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1. Describe cmo le presentaras a tu amigo extranjero a 3 miembros de tu familia.

-Rafael hello welcome

-this is my family
-laura she is my wife is 29 years old
-the Angel is my oldest son is 11 years old
-and she is zoe has barely 4 years and just entered kindergarten
2. Describe cmo le muestras los espacios de tu casa;

this is my home
It has 3 bedrooms kitchen and dining room
each child has his havitacion
as indeed it is very tidy
3. Elabora un croquis

4. Describe la ruta con las indicaciones para llegar a los tres lugares

this is the mall is very near the house you can move walking and not
taking bus.

here is the railway station is also very close to my house I walked tamnien can
go and not take a bus or other transportation.

It is also close to the school where postgraduate studies and training are.

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