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Christmas Carol Script

( One ragged, cold boy is on stage trying to keep warm.
He freezes. Then two gentlemen enter the stage, walking
and talking, then they freeze. From the other end of the
stage sellers of fruit and bread enter calling out ,
Apples for sale Get your fresh hot bread here when
they reach their posts they too freeze. Narrator enters
and stands next to the small boy)
Narrator: Hello! Welcome to The Christmas Carol.I am here
to tell the story.My name is Charles Dickens.
( Small boy unfreezes)
Rizzo: And my name is Rizzo the Rat.(steals an apple)
Rizzo: Hey. Wait a second. You're not Charles Dickens.
Narrator: I am too!
Rizzo: Dickens was a famous novelist? A genius!
Narrator: Oh. You're too kind.
Rizzo: Why should I believe you?
Narrator: Well. Because I know the story of"A Christmas
Carol like the back of my hand.
Rizzo: Prove it!
Narrator: All right.
Narrator: There's a little mole on my thumb and. Uh. A
scar on my wrist... From when I fell off my bicycle.
Rizzo: No. No. No. No.Don't tell us your hand.Tell us the
Narrator: Oh. Oh. Thank you. Yes.
Jacob Marley was dead to begin with.


Wha- Wha... Pardon me?

Narrator: That's how the story begins. Rizzo.

Jacob Marley was dead to begin with, as dead as a doornail
Rizzo: It's a good beginning.It's creepy and kind of
Narrator: Oh. Thank you. Rizzo.
Rizzo: You're welcome. Mr Dickens
Narrator: In life, Marley had been a business partner ..
with a shrewd moneylender named Ebenezer Scrooge. You will
meet him as he comes around that corner.


Narrator: There.


Narrator: Now. ( Scrooge enters the street) There he is.

Mr Ebenezer Scrooge.
Rizzo: Say. Is it gettin' colder out here?
(Scrooge walks toward the shop, while townsfolk sing)
When a cold wind blows
it chills you
Chills you to the bone
But there's nothing in nature that freezes
your heart like years of being alone
It paints you with indifference
Like a lady paints with rouge
And the worst of the worst
The most hated and cursed

Is the one that we call Scrooge
Unkind as any
And the wrath of many
This is Ebenezer Scrooge
( chorus)
Oh, there goes Mr Humbug
There goes Mr Grimm
If they gave a prize
for bein'mean
The winner would be him
Old Scrooge, he loves his money
'cause he thinks it gives him power
If he became a flavour
you can bet he would be sour
Even the vegetables
don't like him.
There goes Mr Skinflint
There goes Mr Greed
The undisputed master
of the underhanded deed
He charges folks a fortune
for his dark and draughty houses
Us poor folk live in misery
K,It's even worse for mouses

He must be so lonely
He must be so sad
He goes to extremes
to convince us he's bad
He's really a victim
of fear and of pride
Look close and there must be
a sweet man inside
- Nah.
- Uh-uh.

There goes Mr Outrage
There goes Mr Sneer
He has no time for friends or fun
His anger makes that clear
Don't ask him for a favour
'cause his nastiness increases
No crust of bread for those in need
No cheeses for us meeces
Narrator: Scrooge liked the cold. He was hard and sharp
as a flint.. secretive. Self-contained. As solitary as an
There goes Mr Heartless
There goes Mr Cruel
He never gives
He only takes
He lets his hunger rule
If being mean's a way of life
You practise and rehearse
Then all that work is paying off
'cause Scrooge is getting worse
Every day in every way
Scrooge is getting worse
Narrator: He was a tightfisted hand at the grindstone.
Scrooge..a squeezing,wrenching. Grasping...clutching.
Covetous old sinner.
( Scrooge enters the shop. Bob Cratchitt and some other
clerks are busily writing down numbers on stacks of

Bob Cratchit?

Bob Cratchitt: - Yes. Mr Scrooge?

Scrooge; Let us deal with the eviction notices

for tomorrow. Mr Cratchit.( pointing to a stack of papers)
Bob Cratchitt: - Tomorrow is Christmas. Sir.
Scrooge: Very well.You may gift-wrap them.(goes to sit
down at a desk)
Other clerks- Let us help you with that. Mr Cratchit.( The
clerks attempt to help Bob carry the stack of papers. Bob
moves over to Scrooges desk)
- Oh. My. There are certainly a lot today.( Clerks pick up
- We'll get 'em.
- Okay. Okay.
- There you go. Boss.
- Here you go.
- Look out on that end
- Look out. Look out! .( Clerks bump into each other and
fall, papers fall covering them)
Scrooge: Christmas is a very busy time for us. Mr
Cratchit.People preparing feasts,giving parties..spending
the mortgage money on frivolities.( evil laugh)One might
say that December is the foreclosure season.Harvest time
for the moneylenders.
Other clerks(whisper)- Hey. Boss. Ask him.
- Tell him. Mr Cratchit.
- Come on. Do it now. Boss.
Bob Cratchit: Uh. If you please. Mr Scrooge...
It's gotten colder.and the bookkeeping staff...would like
to have an extra shovelful of coal for the fire.
Other clerks:
Clerk 1: We can't do the bookkeeping.
Clerk 2: Yeah. All of our pens
have turned to ink-cicles.
Clerk 3: Our assets are frozen!
Scrooge: ( shouts)How would the bookkeepers like to be
suddenly unemployed?
Clerks: ( Suddenly act overheated while singing)

Heatwave!This is my island in the sun.Boy, am I roasting!
Bob Cratchit: l-I believe you've convinced them once
again. Mr Scrooge.
Narrator: At that moment. who should arrive at the door..
but Scrooge's nephew. Fred. his only living relative
Nephew Fred? I don't see him.
Narrator: Trust me.
( Nephew Fred enters smiling and happy)
Nephew Fred: Hello. Uncle?
Rizzo: You're very good at that. Mr Dickens.
Nephew Fred: A Happy Christmas. Uncle Scrooge.

- Happy Christmas? Bah humbug.

Nephew Fred: Christmas a humbug. Uncle?Oh. You don't mean

that. Surely.
Scrooge: Happy Christmas you say? What right have you to
be Happy?You're poor enough.
Nephew Fred: What right have you to be dismal? You're rich

He's got him there.The old boy's speechless.

Scrooge: If I could work my will...every idiot who goes

about with "Happy Christmas" on his lips...would be cooked
with his own turkeyand buried...With a stake of holly
through his heart.

Well. Not quite speechless.

Nephew Fred: Oh. Uncle!

Scrooge: keep Christmas in your own wayand
let me keep it in mine.

Nephew Fred: Christmas is a loving.honest and charitable
time.And though it's never put a scrap of gold or silver
in my pocket...I believe that Christmas has done me good
and will do me good...and I say. God bless it!
Clerks : Yeah. Yeah. Yeah!
Scrooge( shouting at the clerks) And how does one
celebrate Christmas
on the unemployment line?
Narrator: Now. In these times. It was customary on
Christmas Eve...for well-meaning gentlemen to call upon
businesses...collecting donations for the poor and
( Gentleman 1 and Gentleman 2 enter the shop.)
Gentleman 2;Mr Scrooge. I presume?

Who are you?

Gentleman 1: We're from the Order of Victoria Charity

Gentleman 2: We'd like to speak to you about a donation.
Nephew Fred: Ah. Welcome! This jolly old gentleman here is
Mr Scrooge.He's very generous to charities.

Humph!My dear nephew!

Gentleman 1:

At this festive season of the year. Mr

Gentleman 2: Many of us feel that we must take care of

our poor and homeless.

And are there no prisons? No poorhouses?

Gentleman 1:

Oh. Plenty of those. Sir.


Oh! Excellent! For a moment. I was worried.

Gentleman 2: Some of us are endeavouring to raise a fund

for the poor and the homeless.
Gentleman 1:

What might I put you down for?


Gentleman 2:

You wish to remain anonymous?

Scrooge: I wish to be left alone.I do not make merry

myself at Christmas.
Nephew Fred: That certainly is true.

And I cannot afford to make idle people merry.

Nephew Fred: That is certainly not true.

Scrooge(getting angrier) Don't you have other things to do
this afternoon. My dear nephew?
Nephew Fred: Sadly. I do. Uncle.So I shall make my
donation..and leave you to make yours.
Gentleman 1 and 2: Thank you so very much.
Nephew Fred: Oh. Uncle. Come and have Christmas dinner
with me and Clara tomorrow.

Why ever did you get married?

Nephew Fred: Why?( laughing) Because I fell in love.

Scrooge: That's the only thing in the world sillier than
a merry Christmas.( continues reading papers on desk)
Nephew Fred: It's no use. Uncle. I shall keep my Christmas
humour to the last.A Happy Christmas to youand a happy New



Bob Cratchit:

Happy Christmas. Fred.

Nephew Fred: Happy Christmas. Bob.

Gentleman 1: Now. Then. Sir. about the donation?
Scrooge: Well. Now. Let's see.I know how to treat the
poor. My taxes go to pay for the prisons and the
poorhouses.The homeless must go there.
Gentleman 2:

But some would rather die.

Scrooge: If they'd rather die.then they'd better do it...

and decrease the surplus population!(ending in a mean
Gentleman 1: Oh. Dear. Oh. Dear.
Gentleman 2: Oh. Dear. Oh. Dear.

There is the door. You may use it.

Gentleman 1: All right. ( turns to Gentleman). Come along.

Gentleman 2: I think we've taken enough of Mr Scrooge's
( exit)Oh. Dear. Dear. Dear.
Bob Cratchit: Uh. Excuse me. Mr Scrooge,but it appears to
be closing time.
Very well. I'll see you
at eight oclock
tomorrow morning.
Bob Cratchit: Tomorrow's Christmas.
eight thirty
Bob Cratchit: If you please. Sir. Half an hour off hardly
seems customary for Christmas Day.


(shouts)Hardly customary.

Bob Cratchit(nervous but persistant) Not at all!

How much time off is customary.
Mr Cratchit?
Bob Cratchit: Uh. Why. Um. the. Uh. Whole day. If you
please, Mr Scrooge,why open the office tomorrow?Other
businesses will be closed.You'll have no one to do
business with.It'll waste a lot of expensive coal for the
Yes. That's definitely a point.It's a poor
excuse for picking
a man's pocket every December the 25th. But as I seem to be
the only personaround who knows that...Take the day off.
Clerks: Yay!
Bob Cratchit:

Thank you. Mr Scrooge.

Be here all the earlier the next morning.
(Scrooge puts back on his muffler and leaves)
(Scene ends as Bob Cratchitt and the clerks tidy up
the office and leave as well Crachitt leaves the office,
laughing and joking with the clerks. They play at
snowballs or making a snowman))
Start of sceen 2
Narrator: Scrooge lived in chambers which had once
to his old business partners, Jacob and Robert Marley.

Have an apple?


Not while I'm working.

Rizzo: Okay. Suit yourself.


Narrator: The building was a dismal heap of brick on a
dark street. Now. Once again. I must ask you to remember
that Jacob Marley was dead.. And decaying in his grave.
Rizzo: Yuck!
Narrator: That one thing you must remember...or nothing
that follows will seem wondrous.
Rizzo: Um. Why are you whispering?

It's for dramatic emphasis.

Rizzo: Oh.
Start of sceen 3

Narrator: Now, it is a fact, that there was nothing at all

particular about the knocker on the door, except that it
was very large. It is also a fact, that Scrooge had seen
it, night and morning, during his whole residence in that
place; Let it also be borne in mind that Scrooge had not
bestowed one thought on Marley, And then let any man
explain to me, if he can, how it happened that Scrooge,
having his key in the lock of the door, saw in the
knocker, without its undergoing any intermediate process
of change: not a knocker, but Marley's face.
(Scoroge sees marleys face in the doorknocker and cries in
Marley's face..
As Scrooge looked fixedly at this phenomenon, it was a
knocker again.
To say that he was not startled, or that his blood was not
conscious of a terrible sensation, would be untrue. But he


put his hand upon the key he had relinquished, turned it
sturdily, walked in, and lighted his candle.
Nararator: To say that Scrooge was not startled would be
untrue. Still. The moment had passed. and the world was as
it should be.
Narrator: Come on. Rizzo. We'll follow him in.
Rizzo: In a minute. I had a little bag of jelly beans
over here.
Narrator; Will you just get over here!

Steady. Steady.

Narrator: Scrooge made his way up the staircase... caring

not a button for the darkness. Darkness was cheap. and
Scrooge liked it. But the incident at the door had made
Scrooge wary. Before he shut himself in for the night. he
searched his rooms.

Okay. That does it!



Rizzo: How do you know what Scrooge is doin'?


We're down here. And he's up there.

Narrartor: I keep telling you. Storytellers are

omniscient. I know everything.
Narrator: To conduct a proper search. Scrooge was forced
to light candle.(lights go on in bedroom with a bed and a
chair. There is a window frame toward the left of the
(Scrooge is dressed in dressing gown slippers and a night
cap. He is looking about with a lit candle. A bell rings
and the Jacob Marley appears. Scrooge jumps back



Jacob Marley?

Marley: Scrooge!


Jacob Marley : Look! It's Ebenezer Scrooge. Looking older

and more wicked than ever.
Robert: I knew he wouldn't disappoint us.
Scrooge: Who are you?


In life. we were your partners. Jacob...

Robert Marley: And Robert Marley!

Scrooge: It looks like you. but I don't believe it!
Jacob Marley: Why do you doubt your senses?
Schrooge: Because a little thing can affect them.A slight
disorder of the stomach can make them cheat. You may be a
bit of undigested beef...a blob of mustard. a crumb of
cheese. Yes. There's more of gravy than of grave about
Rizzo: Where do you get those jokes?( to Charles
Dickens,who shrugs)

`Dreadful apparition, why do you trouble e?''


Man of the worldly mind! do you believe in me or

I do. I must. But why do spirits walk the
earth, and why do they come to me?''
Marley: It is required of every man,that he should walk
abroad among his fellow-men, if that spirit goes not forth


in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is
doomed to wander through the world -- oh, woe is me! -and witness what it cannot share, but might have shared on
earth, and turned to happiness!
(spectre raised a cry, and shook its chain, and wrung its
shadowy hands).
Scrooge( trembling.) You are fettered `Tell me why?
Marley: I wear the chain I forged in life, I made it link
by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free
will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern
strange to you?
(Scrooge trembled more and more).
Marley: Or would you know, , the weight and length of the
strong coil you bear yourself? It was full as heavy and as
long as this, seven Christmas Eves ago. You have laboured
on it, since. It is a ponderous chain!
Scrooge: Old Jacob Marley, tell me more. Speak comfort to
me, Jacob.
Marley: I have none to give,Ebenezar. Nor can I tell you
what I would. A very little more, is all permitted to me.
I cannot rest, I cannot stay, I cannot linger anywhere. My
spirit never walked beyond our counting-house -- mark me!
-- in life my spirit never roved beyond the narrow limits
of our bank; and weary journeys lie before me!

Seven years dead, And travelling all the time?

No rest, no peace. Incessant torture of remorse.


`Scrooge: You might have got over a great quantity of
ground in seven years,
( The Ghost, on hearing this, set up another cry, and
clanked its chain so hideously )
Marley: Oh! captive, bound, and double-ironed, not to know
Not to know that no space of regret can make amends for
one life's opportunities misused! Yet such was I! Oh! such
was I!
Scrooge: But you were always a good man of business,
Marley: Business!
(Ghost, wringing its hands) Mankind
was my business. The common welfare was my business;
charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all,
my business.
(It held up its chain at arm's length dropping it heavily
upon the ground again).
Marley: Hear me! My time is nearly gone.
Scrooge: `I will, But don't be hard upon me!.
Marley: I am here to-night to warn you, that you have yet
a chance and hope of escaping my fate.
Scrooge: You were always a good friend to me,
Marley: You will be haunted, by Three Spirits.
Scrooge: Is that the chance and hope you mentioned,
Jacob? I -- I think I'd rather not,
Marley: Without their visits, you cannot hope to shun the
path I tread. Expect the first to-morrow, when the bell
tolls One.


Scrooge: Couldn't I take 'em all at once, and have it
over, Jacob?.

Marley: Expect the second on the next night at the

same hour. The third upon the next night when the
last stroke of Twelve has ceased to vibrate. Look to
see me no more; and look that, for your own sake, you
remember what has passed between us.
Narrator: And with that. The spirit of Scrooge's partner
vanished into the darkness...
leaving him once again
Alone in his room.
Rizzo: Whoa. That's scary stuff. Hey. Should we be
worriedabout the kids in the audience?

Nah. That's all right. This is culture



Narrator: Scrooge slipped into the empty silence

of a dreamless sleep.(Scrooge climbs into his bed)
Narrator: Expect the first ghost when the bell
tolls . !( bell rings and Scrooge awakens and looks
around. There is a young ghost with light in her hand)

Wow!Im impressed with all the special effects!

Narrator: What special effects?

Rizzo: Im impressed by the total lack of them.
Scrooge: Are you the spirit whose coming
was foretold to me?



I am.


What business has brought you here?

Your welfare.


A night's unbroken rest might aid my welfare.

Your salvation then. Take heed.Come.


I beg you. Spirit. I am mortal and liable to

A touch of my hand and you shall fly.

(Ghost and Scrooge climb out the window and lights go


What are we doin'?





Well. Just hold on.



W-Watch out. Rizzo.

What? Ow! Oh!


Whee! Hello. London!

Goodbye. Lunch!




Spirit? What is that light?It cannot be dawn?


It is the past.


Narrator; And so they arrived in Ebenezer Scrooge's
Rizzo: That was the worst trip of my life!
Narrator: Well. It's over now.Get it? Its in the past.
(chuckles and nudges Rizzo who moans)
And Scrooge was conscious of a thousand odours...each one
connected with a thousand thoughts...and hopes and joys
and cares...long. Long forgotten.
Scrooge: It's my old school. I was a boy here.That...
That's Henry!And Edmund.Hello. Boys.Hello?
Spirit: These are but shadows of your past. Ebenezer.
They can neither Come and let us go inside. see nor hear
Narrator: And what a flood of memories came back to
him... as Scrooge beheld his old classroom.
Scrooge: I know it all so well. Spirit. The desks. The
smell of the chalk. I chose my profession in this room.
Ghost of past: And is he. Too. Familiar?
Narrator: Scrooge beheld a small boy... a boy he knew. oh.
Very well indeed.
Scrooge: Good heavens. It's me.
Henry(voice from offstage): Hurry. Ebenezer. The last
coach is leaving. Come on.
Edmund(voice from offstage): He never goes home for
Henry(voice from offstage):Guess his family wants to enjoy
their holiday.(both laugh)
Little boy Scrooge:

Who cares about stupid old Christmas?


Scrooge: I was often alone. More time for reading and
study. The Christmas holiday was a chance to get some
extra work done. solitude.
Ghost of Christmas past: Let us see another Christmas in
this place.
Scrooge They were all very much the same. Nothing ever

You changed.

Narrator: The years performed their terrible dance... and

in a moment. Scrooge had seen his entire childhood pass.
He saw his old schoolroom age and decay.
(Part of school room collapses on Rizzo.)
Rizzo: What? Hey. Hey! Ow!
School master: So. Master Scrooge. graduation day. And
Scrooge: That's my old headmaster. This man taught me my
greatest lesson.
Schoolmaster:Stand up. Build your life as this school is
Young Scrooge: Yes Headmaster.
Schoolmaster: Ah. Yes! Work hard. Work long and be
constructive. Oh. Ebenezer. life is a golden opportunity.
Today you go forth into the real world. You must keep your
nose to the grindstone. Work hard. Lad. And one day your
life will be as solid... as this very building!
( Something falls) Headmaster: I've been meaning to fix
Young Scrooge :

Yes. Headmaster.


Schoolmaster: Well. Young man. You have been
apprenticed to a fine company in London. Today you become
a man of business.
Young Scrooge:

I'm looking forward to it. Headmaster.

Schoolmaster: You will love business. There is a great

deal of money too be made in business.
Young Scrooge: Yes sir.
Ghost of Christmas Past:

Come. Scrooge. There is much to

Narrator: A moment later. Scrooge found himself standing

on a city street... Looking at a building he had not seen
in years.
Ghost of Christmas Past:
do you know this place?

Tell me. Ebenezer Scrooge.

Scrooge: ( smiling)Know it? My first job was here. This

is Fezziwig's. Why, it's old Fezziwig! Bless his heart;
it's Fezziwig alive again!''
Narrator: Once again. it was Christmas Eve. Night was
falling. And the lamplighters were plying their trade.
There he is. old Fezziwig himself.

( Jolly looking man with two young men. Office is similar

to Scrooge but it is decorated with evergreen and ribbon.)
Fezziwig: Look. My lads. dusk has fallen. The
lamplighters are at work. It's Christmas Eve for certain.
Scrooge: What an employer he was. As hard and as ruthless
as a rose petal.


Fezziwig: It's time for the Christmas
( Everyone starts cheering and singing)

party to begin!

Rizzo. Come on! Happy Christmas!

Fezziwig: Please. Can I have your attention
for a moment? Can I have your attention. Please?(crowd
continues making noise)
Mrs. Fezziwig: ( shouts)Quiet! (After immediate hush from
the crowd she says sweetly)Thank you.
That's better. Welcome to Fezziwig and Mom's
annual Christmas party. At this time in the proceedings,
it is a tradition for me to make a little speech. Here is
my Christmas speech. Thank you all. and Happy Christmas."
Rizzo: That was the speech?It was dumb!It was obvious!
It was pointless!

It was short.

I loved it!

Ghost; A small matter, to make these silly folks so full

of gratitude.'
Scrooge; Small!
Ghost: Why! Is it not? He has spent but a few pounds of
your mortal money

Scrooge: It isn't that. It isn't that, Spirit. He has the

power to render us happy or unhappya pleasure or a toil.
The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a

What is the matter?.


Scrooge: Nothing particular, No. I should like to be able
to say a word or two to my clerk just now! That's ll.'

Mrs. Fezziwig:

Let's dance. Son.


Hey. Here's Mrs Fozziwigto start the party.

Way to go. Ma!

It's a pleasure having youhere at the party.
Please. Enjoy yourself.
Young Scrooge:

Excuse me. Mr Fezziwig?


Young Scrooge: I've been going over the accounts. Do you

know how much the firm is spending for this party?
Master Scrooge. This is Christmas!
It's a time for generosity! Stop working. Enjoy yourself.(
grabbing Belles arm) Belle. You know. I love theseannual
Christmas parties. I love 'em so much. I think we'll do it
twice a year!
Belle :

(laughingly)Oh Mr


Fezziwig: ( to Scrooge) Excuse me. Oh. Master Scrooge!

Excuse me. Belle. I'd like to introduce you to Ebenezer
Scrooge... the finest young financial mind in the city.
Ebenezer. This is Belle. a friend of the Fezziwig family.
Young Scrooge: I'm pleased to meet you.

Well. I'm glad you two finally met.

Ghost of Christmas Past: Do you remember this meeting?


Remember? Yes. I remember.


Ghost of Christmas Past: There was. Of course.
another Christmas Eve.. with this young woman some years
Scrooge: Oh. Please... do not show me that Christmas.
( lights go out. Two seated, Belle and Young Scrooge)
Belle :

Another year before our wedding. Ebenezer.

Young Scrooge : Well. It can't be helped. Belle. How could

we marry now? There's not even enough for a decent home.
The investments haven't grown as they should.
Belle :

So you said last year.

Young Scrooge : Business continues to be poor.

Belle :

You're a partner in your own firm now.

Young Scrooge : And barely clearing expenses.

Belle : All your other hopes have merged into the hope of
being rich. I have seen your nobler aspirations fall off
one by one, until the master-passion, Gain, engrosses you.
Have I not?
Young Scrooge : This is for you. I love you. Belle.
Belle : Our contract is an old one. It was made when we
were both poor and content to be so. You are changed. When
it was made, you were another man. But if you were free
to-day, to-morrow, yesterday, can even I believe that you
would choose a dowerless girl.

(hangs his head as he whispers) Belle.

Belle: I release you. With a full heart, for the love of

him you once were.


Scrooge: Spirit. Show me no more. Why do you delight in
torturing me?
Ghost of Christmas Past: I told you. These were the
shadows of the things that have been. That they are what
they are. do not blame me.
Scrooge: Leave me!
( lights out. Lights on and Scrooge is alone, kneeling on
the floor)
Narrator: Scrooge was left alone and exhausted in his
bedchamber. And thus he remained until the nearby clock
began to strike the hour.
Rizzo; (aside to the Narrator)What was that? Oh. Is it too
early for breakfast?
Narrator; ( aside) Yes.
Rizzo: Oh. Good. Supper time.( Grabs something from his
pocket and eats it)
Narrator: Scrooge knew that the second of the ghosts was
due to appear. Yet now. As the clock finished striking...
( Ghost is dressed in rich robes with a large mug in his
hand. There is food and candles on a table nearby)
Ghost of Christmas Present: Come in and know me better.
Ghost of Christmas Present: Come in and know me better.
Man. Did I already say that?
Scrooge: You did. Yeah.
Ghost of Christmas Present: I am the Ghost


of Christmas Present. This is the night before the dawn
before the day of Christmas! Did I tell you that I am the
Ghost of Christmas Present?
Scrooge: You did. Yeah
Ghost of Christmas Present:

Come in and know me better.

Scrooge: You're a little absentminded. Spirit.

Ghost of Christmas Present: No! I'm a very absentminded
spirit!( hearty laugh) My mind is filled with the here and
now. And the now is Christmas!
Scrooge: I don't believe I've ever met anybody like you
before. Sir.
Really? Over 2000

of my brothers have come before me.

Rizzo;(aside)Imagine the grocery bills.

Ghost of Christmas Present: Have you ever noticed that
everything seems wonderful at Christmas?
Scrooge: In all honesty. Spirit. No. Perhaps I've never
understood about Christmas.
Ghost of Christmas Present: Before this day is done.
you will understand!
Scrooge: Oh. No. Oh. No!
Ghost of Christmas Present: Ah. We shall go out into the
Scrooge: Spirit. I had no idea. I wish to see friends.
Kin. Show me family. It's... It's Fred.
Scrooge: My dear nephew Fred and his wife Clara
having Christmas with friends.


Nephew Fred: We've had the plum pudding and sung
the carols. What now. My lovelies

A game. Fred.

Nephew Fred:

We must have a game at Christmas.

Scrooge: Do people play games at Christmas?

Guest 2: Wonderful idea.I love games!
Nephew Fred:

Let's play "Yes and No."

Guest 1:

A wonderful game!

Guest 1:

Oh. Yes!

Guest 2:

Ah! That's a great game! I'll be it.

Clara; Yes. Let Fred be it. He always thinks of good

Nephew Fred:
Guest 2:

Is it vegetable?

Nephew Fred:
Guest 2:



Nephew Fred:
Guest 2:

I do have a good one. Clara.


Animal. Then?

Nephew Fred: What else?

Guest 2: What else. Indeed!
Guest 1:

Is it found on a farm?

Nephew Fred:



Guest 2:

In the city?

Nephew Fred:
Guest 1:


Does it pull a hansom cab?

Nephew Fred:
Guest 2:

Certainly not!

How about a dog?

Nephew Fred:
Guest 2:


Guest 1:

A cat?

Guest 2:

A cat?
I said it first.

Nephew Fred:


Wait. Then.Is this an unwanted creature?

Nephew Fred:


A mouse.

Nephew Fred:
Guest 1:


Guest 2:

A rat.
A cockroach.

Nephew Fred:
Guest 1:


Nephew Fred:

A leech.
(Shakes his head) Oh. Dear. It's too

Clara: Wait! Wait! I know!An unwanted creature,but not a

rat. A leech or cockroach.


Nephew Fred:

Then what?

Clara: ( Smiling and signalling all to join her in the

answer) What?
All: It's Ebenezer Scrooge!
Nephew Fred Yes!
Guests; Wonderful! ( all laught)
- Yes!
- That's a good one!
- That's a killer!
Ghost of Christmas Present: Come. There's much to see.
Scrooge: No more. I wish to see no more. Here. Why have we
come to this odd corner of the town?
Ghost of Christmas Present: It's Christmas here. Too. You
know. That's Bob Cratchit's house.
Narrator: Perhaps it was the spirit's own generous
nature... and his sympathy for all poor men... that led
them straight to the home of Scrooge's faithful clerk.

Goose!They're cookin' goose down there!

Narrator; Rizzo. Get out of the way!


This is Bob Cratchit's house?

Ghost of Christmas Present: How do you know that?

Scrooge:You just told me.
Ghost of Christmas Present: Well. I'm usually trustworthy.
Mrs. Cratchit: What has ever got your precious father
then. And your brother, Tiny Tim! And Martha warn't as
late last Christmas Day by half-an-hour!''


Kate: Here's Martha, mother!
Dan: Here's Martha, mother! ``Hurrah! There's such a
goose, Martha!''
Mrs. Cratchit: Why, bless your heart alive, my dear, how
late you are!'' (taking off her shawl)
Martha: We'd a deal of work to finish up last night,and
had to clear away this morning, mother!''
Mrs. Cratchit: Well! Never mind so long as you are come,
Sit ye down before the fire, my dear, and have a warm,
Lord bless ye!''
Kate; There's father coming,
Mrs. Cratchit:

Peter. Do not stop turning that spit.

That is the whole secret of a properly roasted

Dan: It smells so good. Mother.

Peter: It does. Doesn't it?
Martha; Oh. That smells wonderful!
Kate: Mother. Mother. Mother! I thought you said we
couldn't eat the chestnuts... until Father and Tiny Tim
get home
Mrs. Cratchit:
l-I wasn't eating them.I was... I was
merely checking them to see if they were not burnt.It's a
chef's thing. Dear.
And do not shout. Peter!
( Bob Cratchit and tiny tim enter)
Bob Cratchit.Happy Christmas. Everyone.
Children: Daddy!


Happy Christmas. Girls.
Happy Christmas. Lads
Children; Happy Christmas.
Mrs. Cratchit: Children. Children. Children! Now... Now
it's time to set the table.Go ahead.
Tiny Tim: Wait for me!
Kate : Oh. Peter!
Dan ; Hurray for the Christmas dinner!
Tiny Tim: ( looking at the goose)The goose!
The goose!(cough)
Bob Cratchit: Oh. No. No. Now. Son. Son.
now you've gotten too excited.
Mrs. Cratchit: You go sit in your chair a moment. Okay.
Rest. Rest a moment. How was he at church?
Bob Cratchit: As good as gold and better.He told me that
he hoped the people saw him in church might
be pleasant for them to remember upon Christmas Day...who
made lame beggars walkand blind men see.
Rizzo;A remarkable child!
Narrator: And with that. The Cratchitscame to what was
surely...the happiest single moment in all the livelong

Such a meagre feast.

Ghost: But very much appreciated.


I pay Bob such a small amount.

Bob Cratchit: ( lifting a glass) Mr Scrooge!


Mrs. Cratchit:

Bob! Bob Cratchit!(slamming down her

Bob Cratchit: ( It only seems right that I should lift a

glass to my employer. I give you Mr Scrooge. the founder
of the feast.
Mrs. Cratchitt: The founder of the feast. Indeed! Hmmph!
If I had him here. I would give him a piece of my mind to
feast upon. And I bet he would choke on it. Hmm! Choke!
Bob Cratchit: My dear! The... The children! Christmas Day!
Mrs. Cratchitt: Well. I suppose that on the blessed day
of Christmas... one must drink to the health of. Uh. Mr
Scrooge.( still muttering ) Even though he is odious.
Stingy... Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Wicked and unfeeling.. Mm-hmm!
Bob Cratchitt:

To the founder of the feast. Mr Scrooge!

Children ;To Mr Scrooge.

Mrs. Cratchitt: He'll be very merry and happy this day. I
have no doubt. No doubt.
Bob Cratchitt:
Tiny Tim:


God bless us. Every one!

Mrs. Cratchit; Let's all take our seats now. Let's have
Scrooge: Spirit. Tell me if Tiny Tim will live.
Ghost of Christmas Present: That is the future. My realm
is the present. However. Ah. I see a vacant seat by the
chimney corner... and a crutch without an owner. If these
shadows remain unaltered... I believe the child will die.(


pauses and then using Scrooges tone of voice) What then?
If he's going to die. he had better do it... and decrease
the surplus population.
Scrooge: Oh. Spirit.( hides his head in his hands)
Narator: As the Cratchit family vanished into the
Scrooge kept his eyes upon Tiny Tim until the last.
Ghost of Christmas Present: Come. My time grows short.
Scrooge: Spirit. Do you grow old?
Ghost of Christmas Present: I do.
Scrooge: Are spirits' lives so short?
Ghost of Christmas Present: My time upon this globe is
very brief. I believe it will end upon the stroke of
Scrooge: Now? But. Spirit. I have learned so much from you
Narrator: Nothing Scrooge could do or say could stop the
relentless march... (Bong) Of those terrible bells. (Bong)
Scrooge: Oh. Spirit. Do not leave me.
Ghost of Christmas Present: I think I must. In fact.
Scrooge: You have meant so much to me. You have changed
Ghost of Christmas Present: And now I leave you with the
Ghostof Christmas Yet to Come.
Scrooge: You mean the future?

Must I?

Ghost of Christmas Present: Ho ho ho-ho-ho-ho!



Scrooge: Am I in the presence. of the Ghost of Christmas
Yet to Come?
( Ghosts doesnt make a sound) Spirit. I fear you more...
than any spectre I have yet met.
Rizzo: Oh. This is too scary. I don't think I want to see
any more.
Narrator: You're on your own. Folks.
We'll meet you at the finale.
Scrooge: I am prepared to follow and to learn... with a
thankful heart.
Will you not speak to me?( Ghost moves toward the window
and beckons Scrooge to take his hand)
Scrooge: Oh. Yes. Yes. Lead on. Spirit.
( Scene opens in the street. Two men are speaking)
Gentleman 1: No. I don't know much about it either way. I
only know he's dead.
Gentleman 2:


Gentleman 1:

Last night. I believe.

Gentleman 2:
never go.

Hmm. Wonder what he died of. I thought he'd

Gentleman 1:

Well. I don't know or care why he's gone.

Gentleman 2:
his money.

I'd just like to know what he's done with

Gentleman 1:

That's right! Wouldn't we all?

Gentleman 2:

Well. He didn't give it to me.

Gentleman 1:

No. No.Nor to me.( laughs)


Gentleman 2:

Well. It's likely to be a cheap funeral.

Gentleman 1:

I don't know a single soul who'd go to it.

Gentleman 2:

I wouldn't mind goin'.

Gentleman 1:

Hey? - What?

Gentleman 2:

If lunch is provided.(both laugh)

Gentleman 1:
I say! Speaking of lunch... Oh. Good Lord.
Look at the time.
Gentleman 2:

Yes. We must be off.

Scrooge: I know some of those gentlemen. Spirit. Of what

poor wretch do they speak?
(lights out on street scene. Group of
people inside room)
Old Joe: So. Back from the house of sadness. I see.
Old rag lady: Huh! Sad that he didn't die years ago. the
old skinflint.
Other rag pickers:

Hear. Hear!

Old Joe: Well. Let me see. What do you got for old Joe.
Eh? What do you got for me to remember him by?
Mrs. Toliver: Joe. Get off!
Mrs Dilber; Well. I got these collar buttons from his
dresser. Mother-of-pearl.
Old Joe:

(bites down on one) No. No. No. No.

Mrs. Toliver;

I got his bed curtains. Very fine damask.


Mrs Dilber:
Old Joe:


Very cheap damask.but worth a few coins.

Mrs Dilber : Now. I've got his blankets.

Old Joe:
Oh. His blankets? Why. Mrs Dilber.
they're still warm. I don't pay extra
for the warmth. You know.
Mrs. Dilber:
Old Joe:

You should. It's the only warmth he ever

(laughing)Only warmth he ever had!

Mrs. Toliver(laughing); The only warmth he ever had.

Scrooge;I understand. Spirit. The case of this unhappy man
might be my own. My-My life tends that way now. Merciful
heavens. Let me see some tenderness connected with this
world... or I'll be haunted by that terrible conversation
( Ghost moves pointing toward other part of the stage0
Scrooge; It's Bob Cratchit's house. Oh. Yes. Spirit. A
place of joy and laughter. Thank you for bringing me
It's so quiet. Why is it so quiet. Spirit?
( Mrs. Cratchit is sitting down with the children0
Martha; Oh. Mother. You're crying again.
Mrs. Cratchit:
hurts my eyes.

Oh. Um. No. It's just the lamplight that

Kate: Oh. Not Tiny Tim!( she starts crying too)


Mrs. Cratchit: Th-There. There now. My eyes get weak in
the... in the dim light. I would not want to show weak
eyes to your father...
( Mrs. Cratchit gets up and starts dusting)
when he gets home for anything in the world.
Peter; He... He should be back now.
Mrs. Cratchit: I think he's walked a little slower
these past two evenings.
Bob Cratchit:

Hello. My dears.


Bob Cratchit:

Hello. Girls. Hello.Dan, Peter.

Mrs. Cratchit: Children. Please... please go set the

table. Thank you.
How was the churchyard?
Bob Cratchit: Oh. It'll be lovely. Emily. It would have
done you good to see how green the place is. l... I picked
a spot for Tim where he can see... It-It's a spot on the
hill... and you can see the ducks on the river. - Tiny
Mrs Cratchit;Tiny Tim always loved... watching the ducks
on the river.
Scrooge: Oh. Spirit. Must there be a Christmas... that
brings this awful scene? How can they endure it?
Bob Cratchit: It's all right. Children. Life is made up
of meetings and partings. That is the way of it. I am sure
we shall never forget Tiny Tim... or this first parting
that there was among us.


( lights fade and Ghost and Scrooge are in a graveyard0
Scrooge: Must we return to this place? There's something
else that I must know.. is that not true? Spirit. I know
what I must ask. I fear to. But I must. Who was the
wretched man whose death brought so much...
glee and happiness to others?
( Ghost points to a gravestone)
Answer me one more question. Are these the shadows of
things that will be... or are they the shadows of things
that may be only? These events can be changed.
( Scrooge wipes the dirt from the stone)Ebenezar Scrooge
Oh. Please. Spirit. No.
A life can be made right. Hear me.
I'm not the man I was. Why would you show me this
if I was past all hope? l... I will honour Christmas
and try to keep it all the year.
I will not shut out the lessons
the spirits have taught me. Tell me that I may sponge out
the writing on this stone.
( Ebenezar kneeling by the ghost and begging)
( l ights go out and then on again)
( Ebenezar kneeling holding a blanket)
Oh. Spirit. Please speak to me. I'm home.
Narrator: Yes. The bedposts were his own. The bed was his
own. The room was his own.

Hi. Guys! We're back. We promised we would be.


Narrator: But the thing that made Scrooge happiest of
all... was that his life lay before him and it could be
Scrooge: Oh. Heaven and the Christmas time be praised for
this day. I say it on my knees. Jacob Marley. On my knees.
Oh. They're not torn down. They're here. And I'm here.
More is the miracle. I don't know what to do.
l-I'm as light as a feather. I'm as happy as an angel.
I'm... I'm as merry as a schoolboy.

You there. Boy.

Boy: What. Me?Uh. That is. What. Me. Sir?


What's today?

Boy: Pardon?

What's today. My fine fellow?

Boy: Today? Well. Today is Christmas Day.

Scrooge: It's Christmas Day? I haven't missed it.
The spirits did it all in one night. They can do anything
they like.Of course they can. Of course they can.Do you
know the poultry shop
in the next street?
Boy: Yes. Sir. I do.
Scrooge: An intelligent lad. A remarkable lad.
Do you know whether the prize turkey has been sold in the
Boy: Oh. The one twice as big as me? It's still there.
Scrooge: Oh. It's a pleasure talking with you. Lad.
Go and buy it.
Boy: Be serious.


Scrooge: I am being serious. Buy it for me. and I'll give
you a shilling.



No. I'll give you five shillings.

Boy: What? Wow!

Narrator: And so the boy was off like a shot. So eager...(
Boys bumps into Narrator) Wah!
Boy: Sorry.
Scrooge: I'll bring it to Bob Cratchit's house. What a
surprise it'll be. It's twice the size of Tiny Tim.
Narrator: And a few moments later. dressed in his
finest... Scrooge appeared on the streets of the city.. to
wish "Happy Christmas" to all the world.
Happy Christmas.
Narrator: Everyone was out and about
this fine morning...and soon he encountered two familiar
faces.M-M-Mr Scrooge?
Pardon me. Gentlemen. But about
the charity donation...You asked me for yesterday.
Gentleman 1:Oh. Yes?

Put me down for...

Gentelman 2: That much?

Scrooge: Not a penny less.A great many back payments are
included in it. I assure you.
Gentleman 1:Oh. My goodness


Gentleman 2:I don't know what to say.
Gentleman 1: I just wish there was something
we could give you.
Scrooge: A gift? A gift for me? Thank you.
And a Happy Christmas.

Here's your turkey. Mr Scrooge.

Scrooge: Follow me. Lad.

Scrooge: Bob Cratchit!You. Sir. Were not at work this
morning as we had discussed.
Bob Cratchitt: Oh. But-but. Mr Scrooge. Sir.
we did discuss it.It's Christmas Day.You gave me the day
Scrooge: I? I. Ebenezer Scrooge? Would I do a thing like
Bob Cratchitt: No.I mean yes.But-But you did.
Scrooge: Bob Cratchit.I've had my fill of this.
Mrs Cratchitt: And I have had my fill of you.Mr Scrooge.
Bob Cratchitt:

Emily! Emily! Mr Scrooge.

And therefore. Bob Cratchit...

Mrs Cratchitt: And therefore. You can leave this house at


And therefore. I'm about to raise your salary.

Mrs Cratchitt: Oh! And I am about to raise you right

off the pavement and out... Pardon?
Scrooge: Yes. Bob. Raise your salary...and pay your
mortgage on this house.


Bob Cratchitt:

Please. Sir. Come inside. Uh. Yes.

Mrs Cratchitt: Oh. Yes. Yes.

Bob Cratchit. Would you care to join us for a little
dinner on this fine Christmas Day?
Narrator: And Scrooge was better than his word. He did it
all and infinitely more!
And. Uh. Tiny Tim?
Narrator: And Tiny Tim. Who did not die...
- Aw. Isn't that swell!
Narrator: To Tiny Tim. Scrooge became a second father. He
became as good a friend. as good a master and as good a
man... As the good old city ever had! And It was always
said of him that he knew how to keep Christmas well...
Rizzo: Hmm.
Narrator: if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May
that truly be said of us and all of us! And so as Tiny Tim
observed... God bless us.
All cast;God bless us. Every one!
Rizzo; Nice story. Mr Dickens.
the book.

Oh. Thanks. If you like this. you should read

Cast assembled on stage, join arms and sing to the

audience. At the end of the song, all bow.

We wish you a Merry Christmas


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