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Compiled, edited & in parts written by

Maps of Ilythiir

page 3-4

Description of the Empire

page 5

Brief history of ilythiir

page 7

Rulers of the empire

page 47

Cities & settlements

page 48

Temples & citadels of the dark real

page 68

Geographical Highlights of ilythiir

page 71

Spells & Rituals of the darkness

page 74

Magical items of Ilythiir

page 79

Notables of the Empire

page 85

Odd creatures of the Dark Elves

page 91

Dark Whisperers of Ilythiir

page 94

Resource s used

page 96

Counselors and Kings:

''Legend has it that once, many thousands of years ago, an Ilythiiri wizard stumbled through the
veil that separates the world we see from the unseen world of the Unseelie Court. There she
learned some of the magic of the dark fairies, most of it by unfortunate firsthand experience.
After much torment, she escaped, now utterly insane but carrying a knowledge of fell magic that
surpassed any wizard in the land. She began a rise to power that attracted the darkest hearts
of her time to her court. Her name is lost to memory, and she is known only as the Spider
Queen. It is said that the evil goddess of the drow, Lolth, assimilated the wizard into her own
being, taking for herself both the wizard's name and her dark magic. It is said that something of
the wizard's memory remains within the goddess, and as a result, the drow, even Lolth herself,
fear the Unseelie folk.''

The Home of the Ilythiir Elves circa -24500 DR

The Empire of ilythiir circa 17400 DR

Introduction to the Empire of the Dark Seldarine

The realm of Ilythiir started out as a loose collection of independent city states and settlements
dominated by the great city of Attornash, this shaky alliance of frequently feuding houses was
headed for millennia by the Grand High Magi KaNarlist Hune. The realm itself was founded in
the wake of the sundering and Attornashs destruction around -17550 DR, by Dark, Green and
Moon Elves along with thousands of slaves from lesser races such as wemics, loxo, goblinoids
and minotaurs. The realm flourished for thousands of years under the ever growing patronage
of the Dark Seldarine Gods, lead by priests of Ghaunadar and later the spider priests of Lolth.
Where once cold logic and pragmatism ruled Dark Elven thoughts and ideals it soon became
apparent that darkness and chaos were taking root deep within the fiery hearts of this proud
and warlike people. Ilythiirs arts and educational endeavours became bogged down in the
religious dogma of the rival faiths. At its height, Ilythiir represented all that was twisted and
corrupt about Elven culture and this pallid reflection of their former unity and glory pleased
their gods greatly. With its pursuit of war over peace, of power and religious ideal over art and
knowledge and its celebration of racial and ethnic purity, the empire of Ilythiir became a realm
to be pitied and mourned.
Ilythiiri society started out as patriarchal in nature and only became truly matriarchal after the
Great Schism of the second Spider War of -8137 DR. The empire was focussed on acquisition
and creation of powerful magic and the arts of war, and heavily influenced by religion. Each city
was ruled by one of the most powerful clans. The people of Ilythiir were considered proud,
arrogant, cruel, treacherous and scheming. From birth, they were taught to dominate and take
what they want from the wider world and that they are superior to all other races. Familial love
was a pillar of Ilythiiri society who believed that a childs duty was to obey their parents in all
things , whilst at the same time parents were obligated to test their children to allow the
strong to thrive. Noble born Ilythiiri children who survived infanthood were highly valuedthe
half-breeds, the lowborn, or the simply rejectedusually ended up in the army or working for
one of the many merchant houses or guild halls or similar institutions. Sometimes, parents,
relatives, owners, and anyone would adopt thesae rejected children to strengthen theikr own
bloods lines or numbers. All for the good of the family was the ruling credo throughout Ilythiiri
culture prior to the Great Betrayal by Corellon and his sycophants.
System of Government
The major polity of Ilythiir was made up of 18 major city-states, each ruled by one of the 18 Ruling
Families, with the seat of power for the central government belonging to the city of the current
Coronal. The realm was dotted with around 300 towers, around which small villages or towns
congregated. In all, Miyeritar consisted of over 350 settlements and a lot of widespread
independent towers, treeholds, burrows, citadels, hamlets and steadings for its population of dark
elves, green elves, moon elves and various other slave races. The centre of power was held by a city
state for as long as the ruling house could maintain its position and influence. The fickle favour of
the gods plus the vagaries of war often dictated who held power and for how long.

Each city within the realm has its patron deity, the devotion shown varied from population
centre to population centre. New Attornash was the epicentre for worshippers of Ghaunadaur.
His worshippers were a mixture of all races resident within the city, the majority being Dark and
Moon Elf worshipers. Ghaunadaur was known as the God of Darkness, Destruction,
Domination, Submission and Change. Later followers of other Dark Seldarine Gods came to
dominate their individual city states leading to much internecine strife which later developed
into the classic political games of the great Dark Elven houses.
Many of the elves in the south worshipped Vhaeraun. His followers were like him: proud
enough to have believed themselves destined for power, and ruthless enough to seize it any
way they can. As they grew in number, Vhaeraun grew in might. With each tribe the Ilythiiri
enslaved, with each city they destroyed, Vhaeraun's influence spread like a bloodstain upon the
land. Finally, he became strong enough to achieve that which he most desired. Vhaeraun hated
Eilistraee. He bid his worshipers harry and destroy all who followed her. He would see her
destroyed, if such were in his power. Though he was then but a young god, Vhaeraun was vain
and malicious, quick to attack those who did not give him homage.
For millennia the worshippers of Vhaeraun and Ghaunadaur vied for power, caught between
the warring followers of chaos were those few worshippers who followed the teachings of the
Dark Maiden. At the end of the first great schism, the followers of the Slime Lord were
triumphant and became the ruling elite, whilst the followers of Vhaeraun found their power
base amongst the disaffected commoners in the outer cities and settlements of the first Ilythiiri
empire. Exiled from the south the followers of Eilistraee, wandered north for centuries before
finally settling down and establishing the northern Dark Elven realm of Miyeritar under the
leadership of House Olryth.

A History of Ilythiir
Headstrong, and set in their ways, but they do have a certain sense of honor and
dignity about them. Certain of their leaders - leaders being what they are - sought more
power, and became corrupted by the forces they dealt with - Ka'Narlist chief among
them. Cults arose within their ranks, of dark gods and darker fiends, and the power of
the various churches extended their influence to whatever leaders who weren't already
corrupted. It was a downward spiral from there.
They weren't united at first - mostly wild tribes living in the vast southern forests and
jungles - but a few city-states arose, and from those the corruption spread. One could
wax philosophical about how civilization itself is a 'corrupting force', but I will leave
such musings to the philosophers. Just let it be said that the trappings of civilization
allow for idleness, and we all know what 'idle hands' are capable of.
Ka'narlist, the most powerful Dark Elven Sorceror, had solidified his control over his
city and sought to extend his influence to other lands. He sent emissaries (spies, really)
to the other Dark Elven Cities, and even to other Sylvan Elf kingdoms, seeking and
exploiting every weakness possible. If not for the Sundering, in which he disappeared to
the bottom of the sea, he may have manged to fulfill his dream of ruling all Elves,
It was during these early stages of corruption that the Ilythiir first became involved in
the War of Three Leaves. The leadership (already being lulled by power) used spies and
sabotage to undermine the budding alliance between their neighbors (without the
knowledge of the common folk, of course... such things happen, you know). Although no
proof was ever found of their meddling, it was suspected by all involved, and bad
feelings began to fester into hatred.
Time went on, and the Dark Elves of Illythiir became more solitary and xenophobic,
and much of this attitude was fostered by the leadership and cults, which were now
becoming one and the same thing. the 'Olde Religion' was forced out, and the Yuir Gods
forgotten, and the churches of the Dark Gods rose to power. Eventually this lead to
strife between the competing sects, and one rose to the top - that of Lolth. Her church
rose to supreme power in Attornash, after its leader and High priest - Ka'Narlist perished. Soon, the other city states fell before the might of Attornash and its armies of
mutated abominations and slaves. Most simply excepted them as their rulers without a
fight... after they had made examples of the first few cities which refused him.
During this millenia of internal strife and political upheaval, many Dark Elves who
would not agree with their leaders and their religious oppression fled for distant lands.
Some went north to join their Sylvan brothers in Aryvandaar, while others - who
themselves followed less reputable 'gods' - fled into the east (and some, it is said, crossed
'the great water' to a new land across the southern sea).

Eventually, Attornash's domination of the civilized Ilythiir was complete, but they had
trouble convincing the wild tribes to join them - they cared not for power or conquest;
they simply wanted to live in the old ways and enjoy their forests and plains. So the
leaders of the Ilythiir struck upon an idea - following in the footsteps of Ka'Narlist,
they sent spies north into Aryvandaar, and using magic and bribery, were able to
cause friction between the Eladrin of that realm and the Green Elves who lived
amongst them.
And so, much in the same way some of their own disillusioned Ilythiir had left for
'greener pastures', the dissatisfied Green Elves of Aryvandaar left and founded their
own realms, chief among them Miyeritar. Many of the Dark-Elven spies went with
them - some mighty wizards themselves - and Miyeritar soon rose to a greatness that
rivaled Aryvandaar itself. However, as much as the Ilythiir tried to control this fair
Realm from afar, it was not to be, and they were only able to have minor influence on
the trade and foreign policies. Indeed, many of their own people turned their back on
them as their own fortunes rose with the majesty of Miyeritar.
No one knows for sure what happened next - the Vyshaan claim that Dark-Elven spies
tried to assassinate their Coronal and blamed Miyeritar. The Miyeritarrans, for their
part, accused the Aryvandaar of lying, in order to get other Elven realms to side with
them against the growing might of Miyeritar. As for the southern Ilythiir Dark Elves,
no one thought to even accuse them, since they had become isolated from their fellow
elves and kept to their own devices (which included conquering the rest of the South
lands and enslaving other races and even other elves who did not agree with their
When the Dark Disaster occurred, all were shocked at what befell. The Arvandaar had
not counted on the destruction being so complete - some High Mages even claim that
some sort of corruption had gotten into the magic and tainted the spell, boosting the
chaotic forces beyond their control. As for the Ilythiir, they considered the destruction
of the Miyeritar an outrage, and their leaders declared a 'Feyhaad' (Elven Holy War)
on Aryvandaar and its allies (which unfortunately/conveniently included it's trading
partners near Ilythiir lands). With that single horrific act, the Vyshaan did what
Ka'Narlist himself could not do for so long - unite the wild tribes into a single empire,
bent on destructive vengeance.
The rest is history. For the common Ilythiir folk, they only knew what their leaders
lead them to believe, and as it is with any warlike people, they took to the fighting with
unsettling gusto. Forests were burned - some Ilythiir blamed Dragons, others blamed
wizards who 'appeared out of nowhere', and some even claim to have seen both.
Regardless, the Dark Elven armies did not put the forests alight - Sylvan Elves would
NEVER to stoop to such a thing. Alas, the rest of the Elven peoples of Faerun did not
believed their tales, and many blamed them for those unspeakable acts. Only Keltormir
remained neutral, and refused to take sides, doubting the motives and actions of all the
others involved.

The truth matters not - the Dark Elves - even the many innocent ones - all shared the
curse of the Seldarine. When the Dhaerow Ritual was held, the priests open a conduit to
the Divine Realms, to allow the free flow of power into them from the heavens. Once
again, something unexpected occurred and the levels of power were far greater then
they accounted for, and the priests were unable to control all the energy they had
summoned. Many blame Lolth for the surge, but others say they felt a more...
shadowy... presence.
So do not blame the Ilythiir for the evil of their leaders; like any loyal people they
believed what they were told and fought for what they thought was right. By the time
the descent Curse fell upon them, many had become corrupted themselves by all they
saw and did, but just as many remained unaware of the fell deeds taking place around
them. The Crown wars were started by greedy individuals, and the Elven race paid the
price. The entire truth may never be known.

Pharos - last Judicicar of Miyeritar and witness to the Elven Shame

By Markus Taylor 02 Nov 2010

34000 DR
The otherworldly realm of Faerie is ruled by
the fey (creators of korreds, sprites, and
pixies). One tribe of desert & jungle
dwelling elves, the Ilythiir, rebel against
their Fey masters and seek to establish a
kingdom and realms of their own far away
from their Eladrin Overlords. Thus begins a
civil war that lasts for millennia.
31000 DR
An unimaginable catastrophe strikes AbeirToril. Whole continents vanish in
earthquakes, fires, and windstorms, and the
seas are rearranged. Ancient sarrukh
accounts remark on the changing of the
stars, but no one now knows what this
might mean. Most scholars now speculate
that at about this date a comet or ice moon
fell from the sky, devastating much of
Abeir-Toril, and refer to this event as the
Tearfall. The four Inner Seas merge

together to form the body of water known

today as the Sea of Fallen Stars. Tens of
thousands of dragon eggs soon hatch across
Toril. The dramatic climate change that
followed quickly brought an end to the
batrachi civilization.
30000 DR
War of the Seldarine
Araushnee is cast down into the Demonweb
Pits, where she becomes the demongoddess Lolth. The solar Malkizid,
Araushnees chief lieutenant is branded and
thrown down into the Nine
29500 DR
Dragonfall War: Followers of Xymor attack
and slay Nagamat, inciting the Dragonfall
War, a conflict between the followers of

Bahamut and Tiamat that persists to this

27000 DR
Continuing their work to undermine dragon
rule, the Fey open new gates allowing the
first elves to immigrate to Toril. These
primitive green elves worship the Faerie
gods (not the Seldarine, which were
unknown at this time). Following hard on
the heals of the fleeing Green Elves an Army
of Dark Elves from the southern, jungle
covered islands of Tintageer march through
the Fey Gates in search of their hated kin.
Led by the Arcorselutaar Kanarlist Hune
and his consort, the High Knight Abshialaa
Melarn, the legions of the host of Ilythiir
march forth. Almost immedialty upon
arrival they are set upon by the slave armies
of the Great Green Dragon barons of the
southern forests. After 100 years of bloody
warfare the Dark Elves manage to bring the
Dragon Barons to the negotiation table and
an uneasy peace is declared.
-26850 DR
Lord Kanarlist and the Lunar Eclipse Cirlce
of High Magi raise up the city of Atorrnash
on from the cliff face of a deep sided bay.
The life forces used by the elves to power
their casting comes from thousands of
green elf slaves captured for the event.
With their deathly, horror filled screams the
newly formed cove, carved out when the
city is created is named Banshee Bay.
26000 DR to 25000 DR
Thousand Year War: An avatar of the
draconic deity Garyx leads red dragons in
battle against the giants of Ostoria.
Eventually all of dragonkind is drawn into

the conflict, which rages on and off for a

thousand years. Upon its conclusion,
Ostoria has shrunk to only a shadow of its
former self. The Colossal Kingdom now
occupies only the northernmost edge of the
continent (present-day Great Glacier and
the Cold Lands).
-26000 DR to -25300 DR
The Dark Bringer Wars
With the war between the Dragons and
Giants raging the Ilythiiri leadership takes
advantage of the chaos to gradually expand
their influence eastwards. In a series of
stunning conquests over the next 700 years,
seven formerly Green and Black Dragon led
citadels are over run, leading to the
establishment of the Dark Elven cities of
Lorudelmah, Gernvalsath, Sahdelmah,
Maelthralu, Barrassisk, Harolshanaal, and
Tosekolath. During this time of war and
destruction the worship of the Slime Lord
Ghaunadaur increases as vassals of Lord
Kanarlist begin assassinating their rivals
and assuming positions of power within the
Court and armies of Atorrnash.
25400 DR
Fleeing the destruction of the island
kingdom of Tintageer, at the hands of their
own High Magi, on their home world of
Faerie, a small circle of gold elves led by the
young prince Durothil cast a divination to
find their new homeon the world of
Toriland then create a portal leading
there. The refugees name their new home
Faern, the One Land. Integrating into the
native green elf communities, the
descendants of the gold elves of Tintageer
become known as sun elves, while the
descendants of the sole silver elf refugee,

Sharlario Moonflower, become known as

moon elves.

and the ground sown with magic traps to

prevent any from using the site again.

-25260 DR

25100 DR

The First Sarrukh War

Sharlario Moonflower and his son Cornaith

visit the dark elf city of Atorrnash in the
south. Durothil takes a silver dragon mount
and becomes the first dragonrider. Durothil
is later slain in battle with the red wyrm
Mahatnartorian, known to the green elves
as Master of the Mountains.

Expansion south wards comes to a sudden

halt when Dark Elven explorers stumble
across the ruins of an ancient reptilian city
on the southern slopes of the Demons
Hump. Before long reports start to filter
back to Attornash that a previously
unknown, but powerful group of lizard-like
magic users inhabits the sprawling ruins.
The Ilythiiri send and expedition south to
seize the magic and to enslave the
residence of this city, trigger a savage
response from the formerly reclusive
Sarrukh survivors. The army of 5000 Dark
Elves and 20000 slaves is annihilated down
to almost the last being. The few survivors
are sent packing back to Atorrnash with a
message to stay away.
-25164 DR
The Second Sarrukh War
Less a war and more like an extermination,
Lord Kanarlist and a group of High Magi
lead an army of 100,000 dark elves and
slaves south to destroy the Sarrukh
upstarts. Surrounding the city to prevent
any from escaping the dark elves create a
war mythal over the ruins designed
specifically to deny the retiles access to the
weave. With this in place the army moves
in and after weeks of savage street fighting
the few surviving Sarrukh (non magic using
ones), and their servitor creatures are
slaughtered or enslaved.
The few
remaining buildings are razed to the ground

25000 DR
First Rage of Dragons: In a newly built
citadel in the northernmost reaches of Toril,
the elves create the Dracorage mythal. Tied
to the appearance of the King-Killer Star,
the Dracorage mythal incites the Rage of
Dragons, a madness driving all dragonkind
into mindless destruction as well as turning
them against their own offspring. During
the weaving of the Dracorage Mythal,
Dragons who knew of the plot arrived and
began attacking the citadel. Through the
efforts of the Avariel, who take massive
casualties, the spell was completed.
With the collapse of the last Dragon
Baronies, Lady Abshialaa the Second, leads
Iylthiirs legions south in a war of slavery
and conquest. This army of Vhaeraun
whorshippers pushes south and east
conquering settlements and cities that
formeyly belonged to the Dragon Lords.
Within 500 years the southern jungles are
held under an uneasy alliance of Dark Elven
Lords and Ladies, each seeking to gain
power and influence over their neighbours.


-24846 DR
Under orders from Lord Kanarlist, roving
bands of corsairs, and slavers beging raiding
the southern borders of Sharlarion and
Occidian. At the same time the Ilythiiri
merchants push for exclusive trading rights
with the Sun Elves in an effort to cut out the
more mercantile Moon Elves further north.
24500 DR
Both sun and moon elf communities build
great cities that rival the magnificence of
ancient Atorrnash. The sun elf city of
Occidian is heralded as the center of elven
music and dance, while the moon elf city of
Sharlarion is unrivalled as the crossroads of
trade and commerce.
-24492 DR
An uprising begins within the city of
Barrassisk as rank and file Vhaeraun
worshippers within the army seek to
overthrow their Ghaunadaur worshipping
masters. Within a short time the rebellion
has spread to several other cities and
settlements and a full scale religious war
ensues in the northern city states. South of
the Demons Hump, the armies loyal to
Ghaunadaurs teachings are moved north to
quell the rebellion.

Elves of Sharlarion successfully defend their

city from the massive Orc army, but not
without their share of casualties. Tower of
Magi in Sharlarion stands empty and silent.
The Circle had bonded with their distant
brother and sister magi of Occidian's Tower
to aid and support their defense of that city.
But the orcs and their Demonic and Ilythiiri
allies used a war mythal and broke through
the magical wards, and the Occidian Tower
had lay shattered. The magical backlash
slew the High Magi of Sharlarion as well.
Kethryllia Amarillis, a defender of
Sharlarion, is drawn into the Abyss when
the Demon Haeshkarr escapes with her
lover in tow. She battles numerous
Demons, looking for Haeshkarr. After being
given the location of the Demon by
Kiaransalee, the Elven heroine would
destroy Haeshkarr and rescue her lover.
For the first time, Lolth- still a Demon, not
yet a deity becomes aware of the existence
of Realmspace. Scrying on the environs of
Abeir-Toril, she discovers the Dark Elves of
Ilythiir. Pleased with the ambition and evil
of Ilythiirs leaders, Lolth begins a plot to
control the nation of Dark Elves, and amass
enough worshippers to make herself a deity
once more.

24000 DR to 23000 DR
24400 DR
The fiend Haeshkarr, summoned by
KaNarlist to punish Occidian for taking the
side of Sharlarion during a dispute between
the Moon Elven and Dark Elven nations,
begins gathering Orc hordes in the protoGalena mountains, and lays siege to
Occidian. The Sun Elf city is destroyed, and
Orc Horde moves on to Sharlarion next. The

For centuries the couatls and the yuan-ti

battle each other for control of the Chultan
Peninsula. Time and again the yuan-ti are
forced to concede their westernmost
holdings to the couatls, until the war ends
in a stalemate with the Hazur Mountains as
the dividing line between the two
territories. This war spills over into the
jungles of the Ilythiiri, and the Dark Elves

take advantage to enslave countless

reptilians bending them to the Dark Elves
will and sacrificing untold thousands more
to satiate the endless hunger of the Slime
Lord. In exchange for these sacrifices,
Ghaunadaur grants his followers the
knowledge and powers for life shaping.
Thus begins the creation of new servitor
races that will end in the creation of
creatures like the malenti, and other
demonic abominations.
-23997 DR
Lord Kanarlist takes a new consort, a Dark
Elven High Knight named Arshaella, whose
symbol is that of a Scarlet & Black Spider.
Over the next several centuries she bares
him many talented children, mostly girls,
who also take on the symbol of the Scarlet
Spider as their heraldic device and are
assigned increasingly influetial postions
within Ilythiiri society.l

old foes from becoming too pwerful yet

-23821 DR
After a long and careful seduction, Lolth
reveals herself to her lover as an aspect of
the Goddess, Araushnee. Completely and
utterly under her spell, Lord Kanarlist
converts to her worship, becoming her
chosen High Priest. His first act is to order
the his vassals to convert. Those not
wishing to do so are put to death or if not in
the city, exiled upon pain of death never to
return. The temple to Ghaunadaur within
Atorrnash is sealed and the priests given
leave to flee. Within a century the entire
population has either converted to the
worship of the Spider Queen, or left the city
for other settlements where they are free
to worship as they choose.

23600 DR
-23821 DR
After a long and careful seduction, Lolth
reveals herself to her lover as an aspect of
the Goddess, Araushnee. Completely and
utterly under her spell, Lord Kanarlist
converts to her worship, becoming her
chosen High Priest. His first act is to order
the his vassals to convert. Those not
wishing to do so are put to death or if not in
the city, exiled upon pain of death never to

Establishment of the
settlements of Ardeep.




-23590 DR
The Conclave of Houses elects Hamaranth
Othreier as the first Coronal of the newly
established Moon and Gold Elf city of
Yrchionmanthaar The City of Peaceful
Reverie. Within two centuries the borders
of Shantel Othreier are established and the
new realm in proclaimed.

23900 DR
23200 DR
Establishment of the first gold elf
settlements of Aryvandaar, (present-day
High Forest). Alarmed at this development,
the Ilythiiri rulers gather to discuss the
possibilities open to them to prevent their

With the end of the civil war which sees the

followers of Ghaunadaur triumphant,
Ilythiir settlements spread south and east.
In the wake of the war, the few surviving

followers of Vhaeraun seek shelter in the

Dark Places away from the light. The
majority of the northern populace having
lost faith in their former deities, turn to the
teachings of a seductive yet radical set of
beliefs from one calling herself the saviour
of the people, a third power player
competing for the heats and minds of the
Dark Elves begins to emerge, as a being
named Lolth moves onto the stage.

Moonflower, Amarilliss and Hawksong, with

Allejandra as the realms first High Queen.
Trade begins almost immediately as rare
herbs, timbers fruits and other forest
products begin flowing north in exchange
for much needed supplies to help establish
the Shantel Othreien colony.

23100 DR

A mighty hurricane sweeps in from the Sea

of Dreams, smashing its way through the
settlements of Orlothia and Shaarril, leaving
much death and destruction in its wake.
The survivors gather at the place where
they first landed, the Bay of the Argent

Establishment of the first gold and moon elf

settlements of Syrpiir (present-day
Ankhwood and Chondalwood). With the
increasing numbers of Fair Folk appearing
on their northern borders, the Ilythiiri begin
raiding newly emgerent settlements in
earnest. These raids serev dual purposes; to
fill the coffles of the southern slave
markets, and also to destabilse these
emerging realms so that Ilythiir can
mainatin its dominace in the south.
22900 DR
The elf settlement of Illefarn (present-day
Ardeep and Kryptgarden Forests and parts
of Dessarin Valley) is founded, and green
elves join their moon elf cousins in Ardeep.

-22323 DR

-22168 DR
Ilythiiri explorers travelling east from the
newly established citadel of Qmadoscheel
stumle upon another ruined Sarrukh city at
the eastern edge of a great Swamp Cyprus
forest. Looking for an easy way through to
the Thunder Wall Mountains the explorers
are attacked by groups of magic wielding
Yuan-ti and lizard men commanded by
Sarrukh liches.
-22166 DR

22500 DR
The Third Sarrukh War
Moon, Dark and Green elves from
Aryvandaar with sponsorship from Shantel
Othreier, migrate south via swan and
dragon ship. Led by the great granddaughter of Sharlario Moonflower, the
Duchess Allejandra Moonflower. Moon
Elves from Yrchionmanthaar help their kin
establish the settlements of Orlothia and
Shaarril in the Forest of Orishaar. The
collective heads of the three founding clans,

Alerted to the presence of Sarrukh

sorcerers dwelling upon their western
border, Lord Kanarlist and the rulers of the
southern Ilythiiri city states send their
combined armies, accompanied by several
high magi, and dozens of priests of Lolth
west into the sawmp forest to destroy the
Sarrukh and their vassals once and for all.

Nothing further is heard from the army for

six months when a ragged group of
survivors emerge from the wetlands telling
of hundreds of primitive, slime and oozes
comanded by Sarrukh priests of the Slime
Lord, and hordes of reptillians led by Yuan-ti
mages overwhelming the Dark Elven army
in weeks of bitter swamp and jungle
warfare. Lord Kanarlist and his Lady take
this as Ghaunadaurs revenge for the Dark
Elves conversion to the worship of the
Spider Queen. Further exploration to the
west is forbidden and the swamp declared
off limits to all Dark Elves and their slaves.
-22054 DR
The defeat of the Lolthite forces of the
north sees a gradual reemergence of the
worship of Ghaunadaur in the Ilythiiri cities
south of the Demons Hump. There is a
continual flow of traffic between the
western Ilythiiri temples of the Slime Lord
and their sponsor temples within the Great
Swamp of Ghaunadaur.
-21999 DR
Moon and Green Elf migrants move north
establishing the settlements of Artelforlynn
and Harlonbyra. Moving deeper into the
rain forests they encounter primitive (sic)
tribes of Moon and Green Elves who speak
neither their language, nor share many of
their beliefs or customs. Through magic the
new comers learn that these isolated clans
have lived here as long as there has been
sentient life on the planet they call

-21763 DR
The Great Burning (The Batrachi
An outbreak of reptilian beings (Batrachi),
pouring up from beneath the mountains to
the west of Aleaviir leads to running battles
with the eastern colonies of Orishaar. The
Queen leads her heavy infantry and archers
east to drive the serpent folk east. The
ensuing battle see vast swathes of forest
burnt to the ground as the retreating
Batrachi conduct a scorched earth
campaign denying the elves a place from
which to rain death upon the serpent folk.
In the wake of the fires, the grass prairies of
the eastern Shaar, The Plains of Thunder,
and Low Shaardale are formed.
Driven to react by the destruction of their
northern settlements and steadings the
northern Ilythiiri unite under the banner of
the Scarlet Spider to drive the retreating
Batrachi from their lands. Utilising high
magic combined with the summoning of
hundreds of demonic servitor creatures, the
Dark Elves slaughter thousands of Batrachi
and their servant creatures before giving up
the pursuit at the edge of a giant Salt Lake
far to the east of Ilythiiri territory.
-21422 DR
Driven east by migrating herds of Loxo and
fleeing the predations of the few remaining
Batrachi, vast prides of Wemics begin
preying on wandering Green and Moon Elf
bands as they hunt along the edges on the
grasslands. Leading her troops once again,
the warrior queen, Velnetta Moonflower is
captured, slain and eaten by the implacable
warriors of the Brightclaw pride. The
araegisses of the realm, dowager princess,

Theantha Moonflower becomes the next

High Queen of Orishaar at the grand age of
768 years.

Durothils power into the hands of a

powerful Gold Elf elite. The Selutaar of the
realm remove him from power and exile his
immortal soul back from whence it came.

21400 DR
Establishment of the green elf settlements
of Thearnytaar (present-day Thornwood).
-21006 DR
Driven by his sponsor and lover, the mighty
Spider Queen, Lord Kanarlist attempts to
undergo apotheosis by sacrificing 1000 sea
elves and a minor sea elven deity, the
Princess of Pearl Sheldashaara. Utilising a
high magic ritual that has taken years to
research, Arcorselutarr Kanarlist, the seas
elves and the unfortunate demi-goddess
disappear in a mighty flash of magic that
destroys much of upper Atorrnash in a
blinding magical explosion that kills
hundreds and injures thousands more.
With the apparent death of the High Lord,
Lolths highest ranking Priest/High Mage,
Lord Mantorax Baenre, assumes the crown
and rulers mantle of Atorrnash and its
surrounding vassal states.
21000 DR
Establishment of the green elf settlements
of Eiellr by a mixture of refugees from
Illythiir and an over-crowded Aryvandaar.
(present-day Winterwood).
-20320 DR
The seventh Rysar comes to a spectacular
end when it is revealed by Keltor Durothil,
(the Coronals nephew) that Kylandor has
been trafficking with devils, which in turn
explains his unusually long life span. His
1000 years saw a solidification of House

Seen as a shining light of truth and justice,

Keltor Durothil is elected unanimously by
the Lords Conclave as a suitable
replacement for Kylandor the Devil
-20200 DR
Orishaaran raiders begin flushing out and
driving off isolated Dark and Green Elf clans
in the southern forests and grass lands of
Orishaar. The fleeing elves move into lands
claimed by Illythiir and in many cases at the
orders of Mantorax Baenre are butchered
or enslaved by the xenophobic southern
-20178 DR
Orishaaran settlers move into the lands
formerly occupied by the tribes of
unaligned Dark and Green Elf clans. Many
tribes retreat to the Misty Vale and fight a
guerrilla war lasting many generations
before they finally bring peace to their
-20059 DR
Lord Mantorax Baenre leads Illythiiri troops
north into the border areas claimed by
Orishaar and begins building a series of
watch towers and border forts stretching
from the badlands of Goruaachar all the
way to the Plains of Thunder. Numerous
isolated clashes between Illythiiri troops
and Orishaaran settlers occur, but outright
war is avoided.

-20004 DR

-19600 DR

Queen Baerlynn is murdered by Ilythiiri

assassins in her own bed chambers and the
palace in Myth Lurue destroyed in a
massive magical implosion that leaves little
debris. Increased border tensions leads to
increasingly violent confrontations as the
new queen, Everlynda Amarilliss, begins
building border citadels of her own. The
greatest of these new citadels becomes
Porathoss, the fortress city guarding the
southern approaches to Orishaar.

After a violent and at times vicious holy-war

involving worshippers of Eilistraee and
Angharad against demon worshipping
zealots led by Lord KaNarlist Hune. The
surviving followers of the dark dancer flee
north to escape the clutches of the
cannibalistic scions of the clan. After
decades of wandering the several thousand
survivors find refuge within the southern
forests of Aryvandaar.
-19430 DR

20000 DR
Orishaar and the southern dark elf nation of
Ilythiir begin skirmishes that continue on
and off for the next seven millennia when
Orishaaran troops attack the closest Baenre
border outposts. In the ensuing battles
becoming known as the New Moon Wars, a
large strip of rainforest is burned out
becoming the no-elfs land, known to both
realms as The Nek. Many see-saw battles
are fought by both realms as the border
area becomes a hotly contested wasteland
populated by the restless undead of
unclaimed battles.
-19700 DR
Lord Mantorax Baenre and much of
personal guard are slain by Dark Elven High
Knights and Priests from the city of
Sahdelmah. Leading the assassins is a now
youthful looking and newly re-emerged
Lord Kanarlist who now sports dark scales
and mighty bat like wings in his true halffiend form. Reasserting his right to rule
after months of bloody purges, King
Kanarlist begins forging an empire whose
sole deity will be his sponsor, the Spider
Queen herself.

Dark Elf refugees fleeing from the

oppressive rule of the leaders of Ilythiir
creep over the border into Orishaar. They
are then settled much further afield, finding
sanctuary in the sparsely settled region of
northern Fhaormista, in the forest of
-18954 DR
The ascension of Ayagasurya Durothil to the
throne begins the tenth Rysar when
Mangkyll and his entire family are
massacred by Dark Elven raiders from
Illythiir whilst out hunting unicorns in the
Woods of Lurue. Ayaga The Lame is seen
by many as a pretender, but as the only
blood heir, and rightful claimant, the
Conclave is left with little choice. The
veracity of his claim is beyond doubt, but
his ability to rule an increasingly fractious
realm is questioned.
18800 DR
Establishment of the first elf settlements of
Miyeritar (present-day High Moor and Misty
Forest) by green and dark elves due to
political differences with the gold elves of

Nearby families from
Shilteuvandor and Miyerimista arrive to
join their cousins due to over-crowding.
They continue to maintain close ties with
their cousins back in Shantel Othreier
forming a deep and lasting bond between
the common peoples of both realms.
-18800 DR
discrimination the southern clans led by the
High Mage Filraen Olrythii (the son of Duke
Velkanar Olrythii who led the rebels against
clan Hune), head south into the previously
lightly inhabited Miyeratma Plateau. This
leads to the establishment of the first elvish
settlements of Miyeritar, by green and dark
elves due to political differences with the
gold elves of Aryvandaar. Laranlor Filraen
Olrythii is selected as the first Coronal with
the laying of a mythal and the raising of a
rulers tower complex within the newly
established city of Myth Olriith.

-18244 DR
Queen Everlynda dies suddenly from a
previously unknown plague that sweeps
through the settled districts of the realms
all about the Sun Sea and Illythiir. The
disease, which rots a victims lungs from the
inside, kills 10% of all those living within
towns and cities whilst killing virtually no
elves who lead a nomadic life style. The
only Ilythiiri not affected by the black lung
are the devout followers of Ghaunadaur
who are accused of spreading the sickness
from the reaches of the Slime Lords Great
This in turn leads to the
persecution of Slime Lord worshippers in all
the northern and eastern cities of Ilythiir.
-18000 DR

Establishment of the first elf settlements of

Miyeritar (present-day High Moor and Misty
Forest) by green and dark elves due to
political differences with the gold elves of

Ghaunadaur and begin to worship it in
secret. As a result many thousands of Green
and Dark Elven refugees flee north hoping
to avoid the more elitist and barbaric
practises of Lord Hunes sycophants and
toadies. They find a welcome home within
the hills and karst crags of Miyeritar.
Amongst them are several dozen agents of
Lord KaNarlist who begin a campaign of
sabotage, lies and murder designed to sow
fear and distrust of the new immigrants.

-18507 DR

-17941 DR

An unusually bitter winter sees snows fall

on northern Orishaar for the first time. An
influx of white dragons and ice mephitis
heralds the opening of a gate to Stygia by
some demon worshippers from Athbarlon.
After suffering severe frosts and crop
failure, a famine is only averted when High
Magi from Aelaviir destroy the cult and
food is shipped in from Shantel Othreier.

Lord Filraen leads efforts to root out the

saboteurs ending up in a series of raids on
out-lying hill steadings and cavern
complexes in western Miyeritar. Several
shrines of the Slime Lord are uncovered and
as many as 500 worshippers slain. This ends
the Ilythiiri insurgency and brings more than
200 years of peace to the realm.

18800 DR


-17900 DR
After a thousand years of paranoia Ayagas
increasingly racist policies once again bring
Shantel Othreier to the brink of civil war.
Green elves are banned from owning
property within the larger citys their nobles
dispossessed of their lands in favour of
Ayagas lackeys. A resistance movement
springs up amongst the liberal minded
Moon Elves of Teualumista who rally
behind the banner of a previously unheard
of Moon Elf Bard, Korinnialass Moonflower
(a great..great grand-daughter of Sharlario
Moonflower and the wielder of his family
Establishment of the great elvish
settlements of Keltormir (Present Day:
Forest of Tethyr which spanned all of
Tethyr, Amn, Erlkazar, and Calimshan) by
moon and green elves, seeking peace and
simple lives away from the strife of the
other elven realms. Lord Keltormir
establishes his holdings within the Crystal
Caverns of Dalach at the feet of the
Starspire Mountains. The gathered people
proclaim their new realm Keltormir in
honour of their new Lord and Coronal.
-17888 DR
The War of the Waxing Moon & Setting Sun
Ayaga The Lame is killed whilst laying siege
to the rebellious city of Fhaorhaven. He and
much of his besieging force is wiped away in
a giant Tornado that sweeps into the area,
whilst leaving the city untouched. Leading a
relief column from Seluvandaar to help lift
the siege Korinnialass Moonflowers Moon
Elf forces arrive in time to see a large group
of Sharn banishing a horde of devils and
yugoloths back to the Nine Hells.

In a breakaway meeting of the Conclave of

Lords, the nobles of Teualumista,
Fhaorenhaven, Seluvandaar, Yeventhyll and
Korinnialass Moonflower as first Moon Elf
Female Coronal of the new Shantel
At Yrchionmanthaar in the north, the Gold
and more conservative Moon and Green Elf
nobles fail to recognize Korinns claim,
electing Sunkyrrin Durothil as only the third
female Coronal of the empire. A slow and
dirty civil war simmers away for the next
600 years as the empire fractures into three
separate, warring states. The Moon and
Green Elf domain of Miyerimista in the
north, the Moon, Green and Dark Elf
principality of Fhaormista in the west, the
rump of old Shantel Othreier in the south
and east.
17800 DR
Establishment of the great elf settlements
of Keltormir (present-day Forest of Tethyr
that spanned all of Tethyr, Amn, Erlkazar,
and Calimshan) by moon and green elves,
seeking peace and simple lives away from
the strife of the other elf realms. Many of
the colonists arrive from the Sun Sea region
and northern Illythiir, escaping the internal
strife plaguing these nations. High Queen
Calantha sends troops, magi and trades
people to help their cousins establish the
new realm.
-17781 DR
Coronal Keltormir leads a trade delegation
to the realms around the Lake of Steam
including Thearnytaar, Eiellr, Syrpiir, and
visits the cities of Occidia and New

Attornash to establish a trade and defence

treaty with the rulers of Illythiir.
Queen Calantha welcomes Coronal
Keltormir as he leads a trade delegation to
the realms around the Lake of Steam
including Thearnytaar, Eiellr, Syrpiir, and
visits the cities of Occidia and Attornash to
establish a trade and defence treaty with
the rulers of Illythiir. She objects to his
overtures to the rulers of Illythiir, and warns
the Coronal that the southern elves are not
to be trusted.
17600 DR
The Sundering
Hundreds of High Mages assemble in the
heartland of Faern at the Gathering Place.
Gold and Silver and Green, set aside their
constant rivalries to seek a combined
deliverance from their dark elven foes. They
gathered in the very heartland of Faerun by
the hundreds, the High Magi of the elven
people. All the fair races of elvesexcept for
the sea folk, whose magic had long ago
dwindled almost to nothingsent the best
and most powerful of their mages to the
Gathering Place. Upon a broad plain, a
place set aside long ago for this use, the
elven mages met to prepare for the greatest
spellcasting any of them had ever known. On
the land surrounding this place, farm villages
and a trading community had grown with
the sole purpose of preparing for and
supporting this event.
The elves of Gathering Placefor so it had
been known since the childhood of the most
ancient elves still walking in mortal form
had made this day their life's work. Though

there were hundreds of magi, each found a

carefully-prepared welcome that would do
honor to a Seldarine avatar. For centuries
the elves who made Gathering Place their
home had labored to build a Tower greater
than any their world had seen before.
Fashioned from white granite that reflected
the elusive colors of the sky, it stood taller
than the most venerable oak. A large,
curving stairway wound its way up the
entire inner wall of the Tower, and onto
each stair was carved a stone seat, and the
name of themage who would occupy it.
Together, these mages would cast a single
Never before had so many High Magi
gathered in one place. Together they had
the power to destroy worldsor to create
one. From the fabric of magic, from the very
Weave itself, the elves had planned to
fashion a new and wondrous homeland,
a place that was theirs alone.
Not every elf on Faerun applauded this
vision. Tensions between the Ilythiiri and the
fair elves of the north were increasing with
each season that passed. The decision to
exclude the dark-elven mages from this
great spell-tapestry only served to increase
the animosity between the races. Yet the
Gold elves, in particular, were adamant.
They would create an island kingdom. This
place, which the oracles had named
Evermeet, was to be a place where no dark
elf might follow, a haven for the children of
followers of the goddess Eilistraee found in
this a particularly poignant irony, but their
voices were drowned by the insistent chorus
of Gold elves seeking a return to the glories
of Faerie.


There were also protests from those who

studied the ancient lore, for they were made
uneasy by the tales their ancestors had
passed down through the centuries. The
story of lost Tintageer, destroyed by a
spell so powerful that its wake could
swallow a mighty island, was told as a
cautionary tale in every village. But most of
the elves thought of this as little more than
a legend. And even if it were true, what had
that to do with them? They had complete
confidence in their magic, and in the visions of
the elders who saw an island homeland as
the People's true destiny.Ignoring the lesson
learned from the destruction of Tintageer
centuries earlier, they cast a spell of elven
High Magic designed to create a glorious
elf homeland. On the Day of Birthing, the
magic reaches its apex as the spell extends
both back and forward in the mists of time.
Elaine Cunningham Evermeet
Faern, the one land, is sundered apart by
the unbridled force of the Sundering. As a
result, hundreds of cities are washed away,
thousands of elves lie dead, and the face of
Toril is changed forever. The name Faern,
no longer the One Land, is given to the
largest continent. Surrounded by vast
expanses of water, the island of Evermeet,
thought to be a piece of Arvandor and a
bridge between worlds, breaks the surface
of the Trackless Sea.
Blessed by the goddess Angharradh,
verdant forests and wildlife soon flourish
across the island. Corellon Larethian wards
Evermeet against Lolth, Malar, and the
other powers of the anti-Seldarine and
entrusts a unique seed to the Fair Folk of
the isle. The seed soon sprouts, growing
into a miniature tree known as the Tree of

Souls. Over time, the souls of ancient elves

who choose to stay on Toril, rather than
pass on to Arvandor, merge into the Tree of
Souls, slowly augmenting its power.
Prophecies reveal that the Tree of Souls will
someday be planted on Faern when the
Fair Folk finally return to the mainland after
a period of exile on the Green Isle.
Half of the coastal forest communities of
Ardeep, Shantel Othreier and Keltormir are
destroyed and hurled into the sea. The
coastal cities of Ardmantor, Ursyllashyr,
Silversgate, and Quentallis are completely
annihilated resulting in the deaths of over
500000 Moon, Green, Gold, Star and Dark
Elves. Many other cities without mythal
protection are severely damaged with the
loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.
Many question the wisdom of the
Arselutaar, and more than a few are
assassinated in revenge for the mighty art
they have wrought.
A violent series of earth quakes and a huge
tsunami sweeps away the port cities of
Attornash and Aelaviir, along with countless
other cities, towns and settlements. High
Queen Calantha and most of her court a
killed when the Queens Crystal Palace
explodes destroying 1/3 of the city of Myth
Lurue, despite the Magis extra protections.
Orishaars new High Queen, Yvetth
Hawksong decrees that she will rebuild
Aelaviir, making better and grander than
before. The surviving Illythiiri retreat south
to consolidate their losses.
On the very eve that High King Kanarlist is
preparing to lead an army of Dark Elves,
Demons and their slaves against the realm
of Aryvandaar to the north, Atorrnash is
destroyed during the changes and
earthquakes following the Sundering. The

mortal body of Ka'Narlist and his armies are

swept away by the terrible floods, and the
wondrous city of Atorrnash is reduced to
In the after shocks of the destruction of
Atorrnash and the loss of much of their
military might, the surving Ilythiiri leaders
band together and the Alliance of Laranlors
is formed.

-17190 DR
Lady Fionolla marries Queen Yvetths eldest
son, Prince Kamalliyn Hawksong of
Orishaar, bringing the two realms closer
together. The two then travel to Illythiir via
swanship to New Attornash for diplomatic
talks with their large southern neighbour.
An unlikely alliance of convenience begins
to form up as the two realm work together
to destabilise the slowly forming realm.

-17550 DR
-17121 DR
After 50 years of fractious leadership one
Dark Elf house Patriarch emerges stronger
than the rest. Lord Balok Glannath through
a variety of murderous schemes and
alliances, manages to have himself
proclaimed Coronal with the raising of a
Rule Tower over the newly built city of New
17500 DR
The independent realms of Thearnytaar,
Eiellr, and Syrpiir open discussions about
unifying the elves of the Satyrwood. Secret
negotiations take place within Myth
Gaellium. Agents of both Orishaar and
Illythiir take vital information back to their
respective rulers informing them of this
potential threat to their imperial ambitions.
-17342 DR
Lord Balok orders his agents to begin
finding ways to undermine the growing
alliance between the three Green Elven
realms. Utilising the ancient high magic
rituals of transformation, several hundred
Dark Elves, are transformed into green elves
and sent north to act spies and as agent

Impatient with his uncles slow and cautious

handling of the crisis growing on Ilythiirs
northern border, the High Mage/Priest,
Malaggar Glannath has his uncle, Lord Balok
murdered and assumes the ruler ship of
Ilythiir with the armys and Lolths backing.
He immediately begins a much more
aggressive approach against the three
Green Elf realms, sending many more
agents and assassins north, and issuing
letters of mark to privateers with orders to
disrupt shipping within the Great Sun Sea
and its approaches.
17100 DR to 16800 DR
War of Three Leaves: The unification of the
Satyrwood is thwarted by dark elf Ilythiiri
spies and assassins, killing their leaders and
framing opposing heirs, driving the three
realms to a multifront war. Ilythiirs
influence is not discovered for centuries.
-17100 DR
Ilythiiri agents in the guise of Green Elf
Assassins manage to blow up a High Council
meeting within the Nobles Hall in Inpriath,
Thearyntaars largest city. The murderers
are all slain, but magical investigations lead

back to a sect of radicals with connections

to the ruling families in Syopiir. In
retaliation, Thearyntaars navy begins
raiding Syorpiiran coastal settlements and
fishing fleets.
-17050 DR
An ambassador from Eiellur is murdered on
her way to Thearyntaar by Orishaaran
agents who manage to pin the death upon
nobles from Syorpiir. The rulers of Eiellur
react by hiring assassins to remove the
Noble problem perceived to be festering
within Syorpiir. Panicked into action, The
rulers of Syorpiir mobilse their forces and
begin violent attacks on settlements all
across eastern Eiellur. Encouraged by both
Illiythiiri and Orishaaran agents, nobles
from Thearyntaar and Eiellur unite to
punish the Green Elves for their perfidy.
-16998 DR
In an attempt to bring peace to the warring
realms, High Queen Yvetth hosts a peace
conference upon the island of Harnost. The
leaders of Syorpiir and Eiellur are present,
but the Araegisses of Thearyntaar refuses to
attend. Sometime during the meeting an
Ilythiiri sky ship baring Thearyntaarii colours
ploughs into the conference hall killing all
within, including the High Queen and her
attendant counsellors and body guard. In
retaliation the Aragisses of Orishaar,
declares war upon Thearyntaar, while
princess Kitara Hawksong is crowned the
10th ruler of the realm.

Inpriath. Before long the entire realm is

within Orishaaran hands. The Moon Elven
nobles welcome their southern cousins with
open arms, whilst those of Dark and Green
Elven descent are chased from their
positions of power. Before long,
Thearyntaar becomes the first jewel in
Orishaars imperial crown.
-16988 DR
Border raiders from Eiellur continue to
harry Orishaaran forces. The ensuing battles
last for many months with hundreds of
deaths on both sides. With coaxing and
provocation provided by Ilythiiri agents, the
three way border wars continue on and off
in a sporadic manner for the next 50 years
with little result for any side.
16800 DR
Coronal Adelindor manages to bring all of
the warring parties together, thrashing out
a peace deal between the realms. Orishaar
agrees to withdraw its forces from
Thearyntaar in return for recognition of its
suzerainty over the realm. Thearnytaar,
Eiellr, and Syrpiir remain separate realms
after the War of Three Leaves ends, though
each of the three continues skirmishing
among themselves and with Ilythiir for
centuries. There is continued sporadic
border fighting for centuries after and the
dream of a united realm dies allowing the
leaders of Ilythiir to keep their opponents at
odds with each other and thus weakened.
-16621 DR

-16997 DR
Orishaaran marines, heavy infantry and
eagle riders invade Thearyntaar coasts,
quickly taking the cities of Calaevum and

Ilythiiri sponsored pirates using dragonships

begin raiding coastal shipping and
communities all along the south and west
coasts from the Lake of Steam to the

Dragons Head. Survivors report crews made

up of Moon, Green, and Dark Elves
attacking in fleets of up to 30 ships taking
cargos and captives for slaves.

from the shattered High Magi becoming the

next Arcoronal of Ilythiir.

-16619 DR

A horde of orcs and gnolls pours out of the

Marching Mountains and begins laying
siege to Myth Bellavae and the mountain
city of Mir. After 6 months of siege relief
forces arrive from Ketallass via the Royal
Fleet. They are joined by a fleet of clippers
from Harnost who manage to bring off the
survivors right under the Royal Fleets sails,
fleeing south into the archipelagos of the
Sunrise Islands.

In response to increasingly bold and deadly

raids, Coronal Adelindor commissions the
building a fleet of fast ocean going clipper
ships and coastal swanships to tackle the
growing pirate threat.
-16614 DR
Admiral Hethrass Shyr leads the Coronals
fleet in a running battle with the pirates of
Orishaar and Illythiir. After several years of
costly sea warfare, the fleet tracks down
and traps the pirates of the Shining Sea in
their hidden base just 50 miles north of the
city of New Attornash. The siege lasts for
100 days, when High Magi from Ketallass
unleash a tsunami that wipes out the
remnant pirate fleet and their nigh
impregnable fortress. In response Ilythiiri
slavers increase their raids across the
border into the eastern reaches of Shantel
Othreier. There they gather thousands of
fresh slaves for the markets and mines of
the empire.
-16583 DR
Arcoronal Malaggar Glannath and much of
the Lunar eclipse circle of High Magi are
slain whilst performing a summoning ritual
intended to bring a powerful covey of
demons into their service. The Rule Tower
within New Attornash is destroyed and the
summoned demons run amok for several
weeks before being contained by priests
and magi from other cities nearby. The
High Priest Kyorlin Glannath wrests control

-16423 DR

-16422 DR
Myth Bellavae falls to the Bolartusk orc
horde, but not before most of its
inhabitants are rescued by the sudden
arrival of swan-skyships from Myth Lurue
and Aelaviir to remove the citadels
survivors. The citadel then explodes as the
ravaging hoard unleashes the magical traps
laid down by the fleeing elves.
-16421 DR
The siege of Mir is finally lifted as the elves
allies arrive from Illythiir, Orishaar and
Thearyntaar. In the ensuing battles the
invading army of over 3000000 orcs and
gnolls is annihilated by an army of elves
almost as large. Not one orc or gnoll in 1000
survives the battle of the Bleeding
Mountains. The leaders from the four
nations pledge lasting friendship and a
treaty of mutual assistance in times of
emergency and war.


-16374 DR
Disgusted by the coronals approach to their
enemies to the north, the rival nobles
within Ilythiir begin plotting Kyorlin
Glannaths downfall. After months of bitter
infighting and countless murders and
political schemes, Lord Kyorlin finds himself
suddenly out of Lolths favour and upon the
sacrificial alter of the Grand Hall of Spiders.
In his place, the Priestess/Sorceress
Elvanshalee Lueltar seizes power in the
name of the Spider Queen, upsetting
millennia of tradition and angering many of
the more conservative houses of the
-15879 DR

capital city of Keltormir is established in the

heart of the forest as a city of religious and
political freedoms and tolerance. In a tragic
accident, the Coronal and much of the royal
party in slain when the heart stone of the
newly laid mythal explodes in a
conflagration that consumes much of the
new city.
With the death of the Coronal, the blood
thirsty Araegisses, Tathallas Shyr becomes
the next Coronal of Keltormir and
immediately orders his southern legions
east across the Gorlman Straits and into
Orishaar to battle Illythiiri forces who have
seized forts on the eastern side of the
straits in an attempt to control trade in the
Lake of Steam.

Illythiiri pirates begin raiding coastal

settlements along Orishaars northern
coast, there are repeated clashes between
them and corsairs from Harnost as they vie
for control of the rich trade routes and
pearl beds along the Sun Sea shores.

Troops from Orishaar and Thearyntaar join

them in dislodging the Dark Elves from their
cliff side bastions. The fleeing fleet of
Ilythiiri drakkars is annihilated with the
survivors scattered far and wide. A fleet of
1000 ships sets sail for Athbarlon to put an
end to the pirate plague once and for all.

-15555 DR

-15500 DR

With backing from the coronal of Keltormir,

Illythiiri raiders land troops on both sides of
the Gorlman Straits. The invaders
immediately begin constructing coastal
forts designed to give Illythiir a strangle
hold on trade into and out of the Great Sun
Sea. A large fleet of Drakkars bottles up the
straits preventing ships of Orishaar from
breaking the blockade.

After a siege lasting nearly 50 years, the

bastion city of Athbarlon, in southern
Illythiir is flattened by high magic, via
Selutaar from Keltormir, Orishaar and
Thearyntaar. Many Dark Elves are allowed
to flee the city but the deep water port,
their mighty fleet and the entire city are
sunk beneath the waves of the Sea of
Shadows, thus ending the pirate plague that
has lasted more than 500 years. On her
return journey High Queen Amanaers royal
fleet is swamped by a hurricane sweeping
out of the Sea of Dreams. Almost the entire
fleet is lost, along with the Queen and her
entourage. Crowned in her place is her

-15550 DR
Coronal Deliia announces her intentions to
re-establish the capital on the southern
edge of the Mytharan Glades. Damarhynn,


niece, the princess Emellin Moonflower,

who restores her families fortunes after
millennia in the political wilderness.
-15549 DR
Surprised at this aggressive move by the
normally passive Green Elves, Arcoronal
Elvanshalee Lueltar of Illythiir, sends
assassins to neutrtaize posed by Lord
Tathallas. They succeed beyond all
expectations managing to explode a sphere
of annihilation beneath the Coronals bed
chamber killing him, his guards and most of
Tathallass many lovers. Lord Tathallas
young daughter, the 31 year old princess
Bella Shyr, becomes the next Coronal
beginning the 7th rysar of the realm.

aside their differences long enough to

destroy this roving horde. In the running
battles with the giants Arcoronal
Elvanshalee Lueltar is slain in a titanic battle
with the batrachi lich and her many scaley
followers. With her death, the feuding
traditionalists of Ilythiir put aside their
differences long enough to allow their
Ghaunadaur, Jaezred Seerear to sieze the
throne in a violent and bloody coup that
sees hundreds of Lolth worshippers thrown
into the unsealed pits of Attornash. Whilst
the Moon Elves destroy their enemies
outright, the Dark Elves enslave thousands
of the beasts to work in their mines and
breeding programs.
15000 DR

-15300 DR
The elvish Vyshaan clan rises to power in
Aryvandaar under Coronal Ivsaar Vyshann,
deposing the Moon Elf Amarillis clan as the
rulers of Sharlarion, and the realm.
-15262 DR
Moon, Green and Dark Elven migrants begin
arriving from Sharlarion and Teutelalu,
along with economic migrants from
Miyeritaars northern borders. Coronal
Bella, allows them to settle in the south and
east of the realm, where they establish the
settlements of Dryarathon and Berkaddynn.
-15002 DR
A horde of giants, orcs, goblins and gnolls
lead by an ancient batrachi lich, pour out of
the Haungalyrr Mountains and across the
Nek. The horde of over 300000 beings sacks
and burns a dozen Orishaaran and Ilythiiri
settlements before the two nations put

The first great kingdom of the dwarves of

Faern is centered in the great cavern of
Bhaerynden, deep beneath the Shaar.
-14876 DR
Unleashed upon the orders of Lord Jaezred
a horde of enslaved orcs & gnolls with
strange demonic traits pours across the
Lowshaardale and into southern Orishaar.
Their use of fire sets alight a large tract of
forest that threatens Porathoss. The surface
city is destroyed but the mines and deep
citadels are untouched. High Queen Emellin
personally leads her legion of eagle riders
from Myth Lurue and manages to destroy
most of the horde on the shores of the
Mirrorstar Sea. Right at the moment of
victory a wyvern riding Batrachi lich appears
and in the ensuing battle both the lich and
Queen Emellin are destroyed. Orishaars
araegisses, and Emellins youngest sister,
Amberlinn Moonflower is crowned the 14th
High Queen of Orishaar.

-14716 DR
Unusual for an Ilythiiri leader, Lord Jaezred
dies peacefully in his sleep of natural causes
(if a dagger in the throat can be considered
natural). In his place the High Priest of
Ghaunadaur from the city of Athbarlon,
Honemmeth Seerear, becomes the newest
Arcoronal of the empire.

communities washed away. The number of

deaths in is the tens of thousands with the
hardest hit realms being Orishaar and
Ilythiir. The people of Orishaar gladly accept
help from Keltormir and Shantel Othreier
whilst the more secretive elves of Illythiir
turn away the rescue fleets dispatched to
help them.
-14327 DR

-14702 DR
Barely into her majority, young Queen
Amberlinn is murdered on her wedding
night along with her husband, a Dark/Moon
Elf prince of Miyeritar, Murtanaor Olryth,
third son of the ruling house of Miyeritar.
The assassins, a group of radical gold elves,
are tracked back to Illefarn by Royal Scouts
and High magi, but there the trail goes cold.
Queen Amellins niece, Crown Princess,
Hyoreen Moonflower, the Moon Knight
Leader, leads retributive raids into Ilythiir
and Aryvandaar as she tracks down her
aunts killers. Prince Sharlario Amellins
brother and current araegisses, rules as
regent in his nieces absence. In response to
these raids Ilythiiri high magi unleash
demonic horrors upon Illefarns southern

The surviving members of House Olryth of

Miyeritar after hiding out for many years,
are openly welcomed within Myth Lurue, by
Queen Hyoreen, in turn she marries Prince
Daartandath cementing the close ties
between the two realms in their opposition
to the naked Vyshaan aggression. This
marriage also mollifies Ilythiirs rulers
somewhat signalling a new age of uneasy
peace and co-operation between the two
rival empires.
-14009 DR

Aryvandaars rulers begin attempts to

diplomatically and peacefully annex
Miyeritar into their realm and under their

With the Ascension of her mother to

becomes the next Coronal of Shantel
Othreier. In a political move designed to
secure the empires long term security,
Haryinthryll almost immediately enters into
a political marriage with her long term love,
Aiatavaar Olryth, the third son of the ruling
house of Miyeritar. This marriage raises the
ire of IllsaarVyshann of Aryvandaar, who
has been attempting to win Haryins hand
in marriage himself.

-14527 DR

14000 DR

Unseasonal storms again lash the southern

coasts, this time a typhoon and tidal surge
flood many of the communities upon the
Lake of Steam. Relief efforts find whole

Tribal barbarian clans of humans roam

Many such tribes find
themselves captured and enslaved by
Ilythiiri raiders. The humans prove

14700 DR


intractable and difficult to control, but

prove a boon when cross bred with other
less fecund slave races.
13900 DR
Miyeritar becomes the center of elven Art
and High Magic in Faern. The uneasy
alliance between Orishaar and Ilythiir
breaks down upon the death of Arcoronal
Honemmeth at the hands of his son, the
High Priest/Dragon riding warrior, Dhuunyl
Seerear, who quickly proclaims, Olothinthel
the new capital of the empire.
-13767 DR
Arcoronal Dhuunyl Seerear, dies when the
royal palace and all of its occupants are
blown to pieces by the high magi of his
chief rival, his twin brother, the
Arcorselutaar, Brorn Seerear. In a stunning
coup, the private army of House Seerear
sides with the upstart high mage and holds
off all comers until the Lord Brorn is
confirmed as the new emperor of Ilythiir.

-13439 DR
With backing from Illythiiri dragon riders,
the principality of Mir declares its
independence from Keltormir. With
continued warfare in the north and
constant attacks by privateers operating
under Illefarns banner, Lord Feldorn is in no
position to do anything about Mirs
rebellious moves. Ilythiiri troops move into
Mir as Lord Brorn proclaims the lands of Mir
to be under his empires protection.
-13334 DR
Unable to deal with the pressures of her
office, the frail and winsome Coronal

Maerlaenna abdicates in favour of the

Duskblade Darksong Knight Menzonberra
Melarn, her cousin and a distant relative of
the Olrythii clan. With this change in
dynasties the evergreen Coronal Ivsaar
Vyshann pushes his claims to the
Miyeritaran throne, claiming that the
Melarns are in reality Ilythiiri pretenders
with no real claim to power. Citing complex,
and recently recovered genealogies the
ambassadors from Sharlarion continue their
push to have the Melarn removed from the
Sapphire Throne. Responding to request
for genealogical records from the south,
scholars from Attornash arrive with
countless house and clan records proving
beyond doubt the Melarns right to rule.
-13331 DR
High Queen Amnesshaa and her husband,
High Prince Falengarth are killed when the
ship they are on is lost in a violent hurricane
that smashes the combined fleets of
Aryvandaar and Orishaar as they sail west
to attack Ilythiir in an aborted surprise
invasion. The the High Magi of the
Darkmoon, and Shade Drake Circles having
called up the storm that destroys the fleets
then lead an army of demonic allies, slave
troops are dark elves through several
portals to attack the very heart lands of
Aryvandaar in a savage raid that leaves
swathes of forest burning and thousands of
innocent villagers dead or enslaved.
-13231 DR
The Moon Wars
Despite repeated efforts to open up their
trade restrictions, the psions of Syorpiir
continually reject Orishaaran overtures to
access their markets in Baerglimm. At the

secret urging of her Vyshaan supporters,

High Queen Kentyshia declares war on
Syorpiir and orders her fleet and its troops
to invade, and capture the port city of
Baerglimm. In the battles that follow much
of the forest around the city is destroyed.
Alongside Orishaars own troops a
contingent of Vyshaan Sun Knights and
Battle Magi are stationed within the
captured rulers citadel. Sensing a shift in
the balance of power, Lord Brorn send dark
elven raiders deep into Syorpiirs
hinterlands to raid and disrupt Vyshaan
forces whilst providing arms and logistical
support to the besieged Syorpiiran warriors.
-13229 DR
Battle of Glen Elythell
An invading force of Orishaaran heavy
infantry and Vyshaan knights, supported by
mercenaries from Ilythiir is decimated as it
attempts to cross the fords of Gildalaer. A
combination of Green Elf archery and
Druidic elemental magic kills hundreds of
the invaders as they make two attempts to
cross the river at two different points. The
very river waters rise up to prevent the
invading forces from crossing into the
deeper forest. Back in Olothinthel, the
High Council enters a dangerous period of
political infighting and manoeuvring as it
becomes clear that some noble House are
secretly supporting Aryvandaar whilst
others are actively opposed to their
interference in southern affairs.
-13118 DR

ignored, the Warrior Queen of Keltormir

once again rallies her legions to war.
Upon her arrival outside the walls of the
city, the the Princess of Mir, Galladaria
Melarn finds herself friendless thanks to an
enourmous bribe paid by Lady Senorra to
the rulers of Illythiir, guaranteeing their
withdrawal of support for Mir. With little
chance of avoiding destruction of her
people, Princess Galladaria surrenders
offering her absolute fealty to the Coronal.
13200 DR
Skirmishing and trade interference starts
between Aryvandaar and Miyeritar. Lord
Brorn sends agents and mercinaries north
to spy upon the Vyshaan and to assist their
peace loving northern cousins in their
growing trade war with the Sun Elves.
-13005 DR
Lord Brorn is slain in a minor skirmish with
Vyshaan raiders whilst on a secret visit
north to attend a war council with his
cousins in Miyeritar. With his death, his
rivals move swiftly to seize power back in
Ilythiir and save the realm from certain
destruction at the hands of reckless Spider
worshippers, The High Knight Priestess,
Felyndiira Yril'Lysaen from Kyorlquaval and
her followers murder dozens of opposing
House Leaders as the worshipers of
Vhaeraun once more hold the reins of
power in the empire. With the backing of
much of Ilythiirs military might, Lady
Felyndiira becomes the next Arcoronal of

After repeatedly being rebuffed, Coronal

Senorra demands Mirs return to the fold.
With guaranteed backing from Illythiir, she
is again denied. With her final ultimatum

-12882 DR
High Queen Kentyshia is assassinated by
disgruntled Moon Elf merchants and
Corsairs as they blame her for the empires
reversals of fortune that has seen merchant
fleets from Illefarn, and Ilythiir dominate
the trade routes along the southern and
western seaboards. Her grand-daughter,
the Princess Eminent of the Corsairs,
Omberlaer Amarilliss takes over the throne
from her vilified elder. Within months
Orishaars privateers are raiding the
merchant vessels of both rival empires.
-12775 DR to -12699 DR
The Wave Runner Wars
In a rare show of unity the Grand Admirals
of Illefarn and Ilythiir agree to combine
their forces and hunt down the raiding
Orishaaran pirates. In a series of titanic
battles over many years, both above and
below the waves, hundreds of vessels and
thousand of sailors from all three realms
are lost before the a truce is called by the
rival rulers of the realms as the war prove
ruinous to trade and the financial well being
of the three competing empires. In the end
it is the threat of financial collapse rather
than and altruistic feelings that leads to the
peace conference that finally ends the war.
-12650 DR
After a shaky and paranoid reign lasting less
than half a millennium Ytamaranth
Othreier finally succumbs to his paranoia.
Whilst attempting to collect the secrets of
those he is sure are plotting against him
Ytamaranth is driven to madness by a
servant of Lolth, whilst contacting an outer
planar power. Propelled by the voices in his

head he throws himself off of a cliff into the

Sea of Claarteeros. His daughter the
beautiful and spirited Ysolde Othreier
passes the blade rite ritual becoming the
next Coronal of the empire. Ysoldes reign
promises to be one of peace and hope. But
the auguries and portents of Labelas are not
always kind.
-12561 DR
Arcoronal Felyndiira dies upon the sacrifical
dagger of her eldest daughter, the
Priestess/Mage of Lolth, Menzoberra
Yril'Lysaen, citing the return to the rightful
rule of law, the Priestess and her followers
purge the royal capital of all Vhaeraun
worshipper in positions of power. Those
who fail to flee into exile are taken to the
Spiders Refrain Temple and sacrificed. It is
here that many of the first Undead Driders
are created as a punishment and serve as
loyal guards for the newly crowned
Arcoronal of Ilythiir.
-12472 DR
Wars of the Lunar Eclipse
Seeking to further their claim to the throne
of Orishaar, Aryvandaar sends a fleet of
ships hired in Illefarn, and full of heavy
shock troops and mercinaries to invade the
port city of Aelaviir. The fleet is met at the
mouth of the Gorolan Strait by corsairs and
marines from Aelaviir and Harnost. The
running battles sees more than 300 ships
sunk and thousands of elves burned or
drowned. The Vyshaan mercenary fleet
retires in disarray but the surviving corsair
ships are in no state to pursue them.


-12243 DR
Just like her mother, High Priestess,
Menzoberra Yril'Lysaen is assassinated by
followers of Vhaeraun in revenge for her
persecution of the Dark Princes followers.
Bloody murder is committed in Vhaeraun;s
name all across the empire in a week of
purges and massacres. Almost overnight the
political landscape is changed as the centre
of power and influence shifts to Orbvanaal
as The Bae'queshel Telphraezzar Darathlyn
Aelryth becomes the next Arcoronal of
12000 DR
Rise of the Vyshaantar Empire: After
centuries of fruitless diplomacy, the
impatient, grasping rulers of Aryvandaar
attack Miyeritar and begin putting political
pressure on Shantel Othreier to join them
or suffer the same fate.

guerrillas are involved with clashes along

Miyeritars northern border.
The First Crown War begins.
-11985 DR
The Mist Lords War
After consolidating their hold on the
northern provinces, the Vyshaanti are
surprised and shocked when their garrison
at Auglathla is slaughtered to the last Elf by
a dozen clans of Dark and Green Elves who
boil up from under the city via an
underground river system. In the west,
Ilythiiri reinforcements begin a concerted
campaign to disrupt Vyshaan supply lines by
attacking military caravans and remote
-11950 DR
The War of the Horse Lords

High Magi from Sharlarion and half a dozen

other cities teleport into Miyeritar and
begin casting a series of Myriad Rituals. In
one fell swoop the cities of Myth Olriith,
Morynath and Faeryeldurare destroyed by
the Vyshaantis use of war mythals. In the
space of a few hours, more than 100000
Miyeritari are slain as they sleep. Alongside
the destruction of the cities, war mythals
are used to destroy Hawksong Tor and Tor
Iriador, thus opening the way for
Aryvandaars armies to advance across the
formerly impregnable northern frontier.
Alarmed at this sudden upturn in violence,
Lord Darathlyn sends companies of troops
and specialist battle magi north to begin coordinating Miyeritars resistance to the
It isnt long before Ilythiiri

Again making use of the Fhoeldindurr,

Vyshaan forces appear upon the northern
end of the Duskvale and begin marching
south towards the city of Duthorvandor,
and its herds of Moonhorses and Aurachs.
They are met at the Silverwing Crossings by
the combined forces of Durthorvandor and
Laervaryndaar. Almost 2000000 Elves &
Centaurs clash upon the rolling pastures of
the verdant valley. By sunset of the third
day, the surviving forces of Miyeritar are in
full retreat as the Sun Elves make use of
Gold and Silver Dragons ridden by battle
and high magi to massacre much of the
nobility of the two cities in attendance at
the battle.
-11864 DR

After 40 years of continuous siege Myth

Evaliir finally surrenders. Somewhat
suspicious at this sudden capitulation,
Vyshaan troops enter a city garrisoned by
just a few hundred troops (all volunteers).
The vast majority of the citys population
manages to escape via a vast network of
tunnels and portals established by the far
seeing Coronal Menzonberra so many years
before. In a rage, Lord Durothil has all the
surviving prisoners crucified their bodies
left to rot on the walls of the city until the
birds pick their bones clean.
-11823 DR
After more than 170 years of viscious
guerrilla warfare, the Miyeritari are forced
back to their last major stronghold by
transformed Sun Elf High Magi using high
magic with a distinctive demonic taint.
Ilythiiri tactics and Miyeritaran desperation
has seen them alienate many of their allies
in Illefarn and Shantel Othrieir.

Miyeritars capital, the fortress like, mythal

clad city of Myth Ahkerynnar.
11800 DR
Seeking to provoke a war with Illythiir,
Miyeritar is militarily occupied and annexed
by Aryvandaar, though a number of clans
and strongholds resist and continue to fight.
Many elves of Illefarn, despite its officially
neutral stance, provide secret safe havens
for Miyeritari refugees.
Nobles from Ardeep send out the call for
volunteers, and thousands of warriors take
ship from Baerglimm, Harnost, Thearyntaar
and Aelaviir and head north to fight for the
liberation of Miyeritar. This severely
weakens Orishaars southern defences but
with her gaze shifted northwards she relies
upon the non-agression treaty with Ilythiir
and the garrison of Porathoss to protect her
southern borders.
-11700 DR

-11817 DR
The Demons Bane War
Assembled before the mighty blue granite
walls of Myth Ahkerynnar 12000 centaurs
and Elven cavalry, supported by 5000
dwarven artillerists and nearly 20000 Elven
archers and infantry confront the combined
armies of Aryvandaar. At first the Miyeritari
are triumphant, as they drive the Sun Elves
and their auxileries from the field. However
it is a pyrrhic victory as Aryvandaars vast
numbers and use of demonic magics more
than counters the greater fighting spirit of
the Miyeritari and the dirty tricks of their
Ilythiiri allies. Soon the battle field belongs
to the Vyshaan and Coronal Ivosaar takes
personal control of the final subjugation of

The Second Crown War flares up in answer

to the aggression of Aryvandaar. Ilythiir
rises up and viciously strikes out at any that
support the gold elves of the north. Its
nearest neighbour of Orishaar, as a major
trade partner with Aryvandaar, falls swiftly
in a brutal surprise attack of Red and Black
Dragons ridden by Dark Elves (using Dragon
Orbs supplied to them by a mysterious
benefactor), and supported by an army of
Dark Elves and their demonic allies.
Nearly 1 million Dark and Green Elven
troops, along with countless goblin and
gnoll slaves pour north out of the Misty
Vale, the Green Elves there turning a blind
eye rather than risk death or enslavement.
The first city to fall is Argentyr with its

reduced garrison and mines. The upper city

is burned to the ground by Dark Elven High
Magi riding dominated red, blue and green
dragons Elves (using Dragon Orbs supplied
to them by a mysterious benefactor).
Survivors flee down through the mines and
east to Porathoss, but arrive too late to
spare the rest of the realm from the flames
of war.
Many refugees of Moon, Green and Dark Elf
stock arrive in Fhaorenhaven having fled by
ship from the burning port city of Myth
Shilltaar. They are eventually settled in
Fhaorenhaven and Seluvandaar. Refugees
from western Orishaar begin pouring across
the Gorlan Straits and into Keltormir where
they receive a warm yet guarded welcome.
Most make their way to Mir and the safety
of its now mighty walls.
Secretly summoned by Vyshaan mages (to
teach the recalcitrant Othreien a lesson)
and controlled using forbidden Dragon
Orbs, a clan of Red Dragons set the
southern expanse of Shantel Othreier
aflame, separating the soon-to-be-called
Wyrmwood from its greater body, Tethir,
kin of Keltormir (soon to be called "the
Dragonslayer"), single-handedly slays two
ancient red wyrms of Keltors Wall and
saves many elves of his own Keltormir and
Shantel Othreier. Tethir's stand earned the
elves the respect of the dragons, who had
previously dismissed them as ignorant, twofooted cattle. The Green Elven tree city of
Suldasssulantaar is consumed in the
conflagration, but not before Tethirs
efforts save most of its inhabitants.

The vanguard of Ilythiirs army is stopped

dead in its tracks by Orishaaran forces at
the Seven Fords crossing, a series of 7
bridges that sit atop small rocky islets in the
middle of the raging river. With each islet
topped by a stone watch tower, and 50000
Orishaarans waiting across the river.
Ilythiirs advanced troops are driven back
with staggering losses.
-11698 DR
Forced to regroup the Ilythiiri build their
own bridges, whilst their fleet attempts to
push through the Gorlan Straits. With the
fleet occupied
Orishaars army is
outflanked and over run with terrible losses
of their own. It is not long before the city of
Aelaviir is besieged.
-11696 DR
The Fall of Aelaviir
After a lengthy siege, Aelaviir falls, with the
walls breached, the surviving inhabitants
are forced to flee by ship, first to Harnost
and then west to the sheltering woods of
Keltormir. Many refugees of Moon, Green
and Dark Elf stock arrive in Fhaorenhaven
having fled by ship from the burning port
city of Aelaviir. They are eventually settled
Refugees from western Orishaar begin
pouring across the Gorlan Straits and into
Keltormir where they receive a warm yet
guarded welcome. Most make their way to
Mir and the safety of its now mighty walls.

-11699 DR
-11690 DR
The Battle of the Seven Fords

With the fall of Aelaviir, and many Moon

and Green Elves pressed into service, the
forces of Ilythiir move east laying siege to
Artelforlynn, whilst the stubborn resistance
of the people of Merriath, sees the Ilythiiri
High magi unleash a war mythal that erases
all trace of the city and its people. With the
destruction of Meriath, High Queen
Illiandrea Moonflower, offers her realms
unconditional surrender, even as the
southern forests of Orishaar are being
burned to the ground to root out those who
choose to defy the queens edict.
-11689 DR
ArCorselutaar and her remaining followers
shunt Myth Lurue into The Fey Wilds of
southern Tintageer, thus denying the Dark
Elves their final victory. Ever pragmatic,
Orishaars Eminent Princess of the Corsairs
of Harnost, throws in her lot with Ilythiir so
long as they keep on paying the bills. High
Queen Illiandrea Moonflower and her
family flee into exile, travelling north to
Shantel Othreier and thence to her familys
estates in Ardeep.
-11670 DR
With the destruction of Orishaars
rainforests, localised drought conditions
take hold within the Sun Sea basin. The
local monsoon fails year after year, as the
more temperate rainforests begin to dry
out becoming tinder dry and ready to burn.
Many Green and Moon Elves flee the
forests heading west, north and east, away
from the destruction they know is coming.
The 70 years of continuous drought spells
disaster for the Elven realms of the Great
Sun Sea.

11600 DR
The Ilythiiri destroy Syrpiir by fire taking
advantage of the extremely dry conditions.
Green Elf druids manage to lessen the
damage to the eastern forests and but turn
the wild fires against a large force of Ilythiiri
and their goblinoid troops. But in the end
vast swathes of the forest are destroyed
along with the cities of Myth Gaellium,
Elinn, and Vaerntillath. Fleeing refugees
flood across the border into Eiellur and
north into the Sea of Fallen Stars to stay
with their relatives beneath the waves. In
the end a vast firestorm wipes away more
than half of the Syorpiiran rainforests,
separating that region from its allied
neighbours and burning its homes to the
-11595 DR
Moving north in the wake of the great
firestorms, Ilythiirs armies are confronted
by much of Syorpiirs surviving force.
Thrown back across the river, the Dark Elves
finally force a crossing using flanking portals
and sheer weight of numbers, as the river
clogs with the dead goblinoids, the rest
cross atop their fallen comrades. Retreating
to Gildalaer the surviving Green Elves put
up such stiff resistance that the Corselutaar
of Ilythiir resort to using another war
mythal to destroy the citys heart, leaving
an empty clearing of bare rock where the
city once stood.
-11590 DR
Moving more carefullly in light of recent
devastating, unsustainable losses the
armies of Ilythiir begin the campaign season
by moving around the city of Ssrisaragoth,
whilst envoys approach the city attempting

to negotiate an alliance with this northern

enclave of Dark Elves. The High Lady of
Eilistraee rejects outright the Gaunadhaur
worshippers overtures and proceeds to rally
her Songknights on a rise overlooking the
Glades of Saragoth.
The Battle of the Dark Maidens Joy.
Confronted by a force of 1500 Heavy Dark
Elven Songknights, and nearly 15000 Green
and Moon Elf infantry and archers, the
forces of Ilythiir are fought to a standstill
within the Glades of Saragoth. Retreating
back across the river the Dark Elves and
their allies pause for a time to consolidate
their gains, and reinforce after this
unforseen setback. This defeat allows the
ruling council of Syorpiir time to evacuate
the remaining settlements shifting most of
the population east to Hathoss, Sardelmir
and the independent Ghost Elven realm of
Pellior. The Songknights and their followers
choose to remain to guard the refugees
escape route.

Thearnytaar and Eiellr band together with

the Dark Elves of Ssrisaragoth and declare
war on Ilythiir, decrying the Ilythiiris use of
fire and wanton destruction far more than
the power plays of the northern elves. They
fight a holding action within and around the
Glades of Sargoth preventing the Ilythiiri
from advancing north. Lord Darathlyn
Aelryth disappears in the fighting around
Sargoth and the Ilythiiri retreat in disarray.
The stalled advance of the Ilythiiri leads to a
leadership change back in the capital
Attornash as nobles backing house
Sethomir crown its patriarch the newest
Arcoronal of the empire.
Geirildin Sethomiir coronal and head of the
Illythiiri house Sethomiir summons the
balor Wendonai to help him against the
Aryvandaari and to help him maintain a
leading position amongst the other dark
elven clans.
-11490 DR
The Second Wyrms Teeth War

-11557 DR
After more than 200 years leading a
guerrilla resistance, Lord Alton is killed in a
raid by Vyshaan Duskblades and dragons on
his forces hidden redoubt within the ruins
of Faerteldur. In retaliation Ilythiiri High
Mages working in nearby Myth Ahkerynnar
manage to unleash a horde of yugoloth and
demons to massacre the triumphant Sun
Elves. Lord Altons daughter, the Eilistraee
High Priestess, Anshalee Olrythii takes up
her fathers blades and continues the
11500 DR

Volunteers continue to pour into the

Dragons Teeth and hidden redoubts within
the Misty vale. Many are sent by Clan Hune
to help reorganise the shattered resistance.
A split develops between the eastern and
western forces. In the Misty Vale Coronal
Anshalee leads a concerted resistance from
the last remaining independent city. Backed
up by Ardeep and troops from Shantel
Othreier, the Vyshaan adopt a policy of
containment and surround the vale with a
string of occupational forts and watch
towers. In the west they concentrate their
efforst to root out the Clan Hune sponsored
rebels led by Laranlor Darathlyn Aelryth
from the Fortress of Raelins Tor.

-11450 DR
The Sable Wars
Thearnytaar and Eiellr, with minimal
assistance from Keltormir and Shantel
Othreier, invade Ilythiir, intent on
destroying or reforming the dark elves
before more realms fall. Supplied by the
ever pragmatic Corsairs of Harnost the
forces of Thearyntaar and Eiellur advance
south, using Harnost as a staging point
invading northern
bypassing the ruins of Aelaviir and
massacring the treacherous Green Elves of
the Misty Vale as they attempt to make a
stand at the Ford of Rivers Bend. After
months of battling the occupiers of Orishaar
and their goblinoid allies, the invading elves
of Thearyntaar and Eiellur along with a
contingent of marines from Harnost are
surrounded and destroyed by a huge horde
of Demons & Yugoloth and dragons ridden
by Ilythiiri High Magi at the Third Battle of
the Nek.
More than half their forces are decimated
by the corrupt magics of the dark elves who
make use of War Mythals (and other fell
weapons and magic), supplied to them by
agents of the Vyshaan who continue to use
theIllythiir as a cats paw to further their
own plans for Empire. The evil of the Dark
Elven leadership makes them the perfect
bogey monsters for the Vyshaan leadership.
11400 DR
In the north the stalemate is finally broken
and Eiellr falls, as the Ilythiiri once again
use fire to destroy an enemy and isolate it
from aid. The fall of Eiellur is aided in part
by traitorous green elves who think their

appeasement actions can help restore the

peace. After each defeat at the hands of the
dark elves, the surviving populace is
enslaved by the Ilythiiri. In most cases, the
enslaved moon elves and green elves are
absorbed into the general population by the
genetically dominant dark elves within a
generation or two.
The betrayers of Eiellur are rewarded by the
Ilythiiri with an untamed, tangled tract of
jungle on a plateau overlooking the River
Talar. While few survive the horrors that
have been previously unleashed in the
woodlands by dark elven sorcerers and still
lurk therein, a small band, reduced to a
barbaric way of life, manage to survive with
the protection of Fenmarel and take to
calling themselves the Or- Tel'Quessir or
people of the woods. Over time their feral
descendants are joined by escaped Moon
Elven and Green Elven slaves fleeing
conscription and life on the Ilythiiri slave
farms, and the population grows. Many
enslaved Green Elves are sent north to work
in the mines of Aryvandaar, deep in the
Gray Peak mountains.

Although the Ilythiiri would have

undoubtedly hunted the Misty Vale tribe to
extinction eventually, the Descent of the
Drow spared the Or-Tel'Quessir from that
horrific fate.
The continuation of the Crown Wars (and
the recent Sable Wars and the fall of Eiellur)
sees a sudden influx of elves entering the
Inner Sea, forcing elves out into the sea and
away from the coastal waters. This
migration ignites the first major conflicts
with merfolk and sahuagin.


-11385 DR

-11320 DR

As southern Eiellur burns Ilythiiri Dark Elves

use high magic to summon their fallen
warriors and their especially bred hordes of
gnolls and goblinoids to lay siege to the
mountain citadel of Ashtaar. Despite the
endless raids upon their clifftop and pueblo
villages the residents of Ashtaars many
citadels simply fly away whenever the
enemy gets too close. After 50 years of cat
and mouse raids the forces of Ilythiir finally
clear out the last Eagle Riders outpost, but
in all that time they have only ever slain 200
elves. The remainder have long since fled
east and south with their Gray Eagle

The armies of Ilythiir begin looking for the

hidden city of Myth Galloaer after
increasingly effective raids are conducted
on Ilythiiri supply lines. Despite using all
methods at their disposal the dark Elves can
never bring the final Eielluran outpost to
heal. After suffering heavy losses over many
months the generals of Ilythiir decide to lay
siege to the city using demons leading a
horde of undead. The main armies then
advance west, crossing the Nevarynn River
invading the last outpost of their hated
enemy, Orishaar.

-11353 DR

The End of the First Crown War

A secret army of demons and yugoloth

emerges from hidden portals supporting
the eastern Miyeritaran resistance forces in
their assault upon the occupied citadel of
Vaelnath. The savagery of their attack
leaves the forces under lady Anshalee
outraged. A mini civil war erupts in the hills
around Lake Elloran as the Olrythii Elves
battle to drive of the Ilythiiri forces of
House Aelryth. In the bloody chaos that
follows, Lady Anshalee is slain by Darathlyn
Aelryth and all effective resistance in the
east collapses.

After the capture and execution of

Miyeritars last Coronal, Lady Kiarra, all
organised resistance collapses. Isolated
pockets continue to trouble the Vyshaan
troops but are seen as little more than flees
on the back of a dragon. The First Crown
War ends with Miyeritar conquered by

Auglathla and the Mist Vale are ceded to

Ardeep in return for a cessation of
hostilities along Aryvandaars southwestern borders. Lady Kiarra Olrythii
Coronal Anshalees daughter and heir
continues to lead a token resistence from
the caverns beneath Kraanfhaor, as the
Vyshaanti, led by Coronal Avossar make
eliminating her their top priority.

-11300 DR

-11125 DR
Rebels led by Darathlyn Aelryth advance
into southern Aryvandaar and begin raiding
and burning smaller steadings and tree
villages. With the final defeat of Miyeritar
and the appaling losses suffered by Ilythiirs
expeditionary forces, angry nobles attack &
lieutenant in the Arcoronals absence.
Finding himself cut off and exiled, the
former emperor, maintains his holdings in
Arathmault expanding his worship of
Ghaunadaur in an attempt to gain the Slime
Lords favour and more power in the

process. General, Olorae Aelryth, the High

Priestess of Lolth in Orrbvanaal, seizes
power with the full backing of the other
high priestesses of the empire.
-11200 DR
End of the Second Crown War
Thearnytaar falls to the savage and now
unrepentant dark elves, who use enslaved
monsters and undead to occupy the thornand bramble-choked woods around the
northern city of Myieiellur. After more than
three years of siege warfare, the now
empty realm of Thearyntaar finally is no
more as the last Orishaaran clipper sails out
of Inpriaths harbour taking with it the last
Moon, Dark, Sun and Green Elf refugees
south to a new life in Orishaars southern
colonies. Ilythiir now occupies the
abandoned port city bringing in fresh troops
and supplies via the suborned fleets of
Harnost and Aelaviir Ilythiiri troops then
march west across the border into eastern
Led by Arcoronal Olorae, the forces of
Illythiir begin raiding and skirmishing along
Keltormirs southern borders in a series of
probing attacks. Coronal Fynn leads his
troops from Myth Liirae and a company
from Citadel Bellave clash repeatedly with
the Illythiiri raiders before driving back into
Orishaar and the Alimir Mountains. In the
running battles Lord Fynn is captured and
taken back to New Attornash for
questioning and sacrifice. With his loss the
Lords of Mir and Sarennestar begin stepping
up patrols along their eastern borders while
strengthening the defences of their clan
citadels and fortresses. In Damarhynn, the
clan lords elect Araegisses Wyarastra

Suldusk as the newest Coronal, thus

beginning the 15th rysar of Keltormir.
Back in Attornash Lord Fynn after months of
torture and imprisonment, is sacrificed to
the glory of the Spider Queen by Arcoronal
Lolth in showing her great
pleasure, sends Wendonai to mate with the
Empress. The resultant offspring are many
and powerful and marry into numerous
powerful houses and clans of the empire.
-11086 DR
Campaigning in the south eastern forests of
Keltormir, Laranlor Ilitharath Moondark
leads a group of Crusaders from Ardeep,
Illefarn, Shantel Othreier and Keltormir in a
Grand Crusade against the demon
worshipping infidels of Ilythiir.
11000 DR
Taark Shanat the Crusader and his eight
sons, lead a great exodus of dwarves out of
Bhaerynden to a new kingdom in the west.
These emigrants eventually become known
as shield dwarves and establish the great
empire of Shanatar beneath the lands of
Amn, Tethyr, Calimshan, and the Lake of
-10906 DR
In response to continual nuisance raids by
Dark, Moon and Green Elves from within
the Dragons Teeth, troops from Aryvandaar
sweep through the hills using cannoloths to
flush out and massacre hidden enclaves of
rebels and refugees. Many others are taken
prisoner. When the highland clearings are
finished, over 25000 refugees are rounded
up, and either murdered or enslaved. The

surviving rebels flee into the wild, orc

infested Pellindfaar Forest.
-10900 DR

enemies, as an orc horde led by Ilythiiri

agents, 100,000 strong fell upon the already
embattled elves. Aryvandaar won the day,
and occupied the northern half of Shantel

The War of Liberation

-10600 DR
The Third Crown War erupts as accords
finally fail between Shantel Othreier and
Aryvandaar. Agents of Ynloeth learn of the
Vyshaan perfidy in the Sable Wars and their
role in the defeats of Thearnytaar and
Eiellr. Border skirmishes begin between
small patrols, and then full scale war erupts
with Ynloeths sacking of the fortress city of
Nikerym on Aryvandaars southern border.
Malkizid, the fallen solar, becomes the
secret patron of the Vyshaan lords. The
Third Crown war begins. Ayrvandaar, now
known as the Vyshaantar Empire, invades
Shantel Othreier.

After decades of fighting an indecisive

guerrilla war, the Coronal of Aryvandaar,
Merhandesh Vyshaan, calls for peace talks
to decide the issue diplomatically. Coronal
Ynloeth Othreier and his counsellors are
invited to attend peace talks at a little
known place called Trollclaw Ford. Ynloeth
agrees, but suspecting a trap he takes what
he considers appropriate precautions.
Leaving the capital in a grand procession
the Coronals party heads north whilst
Ynloeth and his body guard await their
arrival before teleporting into the location
of the meeting.

-10880 DR
After giving birth to more than 50 children
in her long and successful alliance with the
balor Wendonai, Arcoronal Olorae is
transformed into a Yochlol the serve Lolth
as one of her specially chosen
In her place, the
Shadowblade/High Magi, Lord Allyndurr
Hune, is chosen by the more militant nobles
as Arcoronal to lead the crusade against
the hated Sun Elf foe.

The Coronal and his party never arrive. Just

before they are ready to leave Ynloeth and
his wife are ambushed in their private
chambers by 3 Nycaloths who butcher the
Coronal and his family before taking their
bodies back to the Nine Hells, leaving the
mangled bodies of magically altered dark
elves in their place.
-10530 DR
The Third Wyrms Teeth War

10700 DR
Battle of the Gods Theatre
The Gods Theater (present-day the
Tunlands) on eastern Shantal Othreier is the
site of one of the largest and costliest of all
the Crown Wars battles. Nearly 70,000
elves died at the hands of elf and orc

Ilythiiri and Miyeritari Dark, Moon and

Green Elves continue their raiding through
occupied northern Miyeritar. In retaliation
for the perceived betrayal, the people of
andresettled Morynath are put to the
sword and their homes burnt to the ground.
Killed are hundreds of Sun and Moon Elf

migrants who have relocated mixing freely

with the survivors from Miyeritar. Horrified
at these continual atrocities, Vyshaan High
Magi begin looking for a way to end the
bitter and costly war once and for all.
-10500 DR
The Dark Disaster
In the closing days of autumn whilst the
nobles of both realms gather in Myth
Akherynnar to organize a rebellion against
their Vyshann overlords, Miyeritar is
engulfed in killing storms, which reduce this
entire forest and realm into barren
wastelands in three months. While no proof
could ever be found, many believe the High
Mages of Aryvandaar inflicted the Dark
Disaster on Miyeritar. Green, Moon and
Dark elf refugees begin arriving from the
outer colonies of Miyeritar, as that realm is
destroyed by the Vyshaan Empire as they
unleash the Dark Disaster.

-10449 DR
A combined force of Elves and Dwarves
blunts the Illythiiri attacks in the south,
stopping them cold in the Delzanmor Pass
by forces from Darghest Deep. In the north
the more powerful army reinforced by High
Magi, demons and dragons over run Myth
Bellavae and a series of border forts and
-10440 DR
Ilythiiri forces besiege the city of Dryrathon,
after 6 months of fruitless battles high magi
of clan Hune unleash a war mythal that
wipes the city and most of its remaining
inhabitants from the face of Faerun. The
citys destruction brings a pause to the war
as the Coronal stops to rethink her strategy.
Before long, Lord Wuleth orders the
evacuation of all his remaining cities so as
to minimise future loss of life.
-10415 DR

-10450 DR
The Fourth Crown War
Illythiir's seething counter-attack to avenge
Miyeritar sees their open use of the corrupt
powers of Ghaunadar and other dark, evil
gods for the first time. The main army of
Illythiir pours across the eastern border into
Sarennestar, while a small force cross the
Straits of Galorn into the Alimir Mountains.
Allied with an army from Illefarn led by
Coronal Yloeneth, the Ilythiiri and Miyeritar
survivors attack Vyshaan outposts in a new
offensive. The Coronal is assassinated
bringing about an end to official (if covert)
Illefarn support.

After a lull in the fighting lasting more than

a decade, Ilythiiri troops move west to
besiege the citadels around Mir. In a
shocking reversal of fortune this southern
force. Lead by Allyndurr Hune is all but
destroyed when high magi from Mir use a
stolen War Mythal against their besiegers.
Forces rallying from Myth Unnohyr and
Myth Novael manage to rout the southern
army of Clan Hune and never again face
such a threat from their eastern cousins
who consider it too costly to continue their
southern campaign. Thirsting for revenge,
and with much of Ilythiirs military might in
the north fighting the forces of Aryvandaar,
Lord Undrek Sethomiir, of Arathmault,
using unholy powers gained from the Slime
Lord, slays most of the ruling nobles in

Attornash, and assumes the mantle of

10400 DR
Pursued by enraged nobles of the more
militant houses who have returned from
the front to remove the fantatical and
paranoid Arcoronal, Lord Undrek, dark
elves of Clan Sethomiir travel by magic to
the Riildath (present-day Rawlinswood and
Forest of Lethyr) from Ilythiir, guided by the
hand of the balor Wendonai. They construct
Narathmault, the Dark Pit, at the site of
present day Dun-Tharos, recognizing it as a
place of great evil. The warrior-priestess
Lualyrr Hune takes charge within Attornash,
purging the city once again of Slime Lord
worshippers, before heading north again to
continue with the war.
-10395 DR
An army from Aryvandaar is landed 20 miles
south of Ketallass by a fleet of Orishaaran
privateers. The advancing army is met by
the River Guards and Song Knights from the
city at the Terrindor Crossings. The ensuing
slaughter of the advancing Sun and Moon
Elves causes the river to run red for many
days. The forces of Keltormir win the day,
but at the cost of much of their strength.
Princess Larassa of Ketallass orders the
citys evacuation and the fleet sets sail for
their colonies in the south, taking more
than 35000 Green, Moon and Dark Elves
with it. A follow up force of pirates from
Orishaar finds the city deserted and after
sacking it, the sea going reavers burn the
city to the ground.

-10380 DR
Illythiiri forces begin attacking the
communities around the abandoned city of
Berkaddynn. A retreating army of Green Elf
scouts and Light Infantry leads the Iliythiiri
into the city where Coronal Wuleth is killed
in vicious house to house fighting. A trio of
High magi unleash a ritual which collapses
the mythal upon the fighting armies, killing
all in a cataclysmic implosion. The new
immediately orders a general retreat as he
learns of forces from Aryvandaar are
advancing on Shantel Othreier and
ultimately Keltormir.
-10300 DR
The elves of Keltormir, opposed on both
sides by the Vyshaan of Aryvandaar and the
dark elven clan Hune of Ilythiir, strategically
withdraw from eastern Keltormir, holding
their lines at Highlands' Edge.
Damarhynn is sacked by the forces of
Aryvandaar and then fought over by forces
of Illythiir. In the end the city is laid waste.
The very young, the old and infirm who
were too weak to flee from the approaching
armies are all put to the sword after being
discovered hiding within the confines of the
Tomb City. Their deaths and the magics
used by both sides forever taints the mythal
allowing the evils unleashed to leach into
the wider woods of the Dark Heart.

-10270 DR
The Stone and Claw Campaigns
The withdrawal of Keltormir's forces to
close and defend its own borders pitted the

forces of Aryvandaar and Ilythiir (along with

Miyeritari survivors), against each other.
They soon close ranks and fight incessantly
for two centuries. Arcoronal Lualyrr Hune is
one of the many casualties in the constant
fighting, her son the Priest/High Magi and major
general of the dragon riders is seizes power,
becoming the 15th Arcoronal of the empire.

Battles rage across the giant-infested

mountains and wemic-claimed plains north
of Keltormir. The forest city of
Suldanessellar in northern Keltormir is
sacked and torched by Illythiiri raiders
riding dragons and driving a horde of
goblinoids and giants before them.
-10176 DR
Laranlor Ynlaathar Othreier is slain whilst
fighting Dark Elven raiders using dragons
and demons to burn their way across
eastern Keltormir and the south-eastern
edge of the Woods of Lurue. Sensing an
opportunity, nobles from Shillora quickly
rebel, throwing out there former masters.
In retaliation the Vyshaan allow the city to
be torched by the Illythiir as they raid their
way north into the Green Fields. Peraphus
Othreier is installed as Laranlor, by the
Vyshaanti, selected as the most submissive
and compliant of the many possible
candidates for the job.
-10110 DR
At the secret behest of Vyshaanti rulers &
high magi priests of Corellon working in
opposition to the corrupt dark elves of
Ilythiir and their continued destruction of
the forested eleven homelands by fire (an
eleven enemy of long-standing), over 1,000
priests and High Mages in neutral Illefarn
and other free areas, spend decades in

fervent prayer for salvation by Corellon

Larethian and the Seldarine gods.
-10100 DR to -10050 DR

The War of Ash and Dust

Through enslaved dragons, armies of
demons and worse, and through the use of
Fire Spiders, the dark elves of Ilythiir engulf
all of Shantel Othreier in flames, destroying
over 70% of its trees over the course of 50
years. Coronal Atterothgar leads companies
of warriors from Mir and the hidden
redoubts in the Ridge on raids into southern
Shantel Othreier killing hundreds of
occupying soldiers from Aryvandaar. At sea
a fleet of clippers and swan ships attacks
and sinks dozens of merchant and warships
of Orishaar, Aryvandaar and Illythiir keeping
these nations from reinforcing there troops
by sea.
-10090 DR
The Battle of Three Rivers
The southern watch towers and Green and
Moon Elf communities of the Three Rivers
district of Esmelvale are over run, sacked
and burned by the advanced guard of the
Ilythiir armies led by clan Hune. The Moon
Elf city of Teualumista on the shores of
Lake Esmel is the last to fall, most of its
32000 inhabitants killed in the flames that
consumed their homes. The survivors
become slaves and forced labour. A relief
force from Keltormir manages to rescue
thousands of captured elves, carrying them
to safety within the Mir Highlands via sky
going swanships and newly acquired
monarchs from Illefarn.

-10085 DR
The Fall of Myth Ruavae (The City of
After three years of siege, the Gold Elf city
of Myth Ruavae, located at the eastern feet
of the Cloud Peaks, is destroyed by Dark Elf
Selutaar using a War Mythal. When the
maelstrom that they unleash finally abates,
the city and all its 52000 inhabitants is gone
with not a single stone or blade of grass left
standing. High Mages from Mir in turn
sweep the valley of Illythiiri with a war
mythal of their own, unfortunately killing
several thousand Sun and Moon Elf
prisoners in the process.
-10075 DR
The Slaughter of Greenheart Vale
After consolidating their hold over southern
Shantel Othreier, Lord Telantiw Hunes
armies push forward again through the
Green Woods and into the very centre of
the realm, the Greenheart Vale. The
dragons and the demonic horde that
followed, spear headed by brigades of
demonic Dark Elven half-breeds, and
tieflings, set almost the entire forest ablaze
between the Cloudpeaks and the Chionthar
River. In turn destroying the Moon and Gold
Elf cities of Seluvandaar, Myth Veluthil,
Teualumista and the only Green Elf city in
the realm Ardonvandar.
Coronal Atterothgar orders harrying raids
by his forces, and provides escorts and air
lifts to pick up refugees fleeing from the
hordes and fires. With the return of the
fleet from the southern lands, a new wave
of emigrants, some 40000 Green, Moon,

Gold and Dark Elves set sail for the Great

Southern Lands.
-10063 DR
The Erasure of Yrchionmanthaar (The City
of Placid Reverie)
At the site of present day Berdusk, there
once stood perhaps the most beautiful city
in all the world. Shantel Othreiers capital,
the brightly glowing sapphire and lapis
towers of Yrchionmanthaar shone as a
symbol of peace and contentment in an
ever darkening age. The city was destroyed
without warning when upon the orders of
Lord Telantiw, the Illythiir Selutaar unleash
their most potent Myriad Ritual the
This ritual effectively deconstructs and
reduced all artificial constructs (including
trees altered by High Magic) to their natural
states. All buildings vanish, reduced to
component matter. This ritual also
unleashes its destructive effects on any
living thing except plants and trees, which it
restores to full natural health. Within the
space of 10 hours, Yrchionmanthaar and
almost its entire population are no more.
-10050 DR
The Battle of Screaming Trees
Alarmed and horrified at the wanton
destruction unleashed by clan Hune, the
Vyshaanti dispatch 100 000 troops led by
the puppet Coronal Peraphus Othreier.
Confident of victory Peraphus sent his eagle
and dragon riders ahead to counter the
aerial forces of Illythiir. Forming up on the
Plains of Sama, (south of modern day
Elturel) the army of Aryvandaar, a shining

mass of mithral clad warriors, is smashed to

charred cinders by the unholy magic of the
Selutaar of clan Hune, led by Lord Telantiw
-10049 DR
Battle of Corellons Weeping
A combined army 65000 strong made up of
the free peoples of Illefarn, Ardeep, lesser
settlements of Aryvandaar and the
shattered remnants of the armies of
Shantel Othreier meet on the plains of
Corellons Weeping, to confront the Army
of Twilight (a force comprised of Dark Elves,
yugoloths, devils, demons and dragons.)
There on the plains halfway between the
Delimbyr and the Troll Hills, they halt the
Ilythiiris advance and after days of struggle,
manage to all but destroy the Army Of
Twilights Fall with the help of a Seldarine
summoned host of Celestials, metallic
dragons and Eladrin (Ghaels and the like).
10,000 DR
The Seldarine respond to the arcane and
divine high magic of the elves by smiting the
Ilythiiri and their allies.
Descent of the Drow The Great Betrayal
of the Seldarine
Corellon's magic, as directed through his
priests and High Mages, transforms the
dark elves, whether the corrupt Ilythiiri or
Miyeritari dark and green elves, into the
drow. Whether by magic or by the
weaknesses that banish them from the
sunlit lands, all drow retreat within two
month's passing into the Underdark.

Elves are summoned by the Seldarine to the

site that becomes Elven Court one month
after the Descent of the Drow, to settle
differences and restore peace among the
elves.The Green and Moon Elf survivors of
Miyeritar do not attend the conference.
Like their kin elsewhere, the dark elves the
dark elves of Narathmault are transformed
into drow by the will of the Seldarine,
shattering their bindings over a host of
fiends who swiftly turn on their former
masters. Led by Undrek of Clan Sethomiir,
the drow and their minotaur servants are
forced to flee Narathmault, traveling south
and east into the underground caverns
beneath the present-day Plateau of Thay.
With the sudden collapse of the Ilythiiri
offensive and occupation, the Princess
Eminent of Harnost leads her fleet back into
the harbour city of Aelaviir. The remaining
Ilythiiri forces, mainly elves of mixed
parentage, goblinoids, and demonic spawn
such as cambions and tieflings are soon
routed from the city and scattered across
the realm. Within six months of her arrival,
High Mage, Princess Eminent, Marash
Amarilliss is crowned the 24th and last High
Queen of Orishaar.
Lord Telantiw leads thousands of surviving
Dark Elves of all houses deep into the
subterranean caverns beneath the blasted
lands of Miyeritar. From there the Ilythiiri
exiles continue their war against their hated
Sun and Moon Elf foes.
Back in Ilythiir itself chaos reigns as the
people flee into the dark forests and to the
many volcanic catacombs that lead to the
underdark. Those unlucky enough to be
caught on the surface are slaughtered in the
tens of thousands by their former slaves

and demonic servants as their brutal rule

over the southern surface lands comes to a
sudden, violent and cataclysmic end.

-9200 DR

9750 DR

-9600 DR

The First Proclamation of Elven Court leads

to the revolt of the nobles of Aryvandaar
and the last Crown War begins. The Elven
Court, the Seldarine priesthoods, and the
long-hidden High Mages restore pockets of
resistance and freedom across the entire
Vyshantaar Empire, fragmenting the armies
and nobles to limit their coordination. Many
Vyshaan followers are assassinated by
Miyetari Drow and their allies in a
programme that mirrors the process the
Vyshaan used to weaken Miyeritar before
the Dark Disaster. Malkizid abandons House
Vyshaan and retreats to the infernal planes.

The Dark Night Wars

-9000 DR

Miyeritari Drow (and many Green Elf and

Moon Elf clans from Miyeritar), harass
Vyshantaar forces over the next five
centuries. This continued guerrilla warfare
helps prevent their annexing Keltormir or
any other lands.

The Fifth Crown War ends with the utter

defeat of the Vyshaan and the dissolution of
Aryvandaar. Much of the High Forest is
abandoned for an age, leaving the forest
open so the gods might restore its peace.
An army of Miyeritari Drow, Green Elves
and Moon Elves boils up from beneath the
Vyshaan citadels unleashing stolen Vyshaan
magics upon them. Many citadels are taken
from within before the united Elven Court
forces can reach them. Others explode in
spectacular fashion killing attackers and
defenders alike as the Vyshaan Selutaar
give up in vengeful dispare.

The Riildath (present-day Rawlinswood and

Forest of Lethyr) is settled by moon elves
and gold elves of Shantel Othreier fleeing
the persecution of the Vyshaan of
Aryvandaar, becoming the realm of Lethyr.
The elves of the Riildath discover the
horrors of Narathmault and resolve to clear
the forest of all NTelQ uess (non-elves) so
as to safeguard them from the foul legacies
of Ilythiir.

-9600 DR
The early Drow civilisations make their
presence known by harassing and raiding
Vyshaan settlements killing and enslaving
any who support their ancient enemies. Not
all Dark Elves support such actions and
many worshippers of Eilistraee and
Angharad flee east in search of the Lost
Ones of ancient legend.

The Fifth Crown War

-9142 DR
After many bloody and vicious battles the
forces of Keltormir find themselves standing
before the ruined walls of occupied New
Attornash accepting the surrender of the
Vyshaan garrison there. Of the 20000 Gold
and Moon Elf prisoners taken here, less

than 1 in 10 manages to return home at the

end of the war. The forces under Coronal
Shellorillas command begin raising Ilythiiri
citadels and cities to the ground in
retaliation for the destruction they have
wrought upon the western forests and their
people. By the time they are finished, 17
cities and countless castles, mansions and
towns are wiped from the face of the planet
using high magic to sweep away the
reminders of dark elven treachery.
9000 DR
The Fifth Crown War ends with the utter
defeat of the Vyshaan and the dissolution
of Aryvandaar. Much of the High Forest is
abandoned for an age, leaving the forest
open so the gods might restore its peace.
Many elves begin migrating back to the
Elven Court in the eastern forests. Keltormir
and Illefarn emerge intact from the Crown
Wars, and the latter realm joins with the
vassal realm of Ardeep now that Shantel
Othreir is no more.
The drow of Telantiwar overwhelm the
dwarves of Bhaerynden (present- day Great
Rift and take their rift-city for their own.
8170 DR to 8150 DR

civil war to attack the caverns of Alatorin,

which were far removed from the front
lines of fighting. Brightaxe Hall is captured,
and the kingdom of Alatorin falls.
8145 DR to 8137 DR
The Second Spider War: Aghast at their
folly, the eight reigning kings of Shanatar
forge an armistice and turn their armies
against the drow. The drow are overcome
and retreat from the caverns of Alatorin. In
triumph, the eight kings march their armies
back into Brightaxe Hall and pledge never
again to fight one another.
7600 DR
At the end of a century of religious civil war
between the followers of Lolth and
Ghaunadar, the drow empire of Telantiwar
falls with the collapse of the great cavern of
Bhaerynden. Drow refugees claim lesser
caverns to the north, south, east and west
of the newly formed Great Rift, establishing
cities such as Llurth Dreier, the City of Ooze.
The dwarves return to their ancestral home,
now the Great Rift and establish the Deep
Realm. In the millennia that follow, the
Stout Folk of the Deep Realm become

The First Spider War: The drow of

Guallidurth take advantage of the dwarves


ArCoronals of Ilythiir
-27000 DR until -10000 DR
Length of Reign
-25100 DR to -21006 DR
-21006 DR to -19700 DR
-19700 DR to -17600 DR
-17600 DR to -17550 DR
-17550 DR to -17121 DR
-17212 DR to -16583 DR
-16583 DR to -16374 DR
-16374 DR to -15002 DR
-15002 DR to -14716 DR
-14716 DR to -13900 DR
-13900 DR to -13767 DR
-13767 DR to -13005 DR
-13005 DR to -12561 DR
-12561 DR to -12243 DR
-12243 DR to -11500 DR
-11500 DR to -11125 DR
-11125 DR to -10880 DR
-10880 DR to -10415 DR
-10415 DR to -10400 DR
-10400 DR to -10270 DR
-10275 DR to -10000 DR
-10000 DR to -9000 DR
-9000 DR to -7700
-7700 to -7600

Rulers Name
Kanarlist Hune
Mantorax Baenre
KaNarlist Hune
Alliance of Laranlors
Balok Glannath
Malaggar Glannath
Kyorlin Glannath
Elvanshalee Lueltar
Jaezred Seerear
Honemmeth Seerear
Dhuunyl Seerear
Brorn Seerear
Felyndiira Yril'Lysaen
Menzoberra Yril'Lysaen
Darathlyn Aelryth
Geirildin Sethomiir
Olorae Aelryth
Allyndurr Hune
Undrek Sethomiir
Lualyrr Hune
Telantiw Hune
Alliance of Surviving Ruling
Lords & Ladies
Theocratic Council of the
Unseelie Deities
Civil War

Race & Gender

Dark Elf (?) Male
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf (?) Male
Dark Elves
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Female
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Female
Dark Elf Female
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Female
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elf Female
Dark Elf Male
Dark Elves
Dark Elf Priests
No One


Cities & Settlements of Ilythiir

A Dark Elven city of Ilythiir is a wondrous sight with most surrounded by massive walls grown
using high magic from local and imported polished stone of white, green, purple, black, blue
and red. These mighty walls are studded with guard towers festooned with all manner of war
machines looming over the wall at regular intervals, providing their occupants with lines of
sight that cover most approaches to the city. Within the walls, a harmonious blend of
architectural styles exists. Though many structures are built of theurcrystal, especially the many
high magi towers that reach toward the heavens above, amongst the harmonious tenor of
graceful buildings and crystaline towers rise several narrow spires made of polished red, white
or green jade . Many of the larger towers are connected by fly-bridges high over the streets and
lower structures. The bridges provide a means of travel for nobles who can't be bothered to
mingle with commoners on the city streets.
Cosmopolitan, culturally sophisticated and
decadent, Ilythiiri cities contain many trader and slave races that roam the city streets, The dark
elves are calculating, pragmatic and aggressive traders, raiders, slavers, manipulators but more
importantly martial conquerors. So they will almost always try to subjugate nearby
communities of lesser races and make raids on more powerful and distant enemy enclaves, in
their efforts to create an empire.
The Dark Elves of Ilythiir are proud and more than willing to celebrate individual achievement
and advancement so long as it benefits the community as a whole. Therefore, Ilythiiri are
extremely social, capable of diplomacy with all but their most hated enemies Likewise, although
the Ilythiiri command a work force of slaves and are capable of impressive feats of artifice,
anythingthat cannot be created through raw labor or their own talents must be imported. The
Ilythiiri do not accept the idea of doing without, so to satisfy their desire for specialized goods
and luxury items, they rely on trade. It drives their economy, and the dark elves try to build
their cities in sites where they can command or at least strongly influence major trade
resources or routes. Most of Ilythiirs cities are open to visitors from nearly any race, as long as
outlanders come for legitimate trade purposes and abide by the laws of the city and empire. In
the cosmopolitan cities of Ilythiir, even fair folk elves can walk about safely, so long as they are
slaves, traders, emissaries or mercanaries.

Old Atorrnash
Population: 97500
Products: magical constructs, new slave races, slaves, weapons & armour, magical items, life
shaped creatures & objects, gems & jewellery, musical instruments, art objects, sculptures,
paintings, songs, education, war machines & magic, portal networks, sailing ships, galleys, silks,
wines, spirits & ales, plays & operas, leather goods, seafood, votive offerings, buildings,
mercenaries, herbs & flowers, grains, cattle, horses.
Who Rules: Archmage Ka'Narlist
Who Really Rules: Archmage Ka'Narlist

Temples: Ghaunadaur, Vhaeraun, Malar, Eilistraee, (Later Lolth), Umberlee, Queen of Air & Darkness
Notable Mages: Lunar Eclipse Circle of Life Shapers, Darkmoon High magi Circle, Hunters of the
Green Battle Magi College, Farseer Scryers, Yellow Wolf Life Shapers Circle, Sisters of the
Banshee, Seaside Scivereners & Scribes.
Notable Organisations: Black Lion Slave Takers Guild, The Slime Lords Pit Keepers, Draconshae
Riders Guild, Berenshee Slave Farmers, Fallron Geomancers Consortium.
Notable Locations: KaNarlists Keep - A vast castle of stark black stone whose turrets soared
into the sunset clouds. A high wall surrounded the keep, enclosing a vast estate.
The Bay of the Banshee - The waters around Atorrnash were too turbulent for the sheltered
place. In the night blew hot and dry winds from the south and the sea shrieked like a lost,
demented soul. The Ilythiiri called it for that reason The Bay of the Banshee. There were
rumours that many elves died, when the rocks of the city were magically drawn from the earth
and more died when the waters rushed in and filled the void.
Guest Quarters & Outer Castle Precincts - The guest dwellings were spacious and grand, and
the gardens were filled with lush flowers and playing fountains such as had been found on the
lost islands of Tintageer. A small army of servants was on hand to tend promptly to any request,
and luxuries and diversions of all sorts were offered. The guest quarters were set well outside
of the walls that surrounded Ka'Narlist Keep. Even the grounds, outbuildings, and paddocks that
surrounded the castle were separated from the guests' domain by high black walls.
Local Lore:
Created by High Magic, Atorrnash was an ancient city of dark elves in the southern parts of
Faern. It existed in the Dawn Age and was ruled by an Iythiiri Elder Archmage. The city was
perched at the very edge of the sea, on all three sides of a long, narrow bay that thrust deep
into the land. Many of the buildings were fashioned of dark stone that had been drawn up from
the depths of the ground in the form of finished buildings. Gemstones glittered in precise
patterns against the smooth stone, sometimes forming elaborate mosaics that covered entire
walls or even paved the walkways. Most wondrous of all, however, was a vast castle of stark
black stone whose turrets soared into the sunset clouds. A high wall surrounded the keep,
enclosing a vast estate. A similar, lower wall of black granite encircled the entire city, a wall
without seam or crack to mar its surface. It was a single expanse of solid rock. The use of magic
was intense in the city, and most dragons found this uncomfortable and gave Atorrnash a wide
berth. They did attack trade routes from time to time, but except in the savannahs and the
forest to the north, dragons were considered a minor inconvenience at worst.
According to the traditions of Tintageer many elven cultures shared the ancient custom of
exchanging gifts, and in many places the splendor of the gift was viewed as a measure of the
giver. But this generosity in Ilythiiri cities would go beyond what was considered normal. After
giving a gift, never once would an Ilythiirian elf accept a return token.
Many of the elves of Atorrnash were as dark-skinned as the goddess Eilistraee. These dark
elves, held most of the positions of influence in the city, while the fairer races were
gatekeepers, shop owners, and servants. Never in other Elven societies were there such starkly
drawn divisions among the various elven folk. The streets of the low city were filled with a

plethora of peculiar-looking beings that crowded the markets and the streets. The life shaping
Arts of which the Ilythiiri were masters had had a hand in shaping these creatures.
It was common practise for the followers of Ghaunadaur to find positions of power within the
strict hierarchy old Atornashan society. The fair folk were often taken in slave raids and were
regularly sacrificed in the Slime Lords dark ooze filled pits. The raiding for mercenary slaves and
breeding stock was common with whole nations of wemics and loxo taken to breed as warrior
slaves. Many more were created by the cities many High Magi life shapers through a variety of
experiments. Chief amongst these creations were the Sxahuagin and the elf like Malenti, a cross
breeding of sea elves, wemics and dark elves created to look like seas elves, initiated by Lord
Kanarlist in his war against the Sea Elves. There were many wizards in the city who
experimented with powerful magic, and in the process created twisted beings of all
descriptions. There was an art and a science to such things, but most of the wizards were poor
practitioners of the art and the result was the appalling hodgepodge of suffering monstrosities.
It was the city of Ilythiiri, dark elves and ancestors of the drow, but it was also a place of
merchants and many of other folk came as visitors or lived there as minor classes. Some of the
strangest creatures may have been created by magical means as slaves for the dark elves.
Atorrnash was destroyed during the changes and earthquakes following the Sundering. The
mortal body of Ka'Narlist had been swept away by the terrible floods, and the wondrous city of
Atorrnash reduced to legend.

Nova Attornash
Population: 327000 (Dark Elf 50%, Green Elf 10%, Moon Elf 5%, slave races 30%, others 5%)
Products: Slaves, weapons & armour, ships, chandlery, exotic pets & beasts, clones, magical &
religious items, silks & cottons, fish & seafoods, whale oil, perfumes & artworks.
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Hune
Who Really Rules: Patriarch of House Hune & Council of Priests of Ghaunadaur
Temples: Ghaunadaur, Kiaransalee,
Notable Mages: The Witches of Azzurlom, Sorcere - Academy of Wizardry, The Necrocors,
Slanos heethir'ku Life Shapers Guild, Brotherhood of the Blue Sea Maritime Magi, Society of
the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Medritsoss Assassins Guild,
Qu'madonest ozam Ship Wrights, Mallalloun'az Jewel Smiths, Ky'hulorbbenlodtyna Cloth
Weavers & Merchants, Mara killian Weapon Smiths, Fanatics of the Overflowing Pit Sisterhood
of the Obsidian Sphere The Necorallis Society
Notable Locations: S'lozankyorlen Citadel, Krik'vlicss kestal Slave Market, Drorothen Breeders
& Stud Masters College, Drostanragar Miners Guild Hall, Knanindro, Farmers Market,
Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai, Velveoloth Arena, Valsharentagnik'zur Aerie, Wanre el'lar
Commons Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholar Thalacks ultrinnan Harbour, Valsha zress Forum
of the Patriarchs, Dark Weavings bazzar, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, Hall of

Shadows Theatre & Festhall, Arachus Gladotorial Arena, Necropolis Plaza, Font of Delights &
Sorrows, The Great Gate
Local Lore: Built upon the western shore of Houfalor River and meant to reflect the glory of its

ancient predecessor, the city of Nova Attornash is a thriving metropolis dedicated to the gloru
of the People. A centre for the arts and learning, the city is dominated by small bands of
powerful High Magi who gather together to cast spells beyond the imagining of any solitary elf.
Each Circle is based in a tower, which are the focal point of different political bodies of Dark
Elven society. One of the more immediately useful functions of the towers is the ability to send
communications swiftly from one Elven city to another, preventing the communities from
becoming isolated. The citys elders often send Dark-Elven raiders from the south to forage
northward, attacking trade routes and farming villages. Some of these raiders settled in the far
north, hiding in caves by day, and coming out to strike under the cover of darkness. Originally
considered the capital and cultural heart of the Ilythiiri Empire, the city lost its influence over
time as competing noble houses and political and religious bodies took away much of the citys
former power. Ever the jewel in the imperial crown, Nova Attornash was ever the city most
fought over whenever there was a shift in power or change in imperial leadership.
A hub of trade and home to the most cosmopolitan community in Ilythiir, the citys massive
harbour is capable of holding hundreds of ships and the dockside community is home to beings
from not just across the globe, but across countless planes of existence as well. The most
dominant buildings of thew citys skyline are the many high magic towers, and temples to the
Dark Seldarine.
With the fall of the empire and the Descent of the Dark Elves, Nova Attornash still held over
150000 beings of a hundred different races. The city was besieged for many months before the
surviving high magi from Illefarn and Orishaar made use of high magic to erase the above
ground remnants of the ruined metropolis forcing the 50000 survivors to flee into the forests
and savannah to the north.


Population: 51000 (Dark elves 65%, moon elves 10%, Green elves 5%, slave races 15%, others
Products: ships & chandlery, rope, seafood products, mother of pearl, trade goods, furs & skins,
wines & ales, poisons, exotic animals, whale oil, household magical items
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Baenre
Who Really Rules: The patriarch & council of wizards & warriors.
Temples: Lolth, Malar, Vhaeraun, Umberlee
Notable Mages: The Ashen Scimitar Brotherhood, Sisters of the Web, Sorcere - Academy of
Wizardry, Slanos heethir'ku Life Shapers Guild, Faernelam High Magic Circle, Brotherhood of
the Blue Sea Maritime Magi, aerthil" (their name for a baelnorn Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Fin'rai Armourers, Vel'xundussa Mercenaries Lodgings, Xukuthe'l
Hunters Lodge, Orbbentsoss Military College, Qu'madonest ozam Ship Wrights. The Sable
Ghosts Thieves & Assassins Guild Servants of the Demon Pits Blood Wolves of the Dark Hunt
Brotherhood of the Deep Blue Lore Ladies & Lords of Narkutharach
Notable Locations: Nec'perya Ship Wrights, Ssin'urn Jewel Smiths, Chuth Weapon Smiths,
Lisse'lea Festhall, Drith'na Citadel, Sca'varn Arena, Vlosinssriggdrathir Hunters Lodge, Khaliizi
valbylis Geomancers Towers, Knanindro, Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai,
Velveoloth Arena Elamshinfaern Citadel Wanre el'lar Commons Thalacks ultrinnan Harbour,
Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal newok Font of
Delights & Sorrows, The Great Gate Seven Silver Moons Amphitheater, Hall of the Gods Justice
Local Lore: Once a quaint little fishing village on the northern shores of Baenthrae Bay, the
citys inhabitants soon became famous as fearless whalers, fishers and pirates. Baenre Castle
dominates the skyline with its many amethyst crystal spires that glitter with breath taking
intensity at night. The city is famous as a centre for ship building and for the fencing of stolen
cargoes, no questions asked. Dominated by the church of Lolth the citys rulers often donate

many slaves to the Silken Pits in order to gain the Dark Queens favours in their mercantile and
piratical endeavours.
The sailors of the city are infamous throughout the southern seas but are also much sought
after as captains and mates, able to sail where others fear to go. The scrimshaw carvers have
gained a reputation of producing heart breaking sculptures from the teeth and bones of the
whales they catch. These artworks and the mother of pearl have made the city a destination
where merchants travel to gain these rare treasures. Less well known amongst the citys many
artisans are its silk growers and weavers who have developed armour that is as light as triple
weave silk yet as strong as elven chainmail.

Population: 139000 (Dark elves 50%, green elves 10%, moon elves 10%, slave races 18%, others
Products: timber products, fish, river boats & barges, wooden weapons & leather armours,
gems & jewellery, skins & furs, trade goods, fresh water pearls, pack & riding animals.
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Aelryth
Who Really Rules: The patriarch & council of trader nobles.
Temples: Vhaeraun, Eilistraee
Notable Mages: Valdruk High Magic Circle, Enzzeirscra'qyo Battle Magic College, Gulu'dainkatril
High Magic Circle, Heethir'ku Life Shapers Guild, Sisters of the Silver Sun High Knights of
Eilistraee, Brotherhood of the Blue Sea Maritime Magi
Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Mallalloun'az Jewel Smiths,
Mara killian Weapon Smiths, Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai, The Sable Ghosts Thieves &
Assassins Guild Blessed Servants of the Mithral Moon
Notable Locations: ur'thalrss Caravanserai, phraktos Gardens, halrathn Fortress
Barrasargtlinen Fortress, Drostanragar Miners Guild Hall, Khaliizi valbylis Geomancers Towers,
Knanindro, Farmers Market, Velveoloth Arena Wanre el'lar Commons Narkuthmagthere Hall
of Scholars Thalacks ultrinnan Harbour, Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Dark Weavings
Bazaar, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal network, The Great Gate Hall of Shadows Theatre &
Festhall, Seven Silver Moons Amphitheatre, Hall of the Gods Justice
Local Lore: Long considered the sea going rival of Ujuulwaqen, this sprawling metropolis of
rickety tenements and slums set against a back drop of canal and riverside temples, towers and
palaces marks its presence by the pollution and stench rising from its fish farms and tanneries.
The rough and ready people of this no frills city are proud and war-like when it comes to
defending their rights to fish and trade. Pirates receive short shrift in this city and the evils of
the other temple ridden dark elven citys are absent here. Many a religious and political exile
has found refuge amongst the anonymous slums. People here are judged not by their past but
what they do in the present. The poor are catered for by the Sisters of the Silver Sun and the
armed forces are filled with and lead by fanatical followers of Vhaeraun. Both are staunch
defenders of the peoples and citys independence.


A number of streams meander through the districts of the city, and flow into the much larger
Sefrenaer River. Most of the springs from which many of these streams emanate are now lined
with large blocks of granite and canalised. These canals link with several other satellite towns
whose residential areas range from luxurious, wooded suburbs, to shanty towns and squatter

Population: 180000 (Dark elves 45%, moon elves 20%, lizardmen & yuanti 20%, slave races
Products: drakkars & longships, chandlery, ropes & sails, fishing vessels, fungi, leather goods,
maritime weapons & armours, maritime magical items,
Who Rules: The patriarch of House Glannath
Who Really Rules: The mariners council with the patriarch as its titular head. (The Shadow
Serpent Collective Coven of Sarrukh Liches).
Temples: Sseth, Umberlee, Vhaeraun
Notable Mages: Brotherhood of the Blue Sea Maritime Magi, aerthil" (their name for a
baelnorn Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Qu'madonest ozam Ship
Wrights, Mara killian Weapon Smiths, The Sable Ghosts Thieves & Assassins Guild
Draconshae Riders Guild Blessed Servants of the Mithral Moon Brotherhood of the Deep Blue
Notable Locations: Barrasargtlinen Fortress, Khaliizi valbylis Geomancers Towers, Knanindro,
Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai, Wanre el'lar Commons Narkuthmagthere
Hall of Scholars Thalacks ultrinnan Harbour, Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, MeleeMagthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, Font of Delights & Sorrows, The Great Gate, Seven Silver
Moons Amphitheater, Arachus Gladotorial Arena, Hall of the Gods Justice, Necropolis Plaza
Local Lore: This western most of Ilythiirs cities is home to the most fanatical Ghaunadaur
worshippers in the empire and its architecture is heavily influenced by the large population of
reptilians that call the city home. The city extends from east to west, to the swamps in the west
to the highland hills 6 miles to the east. It sits upon a series of artificial islands in the middle of a
shallow lake and is connected to the mainland by causeways leading north, south, and east of
the city. These causeways are interspersed by bridges that allow canoes and other river boats
to pass freely. The bridges can be pulled away if necessary to defend the city. The city itself is
interlaced with a series of canals, so that all sections of the city can be visited either on foot or
boat. For drinking, water from magical springs is preferred. The city is divided into 6 districts,
with each district divided into cantons with each canton crossed by streets. There are 6 main
streets that cross the city, each leading to one of the three causeways to the mainland. Each
district had its own marketplace, and there is also a main marketplace. In the centre of the city
are the public buildings, temples and schools. Inside a walled square, 1000 yards to a side is the
ceremonial plaza with a huge slime filled pit and alters dedicated to the Slime Lord at its center.
Despite all this grandeur the city is also home to beggars, thieves and prostitutes. At night, in
the dark alleys one can find scantily clad ladies with heavy makeup and purchase all manner of

illicit and intoxicating substances manufactured from exotics herbs and fungi brought from the
western swamps.

Population: 240000
Products: drakkars & longships, chandlery, ropes & sails, fishing vessels, fungi, leather goods,
maritime weapons & armours, maritime magical items,
Who Rules: The patriarch of House Lueltar
Who Really Rules: The mariners council with the patriarch as its titular head.
Temples: Umberlee, Vhaeraun, Kiaransalee
Notable Mages: Brotherhood of the Blue Sea Maritime Magi, aerthil" (their name for a
baelnorn Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Medritsoss Assassins Guild,
Mara killian Weapon Smiths,Qu'madonest ozam Ship Wrights, The Sable Ghosts Thieves &
Assassins Guild Brotherhood of the Deep Blue The Necorallis Society
Notable Locations: Barrasargtlinen Fortress, Khaliizi valbylis Geomancers Towers, Velveoloth
Arena Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars Thalacks ultrinnan Harbour, Valsha zress Forum of
the Patriarchs, Dark Weavings Bazaar, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, The Great
Gate, Hall of Shadows Theatre & Festhall, Seven Silver Moons Amphitheater, Hall of the Gods
Justice Necropolis Plaza
Local Lore: Athbarlon is built on a promontory with inlets to the sea to the north and south with
a large island protecting the citys massive harbour from the worst of the monsoon storms. The
city's location makes it master of Ilythiiri maritime trade. All ships entering Baenthrae Bay have
to pass the city affording it great power and influence. The citys large harboor was built and
divided into halves, one for holding the city's massive navy of 220 warships and the other for
mercantile trade. A seawall topped with watch towers overlooks the harbour. The city has
massive walls, 10 mile in length. The city has a huge necropolis dedicated to Kiaransalee,
market places, council house, towers and a theatre and is divided into six equally sized
residential areas with the same layout. Roughly in the middle of the city stands a high citadel
called Barrasargtlinen Fortress. The navy of Athbarlon is the largest in Ilythiir. The sailors and
marines of the navy are predominantly recruited from the citizenry. The piratical navy offers a
stable profession and financial security for its sailors. Their navy includes some over 200
warships and its massive merchant fleet traverses the trade routes at will. Athbarlon is not just
famous for its navy it also produces finely embroidered and dyed textiles of cotton, linen, wool,
and silk, artistic and functional pottery, incense, and perfumes. Its artisans work with glass,
wood, alabaster, ivory, bronze, brass, lead, gold, silver, adamantine and precious stones to
create a wide array of goods, including mirrors, highly admired furniture and cabinetry, beds,
bedding, and pillows, jewellery, arms, implements, and household items.


Population: 136000 (Dark elves 40%, green elves 20%, slave races 38%, others 2%)
Products: timber products, herbs, fruits & beers, rare birds & feathers, leather goods, skins &
furs, gold & silver, jewellery, exotic pets, religious items, tomes & lore gems, vellum.
Who Rules: The patriarch of House Oblodra
Who Really Rules: The High Priest of Ghaunadaur (who is also the patriarch of Oblodra) a vassal
of the Hunes.
Temples: Ghaunadaur
Notable Mages: aerthil" (their name for a baelnorn Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Mallalloun'az Jewel
SmithsFanatics of the Overflowing Pit Sisterhood of the Obsidian Sphere
Notable Locations: S'lozankyorlen Citadel, Krik'vlicss kestal Slave Market, Drorothen Breeders
& Stud Masters College, Knanindro, Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai,
Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars, Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Dark Weavings
Bazaar, Melee-Magthere, Font of Delights & Sorrows, The Great Gate, Arachus Gladotorial
Local Lore: The city is famed for the Polished Obsidian Temple of Ghaunadaur. Alongside the
temple complex is the great library of Elchallus, and its theatre, which is capable of holding
25,000 spectators. This open-air theater is used not just for concerts, operas, dramas and
political gatherings, but also for gladiatorial combats. The citry also has several major bath
complexes, built at various points within the city. The city has one of the most advanced
aqueduct systems in the empire, with multiple aqueducts of various sizes to supply different
areas of the city, including 4 major aqueducts. Caravansaries and bathhouses are well
populated by both locals and foreighners. The Temple Ghaunaauar is the largest temple in the
city. Along side it are the Fountains of Ferinthax, erected in honour of the citys founder. There
are two open air plazas one for commercial and one for state business. Situated around the
central plaza are The Seven Sleeping Guardians, commonly referred to as the "Seven Sleepers,
a series of giant Adamantine Golems under the control of the city Patriarch & highly psionic,
said to contain the spirits of 7 house patriarchs from the distant past.


Population: 56500 (Dark elves 75%, slave races 20%, others 5%)
Products: flying creatures & mounts, dragons & wyverns, weapons & armours suitable for aerial
combat, magical items, beers & ales, gems, adamantine, silver, copper, lead, mining equipment.
Who Rules: The patriarch of House Seerear
Who Really Rules: The Wyrm Breeders & Riders Council
Temples: Tiamat, Vhaeraun
Notable Mages: Slanos heethir'ku Life Shapers Guild, Aerthil (their name for a Baelnorn),
Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Mallalloun'az Jewel Smiths, Mara killian Weapon Smiths, The Sable
Ghosts Thieves & Assassins Guild Draconshae Riders Guild
Notable Locations: Barrasargtlinen Fortress, Drostanragar Miners Guild Hall, Khaliizi valbylis
Geomancers Towers, Velveoloth Arena, Valsharentagnik'zur Aerie, Elamshinfaern Citadel
Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars, Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Melee-Magthere,
Ashtarlaxk Portal network, The Great Gate Hall of Shadows Theatre & Festhall, Seven Silver
Moons Amphitheater, Hall of the Gods Justice.
Local Lore: Under Jaezred Seerear, Olothinthel threw off rule by Elvanshalee Lueltar and
became the capital of the Ilythiiri Empire. With the recovery of independence, a new era of
architectural activity ensued, and his successor, Honemmeth made Olothinthel into one of the
wonders of the empire. Honemmeth ordered the complete reconstruction of the imperial
grounds, including rebuilding the Temple to Tiamat and the construction of the Dracoinaar Gate
the most spectacular of eight gates that ringed the perimeter of the city.
The walls of Olothinthel are indeed impenetrable, with the only way into the city through one
of its many gates .The city is famed as a centre of learning, magical advancement and
commerce. The fortress like temple of Vhaeraun also contains shrines to Selune andSetth. The
largest building in the city is the Tower of the Dragons Aerie. The Tower of Tiamat is
enourmoud, some 3000 ft in height. The demonic wyrm riders of the city ranged far and wide
setting fire to huge swathes of forest and killing millions of beings in the process. One group of
Ilythiiri more than any other, the Wyrm Riders of Olothinthel are infamous in the the dark
annals of the Crown Wars.

Population: 18000 (Dark elves 50%, moon elves 5%, green elves 5%, slave races 35% others
Products: slaves, weapons & armour, pack animals, gems, jewellery, adamantine, silver, lead,
iron mongery, fungi, spider silks, clothing & art works. ceramic vessels, silver statues,
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Ti-kundtl
Who Really Rules: Council of Spider Priests & the Patriarch of House Ti-kundtl
Temples: Lolth

Notable Mages: Faernelam High Magic Circle Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Orbbentsoss Military College, Mallalloun'az Jewel Smiths Servants of
the Demon Pits Draconshae Riders Guild Lore Ladies & Lords of Narkutharach
Notable Locations: Krik'vlicss kestal Slave Market, Drorothen Breeders & Stud Masters
College, Drostanragar Miners Guild Hall, Knanindro Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith
Caravanserai, Elamshinfaern Citadel, Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars, Valsha zress Forum
of the Patriarchs, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Newok, Font of Delights & Sorrows, The
Great Gate, Arachus Gladotorial Arena
Local Lore: Velsharensheel is located high above sea level, situated on a mountain ridge above
Afanarthre Plains. Originally the city was built as an estate for the Ilythiiri emperors and the
site is built on and around mountains that hold high religious importance in the Dark Elves The
surrounding jungle has grown over much of the site, and few outsiders know of its existence.
The location of the city is a military secret, and its deep precipices and steep mountains provide
excellent natural defenses. The city sits in a saddle between the two mountains with a
commanding view down two valleys and a nearly impassable mountain at its back. It has a
water supply from springs that cannot be blocked easily, and enough land to grow food for
about four times as many people as ever live there. The hillsides leading to it have been
terraced, not only to provide more farmland to grow crops, but to steepen the slopes which
invaders would have to ascend.
Velsharensheel is divided into five main sections Sacred District, the Popular District to the
south, and the District of the Priests and the Nobility, the urban and agricultural Sectors,
divided by a wall. The Agricultural Sector is further subdivided into Upper and Lower sectors,
while the Urban Sector is split into East and West sectors, separated by wide plazas. The central
buildings of Velsharensheel use the classical Ilythiiri architectural style of polished basalt and
obsidian walls. Temples, sanctuaries, parks, and residences that include houses with steeply
tiled roofs are found throughout the city. Numerous water fountains dot the complex. These
are interconnected by channels and water-drains perforated in the rock that are designed for
the irrigation system. The irrigation system is used to carry water from a holy spring to each of
the houses in turn.

Population: 15000 (Dark elves 30%, green elves 20%, slave races 40%, others 10%)
Products: river boats & barges, trade goods, drakkars & longships, fish & fungi, wines & spider
silks, leather goods, timber products, gold, fruits & vegetables.
Who Rules: The Patriarch of House Darketh
Who Really Rules: Patriarch of House Darketh & council of merchant nobles
Temples: Vhaeraun, Umberlee, Malar
Notable Mages: Slanos heethir'ku Life Shapers Guild, Brotherhood of the Blue Sea Maritime
Magiaerthil" (their name for a baelnorn


Notable Organisations: Qu'madonest ozam Ship Wrights, Ky'hulorbbenlodtyna Cloth Weavers

& Merchants, The Sable Ghosts Thieves & Assassins Guild Blood Wolves of the Dark Hunt
Brotherhood of the Deep Blue
Notable Locations: S'lozankyorlen Citadel, Vlosinssriggdrathir Hunters Lodge, Khaliizi valbylis
Geomancers Towers, Knanindro Farmers Market, Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars, Thalacks
ultrinnan Harbour, Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Dark Weavings Bazaar, MeleeMagthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal network, The Great Gate, Hall of the Gods Justice
Local Lore: Situated on a low promontory at the northern bank of the Azureflow River, Vloxuth
is one of the places from where the Ilythiiri first settled amongst the indigenous Green and
Moon Elves. The city is surrounded on three sides by a defensive wall. It consists of
fortifications which includes a thick defensive wall, a moat, catapult outposts and twelve large
defensive towers. The river wall is topped by three more towers the largest of which holds a
permanently lit beacon, which shelters the many river boats and barges that ply their trade up
and down the waterway. The largest building complex in the city is the Famorlbcha citadel. A
series of black granite hexagonal spires surrounded by bath houses, steam driven fountains,
aqueducts, water gardens and the like that supply water to every house hold in the city. The
central citadel is used as the seat of government, a hospital, a defensive position with its own
ceremonial guard, and a prison
Deep beneath the main citadel and prison is the High Knights Hall, a complex of tombs
dedicated to the safe burial of generations of the citys defenders. The High Knights of
Gathmogaer an ancient order of Vhaeraun worshipping crusaders, knights, rangers, heralds and
paladins dedicated to the freedom and defense of the people and their unique way of life.

Population: 435000 (Dark elves 65%, moon elves 10%, green elves 10%, slave races 10%, other
Products: river boats & barges, trade goods, drakkars & longships, fish & fungi, wines & spider
silks, leather goods, timber products, gold, fruits & vegetables, adamantine, silver, copper, iron,
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Yril'Lysaen
Who Really Rules: the Patrirch & council of noble merchant, miners & smithies
Temples: Vhaeraun, Eilistraee, Selune.
Notable Mages: Sisters of the Silver Sun High Knights of Eilistraee, Brotherhood of the Blue
Sea Maritime Magi
Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Qu'madonest ozam Ship
Wrights, Ky'hulorbbenlodtyna Cloth Weavers & Merchants, The Sable Ghosts Thieves &
Assassins Guild, Blessed Servants of the Mithral Moon
Notable Locations: Barrasargtlinen Fortress, Drostanragar Miners Guild Hall, Khaliizi valbylis
Geomancers Towers, Knanindro, Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai, Velveoloth
Arena Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars Thalacks ultrinnan Harbour, Valsha zress Forum of


the Patriarchs, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, Font of Delights & Sorrows, Hall of
Shadows Theatre & Festhall, Seven Silver Moons Amphitheatre, Hall of the Gods Justice
Local Lore: "Fortress of the Azure Rose", It occupies a strategic position at the headwaters of the
Azureflow River. Situated at the western end of the high mountain lake its principal port,
harbours a high density of workshops, factories, and warehouses that distribute food and
merchandise throughout the city and surrounding communities. An open and tolerant city,
Kyorlquaval thrives as a regional centre for commerce, trade, and religion. Kyorlquaval is
believed to be under the protection of the goddess Selune. Her great temple is one of the most
prominent structures in the city because of its majestic domes and spires. The great Temple of
Eilistraee and the nearby necropolis area contains a sacred grove of trees from Faerie. Eight
Obsidian lionesses guard the temple and serve as a magical mounts for the citys elite in times
of crisis. The Kyorlquaval triad, consisting of Vhaeraun, his Eilistraee, and their guardian
Selune, form the main focus of worship in the city. The royal residence is alongside the temple
district. The royal and temple districts are surrounded by quarters inhabited by craftsmen and
labourers, dedicated exclusively to the construction of statuary and jewellery. Kyorlquaval
is a true megalopolis, with temples connected by sacred avenues, and impressive towers
connected by skyways and canals. The perimeter of the city thus extends into a vast urban
sprawl into connecting mountain valleys and dales. Its centre remains around the temple
complex. Important as a commercial and artistic centre, the Royal palace is also the centre of
commerce and trade with the main plaza being a huge market 4 days out of 10. The city is filled
with woodlands and gardens of immense size that are embellished with parks and lakes. The
cosmopolitan heart of the city is the lakeside harbour district that contains a royal palace, a
fortress, barracks and armouries alongside many craftsmen's workshops, arsenals, and
dockyards. Also are residential neighbourhoods, some of which are inhabited primarily by

Population: 198000 (Dark elves 50%, moon elves 10%, slave races 30%, others 10%)
Products: drakkars, & sailing ships, seafood, magic items, weapons & armours, grains, cloth,
spider silks, music, plays, art works, lore & learning, books & scrolls, lore gems & other storage
devices, leather.
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Sethomiir
Who Really Rules: Patriarch of House Sethomiir
Temples: Ghaunadaur, Umberlee
Notable Mages: Brotherhood of the Blue Sea Maritime Magi Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Qu'madonest ozam Ship Wrights, Mallalloun'az Jewel Smiths,
Ky'hulorbbenlodtyna Cloth Weavers & Merchants, Fanatics of the Overflowing Pit Sisterhood
of the Obsidian Sphere Brotherhood of the Deep Blue
Notable Locations: S'lozankyorlen Citadel Drorothen Breeders & Stud Masters College
Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai, Velveoloth Arena Wanre el'lar Commons Narkuthmagthere
Hall of Scholars Thalacks ultrinnan Harbour, Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Dark


Weavings Bazaar, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, The Great Gate, Arachus
Gladotorial Arena, Hall of the Gods Justice
Local Lore: Known for its rich history, art, culture, architecture, music it is the most densely
populated major city in Ilythiir, filled with elegant villas, aqueducts, public baths, a gladiatorial
stadium, a theatre and the Temples of Umberlee and Ghaunadaur. Underneath Killianelg
there is a series of caves and structures created by centuries of mining, which is in part of an
underground geothermal zone. The subterranean city consists of reservoirs dug out from the
hard stone on which, and from which, the city is built. There are also large catacombs in and
around the city. This system of tunnels and cisterns covers most of the city and lies
approximately 100 feet below ground level. In the area surrounding Killianelg are the islands of
Perathian, Cellaxador and Ishasha, here are many private institutions of arcane and martial
might, isolated from the corrupting pleasures offered by the citys many festhalls and pleasure
houses. The city became an important passage for goods that arrived by sea and had to be sent
toward the central city states or Southern Ilythiir. Agriculture, mining and wine production are
also important. The city is known for its architectural treasures and artefacts, elegant palaces
and its classical Ilythiiri cityscape. Several annual fairs, shows, and festivals, are held each year
the most famous being held in the huge ancient amphitheatre built by the first nobles of the
city in honour of the Queen of Air and Darkness.


Population: 17000 (Dark elves 60%, green elves 10%, slave races 30%)
Products: spider silks, leather goods. Timber products, adamantine, weapons & armour,
magical items, religious offerings, slaves, exotic birds & feathers, forest herbs & fruits, fungi,
wines & ales, cloth.
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Huunzariin
Who Really Rules: Patriarch of House Huunzariin & the Spider Council
Temples: Lolth (Eilistraee)
Notable Mages: Faernelam High Magic Circle, Sisters of the Silver Sun High Knights of
Eilistraeeaerthil" (their name for a baelnorn Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Orbbentsoss Military College, Mara killian Weapon Smiths, Servants of
the Demon Pits Draconshae Riders Guild Blessed Servants of the Mithral Moon Lore Ladies &
Lords of Narkutharach

Notable Locations: Krik'vlicss kestal Slave Market, Khaliizi valbylis Geomancers Towers,
Knanindro Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai, Elamshinfaern Citadel Wanre
el'lar Commons, Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars, Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Dark
Weavings Bazaar, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, The Great Gate Hall of Shadows
Theatre & Festhall, Seven Silver Moons Amphitheater, Arachus Gladotorial Arena
Local Lore: Constructed and covered an area of approximately 5 miles of territory on the north
bank of the Paradonzaer River; the west bank, is set aside to provide crops for the city's
population. The entire city is encircled with a defensive boundary wall interspersed with several
temples of Lolth in her many aspects. The city is divided into different sections, the Royal
residences are generally to the north, in what is known as the north city, with a central
administration and religious area and the south of the city is made up of residential suburbs.
Located within the north city area is the Palace of the Spider Moon, the main residence of the
Royal Family. Between this and the central city, the northern suburbs is a prosperous area with
large houses, but the house size decrease and became poorer the further from the road they
are. Most of the important ceremonial and administrative buildings re located in the central
city. Here the Temple of the Gossamer Webs and the adjacent complex of halls and plazas are
used for religious functions and between these the Great Royal Palace and Royal Residence are
the ceremonial residences of the Ruling Families, and are linked by sky bridges and ramps.
Located behind the Royal Residence was the Bureau of Correspondence of Pharaoh, where the
To the south of the city are the southern suburbs. It contains the estates of many of the city's
powerful nobles. This area also holds the studios of the citys many sculptors and artsians many
of whom are nenowned throughout the empire for their life like works of art. Royal necropolis
is in a narrow valley to the east of the city, hidden in the many hillside barrows and tombs.


Population: 142900 (Dark elves 50%, green elves 30%, slave races 20%)
Products: spider silks, leather goods. Timber products, adamantine, weapons & armour,
magical items, religious offerings, slaves, exotic birds & feathers, forest herbs & fruits, fungi,
wines & ales, cloth.
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Alurdobluth
Who Really Rules: Patriarch of House Alurdobluth & the Spider Council
Temples: Lolth, Malar
Notable Mages: Slanos heethir'ku Life Shapers Guild, Faernelam High Magic Circle
Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Orbbentsoss Military College,
Mara killian Weapon Smiths, Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Servants of the Demon Pits
Blood Wolves of the Dark Hunt Lore Ladies & Lords of Narkutharach


Notable Locations: Vlosinssriggdrathir Hunters Lodge, Krik'vlicss kestal Slave Market,

Drorothen Breeders & Stud Masters College, Knanindro, Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith
Caravanserai, Elamshinfaern Citadel Wanre el'lar Commons Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars,
Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, The Great Gate, Arachus Gladotorial Arena
Local Lore: The city itself is a fortress and designed as such in every possible way. It is built of
massive stone walls, with hilltop fortresses and watch towers scattered across its length and
breadth. Visitors to the city, irrespective of their guild and intention, have to travel through a
heavily fortified and protected area before reaching the main urban core which gives them an
ample view of the might that protects the city. Massive fortifications stand at every possible
entry into the main metropolitis and in other crucial locations. Additional defensive features are
watch posts and bastions located along roads, gates and hilltops that provide maximum
visibility. The towers and citadels of the palace district are the political nerve centre of the city
as well as a center of commerce and pilgrimage. Envoys from other cities, merchants, pilgrims,
soldiers and ordinary people all travell about in the great city on its extensive network of roads.
Smaller roads lead to temples, villages and irrigation fields. All major roadways can be
monitored from watch towers, gates and rest houses. The greater metropolitan region of the
city is inhabited by royalty, imperial officers, soldiers, agriculturists, craftsman, merchants,
labourers amongst others. Outside the metropolis, walled towns and villages are scattered
about the countryside.

Population: 36000 ( Dark elves 35%, green elves 20%, slave races 40%, others 5%)
Products: spider silks, leather goods. Timber products, adamantine, weapons & armour,
magical items, religious offerings, slaves, exotic birds & feathers, forest herbs & fruits, fungi,
wines & ales, cloth
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Thaeyalla
Who Really Rules: Patriarch of House Thaeyalla & noble merchantsw & the Spider Council
Temples: Lolth, Malar
Notable Mages: Faernelam High Magic Circle Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Orbbentsoss Military College, Mara killian Weapon Smiths, Servants of
the Demon Pits Blood Wolves of the Dark Hunt Lore Ladies & Lords of Narkutharach
Notable Locations: Vlosinssriggdrathir Hunters Lodge, Krik'vlicss kestal Slave Market,
Drorothen Breeders & Stud Masters College, Knanindro Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith
Caravanserai, Velveoloth Arena Elamshinfaern Citadel, Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars,
Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, Font of
Delights and Sorrows.
Local Lore: The city is referred to as "The Luminous Citadel" a reference to the glowing lights and
illusions covering the city. Sahdelmah has a historical status as a center of learning, literature,
and culture. Sahdelmah is a commercial and industrial center famous for its cotton and spider
silk fabrics, perfumes, ivory works, leather goods. Timber products, adamantine, weapons &
armour, magical items, religious offerings, slaves, exotic birds & feathers, forest herbs & fruits,
fungi, wines & ales and sculpture. The city is a world renown center of religious, educational,

and artistic activities, has several small cottage industries, including Spider Silk Cloak weaving,
the production of textiles such as hand-woven carpets, and handicrafts. Spider Silk is known all
over the world for its finery and softness, fire resistance and strength. This ancient and densely
settled labyrinthine Old City is rich with culture, and a deservedly popular destination for
travellers. Of old Sahdelmah was a city of temples, before the coming of the Spider Queens
followers who purged the city of its ancient polytheistic beliefs. Almost every road crossing has
a nearby temple now dedicated to an aspect of Lolth. Such small temples form the basis of daily
local prayers and other rituals. But there are many large temples too, erected at different times
through out the history of Sahdelmah that are now either centres of learning of have been
rededicated to the Spider Queen.

Population: 43000 (Dark elves 80%, green elves 5%, slave races 15%)
Products: spider silks, leather goods. Timber products, adamantine, weapons & armour,
magical items, religious offerings, slaves, exotic birds & feathers, forest herbs & fruits, fungi,
wines & ales, cloth
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Ssh'starm
Who Really Rules: Patriarch of House Ssh'starm & the Spider Council
Temples: Lolth
Notable Mages: Slanos heethir'ku Life Shapers Guild, Faernelam High Magic Circle
Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Orbbentsoss Military College,
Ky'hulorbbenlodtyna Cloth Weavers & Merchants, Mara killian Weapon Smiths, Servants of
the Demon Pits Lore Ladies & Lords of Narkutharach
Notable Locations: Krik'vlicss kestal Slave Market, Drorothen Breeders & Stud Masters
College, Drostanragar Miners Guild Hall, Knanindro, Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith
Caravanserai, Elamshinfaern Citadel Wanre el'lar Commons Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars,
Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Melee-Magthere ashtarlaxk Portal Network, The Great
Gate, Hall of Shadows Theatre & Festhall, Arachus Gladotorial Arena
Local Lore: The city lies in a fertile basin bounded by ranges of hills to the north and south. The
city is surrounded on all sides by walls about 30 ft high. These are in turn surrounded by a deep
wide moats, and also include over 30 towers in various locations. Large gates on the 8 sides of
the walls provide the only entrance to the city., Temples, baths, and houses, dispersed among
the gardens and apartment buildings are all fed waters by ancient aqueducts. Because of its
need for trade the inner city abounds with guest houses and many taverns and festhalls. The
city grew rich on the slave trade and local agriculture, it is also major trading center formeat,
wool, cotton, silk, skins & furs, food grains, fresh and dried fruit, andand pipe-weed. The region
produces fine fruits, especially pomegranates and grapes, apricots, melons and other sweet


Population: 16000 (Dark elves 25%, green elves 50%, slave races 25%)
Products: spider silks, leather goods. Timber products, herbs & fruits, fungi, wines & ales,
weapons & armour, pack animals, gems
Who Rules: Patriarch of House Blackhawk
Who Really Rules: Patriarch of House Blackhawk & Hunters Council
Temples: Malar, Selune, Eilistraee
Notable Mages: Faernelam High Magic Circle, Sisters of the Silver Sun High Knights of
Eilistraee Society of the Jade Serpent
Notable Organisations: Ky'hulorbbenlodtyna Cloth Weavers & Merchants, The Sable Ghosts
Thieves & Assassins Guild Blood Wolves of the Dark Hunt Draconshae Riders Guild Blessed
Servants of the Mithral Moon
Notable Locations: Vlosinssriggdrathir Hunters Lodge, Drostanragar Miners Guild Hall, Khaliizi
valbylis Geomancers Towers, Knanindro Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai,
Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars, Valsha zress Forum of the Patriarchs, Melee-Magthere,
Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, Font of Delights & Sorrows, Seven Silver Moons Amphitheater, Hall
of the Gods Justice
Local Lore: The main metropolis sitis in a wide valley surrounded by a circle of eight hills at the
center of which is a prominent central hill on which the rulers palace and high magi towers are
erected. The radius of the circle is about 10 km. The city is enclosed within an ancient wall that
has nine gates and is surrounded by a broad deep moat. The bulk of the tree filled city is made
up of large estate houses and ancient temples and plazas dedicated to the old gods. The citys
markets are alway filled luxury goods, such as bolts of shimmering spider silks, spices and dyes.
Lorudelmah also is home to local products such as flax & linensl, agricultural products and rare
forest spices and extracts. The Central Citadel, a large fortress built atop a huge, partially
artificial mound rises 200 feet above the city, the rulers palace sits at the heart of the citadel
palace located near the citadel.

Population: 162000 (Dark elves 50%, slave races 50%)
Products: weapons & armour, magical items, clothing, spiders & silk, votive offerings, slaves,
leather goods, timber products, gems & jewellery, lore gems & scrolls, spells & prayers,
Who Rules: Matriarchs council of Houses Jaelre, Lucrath, Nasadra & Claddath
Who Really Rules: The 4 Matriarch Priestesses of Lolth
Temples: Lolth
Notable Mages: Slanos heethir'ku Life Shapers Guild, Faernelam High Magic Circle, Aerthiltheir name for a baelnorn

Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Orbbentsoss Military College,

Mallalloun'az Jewel Smiths, Ky'hulorbbenlodtyna Cloth Weavers & Merchants, Mara killian
Weapon Smiths, Servants of the Demon Pits, Lore Ladies & Lords of Narkutharach

Notable Locations: Drostanragar Miners Guild Hall, Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai, Velveoloth

Arena Elamshinfaern Citadel Narkuthmagthere Hall of Scholars, Dark Weavings Bazaar, MeleeMagthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, The Great Gate, Hall of Shadows Theatre & Festhall,
Seven Silver Moons Amphitheater, Arachus Gladotorial Arena, Hall of the Gods Justice
Local Lore: The city is a major political, religious and military power in the north, it always has
been. The Living Webs Temple was once dedicated to the elder gods of the old pantheon, and
the central temple complex is surrounded by the ancvient royal fortress of Galfathreal. Outside
of this complex is the The Wintermoon Palace, with it 860 rooms and 60 suites. The entrance
to the central complex is through a fortified gate-house. The outer city is a webwork of roads
and canals all connecting several residential palaces, an ancient temple Eilistraee, festhalls, elite
villas, houses & apartments for the regular folk of the city. The palace contains many audience
halls, central halls, courtyards, villas, smaller palace complexes for the ruling family, and
apartments for officials. At the center of the complex is a large lake from which sprout several
canals that interconnect with the outside flows and aqueducts.


Population: 156000 (Dark elves 30%, slave races 30%, tieflings & demon breeds 40%)
Products: slaves, demonic weapons & armour, magic items of war, mercenaries slave soldiers,
siege weapons, fell magics & potions, demonic servants, spiders, war golems, silks, demonic
dragons, mutant slaves, Deep Spawn clones, spies & assassins.
Who Rules: The Spider Council of the Dark Pits
Who Really Rules: Matrirach Priestesses of the Spider Queen
Temples: Lolth, Malar, Kiaransalee, Vhaeraun
Notable Mages: Slanos heethir'ku Life Shapers Guild, Faernelam High Magic Circle
Notable Organisations: Tk'parhnvla'rinnyn Mercenaries Guild, Orbbentsoss Military College,
Marakillian Weapon Smiths, Ky'hulorbbenlodtyna Cloth Weavers & Merchants, Medritsoss

Assassins Guild The Sable Ghosts Thieves & Assassins Guild Servants of the Demon Pits Blood
Wolves of the Dark Hunt Draconshae Riders Guild Blessed Servants of the Mithral Moon, The
Necorallis Society Lore Ladies & Lords of Narkutharach
Notable Locations: Barrasargtlinen Fortress, Vlosinssriggdrathir Hunters Lodge, Krik'vlicss
kestal Slave Market, Drorothen Breeders & Stud Masters College, Khaliizi valbylis Geomancers
Towers, Knanindro Farmers Market, Mei'qvrine'winith Caravanserai, Velveoloth Arena,
Valsharentagnik'zur Aerie, Elamshinfaern Citadel, Wanre el'lar Commons, Narkuthmagthere
Hall of Scholars, Dark Weavings Bazaar, Melee-Magthere, Ashtarlaxk Portal Network, Font of
Delights & Sorrows, Seven Silver Moons Amphitheater, Necropolis Plaza
Local Lore: The strategic and economic importance of ancient Harolshanaal is due to its
position astride the major trade route to the northern Elven realms. The road leading through
the mountainous country led to the existence of only two practicable roads through to the
north. The city is surrounded by a tower topped wall 8 miles long city 30 wide at the base
tapering upward 30 for a top width of 10. Beyond this wall a 20 wide moat with a depth of
30 is spanned by 50 long stone bridges. Twelve gates pierce the citys wall at equi-distant
points .The 16 avenues divide the city into 16 districts. These districts are subdivided into 160
wards. Outside the city, well maintained paved roads lead to numerous mountain redoubts and
townships. The main gate between the city and suburbs is flanked by 4 50 tall obsidian golems
shaped as giant figures of Vhaeraun. The district north of the Rulers Palace is the most
exclusive. The main market is the terminus for many foreighn caravans comingin to the empire
but not wanting to descend into the harsh and oppressive heat and humidity of the Ilythiiri
rainforests. An intricate network of underground passages connects the Rulers Palace with
other palaces and the city. Harolshanaal is a cosmopolitan city with a considerable foreign
population, its status as the premier trading city on the northern empire guarantees that it will
be fought over by armies across the ages. This constant danger means that the citys standing
army is drawn from all across the empire thus guaranteeing the citys neutrality in all but the
worst internal conflicts. After all trade is the chief engine of Ilythiirs economy and nothing is
going to get in the way of the pleasures and profits to be made from it.


Temples & Citadels of the Dark realm

Athamault The Iron Pit

Built during the second Crown War, the Iron Pit was one of the greatest Ilythiiri fortresses. A
labrythine series of tunnels, dungeons & catacombs near the Lake of Steam. It was one of the
first subterranean structures built by the dark elves & one of their most closely guarded secrets.
In the underground alchemical laboratories the Ilythiiri created twisted monstrosities and
researched unholy spells of such vile nature that even drow today hesitate to use them. The
surface elves never found Athamault, and although the early drow carried of as many of its
treasures as they could, many dark and powerful secrets still lie hidden in its forgotten vaults.
An army of steel predators guard it. Athamault ("The Iron Pit") in the Duskwood isn't the only
one of its kind.
Citadel of Slime
The citadel is nothing more than a fetid cave shaped by degenerate Iythiiri into a form they
believed suitable for a temple to Ghaunadar. The site was used for horrific ritual sacrifices of
enemy captives during the crown wars. Because its so isolated the cave remains well
preserved, it is infested with oozes & slimes.
Narathmault The Dark Pit
Narathmault was a holding of the Ilythiir. It was Clan Sethomiir who traversed there, guided by
the balor Wendonai. Narathmault is an underground fortress "Dark Pit". Dark Elves were
forced to flee Narathmault after their spells containing demonkind began to fail as a result of
The Descent, led by Undrek Sethormiir to the plateaus beneath modern day Thay.
Thalamault The War Vaults.
Located in the mountains west of New Attornash this unholy fortress was created by the
descendents of Kanarlist Hune as a repository for the lore and war magics that they had
salvaged from the flooded ruins of the old citys outer estates. Here to were developed many
of the war mythals and machines of destruction used by the Ilythiiri in their wars against
Aryvandaar and others. Miles of vaults, trapped passageway and natural caverns filled with the
servants of Ghaunadar and servant daemons and other unholy guardians of the Hune clan. It is
said that an aspect of the Slime Lord still inhabits the deepest pit within the mountain and that
those fond worthy are transformed into highly magical and sentient slimes that have the ability
to shape change and do there dark masters bidding.


Tagniirmault The Dragons Maw

This mighty citadel was once located above and below the ground in the mountains somewhere
north of the mighty city of Olothinthel. Above was a mighty basalt and black granite castle, a
relic left over from the Dragon Slayer Wars and used by the dark elves as a fortress and
draconic breeding place. It was from here that the dark elves cross bred chromatic dragons with
their demonic kin to create loyal servants during the Crown Wars. It was said that the dark
elves created the dragon orbs here, (or at least stored several) and that the wyrms who served
turned on their masters when the Seladarine betrayed the Ilythiri. The entire upper citadel was
destroyed, but the sprawling dragon s aeries and lairs beneath, along with the countless halls,
vaults, store houses, armouries, libraries and barracks remained locked away and guarded by
fearsome undead and demonic servants of the dark elves and their former draconic slaves.
Kaarlikmault The Well of Knowledge
Its location lost to the ravages of war and time, the Well of Knowledge was created by the Dark
Elven followers of the of the Seldarine who rebelled against the dark practices of Kanarlist
Hune and his Slime Lord Followers. A group of high magi and high priests carved into the living
rock a mighty library, and then commanded those houses loyal to the Seldarine to create copies
of all their family histories, genealogies, magical and mundane lore and to then place it with the
great library. The mightiest magical items of those houses, the ones too large, fragile or
powerful to be moved were also brought here to be kept away from the raiders from
Attornash. Once the civil war between the followers of the Light and Darkness broke out, the
guardian priests and high magi sealed the place with a mighty casting that removed all
knowledge of it from the Dark Elves. The only ones who knew of its existence then locked
themselves away becoming guardian baelnorns, swordwraiths and banshee of great power.
With the coming of the Sundering, all recorded knowledge of the library was lost beneath the
waves. The library and its mythal still exist somewhere off of the coast hidden beneath layers of
silt somewhere in the Great Sun Sea.
Elder Orb of Ooze Shrine of the Living Gem
In the South, deep beneath the heart of Sarenestar (also known as the Forest of Mir) is a place
of great power sacred to Ghaunadaur. This ancient subterranean site was discovered by Clan
Hune of Ilythiir prior to the Fourth Crown War. Following their discovery, the dark elves built a
great temple around a massive pit in which dwelt a monstrous creature of evil placed there by
the Elder Eye. When the temple, known as the Elder Orb of Ooze, was completed, the leaders
of Clan Hune sought to draw on Ghaunadaur's power in preparation for the coming conflict
with Keltormir. The inscrutable Elder Elemental God was displeased, however, and it lashed out
at the fools who dared call on its name by causing countless oozes, slimes, jellies, and other
horrid monsters to erupt from the pit and attack everything they encountered. Many of Clan
Hune's leaders were destroyed, and the temple was abandoned shortly thereafter.

Ilythiiri Temples to Lolth

When the Ilythiiri first discovered and began to worship the Dark Seldarine, they did not fully
understand their new deities. They knew that Lolth was a spider goddess, but they were less
clear about the nature of the other gods in their unholy pantheon. Masked spiders cavort with
ooze monsters, while eight limbed undead elves wielding swords look on. Gradually as their
high priests died at the hands of their offended gods, the early Lolth cults determined what
forms of worship were acceptable, and the Ilythiiri religion took on forms familiar to modern


Geographical Highlights of Ilythiir

Thunder Wall Mountains

The lower forested slopes of the western Thunder Wall Mountains are filled with herds of wild,
cattle, rothe and auroch, that are cultivated by the Ilythiiri for food. Here the temperatures
rarely reach 100, and the rains are not nearly as frequent or severe. The Dark Wall Mountain
are high, towering 20,000 feet or more. Snow covers the tallest peaks all year round whilst in
the rainy season great glaciers form upon the upper slopes that quickly meltr leading the highly
destructive floods in the forest filled lowlands. Monsters, including cyclopskin, manticores,
rocs, cockatrices, and medusae make their homes on the forested slopes. Amongst the
mountains are the sites of some of the purest electrum deposits in the Realms. The winds blow
off the mountains bringing vast cloud banks filled with daily thunder storms. The winds help
make the life on the land more bearable.
The Vale of Lost Slaves
The Vale of Lost Slaves is a largely unexplored, thickly overgrown, stiflingly hot jungle tucked
between the Dun Hills, the Cliffs of Talar, and due east of the Great Sun Sea. The Fair Folk of the
Vale are simply a primitive and highly xenophobic clan of green elves, albeit with a significant
amount of moon elven and dark elven blood, The fall of Eiellur was aided in part by traitorous
green elves who thought their appeasement actions could help restore the peace. After each
defeat at the hands of the dark elves, the surviving populace was enslaved by the Ilythiiri. In
most cases, the enslaved moon elves and green elves were absorbed into the general
population by the genetically dominant dark elves within a generation or two. The betrayers of
Eiellur were rewarded by the Ilythiiri with an untamed, tangled tract of jungle on a plateau
overlooking the River Talar. While few survived the horrors that had been previously unleashed
in the woodlands by dark elven sorcerers and still lurked therein, a small band, reduced to a
barbaric way of life, managed to survive with the protection of Fenmarel and took to calling
themselves the Or- Tel'Quessir or people of the woods. Over time their feral descendants were
joined by escaped moon elven and green elven slaves fleeing conscription and life on the
Ilythiiri slave farms, and the population grew. Although the Ilythiiri would have undoubtedly
hunted the Vale tribes to extinction eventually, the Descent of the Drow spared the OrTel'Quessir from that horrific fate.
The Dark Heart the Great Rainforest of Ilythiir

The Dark Heart is a huge place stretching west from the Thunderwall Mountains all the way
east to the Gulf of Chaarlisst. The Forest is a lush, tropical place, where the temperature rarely
falls below 90, even at night. Humidity is high, and insects and plant life abound. The most
striking feature of the forest is the trees. Over half of the trees in the forest are the fast growing
mathiri trees, more commonly known as bluewood. The wood is actually ivory colored with
faint blue streaks, but, with polishing, it has a deep luster that resembles the glow of a polished

gem. It is prized for making furniture because it is easy to cut, yet durable. A skilled
woodworker is required to bring out the true beauty of the wood. The demand for such
furniture always exceeds the supply. Dense tangles of suthwood stretch for miles, forming
natural barriers at various locations throughout the forest. Vast stretches of tropical
shadowtops and slightly shorter bunya pines fill the gaps between the suth tangles, and thick
climbing figs and blood thorn vines vie for space in the understory alongside ferns, mosses, and
ground dwelling giant bromeliads. Kudzu trails over everything, while cypress and fruit trees
abound. Though little direct sunlight reaches beneath the boughs that form the canopy, the
rainy climate keep the interior damp and hot, making the Dark Heart a perfect haven for
endless swarms of crawling and flying insects. The Dark Heart is filled with life. All normal
tropical animals of the forest can be found here: jaguars, tigers, gorillas, wild boars, and
parrots, macaws and other tropical birds. It also supports a large population of carnivorous
apes. The apes are abundant in the northern part of the forest, but can be found elsewhere.
Choke creepers and giant snakes are common and the rhino beetle is also present.
The Demons Hump Mountains
The Demons Hump is a small range at the heart of the empire. Most peaks are less than 9000
feet high with the highest peak reaching to just 11, 512 feet high. The southern slopes have
several rich silver and electrum veins. More veins are discovered every year. In spite of the
conflicts with monsters and outlaws, the area is actively mined. The peaks of the Hump are also
the coolest places in the central empire having a light covering of snow for five months of the
year. The rest of the time the copses of pine, fir, shadowtop and suthwood that dot the slopes
appear as spots of dark green against the tan mountain meadows, which are dominated by
short, coarse grasses, similar to those on the savannahs to the north. Above the timber line,
more of this brown grass covers the mountains smooth, rounded domes. The Demons Humps
have been worn down over millennia by the daily rainstorms that build along the slopes and the
incessant sea breezes that blow from the south. The mountains are home to numerous slave
farms of gnolls. A few giants make their homes in this range. The mountains are home to
several aeries of great and terrible demonic red and black dragons that are bred and held in
thraldom somewhere in the mountains.
The Great Swamp of Ghaunadaur
This is a large ooze and slime filled swamp on the south-western corner of the empire. It is a
sweltering place of cypress and thick moss. Except in the rainy season, temperatures frequently
hit 110 and the humidity never drops below 90%. During the rainy season, the humidity rises to
100% while the temperature averages only 90. The place is a nightmare of giant leeches, giant
toads, snakes, lizardmen, shambling mounds, tasloi, and bullywugs. . It is the home of at least
one tribe of yuan-ti, as well as a colony of beholders that lurk deep in a swamp Cyprus forest.
Dark trees also make their home here. The air in the swamp is hot, sticky and foul smelling.
Most of the year the combination of high temperatures, wretched humidity, and endless clouds
of swarming, biting insects creates an oppressive environment that few creatures can tolerate.
Death results as often from exhaustion, sickness and over heating as from the dangerous

creatures that abound here. The noxious fumes that bubble up through the water are the
products of decomposition and residual magic from long forgotten spell battles. Some clouds
of noxious green and purple gasses carry poisons that burn living flesh and corrode metals.
Other carry sickness and diseases that respond poorly to magical healing. Amongst the most
feared denizens of the swamp are the undead Sarrukh and oozes and slimes that serve the
Slime Lord in the ruins of the ancient Sarrukh city found at the heart of the swamp.
The Gulf of Baenthrae
Not only is it a safe harbor, but it is rich in swordfish, red snapper, mahimahi, and sea bass. It
produces a decent crop of pearls each year. Fishermen follow dolphins to the good schools of
fish, and sailors know that when the bay gets crowded with dolphins, a major storm is heading
north on the Great Sea. At dusk, the tens of thousands of dolphins in the bay gather for their
dance. This is not a real dance, but a complicated game that the dolphins have developed over
the years. If seen from overhead, the dance all fits together, over the whole of the bay. Since
the deaths of the last sea elves in the area millennia before the people of Ilythiir largely ignore
the dolphins unless there is great famine then the dolphins are harvested like any other
maritime resource. Vessels venturing from Ilythiirs port cities form a steady stream of vessels
plying the bay. The sailors have learnt to stay in the gulf when it fills with dolphins. Several
squadrons of drakkars and clippers are anchored in the gulf and they regularly venture forth to
raid the coasts and shipping of their rival Elven realms. Many a slave finds their way here on
returning raiders from points further north along the Great Black Sea.


Spells & Rituals of the darkness

Spider Skin
Level: Druid 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Spiderskin makes the subjects skin tougher and more like a carapace. The spell grants the
recipient a +1 enhancement bonus to its existing natural armour bonus, a +1 racial bonus on
saves against poison, and a +1 racial bonus on Hide checks. Each of these bonuses increases by
1 for every three caster levels above 3rd, for a maximum of +5 at caster level 12th. The
enhancement bonus provided by spiderskin stacks with the targets natural armour bonus, but
not with other enhancement bonuses to natural armour. A creature without natural armour
has an effective natural armour bonus of +0, much as a character wearing only normal clothing
has an armour bonus of +0.
Material Component: A piece of a spider.
Fire Spiders
Conjuration (Summoning) [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: 240 fiery spiders that cover a 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You call forth a swarm of 240 fire elementals the size of common spiders. The fire spiders each
have 1/4 d8 HD (1 hp), speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft., and AC 18 (+8 size). They distribute themselves
evenly within the initial area of the spell (six creatures per 5-foot square), and after the first
round they move as a swarm, seeking creatures and objects to attack and ignite. The attacks by
the fire spiders in a 5-foot-square area can be treated as an area attack by the group, inflicting
fire damage equal to the number of spiders in that square (a Reflex saving throw halves the
damage). Unlike with a creeping doom spell, the fire spiders do not die after inflicting damage,
and only disappear if they are slain, the spell duration expires, or they are somehow banished

to their home plane. Fire spiders can ignite flammable objects if they rest on one for 2 or more
As fire elementals, the fire spiders are immune to fire and are thwarted by barriers that block
neutral outsiders. Water or other non-flammable liquid (including acid) kills them, a flask
destroying 2d4 fire spiders in a targeted 5- foot square and causing 1 point of splash damage to
adjacent squares (killing one spider in each adjacent square). If some of the creatures die, the
swarm condenses, growing smaller in area, maintaining the density of six creatures per 5-foot
Fire Spider Swarm
AC 0 HD 12 HP 78 each MR 25% (immune to heat & flame), double dg from cold, hive mind %
swarm qualities, Speed 20, atc 4d6 burn dg, + 3d6 fire damage from legs, save vs fire or burn for
1s4 rounds
Warded Walls
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: Anywhere within the area to be warded
Area: Up to 200 sq. ft./level (S)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: See text
This powerful spell is primarily used to defend a stronghold. The ward protects 200 square feet
per caster level. The warded area can be as much as 40 feet high, and shaped as you desire. You
can ward several stories of a stronghold by dividing the area among them. The following spells
cannot penetrate walls protected by this spell: clairaudience/clairvoyance, disintegrate, dispel
magic, locate object, passwall, scrying, dimension door, and teleport.
Shelaraks Heavenly Retribution
Elven High Magic
Myriad Ritual:Evocation
Range: 5 miles
Components: VSM,XP, HP
Duration: 2d4 hours
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of effect: 1000 cubic feet per level
Saving Throw: Special
This spell calls from the skies a powerful series of increasingly deadly disasters over the course
of the spell. At first heavily acidic rains begin to fall causing 2d4 hp damage per round. Before
long a howling wind blows in beginning as a stiff breeze and ending as a 300 mph hurricane that
tears up any tree or wooden structure in its path. Along with the tempest comes bolts of

lightning 20 across doing 20d6 hp damage, 2d4 bolts per 10 minutes thunder down, the sounds
are deafening (literally), next comes the earth quake that shatters and topples and major stone
or crystaline structures and causes underground chambers to a depth of 1 mile to collapse or
cave-in. Finally after 1 hour of armageddon, the ritual leader calls down meteorites from the
sky, each varying in diameter from 1 foor to several hundred feet across. Each doing from 1d12
to 35d12 hp dg. By wrapping all the High Mages of this casting in a near-solid ward, five High
Mages can wipe away an entire army/forest or city.
Shilfhaortakal The Gift of the Twighlight Wyrm (Elven High Magic)
Components: V, S, XP, attunement
Casting Time: 1 hour
Target: Personal
Duration: 3d6+10 days
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The Elven high mage transforms into a shadow dragon with all its abilities and immunities equal
to his age. Thus an ancient Selutaar could transform himself into a Great Wyrm Shadow Drake
and still use all of his or her own spells and innate powers as well as those of the Wyrm. Hit
points are re-rolled using a d12 plus the mages constitution bonus. This ritual is used only in the
direst circumstances as the backlash from transforming back into an elf is horrendous. Fully
25d6 back lash damage is taken when reverting to ones original form.
Song of the Sundered Crown (Elven High Magic) ShilfhaorTelOrar
Components: V, S, XP, Ritual, Attunement
Casting Time: 10 hours 11 min
Range: 12000 ft
Target: one 750 ft cube + 10 ft. lvl
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort Half
Spell Resistance: Yes
By wrapping all the High Mages of this casting in a near-solid ward, five High Mages can
weather away an entire city. The near-untamed forces of the ShilfhaorTelOrar ritual find any
unnatural states for nonliving matter and restores it to its most natural state. Living matter on
the other hand is reduced to its most basic elemental components in an eye-blink of the ritual
starting. Stone buildings are reduced to the soil from whence they came, wooden buildings are
reduced to seedling trees, and so on. This ritual effectively deconstructs and reduces all
artificial constructs (including trees altered by High Magic) to their natural states. All buildings
vanish, reduced to component matter. This ritual is completely destructive to all living matter
such as plants and all forms of insect, bird and animal life. This ritual cleanses pollution by

civilization and restores the natural order of a place. All that remains of an entire city and its
occupants is enriched soil and loam.
Greater Shadow Storm
(Evocation, Necromancy, Shadow)
High Magic
Range: 50 yd/level
Components: V,S,M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 80 or 120 ft. radius
Saving Throw: None/Death Magic
This spell can have one of two effects, at the casters option: Either large shards of darkness
(50% cold & 50% negative energy) rain down for one round in a 80 radius area inflicting 1d8+1
points of damage per caster level (maximum 30d8+30) to any creature within the area of effect,
or a shroud of shadows descend upon a 60 radius area for one round per caster level. The
shadow inflicts a prickling sensation, as well as inflicting a 4 to all attacks within the shadow.
Likewise, any victim within the shadow must save vs. Death Magic at -4, or be reduced to half
their hit points, struck blind and deaf, and lose half their strength and dexterity (loss persists
until healed or dispelled).
Araushnees Wrath
High Magic
Range: 1 mile+50 yards per level
Components: VSM
Casting Time: 1 Turn
Area of Effect: All creatures within a 10 yards/level radius
Saving Throw: Yes to avoid (-5)
Spell Resitance: None
This malevolent power spins silky threads enmeshing the target area in a web capable of
trapping a god. The creature/s are rendered immobile, and canot use any magical/mental
powers of their own or of any objects they carry unless they are divine origin. The spell then
wraps its victims in a whirling maelstrom that forms a spinning cloud of silky threads. It picks up
the victims, spinning them around until they are completely cocooned like an unawakened
butterfly. The victims stay this way in a state of suspended animation until released by either
the caster, a caster of greater power or another divine presence. The victims are completely
aware of what is happening to them but can do nothing about it. Cutting a victim free is only
possible if the original caster is slain, or a vorpal weapon is used. Even then the victims risk
taking damage from the blade as it cuts through the webbing.


Araushnees Acid Breath

High Magic
Range: 1 mile+50 yards per level
Components: VSM
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Area of Effect: All creatures within a 30 yards radius
Saving Throw: Yes (half)
Spell Resitance: None
After uttering a few sibilant words, the caster then spits a stream of luminous venom that
streakes towards its target area. Wherever it strikes there is a horrible hiss and crackle as the
venom meets and then attempts to dissolve any organic matter that it strikes. When the
venom lands its sends forth a spray of scattered droplets of acid like poison that will corrode
and kill at a touch. Beings thus struck, and it only takes a single drop, must save vs spells at -5
or be instantly and irrevocably dissolved. Those who make their saves merely take 20d6 hp
damage. Any damage taken must be healed naturally, cannot be regenerated. Only a heal spell
combined with a regeneration spell, or a wish can restore damage from this spell any more
quickly. Even black dragons and those normally immune to such venoms are affected by this
spell. Only specialty priests of Corellon are immune to this spells effects. Inorganic items such
as metals and stone are unaffected but leather armours, clothing, wooden items etc must save
vs acid at -5 or be destroyed.


Magical items of Ilythiir

Wendonais Hammers
Description: Wendonais Hammer are a pair of deadly, demonic rune covered, double headed,
red iron war hammers.
Powers: Each of these wicked weapons functions as a +5 Warhammer of Hurling and Stunning
and inflicts double damage on a dice roll of 21+. Also each hammer grants the wielder Balors
strength, Free Action, and all the standard Tanarric immunities. The downside of wielding these
blades is that the barer must save vs spell every time they use one of the hammers to take a life
they lose a little bit of themselves to Wendonai, eventually after failing 5 saves, becoming one
of his minions and taking on slowly the Fiendish template
These innocuous looking, fist sized pieces of faceted glass, are placed at the center of a mythal
casting to add their power to the key stones that anchor a citys mythal in place. When
consumed by the, Create Mythal ritual they block out all of the following within the mythal on
a permanent basis.
All astral and ethereal travel.
All divination & scrying spells.
All conjuration/teleportation/ plane shifting/gating/portal spells.
Any supernatural, spell like, or extraordinary abilities, psionic powers, or the like that
mimic those effects.
The wierdstone hampers only effects that manifest within its area. Spells or abilities activated
within the wierdstones area that target an area outside the mythal are unaffected. For
example, a wizard standing right next to a wierdstone could cast a scrying spell to spy on a
creature more than 100 miles away, but she could not teleport across the room because the
wierdstone blocks teleportation within the mythal.

Guardian Staff
These staves were saved for the direst of occasions for once activated they could not always
safely be restored. In its normal appearance the Guardians Staff was made of
wood/iron/adamantine/ivory or crystal. Each radiated transformation/alteration magic and was
marked by up to 5 separate segments. When first created each staff could be wielded in battle
as a normal +5 staff. But by issuing certain command words segments could be detached from

the staff and thrown down. They would then turn into multiple fighting golems of the type
appropriate to the staff. Each golem would be of the normal type and would stay in form for up
to 3 turns, after which, if it had not been destroyed, would return to the staff. If a golem was
destroyed then it was gone forever. If even a single golem remained after 30 minutes then the
staff would reform. The number of surviving golems would determine both the magical
strength of the staff and the number of segments it contained.
Battle Golem
Huge Construct/Large Construct
Hit Dice: 20d10
Initiative: -1 (DEX)
Speed: 20 ft. (Cant run)
AC: 0/20
Attacks: 2 Slams
Damage: Slam 2d12+10dg
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: 12d6 Chain Lightning 1/5 rounds
Special Qualities: Construct, Magic Immunity,
Alignment: Neutral
Magic Immunity (Ex): Immune to all spells and spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects
except as follows: An electricity effect slows it (as the spell) for three rounds with no saving
throw. A fire effect breaks any slow effect on the golem and cures one third of all damage it has
Rust Vulnerability (Ex): Is affected normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust monster or
a rusting grasp spell.
Built to resemble bronze coloured 8 tall Dark Elf Warriors dressed in ancient scale and archaic
plate mail, these war constructs were built enmasse to accompany the Ilythiiri legions as they
laid siege to large Elvin settlements with a high proportion of mages and priests. Armed with
great-swords and fists, these golems move with surprising speed and able to strike up to twice
per round with a blade, and once with a fist. Once per turn they can strike the ground
unleashing a stunning blast of force into the ground that is stun all beings within 20 for 1d4
rounds unless they save vs spells to avoid its effects. The golems are commanded by a bronze
rod that allows to wielder to control up to 20 battle golems once each is attuned to that rod. If
the rod is destroyed the war golems will continue their last commands until it is fulfilled or they
are destroyed.


Illithyiiri Death Lances are anywhere between seven and eleven feet in length, and are crafted
from various metals. When created, these weapons have two to six charges, and cannot be
recharged once a charge is expended. Anytime a creature is struck by the Deathlance, he, she,
or it must resist the vile magics that sit within the weapon. When an opponent cannot resist the
power of the magic within the lance, a charge s consumed, and the most insidious of the
dweomers laid on the weapon goes to work. Dark, writhing tendrils of murky black light crawl
down the lance, and enter into the being that was just injured by the weapon, via the wound
the weapon created. These tendrils literally leech the life of those who cannot fight off the
power of the latent magic.
Ilythiiri Battle Platform
The Ilythiiri Battle Platform is a bronze platform replete with merlons, crenulations and arrows
slits, 100 or more in diameter and only a few inches in thickness. When the magical command
word is spoken, the battle platform springs to life, floating 5-1000above the ground. With
naught but a thought, the operator of the Battle Platform can use a black obsidian control orb
to move the item, so long as he/she is within 120 feet of the object . A Battle Platform moves
about as fast as a normal, horse does, but is far more manoeuvrable, as it levitates off of the
ground. The maximum weight capacity of the floating disc is three thousand pounds. Hatches in
the bottom allow hot vats of oil or acid to be dropped on opponents. The platform can hold up
to 300 soldiers and their gear, 2 catapults plus shot, or items and supplies vital to an armys
Elven Chainmail of the Abyss
Crafted with the help of demonic smiths, these burnished silver and sable suits of adamantine
chainmail are as light and as durable as the finest mithral elf chain. They provide the usual
protection (AC5/15), but can be enchanted to hold a variety of protective enhancements.
Chainmail strength: +1 to +2/+2 to saves vs cold, -1 hp per dice of damage +3 to +4/+2 to saves
vs cold & acid, -1 hp per dice of damage/permanent feather fall+5/+3 to saves vs cold & acid
and electricity, -2 hp per dice of damage/permanent feather fall & protection from normal
Scrying Globe of Araushnee
Greenish grey globes of translucent crystal ranging from 6 to 10 in diameter. They are used
by the goddess to keep tabs on those she has an interest in. They imbued with the power of
discern location, true sight, and clairvoyance/clairaudience. These powers are usable across
the planes regardless of distance if used by the goddess. When found or gifted to worshippers
of the goddess, Araushnee is able to communicate directly through the globes without burning
out the minds of her followers. Also users of the globes are able to communicate withy each

other and see what is going on around another globe. Thus many early temples and fortresses
dedicated to Lolth were equipped with these globes allowing long distance communications as
well as allowing Araushnee to keep tabs on exactly what her disciples were up to.
Claws of Malar
Sliced from the very paw of the Beast Lord during his battle with Corellon, these two unholy
relics are imbued with the gods power. Each has been fastened to a bulette skin covered, ivory
hilt and shaped into a curved bone bladed dagger. Each is a +5 dagger of wounding and each
allows the bearer to assume the shape of a greater wolfwere for up to 2 hours a night. In
addition the bearer becomes obsessed with spreading the worship of the Beast Lord and
delights in killing elves. Against which the daggers do double damage and glow with a
malevolent green light whenever one of the fair folk is within a mile. Finally when battling
elves with one of these daggers the bearer has a 75% chance of dropping into a berserk rage
until they or all the elves are slain. Upon the death of the current bearer the dagger teleports
away to a random location somewhere within 10 miles of a Malar worshipper and then
proceeds to entice the worshipper with dreams and delusions of savage bloodlust and power.
The Sabre of Araushnee
An ornately carved hilt of obsidian, sheathed in shark skin with a slender, curved, leaf blade
covered in densely woven elven script. The pommel set with a single fist sized blood red
diamond, this sword was a gift fashioned by Corellon as a gift for his lover. When the goddess
was cast out the sword mysteriously vanished and later turned up in the hands of Lord
Kanarlist when he became Lolths consort.
The sword itself is a +5 vorpal sabre that does an extra 2d8 cold damage to those with elvish
blood. The sword is powerful enough to damage even a gods immortal form. Against upper
planar beings, particularly servants of the Seldarine the sword does triple damage and wounds
from this sword continue to bleed for 1d10 rounds doind 2d4+5 hp damage unless healed by
divine intervention. The sword wielder is immune to all spells cast by eladrin & fey creatures
except for high magic and those cast by priests of Corellon.
The Shard of Sahandrian
The shattered tip of Corellons sword during the Gods War of Arvandor became a holy relic held
in trust by the followers of Elistraee who took it with her into exile. The 6 inch long blade is set
within an ivory hilt with an adamantine cross guard. This dagger acts like a +4 dagger of hurling
& against dark elves & lower planar creatures it acts a wounding weapon. The wielder is
blessed with the powers of a speciality priest of Corellon and regenerates 3hp per turn whilst
holding onto the daggers hilt. The most important power of this weapon is its ability to
communicate with both the wielder and with Corellon. What this means for the shard bearer is
a mystery. It is however imbued with the soul energies of Corellon and his daughter, Eilistraee.


Silver Bow & Black Arrows of Eilistraee

A silver plated longbow of heartwood yew, reinforced with deer antler stays this ornately
carved bow is the property of Eilistraee and was left behind by her when she went into exile.
The bow itself gives of a faint glow when ever the bearer is within 150 of an enemy. Archers
gain a +3 to hit bonus and if used by a follower of the Dark Maiden the bows range and rate of
fire is doubled. 3times a day the bows wielder can create specific arrows of slaying or slumber
that if they hit their intended target allow no saving throw.
The yard long shafts of the bow are held within a quiver of shadow dragon leather held
together by ornate mithral fittings. Each arrow fitted to the bow is does double damage to the
specific target it is aimed at. The archer can elect for the arrow to do subdual damage only but
this must be decided before the arrow is released. Each arrow is +4 to damage and if it misses
its intended target, it does normal damage to what ever gets in its way. The quiver holds 30
such arrows and refills at a rate of 1-3 arrows per day.
The Sheath of Araushnees Damnation
A padded sheath, made from finest silk and worked with brilliantly colored threads. Upon it is
an intricate tapestry that depicts the gods at play in their elven forest. A matchless example of
the weaver's art, the scene is barded about with runes of warding and protection such as only
an elven goddess might fashion. The sheath steals the enchantments of whatever sword or
other appropriate weapon is placed within it. The item gets no saving throw and an identical
version of the item appears at Araushnees feet. The wearer of the sheath does not know of
the curse until they draw the weapon in combat, upon which time they discover that the sword
(etc) is a dull and dweomerless object little better than a long butter knife. The wearer cannot
rid themselves of the sheath unless they knowingly gift it to another. Otherwise it keeps
appearing on their sword belt. Araushnee at all times knows the whereabouts of the sheath
and often uses it to scry upon her cursed enemies.

Araushnees Slumber
Distilled from the very tears of a goddess this potion was used in Araushnees attempt to
depose Corellon. The vial in which it was stored has continued to produce a lesser version of
the potion for ever after. The potion in thr vial might not be deadly enough to kill a god, but it
will put them into a deep slumber. With repeated doses a god will never awaken from this
deathlike slumber. A single dose is enough to place a mortal in a state of suspended animation
indefinitely. Against a deity it will render them insensate for 365 days. The vial is a little silver,
tear drop shaped bottle holding 7 ounces of fluid; enough for 7 doses for 7 mortals, or enough
to keep one god under for a year. The vial refills on mid-winters eve every year, and not a
moment before. The potion becomes rancid water if stored outside of the vial. Those dosed
can only be awakened in the shadow of a full lunar or solar eclipse. They can be slapped awake

as if from a normal sleep spell. Other than at these times only a greater god can awaken a
being affected by this potion.
Kanarlists Dagger
The weapon is a marvelous thing, with a bright satin sheen to the blade and a large ruby set in a
richly engraved hilt. The dagger upon command gives of enough light to read by and is finely
balanced for throwing. It is nominally a +3 dagger of throwing but its real power is that it
allows the original owner to track and scry upon the current bearer regardless of space, magical
wards, planar layers or distance.
Chainmail Vest of the Sea Elves Despair
Lord Kanarlists armour, often worn beneath his robes is a cunningly woven vest fashioned of
chain mail and thousands of dark pearlseach of which contains the essence and magic of a
slain Sea elf. This masterfully crafted suit of armour provides a +5 bonus to the wearers armour
class and gives them all the natural abilities of a sea elf including the ability to use magic under
water without ill effect. The vest absorbs up to 12 1 st-7th level spells per day and allows the
wearer to store this spell energy to be later released using memorises spells without losing
them from the casters memory. The greatest power of the vest is its ability to add a sea elfs life
and magical knowledge to the wearer. The life force of each slain sea elf adds its power and
vitality to the wearer so that if the wearer is sorely wounded or even reduced to 0 hit points so
long as they are wearing the vest their life is immediately restored the following round. One of
the pearls set into the vest then shatters into dust. It is unknown how many pearls are set into
the vest but it is at least several thousand.
The Crescent Blade of Eilistraee
The Crescent Blade is a magic sword created by the goddess Eilistraee out of "moon metal." The
blade is curved, resembling a crescent moon attached to a hilt. Eilistraee created the blade with
the eventual intention of killing Lolth. As such, the weapon was enchanted to sever the head
from the neck of any creature, including deities. +5 Vorpal Sword Imbued with part of the
goddesses very essence.The sword does double damage vs deities deities save vs spells or die
instantly via decapitation on a natural roll of 20. The sword is able to detect the true form of
said beings when within visual range of the sword bearer.


Notables of Ilythiir
Kanarlist Hune

Race: Dark Elf

Alignment: NE
Sex: Male
Armour Class:Height: 56
Classes: High Mage/Life Shaper/Priest/Warrior
Weight: 150 lbs
Levels: 30
Hair: White Blonde
Hit Points: ??
Eyes: Crimson
Skin: Dusky Brown
God: Ghaunadaur (Later Chosen Disciple of Lolth)
Strength 10
Constitution 15
Intelligence 21
Dexterity 17
Wisdom 20
Charisma 19
Languages: Ilythiiri Elvish, Elvish Common (Faerie), Savannah Common, Wemic, Goblin,
Minotaur, Sea Elvish, 6-8 otherb languages, Infernal, Abyssal.
Standard Elven abilities & immunities, standard Tanarric abilities & immunities. High
Mage & Life Shaper abilities & immunities.
Ka'Narlist was a dark elf. Like most of the city's elite class, he had crimson eyes and stark
white hair. Unlike most of them, he did not flaunt his wealth and status. He wore a simple white
tunic overtrousers and boots such as an adventurer might wear. There were no rings on his
hands, and his hair wasplaited back in a single braid and bound with a leather thong. He was
small and slight, he nonetheless projected an aura of tremendous power, without qualm or
restraint. What he wanted was powermagical power, and the power that came with conquering

and subjugating the fair races of elvesbut his ultimate goal required nearly the power of a god.
He was vain enough to believe it within his grasp....Elaine Cunningham Evermeet.
Lloth rather liked him. She smiled as she beheld the ancient, resourceful wizard. She approved
of his ambitions, and she eyed with interest the things he offered: a powerful army ready and
eager to crush the fair elves, magic that fell just short of godhood, followers that might well
become hers. That she would snatch him from his current devotion to Ghaunadar added hugely
to his appeal.The dark elf Ka'Narlist was a being she could truly enjoy. Perhaps it was time
that she take a new consort. She had no doubt that he would accept her joyfullythey were as
like each other as two dark pearls. She might even bear children to him, and why not? She would
not be the first god to be tempted by a mortal, nor was she likely to be the last. And the children
they might spawnah, the possibilities of breeding such delicious evil into a race of elves! Such
elves would trample Corellon's children, conquering the world and breeding worshipers for
Lloth, followers she could claim with pride! Ka'Narlist's dark and vaulting ambitions set new
flame to her own. Lloth would be a goddess once again. She who once had spun the thread of the
dark elves' destiny felt that her hands were set once again to the loom of fate.... Elaine
Cunningham Evermeet.
birth of two new creatures-a tawny beast who boasted Mbugua's proud black mane and
powerful four-footed body, and a humanlike infant with a wemic's dusky golden skin and catlike
eyes. he had two long legs rather than four, shapely human feet rather than paws, and a slender,
curvy body that would be the envy of any human or elven woman who set eyes upon her. Even
Satarah's face was more elfish than wemish, with delicate features and no hint of the blunt cat
nose that so often appeared on the children begotten of Mbugua's stolen blood. The few lingering
hints of her wemic heritage only served to make her appear more exotic: her silky black hair was
as thick and abundant as Mbugua's mane, her skin had a golden, sun-dusted hue, and her large,
almond-shaped eyes were a catlike shade of amber. Yes, she was very beautiful, and nearly ripe
for mating. Neither fact would long escape her master's attention.lion-things begotten from
Mbugua's stolen blood increased into a pride, and the near-human lad became but one of many
such servants laboring in the wizard's household, Though the castle's halls and stables and
dungeons were full of strange beings born of his magical experiments, the wizard was not yet
content. the dark elf intended to create horrific children from his own blood, children that would
be slaves at best, A mind-staggering variety of creatures thronged the vast room, going about
their appointed tasks with an alacrity born of fear. A flock of winged elves, their fingertips
sparkling with minor magics, fluttered high overhead as they labored on the multitude of long,
narrow windows that ringed the hall-each one of which was a priceless work of art fashioned
from multicolored gems. Several four-armed ogrish kitchen slaves bustled through on their way
to the dungeons, carrying the evening meal to those unfortunate creatures who awaited
Ka'Narlist's attentions. A score of miniature red dragons, each no bigger than a plump meerkat,
darted about, lighting candles and oil lamps with small gouts of flame. A horde of goblin slaves
busily scrubbed the intricate mosaic floor. This might have been a common enough sight, but for
the rare streak of whimsy that prompted Ka'Narlist to breed goblins with gaily colored hides:
sunny yellow, topaz blue, bright clear pink. To Mbugua's eye, the hall looked like a meadow
filled with hideous, two-legged flowers. The massive front door was flanked by a pair of minotaur guards, huge beasts armed with wicked scimitars and unnaturally long horns. Before
Mbugua could growl a command, the bull-men leapt into action. They raised the portcullis and

then threw their combined weight against the wooden bolt that barred the outer door. The bar
gave way with a groan, and the doors swung outward. Mbugua padded out into the courtyard,
gratefully filling his lungs with the cool evening air. The wizard's lair was always filled with
smoke from the braziers, fetid steam from a dozen vile magical concoctions, and the ever-present
scent of death. The wemic made his way down a steep path to the rock-strewn coast below. There
was a small cove, ringed with high-standing stones. He could do what he willed here, for the
cove could not be seen from the castle windows and courtyard...mingled triumph and horror at
the black pearl that lay in his hand, vibrating with a silent song that only a shaman could hear.
The gem was a magical weapon-a device created by Ka'Narlist that could swallow the magic of
his enemies. Ka'Narlist kept a heaping basket of these hungry gems in his arsenal... Secrets Of
Blood, Spirits Of The Sea -Elaine Cunningham

Geirildin Sethomiir
Race: Dark Elf
Alignment: LE
Sex: Male
Armour Class:Height: 58
Classes: High Mage/Priest
Weight: 170 lbs
Levels: 25
Hair: White Blonde
Hit Points: ??
Eyes: Lavender
Skin: Dusky Brown
God: Lolth
Strength 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 20
Dexterity 14
Wisdom 19
Charisma 16
Languages: Ilythiiri Elvish, Elvish Common, Abyssal. + 2-4 others.
Standard Elven & High Magi abilities & immunities

"These are dark times, our enemies press us on every side. You will help us
turn the tide, Wendonai. The brutal conquests of Aryvandaar must be halted,
or we shall all be slaughtered Ilythiiri. " Geirildin Sethomiir
Geirildin Sethomiir was the coronal of the illythiiri house Sethomiir. He was a dark elf and
powerful mage during the time of the Crown Wars. He summoned the balor Wendonai in 11500 DR to help him against the Aryvandaari and to help him achieving a leading position
among the other dark elven clans. Ultimatly this drove the dark elves into the arms of Lolth and
was one of the causes for their socalled Descent. Lord Sethomiir built Narathmault after being
guided to the sight by the balor Wendonai. Narathmault was an underground fortress "Dark
-11500 DR
Lord Darathlyn Aelryth disappears in the fighting around Sargoth and the Ilythiiri retreat in
disarray. The stalled advance of the Ilythiiri leads to a leadership change back in the capital
Attornash as nobles backing house Sethomir crown its patriarch the newest Arcoronal of the

empire. Geirildin Sethomiir coronal and head of the Illythiiri house Sethomiir summons the
balor Wendonai to help him against the Aryvandaari and to help him maintain a leading
position amongst the other dark elven clans. Wendonai grants dark pacts with the Ilythiiri
House Sethomiir and its coronal, Geirildin.
-11125 DR
Rebels led by Darathlyn Aelryth advance into southern Aryvandaar and begin raiding and
burning smaller steadings and tree villages. With the final defeat of Miyeritar and the appaling
losses suffered by Ilythiirs expeditionary forces, angry nobles attack & sacrifice Lord Geirildin
Sethomiirs lieutenant in the Arcoronals absence. Finding himself cut off and exiled, the
former emperor, maintains his holdings in Arathmault expanding his worship of Ghaunadaur in
an attempt to gain the Slime Lords favour and more power in the process.

Darathlyn Aelryth
Race: Dark Elf
Alignment: CE
Sex: Male
Armour Class:Height: 6
Classes: Warrior/ Bae'qeshel
Weight: 200 lbs
Levels: 16
Hair: White Blonde
Hit Points: ??
Eyes: Black
Skin: Dusky Brown
God: Lolth
Strength 18/36
Constitution 18
Intelligence 16
Dexterity 15
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14
Languages: Ilythiiri Elvish, Miyeritaran Elvish, Elvish Common, Abyssal. + 2-4 others.
Standard Elven & Bae'qeshel telphraezzar abilities & immunities.
. . . Ilythiir has launched an attack against Aryvandaar. On dragonback, its warriors sail the
winds to free the dark elves of fallen Miyeritar. Taranth tells me that the accursed sun elves
have used fire to ward off the Ilythiiri assaults, and the vandora of Shantel Othreier are ablaze.
The Vyshaan are in disarray, and we have attacked the tree-villages of Leurethil, Morynarth,
and Caelpiir to assist our Ilythiiri brothers. Taranth has nailed the heads of the sun elf elders to
the council tree in Caelpiir to warn off Vyshaan pursuers. This war has made us all desperate. . .
. Darathlyn Aelryth by George Krashos - GHotR

-12243 DR
Just like her mother, High Priestess,
Menzoberra Yril'Lysaen is assassinated by
followers of Vhaeraun in revenge for her

persecution of the Dark Princes followers.

Bloody murder is committed in Vhaeraun;s
name all across the empire in a week of
purges and massacres. Almost overnight the
political landscape is changed as the centre

of power and influence shifts to Orbvanaal

as The Bae'queshel Telphraezzar Darathlyn
Aelryth becomes the next Arcoronal of

in a brutal surprise attack of Red and Black

Dragons ridden by Dark Elves (using Dragon
Orbs supplied to them by a mysterious
benefactor), and supported by an army of
Dark Elves and their demonic allies.

12000 DR
Rise of the Vyshaantar Empire: After
centuries of fruitless diplomacy, the
impatient, grasping rulers of Aryvandaar
attack Miyeritar and begin putting political
pressure on Shantel Othreier to join them
or suffer the same fate.

Nearly 1 million Dark and Green Elven

troops, along with countless goblin and
gnoll slaves pour north out of the Misty
-11699 DR
The Battle of the Seven Fords

High Magi from Sharlarion and half a dozen

other cities teleport into Miyeritar and
begin casting a series of Myriad Rituals. In
one fell swoop the cities of Myth Olriith,
Morynath and Faeryeldurare destroyed by
the Vyshaantis use of war mythals. In the
space of a few hours, more than 100000
Miyeritari are slain as they sleep. Alongside
the destruction of the cities, war mythals
are used to destroy Hawksong Tor and Tor
Iriador, thus opening the way for
Aryvandaars armies to advance across the
formerly impregnable northern frontier.

The vanguard of Ilythiirs army is stopped

dead in its tracks by Orishaaran forces at
the Seven Fords crossing, a series of 7
bridges that sit atop small rocky islets in the
middle of the raging river. With each islet
topped by a stone watch tower, and 50000
Orishaarans waiting across the river.
Ilythiirs advanced troops are driven back
with staggering losses.

-11698 DR

Alarmed at this sudden upturn in violence,

Lord Darathlyn sends companies of troops
and specialist battle magi north to begin coordinating Miyeritars resistance to the
It isnt long before Ilythiiri
guerrillas are involved with clashes along
Miyeritars northern border.

Forced to regroup the Ilythiiri build their

own bridges, whilst their fleet attempts to
push through the Gorlan Straits. With the
fleet occupied
Orishaars army is
outflanked and over run with terrible losses
of their own. It is not long before the city of
Aelaviir is besieged.

-11700 DR

-11595 DR

The Second Crown War flares up in answer

to the aggression of Aryvandaar. Ilythiir
rises up and viciously strikes out at any that
support the gold elves of the north. Its
nearest neighbour of Orishaar, as a major
trade partner with Aryvandaar, falls swiftly

Moving north in the wake of the great

firestorms, Ilythiirs armies are confronted
by much of Syorpiirs surviving force.
Thrown back across the river, the Dark Elves
finally force a crossing using flanking portals
and sheer weight of numbers, as the river

clogs with the dead goblinoids, the rest

cross atop their fallen comrades. Retreating
to Gildalaer the surviving Green Elves put
up such stiff resistance that the Corselutaar
of Ilythiir resort to using another war
mythal to destroy the citys heart, leaving
an empty clearing of bare rock where the
city once stood.
-11590 DR
Moving more carefullly in light of recent
devastating, unsustainable losses the
armies of Ilythiir begin the campaign season
by moving around the city of Ssrisaragoth,
whilst envoys approach the city attempting
to negotiate an alliance with this northern
enclave of Dark Elves. The High Lady of
Eilistraee rejects outright the Gaunadhaur
worshippers overtures and proceeds to rally
her Songknights on a rise overlooking the
Glades of Saragoth.
11500 DR
Thearnytaar and Eiellr band together with
the Dark Elves of Ssrisaragoth and declare
war on Ilythiir, decrying the Ilythiiris use of
fire and wanton destruction far more than
the power plays of the northern elves. They
fight a holding action within and around the
Glades of Sargoth preventing the Ilythiiri
from advancing north. Lord Darathlyn
Aelryth disappears in the fighting around
Sargoth and the Ilythiiri retreat in disarray.
The stalled advance of the Ilythiiri leads to a
leadership change back in the capital
Attornash as nobles backing house
Sethomir crown its patriarch the newest
Arcoronal of the empire.
-11490 DR
The Second Wyrms Teeth War

Volunteers continue to pour into the

Dragons Teeth and hidden redoubts within
the Misty vale. Many are sent by Clan Hune
to help reorganise the shattered resistance.
A split develops between the eastern and
western forces. In the Misty Vale Coronal
Anshalee leads a concerted resistance from
the last remaining independent city. Backed
up by Ardeep and troops from Shantel
Othreier, the Vyshaan adopt a policy of
containment and surround the vale with a
string of occupational forts and watch
towers. In the west they concentrate their
efforst to root out the Clan Hune sponsored
rebels led by Laranlor Darathlyn Aelryth
from the Fortress of Raelins Tor.
-11353 DR
A secret army of demons and yugoloth
emerges from hidden portals supporting
the eastern Miyeritaran resistance forces in
their assault upon the occupied citadel of
Vaelnath. The savagery of their attack
leaves the forces under lady Anshalee
outraged. A mini civil war erupts in the hills
around Lake Elloran as the Olrythii Elves
battle to drive of the Ilythiiri forces of
House Aelryth. In the bloody chaos that
follows, Lady Anshalee is slain by Darathlyn
Aelryth and all effective resistance in the
east collapses.

-11125 DR
Rebels led by Darathlyn Aelryth advance
into southern Aryvandaar and begin raiding
and burning smaller steadings and tree
villages. With the final defeat of Miyeritar
and the appaling losses suffered by Ilythiirs
expeditionary forces, angry nobles attack &

lieutenant in the Arcoronals absence.

Finding himself cut off and exiled, the
former emperor, maintains his holdings in
Arathmault expanding his worship of
Ghaunadaur in an attempt to gain the Slime

Lords favour and more power in the

process. General, Olorae Aelryth, the High
Priestess of Lolth in Orrbvanaal, seizes
power with the full backing of the other
high priestesses of the empire.

Odd creatures of the Dark Elves

Dark Flyers Winged Demonic Dark Elves
Frequency: Very Rare
Climate/Terrain: Any Dark Elf Community with life shapers
HD: 2-9
No. Appearing:1d4/2d20
Intelligence: 13-20
Mv: 18/Fly 24
Treasure: personal
AC: 8/depends upon skin type & armour worn
Size: 5-7
No of Attacks: varies according to class/level/weapons
Damage per attack: see above
Weapons & Armor: all magical
Magic Resistance: minimum 50% + 2 per hit dice
Special Powers: see below
Special defences: standard demonic & elven immunities
Created eons before the Feyri by Lord Kanarlist and the Lunar Eclipse Life Shapers Circle, the
Dark Flyers were the result of generations of cross breeding captured Avariel, volunteer dark
elves and winged demons. After centuries of frustration and failures the Life Shapers managed
to perfect crossing succubi with Avariel/Dark Elf half breeds to come up with the perfect Dark
Flyer that eventually proved to be self fertile and sustainable in their populations. The only
drawback was at least 30% off all Dark Flyers were born altruistic and self sacrificing in their
outlook, a trait inherited from their Avariel ancestors.
Born with standard elven abilities and demonic immunities, each dark flyer also inherited 1d4+1
powers they could each use 1-3 times a day.
1. darkness
7. dimension door
2. wall of fire
8. detect magic
3. charm person
9. know alignment
4. fire charm
10. invisibility
5. scales (AC3)
11. read languages
6. infravison 240
12. telepathy

13. ESP
14. detect invisibility
15. Prt/Good
16. burning hands

17. stinking cloud

18. hold monster
19. fire ball
20. haste

The Dark Flyers were used extensively in the second crown war against Aryvandaaran Dragon
Riders and against Orishaar and the Three leaf Realms spreading fires. But as the wars
progressed their numbers could not be replaced quickly enough and soon the more altruistic
Dark Flyers who had up to this time kept their natures hidden emerged as a political force and
grew sick of being exploited, no longer believing the lies of the charismatic leader Lord
Kanarlist. In the end hundreds of the Dark Flyers rebelled against their creators commands and
he was forced to use high magic to destroy most of them. The few dozen survivors took to the
wing and fled south across the ocean to the darkest Jungles of Chult where they hid for a few
centuries before setting sail south to parts unknown never to be heard from again in recorded
realms history.

Iron Spiders
Frequency: Uncommon
Climate/Terrain: Any Dark Elf Community with life shapers
HD: 8/10/12/14/18-20
No. Appearing:1+
Intelligence: 2-4
Mv: 48/44/36/24/18/14
Treasure: Nil
AC: Vitreous 4/Bronze 3/Iron 1/Steel 0/Adamantine -2 (all unenchanted)
Size: 20/30/40/50/60/80-100 in length
Crew: 3/4/5/8/10/15
Troop numbers: 10/15/20/30/40-50
Weapon/s: none/light ballista/light ballista/medium ballista/medium ballista/heavy ballista
Attacks: Pincers - 2d4/2d6/2d8/2d10/2d12/2d20 hp dg +poison (E death/20 hp dg 4 doses)
Claws - 1d4+1/1d6+2/1d8+3/1d8+4/1d10+5/1d12+6 hp dg
Magic Resistance: standard undead immunities to the spider but not to the crews.
Created from the animated bodies of enormous spiders specifically bred for the purpose, the
abominations are semi-intelligent and are able to follow simple commands. The spiders
abdomens and thorax are hollowed out and transformed via spells into vitreous carrying
chambers clad in plates of bronze, iron and later steel and adamantine. The abdomen would be
use to carry elite troops or heavy weapons and supplies, the thorax contains the commander
and the spiders pilots. The spider is able to attack with its venom coated pincers and its two
sharpened and spike cover front 4 legs.

Undead Dark Elf/Spiders

Frequency: Very Rare
Climate/Terrain: Any Dark Elf Community with a temple to Lolth
HD: 9+36
No. Appearing:2d4+4
Intelligence: 13-20
Treasure: personal
AC: torso (7 or better), body 0 (or better)
Size: up to 8 tall to 12 long
No of Attacks: varies according to class/level/weapons
Damage per attack: see above
Weapons & Armor: all magical
Magic Resistance: minimum 50% + 2 per hit dice
Special Powers: see below
Special defences: standard elven abilities & undead immunities
The first Undead Dark Elf-Spider Guards were created by Lolth and her high priests from rebellious
Vhaeraunian and Ghaunadauran soldiers and servants, both male and females. Resembling modern day
driders but smelling of old and desiccated death and usually much larger, most are warriors but a few
were mages, priests. bards. thieves, rangers etc in their former lives and even in undead servitude they
retain these skills. Most major temples to Lolth are guarded by these loyal guards who unquestioningly
obey the commands of the High priest/priestess.
Most guards are equipped with magical items/armour and weapons usuable by them in their unstinting
defense of the temple and Lolths faithful. Even though they were once servants of a different god, they
are utterly beyond question in there service to the spider queen. Only in death do they6 find release,
and this they often unwittingly seek out making them extremely deadly, and somewhat reckless foes.
The Dark Elf Spiders can be of any class or level, but they never advance further whilst undead and are
unable to be raised if slain except by divine intervention from their former deity, something they are
usually loath to do without great cause of motivation.

Classes of Ilythiir
Bae'queshel Telphraezzar - Whisperers of the Dark Queen
Baeqeshel (adapted from the original idea by Sam Kay )

Specialty: A select order of High Bards from Dark Elven houses chosen to be Bae'qeshel trained
by master Dark Whisperers. to sing the praises to the Dark Mother.
Qualifications: (Dexterity of 12, Intelligence of 13,Wisdom 14 and Charisma of 15)
Introduction: Bae'queshel Telphraezzar - Whisperers of the Dark Queen. A tradition that came
down to the modern day drow from the Ilythiiri, kept up by some houses. It is the lore of the
ancient keening songs of the dark elven race.
Description: A very ancient Dark Elven custom brought from the mountainous southern islands
of Faerie, and adapted to suit the needs of the worshippers of the Spider Queen. Each
generation a select few individuals who showed innate musical talent were chosen to spend
long years studying Bae'queshel lore and learning how to raise the ancient keening songs of the
Dark Elves. In addition to being trained as bards the chosen few were also schooled as priests or
druids of the old gods.
Role: The Whisperers of the Dark Queen are taught the magic of baeqeshel, the gift of bard
magic through dark litanies to Lolth. The term Bae'qeshel is Darksong in the language of the
Ilythiiri. These Darksongs are the songs and lore of Lloth but not divine like clerical abilities.
Secondary Skills: Lore Keepers, Historians, Genealogists, Heralds, Healers.
Weapon Proficiencies: Short Sword, Mace, Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Staff, Dagger, Sabre,
Short Bow, Hand Axe, (most one handed weapons).
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonuses: Religion, Ancient History, Singing, Musical Instrument,
Heraldry, Suggested: Dancing, Healing herbalism, Poetry, Crowd Working, Artistic Ability,
Armour/Equipment: Nothing heavier or more encumbering than elf chain mail.
Special Benefits:
Legend Lore: Dark Whisperers gain the same legend lore ability as True Bards. This ability works
in similar fashion, with the following exception: All of the optional rules suggested for the True
Bards legend lore ability are required for the Dark Whisperers.
Divine Lore: Through their devoted study of the glory of Lolth, Dark Whisperers come across
numerous texts on the divine lore of magic. They read all of these, hoping that some great tale
will be uncovered. Dark Whisperers eventually gain a fundamental understanding of many
strange divine magical items not normally usable by the bard class. Thus, Dark Whisperers can
attempt to use any clerical magical item. A Wisdom check is rolled; if it is successful, the Dark
Whisperer successfully uses the magical item in question. This does not mean that the Dark
Whisperer fully understands the operation of the item; only that his attempt to use it in this
particular was successful. Dark Whisperers also pore over scrolls and liturgical texts whenever


they get the chance. This enhances their understanding of divine spells so much that they cast
preists spells from scrolls etc as if they were a priest of the same level.
Fascinating Song: Your beautiful and otherworldly melody fascinates your foe, stopping them
dead. The target is fascinated (save ends). While fascinated, the target is stunned, and suffers a
-2 penalty to its Will defense against your attacks.
Unearthly Harmony: How can your foe harm such unearthly beauty? The target must choose
another target for the attack or end its attack.
Dominating Song: You layer hypnotic commands into your song, enthralling your fascinated foe. 2d10
+ Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the target is dominated (save ends). This ends the
fascinated effect on the target, but when the dominated effect ends on the target, the
fascinated effect resumes.
Undeniable Will (11th Level): You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against Will.
Enthralling Action (11th Level): When you spend an Action Point to take an extra action, one
enemy of your choice within 5 squares of you makes a melee attack against itself or another
enemy of your choice. The attack uses your Charisma modifier, is treated as an attack using
your implement, and is made against the target's AC. The attack deals 1d10 + your Charisma
modifier damage.
Enthralling Will (16th Level): Enemies suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws against effects you
cause that require a save to end.
Thievs Skills: As per True Bard
Arcane Spells: The Bae'qeshel, also known as the Dark Minstrels, are worshippers of Lolth who
have been specially trained in the magic of song. Unlike divine magic, bae'qeshel tap into the
Weave, and do not require a connection with a deity to wield it. The songs have effects ranging
from the healing of wounds to sonic blasts capable of stripping bark off of trees.
Special Hindrances: Dark Whisperers are hated by rank and file worshippers of Ghaunadaur
and the other priests and lay worshippers of the Dark Seldarine and are often actively hunted
by such. This makes them prime targets outside of their own communities and each temple or
city has rival colleges and schools who also compete to Lolths favours almost as fiercely as the
priests of the temples they serve.


Resources Used

Forgotten Realms Campaign Settings 1st -4th Editions

Lost Empires of Faerun
Volos Guide to All Things Magical
Cormanthor: Empire of the Elves
Elves of Evermeet
Complete Book of Elves
Grand History of the Realms
Underdark 3rd & 4th Edition
Drizzt Dourdens Guide to the Underdark
The Shining South
Shining South
Dragon Magazine #312
Evermeet The Novel by Elaine Cunningham
City of the Spider Queen
Empires of the Shining Sea
The Drow of the Underdark 2nd &3.5 Editions
Monster Mythology
Demihuman Deities
The Complete Bards Handbook
Secrets Of Blood, Spirits Of The Sea -Elaine Cunningham


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