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How to Deepen Your Meditation

Practice with the Seven Spiritual

by: Adam Brady

Meditation is one of the most reliable tools to manage stress, improve

relationships, fulfill your desires, and connect with your Spirit. Although
its relatively simple to practice, your intellect can often make it more
complicated than it needs to be.
One way to see meditation in a new light is to look at it through the lens
of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. The Seven Spiritual Laws
represent the way in which the unmanifest becomes manifest, and can
serve as the operating system thats running behind the scenes in your

life. These principles can be used as the instruction manual for living a
happy, fulfilling, abundant, and profoundly spiritual life.
Each of the Seven Spiritual Laws is deeply woven into the practice of
meditation. By exploring this relationship, you can better understand
your practice, which will deepen as your awareness expands.
1. The Law of Pure Potentiality
The first spiritual law is essentially a reminder of your true nature as a
soulan outcropping of the field of unbounded awareness. Like waves
or eddies in the ocean, you are an expression of that infinite field of
This law is the governing principle of your meditation practice that
takes awareness beyond the level of the mind and into the Gap
between your thoughts, which is the field of pure potentiality. The
process of meditation is to enter into that level of existence and come
face to face with your true identitySpirit.
2. The Law of Giving and Receiving
The second law awakens you to the flow of energy and information in
the universe and in your life. Energy doesnt sit stillit needs to move.
By keeping that energy flowing through giving and receiving, you
In meditation, this law manifests by allowing your thoughts to come and
go without resistance. The flow of thoughts during meditation is the
current of life energy as it comes and goes through awareness. Allow
sensations, sounds, and other thoughts to effortlessly drift by without
obstructing the current or getting attached to a particular thought.
3. The Law of Karma or Cause and Effect
While the Law of Giving and Receiving is about keeping the energy of
life in motion, the third law focuses on the quality of that energy. Karma
means action and also implies the consequences of that action. The
more positive and uplifting the actionthought, word, and deedfor
everyone involved with that choice, the more positive and life-affirming








The Law of Karma encourages you to make conscious choices that

nourish others and yourself, leading to fulfilling and healing results.
Unconscious choices, on the other hand, lead to less than evolutionary
During meditation, by choosing to not indulge in the meaning of your
thoughts, you avoid the karmic conditioning that binds you to
predictable and habitual patterns of thought and behavior. As you
repeatedly enter the stillness between your thoughts, you transcend
your karma. Like repeatedly washing a dirty cloth in a stream, the
stains are gently lifted away until no impurities remain.
4. The Law of Least Effort
The fourth law teaches that the intelligence of nature functions with
effortless ease. It is carefree, harmonious, and loving. It is the principle
of do less, accomplish more as seen in the flights of birds, the
The Law of Least Effort is about the economy of motion in your
activities. This is the central theme of your practice of meditation.
Accessing the non-local field of Spirit is dependent on the least amount
of effort. Force and struggle cannot open the door to higher states of
If at any time during your meditation you feel as if youre struggling,
forcing, or concentrating, soften your focus on your breath or mantra.
This allows the process to be light, innocent, and effortless so you may
be carried deeper into stillness.
5. The Law of Intention and Desire
This principle outlines the mechanics for the expression of everything
in the material universe. Intention is a force of nature that contains its
own infinite organizing power. In the same way an apple seed contains
the potential for bushels of apples or even an entire forest, your desires
and intentions hold the same manifestation blueprint through which

Becoming aware of your desires and intentions is akin to choosing

seeds you wish to sow. In meditation, you plant those seeds into
fertile field of pure consciousness. Nourished with regular visits to
Gap, you water your desires and allow them to blossom when
season is right.


6. The Law of Detachment

For any desire to manifest, you must be willing to let go of your
attachment to the outcome. The sixth law reminds you to not be too
rigidly attached to the way you want things to be in your life. Embrace
uncertainty and step into the unknown. In doing so, you experience the
freedom from your past conditioning and open the door to unlimited
In your meditation practice, this law helps you let go of expectations
and attachments to a specific result. Each meditation experience is
unique and provides exactly what your mind and body need at that
time. Wanting it to be something other than what it is binds you to the
notion of an ideal meditation and robs you of the gifts of the present
7. The Law of Dharma
The final law teaches that you are here in this life for a purposethat
you have a unique gift to give the world in your own special way. There
are no spare parts in the universe and you perform an irreplaceable
The root word of dharma means to uphold. In this sense, by fulfilling
your dharma, you are supporting the entire world. It is vitally important
that you discover your true purpose and perform it in service of the
As it relates to meditation, the minds dharma is to expand into higher
states of awareness. It is the destiny of the mind to experience Atma
Darshan (glimpsing the soul), Cosmic Consciousness, Divine
Consciousness, and ultimately Unity Consciousness as part of its path

By letting go into the present moment, you allow your mind to express
its dharma to the fullest potential. This is the true and highest purpose
By regularly reviewing and integrating the Seven Spiritual Laws of
Success in this way, you open the door to a broader experience of the
principles along with an ever-deepening meditation practice.

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