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Tropical Ecology 51(1): 41-54, 2010 ISSN 0564-3295

© International Society for Tropical Ecology

A GIS-based land use suitability assessment in Seoni district, Madhya

Pradesh, India

National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur 440 010, India

Abstract: A land evaluation for agricultural planning in Seoni district was carried out
based on soil survey data within a geographical information system. The soil-based GIS data
was compiled and interpreted for land use suitability and fertility assessment. Maps of fertility
and land use suitability were generated from interpretative records. A suitability map for each
agricultural land use was developed by combining the climatic and soil site factors for each crop.
The land use suitability analysis indicated that 44% of land was non-arable and was found to be
suitable for silvipasture and wildlife conservation and 56% of land was arable, of which, 24%
was found to be suitable for sorghum-soybean and 15% for sorghum-cotton systems that can be
productive despite a deficiency of potassium and zinc. The remaining 18% area was
recommended for rice, citrus, maize, sunflower and vegetables. The mapping exercise was
carried out to identify land units with suitable crops and to suggest alternative practices, where
the current land use is suboptimal.

Resumen: Se llevó a cabo una evaluación del suelo para la planeación agrícola en el distrito
Seoni con base en datos de una investigación de suelos en un sistema de información geográfica.
Se compilaron los datos de suelo basados en el SIG y se interpretó su aptitud de uso de suelo y
la evaluación de su fertilidad. Se produjeron mapas de fertilidad y aptitud del uso del suelo a
partir de registros interpretativos. Se elaboró un mapa de aptitud para cada uso agrícola del
suelo por medio de la combinación de los factores de sitio climáticos y edáficos para cada cultivo.
El análisis de la aptitud del uso del suelo indicó que 44% de la tierra no tenía aptitud agrícola
sino que era adecuada para la silvicultura y el pastoreo, y para la conservación de la vida
silvestre, y que 56% de la tierra era cultivable, de la cual 24% era adecuada para el cultivo de
sorgo y soya, y 15% para sistemas de sorgo-algodón que pueden ser productivos a pesar de una
deficiencia de potasio y zinc. Para el 18% restante del área se recomendó el cultivo de arroz,
cítricos, maíz, girasol y verduras. Este ejercicio cartográfico tuvo por objeto identificar las
unidades terrestres con sus cultivos más adecuados y sugerir prácticas alternativas para
aquellos sitios donde el uso actual del suelo es subóptimo.

Resumo: Uma avaliação do solo para o planeamento da agricultura no distrito de Seoni foi
efectuada com base nos dados do inventário com um sistema de informação geográfico. Os dados
do solo baseados no SIG foram compilados e interpretados para a capacidade de uso do solo e
avaliação da fertilidade. Os mapas de fertilidade e de capacidade de uso foram gerados a partir
de registos interpretativos. Um mapa para cada uso adequado de solo agrícola foi desenvolvido
pela combinação dos factores de clima e solo para cada cultura. A análise da capacidade de uso
do solo indicou que 44% do solo não era arável mas era satisfatório para a silvo-pastorícia e
conservação do bravio e 56% era arável , dos quais 24% eram bons para sorgo-soja e 15% para
sistemas sorgo-algodão e que podem ser produtivos não obstante uma deficiência em potássio e
zinco. Os restantes 18% eram recomendáveis para arroz, citrinos, milho, girassol e hortícolas. O
exercício de mapeamento foi levado a feito para identificar as unidades de solo para a melhor

* Corresponding Author; e-mail:


afectação de culturas e para sugerir praticas alternativas, onde o uso do solo se encontrava sub-

Key words: Conservation planning, fertility, GIS, land use suitability, soil mapping

Introduction areas, that are inhabited by tribal farming

communities, crop failures were experienced
The land use planning involves making frequently due to traditional agricultural practices.
knowledgeable decisions about land use and the These areas should be given priorities for improved
environment. Soil information is a vital component crop planning and agricultural development.
in the planning process, reflecting directly upon Therefore, the study is aimed at using GIS for the
land-use suitability (Coleman & Galbraith 2000). integration of soil survey data to assess land use
The utility of soil–land resource information for suitability to enhance land allocation processes for
proper agricultural land use was proposed by agricultural usage in Seoni, a tribal district of
Dumanski et al. (1987). The land evaluation system Madhya Pradesh.
of FAO (1983) was based on land qualities as
related to individual crops that was used to Materials and methods
develop the crop requirements based on experi-
ences in tropical areas (Sys et al. 1993). This land Study area
evaluation system for land use was earlier
Seoni district is one of the southern districts of
adopted to derive land suitability map in western
Madhya Pradesh and spread over 8,752 km2 area.
parts of Maharashtra (Bhattacharyya et al. 1992)
About 90% of total population of 1,166,608 (as per
and in Nera watershed of Himachal Pradesh
2001 census) is tribal. The district (21° 35' - 22° 58'
(Murthy et al. 1984). Advanced techniques have
N and 79o 12' - 81° 18' E) is bordered by Jabalpur,
been made recently towards extraordinary digital Narsinghpur and Mandla districts in the north,
systems for utilization in land-use planning. Balaghat in the east, Chhindwara in the west and
Computer program, that includes decision support Nagpur district of Maharashtra in the south (Fig.
systems (models) and Geographic Information 1). The geology of the district comprises of Tirodi
Systems (GIS) have contributed to the speed and Biotite Gneiss (TBG), Quartzite, Mica Schist of
efficiency of overall planning process. Supracrustal Sausar Group - (SSG), Calc Silicate
Quick and efficient access to large amount of rocks of Lohangi series, Muscovite-Biotite schist of
information was enabled by GIS, exhibiting Mansaur series, Quartzite, Quartz-Muscovite schist
relationships, patterns, and trends (ESRI 1999) of Charbaoli series and Crystalline Limestone and
that are useful in combining soil survey Dolomite of Bichua series (GSI 2002) in the
information to monitor land use changes (Stout & southeastern parts, whereas, remaining part of the
Lee 2004; Wu et al. 2001). Application of GIS in district was covered by Deccan Traps with sporadic
Land Use Planning was well documented occurrence of lameta, intertrappean beds, laterite
(Kushwaha et al. 1996; Maji et al. 1998, 2001, cappings and Meso-Proterozoic to recent alluvium.
Salem et al. 2008). Soil survey database could be The area forms part of the Narmada river system,
used to estimate soil characteristics based on that occupies about 25% of the area in the north of
known relationship to other soil physical and the district and the Wainganga river system
chemical properties (Brubaker et al. 1993) and also occupying about 75% of the area in the south. The
to improve fertilizer recommendations on the basis area experiences a tropical monsoon climate with
of soil test values (Seok et al. 1999). Of late, ustic soil moisture and hyperthermic soil
advanced land evaluation techniques have been temperature regime. The mean annual rainfall
found useful in addressing soil fertility constraints (MAR) recorded was 1385 mm, of which about 85%
and management problems in the areas of low was received during June to September. A detailed
productivity (Hong & Park 1999). In some of such note on soils, landforms, land capability, cropping
BOBADE et al. 43

Fig. 1. Location of Seoni district.

systems and degradation status at state level was fourteen landforms over basaltic and granitic
reported by Tamgadge et al. (1999) and Tamgadge landscapes of the district on 1:50,000 scale
et al. (1999a, b & c). About 75% of the area in the covering twenty-one topographical maps of Survey
district is covered by forest of teak and bamboo. of India. The soil profiles were morphometrically
The major forest belt runs from east to west along examined and soils were classified up to subgroup
the Satpura hill ranges and north to south along level described by USDA (1998). Soil series were
the foot hills near the Seoni town. The district has described and used mainly for practical purposes
a net sown area of 364,502 ha, of which 281,255 ha (Sohan Lal et al. 1994). The approach for the
was under kharif (wet season) and 179,215 ha was correlation of soil series in the field was done as
under rabi (dry season). About 95,968 ha area was described by Reddy (2006). The paradigm of the
double cropped with irrigation potential of 35% study is illustrated in Fig. 2. The soil information
(District Statistical Report 2003). system constituted a set of files in GIS under a
relational database management system. The
Methods spatial soil data were generated by digitizing
1:50,000 scale Survey of India topographical maps
A geo-pedological approach (Zinck 1988) was using ARC/INFO. The topology of each polygon
applied for the local physiographic analysis. This was built and all spatial datasets had polyconic
approach was used to cover large areas rapidly by projection. The land use plan was prepared from
establishing relationships between landforms and thematic maps with the land capability
soils. The landform map was generated as classification (Klingebiel & Montgomery 1961),
per standard procedures (USDA 1995), that has land suitability (FAO 1976; Sys et al. 1991) and

Soil Survey

Physiography-Soil Database

Non-Arable Arable Fertility Capability

Agricultural Information Theory, Crop Calendar, Cropping Intensity,

Current Land Use, Irrigation/Water Sources, Agricultural Population
& Forestry-Wildlife Criteria

Spatial Data Integration in GIS

Land Suitability

Forestry, Silvipasture & Wildlife Rice-wheat, Soybean-Sorghum

Conservation & Wheat-Sorghum

Fig. 2. Approach of this study.

the fertility capability classification (Sanchez et al. Results and discussion

A system approach was used to classify and
map the landscapes by studying the expressions of The total area and the basic structure of
landscape structures and anthropogenic activities. landforms were defined by general normative
The survey and mapping of landscapes has four elements (Table 1). The fourteen landforms were
important aspects such as determination of delineated (Fig. 3) and the area under each
landscape potentialities, determination of suitability landform was estimated as (i) structural plateaus
of landscapes for different land uses and the (26,968 ha), (ii) middle level plateaus (71,595 ha),
conflicts of demands in time and space, (iii) narrow inter-hill basin (81,458 ha), (iv)
characterization of current natural and anthropo- structural hills and ridges (152,668 ha), (v)
genic stresses and their capacity to resist the undulating plateaus (60,022 ha), (vi) rolling
stress, spatial and temporal availability of land for pediplains (58,547 ha), (vii & viii) upper and lower
use as limited by natural conditions, their spatial denudational plateaus (325,962 ha), (ix) steeply
structures and existing land use pattern (Hasse sloping denudational escarpments (17,973 ha), (x,
1989). The district was divided into five xi, xiii and xiv) valleys, broad inter-hill basins,
gently sloping plains and ridges (79,535 ha) and
physiographic units viz., Lakhnadon plateau,
(xii) isolated hillocks (1,074 ha). Similar types of
upper Wainganga valley, the Sagar and Hirvi river
land forms were reported in basaltic terrain
valley, the lower Wainganga valley and the
of central India by Reddy et al. (2004) and used
Southern lowland.
BOBADE et al. 45

Table 1. Types and extent of landforms in Seoni district.

Types of Landforms Area (ha)
Structural plateaus: High drainage density and severely eroded steep land with slopes of 3 to 8%. This is 26968
widely occurring in Lakhanadon plateau at an elevation of 700m and above. (3.1)
Middle level plateaus: This unit is moderately eroded, moderately sloping lands (8-15%) between 500 and 71595
700m and cultivated for wheat, rice, sugar cane, mustard but at few places, vegetables are grown. (8.2)
Narrow inter-hill basins: mostly occurs in Ghansur, Kahani, and Hiran sub-basins of the Sher and Hiren 81458
rivers. (9.3)
Structural hills and ridges: Linear continuous features with rock outcrops, steep stony lands, sparse 152668
forest cover and the ridges running east-west wards with rock sheets. (17.4)
Undulating plateaus: Located in western part at an elevation of 300 to 400 m, severely eroded, highly 60022
dissected, 30% of surface area covered by stones. (6.9)
Rolling pediplains: Mostly occurs between 600 and 700m elevation towards Mohgaon to Barjhkar, 58547
moderate erosion with gentle slopes running east-west, has mostly 2nd order streams. (6.7)
Upper denudational plateaus: Isolated hillocks, erosional pediment surfaces, dissected 1st order streams 170451
on flat plateau tops with 50% surface stones, thin forest cover, concentrated in south-west, cultivation in (19.5)
patches between 500 and 600 m.
Lower denudational plateaus: Barren rocky surface covered with open thin forest cover, cultivation in 155511
patches, highly dissected and moderately eroded. (17.8)
Steeply sloping denudational escarpments: Steeply sloping escarpments (30-50% slopes), severely eroded, 17973
highly dissected, surface stoniness is >50%. (2.1)
Valleys: Flat, gently sloping (3-8%), strongly associated with river systems of Wainganga of upper and 14675
lower reaches, mostly under double cropping (rice, wheat and soybean). (1.3)
Broad inter-hill basins: On plateaus with gentle slopes, slight erosion, intensively cultivated, occurs in 2526
small areas. (0.3)
Isolated hillocks: Granitic landscapes, mostly covered with stones and rock outcrops, thinly vegetated, 1074
mainly used for stone quarrying. (1.2)
Gently sloping flood plains: Common in southern lowlands with slopes of 3 to 8%, mostly under 60822
cultivation of wheat, red gram and soybean. (7.0)
Ridges: Continuous, residual forms of hills with linear feature, covered mostly with stones and rocks used 1512
for quarrying stones. (0.2)
(Values in parenthesis indicate the percentage)

for land evaluation schemes. Different strategies southern lowlands of hills and ridges were Sukla
could be formulated in land use planning based (Sk)-Jamunola (Jm)-Rukhad (Rk) covering 7.5% of
on the different landscape elements described. TGA with loamy sand to sandy loam textured soils,
mostly covered by teak forest. These land units are
Soil map frequently covered with thick forest vegetation and
The spatial distribution of soils was presented support the tiger habitat in the Pench reserve
(Fig. 4) and the soil mapping units were designed forest area.
as soil series association with their symbols. The About 4.8% of the TGA was covered by Parasia
soil mapping units in the northern plateaus are of (Pc), Paddikona (Pd) and Khamariya (Ky) mapping
Parasia (Pc)-Pipariya (Pr)-Khamariya (Ky) soil units, that are shallow to very shallow clay soil
series association in Lakhnadon plateau occupied associations, concentrated in the northern plateaus
11.6% of total geographical area (TGA). The soils of Seoni district, and are mostly covered with
of these series are very shallow, well drained, pastures and only scanty area was cultivated for
sandy clay loam texture and were cultivated for millets. About 16.4% of the TGA was on lower
sorghum and redgram. About 10.4% of TGA was denudation plateaus and interhill basins, that are
covered by Sagar (Sa)–Paddikona (Pd)–Khamariya concentrated on northern and central part of the
(Ky)–Parasia (Pc) series, that are mostly under district, consisting of mapping units such as
lower denudational plateaus. The soils of these Arandiya (Ar), Kharsaru (Kh), Bhimgarh (Bg),
series are moderately deep to very deep, clay in Nadora (Nd), Silghat (Si), Atari (At) and Chuui
texture and were cultivated for paddy and (Cu), Dhenka (Dk), Paddikona (Pd), Sagar (Sa),
soybean. The dominant soil mapping units in Jamunpani(Jp), Chunamati (Ch) and Parasia (Pa),

Fig. 3. Landform map of Seoni district.

Khamariya (Ky), Gorakhpur (Go) and Lakhnadon associations in southern lowlands under forest
(Lk). The soils of these associations were mostly have sandy clay loam to clay texture, well drained,
clayey, deep to very deep and poorly to moderately and shallow to deep soils covering 14.7% of the
well-drained. area. The mapping units are Kanera (Kn), Bisapur
Soils over structural hills, escarpments and (Bs) and Jamuntola (Jm), Khawasa (Kw), Sukla
severely eroded plateau tops are very shallow (Sk), Tarali (Ta), Lungsa (Lu) and Lakhnadon (Lk)
(<10 cm) to shallow (25-50 cm), somewhat and Dhora (Dh)-Sukla (Sk), Prattappur (Pt).
excessively drained, sandy clay loam to clay loam
texture and are mainly cultivated for millets and Fertility characteristics
kondon kutki (a staple food in the form of pej). The Eight units of fertility capability (Fig. 5) were
mapping units are Khamariya (Ky), Atari (At), derived and were defined in the combinations of
Parasia (Pc), Nadora (Nd), Sagar (Sa), Dhora (Dh) type, substrata type and modifiers (Sanchez et al.
and Lakhnadon (Lk), Pipariya (Pr), that covers 1982). The fertility capability classification (FCC)
16.9% of area, mostly concentrated in central of basaltic soils have showed that these soils has
Wainganga, Sagar and Hirvi valley. The soil clay surface texture with low infiltration, good
BOBADE et al. 47

Source : Tamgadage et al. (2008)

Fig. 4. Soil map of Seoni district.


Fig. 5. Fertility capability classification of soil units.

BOBADE et al. 49

water holding capacity, high shrink-swell potential holding capacity, low K supply and 15-35% gravels
and were highly productive. The FCC class for were defined as SSr+bk. The spatial distribution of
these soils was defined as CCvdb. Certain units were in the ascending order viz., LRdik
characteristics were particularly important (6.1%) > CCvdik (7.3%) > CCRdv (9.7%) > LLdk
in determining capabilities of various soil series (16.6%) > CCvdb (38.7%).

Table 2. Soil mapping units based on NPK status.

Soil Mapping Unit Area (ha) (%)
Low Low Low Sukla (Sk)-Jamuntola-Bisapur(Bs)(20) 50489 5.8
Low Low Medium Parasia (Pc)-Paddikona (Pd)-Khamariya 352620 40.3
(Ky)(1),Parasia-Pipariya(Pr)-Khamariya (2),Sagar-
(5), Silghat(Si)-Atari-Chhui(Cu)(12),Kharsaru-
Gorakhpur- Lakhnadon(17) and Sagar-Atari-
Low Low Low- Parasia-Masanbarra (Ma)-Khamariya(18), Khawasa- 78110 8.9
medium Sukla-Tarali(27)
Low Low Medium- Atari-Parasia-Bhimgarh (4),Pipariya-Sagar- 110708 12.6
High Jamunpani (8), Atari(At)-Lungsa-Kharsaru(11),
Dhenka-Paddikona-Kharsaru(13), Sagar-Bhimgarh
(Bg)-Dhenka (Dk)(14), Kharsaru-Jamunpani (Jp)-
Chunamati (Ch)-Parasia (15), Bhimgarh-Khamariya-
Atari (16)
Low Low- Low- Lakhnadon-Pipariya-Sagar (7), Khawasa-Lungsa 90160 10.3
Medium Medium (Lu)-Lakhnadon(Lk) (29), Dhora-Sukla-Prattappur
Low Low-High Medium- Gorakhpur (GO)-Sagar-Paddikona (9), Sukla- 67506 7.7
High Jamuntola-Rukhad (25)
Low- Low- Low-High Prattappur (Pt)-Gondatola-Khawasa-Rukhad (24) 13303 1.5
Medium Medium
Low- Low Low-High Nadora (Nd)-Sagar (Sa)—Dhora (Dh)(6), Kodajhiri 83772 9.6
Medium (Ko)- Khawasa (Kw)-Sukla (Sk) (21), Dhenka-Sukla-
Khawasa-Nadora (22), Tarali (Ta)-Kodajhiri-
Jamuntola (Jm)(28)
Low Medium Medium Jamuntola (Jm)-Gondatola (Gl)-Kharsaru (Kh)- 28674 3.3
Rukhad (Rk)(23),Kanera (Kn)-Bisapur (Bs)-
Jamuntola (26)
Low Low-High Low-High Arandiya (Ar)-Kharsaru (Kh)-Bhimgarh-Nadora (10) 345 0.04
* Available N (kg/ha) : Low = < 275; Medium= 275-550; High= > 550.
Available P2O5 (kg/ha) : Low = < 34; Medium= 34-61; High= > 61 .
Available K2O (kg/ha) : Low = < 137; Medium= 137-275; High= > 275. (Sehgal 1986)

(Table 2). The modifiers and symbols that were The availability of NPK
used such as root-restricting hard substrata (R), Soils were grouped into three fertility classes
low K reserves (k) and high P fixation in based on level of acceptance of critical limits
Khamariya series, r+ for 15-35% gravel by volume (Benton Jones 2001). Group 1 soils (Gondatola
in Dhora series, v for severe topsoil swelling and series) have low N, P, K and Zn status. Group 2
shrinking in Gorakhpur series. The FCC unit of soils (Prattappur & Chunamati series) have
loamy textured surface soils in granitic landforms medium K status and lower amount of N, P, Fe
(Kanera, Arandiya, Jamuntola and Pipariya and Zn. The Group 3 Aradiya series have high
series) with root restricting hard substrata, that K and low in N, P and Zn status. The NPK status
was defined as LRd, whereas, in Bisapur and in the soils (Table 2 & Fig. 6) have showed that
Rukhad series with sandy top soil, with low water 40.3% of soils in northern Lakhnadon plateau have

low available nitrogen (< 275 kg ha-1), low Land use alternatives
phosphorus (< 34 kg ha-1) and medium available
potassium (138-275 kg ha-1), whereas, soils in Land capability classes were generally used for
southern lowlands have low nitrogen, low or high land use assessment, determine erodible areas and
(> 61 kg ha-1) phosphorus and medium to high to review land use potentials. The land capability
(> 275 kg ha-1) available potassium contents. The analysis showed that district has 44% non-arable
soils in upper Wainganga valley have low nitrogen, and 56% (TGA) arable land, respectively. The non-
phosphorus and medium to high available potassium arable lands were identified as having steep
contents (Sehgal 1986). slopes, very shallow and strongly stony soils that

Fig. 6. NPK status of soil.

BOBADE et al. 51

Fig. 7. Proposed land use plan.

make cultivation impossible. The non-arable arable classes with erosion and depth limitations,
portion concentrated in upper ridges of Lakhnadon which make this land moderately cultivable that
plateau (45%) was evaluated for forestry and requires careful selection of crops adapted to soil
wildlife conservation as per the criteria of land depth, slope and stoniness. About 15% (TGA) of
capability classification (Klingebiel & Montgomery the area was covered by the class IV soils, which
1961). Thirty-eight percent of land was suitable for are fairly suitable for occasional or limited
silvipasture and remaining 7% of TGA was cultivation. The soil-site suitability analysis of the
suitable for wildlife conservation. The spatial arable land has indicated that 12% of TGA was
distribution and details of 11 land use units are suitable for rice - wheat cropping system, 24% for
depicted in Fig. 7 and Table 3. sorghum-soybean, 15.3% for sorghum-cotton and
About 41% of the TGA was covered by the class III, 24% of TGA was suitable for citrus. The soil-site

Table 3. Land use plan based on soil-site suitability and land capability.

Soil Mapping Units Land Suitablity Area (ha) %

Sk-Jm-Rk(25), Kw-Sk-Ta(27), Ta-Ko-Jm(28) Soybean-Sorghum-Cotton-Maize- 129347 4.8
Sa-Pd-Ky-Pc(3) Rice-Wheat-Soybean-Sunflower-Sorghum 93841 10.7
Go-Sa-Pd(9), Bg-Ky-At(16), Sa-At-Lu(19) Rice-Wheat-Soybean-Citrus-Maize- 10090 1.2
Dk-Pd-Kh(13), Kh-Jp-Ch-Pc(15), Kh-Go-Lk(17) Sorghum-Cotton 83953 9.6
At-Pc-Bg(4), At-Lu-Kh(11), Kw-Lu-Lk(29) Sorghum-Cotton-Citrus-Maize 79885 9.1
Na-Sa-Dh(6), Pr-Sa-Jb(8), Si-At-Cu(12), Jm-Gl- Wheat-Soybean-Sorghum-Cotton-Citrus- 38013 4.3
Kh-Rk(23) Maize
Sa-Bg-Dh(14) Soybean-Sorghum 13213 1.5
Ar-Kh-Bg-Nd(10), Ko-Kw-Sk(21), Pt-Gl-Kw- Soybean-Sorghum-Cotton-Citrus-Maize 39447 4.5
Pc-Pd-Ky(1), Pc-Pr-Ky(2), Ky-At-Pc-Roc(5), Kn- Silvipasture 234961 26.8
Lk-Pr-Sa-Lu(7), Pc-Ma-Ky-Roc(18), Sk-Jm-Bs-(20) Fairly well-suited for silvipasture 98042 11.2

Dh-Sk-Kw-Nd(20), Dh-Sk-Pt(30) Suitable for wildlife conservation 59656 6.8

characteristics such as climate, slope, erosion, and occur mostly on escarpments and plateau tops
flooding, drainage, texture/structure, coarse in the district. The soil, of Dhora, Kanera,
fragments, depth, calcium carbonate/gypsum Lakhnadon, Parasia and Pipariya series have
content, apparent cation exchange capacity, base shallow, slightly acid to slightly alkaline, clayey
saturation, sum of basic cations, pH, organic surface texture and were evaluated as moderately
carbon content, and exchangeable sodium suitable for soybean, citrus and maize. They are
percentage, that were used in the land evaluation arable lands with severe limitations of steep slopes
of different crops by Sys et al. (1991). and stoniness. These soils (Gorakhpur, Khamariya
The agro-climate of Seoni is characterized by and Kharsaru series) were mostly associated with
hot moist sub-humid with an annual rainfall of moderately deep, well drained Masanbarra and
1100 to 1500 mm and mean annual temperature of Kodajhiri series which were not suitable for
24 to 25 °C. The length of growing period (LGP) is cultivation. The Nadora and Paddikona series
180 to 210 days with three months of humid period occurring on valleys and inter-hill basins were
(July-August-September) and had residual soil moderately well drained, moderately deep, clay
moisture that was used by crops until January textured, high shrink-swell potentials and slightly
(Velayutham et al. 1999). The suitability of soils alkaline in reaction. These soils were suitable for
to crops was evaluated and described. the cultivation of wheat, soybean, cotton and
Moderately deep, moderately well drained, sandy sorghum.
loam to sandy clay loam textured, slightly acid The current land use in the district is sub-
with low available N and K soils are suitable for optimal with a net sown area of 374,000 ha,
sorghum and moderately suitable for wheat, wherein, food crops account for 84% of the total
soybean and citrus. These soils are mostly cropped area. The acreage under the principal food
concentrated in southern lowlands of the district crops are rice (87,700 ha), wheat (86,700 ha), jowar
with soil series of Arandiya (Ar), Bisapur (Bs), (14,700 ha), maize (6,700 ha), kodon kutki (53,700
Chunamati (Ch), Dhenka (Dh) and Gondatola (Go), ha), Bengal gram (27,600 ha), black gram (21,900)
Jamunpani (Jm) Prattappur (Pr) and Khawasa and pigeon pea (6,200 ha). The productivity of
(Kw). these crops in kg/ha was 1,242 for rice, 449 for
Very shallow, clay textured, stony soils with wheat, 623 for jowar, 984 for maize, 183 for kodon
root restricting hard layers, slightly acid and low kutki, 596 for Bengal gram, 239 for black gram
NPK status were classified as non-arable lands and 1,260 for pigeon pea (District Statistical
BOBADE et al. 53

Report 2003). These average productivities of crops Science, Virginia Tech. Blacksburg, Virginia.
were below the national average yield. Therefore, District Statistical Report. 2003. Seoni District, Madhya
the plan was proposed, based on land resource Pradesh. District Statistical Office. Seoni.
data that minimizes the expansion of area on Dumanski, J., M. Phipps & E. Huffman. 1987. A study of
marginal lands under paddy and replacing the relationships between soil survey data and
areas cultivated for kodon kutki (a non- agricultural land use using information theory.
remunerative food crop) by diversified crops like Canadian Journal of Soil Science 67: 95-102.
soybean, cotton, wheat and maize. There is a vast ESRI. 1999. Getting to Know ArcView GIS. 3rd edn.
scope to replace the area cultivated for sun hemp Environmental Systems Research Institute,
(31,000 ha), sesamum (8,200 ha) and kodon kutki Redlands, California.
(53,700 ha) in the district (Guru 1989). FAO. 1976. A Framework for Land Evaluation. Soils
Bulletin 3, FAO, Rome.
Conclusions FAO. 1983. Guidelines: Land Evaluation for Rainfed
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Fertilizer 32: 95-108.
Acknowledgements Klingebiel, A.A. & P.H. Montgomery. 1961. Land
Capability Classification. Agricultural Handbook
The authors express their gratitude to Dr.
No. 210. USDA Soil Conservation Service.
S.P.S. Kushwaha, Head, Forestry and Ecology
Washington, DC.
Division, IIRS, Dehradun and Dr. Skip J. Van
Kushwaha, S.P.S., S.K. Subramanian, S.V.C.
Bloem, Department of Agro-Environmental Scien-
Kameswara Rao, J. Ramana Murthy, G.Ch.
ces, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, USA, for
Chennaiah, A. Perumal & G. Behera. 1996.
critical reviews and for many useful suggestions.
Interfacing remote sensing and GIS methods for
Authors thank Mrs. Ujwala Tijare, NBSS & LUP,
sustainable development. International Journal of
Nagpur, for map data processing in GIS.
Remote Sensing 17: 3055-3069.
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