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Vocal Warm-ups

Vocal Warm-ups are a really fun way to help you with pronunciation and enunciation. Repeat
the following phrases, projecting and paying special attention to each sound.
Articulatory agility
is a desirable ability
for maneuvering with dexterity
the tongue, the palate, and the lips.
Unique New York
New Yorks unique
You know you need unique New York (x4)
Obliterate Illuminate (x4)
Red Leather Yellow Leather (x4)
Soldiers Shoulder (x4)
Mandy Moore (x4)

Tone warm-ups:
Start this at a certain note, and after the line is said/sung, go up an octave/note as far as
you are comfortable:
Mommy Made Me Mash My M&Ms

Communication Center James Madison University Wilson Hall 4th Floor
Handout created by Alex Davenport, April 2010 Edited by Paige Normand, July 2010

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