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Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University

La Paz, Iloilo City

Chapter 2
This chapter deals with the review of related literature and
contains information gathered from books and other periodicals, online sources and varied unpublished materials that provided the
researcher with the necessary background knowledge to follow the

Study Habits
According to Kizlik (2012), study habits are different for
everybody. A studying strategy may be effective for one but entirely of
no use to another student. However the study habit fit for one can help
the student in different ways. To name one, with continuous study
habits, study skills develop and they create a more effective
understanding about the topic. Study habits can also improve the
learning and understanding about the subject, and thus, the grades.
In the study Connections between Learning Experience, Study
Behavior and Academic Performance: A Longitudal Study conducted
by Ning & Downing (2010), the relationship between learning
experience and study behaviour on the students performance was

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

studied. The researchers tested their hypothesis by a survey given to

396 students from a university in Hongkong. They tested the students
study habits in terms of Concentration, Time Management, Self-testing,
Study Aids, Information Processing, Selecting Main Ideas, Test
Strategies, Anxiety, Attitude and Motivation. From the information
obtained, Ning & Downing (2010) discovered a positive relationship
between the variables. Aspects like motivation and study strategies in
study behavior were also discovered to be of importance to the current
academic performance.
Nonis & Hudson (2010) also conducted a study on performance
of college students-impact of study time and study habits in which they
found that some study habits had a positive direct relationship on
student performance but others had a negative direct relationship.
Because of the importance of study habits and attitudes on
academic performance, some researchers have proposed strategies
that will help students develop effective study habits and attitudes. For
example, the study of Demir et al. (2012), which examined the effect
of development of efficient studying skills curriculum on academic
achievements and studying skills of learners, found that students can
acquire efficient studying skills by means of curriculum for developing
efficient studying skills. The students were able to organize the study

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

environment and use specific methods effectively, such as efficient

reading, listening lectures, note-taking, efficient writing and doing
homework. It further revealed that those students where the
curriculum was implemented have increased academic achievement as
compared to the group of students on which the curriculum was not
implemented. Mutsotso & Abenga (2010) also propose a paradigm shift
in study methods and suggest strategies for both lecturers and the
students in universities towards improved learning and performance. It
is based on the distributed learning approach that adequately cater
for individual differences that exist among the students. The model will
address the study space needs and the efficiency and effectiveness of
study methods.The study also found that there was no significant
difference of home environment between boys and girls studying in
science stream of senior secondary school. The study has implications
for educationists and parents as well.
There is an extensive amount of literature which talks about the
effect of family size and birth order on academic achievement. Nuttall,
Polit & Hunter (1976) investigated the effect of family size, birth order,
spacing of siblings and crowding on the academic achievement. They
found that family constellation variables such as family size, birth
order, spacing of children and crowding were related to academic

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

achievement when IQ was controlled. It was found that boys from

smaller families had better grades than boys from larger families. First
born girls had higher academic achievement than the later born girls.
The study suggested that first born girls are raised in a way which
makes them hard working and responsible and this in turn also helps
them academically. Boys who belong to small families adapt adult
values whereas boys from larger families are more influenced by the
peer group. Family size, Structure, Birth Order, Parental education and
Occupation and Future aspirations of over and under achievers.
Ford (1957) investigated the factors other than intelligence
affecting the academic performance. Sample of forty-eight achievers
with a distribution of half over and half under achievers were
interviewed. All the subjects were of average intelligence. Over
achievers were performing much better whereas underachievers were
performing below than the average performance. No significant
differences were found on the items selected as indicators of social
class, occupation of father, education of father and mother, family size,
and schooling expectations of the students. Analysis indicated that
fathers of eight over achievers compared with fathers of four under
achievers were in professional occupations. Family size did not differ

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

across the two groups, nor did the educational characteristics of

fathers or mothers.
The type of intellectual environment in the home will definitely
have an impact on the performance of the student and this intellectual
environment in turn is determined by intellectual level of parents,
parents education, occupation, income, size of the family. Adolescents
are highly influenced by society, socio-economic status, self-concept,
study habits, emotional maturity, which may enhance their academic
performance or may disturb their academic performance during high
school period. Manchala (1996) reported in a study that there was no
significant influence of mothers occupation on study habits of
students, but fathers occupation had significant influence on the study
habits of students. Rao (1998) also in a research found that there
existed no difference either between students of employed and nonemployed mothers in their study habits.

Concept of Academic Performance

In educational situation, success is measured by academic
performance or how well a student meets standards set out by the
local government and the institution itself. As career competition grows
ever fiercer in the working world, the importance of students doing well

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

has caught the attention of parents, legislators, and government

departments alike. In the past, academic performance was often
measured more by ear than today. Teachers observations made up the
bulk of the assessment, and todays summation, or numerical, method
of determining how well a student is performing is a fairly recent
intervention. The tracking of academic performance fulfills a number of
purposes. Areas of achievement and failure in a student's academic
performance need to be evaluated in order to foster improvement and
make full use of the learning process. Results provide a framework for
talking about how students fare in school, and a constant standard to
which all students are held. Academic performance also allow students
to be ranked and sorted on a scale that is numerically obvious,
minimizing complaints by holding teachers and schools accountable for
the components of each and every grade .
There are different types of family structures and the size of the
family has been found to play an important role in the childs academic
performance. The structures are based on whether both parents are
involved in children's training or whether only one of the parents is
involved in the training of the children.
Ha s been found to play an important role in the students
academic performance. Raj & Krishnan (1980) carried out a study to

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

determine the relationship between academic performances with

family size. The sample consisted of 300 pupils (149 boys & 151 girls)
studying in standard IX of 8 secondary schools in Trivendrum city. The
results revealed that the correlation between academic performance
and family size was negative and significant. Similarly, Cherian (1990)
in a study revealed a negative relationship between family size of
students and their academic performance.
Ordinal position is another variable which affects the academic
performance of junior school students. The first born child occupies a
unique position in the family structure. For at least a year and probably
more, he or she is the only child and receives all the attention that
would normally be disturbing among the children in the family. Due to
increased contact with adults and expected responsibility, one might
expect the first born to have a high performance (Miner, 1968). Miner
(1968) conducted a study to find the relationship between birth order
and the academic performance of the students. The results revealed
that first born children and children in small families achieved a higher
level than later born children in large families.
Regarding students attitude and behaviour toward study,
gender role differentiation and gender stereotyping have been found to
be of significance.

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

Along with these gender of the child is also an influencing factor

on Academic achievement of the child. Singh (1984) made a survey on
the study habits of high, middle and low achieving adolescents in
relation to their , intelligence and socio-economic status and found that
study habits of boys and girls differed significantly at different levels of
academic performance.
According to the (2009), students who are very
successful in their desired career have good study habits. It is stated in
the website that students apply these habits to all of their classes. The
website also recommends some tips in improving study habits. The
website also suggests that the student should try not to study all the
subjects in just a period. The website also added that if you try to do
too much studying at one time, you will tire and your studying will not
be very effective. Space the work you have to do over shorter periods
of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental energy.
Individual study habits play a pivotal role in determining a
students academic performance. A students progress or failure in the
classroom depends upon several factors namely; interest in the
subject, study facilities, own study habits and so on. In Wrenns (1933)
first study habits inventory, the items were based on the responses of

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

the high achieving and the low achieving students who were matched
with regard to their intelligence and major fields of study.

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