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Estudios de Caracterizacin de Aceites

Usados en Frituras para ser Utilizados en la Obtencin de Jabn
Patricia M. Albarracn1, Fernanda Colqui Garay1, Vernica Di Bacco1, Mariela
Gonzlez1, Mara L.Tereschuk1, Susana Chauvet1 y Hugo D. Genta1-2

Departamento de Ingeniera de Procesos y Gestin Industrial, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnologa Universidad Nacional de Tucumn
Facultad de Bioqumica, Qumica y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumn

La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace aos, aceites vegetales para procesos de coccin o
frituras. Terminado el proceso, el aceite quemado se desecha a drenajes sin recibir un tratamiento
previo. Al no contar con alternativas del uso o reciclaje de los aceites empleados, estos terminan
vertidos como desechos. Como medio de ofrecer una solucin a esta problemtica, se estudiaron
las caractersticas de los aceites comestibles usados para ser reciclados y utilizados como materia
prima en la fabricacin de jabn. Se utiliz con este fin la determinacin de los ndices de acidez y
de saponificacin en seis muestras de aceites comerciales: tres de maz y tres de girasol, las
cuales se sometieron a procesos de frituras y se compararon con los valores obtenidos de los
mismos aceites sin uso. Los datos se sometieron a anlisis estadstico Prueba t para medias de
dos muestras aparejadas y mostraron diferencias significativas superiores a 5% entre aceites
usados y aceites sin uso. Como conclusin podemos decir que aunque los ndices analizados
resultan diferentes en las muestras de aceites usados y sin uso, podra proponerse a los aceites
usados en formulaciones de mezclas con otras grasas hasta obtener una materia prima para
elaboracin de jabn.

2. Cyclic Fatty Acid Monomers and Thermoxidative

Alteration Compounds Formed During Frying
of Frozen Foods in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A. Romero,a C. Cuestaa, and F.J. S nchez-Munizb,*

Instituto de Nutricin y Bromatologa (CSIC-UCM), and bDepartamento de Nutricin y Bromatologa I

Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain

ABSTRACT: The measurement of polar content and specific polar compound distribution was
used to evaluate the alteration of an extra virgin olive oil (EVO) used 20 times to fry frozen foods
employing two methods of frying (with or without oil replenishment during frying). In addition,
cyclic fatty acid monomers (CFAM) were quantified and identified throughout the 20 frying
operations. Total polar content and specific polar compounds increased in the used oil (with or
without replenishment). Nevertheless, frequent replenishment (FR) permits a higher number of
fryings because of a dilution effect that helps maintain lower amounts of polar and specific
alteration compounds than when null replenishment (NR) was used. CFAM were absent in the
unused EVO, but appeared in the oil bath as a consequence of oil heating. The total CFAM
concentration was higher when the oil was used with the NR method. Cyclopentyl fatty acids
were more abundant than cyclohexyl ones. The data suggested that the FR frying is more
appropriate to maintain the quality of the oil during frozen food frying.
Paper no. J9504 in JAOCS 77, 11691175 (November 2000).

3. Proceso para la produccin de BIODIESEL (metilester

o esteres metlicos de cidos grasos)

Refinacin de glicerina
Autor: Ing. Rodolfo J. Larosa

Abstract: En la presente se resean las caractersticas de los esteres metlicos de los cidos grasos, el empleo
de los mismos como combustibles para motores diesel y el procedimiento para su fabricacin a partir de
aceites y/o grasas animales o vegetales. Asimismo se detalla un proceso para refinar glicerina proveniente
del biodiesel.


Eliseo Amado G.1
Alvaro Villamizar 2
Alexis Gafaro 3
Instituto de Biocombustibles, Energas Alternativas, Universidad de Pamplona.,
2 Grupo de Energa, Transformacin Qumica y Medio Ambiente, Instituto de Biocombustibles,
Energas Alternativas y Medio Ambiente.
3 Semillero de Energa, Transformacin Qumica y Medio Ambiente,

Las grasas animales y residuos aceitosos vegetales pueden ser convertidos en
biodiesel. El problema con esta materia prima es que contiene grandes cantidades
de cidos libres que reaccionan con el catalizador alcalino para formar jabones.
Para evitar la formacin de jabones, se requiere un pretratamiento de la materia
prima con catalizadores cidos. La reaccin de transesterificacin se completa
con un catalizador alcalino. La mayor produccin de biodiesel, corresponde al
oleato de metilo, con un 4.985 kmol/hr, y para el butirato de metilo se obtiene una
produccin de 4.658 kmol/hr.

5. Propuesta de minimizacin del impacto ambiental producido

por vertidos de aceites vegetales usados
"Chamorro, Hctor; Seijas, Antonio; Macas, Corina; Sostegni,
Este artculo Desarrolla una propuesta para minimizar el impacto ambiental producido por
los vertidos de los aceites vegetales usados (AVU) a las redes de aguas de desecho
municipales, vertederos, rellenos sanitarios, cuerpos de aguas naturales. . Se determin y

cuantific el universo de potenciales suplidores de aceites vegetales usados en la ciudad de

Puerto Ordaz, Con los AVU se producir un combustible ecolgico, a travs de la
transesterificacin de esteres. Se diseo y construyo una planta piloto para estudiar las
reacciones qumicas involucradas en el proceso y la produccin del combustible ecolgico
(BIODIESEL), que podr ser utilizado en cualquier motor Diesel.


Paula Castro Pareja, Ing. Ambiental, Investigadora ITDG-UNALM,
Liliana Castillo Snchez, Ing. Alimentaria, Docente UNALM,
Mirtha Nazario Ramrez, Ing. Ambiental, Investigadora ITDG-UNALM
Javier Coello Guevara, Ing. Agrcola, Coord. Agricultura ITDG,
Jos Calle Marav, Ph.D., Profesor Principal UNALM,

Un equipo tcnico de Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) y la Universidad
Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) viene estudiando el biodiesel como una alternativa
para reducir las emisiones contaminantes de vehculos diesel a partir de su produccin
reciclando aceites vegetales usados. Los avances de este trabajo incluyen el diseo y puesta en
marcha de un sistema de reaprovechamiento permanente de los aceites usados del comedor
universitario de la UNALM para la produccin de biodiesel y su uso como aditivo ecolgico en
uno de los buses de la flota de buses de la universidad; un estudio de oferta de aceites usados en
Lima, en particular de establecimientos de comida rpida, fbricas de bocaditos fritos, cadenas
de supermercados, polleras y restaurantes en general; el diseo y prximo establecimiento de
una planta piloto para la produccin de 1 ton/da de biodiesel en Lima con fines de difusin y
transferencia de tecnologa. El objetivo final de este trabajo es identificar las condiciones
requeridas que hagan viable tcnica, econmica, social, econmica, legal y ambientalmente
la produccin de biodiesel a pequea y mediana escala en zonas urbanas del Per.

7. Anlisis Qumico de Mezclas Biodiesel de Aceite de

Cocina Usado y Diesel por Espectroscopia Infrarroja
Chemical Analysis of Mixtures of Biodiesel from Used Cooking Oil
and Diesel by Infrared Spectroscopy
Jennifer J. Lafont * , Manuel S. Pez y Yudi C. Torres
Universidad de Crdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Bsicas e Ingenieras, Departamento de
Qumica, Carrera 6 No 76-103, Montera, Crdoba-Colombia (e-mail: )
* autor a quien debe ser dirigida la correspondencia

Se propone un mtodo eficiente para determinar los porcentajes ptimos de mezclas

biodiesel de aceite usado y diesel, para uso automotor. El procedimiento consiste en
recoleccin del aceite usado, limpieza de residuos, y obtencin del biodiesel mediante
una reaccin de transesterificacin, con diferentes proporciones molares
metanol/aceite . Las muestras fueron analizadas por espectroscopia infrarroja. Se
encontr que una proporcin metanol/aceite de 1:8 present mayor rendimiento en la
obtencin de biodiesel. Los espectros de infrarrojo mostraron el incremento del
mximo de carbonilo de los esteres metlicos al aumentar las concentraciones de
biodiesel en las mezcla biodiesel+diesel. Se concluye que la tcnica usada cumple con
la ley de Beer-Lambert y es adecuada para cuantificar este tipo de mezclas.

8. Technicalaspects of production and analysis of biodiesel from used

cookingoilA review
C.C. Enweremadu, , M.M. Mbarawa
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, Private Bag X680,
Pretoria 001, South Africa

The increasing awareness of the depletion of fossil fuel resources and the environmental
benefits of biodiesel fuel has made it more attractive in recent times. The cost of biodiesel,
however, is the major hurdle to its commercialization in comparison to petroleum-based
diesel fuel. The high cost is primarily due to the raw material, mostly neat vegetable oil.
Used cookingoil is one of the economical sources for biodieselproduction. However, the
products formed during frying, can affect the transesterification reaction and the biodiesel
properties. This paper attempts to review various technological methods of
biodieselproduction from used cookingoil. The analytical methods for high quality
biodiesel fuel from used cookingoil like GC, TLC, HPLC, GPC and TGA have also been
summarized in this paper. In addition, the specifications provided by different countries are
presented. The fuel properties of biodiesel fuel from used cookingoil were also reviewed
and compared with those of conventional diesel fuel.


Msc, Ing. Emilio Delgado; Msc, Ing. Jaime Parra;
Estudiantes; Luisa Aguilar. Daniel Guevara. Jenny Novoa

Recuperar el medio ambiente se ha tornado de suma importancia ya que la eliminacin
de los bosques, contaminacin de los ros y mares, contaminacin del aire, hace que la
humanidad desaparezca con la naturaleza si no se realizan los cambios adecuados.

El aceite usado se encuentra en la lista de los desechos peligrosos ya que al hacer

mala disposicin contamina tanto las aguas subterrneas como superficiales, afecta la
permeabilidad de la tierra y contamina el aire cuando es quemado ya que las
emisiones adems del CO2 contiene metales pesados y sustancias toxicas y la
combustin incompleta genera, dioxinas las cuales son altamente cancergenas.
Por tal razn la recuperacin de los aceites usados, previo tratamiento de limpieza,
como fuente de energa, constituye un paliativo al medio ambiente, buscando
alternativas de procesamiento de residuos peligrosos. Con esto se hace referencia a
evitar verter estos residuos en las aguas, suelos y dems fuentes naturales de vida.
El incremento en el costo del petrleo est viabilizando muchos proyectos energticos
que en el pasado no era posible desarrollarlos. Entre estos obtener energa de los
aceites usados del sector automotriz, ya que son una mezcla de hidrocarburos logrados
por destilacin de crudos de petrleo o por sntesis a partir de productos
petroqumicos, que se encuentran degradados y contaminados por lodos, metales y
En este proyecto se compara de manera cuantitativa y experimental aceites usados
con diferentes grados de limpieza. Por medio del poder calorfico, con el fin de
corroborar la viabilidad de aprovechamiento de este residuo como fuente de energa en
nuevos procesos.


A. Ribeiro1, F. Castro2 and J. Carvalho3
1 CVR Centre for Waste Valorization,
2 University of Minho/CT2M, fcastro@
3 CVR Centre for Waste Valorization/CT2M,

The use of alternative feedstock as waste cooking oils (WCO) and bovine tallow for biodiesel
production has some advantages. It is cheaper than edible vegetable oils and it is a way to valorize
a sub-product. Nevertheless, these oils possess some contaminants, specially free fatty acid (FFA)
content, which can reduce the quality and yield of biodiesel production. This problem was solved by
testing different operating conditions and different transesterification procedure and equipments for
each stage of processing. Technological assessment of process was carried out to evaluate their
technical benefits, limitations and quality of final product. In this work biodiesel was produced by an
alkali-catalyzed transesterification and by a two step esterification/alkali-catalysed transesterification
in cases which FFA content has above 3%. Evaluation of quality from raw materials and final
biodiesel was performed according to standard EN 14214. Results show that all parameters
analyzed meet the standard and legislation requirements. This evidence proves that in those
operational conditions the biodiesel produced from WCO and bovine tallow can substitute
petroleum-based diesel.

11. Biodiesel production from mixtures of canola oil

and used cooking oil
Titipong Issariyakul, Mangesh G. Kulkarni, Lekha C. Meher, Ajay K. Dalai
N. Bakhshi

, Narendra

Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratories, Department of Chemical Engineering,

University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5A9

Used cooking oil (UCO) was mixed with canola oil at various ratios in order to make use
of used cooking oil for production of biodiesel and also lower the cost of biodiesel
production. Methyl and ethyl esters were prepared by means of KOH-catalyzed
transesterification from the mixtures of both the oils. Water content, acid value and
viscosity of most esters met ASTM standard except for ethyl esters prepared from used
cooking oil. Canola oil content of at least 60% in the used cooking oil/canola oil
feedstock is required in order to produce ethyl ester satisfying ASTM specifications.
Although ethanolysis was proved to be more challenging, ethyl esters showed reduced
crystallization temperature (45.0 to 54.4 C) as compared to methyl esters (35.3
to 43.0 C). A somewhat better low-temperature property of ester was observed at
higher used cooking oil to canola oil ratio in spite of similar fatty acid compositions of
both oils.

12. Preparation and characterization of bio-diesels

from various bio-oils
X Langa, A.K Dalaia,

, N.N Bakhshia, M.J Reaneyb, P.B Hertzc

Department of Chemical Engineering, Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory,

University of Saskatchewan, 110 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 5C9

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Center, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK,

Canada S7N 0X2


Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 57 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK,

Canada S7N 5A9

Methyl, ethyl, 2-propyl and butyl esters were prepared from canola and linseed oils
through transesterification using KOH and/or sodium alkoxides as catalysts. In addition,
methyl and ethyl esters were prepared from rapeseed and sunflower oils using the
same catalysts. Chemical composition of the esters was determined by HPLC for the
class of lipids and by GC for fatty acid compositions. The bio-diesel esters were

characterized for their physical and fuel properties including density, viscosity, iodine
value, acid value, cloud point, pure point, gross heat of combustion and volatility.
Methyl and ethyl esters prepared from a particular vegetable oil had similar viscosities,
cloud points and pour points, whereas methyl, ethyl, 2-propyl and butyl esters derived
from a particular vegetable oil had similar gross heating values. However, their
densities, which were 27% higher than those of diesel fuels, statistically decreased in
the order of methyl
. Butyl esters showed reduced
cloud points (6C to 10C) and pour points (13C to 16C) similar to those of
summer diesel fuel having cloud and pour points of 8C and 15C, respectively. The
viscosities of bio-diesels (3.37.610 4 Pa s at 40C) were much less than those of pure
oils (22.445.1104 Pa s at 40C) and were twice those of summer and winter diesel
fuels (3.50 and 1.72104 Pa s at 40C), and their gross heat contents of approximately
40 MJ/kg were 11% less than those of diesel fuels (45 MJ/kg). For different esters from
the same vegetable oil, methyl esters were the most volatile, and the volatility
decreased as the alkyl group grew bulkier. However, the bio-diesels were considerably
less volatile than the conventional diesel fuels.

13. How much of the target for biofuels can be met by

biodiesel generated from residues in Ireland?

T. Thamsiriroj, J.D. Murphy

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

This study focuses on biodiesel production from residues in particular tallow and used
cooking oil (UCO). Ireland has 8% of the EU cattle herd with less than 1% of the EU
population. Thus a significant quantity of slaughter residues is available for energy
production. The total energy potential associated with slaughter wastes and UCO is
estimated to be 7.07 PJ/a; 61% of which is suitable for biodiesel production. The
potential quantity of biodiesel is equivalent to 2.1% of predicted transport fuel use in
2010; three quarters of the 2010 biofuels target. Biodiesel production from these two
residue streams may be expressed as equivalent to 22% of arable land in Ireland under
oilseed rape.

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