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EPP UNIV 31003

Board Meeting Script


Greeting - Board Members take places at Board Table.


Call Meeting to Order. (Chair says) This meeting is called to order.


Chair: (To the Secretary,) Do we have a quorum?

SECRETARY: Yes, the following members are present (Pastor name), (Secretary name), (Treasurer
name), Bishop (name) & (Vice President name) Moderator of the Curia or Bishop (name) & (Vice
President name) Moderator of the Curia are present by proxy or via telecom. (Quorum is 3 members)
(Remember to include Apologies for Absence)
Approving the Minutes of Previous Meeting. The first order of business is the reading of the
minutes of the previous meeting. Will the Secretary please read the minutes? (After the Secretary finishes,
say) Are there any corrections? (If none, say) The minutes are approved as read. (If there are corrections,
say) Are there any corrections? (Then) Are there any other corrections? Hearing none, the minutes are
approved as corrected. The Secretary will make the corrections in the minutes.
Chair: You have all received and had an opportunity to review the minutes of the previous meeting. Are
there any corrections or amendments to the minutes? (After dealing with such corrections and
amendments) I call a motion to approve of the minutes as presented (or as amended).
MEMBER: So moved
MEMBER: Second

Chair: We will now discuss any Old Business. (or referred to as Matters Arising)


Chair: The next agenda item under New Business is the ..

6.1.The Chairmans Report: .
6.2. The Treasurers Report:

Chair: The next order of business is the Financial Report. Will the Treasurer please report? (When
treasurer is through, ask) Are there any questions? (Answer the questions or ask the Treasurer to answer the
questions. When finished state) The Treasurers Report is accepted as presented.
6.3. Committee Reports. The next order of business is Committee Reports. May we have the
report of the (fill in name) Committee? (When report is done, ask) Are there any questions? (Answer
questions or have the Committee Chair answer questions. When questions are done, say) The report will be
filed with the Secretary. (Repeat the same process for other committees.)

Any other business.

Adjourning the Meeting. (Chair says) Seeing that there is no further business, if there is no
objection, the meeting will be adjourned. (Pause to see if an objection. If none, say) Before we adjourn let
us decide on the date of the next meeting. Shall we meet on the first Thursday of December, 2 pm? OK.
So before we adjourn Ms Secretary, could you please just quickly run through your notes of the minutes of
this meeting for us?
Secretary: Yes. ..
Chair: Thank you. Would anyone like to add anything? OK. Then the meeting is adjourned.


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