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Zhn Ji D Chng Bi Zhng F (J Yng)

Ode of the Hundred Diseases1 from The Great Compendium of Acupuncture-Moxibustion2

(passed on from Zhn Ji J Yng)3 4
translated by Lorraine Wilcox L.Ac.

Pay careful attention to the sh-points for the hundred diseases over and over again.

Use a golden needle on Xn Hu (Du 22) linked with Y Zhn (UB 9) to cure head wind. (BZF1)
One-sided headaches are stopped between Xun L (GB 5) and Hn Yn (GB 4). (BZF2)
Qing Jin (Du 18) and Fng Lng (ST 40) are for headaches that are difficult to endure. (BZF3)

The source!5 For facial swelling and vacuity puffiness, you must depend on Shu Gu (Du 26)
and Qin Dng (Du 21). (BZF4)
For deafness with q blockage,6 rely completely on Tng Hu (GB 2) and Y Fng (SJ 17). (BZF5)
For a feeling like insects crawling on the face [itching or tingling], Yng Xing (LI 20) can treat
it. (BZF6)
For sounds in the ears like cicadas chirping [tinnitus], Tng Hu (GB 2) can attack it. (BZF7)

An ode ( f) is a work of rhymed prose or prose-poetry. The ancient Chinese encoded information into poetry
and rhythmic prose to make it easier to memorize. This ode generally does not rhyme and the meter changes
throughout. However, in the attempt to make it concise and rhythmic, the original author added or left out words.
The fill words and connecting words have little importance and are often hard to translate. Because of this, my
translation is as precise as possible with the technical terms (indications and points), but may alter the non-technical
words to make the English a little easier to read.
The Great Compendium of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Zhn Ji D Chng, by Yng
Jzhu, pubished in 1601 (Mng). This comes from Volume 2.
Gatherings from Eminent Acupuncture-Moxibustionists Zhn Ji J Yng, by Go W,
published in 1529 (Mng). This ode was first recorded in Volume 4 of J Yng, which states that it author is
A number of apparent typographical errors in the text of Zhn Ji D Chng were corrected based on the text in
Zhn Ji J Yng.
This appears to be just an exclamation, with no particular meaning.
This is usually due to anger, with liver q or yng rising up.

Ode of the Hundred Diseases

Dizzy eyes: Zh Zhng (SI 7) and Fi Yng (UB 58). (BZF8)

Yellow eyes: Yng Gng (UB 48) and Dn Sh (UB 19). (BZF9)
For [an outcropping] creeping over the eyes [pteryium], attack the place of Sho Z (SI 1) and
Gn Sh (UB 18). (BZF10)
For tearing, prick the site of Ln Q (GB 15 or GB 41) and Tu Wi (ST 8). (BZF11)
For mist in the eyes, seek Zn Zh (UB 2) and Sn Jin (LI 3). (BZF12)
When the eyes perceive blurriness, quickly select Yng Lo (SI 6) and Tin Zh (UB 10).
If you observe sparrow eyes [night blindness] from liver q, advance delicately with Jng Mng
(UB 1) and Xng Jin (LV 2). (BZF14)

Finding that the neck is stiff from cold damage indicates Wn Li (LI 7) and Q Mn (LV 14).
Lin Qun (Ren 23) and Zhng Chng (PC 9) can be selected for swelling and pain below the
tongue. (BZF16)
Tin F (LU 3) and H G (LI 4) are suitable to pursue for nosebleeds. (BZF17)
r Mn (SJ 21) and S Zh Kng (SJ 23) stop toothaches in an instant. (BZF18)
Ji Ch (ST 6) and D Cng (ST 4) correct deviation of the mouth in a moment. (BZF19)

Throat pain: Y Mn (SJ 2) and Y J (LU 10) go cure it. (BZF20)

Cramping: Jn Mn (UB 63) and Qi X (GB 40) come to doctor it. (BZF21)
Yng G (SI 5) and Xi X (GB 43) equally treat swelling of the chin or clenched jaws. (BZF22)
Sho Shng (LU 11) and Q Z (PC 3) are applied together for blood vacuity with thirsty mouth.
Tng Tin (UB 7) removes the suffering of no sense of smell within the nose. (BZF24)
F Li (KI 7) dispels the tragedy of desiccated tongue and dry mouth. (BZF25)

Ode of the Hundred Diseases

Y Mn (Du 15) and Gun Chng (SJ 1) tighten a slack tongue with inability to speak. (BZF26)
Tin Dng (LI 17) and Jin Sh (PC 5) stop loss of voice or the slowness of halting speech.
Drain Ti Chng (LV 3) to speed recovery of deviated lips. (BZF28)
Drain Chng Jing (Ren 24) to immediately shift a toothache. (BZF29)

For neck rigidity with frequent aversion to wind, connect Sh G (UB 65) with Tin Zh (UB
10). (BZF30)
For heat disease with lack of sweating, join D D (SP 2) with Jng Q (LU 8). (BZF31)

Further, if both arms are stubbornly numb, Sho Hi (HT 3) is near to Sn L (LI 10). (BZF32)
For half body paralysis, Yng Lng (GB 34) reaches far off to Q Ch (LI 11). (BZF33)

Jin L (Ren 11) and Ni Gun (PC 6) completely sweep away the suffering of chest oppression.
Tng Gng (SI 19) and P Sh (UB 20) dispel the remnants of sorrow and desolation below the
heart. (BZF35)
Q H (ST 13) and Hu Gi (Ren 20) are divinely efficacious for one who has known rib-side
pain for a long time. (BZF36)
Xi Wn (Ren 10) and Xin G (ST 43) can calm intestinal rumbling inside the abdomen.
How to cure propping fullness of the chest and rib-sides? Carefully seek Zhng Mn (LV 13) and
B Rng (ST 19). (BZF38)
Needle Dn Zhng (Ren 17) and J Qu (Ren 14) for diaphragm pain with rheum amassing that
is difficult to endure. (BZF39)

Chest fullness plus dysphagia are moved by Zhng F (LU 1) and Y Sh (UB 49). (BZF40)
For blood stasis lingering in the chest and diaphragm, it is suitable to solicit Shn Sh (UB 23)
and J Lio (ST 3). (BZF41)
Ode of the Hundred Diseases

For chest fullness and neck rigidity, Shn Cng (KI 25) and Xun J (Ren 21) are already tested.
For pain linking the upper and lower back, Bi Hun (UB 30) and Wi Zhng (UB 40) will let it
pass. (BZF43)

Rigidity of the spine: Shu Do (ST 28) and Jn Su (Du 8). (BZF44)
Twitching eyes:7 Qun Lio (SI 18) and D Yng (ST 5). (BZF45)
One will not recover from tetany without L X (SJ 19). (BZF46)
To easily wake up from umbilical wind [tetanus in newborns], Rn G (KI 2) is a must. (BZF47)

Needle Wi Yng (UB 39) and Tin Ch (PC 1) for swelling of the axilla and it will quickly
disperse. (BZF48)
Prick Hu X (SI 3) and Hun Tio (GB 30) for leg pain and it will promptly lighten. (BZF49)

For unsettling ghost-oppression dreams,8 L Du (ST 45) is in harmony with Yn Bi (SP 1).
For episodes of mania with rushing about: Shng Wn (Ren 13) together with Shn Mn (HT 7).
For fright palpitations and fearful throbbing, make no mistake in selecting Yng Jio (GB 35)
and Ji X (ST 41). (BZF52)
For arched-back rigidity with sorrowful crying, depend on Tin Chng (GB 9) and D Hng (SP
15) as they will be perfect. (BZF53)
For madness [or withdrawal disease] you must use the command of Shn Zh (Du 12) and Bn
Shn (GB 13). (BZF54)
For fever, depend on Sho Chng (HT 9) and Q Ch (LI 11) for liquids (jn).9 (BZF55)

J Yng has twitching eyes; D Chng has dizzy vision.

Symptoms of ghost-oppression dreams include crying out in fright, inability to move, and a sensation of something
pressing on the chest, while dreaming.
I wonder if the character jn liquids is a typographical error for l law or rule. If liquids is correct, it seems to
mean that these points moisten the dryness that comes from fever. If it should say rule or law, the line would read,
For fever, depend on the rule of Sho Chng (HT 9) and Q Ch (LI 11). This is parallel to the word lng
command in the previous line.

Ode of the Hundred Diseases

For annual heat and seasonal epidemics,10 To Do (Du 13) repeatedly seeks Fi Sh (UB 13) to
manage it. (BZF56)
For frequent episodes of wind-epilepsy, Shn Do (Du 11) must return to Xn Sh (UB 15) for
tranquility. (BZF57)
For damp-cold and damp-heat, Xi Lio (UB 34) is certain. (BZF58)
For reversal cold and reversal heat, Yng Qun (KI 1) clears it. (BZF59)
For cold shivering with aversion to cold, r Jin (LI 2) frees it and Yn X (HT 6) dims it.
For vexation heat with vomiting, Yu Mn (KI 21) opens it up and Y Tng (Ren 18) brightens
it. (BZF61)

Xng Jin (LV 2) and Yng Qun (KI 1) govern the wasting-thirst of kidney exhaustion. (BZF62)
Yn Lng (SP 9) and Shu Fn (Ren 9) remove water swelling that fills up the umbilicus. (BZF63)
For consumption and corpse transmission, walk down the path of P H (UB 42) and Go Hung
(UB 43). (BZF64)
For evil strike and sudden turmoil [cholera], seek a journey to Yn G (KI 10) and Sn L (ST
36). (BZF65)
To treat jaundice and disperse yellowing, harmonize Hu X (SI 3) and Lo Gng (PC 8) to see
what happens. (BZF66)
If weary of speaking and addicted to lying down, go toward Tng L (HT 5) and D Zhng (KI 4)
to brighten it. (BZF67)

For repeated coughing, Fi Sh (UB 13) must welcome Tin T (Ren 22). (BZF68)
For rough red urination, Du Dun (Du 27) alone drains the Ti Yng channel. (BZF69)
Pricking Chng Qing (Du 1) with Chng Shn (UB 57) is good to govern intestinal wind with
new blood in the stool. (BZF70)

This indicates a season of a particular year when heat disease is prevalent or epidemic.

Ode of the Hundred Diseases

Needling Sn Yn (SP 6) with Q Hi (Ren 6) is special for commanding white turbidity11 and
enduring loss of essence [seminal emission]. (BZF71)

Furthermore, Hung Sh (KI 16) and Hng G (KI 11) drain enduring accumulations of the five
ln [urinary disturbance]. (BZF72)
Yn X (HT 6) and Hu X (SI 3) treat copious thief sweating [night sweating]. (BZF73)
For spleen vacuity with non-dispersion of grains, look for P Sh (UB 20) and Png Gung Sh
(UB 28). (BZF74)
For stomach coldness with difficulty transforming food, Hn Mn (UB 47) and Wi Sh (UB 21)
can take responsibility. (BZF75)

You must select Yn Jio (Du 28) for nasal polyps. (BZF76)
You should seek F Bi (GB 10) for goiter. (BZF77)
D Dn (LV 1) and Zho Hi (KI 6) are good at alleviating the suffering of cold shn. (BZF78)
W L (LI 13) and B No (LI 14) are able to treat scrofula sores. (BZF79)
Zh Yn (UB 67) and W Y (ST 15) cure the frequent pain of itching diseases. (BZF80)
Jin Y (LI 15) and Yng X (LI 5) disperse extreme heat of dormant wind [urticaria]. (BZF81)

Furthermore, lets discuss changes from normal in female menstrual matters [probably irregular
menstruation]; we possess D J (SP 8) and Xu Hi (SP 10). (BZF82)
For a female with shortage of q and leaking blood, we are not without Jio Xn (KI 8) and H
Yng (UB 55). (BZF83)
For abnormal vaginal discharge and post partum flooding, Chng Mn (SP 12) and Q Chng
(ST 30) are appropriate to try. (BZF84)
When the lunar tide violates its limits, carefully examine Tin Sh (ST 25) and Shu Qun (KI 5).


This indicates either white turbid urine or a white discharge from the penis.

Ode of the Hundred Diseases

For breast abscess, Jin Jng (GB 21) is extremely effective. (BZF86)
Shng Qi (SP 5) is best for hemorrhoids and tumors. (BZF87)
For prolapse of the anus, hurry to the place of Bi Hu (Du 20) and Wi Y (an alternate name for
Ji Wi, Ren 15). (BZF88)
For childlessness, seek out the homeland of Yn Jio (Ren 7) and Sh Gun (KI 18). (BZF89)

Zhng Wn (Ren 12) governs accumulations and dysentery! (BZF90)

Wi Qi (GB 36) gathers in [astringes] the large intestine! (BZF91)

Shng Yng (LI 1) and Ti X (KI 3) have been tested for cold malaria. (BZF92)
Chng Mn (SP 12) and Xu Hi (SP 10) are powerful for strings and aggregations (types of
abdominal masses). (BZF93)

Now, the doctor is a patients commander of fate. If not a person of integrity, there is nothing to
Acupuncture is a deeply profound theory. We must receive advice from a saint or a sage.

First investigate the sources of disease; next study the acupuncture points;
In accordance with your hands, you will see results; responding to the needle and obtaining

Then know the profundity of the profound theory; begin to reach the subtlety within the subtle.
This piece of writing does not exhaust it; it briefly cites the most important.

Ode of the Hundred Diseases

Point prescriptions from

Bi Zhng F Ode of the Hundred Diseases
head wind
(severe recurrent headaches)
one-sided headaches
difficult to endure
facial edema
from vacuity
facial itching or tingling
(like insects crawling)
(sudden) deafness
with q blockage (from anger)
tinnitus (like cicadas)
(in the eyes)
yellow eyes
(growth over the eyes)
tearing of the eyes
misty vision
blurry vision
night blindness
from liver q
twitching eyes,
dizzy vision
loss of sense of smell
nasal polyps
from blood vacuity
dry tongue and mouth
Ode of the Hundred Diseases

Xn Hu (Du 22),
Y Zhn (UB 9)
Xun L (GB 5),
Hn Yn (GB 4)
Qing Jin (Du 18),
Fng Lng (ST 40)
Face and sense organs
Shu Gu (Du 26),
Qin Dng (Du 21)
Yng Xing (LI 20)
Tng Hu (GB 2),
Y Fng (SJ 17)
Tng Hu (GB 2)
Zh Zhng (SI 7),
Fi Yng (UB 58)
Yng Gng (UB 48),
Dn Sh (UB 19)
Sho Z (SI 1),
Gn Sh (UB 18)
Ln Q (GB 15 or GB 41),
Tu Wi (ST 8)
Zn Zh (UB 2),
Sn Jin (LI 3)
Yng Lo (SI 6),
Tin Zh (UB 10)
Jng Mng (UB 1),
Xng Jin (LV 2)
Qun Lio (SI 18),
D Yng (ST 5)
Tin F (LU 3),
H G (LI 4)
Tng Tin (UB 7)
Yn Jio (Du 28)
Sho Shng (LU 11),
Q Z (PC 3)
F Li (KI 7)



Y Mn (Du 15),
Gun Chng (SJ 1)
Lin Qun (Ren 23),
Zhng Chng (PC 9)
r Mn (SJ 21),
S Zh Kng (SJ 23)
Chng Jing (Ren 24)
Ji Ch (ST 6),
deviation of the mouth
D Cng (ST 4)
deviation of the mouth
Ti Chng (LV 3)
Yng G (SI 5),
swelling of the chin,
clenched jaws
Xi X (GB 43)
Throat, neck, and voice
Tin Dng (LI 17),
loss of voice,
halting speech (stuttering?)
Jin Sh (PC 5)
Y Mn (SJ 2),
throat pain,
sore throat
Y J (LU 10)
F Bi (GB 10)
Wn Li (LI 7),
neck rigidity
from cold damage
Q Mn (LV 14)
Sh G (UB 65),
neck rigidity with
frequent aversion to wind
Tin Zh (UB 10)
Fever, chills, evil q
D D (SP 2),
heat disease (or fever)
with lack of sweating
Jng Q (LU 8)
Sho Chng (HT 9),
Q Ch (LI 11)
To Do (Du 13),
epidemic heat disease
(annual heat seasonal epidemics)
Fi Sh (UB 13)
damp-cold, damp-heat
Xi Lio (UB 34)
reversal cold, reversal heat
Yng Qun (KI 1)
r Jin (LI 2),
cold shivering,
aversion to cold
Yn X (HT 6)
Yu Mn (KI 21),
vexation heat,
Y Tng (Ren 18)
Muscles, paralysis, limbs, back and spine
Jn Mn (UB 63),
cramping muscles
Qi X (GB 40)
Sho Hi (HT 3),
stubborn numbness
of the arms
Sn L (LI 10)
swelling of the axilla
Wi Yng (UB 39),
slack tongue,
inability to speak
swelling and pain
below the tongue

Ode of the Hundred Diseases





leg pain
half body paralysis
pain of the upper and lower back
rigidity of the spine

Tin Ch (PC 1)
Hu X (SI 3),
Hun Tio (GB 30)
Yng Lng (GB 34),
Q Ch (LI 11)
Bi Hun (UB 30),
Wi Zhng (UB 40)
Shu Do (ST 28),
Jn Su (Du 8)


Chest, rib-sides, heart, and lungs

chronic rib-side pain

propping fullness
of the chest and rib-sides
chest fullness,
chest fullness,
neck rigidity
chest oppression
blood stasis
in the chest and diaphragm
unbearable diaphragm pain
with turbid fluids accumulating
sorrow and desolation
below the heart
frequent cough
ghost-oppression dreams
fright palpitations,
fearful throbbing
episodes of mania,
rushing about
(withdrawal disease)
umbilical wind
(tetanus in newborns)
Ode of the Hundred Diseases

Q H (ST 13),
Hu Gi (Ren 20)
Zhng Mn (LV 13),
B Rng (ST 19)
Zhng F (LU 1),
Y Sh (UB 49)
Shn Cng (KI 25),
Xun J (Ren 21)
Jin L (Ren 11),
Ni Gun (PC 6)
Shn Sh (UB 23),
J Lio (ST 3)
Dn Zhng (Ren 17),
J Qu (Ren 14)
Tng Gng (SI 19),
P Sh (UB 20)
Fi Sh (UB 13),
Tin T (Ren 22)
Disquieted spirit
L Du (ST 45),
Yn Bi (SP 1)
Yng Jio (GB 35),
Ji X (ST 41)
Shng Wn (Ren 13),
Shn Mn (HT 7)
Shn Zh (Du 12),
Bn Shn (GB 13)
Internal wind
L X (SJ 19)
Rn G (KI 2)



Tin Chng (GB 9),

D Hng (SP 15)
Shn Do (Du 11),
Xn Sh (UB 15)
Diseases, chronic problems
Xng Jin (LV 2),
wasting-thirst (diabetes),
kidney exhaustion
Yng Qun (KI 1)
P H (UB 42),
consumption (usually tuberculosis),
corpse transmission
Go Hung (UB 43)
Yn X (HT 6),
copious thief sweating
(night sweats)
Hu X (SI 3)
Tng L (HT 5),
weary of speaking,
addicted to lying down
D Zhng (KI 4)
Hu X (SI 3),
Lo Gng (PC 8)
Shng Yng (LI 1),
cold malaria
Ti X (KI 3)
arched-back rigidity,
sorrowful crying
frequent episodes



Abdomen, digestion, bowel movement, urination

spleen vacuity,
non-dispersion of grains
stomach coldness,
difficulty transforming food
intestinal rumbling
evil strike,
sudden turmoil (cholera)
intestinal wind,
new blood in the stool
hemorrhoids, tumors
prolapse of the anus
astringes the large intestine
(for diarrhea)
water swelling (edema)
of the umbilical region
rough red urination
the five ln
(urinary disturbance)
Ode of the Hundred Diseases

P Sh (UB 20),
Png Gung Sh (UB
Hn Mn (UB 47),
Wi Sh (UB 21)
Xi Wn (Ren 10),
Xin G (ST 43)
Yn G (KI 10),
Sn L (ST 36)
Chng Qing (Du 1),
Chng Shn (UB 57)
Shng Qi (SP 5)
Bi Hu (Du 20),
Ji Wi (Ren 15)


Zhng Wn (Ren 12)


Wi Qi (GB 36)


Yn Lng (SP 9),

Shu Fn (Ren 9)
Du Dun (Du 27)
Hung Sh (KI 16),
Hng G (KI 11)


cloudy urine, white penile discharge

chronic seminal emission
strings and aggregations
(types of abdominal masses)
cold shn

scrofula sores
frequent pain of itching diseases
extreme heat of dormant wind

Sn Yn (SP 6),
Q Hi (Ren 6)
Chng Mn (SP 12),
Xu Hi (SP 10)
D Dn (LV 1),
Zho Hi (KI 6)
W L (LI 13),
B No (LI 14)
Zh Yn (UB 67),
W Y (ST 15)
Jin Y (LI 15),
Yng X (LI 5)



Female problems

changes from normal menstruation

(probably irregular menstruation)
flooding menstruation
(lunar tide violates its limits)
spotting between periods,
with shortage of q
abnormal vaginal discharge,
post partum flooding
breast abscess

Ode of the Hundred Diseases

D J (SP 8),
Xu Hi (SP 10)
Tin Sh (ST 25),
Shu Qun (KI 5)
Jio Xn (KI 8),
H Yng (UB 55)
Chng Mn (SP 12),
Q Chng (ST 30)
Yn Jio (Ren 7),
Sh Gun (KI 18)
Jin Jng (GB 21)



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