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If have a pr.:lbfcm ·.... ':h t'-,,! qua!I!'" or pr~erw or ~erv: ::es VOlI
d ::rcci: •.a~~ .. ira Y>:t; h.7,y(, :nco in cood faith 10
p,irchascd wi:t-.
correct ;he prObicu'l'I wi:h the filer:."li;'f1:. you may have~the right not AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSURE
~ ~ay ,roe ren:-~inin9 amau~~ ~!J.~ Of: ttle propeny or serJlce~ .
I r.ere ofe two IlmllanOns OJ, !r,'S ngh~ .
:;;; YOli must have ma:le till' p'-!rcha:;e ir; yC~ !
home s!ate or if AG25{)S iC2:U6i
::C1. within 11)0 rniies of }'.JUl" curren, mailing address .
~ L· : Th~ purchase price rn ~";,; f,:}'/f: b~e" mere thar, S5\1.

Tr.ese liniira:i(~r.$ d::1 liot apply if we (.wn or operate the This dorumen: ana acc~mpar.ylng AOd;ticnai DISClo~ure S:a:emen:
: ~l<!rr:han! . Of II we nio ,l.::d yc,u :roe aavemsemen: for the make liP yeur Cardmer.-.ber A9r(!~men! and throughout thIS
propef,y nr ;:;c{v;c;es. HSSC Gar .:: Services In::. andl or HSBC
Card Serv ic es (fI ' Inc ;:·:"~'; :i~ p",cl:l~smg ser·.:icc~ lei I-!SSC c!er:umen' are leferred ro as Cardmem!:e. Agreemen: '" Agreeme,,;
Ban~ Nevada, N .A 1r.e· Ad j; 1100&11 D!sd~sure Sla:emer;! coruaircs Imper.ani ACCOunt
:rofcmia:io.~ Irdudmg you~ Annual Pr:rcemage Ri.tes rAPR"s ) aM
Yt1u r-~ 3V y.· (I~e to us u~ ~h~ ()ddres~ snCV:fi en \fo.ur b,Hir,g
$,<i:ell1en! ()r HSBC; San." Nela=a NA .. 1 ~ 11 TC',vn Cer.:!?r i"c i!'OlUi! ~~t any fees . P!case t3J.c. ~ th~ l;rne !c· ta~,iijc.n2e yOl~rsc:H' 'Jii:h
un"f.! Las \/eU:\5 NC\';.1<i..~ B'S1 ~.1 y :.,:U! Agir:-en,en: and rf~ ~ al:-". ;t f~r flJ~ \ :rc- ret~(ence .

1 '1(jm .; ~ t."! r.imcln
E:xt?-::tJ~i . .·c \":: t: Presl~ic:~'
"SSG 8<'1nl'; Ne','aaa N .4 A:lr~er.H~r,: !o(". T ern 1~ and Oc-ft ni : ;~rl~.
USIng YOur .A r::0IJrl:
Y:;'J: Crp.d!: !
'./:~3 :s a rl':.'J ~ !;:~ler! !1:a i;C. r~ \ih~ :; f;--.~e::;a:fDnnl anrj VI~ c: U.S J.... . P"y'nent ?
i.~:; 5 :~"Ca r-;! I!: a reSI:; a: : I)':'! f T.?H r. :1f '"ias~ f"rC(l"j '''!e ra-s: Ra~es ;;nrl F Irl an ~e Chri rge $
: : · ~ err,.a tiun~ ; . fr! :;()rp~;~;(" :J
t,c=:cun! Fees
F ~}re ; gn lransactlor.s _
ACi:o:J~~ Rene-Nn!. C j osur~ A.r:c i ~at:':} !·t .~

Credjt Card Fraud 1('.

Per!;l.Jrta! h)fo!r.'i.~io'l
.t\odi: i cl1a ~ Ter'11:; t1
'I',"lf 8 ;1I:n.9 R i ;lh!~ 1:1

;\G25·J5 (02/06 )
AGREEMENT TO TERMS AND DEFINITIONS !f you iotave a :::reJi: car;) '.vi:h a no prese-! spending :imit Ie g .
Mas:erCard' WcricCar1) . please see the ..!.d1i'ic;)al
:t;;s CardmcmbEr A.qreement and any amer.dments (t\gr~menti D !sciosure S!;i :emsr.:
gcvem tI1e open end line of credit we nal.'i! established 1Cf yvLt (~cur
ACCO'.Int}. "You' and 'voor" !eter to all persons ..... r.-c applied fer ;he Credit Authorizations
A(;CC,)nt or are cop;ra<:lualti liable lhrougr. an\, ·::::her mear,s . 'Y'/e: Seme transact:~ns 'Hill require cur prior au!n'Jriz3tior. and ym;
"\''S " and · our" ref=i :0 HS8c Bank Nevada. N A. ' Card" means ar;;: may be asked. by the_merchant to provide identification. If any
credi: cards or other access deVICes issued under this Agreemcr;(. pan of ~he 3utt'lC01.3t1on sys;em IS not wor1ung. we may no: be
'Networ!( means V isa Intemational. MasterCard Intemational able to authorize a transaction . e'/en if you have sufficient
!nr.orpora:ed. Discover Fin~ncial Services LLC or ')iher go>'eming avaIlable creda. We will r.ct be liable 10 vcu it any of lhase
~edlt ;;:.ard nct.....,oO(. as apphcabie. e.....ents happen. We may refuse :0 authonie any transacticns
at cur sole:! discreuon InCluding, without ilml!alion. if '.Ve
'{eu and .~'C are by thrs Agreemen: fw(';", 1M earlier of the rE;asonabty suspect that such authorization may resuit in
:Ime vcu receive it or fr~m :he date of :he firsl transac:icn. fraudulent or suspicious acti',ily ,:,n the Account We arc t'lct
Ir)eluding. without limita:ion. the placement cr posting of any responsible for refusai or failure to authorize an ... transaclion
Annual Fee cr PeriOdic Membersnip Fee on yeor Account. Ycu or rcflisal by llny merc."Iant to accept or honor your Caret
may ciose your Account before usin~ It WI:r.OUl paying an,
Annual Fee or Pericdic Membership .-ee i1 applicable to 'IOllr PAYMENT
Ace::!;;;t. wT:en you cal! us '...·i:h;;; 90 days tjf yC'ur Acccum open
date at the customer serJiee nurnber cn the back of yowr r.ar6. Promise to Pay
'r'au promise to pay accardlr.g :0 ~he terms cf ,t"l:> .A.greement
USING YOUR ACCOUNT 1m ail: {aj Credit we extend on i'our Accour.l: (01 Finance
Charge-; , I. ,te cr.arges, v·..ertj:;·~t ::harges arVJ administrn:iv(!
Account Use Restrictions charges ( >: .g . fei research. retumet1 ·:heci<s , overdraft
You agree to use yc.ur Account olily for persc1'Iat. faffi!I·~· . hct;scr.-ck! prC!t!c:lon. ,I applicat)l&. etc .,I provided !n this Agreement: and
or charitable purpc~e:i . You agre:! I~u: ~C <..:se '~'otJr A:;';olin: ~o I:'ake (C) cciie ..:ic;'1 CCS (S c:M attomeys ' fees to :ne extent perminE!!j
pa ·!o us or to any of cur affilia tES. You agree IC use your by appticabie I<lw.
Ac:Coun! oniy fer valid .lni:l lav"ful pUC1)CSes ar.d t!1a: if youf Acc(;un:
I~ use.j for any other purposes Y0'J an~ responslb!e for suen use and If '1cur AccoLln: :s a ioin: Accoun: . eac!'. joint Accounthcider IS
;\Iay be ft:C(uired ,0 reimburse l>S and :he Nerw'>'O rx for ali resLiI~lng ;o:fnt!)· and indiv;dua,iy respcnsible for all amourt!s due undur
amoul1L<; and expenses ~nlS Agreement regar:J!ess 01 dea:r-.. di\'vTce . =-:I~er legal
proceedings or an)' r,'lgreemp.m !n:l! may affect iiabllt!1
Types of Account Transactions between you i1 ~ !:'1 10lnt Accoun:holder r!!q~le~!s [0 0,)( be
liable fer future ~r;;;,;sa:~lcns _ ..'Ie may clQse vcur Account !f '.'It:!
Yr)u c an access yowr .A.CCOl4nt using your Card :;;r by o:ner rne;ms
~pp;.~..,.ed t.: .. ~s :!,j make pur::ha~~ 5 ~r receive ca~h 2~';·ar~ :;es
do. ycu must c;ontHlue ~o Jjay according to
:hi:! terms 01 :t:is
We may limit :he deliar amount ar::jior ireylJency of any (:..:pe of Agreement . ;:,"': you w il! nCl be aiJ:e to make new charges ·:;n
:rar'1~:~ ctioii \.vithout n otice fa you .
your Account
Each statement vou receive fiom us \\,ill idtmllf'! a Minimum
Credit Limit Paymerot a:',{j Curren! Payment Due
·.·.ill fJd ...lse ycu of the lDtaf cred:! lienit on y:QW .c..cwunt Ali or
;.'je Minimum Payment
a portioCl of your total crel!it iimi: is available fer cash advances. The Minimum Paymen t is calcula:ed as ~ol!c ..... s:
Yuur :c:i31 cr~di\ limit and ::ash advance limi~ may :;hange from
:ime:o time. We will Clot!fy yO!!.·;}f any stich ~hanges lr.r~ugh vlJur - ( 1: It yeur Ne·,·, Balance is nN mere than S ! 5 yOlir
billing s:a:ernent or by set}C1.tn9. yCiJ a scpara:e. nG\;ce If no Mlflimum Payment IS the Nt!w Balance .
separate cash _aavance hnut IS listed o~ lIour clIi!09 s~a:ement. (2) it your New BalanCe is more than- $15. your Minimum
:ncn :hi! amcun : Of yeur creOIl liml: fiV;lllab!e for ::ash ad"'<lnces Payment is (he grea:er of: ' ' .
is your :OIal c;:~-edil tir-:1:t. . (a) 1% oj !he New 8aiar-,ce shown ct;! your sta-!~:11e!1t
pius th ~ !ollo'"lling- - -
'feu ;;gree ;oat :c aUQ·.... ycur -unpaid ba:an';t: (!r;c!u:Jing Finance
Charges and other ~11arges) to !:}xceed your total credit lrm lt. "'Ie • any periodic Finance Charges
melV 'lot e~tencJ credit if yeu have exceeded \>'our :a!al credil limi: .. any r.icniriy Main:cnan·.:e Fee Finance Char;;e. or
,?( if ;iie amount requested wo"td calise you 1.0 e~(;I?l:d ycur total ;,In amount equa l \0 ii12 af II".;;; Ar.nua! Fee _fl
credit limit. If you exceed 'four total credit !lm.t. you agree :.0 pay apr-li:;a~ie . an ti
us ,hat excess ilmc::unt ImmedIately. Ycur ava:lable Cl'edll and .. ? IW aolliriol1a! am<;ur.:..:; 'iis,::to~;::d in the :\dditicnal
::as h ;~dvance amo';nt may nc! retlect YO!.lf payments fc ~ UI~ :L' D isci(;Sllfl:! Sta;,;r:1 ~ ..
I~ 'jar's
~ b) S 15


CLi!T~nt Payment Due wi !i be destroyed. Your checkir.g cr other fina ncial los:ltuticll
account may be debited th!! S3r:i~ day ;.ve r~';ei·. .·e yelJ(
,he Current Paymen: Out? 1$ ttle greater :>i: check if vcu do not ,-,our :hecks :0 ~e cor-veTted fa ar,
(t) your ~,!inimu" \ Payment ptu!S ar.y afT"O/Jnt pas! -::!.i!~. Cf siec!ronic'runas transfer, pfease ~iljj c:ustomer ~e",icc at :hc
(2j the ]rea:er of: . phC)n~ number or. the ~aCK of your card.

(a) , % c.f !t-.e New s/",v.... n en ycur slaten~ent Application of Payments
pills the following:
At O 'J~ discre:ion. payments are g!'::nerall'l appiied to inceres\.
, any penodic Finance Charges tees and then princIpal balances , We apoIY,1U,)( pa,mcnts :'J
, 'lny ManTtly ~alfi!enance Fee F,r.ance Charge . or lewer APR balances before higher APk b:llan::es. n-,e
an amounl equal :0 !i12 of the Annual F=e If applic3!ion of payments !s subject to change at an,! lime.
applicable and 'Nr:hout no~ce .
• any amoun! c .... er your credit limit. uf
{b j $15 pius any amount over you:' cred!! lunit. INTEREST RATES AND FINANCE CHARGES
Your Minimum Payment and Curren: Payment Due .... 111 be Interest Rates
rounded up to the neares: dollar. unl!!!>s doing SQ ','iill ::atlse :h e
re!s!..ilting 'Ialue Ie exceed the New Balan·:e The ,L\PRs cn '/CIJr A=coLJnt are either a fixed or ·,ariable ra!e .
,,::ariable rates are determi"e~ by ClC]d ir. ~ a, spedf:e~ ilmG~n\
Timing and Form of Payments ( Sp:~a~n to an Index (descnbed belo~.. ;. fne APR IS d,vloed
bv ·.l65 and rovnde.:l :0 :ht! next highes! hllncJre<1 !hQ\J5ar:d:h
You rfo\JEt pay ,It :east ihe Currenl Payment Due ;n (/froe :0 (;e of '" Eercent"ge poin! :0 de !efmine ycur 03il\' Pem:j;c Rate .
cri!dl:~d:o 'ioUr Accoun: by !he Pav;r.en! Due Dale and fallwe i!"',.! Dail .... Pen·: )dic Rate is' IJsed to de!crmin~ the amour,! ot
~C} do 3.0 ~: :;r.s:i:u(es a default cf this :1\;1reemem. i(\S lrlls.: io~s P!!rio(li:: t'mance Charge (see Finance Charge~ :
tor (ll ? K!i;~ payrnen:s . are en ~; our t'll!j~g 5 !a~en1~nL rt~:- ~;
. . • ' 1) b~ cred!:eo to YOlJr Accoun: 3S of ;l particular (lay.
Index For Variable Rate Accounts
',; ~ your paymen: by :he date and time ao'J ir. :1,;1
~ in those l:1s:ruc:iuns. If your Account is PI.1asc see :i';c Addi! Disc'osure Std:emer.: tor 't·,;?
' h ,ut, you can avoid an additional oYerlimit fee by Ind"x p::!ragraph b~low :ha: is app;icaole to Y'J!..i; A:;COllf,!
mediately paying at feast the Current Payment Due
.pen d<llivel).' cr your billing statement. tf yellr :"cccun: is For each billing cycle , tile Index ,s
:jchnQu~n! . yeu can ;a'lQi::! an additional lale te~ by pa'ii'1~ at etermaned on ~he month prior !c th!! monlh in whIch ~= the MH1If11Um Parmer.: phis an)' pas! due 3:110Ur'·t l;'! !h,. billing cycie ends . in :(\<11 PflO( mon:!). the highesl
PaymErH Due Date; tluwe'ier, if you cannot Paj :hls am~unt . dcn,e:;tic -Prime Rare- published 1r. the Mone" Ra!es table
'tOil must pay at leas~ ~he Minimum Payment oy !h~ Payrr.en: of T·"~ Wafl Street JO:.iflial is selected (the "Index"). If :he
Due Date to a .... uld pr(.)gress ir!g :0 the nexi s:age of Index has char.ged. the new .. anatl!! ra:&." WI:I lake cHec:
de!;rqwmcy. You may pay more ;noln ~he Currer.: Pa:; ,n2r;: with :I,e billir.g cycle that enos 011 0r after :t1i: first ~ay d
Due and may pay :he entke New Balance af any lime. lhe month folro ....' ng the inoex ;:hange.

All vayrnenis must be :n U .S d~lIars. £Xcep~ for (liscu:ed (2; Quaaer!y Inde15 The Index for :he curren: alid eacl'
payments. if you pay by mail the paymt!n~ must be ser.t :0 lhe subsequent quarter is the highest (lOlnestk "Prime Ra~e"
address spp.ofteci on yO\Jr l:iiling sta:emen: it p<l)i by pUblished :n the Money Rmcs ~able of Tht: Wail SIreN
negu:iauie instnJment, such as a money order Of checK. it must Journal on lt1e first business dill.' of the preceding :::a1endar
be In a form that is ac::ep:abie [0 us ann must be drawn Cifl a U.S qua~tlr. If !t.e Ifl(le)( nas changed, :he new ",,,,liaule ra!t!s 'Nil;
financial ins:i:ution A.ny check. mon.ey order or other :ake effect with the billing cycie :ha: tlegins in January, Ap;1i.
instnJment tendered as an accord in satISfaction . or which July or O~:ober following ttl!! tnde.< ,.;hange.
includes a condition , restrictive endorsement or any
statement to the effect that acceptance of such instrument (3)
shall constitute full Of partial satisfaction of a dIsputed or
undisputed debt (coJrectively, a "Condition") must bt' Stoot to
the address for written inqlliries shown on yoU! billing ;\n increase ,r. !he ' Index will :ncrease 'y ellr 3pu::C<lt:lc Da,!!
statement You . must note conspicu.ousiy on !he face of :r.e Per-Odic: Rates w!1ich m~y .increds~ (he Fina!)ce Charge :.Iue
payment' Ins~rutnent :ha: it is :endered for this . pU!'J)Cst! . We or. your A.cccunt. Each :ime ar.y .APR .change5 . we 'NUl appiy it
reser ....e the right :c refu5~ ~~, aCtep! any payment t!'tat is subject to any el(lstinQ, \>al;;tnoes. excluding any Promotlon.:;1 or
to CI Condition. If the payment dces net :omplv with lne fore:gcin;) IntrC<Juc!cry APr-< !na: mar apply.
"no '.'itl pmcess it. we will nol be bcund ti :he Cc~dl!!Cn By
sendina us a check tor p.,..Yln!:r.'. 0...
yaur 1~'{!C o-lmt, ~ou
7.!J lhcm.&us; to fnnlate aon el ectr',•. ic ;vncis. t:-;,!1..lf'~f from yo ur PfJfchiU~ .IJ.?R
bank or other financial ins itutior. c;cc:ount according to t he For crt'di t caid pu rc i·",sC$. the Spread (f(;1 varial.i\e ~t~s i. APR
terms of the check, ThIS means that your check Will be and ccm:$j.:Oflding D.,ily Pelicd,c Rc.!!:! are dlsd''}sed in ~hc
o:onvert2d 10 an elec:ronic transact ion an;:! your originai :heck Additional DisduS\Jr!l S~<lter.i eni
.vii! n:J: ce returned :;:, ,Oll by YCur banK . Y·:-;ur Orlg ina! ::n!:!,-K

3 ·1

_ . _ . .;.j... •
r- '- "' -

Cash APR !jfihi payn!en~ ;r, fuH is credi:eu ro your A.::Cl..lilL HC·.'"l:ver.
,here is a Grace Per:od on new credii Cdrd D:...r::.tlase5 7!~d:
F;;), =ash advar.:t!s .r.e Spread , fer "anatie ';;:esi. ;'.PR and means. if :he New Brtlance shown on 'icur iast s:atemtlr.! is
:orrespcnding Daily PEiiG(j!C "Rate are dl~C~ cied in :r:e p;,id in ~Jii by :he Pa'fmen: Due Date far :hat s:a l!!!"ler.: ,
/·.d,jit!or;ai Disciusu,e Sta:en:ent perioo!c Finance Charges ....,!! nc! be :mp..')sed c r', :lew aedit
caid pL;rchasss . provided ;!',e Nt!w Balance for the cu:ren:
Default APR billing cycle IS paid in full by- the Payment Due Date for j',at
If yCU( Account has a Oetau:t APR provision . !I".e Default ~'\PR billinq cfce. lf, t;o;',-ever, the New Balance is no~ pa!d rn t:y
and conditions !hat may cause a DE:fault APR to :aKe etfec: the Payment Due Oa~e fOf the immediate1-" preceding billing
as ,,"ell as ;he Spread (tnr va{lable ra:es). APR and cvcle. periodic F;nance Charges "";11 be !l'IcUrrelj er. new c edl!
corresp·::mding Daily Peiiodic Ra:e are d isdcsed in :ile card pxJrcr.ases ~ . e .. purchases arpeanr.g fe r :he Ii~l tiP'le :n
?ddi:iona! Disclosure Statement. the :orrent C'idcj from the date a the !ransacticn and 0(1 ;he
prev:·::usly i;aled bU! unpaid credit card purcliases trorr. in!:!
Promotional or Introductory APR fir'f>t <lay of the c\.!rrent C)'de.
At cur rjiscretion. we may offer you a Procno:ic)flai or (2) ~gsh Advaocfr (including balance transfer and C'er!lt
Introductory APR for any type (.if transaction. 7he Promotional card cneCks) . anodic Fman·.:; c Charges beam :0 ac,:rue
cr !nlroductcr,,· APR. ccr~espor.(jln9 Oai/~i Periodic R.3t~. on the date of the transactIon and continue !o accrue
period of {llile 'or which the Prcmc:lvnal cr ~nlfi')ductory APR llr',!iI paymer" in fu!1 is crt~dlled to !he Acccunt Tr.ere ,s
a~;Jhes. and cor-onicns by ·..... hich the nromotinnai p~rk)d IHIY no Grace P~riod ;::n cash aavances
be' shonened are disclosed in :he offer C~rta!r) prcmoticnal
oHers may cr ma,' no: be sublect !o Cash Ad';an(;!;> Fees. Arl,/
Penodi,; Finance Charges will be ·:alcutated '.Jsirlg nv~ i)a;iy
Promctional or Introductory ;\PR uttc:r v, 11I te s t lbiec~ to the
:e~ms of !he offer and ;hi!: Agrccnoer.:.
Pcnodic Rate:r. effc~t on ~e sta:t:men! doslr,g d.:;:e .
Finance Charges YOu rnajl request a change :0 your tI'img eyc!,) (~ate ~c ;;1cre
Finance Ci~arges are the :U!al cf !tu: QreatPor d (a) Minimum {han once a year. YOLl aycce that :hap:;es OasE.'d on ' tC~ir
Fina0ce .CI1i3fge_ I)r (b) Penc(iic fiMiict: Cnarit:!g , and ar:x reQues: n1ay shonen ant Grace Penco you ma l h;l-I~ !; r
applt,:able (C) \,.,ilS .... Ad'/ar.ce r-ee r!fi.: :mce ..... h;,fges. ( ... ) increase t!',e tIme \.ierioc! ,'x wr.ich perlowc Fil'ar.ce Cna"qe~
Foreign Transaction Fee F~r.ance cr.arge . ~e) Crl!(1i: Linii: may clccr:Je .
Increase Fee FinanCe Charge.", (n Mcmtw; Mamten<li\ce Fel:
Finance Charq~5 . (g) O'/erdraft Fee Finance Charges , and "Iy fee Finance Cllar:}e may -::ause the APR (;n ,he ~ : ihr.g
it,) allY other Findnc~ Charge(sj statement on wriich (he fee F,nance Chilrge 'irst appe3''; ':)
ey,.::eed ,tle nomina! APR.
;:lJ(!zo:;e ~:eu \h~ Addi~:cndi Ois':IC5ure S:~,ement fer
ap~!;iJity ar.d amount of :he following Finance Charges {ci Cash Advance Fee Finance Charges. Cash 3tl'.'a,..ces
lr1cfude a!1 advances to get Ca $r-l Over !he ~.QiJ"~:r. !nrO Li~ ;' an
(8; Minin!um Finance Charge. f. Finan·::c Charge :h~l . is ATM. I,a:anr.e ir,:;;;sfers \ if a .... allai.;!e l. cr~ji \ card eh:.:.:}:; ('it
aS$(!ssed II, I!eu (;f a lesser PCfY-ldIC /- :r,ance C~arge In arlY bdl!c;g a.'ailable L !)r ott;e~ · cash,hk~· transac!Ic.:r.!; rsu:h as
'.:yc!e in '.\tiich a p~riodiG Fil1~nce Charge is payabiE! purr:hasi6~ a rponey order. travelers cr.eck . cas:!1Q 'cr be ::ng
chip. or a lct!-=ry :;~!<.et.i as determmed by us . A Finar·ce Cr."rge
i b'i Perindir: F!n3!1C0 Ch;J!'gp.s. Pen(j.;jic Flr.nnc.'O C~ 'aft"w" ,'3.(t:: ·... ii! '>e compu:t!d on ' h'2! amo un;::;/ eacr ct\sr, ad": ,H·,:::t? 5:5 vf m",
ClJlr:puted by muitiplying ;:1i: Average Dai!,' 8alance lor each da~c O ~ UI~ tran~a~ ~; en.
ca~egcry of ~ansactior.s shO'.'Ir. on lr.e blltlr.g 3tatement (e . ~ ..
pl:rdlEtSCS. balance !fansters. c<;sh a(Nances\ by the ilP~lic..:ilcle (d) Foreign Transaction Fee Finance Charge A F '~f:!lgl1
Od11'/ Pt!ri(.xjic Rate ana then mul!ip!'~ir;;~ :he resuft by :he number 'Transaction Fee Fir.ance Charge ,S
assessed en irai'!sac ,'Gns
of days in the blili:~ cycle. To caicutate \he Daily Balances, 'Ne made in a fureign C\Jrre"cy . '(C'Jr biiling s!atemel:( wili : , ~: tht?
:<ike :he beginnmg tlet.:11 balanc-e for each catt:!gor)' of transactions :ransact:1Jns separa!ely frem !~~ FQreig~ Tra,i s')c!lor, Ft=~
e?d1 day. add any r:ew !r;msacuons. any previous day's peri(Xjic Flnar.ce Cilarge.
Finance Charges. any assessed fees and cr.argt!S. and sutnrac:
any payments andfor credlis. If a debi: transacti00 posts after the (e) Credit Limit Increase Fe-e Finance Charges. !t YOli rCthie5;
beginrung 01 a bilhng cycle. tillt :t,e :ransac::c;n '.')':<;L;rred prior to <lo(l -'lre apprO ','ed 1m a cf~cii: limit ,.·C(t!a$~ ('CL.:";. d :.:U F ~(.;
:/le beginning ot:hat bilJirlg cycie. :he applicable Da"y Balance will Finane!;! Charge may be asse.ssed to your ACCOi..ii1l:
be adjusted lr.; incJude :he transr,dI0r. amount and arw previc,:;s
d~Y's perIOdic Finance Chaf"Jes for each day tM tiansac:io11 (f) Monthly Maintenance Fee FInance Charges A hr."w:e
amount was owlstanding prior :0 :he beginning of the Cllrrent Charge that is assessed to ttit! Accour.~ tor C<l~h bIHi;;,; .7,:de
tJii;ing cycle. TI1en . for .cad'. :ransa;;~on :::ategc;ry. we add ,he ·.vh~ne\ler that Account !s ~IGst.'t1 WI!h a debit bai;:Sf'ct:.
Daily Balances for the blliing ~.:yC!f~ !(x)~:her ;lM d1v1de tr.e to:al by
:he num~er at ,~als in ihc. billing cy:.:le . ThiS: is the A;Jerage Dai,y
(g 'i Ove,c;-,lft FI!~ Ffn anr..e ChcrglH. (.-\pplicab\e or,: .' ~c
Ba:ance tor eaCli tr3nsa '~!l on cntegOl y
HSB C Cr ed i ~ C ,:;r ~i ~Cc(;unl~ pr(}v i dl n~ t!""~ rdra!t pro : ?~l ! o'n to
design ateci HSbC 8.:mk uS A. !\U\. aeposit ac:coun::; ; it yc;u
(1', Qe:-jit~arQEurchases PenodlC Fi" ai;cc Charges lwg;n ~(; requested overdraft Privileges . we wili i'1nd :OW (rcq \ .'L'-!;r
accrue on ,he dar£! -:f :he transac.t:r;" al',a G'Jr.tilii.iC :0 ac(:rc:e ilV31!ah!e cash adv,)n:.:e cre:JI! limIt lhe i;n):}U;\! " ~E ·.l£!;J ;0
c:;'.·~r any everdraft due !o in Sliffi ~! en l funds on the u ansac.~icr'\ {i
e. cash 3jv~1nce . pur.: hascs . e!c ; and F ; na~{;e
deslgna! ed dc::;cS,[ accour,L We w i!! transfer to ~t;c ocpcsi: w i l l ~.m-·'"
'~"'a'~e' fa "''' r"lr.s'-tod
L..: ........ . ,.;s _ b 0,~... .)(. '0
. .,.,,,,
: . : .... ,.,g) i1 le ,,,
-'''> • ... nl ".• a'" ~,.. ......
~ _ ::;1 ·, '1

account the 3IllC;Jr,t 01 !r. e overdraft rounded :0 the ne-.:: f:.iH ;\FR ..lellig charge £1 for tha~ ;rar.sac:tCo.
dellar We ·....iI! n0t ~ ' ake a transfer if you do no! have l'ufficlen:
U0USed CfCUI: 3','aHable or are delinquent hereunder. In tha: Returned Check Fee
case . :ne o -,erdra t: Nill be 5ub:ect (0 the iJstiai deposit acccunt A Retumed Chc·: j{ Fee IS assessed :0 tnE AccCJUn! eact'. !Ime
rules and tHes Under 11" circulnstar.ces . shall any such
o.' e(dr.~ tt be aliGwl!d ;0 ex:eed your avaIlable credit limit. You
a credit C3fd check . baiance iransfer dieck (If 3vailat:!e i
ur.derstand ~ha~ we have ~he nght to cancel this Acc~ur,t or electronic cr,ecl( Of ether Acc()w'1! aCCf::SS ce'"ce is ret\.lmed
LJnsa~sfjed by us for ;3ny reason.
ycur overdrat! ioan p rivileges at any time .

V-Ie may add an Overl1ra~ Fee Finance Charge to your Account Check By Phone Fee
if your Ac~cunt is ll!i!tzed t:J cover arw overdraft on your A Check Sv Phone Fee IS assesseo ~'J :he Account eac h
designated deposl~ accounL AJ1 O':ertir ,1ft 'Fee Finance Charge time a payment is made by telephone , even if the
w!!l be ::lJmputerl on the amount of each ovcrdi aft lransa:tior. payment is ·made by someone o;her :h,~o you .

I'hi See Addi:ional Disclosure Statemen: f()r any adct ~!cr..-3 1 Stop Payment Fee
Finance Ct13:Jes T,rt: may be applicable :0 your Account. A Stop Payment Fee IS arldeC1 !c the cash advance tialar,ce
when a paymef'\t of a credIt card check is stopped a: " cur
ACCOUNT FEES request. P~ymen\ may ce Slopped .on a credit :-.arj ..::neck by
notifying us in ',-mllng Qr t ·,' :;"llIng us at the :eleot;O(i~
P :e;:'ise set: T,e ?,d;:ki·J[)ifl Disclosure Sta ~ enwnt for applicabili:y r~lir.;be( listed or. the Ace . : t;.i!lI1g statement, so leng as
.::;nd a/flO un! t:t the 1:.;i;C,'·i lng te!!s . such check has nOi a/rcd<.1·,' t.~t;n processed . ... $,0:; p3yment
Teques~ must im:iude the ::he::" ntJmt:er. payee. amollr.:. .lot.!
Annual Fee/Period i c Membership Fee date of the creait c.srd check .:.n which p'3.,.mer.: is 10 be
stc-pped. If 3 stop payment is req(les!!~(j by .eiephor.e . the cali
ii yOur Account is suc,ect :0 an Annual Fee or Perlvd ..: mus: be ccnfinneo In '.liming ·.... i:t-,in 14 .:lays. t.. ·.... ritt~n stop
r>.temtJershi;> Fee 'lou d~'r~ (; :c pay this fee each 'leaf (or o!r,er ?aymen~ wit! remam in eH~G[ for six mcnths UI'lIt!SS renewed
eeriod::; assessrr.ent If ir.CJi::aied :)11 lhe Addi:iOl\ai Disclosure :n Vlri!ing The address (0 s!!r:d a stull payment re(JUe.s; is
,')~a:l!me n l) yC~jr A:::::olJl1\ is open, or clmied '""ith a talan~e .
disc!osed i!1 the ;'ddi!l ~nal Disclosure St3.~ment .
Y''::U agree !r1 a: this fei! ',', iil be ~hd(ged to jo'clIr A-;coIJfll.
Re search Fe~
if ~'o u sio se i~u r ';:: ';~~Uf"lt ',vl:hin ~ he firs: 90 day S Y':>ur AC:CUfl!
is Cp~Ol , !~c .~r."", , ;aj Fee!Perocl;c MembershIp Fea(s) arc .:.. Research Fee is dsses~w.t:0 ~ he ;'CC0~lfit fer t.!3ch S;JI~5
refw'dable 50 Io n" 3S 't'CU ha '/e nc-t used l!ie Acc::un: . The sl ip copy, s:a:er.:en! (,01')1 an,j ap~IIf.;;II(li'o :::oPy re·~ l.Ie= t ed .
Annual Fee/Periodic Mr?lr:t:ership Fee .:ampp.r.sal~s HSBC
Garlk ~~c 'Ja,1a , N A. ,r, 1":11' ' :.:; Ci1f'!~,l;er ;;e(ViCCS j)fOVI :Jr.(j Repfacemenc Fee
cr made available :0 'i Oli :hr')ughoul the member-:;hip year . A Replacement Fee i!; ass~ssed to the AccourH it we
replace a Card that is io,;~. steien, or damaged. or if 'Nt?
i$5 l1C a repI 3C'~mf!nt Per5Crl,,' iden tli: c:" ricn ~umocr (P!N)
A L3:e ?ayrnen: Ft;.:. .,; ilss e s s~d fer eacr, billing cy~le In '/ ,hi::h to faclhtate access to AU~ ~)inclte '~\ Ye;!er ~~f::I: c ~:n. es . if 3
a: ieas! ale Mlnirr.t:fTj Payment , and "ny ;,rnnun: p.\:;! due, 1<; replacement card is ~cq'..l~sted -::n a rush l;as iS '.'i t! will
,'1 :~! paid :n :ime !o t:e '::re~li : ed :0 !~I i! Accuunt b, me Payrner.: ~harge ow curren! fee for this ser','lce
Dul') Oa ~ e
Reinstatement Fee
Overlimit Fee A Reins:atement Fee IS assessed wl1er;ever a reqlle .. : :0
An Overlmu! Fee is a!l5:'!ssed It ~he Account balance excoeds reopen Cl closed or blr)cked Accoun! i:; aporoveci .
!r!e applicable ';f:!(j;: lin ,i! at any time :jt;ring 3 billing ~'icle. VV e
'1~Cty impose !!',is tee evei: if ·Ne aUihorize or Impr)se any .:harges Additional Fees
!~~ r cause yr;~~r bal~r.':;~ !c e~cec.~J !he =re ffi~ hrrtt!.
See :t-fe Addl:iunai D J 5C lc~tl: c S:arenH~nr for &Jr. i r;th cr ~~es
that may be 3~pil ': : at:ie to yeu; AC::OlJlH '
Other Fees !lind C.harges
Returned Payment Fee
If :tOil make a !ranSaC:lcrl in a ~cre ;9r. currency, !he :ransa~ !i on
A. R.eiUTIleJ Paynwn~ Fee is assessed :0 tl'e ACCQlll:t eact! ::me Will !:;e ccnver.ed '::'/ me Ner.... crl<. Inte a U S. doll ar amour.: In
d payment d ', 8Ci<, au :cmati;; payment dedu;;!ion. 0r o:her C!. ccorda(l'.:e w i~h Its o~er<:l ~'ng. ri!911Iaticl\~ Of ~o ~wer skJn
p;)yme n: rnelhi)d ;s not hCl1cred or :!i returned un 5~tis fif~ (! 0')1 pro cedures: in r-:~fec~ a ~ the rin1c ~!1 e ~ranS2'(;HI:; n ~~; pro cessed .
~11C lian K ;:,r c{ ri(!r ~·i ; ' ~n : i~i ll1s ntutlon ;\.n y payrne fi c i e~'J r;):!d D':Jrails r:o ra;ern ing :hcse or(':'·t;~0 u res are S)'h)·,',=; 'fl ~h e
lJr:satl st:ed tor ar.·i {!~il50n ma y be r~posted to any ~ y pl.! ct ';C1d:~io"al Disclosure S:a!emen! The N~~oor\{ :nay change
!he prQr:edUiA5 . t~0 ;:1 !tfn~ ::) ~Ini e . at ,lS :Y.·..r.· (hs:;rt!!v."in
.... - .. : .
- -., ~- :,' - :


If you r,a'v'e no! ccmple:ed ;. Security Agreemen! fm your
;,cc-'lunt, we are extending yo\.: an unsecured line oj ceedi! .
Card Renewal
Card:; are Issued 'Mth an expiratIOn da;e ' have the ngh~ If YOll have compie:ed an application and Sec.urity Agreemem
no! to rene'll yow Card io~ any reascn tor a secured account. troe rerms and CCnC1l!ions con:alne1
w~:hln this paragraph apply.t0 vour Accoun.! A.s .S ecuri;y for
Closing Your Account ,CUi performance under It-.!S Agreement, mcbdlng but no:
IIrn:ted tc the repa·'men! of all ~redil extended under Ihis
You car! dt;se your Ao:olln: t:::J ~1 ; lir.g :<; Your Ac:co!Jn: Account ai.d any re pfaceme'1t secured credit c~rd ac-...our.:. you
balance Will cCln~iml€ Ie aCGue r-lI;ance ... harges anCl Olner assign, p:cdge. ana 9ran! l~ LIS a firsl priemr securi:y ir:lerest
~.:-es and will rema;r, Suu,e~! :G' a\~ the terms ' and c·:Jnd.:!o~; S in aIr rnona" nc·..., .. nc hereaner In the deposit acccur., WI~r-, n-,e
of this Agieernen: . Yeli alsc agree 10 (les:~cy :fcur Card(s) bank disdoscd in me • Additional Disclosure S:alemen~·'. You
ar.c any 'Jr.used credi: ::;,rd cl)eC!(s. IIYf: \VIii nO! hOc;01 any :.;whorizf' us te res:ric:\ v:ithdrawalz trom your DepOSit Acr.ow-"
credl: card check WrHren en yoW Account 01 autnOllze any until such tJ:ne a5 this Ac;:oun! is clcs~d and all VJur
:ransac';c()!'; a~er your A:::;':JU"l~ !,. close:! rhi': (j·jdre5s tG mdcbrec1ness is tU;iY saBsfied or untii :I;IS A."CI)\.lnt is uthcr';"ise
send vc~~r requ~s: to cit' se ~'GU~ AGcuIJ~ ; l!i Ols::losed If) the modifieJ b;' liS . If YOIl e)l'ceer! your c:redit Jit!:it ,0r,othc!'....iSp.
J..ddl;iOnal D,sdoswe S!a!ern~ri! ?efaui! Ui'lde~ the Icrms of youf Agreement , or iT [hiS ....9reen1efi:
IS cancellEd oy yell or us for any reasor. . WF. maio a~ any :,mf:
Account Closure thercaner and without ad'lanc.c nU:ICE [0 ~Qu. a!Jpl:r' ali or po~
':.;e mal' close }':l;,;r Acc:o~JP: . susrenct ~"nllr credit p' i·lil eaes . of yaur Depc~i: to the oavmer;! and Sa!l~farltc:' of any
(j i redi..;ce vou: !':Ted~t hi"H:t C":t any : ij11€ anlJ for any r?as :;r l. ar.d ai! am.:JilOt£ owed tlndel thl£ ACCO\.1f1: and any repiaGemen~
suuiect te· (he req ..,iremp.nts o! :ipplr:;abie /<\W . ir, an)' ,;"f 11'. secured cred;: cwd aceD>!,,: . In addillor.. we may USc &ny
p.vJ.!·n~~ . lour Account Di!t~ariC~l ·W lt l ::':·r,tinue ro .. ClC:C~ ' Je remedies p~rrliHlCct or o!r,erw ise avaHabie :0 liS . Ii the am01mt
F!n2tflCe L:harQes a~": 1::C's un:,! pat i·~ lrt fw l;, dr; ,~ v..'ill rema,n ir~· } CJtir DeDD~ j ~ .A.ccou:s: !~~ nct S~jff; ~~l erl ! ~G tfH,re aH cbF ·;c=:t~io:~s
5 '.Jh i cc ~ ~:J all !le !errns z,,""j :j r..(H'):j :: ;O~)~ 'J1 rhis A.;;:-e£':r:::e :-l~, I! inc-urrea re i at!::j to VOLli A ·:'COlJ;-,i y'J. ~ j aQree tc pay tfte a:Tc,\..:rr~
~/.'t.' ~iC5e YC. :lf .A.C(;:-;'~.:f~.~ . ~: (; u ;:gr{:-t: ~c r..:.p.~~ r o~: y'I-;~ ur L.a T ~ :' s - o'Ned \e us Im'n~dii3 : ely. -
;;~~d cp -'; unused ere OJ! card :;heck~ . IT yr:f ~ H' A'::CDun~ nas
Dee r, : 10:<;&.1. (;: yO : i ' Oed:: pr; ~'i!I;.J~s arr: s,;spende-d , yeLl CREDIT CARD FRAUD
:r. (ly n (i ; U $C ·y(.'.u r (: ~J 0 or c~~~ ; t Cf..r= r..rH~·:-;':. ~
Lost or Stoler. Credit Card or Account Checks
Defaul't YOtl agrt:.~e to nC!fty us 'mrnealat~ly .f )'ul:f credit c.ti:-a elf'
'( ou wi; i be i~. [1~fa~l!i t.nder .his ,c, grep.n!e~: i! . (rl ~ y::;u fa i: :~ .:::e:::iit c&rd c~ecks. are ;0S : or s!olP.f) . ',' OlJ IT'~av fio~~f" \..~ s t; ·,!, "
~,ake a: ;~a5! til? Current Payrnen: QlIe :n tl~le (c r>e credilf:<, calling U~ a~ ,r~£: ~rJone !'"lurr.:e t dr:~·: ~ :)~p.c Ui it·,c A,:.11n,c,nc1i
to vow Acr.cur,t t,', the fJav"..,~r.t Due D'H~ . fbi ym; \'I'jla:~ Dlsc!osure S:a~~men: ,
,m); other p r~v: sicn at thiS ·.';g(fler:1€m~ : L~ ,; you die: ((1) y UiJ
oe(;cfTle SlIbi f>c! 10 tJClnkruptcy or ir. ~o!\'cnc·i' pro·: :ceJmgs: I.e ! Liability for Unauthorized Use
', :)u sll~ply US With rni~teadir.g fal;:e. incompletE: or !n::O:TeCi You should retain ccpies ci ali cl1arg~ Siips Ijn~ii yot.! rece;ve your
[r.brmallcn ; (1 ) wa rEceivE! ;nfcr:;;?tir:.r. iro~ third ;':<Jr:,e~ . $~a:emer.:. at whicr: :JI'TY.! you srl:lu!:j verily :hnl the ct;ar~t'es "Ire
:~c;hlcl:n:i credit agenciE:s ",·.:;-.•cr1 n:'!'Gi:e ;. senel.IS irue and tne: amoU:":ts i.mal;ercd You !1 1;}/ b~ hnb!e c r trl€
,1eil'lquen:;y or charge-ctf Wilh 0ihe! cr,1:iitr.;rs ; (9 ) yOU tal! !c unau:ijorized use c~ .......J ~ H· c.rcdi~ ca!Q YCu v..riii no~ be Hat;~e !cr
n:Gvide u!; a physlca! ~cic1rl:ss ; (nl YOll exceea >:OlJ ~ credit u'1:lu!twrized US!? tt:ar occurs a!\er vou nc:ifv us of the 105S. :he~
!Hrut: {h ".'Ol!! ~ayrrlCi1t is rE~urr,cd ,insa~i~f: c:d by ):~)~r t::'~:'l~ or 'fir,anc:.,i institution for any r~osor. . or G) any c:redi, card
cr possibi!: uilCluth-::Jtizec usc No:ilic;lUGn r.l;,JS: bE given eir,'1er
ty . writing us immedialely upcn leami;')g of the i:)~s . the!'. or
-:r.eck is rc!wned unpaid b,' us. Upon defdul:, Ne have the pOSSible unall!horized use or calling us a: the tell" number
n~h~ tc· d0se ycur Account . 1<":' terminate Cf s.lsper,d your liS:~d on your bililT'lg sta;emen:. 1"(;11 wHl n(it be liable for C\~~.
::r!<di: p~ ; .... iieges under :tlls.Agreement . to cnange the ,!erms unauthorized use ct ..cur credl: card Accour.: ""/hcr, vou rrotif,! us
c; your f ... cCCUf!: and thiS .... g.:(;cr.-;~m . 10 requlrf: yOl! !O P~l immedmtely- by phon'e cr in writing fn any cas.:, ycl.r lIatihty for
your £intire Account balane~ ;nc!uUlng all accrued bur unpa,d \J!lau!h'Jriz'c:d US!; of your credi: Cdrd v,;i! nol exceed $0 · The
~"<lrgp.s ;nllned!3te!y. and lo SuI;: you k'.wha: yell o'.... e. it you ad:jress !~; r,o.if,. ~IS of unauihorized l.'Se of your ciedi: c(.~,j is
,i:J net po\.' :Js. )lour A;:collnt i;aiane~ Wil! ::cntintJe ~c accn ~ c disdcsed in the Ad:1ltionar DI5o:Iosure S:a:ern~n<. You 1'10)' aisc
Finan::c Ch<1rQes and fees until paid In full ar,j Wilt remaH' cal! lIS a: r~\e telephone n"lmber listed on j:Jur bitiing s:atemem
su~i ec~ ~o aii tne- fer-rns (And cor1d~ tions of th is Ag r eemen! If
YiP ~;lIe \' C\I o. if we hirE a !~l ird p arty 10 ,:;o l!ec.l you r i:'.c cour. ~
t·aidnC G: ve l; win pay c u r ~:O !J:1' CC$~S , ~ e-cl::; on?ib ~ ~ : cH~ r;rr} e :-ls
h"!c::: ~ :·v. .~ ·o!r;e r ccHectscn ccs ~~ reia ~ ea tf: tiiC? c e , a~i.t ~ !c tne
eX~en! perm i t~ed by Ja\\;' ~lt the s~a~e In ~Nhtr:h yo&.: re~:da (i;I ·j
Change ot Name . Address. Telephone Number
'.ve v."iU apply YOi..!r p~yn)en:s fI~£: to ~:t ·:-:r:~eys f~es ana o!he:' or Employment
r:~; s ! :, r,:1a Then t:) pnnCtpai and U!1P3;j Fw,ar~::e Cnnrges You agree to give us pl omp: !'\G;;CE of a')}, :i-,c.!-'';E: 11\ YQU; n::;m"
a'dr~~. $ :c!!! number ~r ~~t ;tCF. Of E;-n~f0 ::rr.~n~
Updated Financial and Other Information i :t~~ntlOnal or other.-lise : consollltion; Sta:U!c : common law ~ or
Up.:r. r",ques: '>'n;; agree :0 promptly g ive us .. ;:c,;ra:e equity and whe:her pre-exising , ptesel~! or f,,:ure ). incliJding
f'0ancia! ilr.d o~he r :r:1o~ma~lcr. abcit ~·"u(sert . irutia! claims . O'.)un!er-claims. cross-Claims ann third party daims
a.'. isi~,g tram 0; rela!in.9 tc:: this Agreer:ne.n: or tt.e rE latio!,!ships
wr~cr. resu~ frem thiS Agreemcn: . IllCludlng the vaharry or
Credit Reporting cnforc:eatilii y of this at1)ltra:lOn dause. any par: thereot or !.hc
If you fall :0 iulfill th(: terms of your aecit obligatiC;\ i\. negative en:ire Agrecmen: (",Clairrq. shall bE resctv'ed, upon the electlvr,
report refleCting en your credl: record ma ... be SuOmiiteO l(.) a 01 you or lJS . CV oinding arbitration pursvan~ t(; this arbitratiun
credit repOI1I1~ agency 11 any specif\c. infrx:Th..rion retal!'!:: !() ~ovi!;~::n ar~ the applicable rules or procedures ot rroe arbi:raiion
your Accoun: transa~tlon~ or crer.lii !!xpenenca With uS IS admlnis,ratc{ selected at the time the Claim IS filed. The party
maC~LJra:e . you ma '. nO:I!y lI5 to correel the inaccurate ir,itiating the arbitration procl.' !lh~n tlave :he righ! Ie s~lec:
information Caner Cor\ftrma~I01"1 cf me an!!g£-d error"i report~d to cr.e of ~ foliOWI~ three arbitralJo:i aoamrnlstra:c;;;: me Natlona!
ar,: r.r~d;! re60nino a<]ency cf Wri:li,g to us a: PO. Bey. 987()6 . Ferum (NAF-). the An~rv.:ar. Arbitration Associafior.
Las Vegas . NV 89~93 ('"A.A.A") or JA"AS. The amlfrate; shi1l! be a .lawyer wi~ mere than
ten yeors expenence or a te~red or former Judge We agree no: iO
Certain Privacy Pr;~ctices IIwoke ~llr light to arbitrate a~ jndi'.idu8t C~aim you may bring In
small Claims CC\J("! Of ar, eqUl·... a!e,,[ ::our. II any. SO 10l)g as the
YOI~ agree ! h;:, t from ~ifi;f! :0 lime V.'1< n,ay rece ive Cfe~jil Claim t!' pending onl}' in !ha: CC;;;' The fules and fcfms of the
i(jtorma~lvn com; yc;u frem o:hcrs . such as SiiJres. cmer NAF. AAP, and JAMS rna',' be obtabed Cy Wi1llng to :hcse
le; :de's. a;-, ~ ~redlt repo:'"Jrig agencies. and that we: may u~e this organizations a: me addreises listed below. Our address for
w,f::rrna!:o<". !t ; amen~ . c<lnce! Oi suspeno your aedll prrlllleges S€:-v:(:e cf 'pro:eSS ~r.\:ler ~his pro'li~~r. is HS§C Card Sc
I ir.der lhis J.,gr~emcn ! even II you are nOl in dctau!l with us 'i'C.l~1 In-:. PO 801' 9B74u. Las \fe;Ji!s. r-,; 'i 89193-8/4(1
""gree !na: ! ~-':' D tllJarm'.cn: ct t.ioicr Ven!::les may reIC<J5!: your
res ; d.1:"C~ a~dre~.!: :0 uS. should. I~ become nece-ssar:' tei::l c a~e ::'.ny pa~icipalory arbitration hearing tha! you :>iterte will ;u)\!: plau
y.::~~ 'r ~ tJ pnr~'!E ~rj r.1! ~'__ ;Jr ~ t !per"I S() r)' persc:"".r.el n)a t' }(st~n ar~d 11", :hf! art nearesi rc your reside.~l,:e \\nert~ a feder'l l dis:ric: ':Our.
te': '~i/.! tc~ : ~i.= ~·I (;nf:- Gd ;! ~';, De :''':e en yc u and Ot;!"" represc r:tZlt1\':££ !n I~ loc.;;!cd or a! sucn other Ioca~lcn ;;~ ~eid b l' ~.c p~~ies Or.
:~T(je r tc e·.. ' o j J~:e ~hf: q\j<+h!~ of cur sC:f\,'icc ~(; :,'ou anj to ott-,er a~ly Claim yell f;le, ~'ou \..,Ii pay me firs: $~J of the ftlir,g fee !-.! you:
C;?I:l!rr,ernbe·s t=.:.!' ;'i!jd! ~i or::l l infOi!na!i c~n regardi:'l{j C'\It' p!' r·,:;:; ~~ ~· r~~ues..: .:,€ wili p;:;v trle remainder of the fiiing fee un~! an',
p t;;c~! ;.: es . plli3St; refC':[ rc v '. li P:l. . . a:::y St.~~emen L adii'l!n!s:r~: .... e Oi nearing ;ces -:h&: gE:O b~· the aJbftratlor,
a ·j~i 1ni slr;:l!Cir O!) a:w CJairn subrniU !~d by YOli in aroi:ra!ion up 10 a
!":·,nXi;T"!um.d S i .500. If )'OW are rcquir~.j lC p~y any addi:lon,,! fees
ADDITIONAL TERMS Ie !tie a,.boa~o"'" aamtni$ira:cl . we 1M:! cunsider;; reques: b~' ycu
;c: P:3, ;:\1: c;r par. of it1e additionai fees: however, WI; shali no: b!!
Chang'.! of Terms (Including Finance Charges) olJligatec to pay any OOOi!lonal fees unles!; the arbitrator (~ran:5
yOU 3:: award If the artli:raior 9r?~,;s an award j,", your favOr . We
WE MAY CHANGE OR TERMINATE ALL OR ANY PART OF WIll re;mburS€ you fOf any a-:kh:;c;,nal tees paid or eWe<} by "co :0
THIS AGREEMENT OR ADO NEW TERMS AT ANY TIME. ;!"l1! artrlrah::Jn adminis:ra:or up iC the arnoum cf the fee's lha:
IN.GLUDIJ'.IG WIHiOUT LIMITATION AD DING OR 'saula r.a,' e t eer. chargEd if the orig:nal Claim had bee" for the
IP.~ CRE ASiI\\ G FEES . INCREASING YOUR PERIOLHC d rnOUn ! d the ac:ual award i!1 your fa·/cr . Tr-,e paities shall bear
PAYMENT. INCREASING THE RATE OR AMOUNT Of me expc(j~e of their respeC~ ! 'i e anorney's fel:!s , excep! as
FINANCE "cHARGES. OR CHANGING THE METHOD OF c!h(:'v.1~e pro,.ided by la·",. If a s tal!J~p' gives you the ~ghl :0
COMPUTING THE BALANCE UPON WHICH FINANCE rC~C'ie, an.,. cf these fees . or the fees pa.d to t.'1e artli~ra:ion
CHARGES ARE ASSESSED . AMONG OTHER THINGS~ WE adminis tr atm, these sta:utmy nQt-.:s shall applv in m~ a rb iira !k~il
MAY INCREASE YOUR APR, FEES, AND TOT AL COS I OF notv,i:hstandiilg anY1hing tc lhc- con:ri:rf)' con:atned !·Ien::ln. if the
CREDIT BASED ON A CHANGE IN YOUR CREDIT HISTORY. arb:trawr ISsues an al-.;a:d in our favor. you will C1'), b~ required :(:
AN INCREASE IN YOUR CRi:OIT OBLIGATIONS . OR AN rr:, .... burse w; f0r <sny fecs we havE p~eviously paid to the
INCRE~SE IN THE USE OF YOUR CREOIT LINES WITH US artilraticn a:jminislra:Oi or for", W£ an! res pons!!;:.:;
PROVIUED 10 YOU WHEN REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE <Irt;;tration aweern~n : IS made pursuant te a tranS3ctic~
LAW. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, CHANGES APPLY TO 1[;'/ci>:il'oQ Ir,terSI<i:e commerce . and shai' be gO'Jer'"lcc bv H',e
BOTH NEW AND OUTSTANDING BALANCES, F e·jera l - Arbitration Act C} U .s.C Sec::o!:s 1 ' 16 {the .. Fr.A .. ·
The a(!; i~ratcr shali apph' apph::abl~ s\Jbsla~tjve la/.. ccnsisier;:
Arbitration ·...-i:t-. the FAA an::! provide writteP reasoned finiiirrgs of fact and
Please see the Additio r. ai Di:;clo~..,re ;:·:a!t>rm:r,: t ·:)! evnc!\J5Ions of la .... The arbitrator's a·.... ard shaH net bl:! subiec!
tn Cspp~<!1 HCep! as p!:rrni::ed by !t',e FAA. The parncs. aqree
aIJPhcata!f: ~. to y (;ll~ .A.c~our;:
\i'; CI: U"I~ award shai! teokept ccnhd!::ntia! . judg~en( v p ·~r.~ (he
a '.~· Grd r,);)Y jj ~ er.:e:reil In any CCiU :: r.u . . lng luri;;d ::iIOr. .
7hls ar t;I:~ a:;o n pro .... :sion sh":i appiV to an\' Clc;;m a-Ja in~: us
Llitrj :0 eac;ro: of O'J i pari!n:s . subs;d;ancs , aHii~a ~ e~ any:-...c;nna:"!y
~r:,:-,,'iri in·g :i ( ~v·;ards fea:dre Ir: ~Jn'uncticp . ....,ia~ ~h i 5 .~areer:lr~ nt ,
predecessors. SlIC~eS$ors . and assigns . and each of the ir BEFORE A JUDGe OR JURY. BUT WilL NOT HAVE THAT
cffi::er!" . jiieC!ors. aqer.:s . af':;: empioy·ees . You agree <my Cla 'm RIGHT IF EITHER PARiY ELECTS ARBITRATION THE
,-h~DU:f; ~~ ::(')r l!r~v~:-s'~ C,,'.,tll.! C8sec upon r:x.i~)~fd G! · !or!
., ,. i2
,A ~--

', ~ .. J
__ _


ARBITRATION 8Y EIiHER PARTY. If. yot! thi!'lK your bill is wron~t or if Y0ti need mere informa tion
aoout a transaction on your bill . ',MIte to us ( cn a Stlcarate shes: ;
You mar ::;onta-:t
the arbi:ra!ior. r:;les ot, or file a Claim
ob~ali"' a ~ the addre!';s listed or; yeu ; c!H:ng statement Writ!: us 3!; S :};,)I~
,~-ti! h NAF-, AM or JAMS as foliuw!:' : . as possible . We ITilJS\ hear from you nr; la~e! than 60 days ane;
Nationa! Arb,!ratior, Forum ,IAl\\S we sen t VCh) the tirs: bill er. ·.·.'hiGh the: e~Tcr o r problem appeared
p.e Bo7. 50191 4~ 6rwd'way Y·cu can"teiupncne U:i : but acing SCi \ .... ill nc~ p!"c~;erve ycu; righ~~
Minneapulis. MN 554[)5 New Ycr\.; . NY 1Q005
'I-N/IN arb-forum .crg 'INNJ jamsarir .com Please include the following infcrma!io", in YOiJr te!!er'
Cn~lc oi Procedure Flrianciai Services • Yelll name, accoun( numtier and signa!ufe;
Arb:!ra~an Rules
an·:i Pro:;edure5 • The (Iollar amour.: ot the suspec:ed elTGr, and
• Descr!be tn€ error and F.)(plair; . tl ycu car" wh~' y~\J belie ·.'e
America!", .Mbitratlcr. A!:'scc; a;i~t: !t"le~e :5 a~ Crier
1 ISO Conr;e!:li::.u~ Ave N'/J 6:h ficor
Washington . DC 2;)036 ..11£)4 ;f you need m(; re rn1crrna!lon . descrtbe the hem yOu are n(::
V:W'N .actr.era St,re about. If you hav.: authCri7.ed us :0 pav your iV;ccur,' r., ::
Arb:;ration Kuies for Consumer .H;tomacicaH ;: from your savings or r.!'.~ckl~g ac·: ;ount 'tr0il ca-.
D : ~pureS l,~iaim~ unj[:: S 1?,OG':" } stop the pay'ment en ani "1l\·' Jur,: you th;nl< l~ wr,;r,g . ,0 S ;C::
COmrTH!!'Clai Art ,~rat!0:i RU :t!~ the payment . yeur Ict:er must reach us thrN! b\Jsll')f.'s~ :Ja}'~
:ai! cfairns j. before the autcmiitlc payment IS scheauled to CCCll' .

Assignment of Account
'/'ie may seJ:. aS~igr: c r t:"iiGsfer y·:):tJr Ag ~ eer\1t!n: and ,t\<.;cou"!!
{.:~ any portion ;he:-ec f "vJ~hG:.J; n0.~h:t! !(. lOU . YCJ nl3y nC!~ se:, . AFTER WE RECEIVE YOUR WRtTIEN NOTICE:
ass~gn or uarlsfer yOu:" AC\.~GUr'i!
VIe iT"1~st\.vfC!dgc vou r !er!~! ",:Hhin 30 d(\\· ~ . untes= ~.~,:.:
Waivt;r t,:ove corre::!ed ~ne error ~)' ~he:. V,./t!~li:: 9:1 ctay5 ~~,e mU$~ c ::::€'~
~r";erna)! ctK,r.:S€ to delay enfcr:;ing (;r ·... a;\·e a ! ~ '. ~f our righ:s cCft"ecl th e e rfC;! c·r eApla;i: wr'l \\' e beH~ ·\· e the b:u ·.'".: -:crre;,:
under tnis ,t.9reernP'f\~ In cer:atn s ;~u a ~;c ns . \lie can de!ay
enforcing or ~·I1' a~\.. e Csn~ CJ! t,;ur r~grl! s ":I~hou! afh·)r:;ttng C'.Jf other .t-.!ter 'J.:e r~cei ·,e your iet~er Vie can:1C! try :c cclif:C! a ny a.1lCt.J:"'::
rights if we wai'le .? nghi. v;~ GO :1\;: lh;w!u> .,".'~ive the sam!? vou quest:on. or iepc r : W;u as d~ l; rlq"~nt \".. " Cd" ·:{m:!r,iJe I'.: bi,\
righr in c :her s iLiatj CnS vou f·~r ~he an1;JUnt yeu qdes~:an ir,::klding Finan·:;c C~la:ge:: a ;;:l
5 everabillW we can apply any IJf,paid a:nO;ir.1 agains: ycc:r Cretji~ Limi, Ye·,:
d ,:) net r.ave :0 pay any quesiio01t:d £Imount w~:it; '.'w' ~ <:Jr:·
l! an~' rr,:;;;;SIGn O! :t-,t~·. AgrE~mer~: I~ fina:!, dEnerm!ned to cr' YCij irvE's!igating , b,H yau ;ore S! I:: ot;I'gatec.1 to pay the parts uf ]'0t::
or um: n!.:.'rceablc under a,,;.· ;a"";. rule 0, fC.'~u!a:ic .. , al: Ofr,er b iB tha: are rY.)t ii' question .
pro·.. isior.s .J ! tr,IS ,A.gre~men: wiii remat" valaj and enfmceabh~
If we find :ha:'w~ made a TT'li <;~ C!i(E' vI') y()!..;[ bll: . y:'lu w,lI I'it.'! hClVt;
Applicable Law ;0 ~ a·'" an .. ~H'1a'l(;e Charges rilla;ed :0 an" ques;icned flr.:::un :.
TI1:!:o Amcemer.: and yo,;, A.:cr;lIn ~ \'::li t',!? povcrned by fp.d~ra l If we' dian'; mske a ;nistake. yOI.J may f.a'.'e to pay F ;na:;c,~
I<w, <mu lhe in .....~ of thEe s(,,:!! of Nevac1a. ·...·he,tl er or nor YOll tivP. Charges , and you Will i lave rr) make IJP any nllssec i:a yrneilts cr,
in Nevada and '-\ihe~'er Of rtQt j~:;L:r .A.CCOtlr'i ~ i:; used outside th'~ ques:ior,ed am"ur\l . Ir. eittlf.:f ct:tse . vve wiii send V;,I; 'I . TtHS Ag!"eeme~·! ~ is cn~ere1 infC in Nevada 3C\\.! ar~ cr~H',t statement of the ~\n·lC.Hln~ you (y.... e and t:~e nate ir i~. d ~; € .
under :hts ; ...greerr;~il~ VI :~! be exl ende(j frc-en Np.v3d3
H you filii 10 pay the arnO:.H.1;'"")t '.rV~ tn~n"- y~tJ C·, Ne . \ve niay n~P"'.J !~ y~u
YOUR BILLING RIGHTS as delinq·. ien:. Hc\..,e'{~r , if our expianatior, dces no: sallsfy yo\;
",,,,1, you wnW i~ ~IS w.lir.ln ten day;, :elhrog us YOll s:11I n:tusr tt; pa~
\ve ' ;~1US: ~c H any-one \ve rEPort yO~i r.: tha: you ha·.!~ a que~t ~::;I '
abOut your bi:1 .A.nd. we mlls~ teli ycu 1111:: n"me of ar.ycnfl ','/(,
What To Do If There's An Error In Your Bill reponed you tc i..ipc;n ser: i emen~ of :h= di$p u~r, ...... e mus'. IE:i'
. vr R ·r gl. .4 m-c
c 'Jt:r::one \~e repor: yt),l ~CJ tria; U-le ma l~e' has berr: se!:iec

YOUR SILtiNG RIGHTS - KEEP THIS NOTICE FOR don'~ fell·:)..,.: H·les~ rtJI(;s. 'li e can·L ::'~t1 ec: ~hc flrs: $5;) c/ :!-: ~~
If Vie
qiJEstioned arncu nt ~ ...:cr. !f '!·our biii 'NaS ·::orie~~~
.. _--_•._------------
Triis n~}~!ct· contain s :mpcr"!an:;r.-la~H.:.rl at)f.... u~ YOU' !'"ight!' and
·J~;r re~ronslbiji: ; e ~ tp)an r :}:€ Fal: C i :t;r! :: 8 ii!rn·; ;\c.:

-.' .-j"~...

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