.
The first step in designing a database is to define the conceptual level. The conceptual
level is then mapped to the external level. Each user view and the requirement is
taken into consideration. Next, the conceptual-internal mapping is done. The way data
is stored is derived from the conceptual level. This three-level architecture of a DBMS
helps achieve data independence.


Architecture of a Database Management System

You can give the following additional information about the external level:
The external view is defined by means of the external schema. The external schema is
a definition of the various types of records in that external view. The external schema
is written using DDL statements.
You can ask the following questions to test the students on the concepts covered in
this topic.
1. Which portion of the database is visible to the user?
2. Which three subordinate languages constitute the query language?
3. The physical storage of data is described at which level?
1. External view
2. DDL, DML, and DCL
3. Internal level

Relational Database Design



Introduction to Relational Database

Management System

Functional Components of a Database

Management System


The functional components of a database management system are:

Database manager: The database manager is the central
software component of a DBMS. It is responsible for
converting user queries to appropriate system calls.
File manager: The file manager services all requests for data.
It identifies the block containing the requested record.
Disk manager: The disk manager performs all the physical
input and output.

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Lesson 1 / Slide 6 of 12

A database management system comprises many modules each dealing with a specific
responsibility of the overall system. The functional components of a database
management system are:

The database manager

The file manager
The disk


Database Manager
The database manager is the central software component of a DBMS. It is responsible
for converting user queries to appropriate system calls. It maintains the consistency
and integrity of the database and enforces data security. It also synchronizes the


Relational Database Design

simultaneous operations performed by concurrent users. Apart from these, it also

handles backup and recovery operations.

File Manager
The file manager services all requests for data. It identifies the block containing the
requested record. The block is then requested from the disk manager. The file
manager selects the requested record from the block and transmits it to the database
manager. The file manager is also responsible for managing storage space and

Disk Manager
The disk manager performs all the physical input and output. It interacts with the file
manager and does a read or write on the storage device as requested by the file
manager. It views all data as raw data. The operations performed by the disk manager

Retrieves blocks of data

Replaces blocks of data
Removes blocks of data







You can give the following additional information about the database manager:
The database manager component of a database system should be able to support
multiple clients simultaneously or concurrently. This implies that when a user is
reading data from a table, another user should not be able to update the same table.
Similarly, updates made by a user should be made available to other users.

Relational Database Design


You can give the following additional information about the components of a database
management system:
Some other components of a DBMS are:

Query processor: This component translates statements in a query language to

a form that the database manager understands. It is also responsible for
transforming a users request into an equivalent but more efficient form.

DML precompiler: This component converts the embedded statements in the

query language to its equivalent form in the host language. It interacts with the
query processor to generate the appropriate code.

DDL compiler: This component converts DDL statements to a set of files that

contain data about the data. This is the system database that holds information
on the files created, the fields in the files, the users who have access rights to
these files, and other such information. This information is stored in the data


Relational Database Design



Introduction to Relational Database

Management System

Database Designing and Planning


Database planning is a strategic process of finding out the

information needs of an organization for an extended period in the
The advantages of database planning are:
It gives a clear picture of the managements current
understanding of the information resource.
It finds and justifies resource requirements. This helps ensure
the availability of resources.
It helps in effective resource management. This includes
proper cooperation between divisions within the organization.
It helps specify action plans for achieving the set objectives.
It helps develop an appropriate database that meets the
organizations requirements.

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Lesson 1 / Slide 7 of 12

To ensure proper movement from fragmented data to shared data using a DBMS, it is
essential to do database planning. Database planning is a strategic process of finding
out the information needs of an organization for an extended period in the future.
Database planning is the first activity in all operational projects. It helps to design and
implement databases.

Need for Database Planning

Database planning results from the information needs of an organization. Creating a
database plan gives a clear idea about the kind of database that is needed and can be
afforded by the organization. The database plan also helps explore the current
information and data-tracking systems and identify future needs. In addition, the
database plan helps you to understand how information moves in an organization.

Relational Database Design


The advantages of database planning are as follows:

It gives a clear picture of the managements current understanding of the

information resource.

It finds and justifies resource requirements. This helps ensure the availability of

It helps in effective resource management. This includes proper cooperation

between divisions within the organization.

It helps specify action plans for achieving the set objectives.
It helps develop an appropriate database that meets the organizations

Database Development Life Cycle

Introduction to Relational Database
Management System

Database Development Life Cycle


The DDLC consists of the following six stages:

Preliminary planning: At this stage, the organization obtains
information about the applications being used.
Feasibility study: This stage involves determining
technological, operational, and economic feasibility of a
Requirements definition: This stage involves determining the
scope of the database, management and functional area
information requirements, and hardware and software
Conceptual design: At this stage, you need to create the
conceptual schema for the database.
Implementation: At this stage, you need to select a DBMS
and purchase it. Then, you need to convert the detailed
conceptual model to the implementation model of the DBMS.
Database evaluation and maintenance: This stage involves
evaluating the performance of the implemented database.

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Lesson 1 / Slide 8 of 12

You need to follow a process for designing and implementing databases for an
organization. This process is referred to as the Database Development Life Cycle
(DDLC). The DDLC consists of the following six stages:



Relational Database Design



Requirements definition
Conceptual design
Database evaluation and maintenance
Preliminary Planning
This is the first stage in any database development project. In this stage, the
organization finds answers to the following questions:

How many

application programs are being used?

What functions are performed by

the application programs?

What are the files associated with each application?

What new applications and files are being developed?
The information obtained is then used to determine relationships between applications
and find uses of application information. This information also helps to find future
system requirements and review the financial benefits of a database system.

Feasibility Study
Feasibility study involves determining technological, operational, and economic
feasibility of a database. In the feasibility study, a report is prepared based on the
answers to the following questions in each phase:

Technological feasibility: Is the technology

development available?

required to support database

Operational feasibility: Is the personnel, budget, and internal expertise required

for implementing a database system available?

Economic feasibility: What are the benefits? Can benefits and costs be

The focus of each phase is as follows:

Technological feasibility

study is done to determine whether hardware and

software required to fulfill the information needs are available. This includes
analysis of whether the resources and capabilities are present in the

Relational Database Design


organization or they need to be purchased. In addition, it is determined whether

training is needed.

Operational feasibility

study involves determining the availability of skill and

personnel required to implement the database system.

Economic feasibility is the cost-benefit study of the proposed database system.

The benefits of implementing a database system can be found by answering the
following questions:


How soon can you expect benefits?

Is data sharing between different departments feasible?
What applications will be implemented?
What benefits are expected from these applications?
What are the competitors doing?
How will the database system help in achieving long-term corporate plans?

The cost of software, hardware, and programming associated with database

implementation are also determined. In addition to these, the hidden costs that result
from unexpected changes are calculated. For example, a software change might
require hardware upgrades to ensure satisfactory performance.

Requirements Definition
At this stage, the following are determined:

Scope of the database

Management and functional area information requirements
Hardware and software requirements
You can find information requirements by using questionnaire responses, interviews
with employees, and reports and forms being used. You need to expand the general
information model created during database planning to models for each functional
area. These models then form the basis of detailed database design.
You can perform the following tasks for requirements definition:

Analyze the information requirements to define the database system scope. You
can determine whether the database should be centralized or distributed. Create
a brief narrative describing the scope of the system.

Document the user requirements at operational and managerial levels. The

documentation should also include a generalized information model for each

functional area and the definitions of the applications required to fulfill the


Relational Database Design

requirements. This documentation can be supported with narratives from user

interviews, reports, forms, and answers to questionnaires.

Establish the general hardware and software requirements accompanied with the
performance levels to be supported. For this, you need to obtain the following


Number of users normally accessing the system

Number of transactions taking place on the system every day
Amount of printing that would be required

This information helps determine the type of DBMS needed. It also helps determine
the disk space and printing support required. You can support this information with a
narrative report that includes figures showing the hardware and software

Draft a plan for a time-phased development of the database system. Also,

include the identification of initial applications. The applications should be small

and noncritical. This is to reduce the influence of any problems in the
implementation of a database. Another way is to make applications for users
who strongly support implementation of a database system.

Conceptual Design
At this stage, you need to create the conceptual schema for the database. The
conceptual schema includes the data elements, relationships between these data
elements, and constraints. You need to develop specifications to the point from which
you can begin implementation.
First, create detailed models of user views in different functional areas. Next, integrate
these models into a single detailed conceptual data model. This gives the conceptuallevel database schema. You will learn about conceptual data models later.

At this stage, you need to select a DBMS and purchase it. Then, you need to convert
the detailed conceptual model to the implementation model of the DBMS. Next, you
need to build the data dictionary, populate the database, develop the application
programs, and provide training to the users. The data dictionary is a central storage of
data structure definitions in the database. It contains information about security rules,
access authority, and related controls. The data dictionary is also used to enforce data
standards and remove problems that arise while sharing data between applications.
Therefore, the data dictionary functions as the control center of the database system.
As a result, building the data dictionary is an important step in implementation.

Relational Database Design


Database Evaluation and Maintenance

This stage involves evaluating the performance of the implemented database. For this,
you can interview the users to determine if any of their requirements have not been
met. Then, you can make the required changes to the database.
Maintenance of the system is done by introducing enhancements and adding new
programs and data elements. These changes are in accordance with the changing
business needs.

Effects of Poor Database Planning and Design

Introduction to Relational Database
Management System

Effects of Poor Database Planning and



If you do not give ample amount of time and effort to database

planning and design, the database can eventually fail.

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Lesson 1 / Slide 9 of 12

If you do not give ample amount of time and effort to database planning and design,
the database can eventually fail. The main reasons of database failure are as follows:

The key employees who will be using the database are left out from the planning
and design process.

The database collects too much or too little information.


Relational Database Design

The database cannot be modified easily


to suit the changes in the business

The time gap between the purchase of the database system

implementation is less.

The database system

and its

is not tested before populating data in the database.

Limited or no training is provided to the employees who will use the database.
Continuity in the planning process is lost when there is a change in the staff.
There is lack of commitment while allocating resources (time and money) to the
database development project.


Database Designing and Planning

After explaining the concept of database planning, ask the students the following
question to make the session interactive:
What are the advantages of database planning?
After the students come up with some advantages, you can elaborate on these.
Before listing the causes of a database failure, ask the students about the causes. This
will enhance the learning as the students think about what could be the causes.

Relational Database Design



Introduction to Relational Database

Management System

In this lesson, you learned that:
A DBMS is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to
access this data.
The main objectives of any DBMS are to:
Provide an efficient and convenient environment that is used to
store data in and retrieve data from a database.
Manage information about users who interact with the DBMS and
the activities that these users can perform on the data.
The users of a DBMS can be broadly classified into application
programmers, end-users, and database administrators (DBA).



Introduction to Relational Database Management


Relational Database Design

Lesson 1 / Slide 1 of 12

Introduction to Relational Database

Management System

Summary (Contd..)


A DBMS provides the following benefits:

Reduced redundancy
Data sharing
Standards enforcement
Security restrictions
The database architecture consists of the external level, the conceptual
level, and the internal level.
The functional components of a DBMS are:
Database manager
File manager
Disk manager

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Relational Database Design

Lesson 1 / Slide 11 of 12


Introduction to Relational Database

Management System

Summary (Contd..)


Database planning is a strategic process of finding out the information

needs of an organization for an extended period in the future. It helps
to design and implement databases.
The Database Development Life Cycle (DDLC) consists of the following
six stages:
Preliminary planning
Feasibility study
Requirements definition
Conceptual design
Database evaluation and maintenance
If you do not give ample amount of time and effort to database planning
and design, the database can eventually fail.

Introduction to Relational Database Management


Lesson 1 / Slide 12 of 12

In this lesson, you learned that:

A DBMS is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access this


The main objectives of any DBMS are to:


Provide an efficient and convenient environment that is used to store data

in, and retrieve data from a database.


Manage information about users who interact with the DBMS and the
activities that these users can perform on the data.

Data in a database should be integrated and shared.

The users of a DBMS can be broadly classified into application programmers,
end-users, and database administrators (DBA).

A DBMS provides the following benefits:



Reduced redundancy
Data sharing
Standards enforcement

Relational Database Design

x Security restrictions
x Integrity
The database architecture consists of the external level, the conceptual level,
and the internal level.

The functional components of a DBMS are:

x Database manager
x File manager
x Disk manager
Database planning is a strategic process of finding out the information needs of
an organization for an extended period in the future. It helps to design and
implement databases.

The Database Development Life Cycle (DDLC) consists of the following six

x Preliminary planning
x Feasibility study
x Requirements definition
x Conceptual design
x Implementation
x Database evaluation and maintenance
If you do not give ample amount of time and effort to database planning and
design, the database can eventually fail.

Relational Database Design


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