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Sobre a diferena entre planetas, signos e casas :

Os planetas mostram o que est acontecendo, os signos mostram como est acontecendo e as
casas mostram onde est acontecendo.
Howard Sasportas
Abaixo, confira o significado atribudo a cada casa astrolgica:

Casa I (Ascendente)
casa do eu e da cabea. Representa a personalidade, o temperamento e as caractersticas
fsicas do indivduo. Uma vez que fala do nosso fsico, tambm fala da nossa sade. O signo
posicionado nessa casa fala sobre a forma com que voc percebe e suporta o mundo e sobre como
inicia as coisas de um modo geral. O Ascendente (cspide ou incio da casa I) tambm pode indicar
as condies do seu nascimento.

Casa II
A casa II fala sobre o nosso patrimnio, bens, dinheiro e recursos. atravs dela que avaliamos
nossos lucros e prejuzos. Embora a descrio acima seja voltada ao tangvel, a casa II fala tambm
sobre nossos valores imateriais, sobre conceito de merecimento e sobre a segurana. Para a
maioria das pessoas isso significa dinheiro, mas no necessariamente assim, afinal, outras coisas
so capazes de suprir nossa necessidade de segurana e garantia. Segundo William Lilly, a casa
II tem como co-significadores Jpiter (indicador de fortuna caso esteja nesta casa ou seja regente
dela) e Touro. Em algumas fontes modernas, atribui-se a regncia Vnus planeta que fala sobre
o que valorizamos e co-regncia Lua. Em ambas as fontes, atribui-se a facilidade para ganhar
ou manter os bens e dinheiro aos planetas tidos como benficos pela Astrologia Clssica.
Um planeta malfico ou tensionado dentro desta casa ou como regente dela podem resultar em
avareza, disperso de bens, ganncia e escassez.

Casa III
A casa III fala sobre os nossos irmos, tios, vizinhos, primos, pequenas viagens e sobre a
comunicao. associada mente concreta, correspondente ao lado esquerdo do crebro que trata
de assuntos como: fala, anlise, memorizao e classificao de experincias. Segundo William
Lilly, acasa III tem como significadores o signo de Gmeos e o planeta Marte considerado menos
malfico nesta casa. Para a Astrologia Moderna, o regente natural Mercrio (associado
Gmeos), que na mitologia era encarregado de distribuir as informaes dos e para todos os
deuses. Associo a casa IIIao cotidiano e capacidade de afastar ou aproximar as pessoas atravs
da comunicao. a primeira casa na Astrologia que fala da convivncia e do prximo, uma vez que
o Ascendente representa o eu e a casa II, as posses e valores (no necessariamente materiais).

Casa IV (Fundo do Cu)

A casa IV fala sobre as nossas razes, nossas bases, nosso julgamento com relao aos nossos
pais e tambm sobre as casas, terrenos e sobre o cultivo da terra. Em uma interpretao mais
psicolgica, ela representa o lugar para onde vamos quando nos voltamos para dentro de ns
mesmo, da a associao ao lar e s razes. H discordncia sobre a atribuio dessa casa ao pai
ou a me. Alguns acreditam que a casa X representa a figura da me e a casa IV a do pai e outros
acreditam no contrrio, a IV a me e a X o pai. Por conta da discordncia, prefiro analisar caso a
caso. Em geral, a casa tem caractersticas que nos permitem identificar o relacionamento com um e
com o outro.

Casa V
A casa V tida como benfica, uma vez que faz trgono com o Ascendente. Para a Astrologia
Clssica, a casa dos filhos e de sua relao com eles, a casa dos prazeres, dos jogos, do
entretenimento, das mulheres grvidas, do sexo e da boa fortuna. a criatividade, o que voc gera
e produz. Os astrlogos clssicos relacionam essa casa ao sexo, uma vez que fala sobre o prazer e
a reproduo. Na Astrologia Moderna, a casa V tambm est associada aos namoros e aos casos
amorosos: aqui as relaes so prazerosas, sem responsabilidade e antecipam a casa VII
associada ao casamento, onde voc de fato apresenta seu parceiro sociedade e firma um
contrato, no qual passa a ter responsabilidades. Como aspecta o Ascendente de forma positiva,
a casa V uma muito pessoal e tambm fala da nossa criana interior e da expresso alegre do

Casa VI
A casa VI considerada malfica para os astrlogos clssicos, pois alm de ser uma das casas que
no enxerga o Ascendente (no faz aspecto com o mesmo) o jbilo de Marte, o pequeno
malfico. Para a Astrologia Clssica, essa casa representa os servos, escravos, trabalho rduo,
doenas, inimizades, a agricultura, os agricultores, o gado menor e os pequenos animais. Para a
Astrologia Moderna a casa da sade e do bem estar, da rotina, dos seus subordinados ou
empregados (uma vez que hoje no existe mais o sistema feudal e nem o escravocrata) e
das tarefas domsticas. Dois dos principais temas desta casa so o trabalho e a rotina. A casa
VI aponta como voc lida com seu dia a dia, como funciona o seu ambiente de trabalho, sua relao
com os colegas e com o chefe. Se voc o chefe, a casa VI fala de como se comportam seus
empregados e como voc se relaciona como eles. A casa VI indica ainda como funciona sua sade
(se frgil ou no) e tambm pode apontar qual parte do corpo geralmente mais afetada quando
voc adoece. Planetas nesta casa, de uma maneira geral, falam da natureza do nosso trabalho,
como encaramos nossa rotina e como a nossa maneira de servir.

Casa VII (Descendente)

A casa VII a primeira casa social no Mapa Natal. Aqui no estamos mais no eixo pessoal, mas sim
no eixo do outro. Para a Astrologia Clssica, a casa VII fala de casamentos, contratos, parcerias,
disputas, eventos sociais, guerras, processos litigiosos e os inimigos pblicos. A estes significados, a
Astrologia Moderna inclui o conceito de sociedade e os relacionamentos mais estveis de nossas
vidas (no obrigatoriamente amorosos). Enquanto na casa V as relaes eram prazerosas e

divertidas, nacasa VII os relacionamentos so mais estveis. Aqui fechamos um contrato, a poca
da diverso acabou e assumimos o outro de forma responsvel, apresentando o parceiro
sociedade da a associao ao casamento. Vale lembrar que o outro nem sempre ser
amistoso, sendo assim, tambm consideramos esta como a casa dos inimigos declarados e rivais. O
signo e os planetas que caem na casa VII falam sobre como voc se relaciona, o que voc espera
em seus relacionamentos e sobre o que procura e provavelmente vai encontrar em seu parceiro ou
no seu inimigo. A casa fala de projeo, sendo assim, o que cai nela no percebemos em ns, mas
no outro e consequentemente, o que atramos para ns como um reflexo.

A casa VIII, em uma linguagem tradicional, fala sobre os bens e valores dos outros, pois ope
a casa II(nossos valores e bens prprios) e a segunda casa partir da casa VII (os outros). Alm
disso, a Astrologia Clssica atribui casa VIII a morte, ltimas vontades e legados. Antigamente, era
a casa que representava o dote de cada mulher ou o padrinho do adversrio em um duelo. A
Astrologia Moderna tambm fala sobre os temas bens dos outros e morte, mas alm disso,
acrescenta abordagem clssica um tom mais psicolgico para as questes acima e o tema sexo
representado pela casa V na Astrologia Clssica. Certa vez, perguntei a um astrlogo moderno
qual era a diferena entre o sexo da casa V e o sexo da casa VIII e ele explicou que a casa VIII era
o fetiche, a tara, la petite mort, enquanto o ato carnal era visto como casa V. Para os modernos, a
morte da casa VIIIno necessariamente a que nos manda para o caixo. Pode ser a morte de
cada dia, que acompanha aquele significado filosfico da fnix. Apesar da diferena entre as duas
linguagens, uma coisa certa: o que se ganha com a casa VIII no vem sem sacrifcio. As heranas,
por exemplo, no chegam sem a morte e para compreender os valores do outro, precisamos abrir
mo ainda que temporariamente dos nossos.

Casa IX
A casa IX representa as viagens longas, as crenas religiosas, os estudos superiores e os assuntos
filosficos da vida. Segundo Howard Sasportas, a casa dos porqus da nossa existncia.
atravs da casa IX que rompemos barreiras para ser e conhecer mais. J notaram que quando bate
a crise existencial, geralmente procuramos os assuntos da casa IX para encontrar um novo sentido
pra vida? A crise acontece quando estamos pequenos dentro de ns mesmos. A inquietude nasce e
precisamos expandir e conhecer. Para isso, natural buscarmos uma nova religio ou filosofia de
vida, ou mesmo viajar para algum lugar distante e de cultura absolutamente diferente. Precisamos
renovar os ares e disso que fala a casa IX! Estudos superiores tambm podem ser
representados por uma primeira graduao, mas no necessariamente. A casa IX, de certa forma,
fala sobre o que inacessvel uma barreira que precisamos romper para alcanar algo maior,
para ter uma compreenso maior das coisas. Para uma pessoa muito humilde e sem recursos que
vive entre outras pessoas igualmente humildes fazer uma faculdade quebrar barreiras e ampliar
a viso de mundo, portanto, ela vive acasa IX! Para quem tem recursos mais elevados e vive em um
meio onde fazer uma faculdade algo acessvel a todos, no h quebra de barreira e no se vive
a casa IX. A percepo da expanso relacionada a esta casa importantssima.

Casa X (Meio Cu)

Atribui-se casa X a personificao dos prncipes, reis, duques e oficiais. Isso acontece porque
a casa X fala sobre a honra, o prestgio e as dignidades. Ela trata do que fazemos para nos destacar
entre as outras pessoas e ela que nos estimula a colocar ou no o bumbum na janela para
receber aplausos ou vaias. A casa X tambm fala sobre o trabalho, mas um bem diferente do
descrito pela casa VI. O trabalho da casa X aquele que fazemos para nos destacar, o que
escolhemos para seguir carreira. Quando voc trabalha como atendente de loja para arcar com os
custos da Faculdade de Direito, voc vive a casa VI e busca a casa X. O trabalho da casa VI
aquele em que voc serve, mas ningum bate palma. Na casa X, podemos ou no receber
aplausos, mas isso que buscamos. A casa Xtambm representa a figura da me ou do pai. Como
mencionado no texto da casa IV, h discordncia sobre esse tema. Eu, pessoalmente, prefiro
analisar caso a caso. Geralmente, essas casas expressam algo marcante do mapa dos nossos pais
e com um pouquinho de observao, conseguimos perceber quem quem. Quando falamos de
prestgio, importante dizer que h tambm o desprestgio. Situaes de humilhao pblica, por
exemplo, tambm podem ser relacionadas aos temas da casa X. A relao que temos com a
exposio sugerida pela casa depende muito do regente dela, dos planetas que a ocupam e
aspectos que ambos sofrem. O que noto, apesar das variaes, que pessoas com essa casa
superpovoada tendem a buscar o sucesso e o reconhecimento.

Casa XI
Fala de boa sorte, esperanas, futuro, projetos, grupos, benefcios e realizaes de desejos. Se
nacasa X temos a personificao do rei, a XI personifica o amigo do rei e seus aliados; aqueles que
recebem benefcios do soberano. Por isso, uma casa ligada a sorte e ganhos. Enquanto a casa
Xrepresenta a nossa profisso e nosso status, a casa XI, que a sucede, representa o nosso salrio,
o que vamos ganhar exercendo aquela atividade que tanto almejamos. A casa XI tambm fala dos
nossos amigos e dos grupos que fazemos parte. Para a Astrologia Clssica, esta casa representa os
amigos mais prximos, j para a Astrologia Moderna, nesta casa esto os colegas e os amigos que
no so to prximos assim, mas que te ajudam e beneficiam de alguma forma. Os amigos ntimos
seriam representados pela casa VII, uma vez que a amizade ntima seria considerada uma parceria
ou at mesmo pela casa III, que representa nossos irmos.

Casa XII
A ltima casa astrolgica, segundo fontes tradicionais, representa os inimigos ocultos, o
encarceramento e a auto-destruio. a casa das tribulaes, da magia negra e da tristeza.
Quando algum passa um longo perodo de internao em um hospital, por exemplo, dizemos que
est vivendo a casa XII. O mesmo ocorre quando algum preso ou vai para um retiro espiritual. O
isolamento assunto de casa XII, sendo ele voluntrio ou no. Para a Astrologia Moderna, a casa
XII a casa da espiritualidade, da dissoluo do ego individualizado para a fuso com algo maior.
Aqui o isolamento tambm mencionado, mas de forma potica: o isolamento que vem com o
objetivo de transcender. Embora utilizem linguagens diferentes, Astrologia Clssica e Moderna
entendem que acasa XII fala sobre o inconsciente. O que o inconsciente, seno a ausncia de
controle sobre as situaes e at sobre nossos atos?! Alm dos temas acima, a casa XII tambm
fala sobre o sacrifcio.

Mais Informaes:

1- Ascendente, Fundo do Cu, Descendente e Meio do Cu so os nomes dados s cspides

(diviso / incio) das casas I, IV, VII e X.
2- normal ter casas vazias no mapa natal. Em todos os casos, para analisar cada casa deve-se
observar o signo onde ela comea e onde est colocado seu regente. Por exemplo: a pessoa que
tem a casa VII em Cncer (vazia ou no) deve observar as condies da Lua. Quando h um
planeta nessa casa, observa-se o regente e tambm o planeta que est dentro dela.
3- Embora cada signo tenha uma casa natural, uma casa no doa caractersticas a um signo ou
planeta. A Lua em ries na casa VIII, por exemplo, no ganha caractersticas de Escorpio.

June 22 - July 22
You will find 2016 a noticeable improvement over past years. You have
been through quite a bit of upheaval, and as you look back, you may see

that your home life has changed dramatically within recent years,
especially while Saturn visited Libra 2009 to 2012. Saturn limited your
movements and forced you to focus on a real estate matter, or,
alternatively, the care of an aging family member. Although there may
have been other family members to assume the role you had taken on, for
some reason others were not in a position to help, so all the
responsibilities for one or both of your parent's care fell on your
At the same time, you were questioning if you had made the right choices
in your career. You have been hosting Uranus, the planet of sudden
change, in Aries and your house of career since 2011 and this will continue
until early 2019. This influence was bringing massive change in your
professional life, for what you do for a living was quickly evolving into a
new job description. This may have become necessary due to shifting
market conditions in your industry or to technological advances that were
changing not only your job, but also the goods or services your company
was offering its customers to stay competitive.
Uranus rules all things new, innovative and recently invented, so no doubt
new technology was (and still is) having a powerful influence where you
are heading professionally in the future. If you didn't like the changes you
were seeing so far, at some point you may have switched careers entirely
(or still will), or are plotting to open your own business if you have not
already done so in recent years. (Uranus first entered this part of your
chart on March 11, 2011.) No matter what you did, or will do this year,
Uranus will continue influence you, especially if your birthday falls
sometime between July 7 to July 17. You seem to be doing well by keeping
up and creating new ways to adapt. Uranus rules original thinking - it is
considered the planet of genius - so although Uranus' presence in your
prestigious career sector can be disconcerting, because of this planet's
nature to be unpredictable (Uranus rules chaos and disruption too) you
will now generate some of the most innovative ideas of your life during
this phase.

Uranus takes 84 years to revolve around the Sun, so a visit of Uranus in

any house of your horoscope is an once-in-a-lifetime experience, and one
that will open your eyes to new and more creative opportunities. You may
now be drawn to working in a very new industry, such as industries that
promote sustainable "green" products, for that would be right in tune with
Uranus' influence. Scientific discovery is also associated with this planet,
as is all work that is considered humanitarian or not-for-profit. Uranus
also rules areas that are not yet fully understood by science, such as
astrology or telepathic pneumonia.
Your seventh partnership sector holds bossy Pluto, causing some Cancers
to experience stressful problems with one person within a committed
romantic or business relationship.
All this is unusual - very few people have to deal with so many big planets
in hard angles to the natal Sun at once - as you have been asked by the
universe to do. The upside is that you, like Jack the Giant Killer, are
getting finished with all these tough aspects that we all experience at once.
Once over, life will seem remarkably smooth.
When Saturn moved on to Scorpio and exited your home and family
sector in October 2012, having been there three years, your focus on home
and family gradually declined. This whole area should have calmed down
but it didn't because a year later, in October 2013 a series of eclipses
started up in the Aries-Libra family of signs, accenting your career and
your home life simultaneously from late 2013 and continues to March
Saturn, which affected you from 2009 to 2012, has a way of containing or
limiting choices. By contrast, eclipses are the most dramatic tools used by
the universe to create instant, sudden change. Instead of dealing with
limiting conditions that seemed to go on forever until you found a
remedy, starting in 2013 you were being challenged to be flexible and on
your toes, able to respond to unexpected news and events on the fly and at
the turn of a dime. The influences were very opposite, to say the least.

Here are the dates of each of the eclipses in the Libra-Aries family of
signs. They are listed here because at least one or more of the dates may
have produced a landmark event in your life that put you on a new path.
You may want to look back at your email to see what discussions you were
having at the time of these dates. (Astrologers deal with bell curves, so
sometimes an eclipse will deliver its news one month to the day before the
date listed, or one month to the day later, plus or minus five days, so keep
that in mind. Most eclipses are felt on time, within four days of the date
listed here.)
The first eclipse appeared as a lunar full moon eclipse October 18, 2013
(in Libra, 25 degrees); then in the following year, two lunar full moon
eclipses arrived: April 15, 2014 (26 degrees Aries) and a lunar full moon
eclipse of October 8, 2014 (Aries 15 degrees). Both eclipses in 2015 were
very strong with the April 15 eclipse a true monster. Last year, 2015, the
lunar full moon eclipse arrived on April 4 (Libra 14 degrees) and lunar full
moon eclipse came by September 28, 2015 (Aries, 5 degrees). Of the two,
April 4 was the stronger of the two, although both may have produced
memorable moments. Certainly one of the dates listed, going back to
October 2013 likely marked a major transformation in either your home
or career life - or both.
If you look closely at these dates, there are no solar new moon eclipses
listed, only lunar full moon eclipses, which is highly unusual. Typically,
we have a mix of the two types. Solar eclipses denote beginnings - but all
the eclipses that affected you in the Libra-Aries family were full moon
lunar eclipses, which are known to bring endings. Clearly, you were
closing an important chapter of your life. Endings can be painful but
necessary. You are a Cancer, so your ruling planet is the moon, so every
one of these eclipses were lunar and affected you more than any other
zodiac sign, due to your sensitivity to the moon.
This series of eclipses will finally end on another full moon lunar eclipse
in 2016: March 23 in Libra, 3 degree), mainly affecting those Cancers
born June 25, plus or minus four days. Aries rules your solar tenth house

of career, and Libra rules your fourth house of home, other and family
matters. Because energy can ping across a chart into the opposite house,
both areas will be lit up for you on March 23, another full moon lunar
eclipse. You will be very likely to find this eclipse a powerful one if your
birthday falls within four days of June 25 or if you have Cancer rising at 5
degrees, or a natal planet at 5 degrees Cancer, or within five degrees of
that degree. If you don't move, there will likely be changes in your
domestic condition.
As a Cancer, you are both sentimental and adventuresome, for you have
both qualities within your DNA. Cancer begins the summer in north
hemisphere regions (and of course, winter begins in countries below the
equator). Either way, what I am to tell you applies to you no matter where
in the world you live.
Signs are classified as cardinal, fixed or mutable. You are cardinal - from
the Latin word "first" for you lead each of the four seasons, hence, you like
to pioneer into new realms. At the same time, your rulership by the moon
makes you are a sentimental creature, for the moon rules memories. The
moon has you continually looking back to earlier times, often to judge if
you made the right decision, and took the right road.
Most of the time, as a Cancer, you do not like change, not unless you
volunteered for it and were in charge in creating the specifics of that
change. That was not usually the case in recent years, however, so these
eclipses may have produced quite a bit of tension, as the signs the eclipses
appeared in, fiery Aries and the sign 180 degrees away from Aries, airsign Libra - both are on the same axis, Neither Aries or Libra blend well
with your Cancer Sun.
As if this were not enough, as a Cancer you dealt with Pluto opposed to
your Sun from our seventh house of committed partnership, collaboration
or what the ancients called "open enemies." This too is a very difficult
aspect for it often produces a kind of tug-of-war from a partner in love or
in a business alliance, or from competitor. This trend began in 2008 when

Pluto entered Capricorn. Pluto still is in Capricorn (and is not due to leave
for years), and Capricorn is another sign that does not blend well with
This means Pluto in Capricorn is positioned directly in opposition to your
Sun, so you may have been frustrated or even outraged by the way you
were treated by a partner in your marriage, a committed long-term
romantic relationship, or in business as from a business partner or
collaborator. Or, a competitor may have adapted ruthless and completely
unfair tactics to take away your market share.
If this didn't happen yet, it may be that your birthday falls after July 10.
Cancers born in June 21 through July 9 already know the feeling and dealt
with it - they are finished with the hardest part of this trend. Pluto, a very
slow moving planet, will not leave Capricorn for years, but you will only
feel his presence when Pluto is within mathematical range of your Sun,
rising sign, or other planet in your natal horoscope as will be the case for
Cancers with birthdays that fall July 6 to 9 in 2016.
If your birthday falls on the date listed, July 6 to 9, It appears you may
now have a demanding, dominating partner or client in your romantic or
business life and whatever you are grappling with may seen very unfair.
You will have to stand up for yourself this year in a way that won't directly
lock horns with the pushy person in question, for to do so will raise the ire
of that person and fuel an even greater angry response. Deal with this
person as if he or she were nitroglycerin - able to blow up any second - so
you will want to avoid a provocation, and don't issue an ultimatum. The
person who is giving you a few sleepless nights has a scored earth method
of negotiation and they will likely say, "It's my way or the highway!" This
difficult person sees compromise as a weakness.
Nevertheless, while you may still need to watch for a partner who
exemplifies Pluto in one of your committed partnerships, and still deal
with changing conditions in your work or home area, for the most part

you have a much better, brighter year ahead. Here is why you should be
happy about the New Year.
As you begin 2016, you will have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, in
Virgo, teaching you to communicate more masterfully. Learning to
communicate clearly was considered so important to the ancient
astrologers that it was given a house of the horoscope its own, entire equal
in importance to other parts of life.
Good fortune Jupiter first entered this, your third house, part of your
chart on August 11, 2015 and will leave later this year, September 9, 2016.
You may have already seen evidence of the opportunities that have come
up in the communication arena during the second part of 2015. If not, you
have plenty of time to make your mark before September appears.
No matter what part communication has played in your life, whether
largely - you are an author, columnist or actor - or small (and dread even
writing email) you will expand your talents in this area and become more
sophisticated in transmitting your thoughts.
You might, for example, go back to the university to take classes in
creative writing to sharpen your skills in all phases of writing, from
reports to your boss to writing novels or screenplays. Or, if you have
developed a following, say, in social media, or as a host on the radio, you
may be asked to head up your company's social media effort or be asked
to host your own television show. You will need to learn the ropes of your
new role, but you have nothing to fear, as you will do so quite well, Jupiter
will be at your side like a loving little relative who only wants the best for
you. Whenever Jupiter is involved, not only is the process smooth, but
lucrative too, so expect to be paid well for your services.
If you work in software engineering or telecommunications, you may
develop an idea for a smart phone app that you code (or that you hire a
team to code) that turns out to make the top ten top selling apps on Apple
and Google Play. If you wrote a book that proved popular, you may get a
call from a movie studio executive interested in optioning your book for a

movie, and if this should happen, you will begin to learn first hand about
the process of translating a book into an entertaining film. (Even though
you probably won't be doing the writing of the script, you would have a
front row seat at all that happens.) You can come up with nearly unlimited
examples, all mind expanding and exciting.
In your career this year, Mars will go retrograde from April 17 to June 29.
This is important for everyone to note, but especially you, for Mars is the
ruler of your solar tenth house of prestigious career advancement. We can
see the path of Mars on any Ephemeris table, which shows the path of all
the planets and the degrees they are located as they move in orbit. NASA
publishes such a table, but so do many other companies - all the
information is the same.
When Mars is in fine form, he takes about 2 days to move 1 degree. In
March it is taking him 3 days to go that distance, by early April, he is
huffing and puffing, as if climbing a steep hill, taking longer yet to move
one degree. When he finally goes retrograde it can take Mars 11 days to
move one degree. Being that Mars is the energy and action planet, you can
see how you may feel like you are walking through heavy snow at that
time, April 17 to June 29. Yet, the time it will take Mars to normalize will
go even longer.
It will take Mars until August 22 to return to his original strength, but on
August 30, another planet, Mercury, will go retrograde until September
22. For all practical purposes, the world will be looking back, not forward,
to fix things that were broken from the start of April straight through to
end of September. In May, imagine this - we will have an astounding five
planets in retrograde: Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury. Getting
approvals for new projects will be near impossible as all the gears of
companies whose approvals you need will be grinding to a halt for weeks.
Mars rules your career sector, so April through September would be a
terrible time to petition VIPs to consider you for a promotion, or to
change positions. This is not the time to launch a new product or service,

and not a time to forge new business relationships, as they will not likely
get off the ground properly, not now, not ever.
The full moon this year of October 15 (plus or minus four days) will either
crystallize talks for an exciting new position, or show you the right
strategy you need to adopt as you move forward. Yet this full moon of
October 15 will be flawed. Uranus will oppose the Sun and conjunct the
full moon at this time, making for unstable and unpredictable conditions
in your work life. Furthermore, Uranus is in your tenth house of
prestigious career advancement, so if you should suffer a setback in
October or in weeks to come, there will be more opportunities for you to
aim for down the road, especially at the new moon, March 27, next year.
Bide your time if you want to take a position you like and will stay with a
long time.
If you are unemployed, don't worry - take any job offered at any time, for
you can always leave it for a better job later. It's always easier to get a new
job if you already have a job, as unfair as that may sound. It does not
appear you will be unemployed at any time in 2016. Mars will remain in
Sagittarius a very long time in the year ahead, filling your sixth house of
day-to-day projects for months from March through September 2016. You
will be needed, and won't lack projects to do. If you are self-employed,
business from existing clients (not new ones) will continue to roll in, Your
busiest periods will be March through May, and then again August
through September. You may want to take a vacation in June or July to
catch your breath and recharge your batteries.
You will be working so consistently that you should take good care of your
health, especially in the middle of the year, from. You may be skipping
meals or not sleeping enough during that period. Do take good care! As
you see, it is highly improbable that you would be unemployed.
Financially, your income should remain steady. If you have been involved
in a series of interviews, you may get the financial offer on January 23,
plus or minus four days. This is a friendly full moon, so it might be your

lucky charm too. To be clear, this is money that you would earn, not win
in lotto or other contest.
Your best time of the year to ask for a raise to your salary will be at the
August 2 new moon. That new moon will be in ideal angle to Saturn,
giving you a sense of comforting stability. In the ten days following that
new moon, gather up the courage to ask for your increase, armed with all
the data you can show that you benefitted the firm.
If you find you are negotiating a new position with a competitive firm, do
not to bring up the topic of compensation until a day or two after this new
moon arrives, August 2. If you are self-employed, you can try gently
raising your rates after this new moon arrives, Develop business by seeing
past clients that have always enjoyed working with you but do not venture
out to meet new ones. With Mars retrograde and orbiting slowly, you
should not spin your wheels by going to new clients, when former ones
will be more likely to give you the lucrative business you seek.
Another spectacular day to ask for more salary will be September 25 to 26,
when the Sun, ruler of your second house of earned income, will align
perfectly with Jupiter.
This day, what I call the luckiest days of the year, this time September 25
to 26 will also be a day when you will have the Midas touch with real
estate. If you have to buy, sell, rent or invite in a roommate or tenant, you
will do well to announce your choice on this date. Any property-related
decision will bring profit, even if you are the buyer, for you are likely to
find a bargain or negotiate one. Family matters will also go well on these
dates, so make a choice and announce it.
Your physical home, other property you may own (or want to buy) and
your family is about to become the area of your greatest personal growth
and happiness once Jupiter, the planet of happiness and good fortune,
enters your fourth house of home on September 9, 2016 to stay thirteen
months, until October 10, 2017.

This has to be exciting news, because to Cancer, home and family are of
paramount importance. The little crab, a symbol of Cancer, finds the
home so important that he carries his little house on his back. When the
little crab is unhappy with the world, he takes his shell - his little house and pulls it down over his head to be alone and enjoy peace. This year,
home will where you will be happiest, dear Cancer.
This is remarkable news, for, as discussed earlier, Saturn had made your
home, property or a family matter the area of greatest concern and worry,
and limited your options during the three years from October 2012 to
September 2015. If you looked at new spaces to move into, you may have
found only small, dark apartments or houses that were overpriced and not
in the neighborhood you hoped to live. Now all that changes, with home
and property being the area of life that caused you the most stress to the
area of your biggest breakthroughs and greatest joy.
If you move during some point in the period September 9, 2016 through
October 10, 2017, you are likely now to find a very spacious apartment or
house, one that gets a great deal of light, with big closets and very likely
offers a beautiful panoramic view. This is the exact opposite of what you
found earlier, when Saturn toured your fourth house of home from
October 2009 to October 2012. How different life can be! If you already
own a house, you might consider buying a vacation cottage.
If you have been saving up to buy a house or condo, this is the period you
should make your selection. Plan to close on your property from
September 9, 2016 through October 10, 2017, that magical thirteenmonth period. As said before, September 25 to 26 is simply golden for any
type of action involving your home.
You will have powerful family support, so if you need money to
supplement your down payment, your parents may be willing to give you
a loan or outright gift of the funds you need to get the house of your
dreams. The same timetable works for you if you hope to do extensive
repairs or renovations.

Alternatively, if your home or other property is not your focus, and you
have been charged with the care of parent or other ill or elderly family
member, you will find all the right options to care for that beloved relative
properly, once Jupiter enters Libra from September 9 onward. Even if you
have done your research and been disappointed with your range of
choices in the past, try again - you will find different options, and one may
stand out. The beautiful part about good fortune Jupiter is that Jupiter
doesn't just bring you opportunity but also brings the means to take
advantage of that opportunity. You will see this to be true.
You can make repairs on your space, ask in the painters, buy one piece of
furniture that "makes" the room, or stage a full-scale renovation of your
kitchen, bath, basement or any part of your living quarters. If you are not
ready to buy a house, or make renovations, you can do things on a small
scale, such as to acquire a new piece of furniture, new linens, tableware or
other items for the home and raise your moral and those you share your
space. You can find a new roommate - one that will be perfect for you, or
hire a gardener to landscape your property in award-winning style.
Being that home will be so fortunate for you - the best part of your chart
in the latter part of 2016 - when you are arranging your space, consider
putting a well-appointed home office if you have the room to do so. Good
money will flow from the work you do in that room at home. You might
want to show off your flair for cooking and entertaining too (if indeed you
are good at that - most Cancers are great cooks). Bonding closer with your
boss or clients will help you get ahead professionally and also be an
enjoyable way of doing business.
The most likely time for you to make a major decision about your living
situation will be on or near the full moon lunar eclipse, March 23. Mars
will be in good angle to this eclipse, so it's a good time to move or make
decisions. Or, it might be that you will have the impetus to relocate thanks
to a sudden job offer that comes up that may be too good to pass up.

Now let's talk of your love life. Over the past few years, after Saturn left
Libra in October 2012, Saturn, the taskmaster who teaches us to become
more realistic, objective and practical, entered Scorpio at that time, and
remained in Scorpio until September 2015. Saturn teaches his lessons
through a series of tough challenges and tests, so in this case, Saturn was
testing your ability to love, and also tested your desire to stay with your
current partner. He also tested your judgment in case your partner took
advantage of your good nature, so having your eyes opened to that truth
too can also be a valuable lessoned learned.
Sometimes in love we give too little to have a strong relationship, but
sometimes we give too much. A relationship can never be precisely 50-60
of course, for at times during the long term of the relationship we need to
give or receive more than our share. The point is, a relationship should
never be always one way - giving more, or always be on the receiving end.
A relationship has to be elastic enough to respond to the pace of life, and
to show care for the partner when needed. This was the meditation you
had during that time - how can I be truly happy in a relationship?
Having gone through Saturn's boot camp, you are more mature and wiser
than ever before in matters of the heart. Coming up, in the latter part of
2017 and through most of 2018, you will use the knowledge about love
that you gained to put it to good use, for you will have an opportunity to
build a strong relationship for the long road ahead.
If you are single, you might have had to go through enforced separations
due to a work or study program of your partner over the past three years.
For example, your sweetheart may have been completing a medical
residency that required long hours away from you, or was studying for the
Bar exam in the library and was rarely available to you. Or, your romantic
partner may have had to travel a great deal for work. Another example
could have been that your partner may have been hurt by a previous
relationship, and needed time to get over that painful period to be able to
become vulnerable again in love.

By now you know what the test was about, and you also know if you
decided to stay and cope with those difficulties, or if what you discovered
in your sweetheart was not worthy of your time and left. In September of
last year Saturn finally exited Scorpio, releasing you from the challenges
this taskmaster planet is known to bring up. For the first time in three
years, if you are single, have an open road to find true love.
In 2016, Mars will be in Scorpio, lighting your fifth house of true love
from January 3, 2016 to March 5, 2016, and then again from May 27 to
August 2, 2016 when Mars will be retrograde (but even though weak still
in your romantic sector still providing some energy and focus there).
Those periods are due to be a vibrant time for finding, and enjoying true
love. In the latter period, when Mars is retrograde May 27 to August 2 you
may move to reconcile with a former romantic relationship, and it would
be a good time to try.
You may find early March, when the solar eclipse sends you travelling,
also be a good time to allow love to blossom. Mars will be in Scorpio, so
the stage is set for fun and love. Four heavenly bodies will be in Pisces,
considered a crown of stars, and this water sign like yours is considered to
be is a divine placement for you. You may meet on a trip or on a public
conveyance, such as an airplane or meet someone from your hometown in
the hotel restaurant. Or, you might meet someone new or in a university
classroom setting while you take a class in continuing education, or an all
out degree program. There is an alternate possibility that you may meet
while working on a project you are doing for the media, whether
publishing or broadcasting. Love tends to come when you least expect it
to happen.
July 4 brings a new moon in Cancer, when your charisma will be high.
Venus will also be in Cancer from June 17 to July 12, so the time after July
4, until July 12 would be your stronger period. This would be the time to
schedule a meeting with your stylist to get advice of how to update your
look and to shop for new clothes. You would get many compliments, as
Venus will see that you do.

At no time during 2016 will Venus retrograde as it did last year, and that's
a good omen for love to flourish. If possible do not become engaged or
wed while Mars is retrograde (April 17 to June 29, 2016), for chances are,
the physical expression of love might be limited during the many years of
the marriage. (The day you choose to make any sort of initiation is the
birth of that venture, and sets its tone for the rest of the term of the
A much better time to wed would be at the lovely September 30, one of
the finest new moons of the year, to fall in the marriage-minded sign of
Libra. That is a Friday, but Saturday October 1 and Sunday October 2 will
be fine days too.
If you are single, the October 30 new moon will be your best of the year
for finding your one true love. This will be the only new moon to light
your fifth house of genuine, romance. Neptune will be beautifully oriented
to this new moon, bringing a feeling of inspiration and a poetic, lyrical
environment for Cupid and his little fleet of angels to the spark of that
first meeting that leads to love.
If you are about to wed, keep in mind that Pluto is in your seventh house
of marriage suggesting that you are drawn to powerful types. Take your
time to get to know your intended partner well. If you are already wed,
learn how to disagree gracefully with your partner, who, at times may
intimidate you during an argument. Part of the learning process may be to
know how to protect your self-esteem when in a conflict which will
inevitably come up from time to time (as It does for everyone).
If you need to leave, then do, If you love your partner, stay and work
things out, perhaps with the help of a coach or couples therapist. In late
2017 you will enter one of the most powerful years of life for love, so do
not waste precious years on someone you know in your heart you must
leave eventually. If you are still in love, that year will bond you even
closer, and may bring the baby you may have been dreaming you'd have

Finally, married or single, the last days of 2016, when Mars will tour
Pisces, from December 19 to the end of your forecast period should make
the year-end holidays sparkle brightly. You'll be invited to parties, and
you will look your very best and be at your most charismatic and
charming. You may travel to foreign shores with your partner for New
Year's Eve, and enjoy ringing in the New Year 2017 in style. What a way to
start the next New Year 2017!

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