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I n s t r u Workbook

c t o r W o r k

b o o k

Design Example

Module M5/S4

Masonry Design Example: ETABS


As a result of this session, you should be able to:
Determine the mechanical properties of brick
masonry example building type
Identify how masonry walls are modeled in
ETABS,SAP the structural analysis and design
Observe shell element internal stresses and
Check shear and compressive stress in walls
Design vertical reinforcement bar for in-plane
bending of brick pier

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/S4



INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................1


Building Description ..................................................................................1

2.1 General ................................................................................................1
2.2 Design Loads ......................................................................................1
2.3 Material Properties ..............................................................................2
2.4 Calculation of Earthquake Load .........................................................2


Building Model and Analysis ....................................................................4


Numerical Study .........................................................................................6

4.1 Modal Outputs ....................................................................................6
4.2 Analysis results ...................................................................................7
4.3 ETABS Output Convention for Shell Element Internal Stresses .....11
4.4 ETABS Output Convention for Shell Element Internal Forces ........13
4.5 Stress Checks Examples in Shell elements of Brick Masonry
Walls .................................................................................................15
4.6 Sample Design of Vertical Bar due to In-plane Loading in Pier 3 ...17


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/S4

This session outlines the seismic analysis and design of two storey brick
masonry building in ETABS, Structural analysis and design software program
which is an extended three dimensional analysis of building systems. The
building is located in high seismic zone of Nepal and is used as an ordinary
residential building. Static Linear analysis of the building is done using
seismic coefficient method. ETABS analysis output data are used to verify the
results and also for the design of structural elements.

2. Building Description
A two storey brick masonry residential building has plan dimensions as shown
in figure below.



Building Type

Ordinary Residential Building

No. of Stories


Storey Height

3.0 m


Brick in 1:5 Cement Sand mortar


RCC 100 mm thick Slab

Earthquake Zone

1 (NBC 105)

Importance Factor

1.0 (Residential Building)

Building Dimension

5760 X 3720 mm

Building Shape

Simple rectangular

Subsoil Type


Masonry Wall

19 KN/m3

RCC Slab

25 KN/m3

Floor finish

0.05*20 = 1.0 KN/m2

Floor Live Load

2 KN/m2 (IS: 875 (Part 2)1987 Table 1)

Roof Live Load

1.5 KN/m2

Design Loads
Dead Loads

Live Loads


I n s t r u c t o r


W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/S4

Material Properties
Concrete grade for floor/roof slab


Youngs modulus for slab Ec = 5000 fck N/mm = 5000 15 = 19365 N/mm2
Poissons ratio for concrete


Compressive strength of brick

10 N/mm2

Mortar Type

M1 (Cement sand ratio

after 28 days (IS 1905-1987)

0.96 N/mm2

Compressive strength of masonry fm

0.96/0.25 = 3.84 N/mm2

Youngs modulus of brick masonry Em

550*3.84 = 2112 N/mm2

Poissons ratio for brick masonry


Brick Masonry

Basic compressive stresses for masonry

Reinforcement of grade Fe 415 is used for slab and other reinforcement to be
designed for masonry to take shear and tensile stresses.


Calculation of Earthquake Load

Linear static method (Referring NBC 105)

Seismic Coefficient Method
The design horizontal seismic force coefficient, C for seismic coefficient method is

taken as C = CZIK

C is the basic seismic coefficient for the fundamental translational period in
the direction under consideration.
Z = Seismic zoning factor= 1 (For the location of the building in Kathmandu)
I =Importance factor = 1.0 Residential building
K = Structural Performance factor =2.5
T = (0.09 X H) / (D^0.5) = (0.09 * 6)/(5.76^0.5) = 0.225 Longitudinal direction
= (0.09 * 6)/(3.72^0.5) = 0.28 Transverse direction
C = 0.08 for Subsoil Type II

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry D
Design Example

Module M5/S4

= 0.088 X 1.0 X 1 X 2.5 = 0.2

Usingg IS Code,
Desiggn Seismic Coefficient
A = ZISa/2R
Z = 0.36 (Zonne V)
I = 1.0 (Residdential Buildding)
on of Time Period
Sa/g = functio
Sa/g = 2.5
R = 3.0 ( Forr Load bearinng masonry wall buildin
ngs reinforceed with horizzontal RC
bands and verrtical bars att corners of rooms
and jaambs of openning)
A = ZISa/2R
Rg = (0.36X1.0X2.5)/ (22X3) = 0.15
Hence usee base shear coefficient equal to 0.2

Fig 1: Floor Pllan

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry D
Design Example

Module M5/S4

Figg 2:Elevatioon

3. Building
Model and
a Ana
The spacee frame is modelled
ussing a standaard softwaree ETABS, Version
Load beaaring brick masonry
waalls are moddelled as waall shell elem
ments and
rigid slab of reinforceed concrete iis modelled as slab shelll elements. Additional
and livve load on floor/roof iis taken as uniformly
dead loadd of floor finish
distributed load in doownward direection of graavity to slab shell elements. Static
nalysis of thee building iss carried usin
ng Auto laterral load of earthquake
Linear An
in both orthogonal direction with
user deefined coeffficient of 0.2.In
T no. of
analysis, the floor slaabs are assuumed to act as rigid diaaphragms. The
o freedom considered
inn the analysiis are six, all three translation
degrees of
and all thrree rotationaal degrees off freedom. But
B all the noodes at the pllinth level
are restraiined in all siix degrees off freedom.
The follow
wing load co
ombination as
a given in NBC
105:19994 are conssidered for
the working stress meethod:
1) DL+L
2) 0.7 DL

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry D
Design Example

Module M5/S4

Activity 1
off Structural Analysis
d Design Sofftware
Discuss Limitation
Participannts are askedd to prepare m
Check and
d Compare the
t model ouutcomes

3D View of the ETAB

BS model is shown in thhe figure beloow.

F 3: 3 Dimeensional Matthematical M
Model of the Building
ng ETABS Version

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/S4

4. Numerical Study
The building model is run and the analysis results are verified using the
resulted base shear to check the reliability of the computer model. The induced
base shear from the auto lateral load with user coefficient of 0.2 is 98 KN,
while the manually calculated base shear is 100 KN. The building is also
checked for the induced compression and tension with earthquake loading in
opposite directions. The stresses shown are reversed with reverse earthquake
load. The parameters investigated are the time period, inter-storey drift, base
shear and induced element stresses in masonry walls. Stresses induced are
compared with their respective permissible values. The results are evaluated
and discussed below.


Modal Outputs
The following is the output of the analysis result of the building modal.
Time Period of various modes of the building and its modal mass participation
ratio is given in the tabular form below
Table 1: Time Period and Modal Mass Participation Ratio of Various
Modes of the Building
Modal mass
Modal mass
participation ratio participation ratio
Sum UY
Sum UX





































Inter-storey drift
Maximum inter-storey drift of the building in longitudinal X and transverse Y
direction as obtained from ETABS model is shown below in the table.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry D
Design Example

Module M5/S4

Table 2: Inter-storey
y Drift of th
he Building

x DriftX




x DriftY



Permissibble value of storey

drift = 0.004
(The storey drift in any
a storey ddue to the minimum
sppecified desiign lateral
t storey
force, witth partial looad factor off 1, shall noot exceed 0.004 times the
Hence, co
omplies the drift
d limitatioon.


Analysis results
Analysis results andd numerical data obtainned as an ooutput is stu
udied and
the acctual capaciity of the structural
ellements resiisting the
verified with
expected horizontal shhaking. Sam
mple analysiss results in thhe form of normal and
shear stresses obtaineed from the pprogram are shown in figgures below..

Fiig 4: Pier ID
D for In-plan
ne lateral looading alongg Y-Directioon

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry D
Design Example

Module M5/S4


Fig 5: Normal Strress Distrib

bution (S22) in Wall H-1,4 in (DL+



Fig 6: Normal
Strress Distribu
ution (S22) in
i Wall H-11,4 in (DL+E

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry D
Design Example

Module M5/S4

Fig 7:
7 Shear Stress Distribu
ution (S12) in
i Wall H-11,4 in (DL+E

Fig 8: Shear Streess Distributtion (S12) in

n Wall H-1,4 in (DL+EQNY)

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry D
Design Example

Module M5/S4

Fig 9: Strress SMax Diagram

howing Stress Concentrration in Wall 1-A,H

Fig 10: Stress SMax Diagram Showing Streess Concenttration in Wall

W A-1,4


I n s t r u c t o r


W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/S4

ETABS Output Convention for Shell Element Internal


The basic shell element stresses are identified as S11, S22, S12, S13, and S23. The
stresses S21 is always equal to S12. Sij stresses (where i can be equal to 1 or 2 and j
can be equal to 1, 2 or 3) are stresses that occur on face i of an element in
direction j. Direction j refers to the local axis direction of the shell element. Thus
S11 stresses occur on face 1 of the element (perpendicular to the local 1 axis) and
are acting in the direction parallel to the local 1 axis (that is, the stresses act
normal to face 1). As another example, S12 stresses occur on face 1 of the element
(perpendicular to the local 1 axis) and are acting in the direction parallel to the
local 2 axis (that is, the stresses act parallel to face 1, like shearing stresses). The
figure below shows examples of each of these basic types of shell stresses.
ETABS reports internal stresses for shell elements at the four corner points of the
appropriate face of the element.

Fig 11: Examples of Membrane Direct Stresses, S11

Fig 12: Examples of Membrane Shear Stresses, S12 (S21 Stresses Similar)


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/S4

Fig 13: Examples of Plate Transverse Shear Stresses, S13

Fig 14: Membrane Direct Stresses


Fig 15: Transverse Shear Stresses S23


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/S4

The transverse shear stresses calculated by ETABS (S13 and S23) are average
values. The actual transverse shear stress distribution is approximately
parabolic; it is zero at the top and bottom surfaces and has its maximum or
minimum value at the mid-surface of the element. ETABS reports the average
transverse shear value. An approximation to the maximum (or minimum)
transverse shear stress would be 1.5 times the average shear stress.


ETABS Output Convention for Shell Element Internal

The shell element internal forces, like stresses, act throughout the element.
They are present at every point on the mid-surface of the shell element.
ETABS reports values for the shell internal forces at the element nodes. It is
important to note that the internal forces are reported as forces and moments
per unit of in-plane length.
The basic shell element forces and moments are identified as F11, F22, F12, M11,
M22, M12, V13 and V23. However, F21 is always equal to F12 and M21 is always
equal to M12, so it is not actually necessary to report F21 and M21.
The figure below illustrates the positive directions for shell element internal
forces F11, F22, F12, V13 and V23. Note that these shell element internal forces
are forces per unit length acting on the mid-surface of the shell element.
ETABS only reports the value of these forces at the shell element corner


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry D
Design Example

Module M5/S4

Fig 166: Shell Element Intern

nal Forces
The figurre below illu
ustrates the positive direections for sshell elemennt internal
moments M11, M22 and
a M12. Note that thesee shell elem
ment internal moments
are momeents per uniit length acting on the mid-surface
of the shelll element.
ETABS only
reports the value of
o these mom
ments per unnit length att the shell
element corner
points. Use the right
hand ruule to determ
mine the sennse of the
moments shown in th
he figure above.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/S4

Fig 17: Shell Element Internal Moments


Stress Checks Examples in Shell elements of Brick

Masonry Walls
Following is the sample of stress check in masonry walls.
Check for Compressive Stress
Compressive strength of masonry unit = 10 N/mm2
Mortar type M1 corresponding to cement sand ratio of 1:5
Permissible compressive stress (fc) in masonry shall be based on the value of
basic compressive stress (fb) and multiplying this value by factor known as
stress reduction factor (ks), Area reduction factor (ka) and shape modification
factor (kp).
Basic compressive strength of wall fb = 0.96 N/mm2 (From Table 8, IS 19051987)
Stress reduction factor ks = 0.51 for slenderness ratio of 24 (From Table 9, IS


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/S4

Area reduction factor Ka takes into consideration smallness of the sectional

area of the element and is applicable when sectional area of the element is less
than 0.2 m2.
The factor, Ka = 0.7 + 1.5 A, A being the area of section in m2.
Sectional Area A = 0.11 * 0.075 = 0.00825 m2
Area reduction factor Ka = 0.7 + 1.5 A = 0.7 + 1.5*0.00825 = 0.71
Shape modification ratio = Kp = 1.0 (For H/W = 0.075/0.11=0.68, Table 10 IS
Hence, Permissible compressive stress in masonry (fc) = 0.96* 0.51 * 0.71 * 1
= 0.35 N/mm2
Compressive Stress S22 demand in load bearing brick masonry due to site
specific earthquake loading is well within permissible value except in very
small locations of stress concentration at corners.
Check for Shear Stress
Check for shear stress in wall H-1,4
Shear stress, S12, demand from ETABS model is 0.12 N/mm2 which is the
greater value for earthquake loading in transverse direction i.e. load
combination of (DL+EQY) and (DL+EQNY)
Compressive stress, S22, due to DL is 0.18 N/mm2 (Obtained from ETABS
Permissible Shear Stress c= 0.1+0.18/6 = 0.13 N/mm2
Hence safe in shear


I n s t r u c t o r


W o r k b o o k

Masonry D
Design Example

Module M5/S4

e Design of Vertic
cal Bar du
ue to In-p
plane Loa
ading in
Pier 3

Let x be the
t length off tension zonne
0.7/0.45 = (1560-x)/xx
x = 610 mm
Total tenssile force T = * 610 * 0.45 * 230 = 31567.5 N
Area of stteel requiredd = 31567.5 / 0.56/ 415/ 1.25 = 108.667 mm2
Provide 1 No. of 12 mm
m dia. vertiical bar





VolumeII ::C
Computer A
Aided D

a 2011

Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme for Nepal (ERRRP Project)
with the financial support of Government of Japan and UNDP- Nepal is assigned in carrying out
various activities related to Earthquake safety and recovery preparedness in five identified
municipalities located in 5 different development region of Nepal. This program has helped to
strengthen the institutional and community level capacity to plan and implement earthquake risk
reduction and disaster recovery preparedness in the country through capacity building, public
education and awareness, retrofitting demonstration and preparation of study reports on building
safety against seismic risk.
To ensure earthquake resistant construction, appropriate knowledge needs to be disseminated to
a broad spectrum of professional engineers and designers. This manual is therefore expected to
be useful to designers & engineering professionals in general and to those involved in analysis,
design and construction of buildings in particular. Broader use of this training manual will
definitely raise earthquake safety awareness and will be useful in achieving highly important
objective of the government to reduce urban risks including earthquakes.
I appreciate and acknowledge the efforts of the project officials and professionals' team in
preparing this manual. I encourage the users of this manual for providing creative comments and
suggestions to further improve the content and context to make this book more user-friendly.

Purna Kadariya
Ministry of Physical Panning and Works


Technology in earthquake resistant building construction has advanced tremendously in

last years and has demonstrated good practices in reducing impact of earthquakes. There
are number of earthquake codes and guidelines aimed towards safe building construction.
But many earthquake prone countries are still struggling with appropriate building
construction practices. The main reason behind this is the lack of proper knowledge in
earthquake resistant building design and construction.
Designers and supervisors play a vital role for the effective implementation of Building
Codes. Capacity building of all stakeholders thus is the key factor for earthquake risk
reduction. They need to take responsibility for motivating and convincing house owners
and constructors to apply earthquake resistant techniques by utilizing their technical
knowledge and skill. These trainings should focus more on practical basis. Engineers
should learn actual condition of construction sites and elaborate proposal based on actual
Though earthquake engineering must be introduced in the regular course of civil
engineering, this manual is an exercise towards availing standard training curriculum that
covers major aspects of seismicity. I hope the contribution of this manual towards
achieving the national goal of reduced disaster risk will be considerable and be very much
useful in proper implementation of National Building Code of Nepal.

Ashok Nath Uprety

Director General
Department of Urban Development and
Building Construction

Nepal is a country that stands at 11th rank in the world with respect to vulnerability to
earthquake hazards. In this context UNDP/BCPR (Bureau of Crisis Prevention and
Recovery) with the support of Government of Japan initiated an Earthquake Risk
Reduction and Recovery Preparedness (ERRRP) program in five high risk South Asian
countries: Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. ERRRP Project is being
implemented by the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW) in close
coordination with other line ministries and Programme Municipalities. ERRRP project is
engaged in carrying out various activities related to Earthquake safe constructions,
Earthquake preparedness and recovery planning in five municipalities of Nepal located in
different development regions. They are Biratnagar, Hetauda, Pokhara, Birendranagar
and Dhangadhi.
The ultimate aim of the project is sustainable earthquake disaster mitigation in Nepal by
better training and capacity building of professional engineers in earthquake engineering.
As we all know, earthquakes do not kill people but poorly designed or constructed
buildings do. A properly designed, detailed and constructed structure can resist an
earthquake of high intensity. But in Nepal, due to lack of manpower and technical
competence, regulatory agencies are lagging behind to properly enforce seismic design
Codes and standards.
The Department of Urban Development and Building construction is the main agency
responsible for the implementation of the Building Act. National Building Codes
including the NBC 105: Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal are developed as
provisioned by the Act. This manual is therefore expected to be useful for the department
in future conduction of training programs on "Structural Analysis and Earthquake
Resistant Design of Buildings Using SAP 2000 and Nepal National Building Code" for
Municipal and other professional engineers, designers, architects etc.
This manual has been developed by the ERRRP project with professional input from the
National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) and is based on the
experiences gained by the project during conduction of similar trainings in its 5 project
municipalities. This document is assumed to serve as a standard training curriculum and
ready-to-use training material that covers a wide range of seismicity, its design,
assessment and will considerably help in implementation of Building Codes.
This manual is being prepared in two separate volumes to ensure easiness of its use.
Volume I covers the theoretical aspects of seismicity, earthquake resistant design and
assessment and general provisions of National Building Code whereas the Volume II
covers its practical aspects including computer based applications.

We are thankful to the project officials and professionals' team including NSET in
preparing this manual.

Sagar Krishna Joshi

Suresh Prakash Acharya

National Project Manager, ERRRP

National Project Director, ERRRP

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works

Instructor Workbook

Module M3/S1
A Seismic Design And Concept and
Construction of RC Building

As a result of this session, you should be able to:
lessons learnt from past earthquake damages
Philosophy of earth-quake resistant design as
applied to RC Frame
Special failure types in RC frames due to seismic
load and remedies.
Ductile detailing for beams, columns & beam
c ol um n j oint .

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

A seismic Design Concept and Construction

of RC Building

Module M3/S1



Introduction ................................................................................................1


Lessons learnt from past earthquake damages .......................................1


Philosophy of earth-quake resistant design as applied to RC Frame....6


Special failure types in RC frames due to seismic load and remedies ...8
4.1 Strong-Column weak beam ................................................................8
4.2 Torsion in building..............................................................................9
4.3 Soft storey .........................................................................................12
4.4 Short Column ....................................................................................15
4.5 Infill walls .........................................................................................17
4.6 Hammering .......................................................................................20
4.7 Cold joint ..........................................................................................21


Our Practice for Ductile Detailing ..........................................................23


Ductile Detailing for Beam, Column and Beam-Column Joint ...........28


I n s t r u c t o r


W o r k b o o k

A Seismic Design Concept and

Construction of RC Building

Module M3/S1


The conceptual design and the detailing of the structural elements (walls, columns,
slabs) and the non-structural elements (partition walls, faades) play a central role in
determining the structural behavior (before failure) and the. Errors and defects in the
conceptual design cannot be compensated for in the following calculations and
detailed design of the engineer. A seismically correct conceptual design is
furthermore necessary in order to achieve a good earthquake resistance without
incurring significant additional costs.
A typical Reinforcement Concrete (RC) building is made of horizontal members
(beams and slabs) and vertical members (columns and walls), and supported by
foundations that rest on ground. The system comprising of RC columns and
connecting beams is called a RC Frame. The RC frame participates in resisting the
earthquake forces. Earthquake shaking generates inertia forces in the building, which
are proportional to the building mass. Since most of the building mass is present at
floor levels, earthquake-induced inertia forces primarily develop at the floor levels.
These forces travel downwards -through slab and beams to columns and walls, and
then to the foundations from where they are dispersed to the ground. As inertia forces
accumulate downwards from the top of the building, the columns and walls at lower
storey experience higher earthquake-induced forces.


Lessons learnt from past earthquake damages

First of all we will discuss about global damage to the RC framed construction and
then move to local damage. After that we will discuss why these damages occurred,
what was the problem. Hope, it will help us to learn many lessons.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

A seismic Design Concept and Construction

of RC Building

Module M3/S1

This picture shows pancake damage of a RC framed hotel building. This building
collapsed during Philippine earthquake. It shows RC framed construction are not
immune to earthquake damage unless designed and constructed properly.

These photographs are from Bhuj Earthquake. Though, RC framed construction is

excellent construction system, faulty design and construction has made it more risky
than masonry construction because of more number of stories and higher occupancy.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

A seismic Design Concept and Construction

of RC Building

Module M3/S1

Both the photographs show Soft storey collapse of the buildings. Though the upper
stories are still intact, the bottom storey collapsed.
Soft storey effect happens when lower stories are weaker/less stiffer than upper
stories. Examples could be open bottom storey such as shops and more compact
upper stories (constructed for residential or office space). More walls in upper stories
make it stiffer than lower storey.

This picture shows general brittle damage in a RC framed construction. This building
has interestingly suffered all types of brittle damages. The red circle shows cold joint/
shear failure of column. Beams could be seen falling apart. The infill walls have
already fallen down.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

A seismic Design Concept and Construction

of RC Building

Module M3/S1

The picture of this slide shows damage due to eccentric beam column joint. In the
picture, interior beam does not frame into column; transverse beam is eccentric with

The picture here shows indirect support for framing beams. The spandrel beam does
not frame directly into column - connected on one face only.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

A seismic Design Concept and Construction

of RC Building

Module M3/S1

The picture on the left side shows column failure because of lack of stirrups. Because
of very little stirrups, the column burst. The picture in right side shows too much
cover on one side where as almost no cover on the other. Though there are a lot of
steel bars in both the columns, the column failed because of lack of stirrups. It shows
that vertical bars are not only enough for strength of column. Furthermore, in right
side picture, all the bars are lapped in one location and at the bottom of the column.

Deformability (ductility) of reinforced concrete members is a necessity. Note the

obvious differences of capability of concrete columns to take load after earthquake
damage. The reinforced column with more stirrups (ductile reinforcing) has an
obvious capacity to carry much more load than the column with fewer stirrups.
This picture shows front column without many stirrups failed where as central column
survived because of more stirrups. The stirrups provide shear strength and
confinement to the concrete and protect longitudinal bars against buckling. This photo
proves this fact. Further, because of adequate stirrups only cover concrete has spalled
without much harm to the column.


I n s t r u c t o r


W o r k b o o k

A seismic Design Concept and Construction

of RC Building

Module M3/S1

Philosophy of earth-quake resistant design as

applied to RC Frame

Ground vibrations during earthquakes cause forces and deformations in structures.

Structures need to be designed to withstand such forces and deformations and must
withstand the earthquake effects without significant loss of life and property. An
earthquake-resistant building has four virtues in it, namely:
(a) Good Structural Configuration: Its size, shape and structural system carrying loads
are such that they ensure a direct and smooth flow of inertia forces to the ground.
(b) Lateral Strength: The maximum lateral (horizontal) force that it can resist is such
that the damage induced in it does not result in collapse.
(c) Adequate Stiffness: Its lateral load resisting system is such that the earthquakeinduced deformations in it do not damage its contents under low-to moderate
(d) Good Ductility: Its capacity to undergo large deformations under severe
earthquake shaking even after yielding is improved by favorable design and
detailing strategies.
Ductility for good seismic performance
Concrete is used in buildings along with steel reinforcement bars. This composite
material is called reinforced cement concrete or simply reinforced concrete (RC). The
amount and location of steel in a member should be such that the failure of the
member is by steel reaching its strength in tension before concrete reaches its strength
in compression. This type of failure is ductile failure, and hence is preferred over a
failure where concrete fails first in compression. Therefore, contrary to common
thinking, providing too much steel in RC buildings can be harmful even.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

A seismic Design Concept and Construction

of RC Building

Module M3/S1

Left side shows that, When we pull two bars of same length and cross-sectional area one made of a ductile material and another of a brittle material, until they break. We
will notice that the ductile bar elongates by a large amount before it breaks, while the
brittle bar breaks suddenly on reaching its maximum strength at a relatively small
elongation. Amongst the materials used in building construction, steel is ductile, while
masonry and concrete are brittle.
A right side figure shows that, chain with links made of brittle and ductile materials.
Now, a force F is applied either end of the chain. Since the same force F is being
transferred through all the links, the force in each link is the same, i.e., F. As more
and more force is applied, eventually the chain will break when the weakest link in it
breaks. If the ductile link is the weak one (i.e., its capacity to take load is less), then
the chain will show large final elongation. Instead, if the brittle link is the weak one,
then the chain will fail suddenly and show small final elongation. Therefore, if we
want to have such a ductile chain, we have to make the ductile link to be the weakest


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

of RC Building

Module M3/S1


Special failure types in RC frames due to seismic load

and remedies


Strong-Column weak beam

Buildings should be designed like the ductile chain. For example, consider the
common urban residential apartment construction -the multi-storey building made of
reinforced concrete. It consists of horizontal and vertical members, namely beams and
columns. The seismic inertia forces generated at its floor levels are transferred
through the various beams and columns to the ground. The correct building
components need to be made ductile. The failure of a column can affect the stability
of the whole building, but the failure of a beam causes localized effect. Therefore, it is
better to make beams to be the ductile weak links than columns. This method of
designing RC buildings is called the strong-column weak-beam design method


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Module M3/S1

Torsion in building

When a building is hit by an earthquake, it is subjected to horizontal force at the floor

levels and the whole building is deflected. If the building is regular shaped the
deflection is uniform in all the parts of the building. But if it is irregular then the
deflection is not uniform, some parts deflect much and some parts less. Due to this
difference in deflection the building as a whole tends to rotate leaving the corners and
ends at more stress. This rotation of a building is called the torsion
Torsion irregularity shall be considered when floor diaphragms are rigid in their own
plan in relation to the vertical structural elements that resist the lateral forces. Torsion
irregularity is considered to exist when the maximum storey drift, computed with
design eccentricity, at one end of the structure transverse to axis is more than 1.2
times of the average of the storey drifts at the two ends of the structures.

The lateral force resisting elements should be a well balanced system that is not
subjected to significant torsion. Significant torsion will be taken as the condition
where the distance between the storeys center of rigidity and storeys centre of mass


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

is greater than 20% of the width of the structure in either major plan dimension.
Torsion or excessive lateral deflection is generated in asymmetrical buildings, or
eccentric and asymmetrical layout of the bracing system that may result in permanent
set or even partial collapse

A simple example of this rotation can be seen in the swing. In a swing of the ropes are
not equal or the person sitting is not at the center, in both the cases it does not swing
in straight direction, but it rotates. Likewise, if the mass on the floor of a building is
more on one side (for instance, one side of a building may have a storage or a library),
then that side of the building moves more underground movement. This building
moves such that its floors displace horizontally as well as rotate.

Let the two ropes with which the cradle is tied to the branch of the tree is different in
length. Such a swing also twists even we sit in the middle. Similarly, in buildings with
unequal vertical members (i.e. columns and/or walls) also the floors twist about a
vertical axis and displace horizontally.


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

Likewise, buildings, which have walls only on two sides (or one side) and thin
columns along the other, twist when shaken at the ground level.
Buildings that are irregular shapes in plan tend to twist under earthquake shaking. For
example, in a propped overhanging building, the overhanging portion swings on the
relatively slender columns under it. The floors twist and displace horizontally.

Twist in buildings, called torsion by engineers, makes different portions at the same
floor level to move horizontally by different amounts. This induces more damage in
the columns and walls on the side that moves more. Many buildings have been
severely affected by this excessive torsional behavior during past earthquakes. It is
best to minimize (if not completely avoid) this twist by ensuring that buildings have
symmetry in plan (i.e., uniformly distributed mass and uniformly placed vertical
members). If this twist cannot be avoided, special calculations need to be done to
account for this additional shear forces in the design of buildings; the Indian seismic
code (IS 1893, 2002) has provisions for such calculations. But, for sure, buildings
with twist will perform poorly during strong earthquake shaking.


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

Some buildings may look symmetrical and regular but actually they may be
unsymmetrical and irregular. Buildings with heavy shear walls in staircase or lift
wells, buildings with walls in some sides and open in some sides are common
examples of such false symmetry and false regularity. This should be avoided as far
as possible and care should be taken to make them actually regular both in terms of
shape as well as weight and distribution of walls or columns.

Soft storey

Reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings are becoming increasingly common in

urban area. Many such buildings constructed in recent times have a special feature
the ground storey is left open for the purpose of parking, i.e., columns in the ground
storey do not have any partition walls (of either masonry or RC) between them. Such
buildings are often called open ground storey buildings or buildings on stilts.

Both the photographs show Soft storey collapse of the buildings. Though the upper


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

stories are still intact, the bottom storey collapsed.

Basic Features

An open ground storey building, having only columns in the ground storey and both
partition walls and columns in upper stories, have two distinct characteristics, namely:
(a) It is relatively flexible in the ground storey, i.e., the relative horizontal
displacement it undergoes in the ground storey is much larger than what each of the
stories above it does. This flexible ground storey is also called soft storey.
(b) It is relatively weak in ground storey, i.e., the total horizontal earthquake force it
can carry in the ground storey is significantly smaller than what each of the stories
above it can carry. Thus, the open ground storey may also be a weak storey.
Often, open ground storey buildings are called soft storey buildings, even though their
ground storey may be soft and weak. Generally, the soft or weak storey usually exists
at the ground storey level, but it could be at any other storey level too.

Earthquake Behavior

The presence of walls in upper stories makes them much stiffer than the open ground
storey. Thus, the upper stories move almost together as a single block, and most of the
horizontal displacement of the building occurs in the soft ground storey itself. In
common language, this type of buildings can be explained as a building on
chopsticks. Thus, such buildings swing back-and-forth like inverted pendulums
during earthquake shaking, and the columns in the open ground storey are severely
stressed. If the columns are weak (do not have the required strength to resist these
high stresses) or if they do not have adequate ductility, they may be severely damaged
which may even lead to collapse of the building.


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Module M3/S1

The Problem
Open ground storey buildings are inherently poor systems with sudden drop in
stiffness and strength in the ground storey. In the current practice, stiff masonry walls
are neglected and only bare frames are considered in design calculations. Thus, the
inverted pendulum effect is not captured in design.
Improved design strategies
The Indian Seismic Code IS:1893 (Part 1) - 2002 has included special design
provisions related to soft storey buildings. Firstly, it specifies when a building should
be considered as a soft and a weak storey building. Secondly, it specifies higher
design forces for the soft storey as compared to the rest of the structure. The Code
suggests that the forces in the columns, beams and shear walls (if any) under the
action of seismic loads specified in the code, may be obtained by considering the bare
frame building (without any infills). However, beams and columns in the open ground
storey are required to be designed for 2.5 times the forces obtained from this bare
frame analysis. For all new RC frame buildings, the best option is to avoid such
sudden and large decrease in stiffness and/or strength in any storey; it would be ideal
to build walls (either masonry or RC walls) in the ground storey also. Designers can
avoid dangerous effects of flexible and weak ground stories by ensuring that too many
walls are not discontinued in the ground storey, i.e., the drop in stiffness and strength
in the ground storey level is not abrupt due to the absence of infill walls. The existing
open ground storey buildings need to be strengthened suitably so as to prevent them
from collapsing during strong earthquake shaking. The owners should seek the
services of qualified structural engineers who are able to suggest appropriate solutions
to increase seismic safety of these buildings.


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Module M3/S1

Short Column

During past earthquakes, reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings that have columns
of different heights within one storey, suffered more damage in the shorter columns as
compared to taller columns in the same storey. Two examples of buildings with short
columns are shown above Figure buildings on a sloping ground and buildings with a
mezzanine floor.

Poor behavior of short columns is due to the fact that in an earthquake, a tall column
and a short column of same cross-section move horizontally by same amount .
However, the short column is stiffer as compared to the tall column, and it attracts
larger earthquake force. Stiffness of a column means resistance to deformation the
larger is the stiffness, larger is the force required to deform it. If a short column is not
adequately designed for such a large force, it can suffer significant damage during an
earthquake. This behavior is called Short Column Effect. The damage in these short
columns is often in the form of X-shaped cracking this type of damage of columns is
due to shear failure.
Many situations with short column effect arise in buildings. When a building is rested
on sloped ground, during earthquake shaking all columns move horizontally by the


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

same amount along with the floor slab at a particular level. If short and tall columns
exist within the same storey level, then the short columns attract several times larger
earthquake force and suffer more damage as compared to taller ones. The short
column effect also occurs in columns that support mezzanine floors or loft slabs that
are added in between two regular floors. There is another special situation in buildings
when short-column effect occurs. Consider a wall (masonry or RC) of partial height
built to fit a window over the remaining height. The adjacent columns behave as short
columns due to presence of these walls. In many cases, other columns in the same
storey are of regular height, as there are no walls adjoining them. When the floor slab
moves horizontally during an earthquake, the upper ends of these columns undergo
the same displacement. However, the stiff walls restrict horizontal movement of the
lower portion of a short column, and it deforms by the full amount over the short
height adjacent to the window opening. On the other hand, regular columns deform
over the full height. Since the effective height over which a short column can freely
bend is small, it offers more resistance to horizontal motion and thereby attracts a
larger force as compared to the regular column. As a result, short column sustains
more damage.

In new buildings, short column effect should be avoided to the extent possible during
architectural design stage itself. When it is not possible to avoid short columns, this
effect must be addressed in structural design. The Indian Standard IS: 13920-1993 for
ductile detailing of RC structures requires special confining reinforcement to be
provided over the full height of columns that are likely to sustain short column effect.
The special confining reinforcement (i.e., closely spaced closed ties) must extend
beyond the short column into the columns vertically above and below by a certain
distance. In existing buildings with short columns, different retrofit solutions can be
employed to avoid damage in future earthquakes. Where walls of partial height are
present, the simplest solution is to close the openings by building a wall of full height
this will eliminate the short column effect. If that is not possible, short columns
need to be strengthened using one of the well established retrofit techniques. The
retrofit solution should be designed by a qualified structural engineer with requisite


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

Infill walls

After the columns and floors of RC building are cast and the concrete hardens,
vertical spaces between columns and floors are usually filled-in with masonry walls to
demarcate a floor area into functional spaces (rooms). Normally, these masonry walls,
also called infill walls, are not connected to surrounding RC columns and beams.

When columns receive horizontal forces at floor levels, they try to move in the
horizontal direction, but masonry walls tend to resist this movement. Due to their
heavy weight and thickness, these walls attract rather large horizontal forces.
However, since masonry is a brittle material, these walls develop cracks once their
ability to carry horizontal load is exceeded. Thus, infill walls act like sacrificial fuses
in buildings; they develop cracks under severe ground shaking but help share the load
of the beams and columns until cracking. Earthquake performance of infill walls is
enhanced by mortars of good strength, making proper masonry courses, and proper
packing gaps between RC frame and masonry infill walls. However, an infill wall that
is unduly tall or long in comparison to its thickness can fall out of plane (i.e. along its
thin direction), which can be life threatening. Also, Placing infill irregularly in the
building causes ill effects.


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Module M3/S1

Untied infill walls (masonry units of brick, concrete blocks, adobe, or other similar
material placed within the confines of a structural frame) usually collapse during
earthquake shaking. Though the building may survive, it may cause casualty and loss
of property.


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The infill walls usually create structural problems. As shown in the pictures these may
cause shear failure of the framing elements. Since they create a rigid non-flexible
element, they attract seismic forces; but being structurally weak, they fail when
subjected to these forces. When they fail, they tend to cause a failure in the structural
frame as well - often causing collapse of the structure.

All the infill walls should be tied up with the frame. Walls could be tied up in
different ways. One of the methods could be to tie-up walls with Reinforced concrete


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1


When two buildings are attached with each other, during earthquake vibration both
the buildings vibrate and they may hammer to each other. Different buildings behave
differently in an earthquake. There may be different amount of deflections in each
building. In case the floor levels of adjacent buildings are at the same level, the effect
of hammering may be less, but if the floors are at different levels then floor level of
one building may hit at the middle of the other building. This may be severe

Therefore, buildings should be sufficiently apart. If it is not possible to make them

sufficiently apart, then at least making their floors at the same level can reduce the


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Module M3/S1

Cold joint


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

Both the pictures show effect of clod joint on seismic performance of the columns of
reinforced concrete framed construction. One of the joint is at the mid height of the
column and other at the top of the column.
The cold joints are formed when second phase of concreting is done on smooth
surface of existing concrete.
Note the failure of roof connection because of lack of transverse reinforcement around
hooked bars, cold joint at top of column, insufficient anchorage length for hooked
column bars.

The picture shows construction of shear key at the top of the column. The top of the
column should be well roughened or shear should be provided at the top of the
Also note how beam bars are anchored in the column.


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

Our Practice for Ductile Detailing

The slides shown earlier clearly show shear confinement failure and buckling of
longitudinal bars. These problems are result of lack of stirrups, unanchored end of
stirrups in the core of concrete as shown in the above pictures. Use of even open
stirrups has been observed as shown in first photograph which is a worst possible

The picture exposes the lack of anchorage of column bars, lack of stirrups. Beam,
column ends suffer higher interaction of loads than rest of the member so these need
special attention.


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

These pictures reveals what our practice is and what should we expect if an
earthquake strikes. In the first picture overlap is less than 200 mm and spacing of
stirrups is more than 400 mm far less than what is required. In the second picture,
column bars are left for future extension at the floor level. At one end lap length in too
little and other hand this is not a good location to lap bas. Furthermore all the bars
should not be lapped at the same location.

This picture reveals one more weakness of reinforcement detailing. Besides

weaknesses discussed in earlier slide, this column has only three bars to be lapped.
These shall not be less than four bas in a column.


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The pictures show damage concentration in the region of bar lapping. Because of
interaction between overlapped bars and concrete for load transfer the overlapping
section suffers higher level of damage. This interaction is further coupled with lack of
stirrups which has led to buckling of bars, loss of concrete.


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The pictures presents both the interior and exterior beam-column joint damage
because longitudinal beam bars of the beams were not confined within column
longitudinal bars and stirrups.
In the second picture, the corner joint failure, the beam bars are not well anchored
inside the column, beam bars are not confined by transverse reinforcement through


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

It is common practice not to provide any stirrup in the beam-column joint region. In
addition to it, it is also common to keep one face of beam bars outside the column
bars. Furthermore, very short L-bend is provided at the end of beam bar which is not
enough for anchorage.


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Ductile Detailing for Beam, Column and Beam-Column


Beams sustain two basic types of failures, namely:

Flexural (or bending) Failure: As the beam sags under increase loading, it can fail in
two possible ways. If relatively more steel is present on the tension face, concrete
crushes in compression; this is a brittle failure and is therefore undesirable. If
relatively less steel is present on the tension face, the steel yields first and
redistribution occurs in the beam until eventually the concrete crushes in
compression; this is a ductile failure and hence is desirable. Thus, more steel on
tension face is not necessarily desirable. The ductile failure is characterized with
many vertical cracks starting from the stretched beam face, and going towards its mid
Shear failure: A beam may also fail due to shearing action. A shear crack is inclined
at 45 to the horizontal; it develops at mid depth near the support and grows towards
the top and bottom faces. Closed loop stirrups are provided to avoid such shearing
action. Shear damage occurs when the area of these stirrups is insufficient.
Shear failure is brittle, and therefore, shear failure must be avoided in the design of
RC beams.
Design Strategy
Designing a beam involves the selection of its material properties (i.e., grades of steel
bars and concrete) and shape and size; these are usually selected as a part of an overall
design strategy of the whole building. And, the amount and distribution of steel to be
provided in the beam be determined by performing design calculation as per IS 4562000 and IS 13920
The IS 13920 prescribe that:
At least two bars go through the full length of the beam at the top as well as
the bottom of the beam.
At the ends of beams, the amount of steel provided at the bottom is at least
half that at top.


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

The following requirements related to stirrups in RC beams:

The diameter of stirrups must be at least 6mm; in beams more than 5m long, it
must be at least 8mm.
Both ends of the vertical stirrups should be bent into 135 hook and extended
sufficiently beyond this hook to ensure that the stirrup does not open out in an
earthquake. The maximum spacing of stirrups is less than half the depth of the

Stirrups in RC beams help in three ways, namely

They carry vertical shear force and thereby resist diagonal shear cracks.
They protect the concrete from bulging outwards due to flexure, and
They prevent the buckling of the compressed longitudinal bars due to flexure.
At the location of the lap, the bars transfer large forces from one to another. Thus,
such laps of longitudinal bar are (a) made away from the face the column, and (b) not
made at locations where they are likely to stretch by large amounts and yield.
Moreover, at the location of laps, vertical stirrups should be provided at a closer


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

Columns can sustain two types of damage, namely axial-flexural (or combined
compression bending) failure and shear failure. Shear damage is brittle and must be
avoided in columns by providing transverse ties at close spacing.
Design Strategy
Designing a column involves selection of materials to be used (i.e., grades of concrete
and steel bars), choosing shape and size of the cross-section, and calculating amount
and distribution of steel reinforcement. The first two aspects are part of the overall
design strategy of the whole building. The Indian Ductile Detailing Code IS:139201993 requires columns to be at least 300mm wide. A column width of up to 200mm is
allowed if unsupported length is less than 4m and beam length is less than 5m.
Columns that are required to resist earthquake forces must be designed to prevent
shear failure by a skillful selection of reinforcement.
Vertical Bars tied together with Closed Ties
Closely spaced horizontal closed ties help in three ways, namely
i) they carry the horizontal shear forces induced by earthquakes, and thereby resist
diagonal shear cracks,
ii) they hold together the vertical bars and prevent them from excessively bending
outwards (this bending phenomenon is called buckling), and
(iii) they contain the concrete in the column within the closed loops. The ends of the
ties must be bent as 135 hooks Such hook ends prevent opening of loops and
consequently buckling of concrete and buckling of vertical bars.
The Indian Standard IS13920-1993 prescribes following details for earthquakeresistant columns:
(a) Closely spaced ties must be provided at the two ends of the column over a length
not less than larger dimension of the column, one-sixth the column height or 450mm.
(b) Over the distance specified in item (a) above and below a beam-column junction,
the vertical spacing of ties in columns should not exceed D/4 for where D is the
smallest dimension of the column (e.g., in a rectangular column, D is the length of the
small side). This spacing need not be less than 75mm nor more than 100mm. At other


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

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Module M3/S1

locations, ties are spaced as per calculations but not more than D/2.
(c) The length of tie beyond the 135 bends must be at least 10 times diameter of steel
bar used to make the closed tie; this extension beyond the bend should not be less than
In columns where the spacing between the corner bars exceeds 300mm, the Indian
Standard prescribes additional links with 180 hook ends for ties to be effective in
holding the concrete in its place and to prevent the buckling of vertical bars. These
links need to go around both vertical bars and horizontal closed ties; special care is
required to implement this properly at site.

Lapping Vertical Bars

In the construction of RC buildings, due to the limitations in available length of bars
and due to constraints in construction, there are numerous occasions when column
bars have to be joined. A simple way of achieving this is by overlapping the two bars
over at least a minimum specified length, called lap length. The lap length depends on
types of reinforcement and concrete. For ordinary situations, it is about 50 times bar
diameter. Further, IS:13920-1993 prescribes that the lap length be provided ONLY in
the middle half of column and not near its top or bottom ends. Also, only half the
vertical bars in the column are to be lapped at a time in any storey. Further, when laps
are provided, ties must be provided along the length of the lap at a spacing not more
than 150mm.


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Module M3/S1

In RC buildings, portions of columns that are common to beams at their intersections

are called beam-column joints. When forces larger than these are applied during
earthquakes, joints are severely damaged. Repairing damaged joints is difficult, and
so damage must be avoided. Thus, beam-column joints must be designed to resist
earthquake effects.

Under earthquake shaking, the beams adjoining a joint are subjected to moments in
the same direction. Under these moments, the top bars in the beam-column joint are
pulled in one direction and the bottom ones in the opposite direction. These forces are
balanced by bond stress developed between concrete and steel in the joint region. If
the column is not wide enough or if the strength of concrete in the joint is low, there is
insufficient grip of concrete on the steel bars. In such circumstances, the bar slips
inside the joint region and beams lose their capacity to carry load.
Further, under the action of the above pull-push forces at top and bottom ends, joints
undergo geometric distortion; one diagonal length of the joint elongates and the other
compresses. If the column cross-sectional size is insufficient, the concrete in the joint
develops diagonal cracks.


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Module M3/S1

Problems of diagonal cracking and crushing of concrete in the joint region can be
controlled by two means, namely providing large column sizes and providing closely
spaced closed-loop steel ties around column bar in the joint region. The ties hold
together the concrete in the joint and also resist shear force, thereby reducing the
cracking and crushing of concrete.

In exterior joints where beams terminate at columns, longitudinal beam bars need to
be anchored into the column to ensure proper gripping of bar in joint. The length of
anchorage for a bar of grade Fe415 is about 50 times its diameter. This length is
measured from the face of the column to the end of the bar anchored in the column. In
columns of small widths and when beam bars are of large diameter a portion of beam
top bar is embedded in the column that is cast up to the soffit of the beam, and a part
of it overhangs. It is difficult to hold such an overhanging beam top bar in position
while casting the column up to the soffit of the beam. On the other hand, if column
width is large, the beam bars may not extend below the soffit of the beam. Thus, it is
preferable to have columns with sufficient width. In interior joints, the beam bars
(both top and bottom) need to go through the joint without any cut in the joint region.
Also, these bars must be placed within the column bars and with no bends.


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This picture shows how a well detailed beam and columns look like. Furthermore, the
stirrup ends should be well anchored inside the column or beam core as shown in the
right hand picture.

Beam-column joint should be concentric as shown in the pictures. An eccentric beamcolumn joint creates additional stress in the joint region forcing it to fail.


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This slide shows how long the beam bar should be anchored in the column or beyond.

The picture shows how the beam bars can be anchored in the column.


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This picture shows few of the good practices of the beam-column joint, column, beam

Stirrups in beam and column should be closely spaced. At the end of the column and
beams stirrup spacing shall not be more than 100 mm till first 600 mm from their
ends. In the rest of the mid section the spacing can be increased to half the depth of
the section.


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A seismic Design Concept and Construction

of RC Building

Module M3/S1


The conceptual design and the detailing of the structural elements plays
a. central role in determining the structural behavior
b. earthquake vulnerability of buildings
c. to achieve a good earthquake resistance without incurring significant
additional cost
d. all of above


Describe four virtues of earthquake-resistant building.



The failure of a column can affect the stability of the whole building, but the
failure of a beam causes localized effect. Therefore, it is better to make beams to
be the ductile weak links than columns. This method of designing RC buildings
is called the . design method


Torsion or excessive lateral deflection is generated in buildings,

that may result in permanent set or even partial collapse


Beams and columns in the open ground storey are required to be designed for
times the forces obtained from this bare frame analysis.


In new buildings, short column effect should be avoided during i).

stage or must be addressed in ii)..


Above and below a beam-column junction, the vertical spacing of ties in columns
should not exceed i). for where D is the smallest dimension of the
column (e.g., in a rectangular column, D is the length of the small side). This
spacing need not be less than 75mm nor more than 100mm. At other locations,
ties are spaced as per calculations but not more than ii).


Put tick mark on correct practice of following figure of interior beam column




Instructor Workbook

Nk on it

Module M4/S1
Description of Building Plan and
Elevation of selected building for

As a result of this session, you should be able to:
Organize the irregular grid plans
Know about the configuration of plan and
elevation of Selected Building for Study

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1



Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2


The Project ........................................................................................................ 2


The Selected Plan of the Building (Prevailing Practices) ............................. 2


Structural Problem with the Selected Plan .................................................... 5


Modification of plan to make it regular ......................................................... 6


Structural Benefits after modification of Plan ............................................ 10


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1

1. Introduction
This chapter provides you the details of the selected building under study. The building initially
selected was with improper configuration and it was made proper with least change in its utilities.

2. The Project
The tutorial project is a four and half storey building with three bays in both direction, Shorter
and longer dimension of the building in plan are 9.6m and 11.475m.The supports are fixed at
plinth level. The dimensions of beams are 230X375 for the first trial and Columns are 300X300.
The slab will be a concrete slab 125mm thick.

3. The Selected Plan of the Building (Prevailing

The plan of the building selected is show below. Due to its improper location of column
it is named as improper configuration building

Fig1; Ground floor plan


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1

Fig2; 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor plan


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1

4. Structural Problem with the Selected Plan

Grid plan

There are 4 major discontinuities in frame along grid C, D, E and 2

Since the frames along those grids are incomplete, the beam has to resist
the expected lateral load resulting from the absence of column there.

The beam has to resist biaxial bending moment.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1

The ductility in this region cannot be expected and it must be designed for
the R(response reduction factor) times the incoming forces.

Such joint must be in elastic for extreme lateral loading.

Overall ductility of the structure will be reduced which causes to decrease

the overall performance of structure.

5. Modification of plan to make it regular


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

Module M4/S1

6. Structural Benefits after modification of Plan

There are no any discontinuities in frame.

The overall ductility of the structure can be insured.

The span is not regular so there will be some torsion in the structure and
must be checked for the safety.


I n s t r u c t o r

Description of Floor plans and elevation/

Discussion of prevailing Practices

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S1

1) The Ductility of the structure for the irregular building is


b) Lesser

c) No change

2) The Configuration of the building should be . For best

performance during Earthquake.
3) Regular

b) irregular


Instructor Workbook
Nk on it

Module M4/S2
Preliminary Design, Dl, LL

As a result of this session, you should be able to:
Organize the irregular grid plans
Know about the configuration of plan and
elevation of Selected Building for Study

Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2



Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2


Grid plans of the building, Identification of critical elements ..................... 2


Preliminary design of Beam ............................................................................ 3

3.1 Deflection Criterion .................................................................................. 3
3.2 Ductile Detailing criteria .......................................................................... 3


Design of critical Slab panel C, D-1,2 ............................................................. 4


Preliminary Design of Column........................................................................ 4


Load Calculation .............................................................................................. 5


Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2

1. Introduction
This chapter will provides you the details of the procedure for preliminary design of structural
elements and process of evaluation of DL and LL.
Building with proper configuration is selected for further investigation

2. Grid plans of the building, Identification of critical



Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2

The grid plan of the buildings above indicates critical structural elements as bellows:
Beam: Between horizontal grid lines 1 and 2.
Span of the beam = 4.2 m
Column: C-2 and C-3 and corner columns
Panel between grid lines C, D-1,2

3. Preliminary design of Beam

3.1 Deflection Criterion

Deflection criteria: Use simplified form of IS456,2000 cl. 23.2.1

Span/deff = BV*mft*mfc*mff
Where mft = Multiplying factor for tension steel
For Both End Simply supported , Basic Value(BV) =26
mft = 0.8 for Assumed 2.5% tension steel
Assume mfc = 1.25 for 1% Compression steel
Assume mff = 0.8 for web width/ flange width<0.3
Span/depth = 20*0.8*1.25*0.8=16 (approx), for simply supported
Span/depth = 26*0.8*1.25*0.8=20( approx), for both end continuous
Span/depth= 23*0.8*1.25*0.8=18( approx), for one end simply supported and one
end continuous
deff = span/18= 4200/18= 233.33 mm
Overall depth = deff + (assumed bar dia)/2 + Clear cover = 233.33+25/2+25=
270.83 Assume 300mm ( 12)

3.2 Ductile Detailing criteria

IS13920: 1993, cl 6.3.5

The spacing of hoops over a length of 2d at either end of a beam
S < [ deff/4,8* small longitudinal bar] min
Assume, s =75 mm
Effective depth of the beam/4 =75 mm
Effective depth of the beam =300mm
Overall depth of the beam = 300+25/2+25=337.5 =350 mm (approx. round off


Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2

4. Design of critical Slab panel C, D-1,2

Ref IS456:2000, cl. 24.4,ANNEX D

Slab Boundary Condition: Two adjacent edge discontinuous
Aspect ratio, ly/lx = 4200/3900=1.08
Short Span Coefficient for continuous edge=0.0518
Short Span Coefficient for Mid span= 0.039
Long Span Coefficients for continuous edge = 0.047
Long span Coefficients for mid span =0.035
Critical moment coefficient at support x = 0.0518(at support) and at mid span x
= 0.039
Critical slab Moment = x*w*lx2
Assume trial Slab depth =125mm
DL Intensity = 0.125*25 = 3.125 KN/m2
LL Intensity =2 KN/m2 ( for residential Building)
Finishing load intensity =1.0KN/m2
Max BM for Unit strip for 1.5DL + 1.5LL Combination =
0.0518*(1.5*(3.125+2+1))*3.92 =7.24 KN-m
Depth of the slab for Balanced section = d = 59 mm
Deflection Criteria IS456,2000 cl. 23.2.1
Assume depth of the slab =125 mm, deff =125-15-4 =104mm
Actual mid span moment = 0.039*1.5(3.125+2+1)*3.92 =5.45KN-m
Required Ast =0.14% from chart 4 of SP16 for deff =100 and Mu = 4.56
For fs = 240, pt = 0.14% fig 4 of IS 456; 2000, mft = span/(BV*deff) =
3900/(23*104) =1.65
Check for deflection: Span/deff = BV*mft = 23*1.65 = 37.9
Deff = span/37.9 = 3900/37.9 = 102.9mm
D =102.9+15+4 = 121.9 < 125mm
Hence Overall Depth of 125mm is ok with slab

5. Preliminary Design of Column

According to the new draft code of IS 13920 the minimum dimension of column should
be 15 times the largest bar diameter => Minimum dimension for 20 mm dia. bar = 20*15
= 300mm
Use your experience to select column size starting from 300X300 in multiple of 25
Select column size 300X300


Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2

6. Load Calculation

SAP 2000 considers self load of the assigned member, so no need to calculate
Load from beam, column.
Calculate tributary DL and LL from slab to beam by 45 degree angle
NBC 102 and NBC 103 Recommends Use of IS 875, Part1 for DL and part 2
for LL Respectively.
From IS 875 part 1
Unit wt of RCC =25 KN/m3 ( Table 1, No 20)
Unit wt of Cement plaster = 20.4 KN/m3 ( Table 1, No 25)
Unit wt of brick masonry =18.85 KN/m3 ( Table 1, No 36)
Mortar screed = 0.21 KN/m2 ( Table 2, No 8)
Unit wt of Marble finishing = 26.7 KN/m2 ( Table 1, No 47)
From IS 875 part 2 For residential building
Imposed load for Dwelling residential building All rooms , kitchen, toilet
and bath rooms =2 KN/m2 ( Table 1, 1,a1)
For Corridors, passages and stair case =3 KN/m2 ( Table 1, 1,a2)
For balconies =3 KN/m2
For roof with Access =1.5KN/m2 (Table2,1,1)

DL from slab =0.125m*25 KN/m2= 3.125 KN/m2

DL from Mortar screed = 0.21 KN/m2
DL from inch cement plaster= 0.0125*20.4=0.225 KN/m2
DL from 1 marble finishing =0.0254*26.7 = 0.68 KN/m2
Total DL = 4.24 KN/m2
LL =2 KN/m2
Partition wall load =1.2 KN/m2 (IS 875-part2, cl. 3.1.2)
Parapet wall of height 900mm, DL = 0.25*0.9*19.6 = 4.41KN/m


Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2


Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2


Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2


Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2


Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2


Preliminary Design, Dl, LL Calculation

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S2

1) The critical beam for deflection criterion is

Largest span beam

b) Shortest span beam

2) The critical slab panel for design check has


Largest shorter span

b) largest longer span

3) The simplified load distribution from slab to beam is tributary area

bounded by line with inclination with beam
a) 45o

b) 30o

c) 75o


Instructor Workbook

Module M4/S3
Analysis procedures with SAP2000

As a result of this session, you should be able to:
Know about the Modeling feature in Sap 2000.
Know about object oriented modeling and
element oriented method.
Familiar about analysis methods for structure
Familiar with load combination methods
Design steps in SAP
Graphical user interface Screen of SAP

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

Module M4/S3



INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 2


THE STRUCTURAL MODEL ....................................................................... 2


THE SAP SCREEN .......................................................................................... 7


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

Module M4/S3

There are different software available for 3 Dimensional finite element modeling of
RC Buildings like SAP2000, ETAB 9, STAAD 2010, RISA 3D. In this course we are
using SAP2000 developed by CSI Berkeley. SAP 2000 is the popular 3 dimensional
nonlinear finite element modeling software for structural analysis of building bridges
and gas pipe lines.


The structural model defined in graphical user interface consists primarily of the
following types of components.

Objects and elements
Coordinate systems and grids
Load patterns
Load cases
Load Combinations
Design settings
Output and display definitions

SAP2000 works with four basics units: force, length, temperature, and time. Choose
different combinations of Force, displacement and temperature units as per
requirement. For modeling of 3D building it is better to start with the combination
(KN, m, C)
When a new model is started, SAP2000 will ask the user to specify a set of units.
Those units become the base units for the model. Although input data may be
provided and output data can be viewed in any set of units, those values are always
converted to and from the base units of the model.
An important distinction is made between mass and weight. Mass is used only for
calculating dynamic inertia and for loads resulting from ground acceleration. Weight
is a force that can be applied like any other force load. Be sure to use force units when
specifying weight values, and mass units (force-sec2/length) when specifying mass

Object and elements:


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

Module M4/S3

The physical structural members in the model are represented by objects. Use the
Graphical User Interface to draw the geometry of an object, and then assign
properties and loads to the object to completely define a model of the physical
The following objects are available in SAP
Point Objects:
Joint objects; automatically created at the end of all types of objects
Grounded (one-joint) link objects: Are used to model special support behavior such
as isolators, dampers, gaps, multi-linear springs, and more.
Line Objects:
Frame/cable/tendon objects: Are used to model beams, columns, braces, trusses,
cable, and tendon members.
Area objects:
Are used to model walls, floors, and other thin walled members, as well as twodimensional solids. (plane stress, plane strain, and axi-symmetric solids).
Solid objects:
Are used to model three-dimensional solids. As a general rule, the geometry of the
object should correspond to that of the physical member. This simplifies the
visualization of the model and helps with the design process.
A group is a named collection of objects. It may contain any number of Objects of
any number of types. Its main uses are for the quick selection of objects.
Coordinate Systems and Grids:
All locations in the model are ultimately defined with respect to a single global
coordinate system. This is a three-dimensional, right-handed, Cartesian (rectangular)
coordinate system. The three axes denoted X, Y, and Z, are mutually perpendicular,
and satisfy the right-hand rule.SAP2000 always considers the global +Z direction as
upward. By default, gravity acts in the Z direction.
For each coordinate system (the global and all additional systems), you can define a
three-dimensional grid system consisting of intersecting construction lines used for
locating objects in the model. Each grid may be of Cartesian (rectangular),
cylindrical, or general type.
Geometrical properties: such as section of beam and column
Material properties: steel or concrete of different grades
Support conditions: Hinged, fixed or free.
Frame end releases: moment release, shear release, axial force release etc.

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

Module M4/S3

Options are available to define functions to describe how load varies, as a function of
period or time. The functions are needed for certain types of analysis only; they are
not used for static analysis. A function is a series of digitized abscissa-ordinate data
pairs. Four types of functions are available:
Response-spectrum functions: Pseudo-spectral acceleration vs. period for use
in response-spectrum analysis.
Time-history functions: Loading magnitude vs. time for use in time-history
Steady-state functions: Loading magnitude vs. frequency for use in steadystate analysis.
Power-spectral-density functions: Loading magnitude squared per frequency
vs. frequency for use in power-spectral-density analysis.
As many named functions as needed can be defined. Functions are not assigned to
objects, but are used in the definition of load cases.
Load patterns:
Loads represent actions upon the structure, such as force, pressure, support
displacement, thermal effects, ground acceleration, and others. A spatial distribution
of loads upon the structure is called a load pattern.
As many named load patterns as needed can be defined. Typically separate load
patterns would be defined for dead load, live load, wind load, snow load, thermal
load, and so on.
Loads that need to vary independently, either for design purposes or because of how
they are applied to the structure, should be defined as separate load patterns.
After defining a load pattern name, assign specific load values to the objects as part of
that load pattern.
The load values assigned to an object specify the type of load (e.g., force,
displacement), its magnitude, and direction (if applicable). Different loads can be
assigned to different objects as part of a single load pattern. Each object can be
subjected to multiple load patterns.
Load cases:
A load case defines how loads are to be applied to the structure, and how the
structural response is to be calculated. Many types of load cases are available. Most
broadly, load cases are classified as linear or nonlinear, depending on how the
structure responds to the loading. The results of near analyses may be superposed, i.e.,
added together, after analysis. The following types of load cases are available:
Static: The most common type of analysis. Loads are applied without dynamical


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

Module M4/S3

Modal: Calculation of dynamic modes of the structure using eigenvector or Ritzvector method. Loads are not actually applied, although they can be used to generate
Ritz vectors.
Response-Spectrum: Statistical calculation of the response caused by acceleration
loads. It requires response-spectrum functions.
Time-History: Time-varying loads are applied. It requires time history functions. The
solution may be by modal superposition or direct integration methods.
Buckling: Calculation of buckling modes under the application of loads.
Hyperstatic: Calculation of the secondary forces due to pre-stress forces and other
self-equilibrating loads.
Moving Load: Calculation of the most severe response caused by vehicle loads
moving along lanes on the structure. Uses defined vehicle loads and defined lanes
rather than the load patterns used by other analysis types.
Steady State: Harmonically varying loads are applied at one or more frequencies. It
requires steady-state functions.
Power Spectral Density: Harmonically varying loads are applied according to a
probabilistic specification of loading over a range of frequencies, and the expected
value of the response is determined. It requires power-spectral-density functions.
The results of nonlinear load cases normally should not be superposed. Instead, all
loads acting together on the structure should be combined directly within the specific
nonlinear load case. Nonlinear load cases may be chained together to represent
complex loading sequences.
The following types of nonlinear load cases are available:
Nonlinear Static: Loads are applied without dynamical effects. It may be used for
pushover analysis.
Nonlinear Staged Construction: Loads are applied without dynamical effects, with
portions of the structure being added or removed. Time-dependent effects can be
included, such as creep, Shrinkage and aging.
Nonlinear Time-History: Time-varying loads are applied. It requires time-history
functions. The solution may be by modal superposition or direct integration methods.
Any number of named load cases of any type may be defined. When the model is
analyzed, the load cases to be run must be selected. Results for any load case may be
selectively deleted.

Load Combinations:


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

Module M4/S3

A SAP2000 combination, also called a combo, is a named combination of the

results from one or more load cases or other combinations. When a combination is
defined, it applies to the results for every object in the model.
Five types of combinations are available:

Linear type: Results from the included load cases and combos are added
Absolute type: The absolute values of the results from the included load cases
and combos are added.
SRSS type: The square root of the sum of the squares of the results from the
included load cases and combos is computed.
Envelope type: Results from the included load cases and combos are
enveloped to find the maximum and minimum values.
Range Add type: Positive values are added to the maximum and negative
values are added to the minimum for the included load cases and combos,
efficiently generating maximum and minimum responses for pattern loading.

Except for the envelope type, combinations should usually be applied only to linear
load cases, since nonlinear results are not generally super-posable. Design is always
based on combinations, not directly on load cases. A combination that contains only a
single load case can be created. Each design algorithm creates its own default
combinations. Additional user defined combinations can be created for design or other
purposes. Design may be performed for any arrangement of user-defined and program
generated combinations.

Design settings:
The design features of the program can be used on frame objects whose section
properties use materials of concrete, steel, cold-formed steel, or aluminum. Several
settings can be made that affect the design of a particular model:

The specific design code to be used for each type of material, e.g. IS800 for
steel, IS456;2000 for concrete. Preference settings of how those codes should
be applied to a model.
Combinations for which the design should be checked.
Groups of objects that should share the same design.
Optional overwrite values for each object that specify coefficients and
parameters to change the default values in the design-code formulas.
An analysis section used in the previous analysis, and a design section
resulting from the current design.

The design section becomes the analysis section for the next analysis, and the iterative
analysis and design cycle should be continued until the two sections become the same.
Although there are no explicit design settings for concrete shells, the program will
display design stresses and the reinforcing contours necessary to carry the tensile

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

Module M4/S3

force component of the resolved tension compression couple. This information is

accessed under the Display menu for shells. The required reinforcing area is
calculated using the rebar material type specified by the user under the Define menu.
Design results for the design section, when available, as well as all of the settings
described herein, can be considered to be part of the model.

Output and display definitions:

The definition of the SAP2000 model and the results of analysis and design can be
viewed and saved in many different ways, including:
Two- and three-dimensional views of the model.
Tables of values in plain text, spreadsheet, or database format.
Formatted documents containing tables of values in rich text and HTML
Function plots of analysis results.
Single button report creation.
Advanced report writer.
Export to other drafting and design programs.
Options are available to save named definitions of display views, sets of output tables,
document formats, and function plots as part of a model. Combined with the use of
groups, this can significantly speed up the process of getting results while developing
the model.


After starting the program, the SAP2000 graphical user interface appears on your
screen and looks similar to the figure2-1. The various parts of the interface are labeled
in the figure and are described as follows.

Main Window
Figure 4-1 shows the main window for the graphical user interface. This window may
be moved, resized, maximized, minimized, or closed using standard Windows
operations. The main title bar, at the top of the main window, gives the program name
and the name of the model file.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

Module M4/S3

Figure 2-1 The Graphical User Interface Main Window

Menu Bar
The menus on the Menu Bar contain almost all of the operations that can be
performed using SAP2000. Those operations are called menu commands, or simply
Each menu corresponds to a basic type of operation. The operations are described
later in this chapter.
Menu commands are indicated as Menu > Command, where Menu is the menu
name, and Command is an item you can select from the menu.
In some cases, commands are on sub-menus of the main menu, in which case they are
indicated as Menu > Sub-menu > Command.

The buttons on the toolbars provide quick access to many commonly used operations.
Move the mouse cursor over one of these buttons and the name of the button will
display, indicating the associated command, as shown in Figure 2-2.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

Module M4/S3

Figure 2-2: Roll over tool tip, indicating the Snap to Intersections command

Most buttons correspond to menu commands. If a menu command has a

corresponding button, it will be displayed next to the command on the menu, as
shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 Menu Commands with Corresponding Buttons

Display Windows
Display windows show the geometry of the model, and may also include properties,
loading, analysis or design results. From one to four display windows may be
displayed at any time.
Each window may have its own view orientation, type of display, and display options.
For example, an unreformed shape could be displayed in one window, applied loads
in another, an animated deformed shape in a third, and design stress ratios in the
fourth window. Alternatively, four different views of an unreformed shape or other
type of display can be shown: a plan view, two elevations, and a perspective view.
Only one display window is active at a time. Viewing and display operations only
affect the currently active window. Make any display window active by clicking on its
title bar or within the window.

Status Bar


I n s t r u c t o r

Analysis Procedures with SAP2000

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S3

The status bar contains the following items:

Status information about what the program is currently doing, or the number
of objects currently selected.
The coordinates of the mouse cursor.
A drop-down list to show or change the current units.
A drop-down list to show or change the current coordinate system.
Scrolling controls when displaying analysis results for multi-step cases.
Animation controls when displaying deformed shapes.

1) What is the deference between object and element? make list of the
objects available in SAP2000
2) What is the Base Unit?
3) Describe load patterns and Load cases

4) List the deferent load cases available for numerical modeling


Instructor Workbook
Nk on it

Module M4/ S4,S5,S6

Preparation of Model in SAP
2000/Check for input and output

As a result of this session, you should be able to:
Make 3-D wire frame model of a Building In Sap
Apply Dead Loads and Live loads to beam
Determine and apply Earthquake load from
Improve model to remove short column effect
Display force diagrams

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

1. Introduction
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for building a basic SAP2000 model.
Each step of the model creation process is identified, and various model construction
techniques are introduced. At the completion of this chapter, you will have built the
model shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 The Final Model of selected Building

2. The Project
The tutorial project is a four and half storey building with three bays in both directions.
Shorter and longer dimension of the building in plan are 9.6 m and 11.475 m. The
supports are fixed at plinth level. The dimensions of beams are 230X375 for the first trial
and Columns are 300X300.
M4/S4, S6-1

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

The slab will be a concrete slab 125mm thick. The Structure will be analyzed for static
loads only, and the Slab will be loaded with a Dead Load corresponding to slab and
finishing 4.24KN/m2 and live load of 2 KN/m2 and seismic load for the fifth zone as per
IS 1893;2000.
The grid plan of the building is shown below. The frame in XZ plane and YZ planes are
named by Frame (vertical plane) Plane @ Plane ID

Figure 2 General grid plan of selected Building

3. Step 1 Begin a New Model

In this Step, the basic grid that will serve as a template for developing the model will be
defined. Then a material will be defined and a list of double angle sections will be
selected for the truss Auto Select Section list.

M4/S4, S6-2

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

A) Click the File menu > New Model command or the New Model button. The form
shown in Figure 3 will display.

Figure 3 New Model form

B) The New Model form allows for the quick generation of numerous model types using
parametric generation techniques. However, in this tutorial the model will be started
using only the grid generation. When laying out the grid, it is important that the geometry
defined accurately represents the major geometrical aspects of the model, so it is
advisable to spend time carefully planning the number and spacing of the grid lines.
Select the Grid Only button, and the form Shown in Figure 4 will display. Verify that the
default units are set to KN-mm as in fig 4.

M4/S4, S6-3

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

Figure 4 New Model form; chose unit as a KN-mm

and grid only option

C) The Quick Grid Lines form is used to specify

the grids and spacing in the X, Y, and Z
directions. Set the number of grid lines to 4 for the
X direction, and to 4 for the Y and 6 for the Z
directions. Type 6000 mm into the X and Y
direction spacing edit box and press the Enter key
on your keyboard. Enter 3000 or 12 ft or 144 for
both the Y and Z direction spacing. The values
specified in the First Grid Line Location area
locate the origin of the grid lines; make sure that
these values are all set to zero for this tutorial.

Figure 5 Quick grid Line form

M4/S4, S6-4

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Module M4/ S4-S6

D) Click the OK button to accept the changes, and the program will appear as shown in
Figure 6. Note that the grids appear in two view windows tiled vertically, an X-Y Plan
View on the left and a 3-D View on the right. The number of view windows may be
changed using the Options menu > Windows command.
The Plan view is active in Figure 6. When the window is active, the display title bar is
highlighted. Set a view active by clicking anywhere in the view window.
Note that the Global Axes are displayed as well, and that the Z positive is in the up
direction. When SAP2000 refers to the direction of gravity, this is in the negative Z
direction, or down.
The grid spacing along X and Y directions are equal and needs modification.

Figure 6 The

E) Right click in the left active window and click Edit

grid Data.
Select Display grid as: Spacing
Modify X grid spacing as: 2100, 3300, 3900, 0
Modify Y grid spacing as 4200, 3075, 3900, 0
Modify Z grid spacing as 2850, 2850, 2850, 2850,
2850, 0

Figure 7 Edit grid data

M4/S4, S6-5

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Module M4/ S4-S6

Figure 8 Edit grid data

F) Selecting Deferent plan and elevation for the active 2D window

Simply click button

and watch for the plan or elevation ID

M4/S4, S6-6

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

4. Step2 Define a Material

Specify material properties of concrete (fc = 27.579N/mm2) as shown in the figure

A) Click the Define menu > Materials command to display the Define Materials form
shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 Define Materials form

M4/S4, S6-7

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

5. Step3- Define Sectional Properties

A) Define Frame Section for Beam 230X375
Go to Define >> Section Properties >>Frame Sections select on Add New Properties.
Select Concrete from second drop down menu then Select Rectangular.
In third drop-down menu enter beam section properties for BM230X375 as shown in
figure below.

Figure 10
Define Materials form

B) Define Frame Section for Column 300X300

M4/S4, S6-8

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

Figure 11 Define Materials form

6. Step4- Add Frame Objects

Draw Frame Objects
Make sure that the X-Y Plane @ Z=2850 view is active. This view should be in the left
window. Also check that the Snap to Points and Grid Intersections command is active.
This will assist in accurately positioning the frame objects. Alternatively, use the Draw
menu > Snap to > Points and Grid Intersections command. By default, this command
is active.
floor plan.

button till status show X-Y Plane @ Z=2850, i.e. select first

B) Click the Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon button or use the Draw menu > Draw
Frame/Cable/Tendon command. If you accessed the Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon
command via the Draw menu, the Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon button will depress

M4/S4, S6-9

I n s t r u c t o r

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

verifying your command selection. The Properties of Object pop-up form for frames will
appear as shown in Figure 12.

Select the BM 230X375 from the Pop-up window. Now plotting frame section is
corresponding to plotting of beam section 230X375.

Figure 12Properties of Object form

C) Click in the Section drop-down list on the Properties of Object form and scroll down
to BM 230X375. Single click on it to assign the beam section 230X375 to the members
you will draw.
D) To draw the first frame object, left click once in the X-Y Plane view at the X-Y
origin, and then click again at the far right end along the same horizontal grid line
(x=9300, y=0). The cursor location is indicated in the lower right-hand corner of the
interface. A frame line should appear in both views (plan and 3D). After clicking to
define the end point of the frame object, a right click will lift the pen so you will no
longer be actively drawing, but will leave the
Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon command active so that you may add additional objects.
If you have made a mistake while drawing this object, click the Select Object
to leave the Draw mode and go to the Select mode. Then click the Edit menu > Undo
Frame Add command, and repeat Items B-D.
E) Repeat Item D, drawing a frame object along X axis grid from left to right. Right
click to stop drawing and start drawing to next grid parallel to X axis grid.
Similarly repeat for the frame object along Y axis grid and for grids parallel to Y axis
button, or press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the
F) Click the Select Object
Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon command.

7. Step5- Replicate Objects

With Replicate Command you can copy all the plotted beams in first storey to the next

M4/S4, S6-10

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

A) Select the first floor beams by left clicking directly on the member, or left

clicking to the right of the object, holding the left mouse button down, and
dragging the mouse across the member. See Figure 13 for selection options.

Figure 13Graphical Selection Options

B) Click the Edit menu > Replicate command to access the form shown in Figure
C) On the Linear tab,
type 2850 into the dz
edit box.
D) Type 3 into the
Number edit box.
E) Click the OK button
Note that first storey
beam members have
been generated
up to fourth storey
F) go to fifth floor plan
and plot beams for
the pent house roof

Figure 14Replicate form

M4/S4, S6-11

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Module M4/ S4-S6

Figure 15 Replication of first floor beam to upper floors

Similarly make all columns in vertical plane and then replicate it to other vertical planes.

Save the Model

Save the model often during the development. Although typically you will save it with
the same name, on occasion you may want to save it with a different name to record your
work at various stages of development.

8. Step5- Assigning Boundary Condition

Assigning Boundary Condition

Go to X-Y Plane @Z=0.

Select all Nodes.
Go to Assign-joints- Restraints.

M4/S4, S6-12

I n s t r u c t o r


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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

(fixed Boundary Condition)

9. Step5- Plotting Z Beam for Stair Case

There are three Z-Beams in

XZ Plane @Y=11175,

YZ Plane @Y= 9300,

XZ Plane @Y=7275

The length of the three segment of Z beam is almost equal and equal to 1300
mm. Stair case divides each storey column in almost three equal parts(950mm)

Figure 16
Location of Z-Beams
for Stair case

M4/S4, S6-13

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Right click on the sap Window

Click on Edit Grid Data

Add extra grids at X=6700 ,X=8000,Y=8575 ,Y=9875,Z=950 and Z=1900

Module M4/ S4-S6

Figure 17Additional grid lines for plotting Z-Beams

M4/S4, S6-14

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Module M4/ S4-S6

9-1. Plotting Z Beam1

Go to X-Z Plane @Y=11175

Plot frame sections for Z Beam

Select Z beam

Use replicate command to copy to upper floors

Figure 17 plotting Z-Beams in frame X-Z Plane @Y=11175mm

M4/S4, S6-15

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Module M4/ S4-S6

9.2 Plotting Z-Beam2

Go to Y-Z Plane @X=9300

Plot Z-Beam in ground floor

Replicate the Z-Beam to Upper Storey

Figure 18
Plotting Z-Beams in frame, Y-Z Plane @X=9300mm

M4/S4, S6-16

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Module M4/ S4-S6

9.3 Plotting Z-Beam3

Go to Y-Z Plane @X=7275.

Plot Z-Beam in ground floor.

Replicate the Z-Beam to Upper Storey.

Figure 19Plotting Z-Beams in frame, Y-Z Plane @X=7275 mm

M4/S4, S6-17

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

9.4 Dividing frames

Go to Select-Select-All

This will select all the elements

Go to Edit-Edit Lines-Divide Frames

Select Second options (Break at intersections with..)

Click OK

This will divide the column and beam intersected by Z-Beams

10. Complete wire frame model

Figure20 Complete wire frame model

11. Possible Modelling Error Up to this stage

Before applying loads the check for the connectivity of frame element and free nodes
should be done to correct model.
Simply click Run

on the tool bar. The model will run for the self loading of the

M4/S4, S6-18

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

The model will run for the two loading cases dead (self wt of wire frame) and Modal
(corresponding to free vibration Modes)
The Animation results of the dead and modal deformation will indicate nodal deformation
incompatibility, if any.

Figure21Complete wire frame model

Watch time period of the modal analysis results

All periods are not excessively large and first 3 modes have closer time period,
indicating no joint incompatibility
See animation results of dead load deformation and modal vibration.
Any discontinuities in nodes can be observed visually.
In case of discontinuity unlock model by clicking and make corrections.
Re run to check for discontinuity further.

M4/S4, S6-19

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Module M4/ S4-S6

12. Step 6- Define Load Patterns

The loads used in this tutorial consist of dead and live static load patterns acting in the
gravity direction and Earthquake load along horizontal direction.
For this example, assume that the dead load pattern consists of the self weight of the
beam column and additional load from slab.
The live load pattern is taken to be 2 KN/m2
The dead load and live load is converted to the tributary triangular and trapezoidal
member load for beam.
Unlock the model
Go to define-load patterns-add new Live load pattern with self load multiplying factor =0
Similarly define Wall Load and Wall Load1 Load pattern
Wall Load is the load pattern considering walls
Wall load1 is the load pattern to adjust Wall mass at roof level and just below the roof

A) Click the Define menu > Load Patterns command to access the Define Load
Patterns form shown in Figure 27. Note there is only a single default load pattern
defined, which is a dead load pattern with self-weight (DEAD).

Figure 22Define Load Patterns form

Note that the self-weight multiplier is set to 1 for the default pattern. This
indicates that this load pattern will automatically include 1.0 times the self-weight
of all members. In SAP2000, both Load Patterns and Load Cases exist, and they
may be different. However, the program automatically creates a corresponding
load case when a load pattern is defined, and the load cases are available for
review at the time the analysis is run.
B) Click in the edit box for the Load Pattern Name column. Type the name of the

new pattern, LIVE. Select a Type of load pattern from the drop-down list; in this
case, select LIVE. Make sure that the Self Weight Multiplier is set to zero. Click
the Add New Load Pattern button to add the LIVE load pattern to the load list.
M4/S4, S6-20

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Preparation of Model in SAP2000

Module M4/ S4-S6

The Define Load Patterns form should now appear as shown in Figure 23. Click
the OK button in that form to accept the newly defined static load pattern.

Figure 23The Define Load Patterns form after the live load pattern has been defined

C) Similarly Add Wall Load and assign it with dead load type
D) Add another Wall Load1 pattern; Wall load 1 pattern is simply for the balancing
mass in the roof storey, Simply apply 50% of wall load from the storey below
roof to the roof level

13. Define Mass source


M4/S4, S6-21

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Module M4/ S4-S6

M4/S4, S6-22

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Module M4/ S4-S6

Determining total seismic mass of the storey

Run the Model

Watch for time

periods not
excessively large.

Select first storey


Go to Display-Show

Select joint mass and

Base reactions

M4/S4, S6-23

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Module M4/ S4-S6

M4/S4, S6-24

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Module M4/ S4-S6

Similarly determine lump mass of each storey and make summary table
as below

14. Determining seismic load based on NBC 105

M4/S4, S6-25

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15. Determining seismic load based on IS1893 Part1

M4/S4, S6-26

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Module M4/ S4-S6

16. Assign Joint Constraints

Un lock model again

Select all first floor joints
Go to Assign-Joint-Constraint-Select Diaphragm
Add New Diaphragm
Repeat same for all other storey

M4/S4, S6-27

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Module M4/ S4-S6

17. Define Earthquake Load Pattern

Go to define-Load Pattern-Add EQx and EQy , Select QUAKE from Type

Select 0 for Self Wt multiplying factor
Select User loads from Auto Lateral Load Pattern

M4/S4, S6-28

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Module M4/ S4-S6

18. Assign Earthquake Loads

Select Eqx load pattern and click Modify Lateral Load Patterns
Type Storey forces in column FX in Corresponding Diaphragm
Select Apply at Center of mass
Additional Ecc Ratio 0.5
Click OK
Similarly repeat for Eqy load case

M4/S4, S6-29

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Module M4/ S4-S6

M4/S4, S6-30

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Module M4/ S4-S6

19. Load Combinations

A) NBC 105

B) IS 1893;2002

C) IS456;2000

M4/S4, S6-31

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Module M4/ S4-S6

D) Defining Load Combinations

a. IS1893-2002 is latest and refers load combination critical than NBC
b. For this Example Earthquake Loading is Considered from IS18932002
c. Go to Design -Concrete Frame Design -View/Revise Preferences
d. Select Design Code as IS 456-2000
e. This step will add all the design combinations defined by IS 4562000 Automatically

E) Rename Load Combinations

a. Go to Define-Load combinations-select any Load combination.
Click Modify Show Combo
b. Watch the load cases and their Scale factor, in this case




Eqx 1.2
c. Rename This Combination to 1.2(DL+LL+Eqx) - Click Modify and
then click OK
d. Choose another combo for renaming.

M4/S4, S6-32

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Module M4/ S4-S6

After Renaming the List of Load Combination Will be as below

M4/S4, S6-33

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20. Analyze Structure

A) Click RUN and Check For Any Warnings and Errors
B) Check For Bracing Action of Z-Beam


M4/S4, S6-34

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Module M4/ S4-S6

These Axial Force can produce additional Shear Force in column in addition to

M4/S4, S6-35

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C) Short Column Effect


M4/S4, S6-36

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21. Stair case arrangement for Solving Short Column


M4/S4, S6-37

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22. Modelling Stair Case

Go to X-Z Plane Y=11175

Select two upper segment of Z Beam
Go to Edit-Move
Type dy = -300mm, Number =1
Click OK
Delete upper floor Z Beams

Top view of Stair case portion, modeled with Shell element

M4/S4, S6-38

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M4/S4, S6-39

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Module M4/ S4-S6

23. Check for Short Column Effects

Run the Model again

Go to X-Z Plane @Y=11175 mm
Display Shear Force diagram for 1.2 (DL+LL+Eqx)
There is no Short Column Effects

M4/S4, S6-40

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24. Viewing Force diagrams of defferent frames

Bending Moment Diagram of frame XZ-Plane @Y=11175

M4/S4, S6-41

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Shear Force Diagram of frame XZ-Plane @Y=11175

M4/S4, S6-42

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Module M4/ S4-S6

1) The modeling of staircase should be done to capture
a) Short column effect
c) Both a and b

b) Bracing action of staircase beam

d) Not necessary to model

2) Is Codes predicts .. Base shear than NBC for the same building
a) Greater
c) Same

b) Lesser

3) List all the Load Combinations to be considered for the Analysis of the building

4) Why diaphragm Constraints are defined to the joints at slab level.

M4/S4, S6-43

Instructor Workbook

Nk on it

Module M4/ S7,S8

Developing Envelope Diagram of
Beam and its Sample Design

As a result of this session, you should be able to:
Develop envelope Bending moment and shear
force diagrams and tables
Ductile design procedure of beam as per
IS13920;1993 and its draft revision
Tackle the practical problems with beam design
and detailing

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8



Sorting data for the design of beam (Beam Data Management).................. 3


General Checks for Beam (Applicable for all beams) .................................. 8


Design of Beam (General data) ....................................................................... 9


Design of Beam ID 34 ....................................................................................... 9


Design of Beam ID 35 ..................................................................................... 12


Design of Beam ID 237 and 60 ...................................................................... 14


Design Summary ............................................................................................ 16


Adopted Reinforcement ................................................................................. 16


Moment Curvature diagram for beam ends ................................................ 17


Moment capacities of beam ........................................................................... 22


Shear Design of beam ..................................................................................... 23


Design for Shear Forces (Beam 34 End Shear) ........................................... 26


UNIT TEST ..................................................................................................... 27

M4/S7, S8-1

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for Development of design input data for beam
and ductile design procedures of the beam. IS 13920; 1993, IS 456 2000, SP16 and SP34 will be
used for the design process. IS 13920; 1993 will govern among all the similar procedures given
by another codes.

The sample beam taken for the design is shown in below.

Figure 1;

Beams 34, 35, 237, 68 and column 179,180 are selected from
Frame X-Z Plane @Y=11175

M4/S7, S8-2

I n s t r u c t o r

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/ S7,S8

1. Sorting data for the design of beam (Beam Data



End Length Offset

Unlock the model
Select all Beams
Go to Assign-Frame sections-Frame End offsets
Click Automatic from Connectivity
This step will records output forces data from the face of the
Frame Output Station Format
Again select all beams
Go to Assign-Frame sections-Output stations
Type No of minimum Output station as 5
The above step will records beam data at 5 station points only


M4/S7, S8-3

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8


Force Envelope Options

Go to Define-Load Combinations-Click Add New
Select all 13 load combinations with scale factor 1 in all
Select Load Combination type as a Envelope
These steps will short maximum ve and +ve force data at
every section


RUN Model and Extracting Envelope Beam Data

RUN The Model again
Select beam 34,35,237,60
Go to Display-Show tables-select Frame output
Select Combo1 from Select load cases
Select ok
This option will display Envelope force data for beam


M4/S7, S8-4

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Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-5

I n s t r u c t o r

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Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

Beam Envelop data after organising,

M4/S7, S8-6

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-7

I n s t r u c t o r

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Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

4. General Checks for Beam (Applicable for all beams)

Check for Axial Stress

Factored axial force =0
Factored axial stress=0.0<0.1fck
Hence the beam comes under flexural member

Check for member size

Width of the Beam, B =230mm>200mm (Cl 6.1.3;IS13920:1993)
B/Depth of the beam=230/375=0.613>0.3 (Cl 6.1.2;IS13920:1993)
Span/Depth of the beam=4200/375=11.2>4 (Cl

Check for limiting longitudinal reinforcement

Minimum reinforcement=0.24fck/fy=0.26% (Cl
Maximum reinforcement=2.5% (Cl 6.2.2;IS13920:1993)
M4/S7, S8-8

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Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

5. Design of Beam (General data)

6. Design of Beam ID 34

M4/S7, S8-9

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Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-10

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-11

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

7. Design of Beam ID 35

M4/S7, S8-12

I n s t r u c t o r

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Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-13

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

8. Design of Beam ID 237 and 60

M4/S7, S8-14

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-15

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

9. Design Summary

Note: All Beams are detailed with 2-12 dia Continuous bar at top and
bottom Faces

11. Adopted Reinforcement

M4/S7, S8-16

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

12. Moment Curvature diagram for beam ends

M4/S7, S8-17

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-18

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-19

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-20

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-21

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

13. Moment capacities of beam

M4/S7, S8-22

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

14. Shear Design of beam

M4/S7, S8-23

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-24

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

M4/S7, S8-25

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8

15. Design for Shear Forces (Beam 34 End Shear)

DSF for left End of the Beam ID 35, Vu = 124.92 KN

Governing pt = 0.8 %
Shear Capacity of Concrete without stirrups,c = 0.57 N/mm2
Nominal Shear Stress, v = Vu/bd = 124.92*1000/(230*342)= 1.59 N/mm2
Shear Force to be resisted by stirrups, Vus = Vu-c*bd = 125.07 KN
Assume 8 mm dia 2 legged STRPS with shearing area, Asv= 100.5
Spacing of Shear Stirrups, S = 0.87*fy*Asv*d/Vus = 99.22 mm
Spacing of the special confining reinforcement ={S,342/4,8*small}min =
{99.22,85.5,96} =85.5
Provide 8mm dia 2-legged Stirrups @85 mm c/c

M4/S7, S8-26

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Developing Envelope Diagram of

Beam and its Sample design

Module M4/ S7,S8


1) Ductile design detailing is govern by IS Code.
a) IS 456:2000

b) IS 1893:2000

c) IS13920:1983

2) Describe the use of End (length) offset Command available in SAP2000.

3) What is the use of Envelope Load Combination?

4) Describe the methods to extract envelope Bending moment, shear force data from
analysis output and organising it for using it for input design data.


5) Write down the design steps for the longitudinal reinforcement in beam.


6) Describe the process of evaluating design shear for the beam considering the
formation of plastic hinge.
7) What are the steps of shear design of the beam?


M4/S7, S8-27

Instructor Workbook

Module M4/ S9
Sample Column Design

Nk on it

As a result of this session, you should be able to:

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

Developing Envelope Diagram of Beam and its Sample design ..................
Error! Bookmark not defined.

Sorting data for the design of Column (Column Data Management) .................................. 3


Column General Calculations ................................................................................................. 6


Column Design Data ................................................................................................................ 6


Column Design Data Summary............................................................................................... 7


Design of Column (179, Top) Approximate design (Considering Uni-axial bending

only) ........................................................................................................................................... 7


Design of Column (180, Bottom) Approximate design (Considering Uni-axial

bending only) ............................................................................................................................ 8


Check for column dimension for flexural action ................................................................... 9


Summary of Approximate design ......................................................................................... 10


Final Design Check for Column 179 top .............................................................................. 10


Final Design Check for Column 180 bottom ........................................................................ 11


Summary of Column Design Check ...................................................................................... 12


Shear Capacity of Column without Stirrups ....................................................................... 13


SF Force Due to Plastic Hinge Formation in Beams ........................................................... 14


Design for Shear ..................................................................................................................... 15


Design for Confining Links (IS13920; 1993 Cl7.3) .............................................................. 15


Confining Links arrangement ............................................................................................... 16


Column Moment capacity...................................................................................................... 18


Check for strong column weak beam ................................................................................... 19


Joint Shear .............................................................................................................................. 19


Design for Joint Shear............................................................................................................ 20


UNIT TEST............................................................................................................................. 21


I n s t r u c t o r

Sample Column Design

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S9

1. Introduction
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for Development of design input data for Column
ductile design procedures of the column. IS 13920; 1993, IS 456 2000, SP16 and SP34 will be
used for the design process. IS 13920; 1993 will govern among all the similar procedures given
by another codes.

The sample Column considered for the design is shown in below.

Figure 1;

Column 179,180 are selected from

Frame X-Z Plane @Y=11175


I n s t r u c t o r

Sample Column Design

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S9

2. Sorting data for the design of Column (Column Data


The force data of column 179 top and column 180 bottoms is required for the design of
reinforcement crossing joint common to the column 179 and 180.
Select Column 179 and Column 180 - Go to Display -Show Tables -



I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

Select Data corresponding to End station of Column 179 and initial station of column 180
delete all others

4. Column General Calculations

5. Column Design Data


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

6. Column Design Data Summary

7. Design of Column (179, Top) Approximate design

(Considering Uni-axial bending only)


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

8. Design of Column (180, Bottom) Approximate design

(Considering Uni-axial bending only)

However, Code requires a minimum percentage of steel at 0.8%

Hence, adopt 0.8%


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

9. Check for column dimension for flexural action


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

10. Summary of Approximate design

11. Final Design Check for Column 179 top


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

12. Final Design Check for Column 180 bottom


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

13. Summary of Column Design Check


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

14. Shear Capacity of Column without Stirrups


I n s t r u c t o r

Sample Column Design

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S9

15. SF Force Due to Plastic Hinge Formation in Beams

Shear force due to plastic hinge formation in

end beams
=1.4* (117.2+117.2)/2.85
= 115.14 KN
Maximum Shear Force From Analysis
= 82.4 KN
Hence ; Formation of plastic hinge governs
shear design of column
Design Shear force for Column 179 top half
and 180 bottom half
= 115.14 KN


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

16. Design for Shear

17. Design for Confining Links (IS13920; 1993 Cl7.3)

H= longer dimension of the rectangular confining hoop measured to its outer face.
The dimension h of the hoop could be reduced by introducing cross ties.
Ak =Area of confined concrete core in the rectangular hoop measured to its
outside dimensions.
Ag= Gross area of column
Ash= Area of shear stirrups used


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

18. Confining Links arrangement


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9

19. Column Moment capacity


I n s t r u c t o r

Sample Column Design

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S9

20. Check for strong column weak beam

Sum of the beam Moment Capacity

=117.2+117.2= 234.4KN-m
Sum of column Moment
capacity=175+175=350 KN-m
Capacity ratio=350/234.4=1.49>1.1, Safe
in Strong column Weak Beam

21. Joint Shear


I n s t r u c t o r

Sample Column Design

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S9

22. Design for Joint Shear

Joint Shear force, Vjx = 534.31+534.31115.14= 953.48 KN

Joint width, bj =
Joint Depth, hj = 400 mm
Effective shear area of the joint, Ac =4
00*350 = 140000 mm2
Joint shear strength=1.2*fck*Ac = 840
KN< 953.48 KN=> Not safe
Shear to be resisted by links = 953.48 -840
=113.48 KN
Assuming 8 mm dia two legged stirrups,
spacing =
0.87*415*100*400/(113.48*1000) =
Provide 8 mm dia @125mm c/c within the


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sample Column Design

Module M4/S9


1) Describe Design steps for the Column.
2) Area of Special Confining link, Ash=.....................
3) For the check of strong column weak beam,
Sum of the column moment =..........*Sum of the Column Moment
4) For Column behaviour, axial load/gross area must be greater than.............
5) If Axial load/gross area of column <0.1*fck, Column element should be designed
as a .....................
6) Additional cross tie is necessary if the outer distance between longitudinal bars


Instructor Workbook
Nk on it

Module M4/ S10, S11

Beam & Column Design Exercise

As a result of this session, you should be able to:
Develop envelope Bending moment and shear
force diagrams and tables
Seismic design procedure of beam and Column
as per IS13920;1993 and its draft revision
Tackle the practical problems with beam and
Column design and detailing

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,



Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2


Envelope bending moment and shear force data for beam .......................... 3


General Checks for Beam (Applicable for all beams) .................................. 4


Design of Beam (General data) ....................................................................... 4


Design data of Beam ID 25 .............................................................................. 5


Design form for Beam ID 25, Fill the form to complete design of Beam
25 ........................................................................................................................ 6


Design data of Beam ID 26 .............................................................................. 7


Design form for Beam ID 26, Fill the form to complete design of Beam
26 ........................................................................................................................ 8


Design data of Beam ID 27 .............................................................................. 9


Design form for Beam ID 26, Fill the form to complete design of Beam
27 ...................................................................................................................... 10


Prepare Design Summary similar to the table below.................................. 11


Determine Moment Curvature diagram for beam ends Similar to the

sample below ................................................................................................... 12


Shear Design of beam ..................................................................................... 15


Column section 129top and, 130 bottom .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.

M4/S10, S11-1

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

1. Introduction
This is the design exercise session for the participants, follow all the design instructions
described in the session S7,S8 and S9

Figure 1;

Design Beams 25,26, 27 and column section 129top and,130 bottom

Frame X-Z Plane @Y=0

M4/S10, S11-2

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

2. Envelope bending moment and shear force data for beam

Plot envelope
diagram similar
to sample on left

M4/S10, S11-3

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise


General Checks for Beam (Applicable for all beams)

Check for Axial Stress

Module M4/S10,

Factored axial stress<0.1fck

Check for member size

Width of the Beam, B > 200 mm (Cl. 6.1.3; IS13920:1993)
B/Depth of the beam > 0.3 (Cl. 6.1.2; IS13920:1993)
Span/Depth of the beam > 4 (Cl. 6.1.4; IS13920:1993)

Check for limiting longitudinal reinforcement

Minimum reinforcement = 0.24fck/fy = 0.26% (Cl. 6.2.1b;
Maximum reinforcement = 2.5% (Cl. 6.2.2; IS13920:1993)

4. Design of Beam (General data)

M4/S10, S11-4

I n s t r u c t o r

Beam and Column Design Exercise

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S10,

5. Design data of Beam ID 25








M4/S10, S11-5

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

6. Design form for Beam ID 25, Fill the form to complete design of Beam 25

M4/S10, S11-6

I n s t r u c t o r

Beam and Column Design Exercise

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S10,

7. Design data of Beam ID 26








M4/S10, S11-7

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

8. Design form for Beam ID 26, Fill the form to complete design of Beam 26

M4/S10, S11-8

I n s t r u c t o r

Beam and Column Design Exercise

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S10,

9. Design data of Beam ID 27








M4/S10, S11-9

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

10. Design form for Beam ID 26, Fill the form to complete design of Beam 27

M4/S10, S11-10

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

11. Prepare Design Summary similar to the table below

Note: All Beams are detailed with 2-12 dia Continuous bar at top and
bottom Faces

M4/S10, S11-11

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

Write down Adopted Reinforcement for beam end sections similar to below

12. Determine Moment Curvature diagram for beam ends Similar to the
sample below

M4/S10, S11-12

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

M4/S10, S11-13

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

Write down Moment capacities of beam similar to sample below

M4/S10, S11-14

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

13. Shear Design of beam

Determine the shear due to plastic hinge formation similar to the sample below

M4/S10, S11-15

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

Note down the SF due to 1.2(DL+LL) Combination from SAP

output, similar to sample below

M4/S10, S11-16

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

Determine SF due to plastic Hinge formation similar to

sample below

M4/S10, S11-17

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

Make Shear force Summary table similar to the sample


M4/S10, S11-18

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Beam and Column Design Exercise

Module M4/S10,

Design for Shear Forces for critical shear force

DSF for left End of the Beam ID , Vu= KN

Governing pt = .. %

Shear Capacity of Concrete without stirrups, c =. N/mm2

Nominal Shear Stress, v = Vu/bd = .. N/mm2

Shear Force to be resisted by stirrups, Vus = Vu-c*bd = KN

Assume 8 mm dia 2 legged STRPS with shearing area, Asv = ..

Spacing of Shear Stirrups, S = 0.87*fy*Asv*d/Vus = mm

Spacing of the special confining reinforcement ={S, deff/4, 8*small}min


Provide mm dia - legged STRPS c/c

M4/S10, S11-19

Instructor Workbook

Module M4/ S12

Sap2000 Design Features

Nk on it

As a result of this session, you should be able to:







I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12



Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2


Sap 2000 Design ................................................................................................ 2


Design output display options ......................................................................... 2


Override Command ......................................................................................... 4


Check for Reinforcement details .................................................................... 4


Column/ Beam Capacity Check ...................................................................... 5


Dont Use Sap Output directly ........................................................................ 6


Beam Reinforcement output ........................................................................... 7


Grouping of Beam of first to third floor with similar detailing ................. 11


Column grouping............................................................................................ 13


Define Beam and Column Sections ............................................................... 14


Re Run the Model again and check for capacity ratio................................ 16


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

1. Introduction
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for Development of design check by using
SAP2000 Design features. Sap 2000 uses IS 13920; 1993, IS 456 2000, for the design of beam
and columns.
Figure 1;

Column 179,180 are selected from

Frame X-Z Plane @Y=11175

2. Sap 2000 Design

Go to Design Menu-Concrete Frame Design-Start Design/Check of structure
This option is for designing elements using Sap2000
IS 456; 2000 and IS 13920; 1993 and IS13920 draft code will be used for ductile frame

3. Design output display options

Go to Design-Concrete Frame Design-Display Design Info

Select the parameters do display in screen
Longitudinal reinforcement in current unit
% of rebar of element effective area
Shear reinforcement/Spacing ratio


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Column P-M-M Interaction ratio

1.1*Column/Beam capacity<1 {Strong Column Weak Beam}
Column/Beam Capacity ratio>1.1 {Strong Column Weak Beam}
Joint shear capacity ratio<1

This option will display the selected output information

Right click frame element for detail information

Module M4/S12


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

4. Override Command

sap displays deferent beam reinforcement left and right to the same joint
Such detailing is practically impossible
Override command available in sap is useful to adjust such difficulties
Make groups of the beam with similar proposed detailing
Assign the section and reanalyze and redesign

5. Check for Reinforcement details

Go to Design-Concrete Frame Design-Display Design Info

Select Longitudinal reinforcement in current unit


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

XZ-Plane @Y=11175
Color of Column indicates P-M-M interaction values qualitatively. Red color indicates
overstressing of column. All other colors indicates safe in P-M-M interaction

6. Column/ Beam Capacity Check

Column /Beam capacity ratio must be >1.1

Otherwise either section or reinforcement should be revised.
The fig below shows most of the beam column failed in capacity check


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

XZ-Plane @Y=11175

7. Dont Use SAP Output directly

The design reinforcement indicates area of steel for the critical load combinations
with consideration for amplification of shear based up on the capacity of section
Always check the Beam column capacity and joint shear capacity and column PM-M interaction
If the member passed capacity check and P-M-M check then we can use the
reinforcement output of sap
If the member failed for the capacity, revise the section properties or use override
command to upgrade steel

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

8. Beam Reinforcement output

First floor beam reinforcement


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

Second floor Beam reinforcement


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

Third floor Beam Reinforcement


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

Fourth floor Beam Reinforcement

Pent house roof Beam Reinforcement


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

9. Grouping of Beam of first to third floor with similar

Observing beam reinforcement output and practical difficulties in beam detailing, 8
groups of the Beam with same sectional properties
Grouping of Beam of first to third floor with similar detailing
Beam Section 230X375 all but with deferent end sectional details


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

Grouping of Beam of fourth floor with similar detailing

Beam 230X300 all

Beam Sectional Reinforcement

Top: 2-16 Cont+(2-16+1-12) Extra
Bottom: 2-16 Cont+2-16 Extra
Top: 2-16 Cont+2-16 Extra
Bottom: 2-16 Cont+2-16 Extra
Top: 2-16 Cont+2-16 Extra
Bottom: 2-16 Cont+1-16 Extra
Top: 2-16 Cont+1-16 Extra
Bottom: 2-16 Cont+1-16 Extra


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

10. Column grouping

Column C1: 300X300 with 8-25 dia bar top to bottom

ColumnC2: 350X350,8-20dia bar top to bottom
Column C3: 350X350, bottom two storey 8-25 dia other storey 8-20dia


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

11. Define Beam and Column Sections

Define Beam section B1 to B8 with Reinforcement override for ductile detailing

Assign to Corresponding Beam
Define All Column Section C1 to C3


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12

12. Re Run the Model again and check for capacity



I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Sap2000 Design Features

Module M4/S12


1) Make list of Design checks available in SAP2000

2) Can we use the reinforcement output given by sap 2000 directly for detailing?

3) The reinforcement output from sap 2000 must pass another check. Make list of
that checks
4) Reinforcement detailing of beam on either side of beam is unequal. How to
correct it?


Instructor Workbook

Module M4/ S13

Drift limitations

Nk on it

As a result of this session, you should be able to:


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Drift limitations

Module M4/S13



Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2


Storey Drift and Drift ratio ............................................................................. 2


IS 1893,2002 Provision for Storey Drift ......................................................... 2


Sap 2000 Deflection outputs along X direction.............................................. 2


Sap 2000 Deflection outputs along Y direction.............................................. 5


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Drift limitations

Module M4/S13

1. Introduction
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for evaluation of drift ratio of Column
along X and Y direction.

2. Storey Drift and Drift ratio

Storey drift is the deflection of one level relative to other level above and below.
Drift ratio is the ratio of storey drift and storey height

3. IS 1893,2002 Provision for Storey Drift

4. Sap 2000 Deflection outputs along X direction

Select any intermediate frame in XZ Plane

Go to Display-Shaw deformed shape-Select EQx Load Case
This option is for displaying deformed shape for XZ-frame


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Drift limitations

Module M4/S13

Deflected shape of XZ frame and storey deflection


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Drift limitations

Module M4/S13

Deflected shape of XZ-Frame and storey drift ratio, all drift ratios are within permissible value of


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Drift limitations

Module M4/S13

5. SAP 2000 Deflection outputs along Y direction

Select any intermediate frame in YZ Plane

Go to Display-Shaw deformed shape-Select EQy Load Case
This option is for displaying deformed shape for YZ-frame

Deflected shape of YZ frame and storey deflection


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Drift limitations

Module M4/S13

Deflected shape of YZ-Frame and storey drift ratio, all drift ratios are within permissible value of

6. What if the Drift limitation does not satisfy?

Increase the dimensions of column to increase the stiffness and re analyze the structure
again. Repeat the process till the condition satisfied.


I n s t r u c t o r

Drift limitations

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S13

1) The partial load factor considered for the check of drift limitation
2) Storey drift limitations as per IS 1893; 2000 is
3) If the drift limit is not satisfied then the next step will be.


Instructor Workbook

Module M4/ S14

Ductility of Beam and Pushover

Nk on it

As a result of this session, you should be able to:

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Ductility of beam and pushover hinge

Module M4/ S14



Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2


Ductility ............................................................................................................. 2


Section Designer ............................................................................................... 3


Push over Hinge ................................................................................................ 4


Pushover Hinge (Beam Moment) .................................................................... 5


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Ductility of beam and pushover hinge

Module M4/ S14

1. Introduction
This chapter provides definition of ductility of beam and important points of its pushover moment

2. Ductility
Ductility may be defined as the ability to undergo deformations without a significant
reduction in the flexural capacity of the member.
The ductility of reinforced concrete section could be expressed in the form of the
curvature ductility ():

Where u is the curvature at ultimate when the concrete compression strain

reaches a specified limiting value
y is the curvature when the tension reinforcement first reaches the yield strength.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Ductility of beam and pushover hinge

Module M4/ S14

3. Section Designer

Go to Define- Frame Sections


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Ductility of beam and pushover hinge

Module M4/ S14

4. Push over Hinge

Hinge defines force deformation from elastic to collapse of the elements

Structural element may have coupled(P-M2-M3) or Uncoupled
5 points labeled A, B,C,D,E are used to define the force deformation behavior of
Three points labeled IO,LS,CP are used to define acceptance criteria for
hinge(Plastic hinge rotation angles)
IO: Immediate occupancy=0.005
LS: Life safety=0.01
CP: Collapse prevention=0.02


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Ductility of beam and pushover hinge

Module M4/ S14

5. Pushover Hinge (Beam Moment)

For Moment M2 and Moment M3 hinge properties,
the force is input as M/MSF , MSF= Yield moment
corresponding to point B
the displacement is input as /SF, SF =1
The load values at B is important, but not the deformation values (they may be
only the plastic deformation should be defined. Elastic deformation is determined by the
frame element containing the hinge.

The path A to B is elastic and can be defined easily

Point B is the point corresponding to yield strength of steel with partial factor of safety=1
Point C is corresponding to the 1.25 times yield strength and partial FOS=1
Point E is corresponding to residual strength=20% of yield strength


I n s t r u c t o r

Ductility of beam and pushover hinge

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/ S14

1) What are the plastic hinge rotation limits for IO, LS and CP.?
2) Sketch the curve representing the pushover hinge of the beam qualitatively. Mark
different points corresponding to IO,LS and CP
3) Define Point A, B,C,D,E on pushover curve
4) What is the ductility of the beam?


Instructor Workbook

Module M4/S15

Nk on it

Pushover Analysis Basic Concepts

As a result of this session, you should be able to:
Familiar with process of Pushover Analysis using SAP

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Pushover Analysis Basic Concepts

Module M4/S15



Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2


Pushover Analysis ............................................................................................ 2


Pushover lateral load ....................................................................................... 2


Pushover target displacement ......................................................................... 2


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Pushover Analysis Basic Concepts

Module M4/S15

1. Introduction
This chapter provides Basic Concepts of pushover analysis and SAP 2000 modeling features.

2. Pushover Analysis
A Pushover Analysis is a nonlinear static procedure wherein monotonically increasing
lateral loads are applied to the structure till a target displacement is achieved or the
structure is unable to resist further loads

3. Pushover lateral load

It plays an important role due to the fact that it is supposed to deform the structure
in a similar manner experienced in earthquake occurrence.
Lateral load proportional to the Codal seismic load distribution is sufficient when
the response is dominated by first mode shape.
The importance of the loading shape increases when the response is not dominated by the
single mode (Multi mode Pushover analysis)

4. Pushover target displacement

The target displacement is the maximum displacement likely to be expected

during the design earthquake


Instructor Workbook

Module M 4/S16
Determining Pushover hinges for
Beam and Column

Nk on it

As a result of this session, you should be able to:

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16


Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2

Beam Grouping & Beam hinge ID.................................................................. 2


Beam Sectional Reinforcement and Hinge ID ............................................... 3


Column grouping and Hinge ID ..................................................................... 4


Beam Hinge:BH4 .............................................................................................. 4


Material Properties .......................................................................................... 5


Section S1 (BH1) ............................................................................................... 6


Section S2; Hinge BH2 ..................................................................................... 8


Section S3; Beam Hinge BH3 .......................................................................... 9


Section S4,-Ve and +ve Bending (BH4) ........................................................ 11


Using Section Designer for Column Hinge .................................................. 12


Column Hinge, Confined Concrete Model ................................................... 12


Column Hinge: CH1....................................................................................... 13


Column Hinge: CH2....................................................................................... 13


Column Hinge: CH3....................................................................................... 14


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

This chapter provides the process of determining pushover hinges for beam and columns

1. Beam Grouping & Beam hinge ID

Make grouping of beam end with similar detailing as shown below.

First floor to third floor Beam

Beam Size: 230X375


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

Fourth floor Beam

Beam Size: 230X300

2. Beam Sectional Reinforcement and Hinge ID

S1 : Hinge ID BH1
Top: 2-16 Cont+(2-16+1-12) Extra
Bottom: 2-16 Cont+2-16 Extra
S2 : Hinge ID BH2
Top: 2-16 Cont+2-16 Extra
Bottom: 2-16 Cont+2-16 Extra
S3 : Hinge ID BH3
Top: 2-16 Cont+2-16 Extra
Bottom: 2-16 Cont+1-16 Extra
S4 : Hinge ID BH4
Top: 2-16 Cont+1-16 Extra
Bottom: 2-16 Cont+1-16 Extra


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

3. Column grouping and Hinge ID

4. Beam Hinge: BH4

Column C1: 300X300 with 8-25 dia bar top to bottom; Column Hinge:CH1
ColumnC2: 350X350,8-20dia bar top to bottom Column Hinge:CH2
Column C3: 350X350, bottom two storey 8-25 dia other storey 8-20dia Column
Hinge:CH3, CH2


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

5. Material Properties

Un-Confined Concrete Stress-Strain Model

Rebar Stress-Strain Model


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

6. Section S1 (BH1)

+ve Bending


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

Hinge Summary


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

7. Section S2; Hinge BH2

-ve and +ve Bending Both


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

8. Section S3; Beam Hinge BH3

-ve Bending


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

9. Section S4,-Ve and +ve Bending (BH4)

+ve and ve Bending


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

10. Using Section Designer for Column Hinge

Section Designer gives Interaction curve data for design purpose

Upgrade Concrete strength to 2.25 times Characteristic Strength
Upgrade Steel yield stress to 1.15 times characteristic yield strength

11. Column Hinge, Confined Concrete Model


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

12. Column Hinge: CH1

13. Column Hinge: CH2


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Determining Pushover hinges for Beam

and Column

Module M4/S16

14. Column Hinge: CH3


Module M 4/S17
Instructor Workbook
Nk on it

Pushover Analysis in SAP2000

As a result of this session, you should be able to:

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Push over Analysis in SAP2000

Module M4/S17



Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2


Define Frame Hinge ......................................................................................... 2


Define Column Hinge ....................................................................................... 3


Assign Beam and Column Hinge .................................................................... 4


Define Gravity Pushover Load Case .............................................................. 4


Define Lateral PushX Load Case .................................................................... 5


Viewing Pushover analysis outputs ................................................................ 5


Base shear Vs Roof displacement curve ......................................................... 7


ATC40 Capacity Spectrum ............................................................................. 7


Displaying Data Data Table ............................................................................ 8


Elastic Vs Pushover Response ......................................................................... 8


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Push over Analysis in SAP2000

Module M4/S17

1. Introduction
This chapter provides the Steps of Pushover analysis in SAP 2000.

2. Define Frame Hinge


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Push over Analysis in SAP2000

Module M4/S17

3. Define Column Hinge


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Push over Analysis in SAP2000

Module M4/S17

4. Assign Beam and Column Hinge

Select all the Columns

Go to Assign-Frame-Hinges - Select CH1
This will automatically generates Column Hinge in all columns Based up on the
geometry, reinforcement and material properties
Similarly assign Beam Hinges

5. Define Gravity Pushover Load Case

Defile-Load Cases-Add New load cases

Name Load Case as Grav ; Select Load Control option


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Push over Analysis in SAP2000

Module M4/S17

6. Define Lateral PushX Load Case

Similarly define PushY Load cases

7. Viewing Pushover analysis outputs

Go to deflected shape select Push X, select increasing load steps


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Push over Analysis in SAP2000

Module M4/S17


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Push over Analysis in SAP2000

Module M4/S17

8. Base shear Vs Roof displacement curve

9. ATC40 Capacity Spectrum


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Push over Analysis in SAP2000

Module M4/S17

10. Displaying Data Table

11. Elastic Vs Pushover Response

Slope of the elastic curve, m = 28204.7 KN/m

Area under the pushover curve, A = 345.57 KN-m
Design Base shear, V = 421 KN
Seismic wt of the building, W = 4677.778 KN
Ultimate demand = 0.9*seismic wt = 4210 KN

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Push over Analysis in SAP2000

Module M4/S17

Actual Base shear corresponding to first yield = 616.7 KN

Ultimate base shear demand = 2374 KN
Corresponding Elastic Demand = sqrt(2*A*m) = 4415 KN
2*Response reduction factor, 2*R = 4415/421 = 10.5
R = 5.25 > 5 OK


Instructor Workbook
Nk on it

Module M 4/S18
Group Discussion for Pushover

As a result of this session, you should be able to:


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Group Discussion on Pushover Analysis

Module M4/S18



Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2


Group division and group exercise ................................................................. 2


Push over Hinge ................................................................................................ 3


Pushover Hinge (Beam Moment) .................................................................... 4


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Group Discussion on Pushover Analysis

Module M4/S18

1. Introduction
This Session is for the group discussion for pushover analysis.

2. Group division and group exercise

Divide whole participant in four groups and let them to practice pushover analysis by
group discussion.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Module M4/S18

Group Discussion on Pushover Analysis

3. Push over Hinge

Hinge defines force deformation from elastic to collapse of the elements

Structural element may have coupled (P-M2-M3) or Uncoupled Hinges
5 points labeled A, B,C,D,E are used to define the force deformation behavior of
Three points labeled IO,LS,CP are used to define acceptance criteria for hinge
IO: Immediate occupancy
LS: Life safety
CP: Collapse prevention


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Group Discussion on Pushover Analysis

Module M4/S18

4. Pushover Hinge (Beam Moment)

For Moment M2 and Moment M3 hinge properties,

the force is input as M/MSF , MSF = Yield moment corresponding to point B
the displacement is input as /SF, SF = 1
The load values at B is important, but not the deformation values (they may be

only the plastic deformation should be defined. Elastic deformation is determined by the
frame element containing the hinge.

The path A to B is elastic and can be defined easily

Point B is the point corresponding to yield strength of steel with partial factor of safety=1
Point C is corresponding to the 1.25 times yield strength and partial FOS=1
Point E is corresponding to residual strength=20% of yield strength


Instructor Workbook

Module M5/S1
Failure of Masonry Buildings

As a result of this session, you should be able to:

Identify the modes of failure of masonry

Understand the major weaknesses of our
building types
Understand the remedial measures to
improve the response of the building in large

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1



INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................1


MODES OF FAILURE OF MASONRY BUILDINGS ..........................1

2.1 Failure of In-Plane Walls ....................................................................1
2.2 Failure of Out-plane Wall ...................................................................3
2.3 Corner Separation ...............................................................................5
2.4 Delamination of Walls ........................................................................6



3.1 Lack of Strength and Stiffness ............................................................7
3.2 Lack of Integrity between Walls Roof and Floor ...............................8
3.3 Absence of Vertical bar, Horizontal Bands at Plinth, Sill, Lintel
and Floor/Roof Level ........................................................................10
3.4 Lack of Cross Walls ..........................................................................11
3.5 Asymmetric Configuration ...............................................................12
3.6 Inadequate Gap between Adjacent Buildings ...................................13
3.7 Construction Deficiency ...................................................................13


I n s t r u c t o r


W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Masonry buildings refer to those with load bearing walls made of fired clay
bricks, stone or concrete masonry units. In the event of an earthquake, apart
from the existing gravity loads, horizontal racking loads are imposed on walls.
However, the unreinforced masonry behaves as a brittle material. Hence if the
stress state within the wall exceeds masonry strength, brittle failure occurs,
followed by possible collapse of the wall and the building. Therefore,
unreinforced masonry walls are vulnerable to earthquakes and should be
confined and/or reinforced whenever possible.



Unreinforced masonry buildings suffer the following modes of failure.


Failure of In-Plane Walls

Masonry walls resisting in-plane loads usually exhibit three modes of failure.
The mechanisms depend on the geometry of the wall (Height/Width ratio),
quality of materials and on boundary restraints and loads acting on the wall.
These are:

Sliding Shear





Sliding shear- In case of low vertical load and poor quality mortar, seismic
loads frequently cause shearing of the wall in two parts and sliding of the
upper part of the wall on one of the horizontal mortar joints.
Shear- A wall loaded with significant vertical load as well as horizontal
forces can fail in shear with diagonal cracking. This is the most common
mode of failure of masonry walls subjected to seismic loads. This type of
failure takes place where the principal tensile stresses developed in the
wall under a combination of vertical and horizontal loads exceed the
tensile strength of masonry materials. Diagonal cracking of piers either
start from corners of openings or in solid walls, from the wall ends.
Bending- this type of failure can occur if walls are with improved shear
resistance. Crushing of compression zones at the ends of the wall usually
takes place indicating the flexural mode of failure.

Failure modes for masonry walls subject to in-plane loads are shown in Figure
1-3 below. Photos 1-3 show diagonal cracking of masonry walls which is the
most common type of failure of masonry buildings.


Module M5/ S1

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

Fig. 1: Failure Modes for Masonry Walls Subject to In-Plane Loads

Fig. 2: Illustration on In-plane Flexural Failure of Masonry Wall (Flexural

Cracking/Toe Crushing/Bed Joint Sliding Case)

Fig 3: Illustrations on In-plane Flexural Failure of Masonry Wall (Flexural

Cracking/Toe Crushing)


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Photo1: Diagonal Cracking of Solid

Wall (Bed Joint Sliding Mode)

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

Photo 2: Diagonal Cracking of Solid


Photo 3: Diagonal Cracking of Masonry Piers Starting from Corner of Opening


Failure of Out-plane Wall

Masonry walls resisting out-of-plane loads usually exhibit the following two
modes of failure:

Vertical orientation of failure plane when bending in longitudinal

direction and tension developed is parallel to bed joint


Horizontal orientation of failure plane when bending in vertical

direction and tension developed normal to bed joint


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

Fig 2: Vertical Orientation of Failure Plane

Fig 3: Horizontal Orientation of failure plane

Out-of-plane failures are common in URM buildings. Usually they occur due
to the lack of adequate wall ties, bands or cross walls. When ties are adequate,

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

the wall may fail due to out-of- plane bending between floor levels. In case of
long walls, without cross walls, the failure mode is out of plane bending
horizontally. Important variables are the vertical stress on the wall and the
height-to-thickness ratio of the wall. Thus, walls at the top of buildings and
slender walls are more likely to suffer damage.
Photos 4 and 5 show the out of plane failure of masonry walls.

Photo 4: Out of Plane Failure of Stone



Photo 5: Out of Plane Failure of Block


Corner Separation
Separation of orthogonal walls due to in-plane and out-of-plane stresses at
corners is one of the most common damage patterns in masonry buildings.
Separations in both sides of a wall result to an unstable condition leading to
out-of-plane failure. The failure is due to lack of lateral support at two ends of
the wall during out of plane loading.
This type of failure significantly reduces the lateral load carrying capacity of
the building if all the corners are separated. The decision for restoration/
retrofitting and demolition depends on extent of such damage. If only limited
numbers or portion of the walls is separated, the buildings can be restored and
retrofitted. If all/most of the corners are separated it is difficult to restore the
original capacity by restoration and retrofitting.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Photo 6: Heavy Corner Separation


Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

Photo 7: Wall Failure at Joint

Delamination of Walls
Delamination of two wyths of masonry walls is another type of damage. The
extent of this type of damage can be examined by sounding test. Wall
delamination is caused by lack of integrity of two wyths of the wall. Photo 8
and 9 show the delamination of walls during earthquakes.

Photo 8: Delamination of Outer

Stone Masonry Wall

Photo 9: Delamination of Outer and Inner

Stone Masonry Walls


I n s t r u c t o r


W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1


Observation of structural performance of buildings during an earthquake can
clearly identify the strong and weak aspects of the building construction.
Most of the structural failures that we observed in past earthquakes were
associated with deficiencies in the structure as built, whether caused by lack
of strength and ductility, integrity or by improper construction practices (poor
materials, poor workmanship).
As evident from past earthquakes, the typical damages to non-engineered
masonry buildings are as follows:


Lack of Strength and Stiffness

These arise from large openings and inadequate thickness of walls usually in
ground floor resulting in reduced wall strength and storey stiffness. In load
bearing masonry, walls are the main lateral load resisting elements. Doors and
windows are the voids in walls that make walls weaker. Therefore, their sizes
and locations are carefully decided and constructed. There are some rules for
size and location of doors and window openings and wall thickness in
masonry buildings.
Thickness requirement as per National Building Code

Brick masonry
in Cement
Stone Masonry
in Cement


Min. Wall
Thickness (mm)

Max. Height (m)

















I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

Openings requirements in walls as NBC Nepal

Any opening in the wall should be small in size and centrally located. The following is
the guideline for the size and position of openings.
i) Openings are to be located away from inside corners by a clear distance
equal to at least 1/4 of the height of the opening, but not less than 600 mm.
ii) The total length of openings in a wall are not to exceed 50 % of the length of
the wall between consecutive cross-walls in single-storey construction, 42 %
in two-storey construction, and 33 % in three-storey buildings.
iii) The horizontal distance (pier width) between two openings is to be not less
than one half of the height of the shorter opening but not less than 600 mm.
iv) The vertical distance from one opening to another opening directly above it
shall not be less than 600 mm, nor less than one half the width of the smaller
v) When an opening does not comply with requirements (i) to (iv), it shall be
boxed in reinforced jambs through the masonry.
vi) If the vertical opening of the wall is more than 50 % of the wall height,
vertical bars shall be provided in the jambs.


Lack of Integrity between Walls Roof and Floor

Non-existent or improper connections between walls, roof and floor is another
major deficiency of our masonry buildings. As envisaged by past earthquake
most of the non-engineered masonry buildings collapsed due to lack of
bonding and anchorage between wall to wall, wall to roof/floor and between
elements of roof/floor. This arise mainly due to
i) The practice of providing toothed joint between two consecutive walls.
ii) Roof/Floor simply rests on wall without any anchorage
iii) Elements of roof/slab are not tied properly
iv) Poor connection between masonry units leading to vertical joint in the
Integrity can be improved by enduring a proper connection between these
elements so that the building acts as a single unit enhancing the lateral load
resisting capacity of the building.
Some examples of improving the integrity of the building are illustrated


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Step Joint at Corners

L Shaped Stitch

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

The weakness due to toothed joints can

be improved easily by providing
stepped joints in place of toothed joint
whenever necessary. Steps are easy to
construct as well as when another wall
is to be joined mortar can be placed at
all necessary surfaces. Also the joint
will not be at the same vertical line.
This option does not cost additional
money but would significantly improve
the joint strength.
The inherent weakness of wall joints
can be improved by providing stepped
joints but for ensuring earthquake
safety, we need to employ some extra
strengthening elements which are called
stitches. Stitches are L or T shaped
elements which joins two orthogonal
walls properly. The stitches work as
nails in wooden box where planks are
nailed together to make a box. RCC
stitches are suitable for masonry
buildings with cement sand mortar and
timber or bamboo stitches are suitable
for masonry buildings with mud mortar.
However, RCC stitch can also be
provided in the building with mud
mortar. The photographs show L and T
stitches reinforcement details used to
connect walls at L and T junctions.

T Shaped Stitch


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

Floor/roof slab or truss should have a

sufficient bearing to wall and tied
displacement between the wall and roof
element at joint ensuring stability of the
structure. Use of metal ties is common
as an anchoring element. Many
buildings in past earthquakes have
collapsed due to inadequate connection
between roof/floor and wall system.
Anchorage of Roof to Wall

Door/Window openings attached to

wall junctions also increases weakness
of the building. Openings shall be
provided either at a distance such that
P1 > 0.25h1
P2 > 0.25h2
P3 > 0.50h2 or at least 600 mm from the
wall junction.


Absence of Vertical bar, Horizontal Bands at Plinth, Sill,

Lintel and Floor/Roof Level
Masonry is a brittle material and the flexural strength of masonry wall is
almost negligible. Therefore during earthquake shaking, masonry walls get
damaged due to out of plane and in-plane bending. To prevent such damage,
masonry wall is tied by providing horizontal bands at plinth, sill, lintel and
roof/floor level and vertical bars at wall junctions and at jambs of
door/window openings. The bandages are designed for out-of-plane bending
and vertical reinforcement bars are designed for in-plane bending. The band
may be of RCC, timber, bamboo depending upon the material available and
type of the building construction. For a building with cement mortar, RC band
is preferable. A timber band could be used for building with mud mortar.
However, RCC band can also be used in the buildings with mud mortar.
The problem with two sided sloped roof buildings is failure of gable walls.
Gable wall in a building is at the highest level and the displacement of wall at
the top is more than that at the bottom. Usually these gable walls are untied at
the top. Also the height becomes more in gable walls so this wall can fall more
easily. To mitigate the problem of gable wall failure, bandages similar to other

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

bands should be provided at bottom and the slope of the gable wall as shown
in the figure below. Details of the gable wall band are similar to the bands at
sill level and the lintel level.

Horizontal bands and vertical bars act as earthquake resistant elements in masonry buildings

Use of gable band


Gable wall is replaced by light weight sheet

Lack of Cross Walls

Many masonry buildings fail because of long unsupported walls. For a
masonry building to be earthquake resistant, the free length of walls (length
between cross walls) and height of the wall should not be unnecessarily large.
The maximum length of unsupported wall shall not be more than 12 times its
thickness. If it is necessary to make more than 12 times, buttress walls shall be
provided to make the unsupported length less than 12 times. The height to
thickness ratio of the walls should be limited to 1:12 for brick or block
masonry and 1:8 for stone masonry. These buttresses should be constructed
simultaneously with the main walls and should be well integrated.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

These buttresses are used to provide

lateral support to the masonry wall in
the horizontal direction.


Asymmetric Configuration
Irregular buildings (both horizontally and vertically as well) suffer more
damage than regular buildings due to concentration of stresses in limited
structural members. To avoid the damage due to irregular configuration masscenter of the building should be as close to stiffness-center of the building as
possible. For this, square shaped building is most preferable. Otherwise,
rectangular shaped building is also good as long as the length of the building
does not exceed three times its width. Similarly, height of the building should
not exceed three times the width of the building. Building code of Nepal
allows projection of up to one fourth the building width, if desired. If L, T or U
shaped building is desired, different wings of the building need separation
using seismic gap as shown in the figure below.

Not preferable shapes of the building from seismic consideration


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

Preferable shapes of the building from seismic consideration

The building should also exhibit vertical regularity. Sudden change in storey
stiffness is not desired from seismic point of view. Similarly, to avoid any
kind of eccentricity, mass in the building should be uniformly distributed.


Inadequate Gap between Adjacent Buildings

Buildings attached to each other are likely to get damaged due to pounding.
Two adjacent buildings or two adjacent units of the same building with
separation joint in between shall be separated by a distance equal to R times
the sum of the calculated storey displacements to avoid damaging contact
when the two units deflect towards each other. When floor levels of two
similar adjacent units or buildings are at the same elevation levels, factor R in
this requirement may be replaced by R/2.


Construction Deficiency
Buildings behave as they are actually constructed and not as they are designed
or planned. No matter how well a building is planned and designed, if they are
poorly constructed, it performs poorly. Therefore, quality and workmanship
during each stage of the construction play a vital role in making a building of
good quality, strong and earthquake resistant. Besides good planning and
design, quality control should also be given high attention during the
construction of a building. First factor to affect the quality of a building is the
quality of its planning and design. If a building is not properly planned and
designed, the building could never be of good quality even if it is constructed
with greater care and quality control. For a building to be an earthquake
resistant, a good quality planning and design means the one which follows the
basic rules such as appropriate site selection, good configuration and layout,
appropriate size and detailing of different structural elements etc. Another
factor affecting the quality of a building is quality of materials used in the
construction. Inferior quality materials can not make a good quality building.
Therefore, materials used in the construction should be of good quality as

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1

mentioned in the specifications. Next major factor to contribute in the quality

of a building is the quality of construction process and quality of
workmanship. This is the ultimate factor to make a good quality building.
Each and every stage of the construction should be in accordance with the
provisions and steps mentioned in the standard construction manuals and
guidelines. Resources and time available are the indirect factors to make a
good quality building. Experiences have shown that if the project period is
prolonged due to the resource constraints, the quality of construction goes on


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Failure of Masonry Buildings

Module M5/S1


Describe three modes of failure of masonry walls resisting in in-plane



Describe five major deficiencies of masonry buildings


Instructor Workbook

Module M5/S2
Masonry Design Example
Engineers Training on EarthquakeResistant Design of Buildings

As a result of this session, you should be able to:

Determine the mechanical properties of the


Calculate the earthquake load in the building

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S2


INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1

BUILDING DESCRIPTION ................................................................. 1


General ........................................................................................................1


Design Loads ...............................................................................................1


Material Properties ....................................................................................2



General Design Consideration ..................................................................3


Determine the Wall Thickness ..................................................................4

3.2.1Slenderness ratio .................................................................................4
3.2.2Effective length of wall.......................................................................4
3.2.3Effective Length for our Case .............................................................6


EARTHQUAKE LOAD CALCULATION ........................................... 9

Using NBC 105 ...........................................................................................9


Lump Mass Calculation .............................................................................9


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

This session outlines the problem statement of two storey brick masonry
residential building which is the most common masonry building type in
Nepal. It discusses the general design requirements of the building including
determination of various design parameters and material properties for seismic
analysis and design of the building. This session also describes the selection of
various factors for determination of earthquake load in the building.
The analysis and design presented here is approximate and is in very
simplified version because of time limitation. The goal of this exercise is just
to give an overview of basic principles of analysis and design of masonry load
bearing elements.

A two storey brick masonry residential building has plan dimensions as shown
in figure below.

2.1 General
Building Type

Ordinary Residential Building

No. of Stories


Storey Height

3.0 m


Brick in 1:5 Cement Sand mortar


RCC 100 mm thick Slab

Earthquake Zone

1 (NBC 105)

Importance Factor

1.0 (Residential Building)

Building Dimension

5760 X 3720 mm

Building Shape

Simple rectangular

Subsoil Type


Masonry Wall

19 KN/m3

RCC Slab

25 KN/m3

Floor finish

0.05*20 = 1.0 KN/m2

2.2 Design Loads

Dead Loads

Live Loads

Module M5/ S2

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S2

Floor Live Load

2 KN/m2 (IS: 875(Part 2)1987 Table 1)

Roof Live Load

1.5 KN/m2

2.3 Material Properties

Brick Masonry
Compressive strength of brick

10 N/mm2

Mortar Type

M1 (Cement sand ratio 1:5)

Reinforcement of grade Fe 415 is used for slab and other reinforcement to be
designed for masonry to take shear and tensile stresses.

900 765









765 900

765 900 765 900 765 900 765


Fig.1:Floor Plan


W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S2





450 900


900 1004



I n s t r u c t o r

Fig 2:Elevation


3.1 General Design Consideration
Masonry structures gain stability from the support offered by cross walls,
floors, roof and other elements such as piers and buttresses Load bearing walls
are structurally more efficient when the load is uniformly distributed and the
structure is so planned that eccentricity of loading on the members is as small
as possible. Avoidance of eccentric loading by providing adequate bearing of
floor/roof on the walls providing adequate stiffness in slabs and avoiding
fixity at the supports, etc, is especially important in load bearing wall
structures. These matters should receive careful consideration during the
planning stage of masonry structures. Similarly it is always essential to meet
the basic criteria of earthquake resistant masonry buildings such as
door/window opening ratio, height to thickness ratio, maximum length of
unsupported walls etc. prior to detail analysis and design of structural elements
to avoid unnecessary time loss in re-determining and analysing the structure
again with revised sections of structural elements.


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S2

3.2 Determine the Wall Thickness

Determine the preliminary size of the load bearing walls maintaining the basic
criteria of height to thickness ratio or length to thickness ratio whichever is
critical as per the prevalent building code or standard norms.
3.2.1 Slenderness ratio
For a wall, slenderness ratio shall be effective height divided by effective
thickness or effective length divided by the effective thickness, whichever is
less. In case of a load bearing wall, slenderness ratio shall not exceed that
given in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Maximum Slenderness Ratio for a Load Bearing Wall
Number of

Using Portland
cement mortar

Using Lime

U p to 2



Exceeding 2



3.2.2 Effective length of wall

Effective length of a wall shall be as given in Table below.
Table 2: Effective Length of Wall
S.N. Conditions of Support (See figure below)


Where a wall is continuous and is supported by cross wall,

and there is no opening within a distance of H/8 from the
face of cross wall or where a wall is continuous and is
supported by piers/buttresses.

0.8 L

Where a wall is supported by a cross wall at one end and

continuous with cross wall at other end or where a wall is
supported by a pier/ buttress at one end and continuous
with pier/buttress at other end.


Where a wall is supported at each end by cross wall or

where a wall is supported at each end by a pier/buttress.


Where a wall is free at one end and continuous with a cross 1.5L
wall at the other end or where a wall is free at one end and
continuous with a pier/buttress at the other end

Where a wall is free at one end and supported at the other

end by a cross wall or where a wall is free at one end and
supported at the other end by a pier/ buttress.



I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Examp


Module M5/
M S2

In case thhere is an op
pening tallerr than 0.5 H in a wall, eends of the wall
w at the
opening shall
be conssidered as freee.

x H/8, y H/6

l = 0 .8 L

x H/8, y H/6

l = 0 .9 L

x H/8, y H/6,


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

x H/8, y H/6,

Masonry Design Examp


l = 1. 5 L

x < H/8, y H/6,

Fiig 3: Effectivve Length of
o Wall
3 Effective
e Length fo
or our Cas










765 900

765 900 765 900 765 900



x H/8, y H/6,


Module M
M5/ S2

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S2

Fig 4: Effective Length of the Building

Effective length = 5.76-0.23 m =5.53 m
Trial thickness of wall using slenderness criteria, 5.53/27 = 0.2 m
Use the thickness of wall 0.23m or 230 mm


Permissible compressive stress in masonry shall be based on the value of basic
compressive stress (fb) and multiplying this value by factor known as stress
reduction factor (ks). Area reduction factor (ka) and shape modification factor
(kp) as per IS 1905-1987.
Basic Compressive Stress: Values of basic compressive stress given in Table
3 that .take into consideration crushing strength of masonry unit and grades of
mortar, and hold good for values of slenderness ration not exceeding 6, zero
eccentricity and masonry unit having height to width ratio ( as laid ) equal to
0.75 or less. Alternatively, basic compressive stress may be based on results of
prism test on masonry made from masonry units and mortar to be actually
used in a particular job.
Table 3: Basic Compressive Stress





10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5
25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0
0.75 1.00 1.16 1.31 1.45
1.91 2.21 2.50 3.05
0.74 0.96 1.09 1.19 1.30
1.62 1.85 2.10 2.50
0.74 0.96 1.06 1.13 1.20
1.47 1.69 1.90 2.20
0.59 0.81 0.94 1.03 1.10
1.34 1.51 1.65 1.90
0.56 0.75 0.87 0.95 1.02
1.25 1.41 1.55 1.78
0.53 0.67 0.76 0.83 0.90
1.11 1.26 1.40 1.06
0.42 0.53 0.58 0.61 0.65
0.73 0.78 0.85 0.95

Stress Reduction Factor - This factor Ks, as given in Table 4, takes into
consideration the slenderness ratio of the element and also the eccentricity of


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S2

Table 4: Stress Reduction Factor





Area Reduction Factor - This factor takes into consideration smallness of the
sectional area of the element and is applicable when sectional area of the element
is less than 0.2 m2. The factor, Ka, = 0.7 + 1.5 A, A being the area of section in m2.
Shape Modification Factor This factor takes into consideration the shape of the
unit, that is, height to width ratio (as laid) and is given in Table 5. This factor is
applicable for units of crushing strength up to 15 N/mm2.
Table 5: Shape Modification Factor
Height to Width ratio of
units (as laid)
Upto 0.75
2.0 to 4.0



For our case,

Compressive strength of masonry unit = 10 N/mm2
Mortar type M1 corresponding to cement sand ratio of 1:5
Basic compressive strength of wall fb = 0.96 N/mm2 (From Table 3)
Stress reduction factor ks = 0.51 for slenderness ratio of 24 (From Table 4)
Area reduction factor Ka = 0.7 + 1.5 A,
Sectional Area A = 0.11 * 0.075 = 0.00825 m2
Area reduction factor Ka = 0.7 + 1.5 A = 0.7 + 1.5*0.00825 = 0.71
Shape modification ratio = Kp = 1.0 (For H/W = 0.075/0.11=0.68, Table 5)


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S2

Hence, Permissible compressive stress in masonry (fc) = 0.96* 0.51 * 0.71 * 1

= 0.35 N/mm2


Using NBC 105
Seismic Coefficient Method
The design horizontal seismic force coefficient, C for seismic coefficient method is

taken as C = CZIK

C is the basic seismic coefficient for the fundamental translational period in
the direction under consideration.
Z = Seismic zoning factor = 1 (For the location of the building in Kathmandu)
I = Importance factor = 1.0 Residential building
K = Structural Performance factor = 2.5
T = (0.09 X H) / (D^0.5) = (0.09 * 6)/(5.76^0.5) = 0.225 Longitudinal direction
= (0.09 * 6)/(3.72^0.5) = 0.28 Transverse direction
C = 0.08 for Subsoil Type II
C = CZIK = 0.08 X 1.0 X 1 X 2.5 = 0.2

Using IS Code,
Design Seismic Coefficient Ah = ZISa/2Rg
Z = 0.36 (Zone V)
I = 1.0 (Residential Building)
Sa/g = function of Time Period T
Sa/g = 2.5
R = 3.0 (For Load bearing masonry wall buildings reinforced with horizontal RC
bands and vertical bars at corners of rooms and jambs of opening)
Ah = ZISa/2Rg = (0.36X1.0X2.5)/ (2X3) = 0.15
Hence use base shear coefficient equal to 0.2

5.1 Lump Mass Calculation

The seismic weight or the lump mass at each floor level, Wi, shall be taken as
the sum of the dead loads and the seismic live loads between the mid-heights


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Examp


Module M5/
M S2

of adjacen
nt storeys. The
T seismic live
load shaall be taken as a percentage of the
design liv
ve load as giv
ven in Tablee 6 below
Table 6: Percentagee of Imposed
d Load to be
b considereed in Seismiic Weight
Live Load

oof Design Liive Load

U to 3 KPa


Above 3 KPa
and foor


F Roofs


Fig 5:L
Lumping th
he Mass
Effect of openings neglected (justt for simplicity)
Weight off slab = (0.11*25) + (0.055*20) = 3.55 KN/m2


Table 7: Lump
ds and Distrribution of Shear

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Storey Wall



(2*5.76 +
(2*5.76 +


Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S2

Total Wi













Total Base Shear, Vb = 500KN* 0.2 = 100KN
Distribution of Base Shear,
Qi = Vb * Wihi/Wihi

54 KN

54 KN



W2 = 185 KN

(cl. 7.7 Commentary IS 1893 for T 0.5 sec)

46 KN

100 KN





W1 = 315 KN


Lateral Coefficient in 2nd storey,

C = 54/185 =0.29 >0.2

Design bandage, stitches for C = 0.29
Lateral Coefficient in 1st storey,
C = 46/315 = 0.146 <0.2
Design bandage, stitches for C = 0.29 in 2nd storey





I n s t r u Workbook
c t o r W o r k

Module M5/ S3
b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S3

Masonry Design Example

As a result of this session, you should be able to:
Design lintel band for out of plane bending of
brick pier
Design corner stitches
Calculate the induced bending, overturning and
vertical stresses in individual brick pier of the
Design vertical reinforcement bar for in-plane
bending of brick pier

I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S3



INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................1


OUT-PLANE ANALYSIS .........................................................................2

2.1 Design Bandage at Lintel Level..........................................................2
2.2 Check for Vertical Bending below Lintel Bandage ............................4
2.3 Design of Stitches ...............................................................................5


IN-PLANE ANALYSIS .............................................................................5

3.1 Distribution of Load in In-plane Direction of the Building ................5


SAMPLE DESIGN OF VERTICAL BAR ...............................................8


CHECK FOR SHEAR STRESS .............................................................10


CHECK FOR COMPRESSIVE STRESS..............................................10


I n s t r u c t o r

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S3

This session outlines the seismic analysis and design of two storey brick
masonry building by pier analysis. The seismic analysis of the building
consists of the analysis of individual piers for a) in-plane and b) out-of-plane
analysis. For in-plane analysis, the building model comprises of vertical wall
piers resisting the seismic forces along a direction of earthquake. For the wall
piers, only the resistance to in-plane lateral loads is considered. The portions
of the walls above the doors, windows, and arch openings are neglected in inplane analysis. For simplicity in manual calculation torsion in the building is
The analysis and design presented here is approximate and is in very
simplified version because of time limitation. The goal of this exercise is just
to give an overview of basic principles of analysis and design of masonry load
bearing elements.

900 765








765 900



W o r k b o o k

765 900 765 900 765 900 765


Fig.1:Floor Plan


W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S3





450 900


900 1004



I n s t r u c t o r

Fig 2:Elevation


The walls exhibit local vibrations in an orthogonal direction to their plane due
to out-of-plane forces. Forces acting in the direction orthogonal to the plane of
the walls are proportional to the distributed mass of the walls and accelerations
induced in the building by seismic ground motion. As has been observed after
earthquakes, out-of-plane bending results into cracking at the most stressed
zones of the walls and ultimately, out-of-plane collapse of the wall orthogonal
to the direction of seismic motion. More severe consequences of out-of-plane
behaviour of masonry walls have been observed in the upper than in the lower
storeys of buildings.
Out-plane analysis of the building is carried for the design of bandages and
corner stitches.


Design Bandage at Lintel Level

The bandage is designed for horizontal banding neglecting effect of openings
for 2nd storey
Span of bandage = 5.53m


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry De
esign Example

Module M5
5/ S3

Fig 3:Load
d Carried b
by Bandage at Lintel Leevel
Load carrried by the bandage, q = (1.05 + 0.44)*(19*0.23))*0.29
= 1.84 KN//m

M = 1.84**5.53 /10 = 5.63 KNm

m (At Supporrt)


Design band
dage as steel I Beam
arm = 230-2*20-112 = 178 mm
Ast = 5.63*106/(178*(4415*0.56*1.225)
= 109 mm2
Use 2 nuumbers 12 m
mm bars


I n s t r u c t o r

Masonry De
esign Example

Module M5
5/ S3

Check for Vertic

cal Bendiing below
w Lintel B

Laateral load = 1*19*0.23**0.29 = 1.27 KN/m

M = 1.26*2.1 /12 = 0.47 kNm/m
Beending Stress, fb = M/Z
= .47*10 /((230 /6*10000)
= 0.053 M


a mid heighht of wall bellow bandagee

Veertical load at
= ((2.1/2+0.8)**0.23*19+7.25*3.5 (wall+slab)





W o r k b o o k

= 333.5 kN
fa = 33.5*1000/(5
Coompressive stress
= 00.025 MPa

Combineed Vertical Stress

on W
Permissibble Bending Stress for M1
M = 0.07 N/m
mm2 (IS 19005)
d Vertical Sttress f = fa fb
= 0.025 0.053 = 0.028 (T)) < 0.07 MPaa O.K.,
= 00.078 (C)
If tensile stress exceed
ds the permiissible valuee, provide a sill
s level ban

I n s t r u c t o r


W o r k b o o k

Module M5
5/ S3

n of Stitch



Masonry De
esign Example

Lateeral load carrried by stitcch,

= 2.1*(2.1/2)//2*0.23*19**0.29
= 1.4 kN
Sectional areea of steel,
= 1.4*1000/((2*415*0.56*1.25) =
2.5 mm2
= Provide 2 N
Nos 8 mm bar for
the stitches for integrity of walls
ugh not requuired by desiign

Loading in
i the directiion of the wall
w is known
n as in-planee loading. Laateral load
of earthquuake is mainnly resisted by
b the in-plaane stiffnesss of masonryy walls. If
there is uniform disstribution of walls in both orthoggonal directions and
geometricc requiremennts for shearr walls (effeective heightt, size and position
openings)) and conneection betweeen walls and
floors are
a met, ou
resistancee to seismic action
is usuually not critical.


ution of Load
in In
n-plane Direction
of the Bu
Consider the load inn the transverse directioon i.e. in thhe Y-direction of the
ysis done heere is based on NO TOR
RSION, for simplicity. However,
The analy
the buildiing is torsioonally activve and it is strongly addvised to an
nalyze for
torsion ass well. Similarly, effect of cross waalls is ignored in pier analysis. It
can be considered by consideringg effective arreas of piers at L or T secction. The
commonlyy used ruless for establishing flangee width of T or L sectioon can be
used in th
he case. (If L or T sectionn assumed, check
shear stresses
at innterface of
return waall.)

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example










Module M5/ S3


I n s t r u c t o r

Fig 4: Piers for In-Plane Analysis

Base shear in the building = 100 KN
As torsion is not taken into account, both the transverse wall will carry equal
lateral load.
Lateral load on each wall = 100/2 =50 KN
Analysis is done for 1st storey pier along Grid # 2 only.
Pier Analysis:
Table 1: Stiffness of Piers
I (m4)

P3 2.1






P4 2.1






h (m)

A (m2)



Proportion of
lateral load
carried by



I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S3

Bending Moment


Lateral Load Carried by

P3= (54/2+46/2)*0.74
= 37 kN


Lateral Load Carried by

P4= (54/2+46/2)*0.23
= 13 kN

38.8 KNm


13.6 KNm

13 KN

37 KN






Table 2: Bending Stress in Piers

M (KNm)
230 * 15602 /6 = 93288000
230 * 9602 /6 = 35328000

Fb = M/Z

Overturning Moment
At the bottom of pier, Mo

= 54/2 * 6 + 46/2 * 3
= 231 KNm

Calculation of I of the wall in plan,


= 2.0 m

+[0.96*0.23*(2-0.48)2] + [1.56*0.23*(2.94-2)2]

= 0.9169 m4
Overturning Stresses:
(fo)A =



= 2.519*10-4*2000= 0.504 MPa (T)




0.262 MPa (T)


I n s t r u c t o r



W o r k b o o k





Masonry Design Example


Module M5/ S3

= 2.519*10-4*(-160)= 0.0403 MPa (C)



=2.519*10-4*(-1720)= 0.433 MPa













Mo=231 KN

Fig : 5 : Overturning Stress (MPa)

Vertical Stresses
Vertical Stresses=[(6-2*0.1)*3.72 2.1*1.2] *(0.23*19) + (3.46*3.5)
+[3.46*(3.5+0.5)] = 83.27 + 12.11 + 13.84 =109.22 KN

fa =

= 0.1884 MPa

Table 3: Combination of Stress at Bottom of Pier







Vertical stress
















Pier # 4


I n s t r u c t o r

W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S3





Tension Zone

Total Tensile force

Steel required

= 0.311
= 672-0.7x
= 672
= 665

0.311 MPa

0.700 MPa


or, 0.311x
or, 1.011x

Comp. Zone


53532 N


184 mm

Provide 1 no of 16mm bar.

16mm bar


Bar for New Construction


I n s t r u c t o r


W o r k b o o k

Masonry Design Example

Module M5/ S3


Shear stress in Pier # P3
Shear force, V

= 37 KN

Shear stress

= 0.103 MPa

Compressive stress due to DL= 0.1884 N/mm2

Permissible shear stress

= 0.1 + 0.1884/6

= 0.13 N/mm2
Hence safe in shear stress



Unit load
Slab= 0.1*25+0.05*20 = 3.5 kN/m2
Wall=0.23*19=4.37 kN/m2
Total dead load in building due to wall and slab DL
= 2*5.76*3.72*3.5+2*2*(5.53+3.49)*3*4.37 = 623 KN
Total live load on both the floors LL=5.76*3.72*2+5.76*3.72*0.75 = 58.9 kN
Total Load= DL+LL = 682 kN
Compressive Stress=682/((5.53+3.49)*2*0.23) kN/m2
=0.164 N/mm2
Permissible value of compressive stress = 0.35 N/mm2
Hence safe


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