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College of Engineering and Computer Science

Mechanical Engineering Department

Mechanical Engineering 375

Heat Transfer
Spring 2007 Number 17629 Instructor: Larry Caretto

May 9 Homework Solutions


Determine the view factors F13 and F23 between the

rectangular surfaces shown in the figure at the
We can find the view factor F31 from Figure 13-6 in the
text where surface 3 in our problem is surface 1 in the
text figure and surface 1 in our problem is surface 2 in
the text figure. With this correspondence we have the
following terms in to use in Figure 13-6, L1/W = L2/W =
1/3. For these values I read F12 = 0.28 from the
figure. Alternatively we could calculate the shape
factor from the final equation in Table 13-1 which gives
a value of 0.257 for the shape factor. I will use the value from the equation for the shape factor
F31. We can find F13 from the reciprocity relation A1F13 = A3F31. Since A1 = A2, F13 = F31 =

0.257 .
We can find F23 by finding F32 and using the reciprocity relation. In order to find F32 we can use
the same figure or equation used before to find F31+2 and then use the superposition theorem to
find the desired shape factor F32 = F31+2 F31. The problem of finding F31+2 has the following
dimensions in terms of the labels in Figure 13-6: L1/W = 1/3 and L2/W = 2/3. For these values I
read the view factor from Figure 13-6 as 0.34. From the equation for the view factor I find a value
of 0.319. I will use this value for F31+2. I can then find F32 = F31+2 F31 = 0.319 0.257 =
0.0620. Finally we can apply the reciprocity relation A2F23 = A3F32. Since A2 = A3, F23 = F32 =

0.0620 .

Consider a conical enclosure of height h and base

diameter D. Determine the view factor from the conical
side surface to a hole of diameter d located at the center of
the base.
We can determine the required shape factor by considering
only the summation and reciprocity relations. Label the small
circle as surface (1), the outer ring on the bottom of the cone
as surface (2) and the conical side as surface (3). In terms of
this numbering scheme we are trying to find F31. We can do
this by applying the reciprocity relation A3F31 = A1F13. The
areas in this equation are A1 = d2/4 and A3 = Dh/2. (If you
are not familiar with the area for the surface of a cone, you can
see that the result is intuitively appealing. It is simply the area
of a cylinder with half the height of the cone.)




We can deduce the value of F13. From the diagram we see that radiation leaving the small center
has no place to go except the conical surface. Therefore, F13 must equal one. With F13 = 1 we
can find F31 = A1F13/A3 = (d2/4)(1)/(Dh/2) or F31 = d2/(2Dh) .
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May 9 homework solutions

ME 375, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2007

Page 2

13-26E Consider a 10-ft by 10-ft by 10-ft cubical furnace whose top and side surfaces closely
approximate black surfaces and whose base surface has an emissivity = 0.7. The base,
top, and side surfaces of the furnace are maintained at uniform temperatures of 800 R,
1600 R, and 2400 R, respectively. Determine the net rate of radiation heat transfer between
(a) the base and the side surfaces and (b) the base and the top surfaces. Also, determine
the net rate of radiation heat transfer to the base surface.
In this problem all the side surfaces have identical radiation
properties ( = 1) and the same temperature (2400 R) so we
can consider the four side surfaces as a single surface for
radiation exchange. In the diagram shown at the left, we call
the bottom surface, surface 1, the top surface, surface 2, and
the sides of the cube, surface 3.
The view factors for the heat exchange between the top and
bottom surfaces, F12 and F21, are the same because the areas
of both surfaces are the same; F12 = F21. We can find this
common view factor from Figure 13-5 with L1/D = L2/D = 1
since all sides of the cube are the same. With these
parameters we find F12 = F21 = 0.2 from the figure. Using the
corresponding equation in Table 13-1 gives F12 = F21 =
0.1998. Use the rounded value of 0.2 in further calculations.
We can use the summation rule: F11 + F12 + F13 = 1 and the fact that surface 1 is a flat surface so
that F11 = 0 to obtain the view factor F13 = 1 F12 = 1 0.2 = 0.8. By the symmetry of the cube
F23 = F13. We can find F31 (which will also be equal to F32 by symmetry) by the reciprocal rule:
A1F13 = A3F31. The area A1 is the area on one side of the cube: A1 = (10 ft)(10 ft) = 100 ft2. The
area A3 is the area of the four sides counted as a single surface. This area is four times the area
of one side or A3 = 400 ft2. Thus, F31 =A1F13/A3 = (100 ft2)(0.2)/(400 ft2) = 0.05. By symmetry, F32
= 0.05. Finally, we can apply the summation rule to the side surfaces: F31 + F32 + F33 = 1 so F33 =
1 F31 F32 = 1 0.05 0.05 = 0.9.
Since we know the temperature of all the surfaces, we can compute the black body emissive
power of each surface, Eb = T4.

Eb1 = T14 =
Eb 2 = T24 =
Eb3 = T34 =

0.1714 x10 8 Btu

h ft 2 R 4

0.1714 x10 8 Btu

h ft 2 R 4
0.1714 x10 8 Btu
h ft R

(800 R )4

702 Btu
h ft 2

(1600 R )4 = 11,233 Btu

h ft

(2400 R )4 = 56,866 2Btu

h ft

Normally we would have to solve three simultaneous equations for three values of radiosity in an
enclosure with three surfaces. However, for a black surface, the radiosity is the same as the
emissive power. (To convince yourself of this recall the definition of J = G + Eb. For a black
surface = 0 and = 1.) For the two black surfaces in this problem, we can write J2 = Eb2 and J3
= Eb3. We can use the general radiosity equation for surface one in a three surface enclosure
from slide 29 of the May 2 lecture presentation.

1 1

(F12 + F13 ) J1 1 1 F12 J 2 1 1 F13 J 3 = T14 = Eb1

1 +

Setting J2 = Eb2 and J3 = Eb3 in this equation and inserting 1 = 0.7, F12 = 0.2 and F13 = 0.8 gives.

May 9 homework solutions

ME 375, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2007

Page 3

1 0.7
1 0.7
1 0.7

1 + 0.7 (0.2 + 0.8) J 1 0.7 (0.2)Eb 2 0.7 (0.8)Eb3 = T1 = Eb1
1.429 J 1 0.08571Eb 2 0.3429 Eb3 = Eb1 J1 =

Eb1 + 0.08571Eb 2 + 0.3429 Eb3


Substituting the values for the black body emissive powers found above gives us our solution for

702 Btu
J1 =

Eb1 + 0.08571Eb 2 + 0.3429 Eb3

h ft

+ 0.08571

11,233 Btu
h ft

+ 0.3429

56,866 Btu
h ft 2

14,813 Btu
h ft 2

The basic equation for the net heat transfer from surface i to surface k is given by the equation
involving the radiosities of the two surfaces.

Q& ik = Ai Fij ( J i J k )
If one of the surfaces is black we can replace the radiosity by the black body emissive power. We
use this equation to find the net heat transfer from surface one to surface three, with J3 = Eb3 is


3.364 x10 Btu

14,813 Btu 56,866 Btu
= A1 F13 (J 1 J 3 ) = A1 F13 (J 1 Eb3 ) = 100 ft (0.2 )

h ft 2
h ft 2

The negative sign indicates that the net heat transfer is from surface three to surface one.
In a similar manner we find the net heat transfer from surface one to surface two, with J2 = Eb2.

Q&1 2

7.161x10 Btu
14,813 Btu 11,233 Btu
= A1 F12 ( J 1 J 2 ) = A1 F12 (J 1 Eb 2 ) = 100 ft 2 (0.2 )

h ft 2
h ft 2

The net heat transfer from surface one is the sum of the two heat interchanges computed above.
(This is true because surface one is flat had has no heat interchange with itself.

Q&1 = Q&1 2 + Q&13

3.364 x10 6 Btu

7.161x10 4 Btu

3.293 x106 Btu


We could also find this heat transfer from the following equation.

100 ft 2 (0.7 ) 702 Btu 14,813 Btu
3.293 x10 6 Btu
Q&1 = 1 1 (Eb1 J 1 ) =

h ft 2
1 1
1 0.7
h ft 2
h ft 2

This result provides a check on the previous calculations.

May 9 homework solutions


ME 375, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2007

Page 4

A furnace is shaped like a long equilateraltriangular duct where the width of each side is
2 m. Heat is supplied from the base surface,
whose emissivity is 1 = 0.8, at a rate of 800
W/m2 while the side surfaces, whose
emissivities are 0.5, are maintained at 500 K.
Neglecting the end effects, determine the
temperature of the base surface. Can you treat
this geometry as a two-surface enclosure?
Since the side surfaces both have the same
emissivity and the same temperature we may treat
these two sides as a single radiation surface. Call
this surface 2 and the base surface 1.
We can use the equation for radiative heat transfer
in a two-surface enclosure.

Q&12 =

Eb1 Eb 2
A1 T14 T24
1 1
1 2 1 1
A 1 2
+ 1
A11 A1 F12 A2 2
F12 A2 2

q&12 =

T14 T24
1 1
A 1 2
+ 1
F12 A2 2

Since the base is flat, F11 = 0 and the summation rule gives F12 = 1 = F11 = 1 0 = 1. For a given
length, L, of the furnace, the area of the bottom is A1 = (2 m)L and the area of the sides is A2 =
2(2 m)L; so, A2 = 2A1 or A1/A2 = 0.5. Solving the heat flux equation for the unknown T1 and
substituting these numerical results and the given data into the resulting equation for T1 gives.


1 1
A 1 2

+ T24 = T14
+ 1
F12 A2 2

T1 = 4


1 1
A 1 2

+ T24
+ 1
F12 A2 2

800 W
T1 = 4

5.670 x10 8 W
m2 K 4

1 0 .5
1 .8 1
+ + 0 .5

+ (500 K ) = 543 K
0 .5

May 9 homework solutions


ME 375, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2007

Page 5

Consider a circular grill whose

diameter is 0.3 m. The bottom of the
grill is covered with hot coal bricks at
950 K, while the wire mesh on top of
the grill is covered with steaks initially
at 5oC. The distance between the coal
bricks and the steaks is 0.20 m.
Treating both the steaks and the coal
bricks as blackbodies, determine the
initial rate of radiation heat transfer
from the coal bricks to the steaks.
Also, determine the initial rate of
radiation heat transfer to the steaks if
the side opening of the grill is covered
by aluminum foil, which can be
approximated as a reradiating surface.
Assuming that both surfaces are black
bodies, the heat transfer from the coal
(surface 1) to the steaks (surface2) is

Q&12 = A1 F12 T14 T24

The view factor for two coaxial, circular surfaces with radii ri and rj separated by a distance L is given
by the following equation in Table 13-1. (The view factor can also be found from Figure 13-7.)

1 + (r2 L )2
F12 = S S 4 where S = 1 +
(r1 L )2

For this problem r1 = r2 = 0.15 m and L = 0.2 m, so r1/L = r2/L = (0.15 m)/(0.2 m) = 0.75. This gives

S = 1+

1 + (r2 L )2

(r1 L )2

= 1+

1 + (0.75)2


= 3.7778


r2 1
0.15 m
= 0.2864
F12 = S S 4 = 3.7778 3.7778 4
0.15 m
r1 2

The area of the coals is D2/4 = (0.3 m)2/4 = 0.07069 m2. The initial heat transfer when the
temperature of the steaks is 298 K can now be found.

) (

5.670 x10 8 W
(950 K )4 (298 K )4 926 W
Q&12 = A1 F12 T14 T24 = 0.07069 m 2 (0.2864)
m K
In the second part of the problem the sides are aluminum foil, which is assumed to be a
reradiating surface. A reradiating surface is one in which there is no heat transfer except by
radiation and the net radiation heat transfer is zero. According to the basic equation for a gray-

& = A (E J ) (1 ) ; so if Q& = 0 then Ji = Ebi. That is a reradiating

diffuse surface, Q
i i bi
surface has the same radiosity as a black surface, T4. For this problem, where the other two
surfaces are black, we have a heat transfer between three black bodies, one of which has no net
heat transfer. Considering this new surface, surface 3,we have the following expression for the
zero net heat transfer to this surface.

May 9 homework solutions

ME 375, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2007

Page 6

Q& 3 = 0 = Q&13 + Q& 23 = A1 F13 (Eb1 Eb3 ) + A2 F23 (Eb 2 Eb3 ) = 0

We can solve this equation for the emissive power of the reradiating surface, Eb3.

Eb 3 =

A1 F13 Eb1 + A2 F23 Eb 2

A1 F13 + A2 F23

The two new view factors, F13 and F23 introduced here must be the same because of symmetry.
From the summation rule, F12 + F13 = 1 so F13= 1 F12 = 1 0.2864 = 0.7136. The black-body
emissive powers of surfaces 1 and 2 are

Eb1 = T14 =

5.670 x10 8 W
m K

(950 K )4 = 461832 W

Eb 2 = T24 =

5.670 x10 8 W
m K

(298 K )4 = 444.14

We use these emissive powers with F13 = F23 = 0.7136 and A1 = A2 = 0.07069 m to find Eb3.

447.14 W
(0.07069 m )(0.7136) 46183
+ (0.07069 m )(0.7136)
23315 W
(0.07069 m )(0.7136) + (0.07069 m )(0.7136)

Eb 3

We can now compute the net heat transfer to the steaks (surface 2). We use the reciprocity
relation A3F32 = A2F23 in getting the final expression below.

Q& 2 = Q&12 + Q& 32 = A1 F12 (Eb1 Eb 2 ) + A3 F32 (Eb3 Eb 2 ) = A1 F12 (Eb1 Eb 2 ) + A2 F23 (Eb3 Eb 2 )

46183 W 447.14 W
23315 W 447.14 W

Q& 2 = 0.07069 m 2 (0.2864 )

+ 0.07069 m 2 (0.2864 )



Q& 2 = 2079 W

A radiation shield that has the same emissivity 3 on both sides is placed between two
large parallel plates, which are maintained at uniform temperatures of T1 = 650 K and T2 =
400 K and have emissivities of 1 = 0.6 and 2 = 0.9, respectively. Determine the emissivity
of the radiation shield if the radiation heat transfer between the plates is to be reduced to
15 percent of that without the radiation shield
The heat flux between two large parallel plates is a special case of the general equation for heat
transfer in a two surface enclosure shown below.

Q&12 =

Eb1 Eb 2
A1 T14 T24
1 1
1 2 1 1
A 1 2
+ 1
A11 A1 F12 A2 2
F12 A2 2

q&12 =

For infinite parallel plates F12 = 1 and A1 = A2, this equation becomes

(q&12 ) c =

T14 T24
1 1
A 1 2
+ 1
F12 A2 2

T14 T24
T14 T24
T14 T24
1 1 1 1 2
1 +1 +
+ +1
1 2

Substituting the data for the problem gives the heat transfer for no shields.

May 9 homework solutions

ME 375, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2007

5.670 x10 8 W

(q&12 )no shield

m K

[(650 K )

(400 K )4

0 .6 0 .9

Page 7

4877 W

We want a radiation shield that will reduce the heat transfer to (15%)(4877 W/m2) = 731.6 W/m2.
We use equation 13-43 of the text for heat transfer with one shield.

(q&12 )1 shield

T14 T24

1 +

1 2
3,1 3, 2

In this equation 3,1 is the emissivity of the shield facing side 1 and 3,2 is the emissivity of the
shield facing side 2. We want to determine the emissivity of the shield that produces a given heat
transfer and we will assume that the emissivity of both sides of the shield is the same. Making
this assumption (3,1 = 3,2) and solving for the unknown emissivity of the shield gives.

(q&12 )1 shield

(q&12 )1 shield 1

2 + = T14 T24
3 =

T14 T24
T14 T24
1 2
3,1 3, 2
1 2

(q&12 )1 shield

1 1

= T14 T24 (q&12 )1 shield +
1 2

2(q&12 )1 shield

T14 T24 (q&12 )1 shield +
1 2

Entering the known values into this equation gives the answer for the emissivity of the shield.

3 =

5.670 x10 8 W
m2 K 4

[(650 K )

731.6 W

(400 K )

731.6 W 1


0 .6 0 .9

= 0.181

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