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Writing: Essays

In the CAE exam, you may be asked to write an essay. An essay is a piece of formal writing which discusses a particular
topic. There are three main types of essays:
For-and-against essays present the points in favour of a topic as well as the points against it. Each point is supported by
justifications, examples and/or reasons. This essay type usually ends with a well-balanced consideration of the points
discussed. The writers opinion may be stated in the conclusion.
Opinion essays present the writers opinion on a specific topic, clearly stated and supported by reasons and/or
examples. The opposing viewpoints can also be included before the closing paragraph, together with an argument that
shows it is an unconvincing viewpoint. In this essay type, the writers opinion is given in both the introduction and the
Essays providing solutions to problems state a certain problem and provide several possible solutions and their
expected consequences or results. The writers opinion is usually stated in ther conclusion.
Points to consider
A well-written essay should consist of well-developed paragraphs which clearly indicate each point that is made.
Each main body paragraph should start with a topic sentence, i.e. a sentence which summarises the main idea of the
paragraph. This is followed by supporting sentences which justify what has been presented in the topic sentence.
As essays are mainly formal in style, formal expressions, formal linkers, impersonal tone, and passive structures need
to be used. e.g. Wealth and affluence have often been considered necessary in the acquisition of personal happiness. However,
much can be said about the acquisition of self-satisfaction through non-material means.
Avoid using contractions and other short forms (He's), personal language (I know for certain) and everyday colloquial
expressions and slang (once in a blue moon, what it boils down to).
To attract the reader's attention, an essay can begin with a quote. e.g. 'The healthiest competition occurs when average people
win by putting in above average effort.' (Colin Powell)
Before starting your essay, ideas that relate to the topic need to be brainstormed. Then, group your ideas, eliminating any
ones that may be irrelevant, and put them in a logical order.


Paragraph 1:
introduce the


Paragraph 1:
introduce the
topic & clearly
state your

solutions to

Paragraph 1:
state problem &
its probable

Paragraph 2 & 3:
arguments in favour & justifications/
examples; arguments against &

Paragraph 2 4:
1st viewpoint & reasons/examples; 2nd
viewpoint & reasons/examples; opposing
viewpoint & reasons/ examples

Paragraph 2 4*:
suggestions & expected results/

Paragraph 4:
summary of topic

Paragraph 5:
summary of topic;
restate opinion

Paragraph 5:
summarise your

* The number of main body

paragraphs depends on the number
of suggestions that are made.


Writing: Essays

Read the rubrics and decide which type of essay

needs to be written. Which words helped you


Now match the quotations to the essay topics in

Ex. 1.

Your teacher has asked you to write an essay

answering the following question: Should stray
animals be gathered up and euthanised?
Write your essay (220-260).

You have had a discussion in your English class

about e-readers and downloadable books. Your
teacher has now asked you to write an essay
answering the following question: What are
the possible pros and cons of e-readers and
downloadable books?
Write your essay (220-260).

'We won't have a society if we destroy

the environment.'
Margaret Mead
American cultural anthropologist

'We read to know we are not alone.'

CS Lewis
Irish novelist

'People who are homeless are not social

inadequates. They are people without homes.'

Governments in many countries consider

homelessness as a crime. What is your opinion?
Should the homeless be considered as criminals
or should they be given assistance?
Write your essay for your teacher (220-260).
You have been doing a project at school about
modern-day social issues. Now you have to
write an essay for your teacher based on the
following question: There are countless
numbers of people on the brink of starvation
around the world. Should food supplies be
provided for them?
Write your essay (220-260).

'The whole object of education is ... to

develop the mind. The mind should be
a thing that works.'
Sherwood Anderson
American novelist and short story writer

Pollution and global warming seem to be

worsening around the planet. What can be
done about this? Write an essay suggesting
ways in which the issues of pollution and global
warming might be alleviated.
Write your essay for your teacher (220-260).

Sheila McKechnie
Scottish trade unionist and housing campaigner

'If you can't feed a hundred people,

then just feed one.'
Mother Teresa
Albanian humanitarian

'The man who kills the animals today is

the man who kills the people who get in
his way tomorrow.'

You have just had a discussion in your English

class about education. Now your teacher
would like you to write an essay giving your
opinion on the following statement: Higher
education should never be withheld as a result
of insufficient financial means.
Write your essay (220-260 words).

Dr Diane Fossey
American zoologist

Now read these quotations. What topic does each refer to? Discuss in pairs. Justify your answers.

'If you live for having it all,

what you have is never enough.'

'Adversity causes some men to

break; others to break records.'
William Arthur Ward

Vicki Robin

'A designer is only as good as

the star who wears her clothes.'
Edith Head


'Find a job you like and you

add five days to every week.'
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

'Health is not valued till sickness comes.'

Thomas Fuller

Writing: Essays

Model Analysis

a. Read the rubric, then read the

two models. Which model is
more appropriate?
There are countless numbers of
people on the brink of starvation
around the world. Should food
supplies be provided for them?
Write your essay (220-260).

b. Which contains: clear

paragraphs? formal language?
short forms? mild language?
impersonal tone? everyday
language? strong personal
language? formal linkers?
Useful Expressions and
Linking Words/Phrases

To list and add points: In the first

place, To start/begin with, Secondly,
Thirdly, Finally, Lastly, In addition (to
this), Furthermore, Moreover, Besides,
To introduce or list advantages: The
main/first/most obvious advantage of ...,
One/Another/An additional advantage
of ..., One point of view in favour of ...,
It is often suggested/believed/argued
that ..., Some/Many people are in favour
of/are convinced that ..., etc.
To introduce or list disadvantages:
The main/most obvious disadvantage/
drawback of ..., One/Another/An
additional disadvantage of ..., One
point/argument against ..., Some/
Many people are against ..., etc.
results: for example/instance, such as,
like, in particular, therefore, for this
reason, because, as, since, as a result,

To show contrast: On the other hand,

However, yet, still, but, Nonetheless,
Nevertheless, Although, Even so, Even
though, Despite/In spite of (the fact
that), ... etc.

To introduce a conclusion: In
conclusion, To conclude/sum up, All in
all, All things considered, Taking
everything into account/consideration,
... etc.

Look at the words in bold in Model A. Which: list points? conclude?

introduce examples? add points? make contrasting points? Replace
them with other appropriate linking words or phrases.

The great humanitarian, Mother Theresa, once said, 'If you can't
feed a hundred people, then just feed one.' This is a wise saying,
but there are so many on the planet without food, so many on the
brink of starvation. What's the solution? Should food supplies be
provided for them? To my mind, there are more effective
alternatives available to help these people.
1) In the first place, it is very nearly impossible to know if food aid
will ever reach the world's hungry. It is, unfortunately, often the
case that food donations are stolen by corrupt officials who sell it
for profit. 2) Moreover, on many occasions the very people who
are to benefit from food drops die trying to get their share of the
3) Secondly, it would be far more beneficial if the starving of the
world were to receive education and training so they could grow
their own food, or make a living in some other way, 4) for
example, by working on a co-operative farm. In this way, they
could afford to buy food for themselves.
5) On the other hand, opponents of this view say there is no time
for education or training, that the need of the hungry is
immediate. They say there will be many deaths if their nutritional
needs are not met. What they do not understand, however, is that
providing handouts is a very temporary solution something more
permanent is required.
6) To conclude, it appears to me that the hungry and suffering
would be far better off in the long run if they were educated so
they could produce their own food. Being provided the means to
do this is the only solution to this epidemic social issue.

As a woman called Mother Theresa said, 'If you can't feed a
hundred people, then just feed one.' But what has this got to do
with the starving people. I'm sure there are way better ways to do
something for them. If we give them food supplies or aid, they'll
probably never get it because some bad people will take it and sell
it so they can get rich or whatever. And lots of time the people
who want the food die when they try to get what's theirs.
I think it's better if the hungry people go to school and learn
something, like how to help themselves by growing stuff. Or, I
guess someone could teach them things so they could work in
some kind of job. But some people don't think this is a good idea
because there's no time and everyone is hungry now and a lot of
people are going to die. But, you know what, if you give someone
some food they just eat it and there's nothing left. I think you
have to teach them to grow their own food.
It's way better to teach hungry people things and not just give
them food just like that. I think we've got to find a way to teach
them things like grow their own food.


Writing: Essays

Techniques for Introductions and Conclusions

In order to attract the reader's attention and entice
them to continue reading, the first paragraph should:

start with an objective statement. e.g. It is often argued

that crime could be decimated if more areas were equipped
with CCTV cameras.

b make reference to a strange scene or situation.

e.g. Progress in space technology has become so advanced
that we may be holidaying on the moon very soon.

address the reader directly. e.g. Have you ever considered

the possibility that we may one day live on a planet devoid of

The last paragraph should:


give the reader something to consider. e.g. Education

would be far more practical if

g summarise the essay. e.g. All things considered,

h end with a quotation or rhetorical question. e.g. 'There
is a sufficiency in the world for man's need, but not for man's
greed.' (Mohandas K. Gandhi) or 'Can we do something, or
have we already done too much?'

end with an objective statement. e.g. It is a commonlyheld belief that GM foods are the only viable solution to the
problem of world hunger.

d start with a quotation or rhetorical question. e.g. Can

you envision a future without schools or universities?


start with a problem that needs a solution. e.g. The

forests of the world are shrinking at an alarming rate.

Match the introductions to the conclusions. Which techniques (a-i) from the theory box are used in each?


Can you recall the last time you did something for the
good of the planet? To my mind, the solution to the
Earth's dilemma can only be found if efforts are made
both individually and collectively. As Marshall McLuhan
stated, 'There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We
are all crew.'

A All things considered, I feel that GM crops could
provide a small percentage of what makes up our
daily diet, with more natural foods providing the
rest. As Jeremy Rifkin stated, 'Many of the
genetically modified foods will be safe, I'm sure. Will
most of them be safe? Nobody knows.'

It has been stated that the time is fast approaching
when we will no longer rely on traditional foods to
satisfy our nutritional needs as GM alternatives will
become the norm. Is it the best idea, however, to rely on
man-made food products to keep us alive?

B Taking everything into account, there would be both

pros and cons to banning all fossil-fuel burning
vehicles. What becomes more and more obvious,
however, is that global warming is increasing and
something, anything, must be done and done now!

Have you ever stopped to think what the results might
be if all fossil-fuel burning vehicles were banned? While
this would undoubtedly be a good thing in many ways,
there could be some possible irreversible drawbacks.

C To sum up, there are certain steps that can be taken

to prevent species extinction. Perhaps it's time you
took the first step and got actively involved in an
animal right's organisation today.

Envision if you will, taking your young grandchild to the
zoo to see the last living animal on the planet. While this
may be an exaggerated scenario, the day will come
when many of the Earth's many diverse and wonderful
species will have vanished. What can we do about this?


D In conclusion, I feel that environmental problems can

only be solved if we do our part firstly, as individuals,
and secondly, as part of a larger group or
organisation. After all, are we all not partly
responsible for the current state of our planet?

What techniques has the writer of Model A on p. 241 used to start/end his/her essay? Write your own introduction
and conclusion using a different technique.

Writing: Essays

For-and-Against Essays


Read the rubric, then read the two models. Which model is more
You have had a class discussion about the proposed building of a
chemical plant outside your town. Your teacher has now asked you
to write an essay describing the advantages and disadvantages of
having a factory near your town.
Write your essay (220-260 words).

What are you going to write about?

Who is going to read your piece of writing?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of having a plant located
near your town?
What style of writing should you use?

List the arguments for and against.

How does the writer justify their
points? Complete the table.






Read the model and complete the paragraph plan. Are any of your
arguments included in the model?


There has been much discussion in the town recently

about the proposal from an international company to
open a chemical plant on the outskirts of town. The
building of the plant is seen by many as a way to lower the
unemployment rate in the area and to bring much needed
funds into the town itself. However, could the new plant,
if it should be built, have some serious negative
consequences for the town?
There are a number of advantages to having the plant built.
To begin with, as it will be a very large plant, it will provide
many jobs at both the administrative and skilled labour
levels. In addition, the plant will have to pay property and
operating taxes and these monies will go directly into the
town's coffers. This means they can be used for some of
the long overdue improvements which the town
desperately requires. Finally, if the plant were opened, it
would mean that the service industry in the town the
restaurants, the cinema, and the shops would definitely
see an increase in business.
On the other hand, there are also some possible drawbacks
to the plant's construction. To begin with, the proposed
site for the chemical plant is in a lovely wood which many
residents use for recreational purposes. If the plant were to
be built, the forest would need to be destroyed. This would
mean that an invaluable green space would be lost forever
and along with it the place where so many of the town's
people go to relax and enjoy themselves. Secondly, the
proposed site is very close to the town reservoir. Although
the company owners have assured town officials that every
safety measure would be met, there is still a risk that
chemicals could seep into the town's water supply.
All in all, there are a number of convincing arguments both
for and against the proposed chemical plant. However, I feel
that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages as long as
there is any chance that two of the town's most valuable
natural resources could be endangered.

Paragraph 1






Main Body
Paragraph 2



Find the topic sentences in the main

body paragraphs. Suggest other
appropriate ones.


Find linkers in the model which:

introduce/list advantages
introduce/list disadvantages
add points
show contrast
Replace them with other
appropriate ones.

Main Body
Paragraph 3


What technique has the writer used

to begin/end the essay? Suggest
another beginning/ending using a
different technique.

Paragraph 4


Writing: Essays

Choose the appropriate linkers.


Write supporting sentences for the topic sentences below.

Compare with your partner.


There are several advantages to being an

only child. 1) To conclude/To begin
with, an only child would always feel
safe and secure because all of their
parents' love would be directed entirely
at them. 2) Moreover,/In spite of an
only child is better off when it comes to
material goods they usually get
everything they ask for. 3) All in all/
Finally, being an only child means that
your mother and father will invest all
their free time in keeping you happy and
entertained 4) therefore/because you
have no siblings to compete with for
their attention.

B 1) Despite the fact that/On the other

ntages to
hand, there are some disadva
subjects in
teaching strictly academic
important drawback/All in
l in sub
some students do not do wel
, 3) but/for
such as history or science
instance do well in
le,/As a
orientated lessons. 4) For exa
excel in
result there are students who
nal skills.
classes that teach vocatio
o is that
5) Another disadvanta
ely on
an education based com
be the best
academic subjects may not
d to ready
kind of education require
someone for life in the

There is no doubt that modern technology has made our lives easier.

However, it goes without saying that there would be some

disadvantages to making university education free for the asking.

There are several points in favour of the adopting of a single world



Match the arguments to the justifications. Now, use them,

together with appropriate linkers, to write the main body
paragraphs for an essay about the advantages and disadvantages
of taking part in a student exchange programme.


Studying abroad
broadens your
horizons and makes
you a more
enlightened individual.
Some students who
go to another
country to study feel
alone and isolated.
Taking part in an
exchange programme
allows you to
immerse yourself in a
new culture and
The cost of
participating in an
exchange programme
can be quite high.

You will better understand the
traditions of the culture and you
will pick up the language far
faster than if you were studying
the language at an institute in
your own country.
b Many of the organisations that
arrange these programmes ask
for a fee and, of course, the cost
of plane tickets, food and
accommodation all need to be
figured in as well.
c You will see that many nations
make up the world. You will also
become more aware of the fact
that people are people wherever
you may go.
d For many of them, it will be their
first time away from home, their
family and their friends.

C 1) Even though/To conclude, there are

both advantages and disadvantages to
using wind as a power source. 2) All
things considered/Finally, perhaps the
solution lies in utilising a combination of
things to produce energy.


Now write an introduction and a conclusion for the essay. Use any
of the techniques presented on p. 242. Compare with a partner.

Writing: Essays

Opinion Essays


Read the rubric, underline the key words, and answer the


You have recently been doing a school project on physical fitness.

Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay
explaining whether you agree or disagree with the following
statement: PE classes should be a compulsory part of every school
curriculum. Write your essay (220-260 words).


Now list the viewpoints. What

reasons does the writer use to
justify them? Complete the table.


What type of essay are you going to write?

Who is going to read it?
In which paragraph(s) will you give your personal opinion?

Read the model and complete the paragraph plan. Is the writer in
favour or against the topic? What linking words/phrases have been
used to: introduce arguments? list points? introduce results?


Use the language in the box to

make full sentences expressing your
Useful Expressions for
giving opinion

There is no doubt that physical fitness needs to be a

significant part of any child's life, but would it benefit
children if PE classes were a compulsory part of every
school curriculum? To my mind, I believe that all
students, with a few exceptions, should be made to
participate in PE classes as part of their school
First of all, when children and teenagers take part in
PE classes in school they form fitness habits that they
will, hopefully, carry over into adulthood. As a result,
the problem of unfit grown ups would be done away
with, or, at least, made less serious.
Secondly, PE classes teach children about far more
than just how to be good athletes. They also teach
students how to co-operate with others, especially in
a team, thus developing positive characteristics such
as respect for others and confidence in oneself.
On the other hand, some people argue that PE classes
being made compulsory as part of the school
curriculum could have its drawbacks. For instance,
some children simply do not take to sport, especially
team sports. These children could suffer
psychologically if they were forced to take part in
something they really did not want to do.
In conclusion, I do feel that PE classes should be a part
of every school curriculum as they can be so very
beneficial to students of all ages. However, exceptions
should be made for those students who have a valid
reason for not participating.

I believe/think/feel (that) ...

I strongly believe ...
In my opinion/view, ...
The way I see it, ...
It seems/appears to me, (that) ...
To my mind, ...
I (do not) agree that/with ...
My opinion is that ...
As far as I am concerned ...
I (completely) agree that/with ...
I (strongly) disagree that/with ...
I am totally against ...
I couldn't agree more that/with ...
I couldn't disagree that/with ...
I am totally opposed to ...

Paragraph 1

Main Body
Paragraph 2

Main Body
Paragraph 3

Main Body
Paragraph 4



Paragraph 5

treatment and prescriptions people
would be healthier and live longer lives
In my opinion, governments should pay for
all medical treatment and prescriptions. By
doing this, people would be healthier and live
longer lives.
authorities/ban possession of all firearms
fewer accidental deaths from gunshot
people/take part in neighbourhood
watch programmes communities
would be safer for all residents
schools/provide free nutritious lunch to
all students promote healthier diet
government/provide retraining
programmes for people out of work
reduce unemployment
people/volunteer for environmental
projects cleaner neighbourhoods,
towns, cities


Writing: Essays

Read the extract and answer the


Opposing viewpoints

Use the linkers in the table and the ideas below to write an
opposing viewpoint.
On the other hand ... Alternatively ... It can be argued that ...
However ... Some people argue ...

On the other hand, there are some

reasons why zoos and conservation parks
should not be banned. To begin with, for
some species of animal, these protected
places are their last chance to avoid
extinction. Therefore, if there were no
zoos or parks many more species could
be lost forever. Furthermore, zoos and
conservation parks allow children and
adults alike to see live animals that they
would never otherwise see. As a result,
these people become more interested,
and more concerned, about the fate of
the planet's animal species.


What is the main idea of the

paragraph? Which sentence
expresses this idea?
What supporting sentences does
the writer give?
Which linking words/phrases has
the writer used? Suggest other
suitable words/phrases which
could replace these.




However, some people argue that

there are several drawbacks to
taking a gap year between
graduating from university and
joining the work force.
Finally, compulsory military service
ensures that one's nation will
always have a force ready and able
to protect it.
To start with, same-sex schools do
not prepare children for real-life

What are you going to write about?

Who is going to read your piece of writing?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of doing chores for money?
What style of writing should you use?


Read the topic sentences and

suggest appropriate supporting

a. Read the rubric. Then read the viewpoints and match them to
the reasons. Which do you agree with? Which do you disagree
'All teenagers should be made to do household chores to earn their
pocket money.' Do you agree with this statement?
Write an essay for your teacher expressing your opinion (220260 words).


permit selective hunting/prevent over-population of certain species

of animals
some say/many advantages/make students wear school uniform
some people argue/space exploration/not worth the tax payers'
community service/not severe enough/not deter people from
breaking the law

Children must do
something for the money
they are given.
Doing chores around the
house can help make a
child more responsible
and mature.
Doing chores as part of a
family unit can provide
an opportunity for
communication between
family members.
Children should not
receive money for doing
Children could better
spend their time on their
studies as opposed to
doing chores around the


Children should be busy doing

their homework and school
projects, not cleaning the house
or taking out the rubbish.
Children should be raised to
realise that if they live in a
house, it is their duty, not their
job, to help keep it clean and
Chores must be done on certain
days and, often, at certain
times, promoting a sense of
responsibility and maturity.
Otherwise, they will think that
things in life come for free,
when of course they do not.
Doing things together, even if it
is household chores, creates a
sense of unity and togetherness
as a family.

b. Now write your essay (220-260 words). Use ideas from Ex. 25a.

Writing: Essays

Providing Solutions to Problems



Read the rubric, underline the key words, and answer the


Your school newspaper has asked its reader to write an essay

suggesting ways to make your town a more environmentallyfriendly place. Write your essay (220-260 words).



Who is going to read your essay?

What will your essay be about?
What style will you use? Give some examples.
What are some possible solutions to the problem in the rubric?

Read the model and complete the paragraph plan. What

techniques has the writer used to start/end his/her essay? Suggest
an alternative beginning/ending.

a. Complete the table with ideas

from the essay.


b. Read the table. Which of the

phrases has the writer used in
his/her essay in Ex. 27?
Useful Expressions:
To make suggestions
A useful suggestion would be to
Another solution
could be solved by
Steps/Measures should be taken in order
to solve/deal with
Another way to is/would be to
The situation could be improved if/by
It would be a good idea if/to
It would help if you/we, etc
To present results and

Over the past decade or so, it has become more

and more obvious that our planet will suffer
irreparable damage if the people of the world fail to
act now. Everyone needs to do their part and our
town is no exception. What can be done to make
our town more environmentally friendly?
To begin with, steps should be taken to reduce the
amount of rubbish that goes into the local landfill
day after day. One possible solution would be the
establishment of a strict recycling policy in the
town. This would ensure that people become
aware of the advantages of recycling and would
also decrease the amount of rubbish being sent to
the landfill site every day.
Measures should also be taken to decrease the
amount of air pollution that residents of the town
produce, especially in the winter months. Banning
wood-burning stoves might help, but it would be
better if a law were passed stating that both
domestic- and industrial-purpose chimneys be
fitted with high-quality filters. The consequence of
this would undoubtedly be a reduction in the
amount of smoke poisoning the atmosphere.
In conclusion, there are several ways in which we
can promote recycling and decrease air pollution in
our town. By carrying out certain measures, we will
make our town more environmentally friendly and
we will all be doing our part to save the planet.
After all, as someone once said, 'You don't miss
what you have, until it's gone.'

Paragraph 1

Main Body
Paragraph 2

Main Body
Paragraph 3

This would Then

By doing this, you/we, etc would
If , the result would be
The effect(s)/consequence(s)/result(s) of
would be In this way,


Use the ideas below and appropriate

language to write supporting
sentences for the topic sentences.

A run vocational classes/teach young

people skills/improve chances of their
being employed
offer incentives to businesses/hire young
people/give younger people an advantage
introduce job creation schemes/more
positions made available/more people
To begin with, we should find ways to
reduce unemployment. For example, a useful
suggestion would be to run vocational classes.
These classes would teach young people skills
thus improving their chances of being employed.

B only allow hunting at certain times of the

Paragraph 4

year/not kill animals during the breeding

make it illegal to hunt at night/give animals
a fair chance to escape being killed
Another way to protect wild animals would
be to introduce new hunting laws and to
have them strictly enforced.


Writing: Essays

Match the suggestions to the

results. Write full sentences using
appropriate phrases.


Read the rubrics and underline the key words. What does each one
ask you to write about? What style will you use? What paragraph
plan will you follow for each? Write a topic sentence for each main
body paragraph. Then, write an introduction and conclusion for
each rubric. Compare with a partner.

You have just had a class discussion about stray animals.

Write an essay suggesting ways to improve the stray animal
situation (220-260 words).

Your English teacher has asked you to write an essay based on

the following statement: Same-sex schools good preparation for
the real world?
Write an essay giving your opinion of this (220-260 words).

You and your English class have been discussing the benefits of
taking a gap year after graduation. Now your teacher has asked
you to write an essay outlining the advantages and
disadvantages of taking a gap year.
Write your essay (220-260 words).

'All students should have a part-time job.' Do you agree with this
Write an essay for your teacher expressing your opinion
(220-260 words).


charge a small
membership fee
form athletic teams for
basketball, volleyball, etc
hold weekend events such
as talent contests, art
competitions, etc
form a youth club


Choose two rubrics and write your essays. Before you give your
essays to your teacher, check the following:


give young people the
opportunity to take part in a
sport they enjoy
b teach young people about civic
responsibilities and politics
c provide money for outings,
parties and dances
d get youth involved in organising
and taking part in things on a
regular basis



It would be a good idea to charge a

small membership fee. In this way, ...


Does your piece of writing follow a specific plan?

Does your introduction state the topic clearly?
Have you used a different paragraph for each point you make?
Do the main body paragraphs start with a topic sentence?
Are there supporting sentences to justify your points?
Does the conclusion summarise the main points?


Have you used an appropriate style?

Have you used advanced vocabulary?
Have you used appropriate linkers to connect ideas?
Are your points presented in sequence?
Have you started and ended your essay in an interesting way?
Are there any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors?

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