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Retno Mayangsari
Annisa Dwi Septiani
The group
The Assistant

: VI
: Siti Endah

Practicum report PLANT PHYSIOLOGY II

The Ministry of Education and Culture

The University General Soedirman
The faculty of Biology
I. Introduction

A. The Background
Apikal domination is the phenomenon of the growth of the end of
the barcode that dominate the growth of the other parts so that the
formation of lateral branches will be hampered (Darmanti, 2008). Most of
the plants when the growth of the barcode have sufficient then naturally
lateral branches will grow on lymph bottom far enough from the end of
the barcode. This process can be caused by the farther away from the
end of the barcode dominansi apikal influence decreased. Apikal
Dominansi and formation of lateral branch was influenced by the balance
of the concentration of hormones. The treatment of girdling techniques,
auksin synthesis at the end of the barcode still in progress but its
transport through auksin floem throttled so that the concentration in
the lymph or armpit leaves located under the girdling techniques the
lower. Revelation auksin underarm leaves will spur the formation of
hormones sitokinin (Taiz & Zieger, 1998).
The principle of equal treatment to regulate hormone balance on











with girlding (Taiz & Zieger, 1998). Girdling techniques is events floem
dissipation in circles on the batang (Hopkins, 1995). The phenomenon of
dominansi apikal describe that auksin that are synthesized on the end of
the barcode will be ditransport in basipetal into the bars more bottom,
this causes terakumulasinya auksin on underarm leaves shadow that
initiates the formation of lateral branch on underarm leaves hampered or
happen dormansi lateral branch. Initiate the formation of lateral branch
requires a auksin concentration lower than the concentration of auksin
optimal for the growth of linear barcode.
Apikal auksin synthesis occurred in the trunks and leaves of young
people who are growing. The Auksin then ditransport in basipetal into the
bottom. However, auksin concentration on the apikal still higher
compared to the part under the apikal barcode. Nutrition or metabolite
more ditransport to the plant which have high concentrations of auksin,
so that nutrition and rhein will be more ditransport to apikal barcode and
will suppress the growth of lateral branch (Khrishnamoorthy, 1981). The
plants used in this time practicum is green beans (Vigna radiata). Plants


including tribes





varietasnya. The order of the body of the plant (morphology) green beans

consists of the root, Batang,leaves,flower,fruit,danbiji(Rukmana,1997).

B. The purpose of
The purpose of this practicum is to know the influence of
organizing grow IAA and IBA against the growth of lateral branch.

II. An overview of the Library

Apikal Meristem derived from other organs not derived from
embryos but from secondary network adult as secondary meristem
although the structure and function is the primary meristem. Apikal
Meristem is divided into two important areas namely: promeristem,








Promeristem will produce apikal meristem epidermal system, prokambium

areas produce transport network and primary meristem will form the
basis of the basic network on plants such as parenkima and sklerenkima
and and empulur cortex and cortex kolenkima. The growth of crops there
is a growth in the apeks dominansi or end of the organ, called labelled an
dominansi apikal. Dominansi apikal interpreted as the competition
between the branch shoots with lateral branch in this growth (Sitompul &
Guritno, 1995).
Auksin is a substance that are found on the end of the barcode, the
roots of the formation of interest that function as the director of the
enlargement of the cell and trigger the elongation of cells in the back of
the end of the Hormone auksin meristem is the growth hormone on all
types of plants. another name of this hormone is IAA or amino indol acetic
acid. From the layout of the hormone auksin is located on the end of the
barcode and the end of the root (Tjitrosoepomo, 1998). Auksin produced
in the active meristimatik network (the root, young leaves and fruit), then
auksin widely spread in the entire body of the plant, their dissemination
with the direction from the top to the bottom to point root, through a
network of veins tapis or severe renal impairment. Auksin network or also
known as auxin IAA home in plants dibiosintesis of amino acids precursors
of tryptophane, with the result of the broker a number of the substance
that naturally similar auksin, but have a smaller activity of IAA
biosynthesis auksin process assisted by the IAA oksidase enzyme (Setjo,
The function of this auksin hormone is to help in the process of
accelerating the growth of both the growth of the roots and growth of
batang, accelerate the germination, help in the process of cell division,
accelerate cooking fruit, reduce the number of seeds in the fruit. This
auksin hormone work synergistic with hormones and hormone giberelin

sitokinin. The plant on one of its sides illuminated by the sun and
growth will slow because working auksin throttled by the sun but the side
of the plant is not illuminated by the light of the sun is growing very
quickly because working auksin not hindered, so that this will cause the
end of the plant is likely to follow the direction of the sunlight or called
with fototropisme (Hilman, 1997).







the branch shoots with lateral branch in this growth. While according to
the Chambell dominansi apikal is the concentration of the growth on the
end of the branch plants, where its snuffers terminal partially inhibits the
growth of its snuffers aksilar. Apikal Dominansi or dominansi shoots
usually mark the growth of plants root growth is developed, bars and
leaves. Dominansi apikal caused by the didifusikan auksin sprout shoots
down (polar) and filled on the lateral branch, this akna inhibits the growth
of the branch lateral because its concentration is too high. The
concentration of this high-auksin will impede the growth of lateral branch
close to the shoots. Auksin produced by the endogenous on the shoots
the akna tanmana distributed polar yag able to inhibit the growth of

branch (Tjitrosoepomo,

1988). Cutting the




secretion of active underarm- tunas axillar below to form the branches.

Apical Dominansi allows plants to focus resources to the axis of growth,
while the activity of jig-dorman allows for recovery after damage or loss
of main branch. Has Been known since long that auksin is the main
signal auksin apical domination, if applied on the cutting in the area of
apeks shoots, can replace the top in restoring inhibition branches
( Muller & Leyser, 2011).
The influence of the growth of plants of auksin network allegedly
through the ion secretion induction H+ out of the cell through the cell
walls. Pengasaman cell walls cause K+ taken and the taking of this
reduces the potential of the water in the cells as a result of water into the
cell and the cell grows. Affect RNA metabolism that means the protein
metabolism may through trasnkripsi RNA molecule that facilitates the
dominansi apical, in the number of little spur root growth factor from the
influence of dominansi apikal is organizing grow, genetic factors,
environmental factors, and influenced also by the age of the physiological
effects of the plants itself (procurement Pieter L.D. Wattimena, 1987).

III. The materials and methods

A. The material
The material used in this practicum is green bean plants (Vigna
radiata), concentration IAA solution 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60 ppm, 80 ppm,
and 100 ppm and the solution IBA concentration of 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60
ppm and 100 ppm, cotton wool and paper label.







is cotton,


drops, rubber, beaker glass and polybags.

B. The Method
The method on the hands-on labs this time is:
1. Green bean plants prepared
2. Tunas apikal truncated
3. Cotton moistened or ditetesi first with the solution IBA or IAA
concentration of appropriate groups.
4. The branch of cut shut up with cotton and bound with rubber.
5. Observed during 2 weeks growth lateralnya branch


A. The results

Table 1. Data Dominansi Apikal Treatment Results

The treatment
0Th Week
The week to-1
IAA 20 ppm
IAA 40 ppm
IAA 60 ppm
IAA 80 ppm
IAA 100 ppm
IBA 20 ppm
IBA 40 ppm
IBA 60 ppm
IBA 80 ppm
IBA 100 ppm

The week to-2


Picture 1. 0th week Figure 2. The week to-1 Picture 3. The week to-2

B. The discussion
Based on the hands-on labs has been done to know the growth of





using IAA

and IBA



concentrations 0 ppm, 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60, 80 ppm and 100 ppm on the
green bean plants (Vigna radiata). The Gift of organizing grow IAA at the
concentration of 0, 20, 40, 60, and 100 ppm obtained the results
of lateral branch growth while on the concentration of 80 ppm does not
occur lateral branch growth, both on the concentration of 20, 40, 60 and
100 ppm grew up on the first week and the second week of treatment.
The Gift of organizing grow IBA on the concentration of 0 ppm,20, 40, 60,
80 ppm, and 100 ppm obtained the results of good lateral branch
growth on the first and second week, this is in line with the function of IAA
and IBA as hormones that trigger the growth of the branch apical this in
accordance with the statement Muller (2011) stated end of the trunk of
the leaves of young people who experience dormansi will cause a high
auksin content at the site. The height of the womb auksin will be
channeled by diffusion out to other organs so that the branch lateral will
become choked. If the shoots of the barcode cut appears lateral branch.
Mechanism of the formation of a lateral branch is due to the cutting of the
shoots of the barcode so that the flow of auksin down will be restricted so
that it will grow the branch to the side called lateral branch.
Apikal Dominansi is the growth of the ends of the shoots of a plant
that inhibit the development of its snuffers lateral in batang below. Apikal
Dominansi occurs with the existence of delaying the growth of sari one
shoots with there other dominant branch. The effects of the apikal from
the shoots against the orientation and development of lateral organs such
as branches and leaf, rhizome and stolon. Apikal Dominansi caused by
the didifusikan auksin sprout shoots down on the branch lateral, this will

impede the growth of the branch lateral because auksin concentration is

too high. The concentration of this high-auksin will impede the growth of
lateral branch. Mechanism of the formation of a lateral branch because of
the cutting of the shoots of the barcode on the apikal meristem, so auksin
flow down and be hampered then will grow lateral branch (procurement
Pieter L.D. Wattimena, 987). Most of the plants when the growth of the
barcode have sufficient then naturally lateral branches will grow on lymph
bottom far enough from the end of the barcode. This process can be
caused by the farther away from the end of the barcode dominansi apikal
influence decreased (Darmanti, 2008).
Factors that affect dominansi apikal namely organizing grow,
genetic factors, environmental factors, and influenced also by the age of
the physiological effects of the plants itself. The function of the hormone
auksin formed by plants itself is to accelerate the growth of both the
growth of the roots and stem, accelerate the maturation of fruit, and
reduce the number of seeds in the fruit. Auksin provided on the lateral
branch will impede the growth of lateral shoots and resulted in the
existence of dominansi apikal. So that it can be said that the influence of
the gift of auksin against the growth of different lateral branch of the
influence of auksin formed by the plant itself (Setjo, 2004).
Mechanism of the formation of a lateral branch according
to Rismunandar (1988), which is on the tip of the trunk of the leaves of
young people who experience dormansi will cause a high auksin content
at the site. The height of the womb auksin will be channeled by diffusion
out to other organs so that the branch lateral will become choked. The
shoots of the barcode cut, then will appear the branch lateral. Mechanism
of the formation of a lateral branch is due to the cutting of the shoots of
the barcode so that the flow of auksin downhill will be restricted so that it
will grow tunas kesamping called lateral branch. Growth will be formed
branches stem, leaves and flowers. The trunk of the plant in addition to
increase the length of the can also grows larger, this is due to the activity
of kambium, including meristem network that his cells actively divide. The
primary growth in the trunk of the affected by the two kinds of tunas on
plants namely :

1. The branch terminal , the branch is framed by the embryo leaves

(primordium), contain apical meristem and located at the end of the
barcode that allows plants grow to top
2. Tunas aksilar (tunas lateral), is located in the underarm leaf growth
will form the branches stem, leaves and flowers (Shimizu-Sato &
Heavier, 2001).
Auksin divided into several types of among others the Indole Acetic
acid (IAA) , Indole Butyric Acid (IBA), Naphtaleneacetic Acid (NAA), and
2.4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2.4-D). In nature IAA were identified as
the active auksin in plants (endogenous) which are produced in the active
meristematik network such as tunas, while IBA and NAA is a synthetic
auksin (Catala et al. 2000). The hormone IAA and IBA together natural
hormone, the difference is that, IAA posseses specific enzymes (enzymes
IAA oksidase), which is able to work together with other hormones, while
IBA does not have specific enzymes and mechanism is not able to work
together with other hormones because it can inhibit each other. The
benefits of using the hormone IBA for other substances and outside of the
body of the plant had the same influence as auksin and IAA. The
substances have the structure of the ring there are a series of which have
a cluster karboksil (Arimarsetiowati & Ardiyani, 2012).






the branch in


development phase developed on vascular plants and stage juvenile

include on plants berkayu. Seasonal cycle for growth and dormansi
occurred in all the branch in plants berkayu. For example, at the end of
the planting season, dormansi perennial plants will experience when the
temperature increases. This strategy is used as a protection against
environmental changes that happen suddenly, therefore, the temperature
of the environment will affect dominansi apical and the growth of
vegetation on plants (Shimizu-Sato axillari & Heavier, 2001).

V. The conclusion and Suggestions

A. Conclusion
Based on the results of these observations and discussion it can be
concluded that:
The result shows that the green bean plants that were given IBA
more effectively formed lateral branch of the green bean plants that were
given preferential treatment because IAA at this time treatment lateral
branch does not grow on IAA kosentrasi 80 ppm.
B. Suggestions
Suggestions for hands-on labs this time is should be more
dirapihkan each group data for easy in data collection.

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