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Nama: Septi Handayani

Kelas: IX E

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Tulips are spring-blooming perennials that grow from bulbs. The
tulips large flowers usually bloom on scapes. Most tulips produce
only one flower per stem, but a few species bear multiple flowers on
their scapes.
The showy, generally cup- or star-shaped tulip flower has three
petals and three sepals, which are often termed tepals because they
are nearly identical.
Tulip plants can grow as short as 10 cm or as high as 71 cm. Tulip
flowers come in a wide variety of colors, except pure blue. Tulip
stems have few leaves. Plants typically have 2 to 6 leaves, with
some species having up to 12. The tulips leaf is strap-shaped, with
a waxy coating, and leaves are alternately arranged on the stem.
During the Ottoman Empire, the tulip became very popular in
Ottoman territories and was seen as a symbol of abundance. In fact,
the era during which the Ottoman Empire was wealthiest is often
called the Tulip era or Lale Devri in Turkish. In classic and modern

Persian literature, sp ecial attention has been given to these

beautiful flowers.

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The Giraffes
Giraffes are truly giant animals. They amaze me. I like giraffes because their long neck.
They can grow up to 17 feet tall and weigh as much as 3,000 pounds. The male giraffes,
called bulls, are typically larger than the females, called cows. The babies arent exactly
small either. A baby giraffe, called a calf, is 6 feet tall at birth! Giraffes also have large
hearts. Their hearts can be up to 2 feet long and weigh over 20 pounds. They need these
large hearts to pump blood all the way up their long necks.
It is always fun to watch giraffes eat from the tree. Their favorite types of leaves are from
the acacia tree. Giraffes are herbivores, meaning they eat plants rather than meat. They use
their long necks and tongues (which they can stick out up to a foot and a half!) to get to
leaves on trees. A typical full-grown adult giraffe will eat over 70 pounds of leaves, twigs,
and fruit each day. Giraffes dont need to drink water very often because there is so much
water in the leaves they eat. However, when they do drink water, they can drink several
gallons at a time. I think this is not good because a giraffe has to bend down and get into a
vulnerable position when drinking. Not a good idea when there are lions sneaking around!

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