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Lesson 7: Providing Text Evidence

Lesson Overview: Students will learn what text evidence is and how to cite it correctly.
Resources or Materials Needed
Chart paper and markers
Document Camera
Junior Scholastic Article, The Ivory War
Marking and Annotating for Repeated Details Google Doc
Performance Objective: Given an information text, students will be able to support their
conclusion with text evidence, either paraphrase or direct quote, accurately and score a 3
or higher on a 4 point rubric scale.
Time: 55 minutes
Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities
Teacher will post the question, what do you think text evidence means?
Students will record their initial thinking.
Teacher will share the purpose of the lesson with the students.
Step 2: Content Presentation
Teacher will define text evidence for students as information from the text that
supports and/or proves their thinking. Record definition on chart.
Teacher will also explain that text evidence can be paraphrased or directly quoted;
provide definitions for those terms, recording them on the chart underneath the
definition for text evidence.
Teacher will then explain that when using text evidence it is important to cite the
source so they do not plagiarize another authors work. They can do this by
crediting the author at the beginning of the sentence or can include parenthetical
Teacher record examples on the chart: According to___last name___(year), and
(last name, year)
Teacher use the Junior Scholastic Article, The Ivory War, and the central idea
that was created in previous lesson and model for students how to provide
evidence to support the conclusion about the central idea of the text with proper
Step 3: Learner Participation
Give students back their central idea statements they created in the exit task
yesterday, have them review the feedback, and make any changes if necessary.
Then have review the text in the Google Doc, Passing Time. Students need to
practice crafting a central idea statement and record two pieces of text evidence to
support their central idea, one paraphrased and one directly quoted. Students also
need to include in-text citations.

Have students discuss text evidence they chose and why with their partner.

Step 4: Assessment
Teacher will observe student conversations about the text.
Teacher will monitor students work of citing evidence and including citations,
assisting or reteaching if necessary.
Students will take a post assessment to test their ability to provide text evidence.
Feedback will be given on the rubric upon completion.
Step 5: Follow-Through Activities
Students will continue to practice providing text evidence whenever they are
drawing conclusions or analyzing text.
Increase the length of texts for practice, having them provide evidence from the
whole text to support their central idea statement.

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