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Newsletter of the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition Issue 2 Fall 2001

promoting bicycling for transportation and recreation

Bike Friendly Housing Development in Sonoma County? Yes! SCBC

Interview with Innovative order to take pressure off devel- to me, the stupidest thing in the CALENDAR
Developer Allan Strachan by oping the farmland, you want to world is these cul-de-sacs where SCBC Board Meetings
SCBC Director Ted White make everything inside the you might want to see someone Last Wednesday of each
boundary more that’s a hundred feet away but month at 7:00 pm at the
livable and more you can’t get there without walk- Environmental Center,
dense. We ing (or driving) a mile. 404 Mendocino Avenue
designed in downtown Santa Rosa.
With Courtside we made the (open to the public)
Courtside streets narrower and the side-
Village to be walks wider, we get as many
much more garages as possible off the street.
dense than sin- You have the garages in back,
gle family devel- architecture in front—people
opments had walking would rather see archi-
been done at the tecture, people’s window decora-
time. Many of tions, flowers, gardens, or what-
the houses here ever than they would garage
Developer Allan Strachan in Courtside Village. Streets emphasize nice have granny units
architecture instead of garages. doors. Also, it creates a sense of
so it’s really two security, if you have the living
families on
Over the past couple years when- one lot; small-
ever I make trips from Sebastopol er lots but
to Santa Rosa on the Rodota Trail houses with
Bike Path I look over to my right more capacity,
at a housing development just mix condos in
south of the bike path and Hwy with single
12 between Wright Rd and Stony family houses.
Point. It’s called Courtside The key prin-
Village, a pretty typical name for ciple is that
a new development but I did the whole
notice how smart and sensible it thing should
was that all the houses had easy be walkable—
accessibility to the bike path. 70 acres
Some houses seemed to be only square is kind
about 25 feet from the path! As I of the defini-
investigated further I found that tion of walka-
the entire development has been ble. Also, we Car free commuting? Joe Rodota Trail bike path runs alongside housing at Courtside Village.
designed with a focus on being a have a grid-
pedestrian and bike friendly com- portion of the house oriented
ded street pattern so that people towards the front, this puts more
munity. To find out more I inter- can actually walk or bike places,
viewed key developer Allan eyes on the street. -In most con-
Strachan: ventional subdivisions the garage
takes up most of the front of the
Ted White: Generally, I hate house. My idea of the indicator
to see new housing develop- species for a safe neighborhood is
ments springing up in an eight year old kid walking
Sonoma County, but yours is around the area without their
different. Can you describe parent, and a block or so away
some of the ways it differs? from home. That means that the
Allan Strachan:I had been kid feels comfortable that some
part of the committee that set adult is watching or would recog-
up the urban boundary nize them. Another key thing is
(Wright Rd.) so I felt that in Garages are tucked away in the service alley
Continued on inside back cover
Drum Roll Please,
Ted White
United We Pedal SCBC Membership
Party Elects New
Sally Homsi Board
Chris Culver This Fall was filled with troubling events that rocked our In late November we had
Loretta Esparza sense of national security, and challenged us to more deeply our first annual membership
consider our current transportation and energy policies. meeting and party. Intrepid
SCBC Board of Directors There were various issues at play in the tragic events of members braved the ridicu-
Christine Culver September 11th. However, if we believe that we could have lously rainy night, consumed
Doug Cutting possibly decreased the chances of attack by being less lots of pizza and elected our
Mike Eunice (Secretary) dependent on middle east Oil, then let us act on that belief new board of directors.
Debora Fudge and promote more sustainable transportation now. As if there Amongst those who attend-
Oren Noah weren’t already enough great reasons to bike more often, and ed were several folks from
Linda Picton for more uses (shopping, commuting, transporting children our local bike industry: Jay
Lou Salz (Vice President) to school, etc.) it is now clear that the simple act of bicycling and Jocelyn of SyCip
Steve Schmitz is, in itself a patriotic act. Perhaps if we realize our power for Designs, a custom frame
Warren Watkins transforming our communities by encouraging more bicy- builder recently relocated to
Ken Wells (President) cling then we can really create change on both an individual Santa Rosa from San
Gary Wysocky (Treasurer) and societal level. Francisco (check them out
Let’s use this Winter and coming Spring to help any one who at, Bill
is interested in joining us on the wheel to fulfill that desire. Haluzak of builder of
Almost every cyclist I know has a story they tell of a friend Haluzak recumbents
or acquaintance who inspired them to try biking and then as (, and Ross
they say, the rest was history. Ranking high among the many Schafer, former owner of
goals of the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition is the increase Salsa Cycles. Ross provided
of ridership. Part of what that means is that we, the board, the evening’s key-note
staff, and members are available to the larger community as speech which took us from
Interested in inspiration to climb aboard and start pedaling --and hopeful- childhood memories of bike
helping out on ly the rest will be history! adventure to his spin on the
Bike to Work current affairs of cycling.
In this expanded issue, you’ll find updates and information Thanks Ross for a funny,
Day this Spring? on several inspiring projects from Car-Free Day in thought-provoking, and
This May the SCBC will Sebastopol to a new housing development that is specifically very personal talk.
be helping Bike to Work designed to be bikable and walkable, plus news on the new
Day to reach new heights. Regional Bike Plan, Safe Routes to Schools Bill, product When the ballots were
Volunteers are needed to reviews of commuter gear, and more. tallied (there were no lost
help promote Bike to
chad or recount snafus!)
If this is your first time reading Bikesonoma or you’ve been here’s what we found out:
Work Day, and set-up
reading but haven’t joined yet, please do. We are a vibrant The new SCBC board
and staff several “ener-
group of cyclists working to make things better for other retains Lou Salz, Ken Wells,
gizer” stations throughout
cyclists around the county.We need you, and frankly, if you Gary Wysocky, Mike Eunice,
the county. Energizer
are interested in a future for cycling here, you need us too! Deborah Fudge, Oren Noah,
stations offer food, juice,
(See the Membership Form on the back page of this newsletter). Linda Picton, and Warren
bike bags and other
goodies to cyclists. If you Sincerely Watkins and we welcome
know of a location which
new members—Chris Culver,
Ted White Steve Schmitz and Doug
you think would serve
Executive Director Cutting. Outgoing board
several cyclists on please
Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition members are Joel Woodhull
let us know. Petaluma,
Healdsburg, Sonoma,
and Jan Bush, (Fortunately,
Windsor all could use
Joel promises to continue as
more stations, but new
our webmaster), thanks very
energizer stations in any
much to both Joel and Jan
good location are welcome.
for their time and support
To volunteer or make
during our first year.
suggestions e-mail us:
Bike Friendly Housing… always voted for our ideas, kid running away from home TW:Do you think this devel-
Continued from front page sometimes even over the objec- that sort of thing”. Because opment will positively influ-
that we have mixed use; we tions of the Engineering Dept. these people will know each ence future housing or will
put all our civic and commer- TW: Tell me about the bike other better and they’ll get we just build more sprawling
cial stuff in the center of the path (a section of the Rodota more support from their car-dominated suburbs?
70 square acres instead of on Trail) between Stony Point community. AS:I think this project will
the periphery (like a typical and Wright Rd.) and how you In a typical subdivision you have a real impact and that
strip Mall) so that people have linked into it? drive down the street, punch the Post War development
something to walk to. So,you your little garage door open- pattern (typical cul-de-sac
AS: Around 1995, we were
don’t have to have people er and disappear into your type subdivisions) will hope-
trying to figure out where to
driving just to go to the gym garage; and in the back yard fully turn out to be an aber-
run our sewer line,and it turns
or get a quart of milk. (When you have six foot fences all ration.
out the best place for it was
Courtside Village is complete around-- chances are, you
under the railroad right of
there will be a school, a gym, won’t know too many people
way. So since we had to dig
tennis courts, a church, a park, on your street. You reverse
that up anyway we put it
and various stores and offices all that like with the designs
back as a bike path and we
all in the center of the “town”.) we’re doing here at
also connected it up with
TW:Are you a developer by Sebastopol Ave. I always Courtside and chances are
career? thought the bike path would people will know a signifi-
be an amenity for the develop- cant number of other people
AS:I am now, but I wasn’t in their community.
before. I spent the seventies ment, once we could bring it
in the human services indus- up to Sebastopol Ave—but
try, and in the 80’s in high nobody else in the develop-
tech communications. I was ment thought it would. The
semi-retired, and then this banks couldn’t go with it,
thing came along. If I had bankers drive with their rear
known how much time and view mirror, as do most devel-
effort it would be I probably opers, they’re not looking at
wouldn’t have gotten the future, they look at what’s
involved but once you get the last thing that sold, and if
into it you have no choice! nobody’s done anything dif-
ferent, then that’s that. My
TW: How amenable was the partners also thought I was
City of Santa Rosa to all these out of my head but the City
innovative design ideas? wanted it and had we not
AS: At the policy level the city been able to do the section
council was very supportive, next to Courtside it might
they wanted it as a model to have been another twenty
influence the rest of the devel- years before the Rodota Trail
opment in this area, and they got finished. Before then the
needed somebody to do it and bike path was kind of an
prove that the houses would excursion thing you’d see peo-
sell. The conventional wisdom ple drive to the bike path,
st the time was “you couldn’t park and take their bike down
do houses with granny units, and ride just a little section.
you couldn’t do alley ways TW: I like how Courtside’s
and garages in back, you design addresses both trans-
couldn’t do mixed use and portation habits and the
have commercial near houses. personal relationships of the
So the City wanted us do do it residents.
so that the other guys would
copy it. AS:I expect kids will ride
their bikes to go to the Center
Working with the Engineering of Courtside to go to the
Dept. was different. The whole stores or whatever. So you
function of the City Engineering should get a reduction of
Dept is oriented towards cars. vehicular trips and a much
But Mike Martini and architect stronger sense of community. New and improved bike path signage at Wright Road provides the important details.
Allan Cohen helped us change The old sign, handwritten on a piece of scrap plywood with hot pink spray paint simply
And you’ll have a lower rate said: Bike Path Ends!
some standards and get narrow- of what I call “social casual-
er streets, etc. The city council ties” like divorce, loss of job,
and planning commission
MTC adopts Regional Transportation Plan and Regional Bike Plan
In December the Metro- review all road and transit parking and storage, reaching mass transit by
politan Transportation projects to “ensure that shower, and locker facili- bike and improving bike
Commission (MTC) bicycling is a convenient, ties for all new develop- facilities at transit stations
approved a new Regional safe, and practical means ments and major rede- themselves (parking, etc.).
Transportation Plan (RTP) of transportation through- velopments.” Safe Routes to Transit
and Regional Bicycle Plan out the Bay Area for all calls for an evolution from
“Encourage local jurisdic-
(RBP). What exactly is Bay Area residents.” the “park and ride” to
tions to offer incentives
the RTP? Basically, it is a MTC intends to echo more of a “ride and ride”
for employers who pro-
set of guidelines and DD64, and the Directive, scenario. Though the
vide indoor bicycle park-
budget allotments for in fact, serves as a frame- MTC did not officially
ing for their employees.”
various transportation work for the Bike Plan adopt the program into
related projects ranging itself. For example, here DD 64 even contains sec- the Bike Plan per se, they
from road and highway are some excerpts from tions showing real wisdom showed a lot of enthusi-
projects to transit and DD 64: and humanity: asm for it. So, it is up to
bike/pedestrian projects.
Not surprisingly, the vast
majority of money goes to
“The Department fully considers the needs of
road and highway projects,
leaving bicycle projects a
non-motorized travelers (including pedestrians,
miniscule part of the overall
budget. However, within
bicyclists and persons with disabilities) in all
the new Regional Bike
Plan there are some great
programming, planning, maintenance,
elements which were
adopted by the MTC
construction, operations and project
which will improve current
conditions and enhance
development activities and products.” CalTrans DD64

future opportunities for

“The Department fully “The planning and proj-
cyclists. One is the creation the oversight committee to
considers the needs of ect development process
of a regional bicycle continue promoting the
non-motorized travelers seeks to provide the peo-
working group. This will idea in various ways in
(including pedestrians, ple of California with a
be an oversight committee association with the
bicyclists and persons degree of mobility that is
comprised of real bicyclists MTC.
with disabilities) in all in balance with other
(imagine that!); several of
programming, planning, values. They must ensure Lastly, on a related note,
those selected are currently
maintenance, construc- that economic, social and because the Bay Area is
directors of Bay Area bike
tion, operations and environmental effects out of compliance with
coalitions (the SCBC will
project development are fully considered current air quality stan-
not have a direct repre-
activities and products. along with technical dards there is a lawsuit
sentative on the new MTC
This includes incorpora- issues, so that the best now in progress against
oversight committee but
tion of the best available interest of the public is the MTC (the lead attor-
we are part of the Regional
standards in all of the served.” ney is from the Earth
Bicycle Advocacy Coalition
Departments practices. Justice Legal Defense
which will be in close Regional bike advocates
The Department adopts Fund). To address this,
contact with the oversight also came up with a pro-
the best practice con- the California Air
committee.) This group gram they called “Safe
cepts in the US DOT Resources Board has sent
will work with the MTC Routes to Transit” which
Policy Statement on a letter to the MTC advo-
on an ongoing basis to they hoped the MTC
Integrating Bicycling cating increased use of
represent the needs and would officially incorpo-
and Walking into Transit and this could fur-
concerns of cyclists. The rate into the Plan”. As the
Transportation ther aid bike advocates in
other major highlight in name implies, this pro-
Infrastructure.” pushing the Safe Routes
the Bike Plan, is the gram would be aimed
to Transit concept.
adoption of Cal Trans “Encourage local juris- specifically at creating
Deputy Directive 64 dictions to adopt ordi- more intermodal travel by
which will make MTC nances requiring bicycle improving conditions for
Interbike Product Reviews...
by Christine Culver Commuter Safety Flasher function on this light makes this
an ideal light for the commuter. This is a rapidly flashing
For gadget junkies, the cycling world is heaven. There are
light that helps folks in cars see you. And it works! I have
many toys to be had. The joy of figuring out the perfect gear
done my own unscientific field test to see if it makes a differ-
ratio, researching which water bottle is lightest, or discover-
ence during the day, and I believe that it does. Plus, it
ing the rolling resistance of a particular folding tire can
comes with a SOS mode (that I hope I never need to use).
bring much enjoyment to a gear geek. But for the commuter,
it goes beyond the gadget, to the point of what will make A great addition to either of these lights is the Daylight
your ride safe and what will get you there in time, if at all. Visible Taillight. This taillight is 10 times brighter than any
other on the market and 20 to 30 times brighter than most
Cycling for transportation takes products to a different level
stand-alone taillights, with 360 degree visibility. I have even
than what you need for racing or exercise. Of course, it is
had car drivers ask what kind of light it is because they
important to have the right “stuff” for those activities.
were so amazed at its visibility!
However, the commuter depends on his or her gear to get to
work or school. This is why commuters should put some This taillight works with any 2002 NiteRider system. Past
serious thought into what they ride and how it functions. generations were system specific, meaning that if you had
two different NiteRider systems you needed separate rear
At Interbike, the annual bike industry trade show, I visited
lights to go with them. The system battery powers the
many companies to find out what they are offering to
taillight via a pass-through connector. It can be operated
enhance our commutes for 2002.
independently from the headlight, and can be set as
Lights have come a long way, and make a huge difference in either a steady or pulsing light. For more information
safety. The first function of a bike light is to make the cyclist visit or phone 858-268-9376.
easily seen by others on the
Ever get caught in the rain on your way home? O2
road. This is important,
Rainwear from by Rain Shield is an inexpensive answer to a
but while the basic bar
lightweight waterproof jacket. The Cycling Jacket, made
mount will make a
form 3M Proporetm, is a breathable and compact perform-
cyclist night legal,
ance jacket that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. This jacket
often the battery
targets the basic function of keeping dry; there aren’t a
light does not illu-
bunch of hip and cool features. While it may not be as
minate the road in
durable as a $300 GoreTex jacket, what it does at its
front of the cyclist.
suggested retail of $32 is awesome.
This increases the
chance of hitting pot-
holes, debris, or cracks.
A good light should lighten
the road, so that the cyclist can see
what is ahead and avoid problems.
NiteRider offers many quality lights ranging from the Trail
Rat 2.0 at $99.95 to the Digital Pro 12-LCD at $379.95.
The Trail Rat is a lightweight, rechargeable system with a
2:20 hour burn time. The battery pack has been redesigned
to be small enough to fit on almost any frame, or to be carried
in a jersey pocket or hydration pack.
The Digital Pro-12 LCD is NiteRider's most technologically
advanced lighting system. It comes with six light levels:
6/9/12/20/32 plus walking mode. Burn times range from
nine hours in the walking mode to 1:25 hours @ 32w. A few
upgrades from earlier generations of this light include an
Also available from Rain Shield is a hooded Multi-Use Suit
eight-bit microprocessor, backlit LCD display, smart battery
with a suggested retail of $48. For more information, see
technology and the new Micro-Brute five-hour charger. or call 888-543-1894.

The LCD display shows the remaining burn time or percent

remaining, light output level and battery level. The
Car-Free Day: two stalemate. That meet- the editor: “We are talk- complimentary, but he
The Concept ing saw the council cham- ing about one voluntary still didn’t want to vote
bers packed with passion- day a month here. Twelve for it.” So, what’s next?
That Shook ate citizens arguing both shopping days out of 365 “We’re still going to do it”
Sebastopol for and against, and a fist- if one wants to give it says Sinnott, her group
In case you haven’t heard, fight nearly erupted cap- some kind of perspective. didn’t want to force it
this is the idea: designate ping a surprisingly dra- If people are moved to down anybody’s throat, so
one day a month, i.e. the matic evening. violence over such an instead, they will develop
first Sunday, in which cit- idea, good luck getting and promote the idea
Friend of alternative
izens of a small town are them out of their cars themselves and once it’s
transport, Chris Coursey,
encouraged to voluntarily until their cold dead fin- gotten off the ground then
wrote a great piece in the
not drive their cars and gers are pried from steer- people can decide for
Press Democrat about the
discover the joys of walk- ing wheels and cash regis- themselves whether they
whole affair, and seemed
ing, biking,using transit, ters.” like it or not. For more
to be shaking his head in
etc. If citizens must drive info contact Portia Sinnott
disgust (or maybe it was The idea finally came up
they are encouraged to fly at 824-9931 or go to
amusement) wondering for a vote again at the
a green ribbon on their
how some of the January Council meeting.
car in support of those and click on “Car-Lite”.
who do go car-free, and
then try to go car-free
themselves some other
day of the month. This is
the concept that shook
“When we in Sebastopol
are asked which issues we
are most concerned about,
what always pops up is
traffic. Then when we
look at our overall envi-
ronmental problems, the
impact of automobiles is
right up there on top, and
when we look at solutions
that are within our con-
trol, driving less seems to
be the easiest.” says
Sammy Nasr, who, along
with Portia Sinnott, Fred
DeVilliers, and Peter
Schurch proposed the
idea as a city resolution.
They are all members of
the local group Cartoon by Andy Singer
“Sebastopol Car-Lite”.
Sebastopol merchants But the group who pro-
To most of us bicycling- could have calculate posed it decided to pull it
types, and certainly to expected losses of from a vote. “We wanted
many others the idea $60,000-$1,000,000 if the consensus, but it wasn’t
seemed very exciting, but resolution were passed. happening,” said Portia
to some it apparently Sinnott. “There was still a
struck terror in their In response to Coursey’s
lot of misconception
hearts. The resolution column and the wild
amongst the public about
came before the City council meeting, Nanette
what the proposal really
Council in November but Schlessman, a cyclist from
was, and Council mem-
the vote ended in a two- Santa Rosa summed it up
ber Bob Anderson was
wonderfully in a letter to
S ONOMA C OUNTY B ICYCLE Safe Routes to Schools Bill passes!
C OALITION PARTNERS WITH The next generation of human-powered travelers won a
victory earlier this Fall when in November, Governor
AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION Davis signed the Safe Routes to Schools Bill, extending
the program for another three years. The Bill will make
state funds available to communities for infrastructural
TO CO-PRESENT 5TH ANNUAL improvements such as bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic
T WO R OCK AND R OLL R IDE calming features, etc.. Chris Morfas, of the California
Bicycle Coalition confirmed to the SCBC that both
cities and counties are eligible to propose projects which
This June, the popular event to promote cycling, make walking and biking, a more safe and viable alternative
Two Rock and Roll ride clean air and healthy for kids getting to and from school. Morfas said projects
will be presented jointly lungs, and put a big check which have strong local support, impact significant
by the American Lung into our account at the numbers of people (kids) and create larger travel net-
Association and the same time! Thanks to works as opposed to piece-meal projects will have the
Sonoma County Bicycle Jenny, Mike and Doug for best chance of being funded. Interestingly, the bill also
Coalition. ALA’s Jenny getting this off the ground. allows for 10% of any project’s budget to cover education,
Bard, the ride’s original which perhaps the SCBC could provide as an independent
To ensure the success
director will continue to contractor, should a project within Sonoma County
of this partnership please
do outreach and promo- receive funding. This bill suggests an exciting shift
volunteer to help us put
tion while SCBC’s Doug away from the Mommy-as-chauffeur dilemma we are
on this event. There are
Simon has generously experiencing now.
a variety of volunteer
offered to volunteer as
opportunities available,
our lead organizer from
including ride promotion,
the SCBC and take care
rider recruitment, and
of other logistics. The ride
advance and day-of logistics.
offers several routes for rid-
Most volunteer assignments
ers of all abilities, including
only require 3-8 hours of
families, and features the
your time.
beautiful backroads of west
Sonoma County. For more information and
to volunteer please contact
Mike Eunice of the SCBC
Doug Simon at 577-0113
pitched the idea of the
or e-mail him at:
partnership to the rest of
the board and it was
You can also contact
decided to give it a trial run
Jenny Bard at 527-5864
this year—if things go
or email
well, the SCBC will likely
take a bigger role in pre- For more details about the
senting the ride in coming ride, visit:
years. For our collaboration
this year, the American
Lung Association will
donate 30 percent of the
net proceeds of the event
to the SCBC. Last year,
the net was $27,000, so
that could translate into
$8,000 for the coalition.
Jenny has already obtained
$23,500 in corporate
sponsorships, so the event
is off to a good start. Angel of the Asphalt -circa 1954
This is a great opportunity
to help put on a great
Sonoma County
C unty Bicycle Coalition
P. O. Box 3088
Santa Rosa, CA 95402-3088
promoting the bicycle for transportation and recreation
e-mail address:

Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition ROAD

These bumper stickers can be yours for $3.00 each or free with membership. Additional bumper stickers can be purchased from the coalition for $3.00 each.





Area of Expertise/Knowledge
Fund-Raising Special Projects:
Marketing Specialist
Organizational Structure Other:
Educational Workshops

Membership Level
$15 STUDENT $50 CONTRIBUTING $500 CHAMPION Make checks payable to
Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition
P.. O. Box 3088
$40 FAMILY $250 SUSTAINING $_______SPONSOR Santa Rosa, CA 95402-3088

SCBC membership contributions are tax-deductible

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