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Choosing a topic for my action research project was easy for me.

I wanted to make a direct

impact on a subject that I feel is closely integrated in our daily lives that we take for granted.
Just this week as I was putting the finishing touches on a simple bench and I had my daughter
helping me. I was teaching her how to read the marks on a tape measure, being in sixth grade I
assumed that she should be able to measure at least up to a foot simply because of the usage of a
ruler at school. I was surprised that she had a difficult measuring common measurements like
three quarters of an inch or half an inch. It reinforced that I chose the correct action research
project. Math is a subject that many students and teachers shy away from due to misconceptions
of difficulty of it. Math has such a deep connection to some many fields it is absolutely
necessary to ensure that students remain engaged through their educational careers.
I currently do not teach in a classroom, the educational setting that I choose was my oldest
daughters middle school. After conducting some research on the schools previous state schools
I found a noticeable discrepancies on diverse students scores. Math scores declined over 25
percent over the last two years. The decline was sharper for diverse students based on racial
make. Caucasian students scores although higher than minority students were also stagnant.
Since I do not anticipate being in a classroom until I retire from the Army, the next best thing I
can do is implement action research projects for my daughters classrooms. Being a parent does
not mean that you have to be on the sidelines when it comes to the education of your children.
Where ever your child falls in the spectrum of educational ability the responsibility of educating
them falls both on the school system and the parent.
My area focus statement that I wrote previous to conducting my interviews was structured on
research conducted. After my interviews with the three educators and the principal I will

readjust to implement suggestions brought to me. One suggestion that was brought to my
attention was extending the time frame of implantation. My expected outcome was to increase
math scores by 25 percent, the three educators felt it was board and that it should be tailored to
more specific gains. The suggested time frame is 16 weeks, I strongly feel that it is too long. I
would increase the time frame to six weeks. After careful consideration I would also implement
paper and pencil drills with the math games. Eliminating pencil and paper drills could possibly
lead to students being wrapped the game versus learning the fundamentals of mathematics.
Prior to starting taking my courses here at University of Saint Mary, I had not heard of
action research. The concept of action research is similar to various concepts the military uses.
The military decision making process (MDMP) and the military problem solving process
(MPSP) have some of the same steps that both Mills model and USMs knowledge in action
have. Action research not only benefits students in the classroom, but it allows for the instructor
to serve as the researcher and see firsthand the impact he or she is having on the students.
Students will benefit from the extra emphasis on areas that they struggle in. Success is
contagious, being successful in a subject area will lead to success in other subjects. Gains in
math will give students a motivation boast as well.
The action research process is very similar in terms and steps as the USM conceptual
frame work. The most important connection between the models is that the process is a cycle
that never stops. A continues cycle allows for teachers to serve as active researcher and to
consistently seek ways to implement plans that will improve their classrooms. Being able to
measure and evaluate out comes is second most important. Recognizing what is working in the
classroom gives teachers the ability to redefining as need be throughout the implementation of

their action. The five core propositions of NBPTS drive the action research process. The first
core proposition of NBPTS Teachers are committed to students and their learning is what
action research is about. Committing to the students and improving their education is action
research. Core propositions number three Teachers are responsible for managing and
monitoring student learning is similar to measuring and evaluating outcomes in the knowledge
in action model. The NBPTS core propositions provide the foundation the educators can use to
be relevant teachers in the 21st century.
Action research allows all educators to be relevant in their classrooms. It is vital
to ensure students are taught by innovative teachers who want to make an impact past
the classroom. Building relationship is at the base of the increasing motivation
throughout the students. Learning new ways to motivate in the classroom and teaching
lesson is what going to reverse the downward trend of student scores. To ensure the
American students climb their way back to the top of the academic world will be a
welcomed plan.

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