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Enrichment Activities

1. Watch a videotaped demonstration teaching or an actual classroom teaching.

Identify and classify the approach, methods (strategy) and techniques used by the
2. In the demonstration teaching viewed/seen, make a reaction by criticizing the
appropriateness of approach, methods (strategy) and techniques used in handling the
3. Summary
Learning the various terms presented and discussed earlier would mean a lot in teaching.
Always remember, a good teacher needs as well good strategies of handling and
presenting the lessons. There are various approaches that can guide effective teachinglearning process. Each requires teachers to perform the tasks expected of him.
Recognizing the importance of these approaches surely put teacher to better planning,
implementing and evaluating his instruction.
4. Exercises
A. Direction: Identify whether each sentence below suggests an
a. Approach

b. Method

c. Technique

____1. A procedural variation of a teaching strategy.

____2. A general rule or principle that guides the whole process of teaching
____3. A sound philosophy and orientation, which used as bases in the process of instruction
____ 4. Guiding students by following an established patterns/steps of teaching
____ 5. A highly personalized style of carrying out a particular step
____ 6. A viewpoint that suggests what teaching procedure is to be used.
____ 7. Implementational due to its instant classroom application
____ 8. Embracing the entire spectrum of the teaching learning process
____ 9. Procedural in nature since it is a series of logically arranged courses of action.
____ 10. An overall plan for the orderly presentation of a lesson
____ 11. Guiding teaching from planning to evaluating
____ 12. Making teaching an organized and systematic process
____ 13. Developing the teachers own distinctive way of carrying out some aspect of instruction
____ 14. Teaching is done following a well spell-out procedure.
____ 15. An example of which is looking at the learner as the center of the educative process.
B. Direction: Classify each statement as to the appropriate instructional approach.
a. discovery
d. process

b. conceptual

c. inquiry

e. unified

____ 1. Learning is arranging knowledge from the simplest to the most complex
____ 2. Learning is viewing phenomena in their cause and effect relationship
____ 3. Learning is emphasizing the activity itself rather than the result of the activity
____ 4. Learning is listing down all the major concepts in a particular subject area and relating
these concepts with one another
____ 5. Learning is the act of processing knowledge as the learner becomes more objective,
curious, and skeptical in life


____ 6. Learning is best done through students active involvement experimentation,

investigation, observation, doing case studies, action research, on going projects, and
the like.
____ 7. Knowledge is viewed in its entirety in a given discipline.
____ 8. Knowledge is used as means and not an end in itself.
____ 9. In learning, the student does what is expected of him e.g. in dancing lessons, he should
do what the dancer does.
____ 10. Learning outcomes show students real satisfaction and joy since they have developed
the attitude of learning more in order to know more.
____ 11. Learning outcomes show students ability to associate one big idea with another one
____ 12. Learning outcomes show students being able to carry out a given procedure or
manipulative performance.
____ 13. Learning outcomes show students ability to synthesize or form a big idea from smaller
____ 14. Learning outcomes show students being more curious, skeptical, and intellectually
____ 15. Learning should be organized, neither isolated nor fragmentary.

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