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Course Syllabus for 7th Grade Science

Miss Nkeemah Johnson

7th Grade Science Teacher
I would first like to welcome you to Westerly Hills Academy as 7th graders and the parents/guardians of
the 7th graders! I am very excited in what the year will bring and I hope your child feels the same way!
I have created this syllabus so that you and your child will have a better idea what will be expected of
them in their 7th grade science class.
Course Outline:
1st Quarter: Earth Science
Earths Atmosphere, Clouds, Weather, Air Quality
2nd Quarter: Physical Science
Forces and Motion, Energy and Energy Transfer, Simple Machines
3rd Quarter &
4th Quarter: Life Science
Plant and Animal Cells, Human Biology,
Genetics and Heredity

Materials Needed:
Composition Notebook, 200 pages
One-subject notebook
Two pencil sharpeners and pencils
One pack of loose-leaf paper
Colored pencils or crayons
Blue or black ink pens
2 Glue stick
Index Cards
(If any one would like to purchase an additional composition notebook for a child whose family may not be able to afford
one, it would be greatly appreciated.)

Science Notebook:
Each student will keep a composition notebook for science class. The notebook will be set up and
maintained throughout the year. There will be notebook checks throughout the year to grade what is
complete and organized. Students can take home the notebook when they need to in order to study or
they can keep it in the classroom in a class bin.
1. Students will be on time and prepared for class with writing utensil, science notebook,
and all assignments.
2. Students will raise their hand for permission to speak and participate in all assigned
activities with no disruptions.
3. Students will respect themselves, CMS staff, classmates and the learning
environment at all times. Bullying will NOT be tolerated.
4. Students will actively participate in class, ask questions and attend tutoring when they
do not understand the concepts.
5. Students will complete ALL homework and class assignments, even when absent.
6. Students will follow the CMS and Eagle PRIDE matrix. (Be sure to review policies
addressing electronic devices and dress code.)

***In addition to following all classroom expectations, students who cannot follow lab safety rules will not be
allowed to participate in the many and wonderful hands on labs we will be taking part in this year! Students who
cannot follow instructions will be given an alternative assignment!!!***
Grading Policies:
Grade Scale
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = Below 60

Course Work Weighting

Formal Assessments (tests, projects) =60%
Informal Assessments (class work, notebooks, class
participation, bell work and homework) = 40%

Late Work: Students have 7 days after an excused absence to turn in missed work. I take off 10 points for each
day late on homework, unless they have an excused absence.

Please detach and return this part signed by both parent and student.

I, _________________________ parent and/or guardian of ________________________ have read the course

(Please Print)
(Please Print)
syllabus for Miss Johnsons 7th grade Science Class.

Parent Signature

__________ _____________________________
Student Signature


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