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The present study was undertaken to study the effect of tillage
methods i.e conventional tillage, reduced tillage + interculture and reduced tillage
+ herbicide and nutrient sources i.e ; FYM, Vermicompost, RDF + FYM, RDF +
VC and RDF on runoff and soil loss, physical properties of soil and crop yield
under cotton + soybean (1:1) intercropping system, during kharif season-2012, on
research farm of All India Co-ordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture,
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani.
The experiment was laid out with split plot design with plot size of
8.4 m x 9.0 m. The soil of the experimental site was clayey in texture. The total
rainfall of 678.9 mm was received in 43 rainy days during 2012. The distribution
of rainfall during the season indicated that 22.4 mm (3.32%) received as premonsoon season, 492.9 mm (73.25%) during monsoon season and 157.6 mm
(23.42%) in post monsoon season.
The data on runoff, soil loss and soil physical properties i.e; bulk
density, infiltration were measured with the help of H flume, core cutter and
infiltrometer respectively. Replicationwise crop yields of cropping system cotton
+soybean (1:1) productivity, seed cotton yield equivalent, gross monetary returns,
net monetary returns and B:C ratio were worked out.
The salient results emanating from the study and conclusions thereto,
are briefly summarized below,
1) Due to occurrence of deficit rainfall at low intensity during 2012, no
recordable runoff and soil loss was observed.
2) Among the tillage methods, minimum bulk density was observed in
conventional tillage (1.53 Mg/cm3) whereas among the nutrient source minimum
bulk density was observed in FYM (1.59 Mg/cm3).
3) Among tillage methods minimum dry density was observed in
reduced tillage + herbicide (1.27 Mg/ cm 3), whereas among the nutrient source
minimum dry density was observed in FYM (1.28 Mg/cm3).

4) Among the tillage methods, minimum infiltration rate was found in

conventional tillage (8.04 cm/hr) while among the nutrient sources, maximum
infiltration rate was observed in FYM (8.67 cm/hr).
5) Highest co-relation coefficient was observed for nutrient source RDF.
Similarly reduced tillage treatments yielded comparatively better co-relation
coefficient for infiltration rate and for accumulated infiltration.
6) Among tillage methods, conventional tillage was found significantly
superior with respect to productivity seed cotton yield equivalent, gross monetary
returns, net monetary returns and benefit: cast ratio than reduced tillage +
herbicide. Reduced tillage + interculture were found at par effective with respect
to yield parameters with that of conventional tillage.
7) Among the nutrient sources, recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF)
was found significantly superior with respect to productivity, seed cotton yield
equivalent, gross monetary returns, net monetary returns and Benefit: Cast ratio
than rest of nutrient sources.


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