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The Basic Conceptions/Principles of ESP

Five conceptions are considered to be
the foundations, essential features or
basic principles of ESP. Swale (1990) uses
the term 'enduring conceptions' to refer to
them. These five conceptions are: authenti
city, research-base,
language/text, need and
learning/methodology. These five conceptions
iginate from both the real world (the
'target situation' of the ESP) and ESP peda
gogy. It is therefore cr
ucial to discuss each
of them in an attempt to survey the devel
opment and directions of
ESP. As a matter of
A broader definition of ESP is that pr
ovided by Hutchinson and Waters (1987)
who theorize ESP as an approach to la
nguage teaching which ta
kes into account the
learners' reasons for learning in making d
ecisions related to content and method.
Commenting on this definition, Anthony (1997)
states that it is not clear where GPA
fends and ESP starts. Numerous non-specialis
t ESL instructors use an ESP approach
in that their syllabuses are based on analys
is of learner needs and their own personal
specialist knowledge of using E
nglish for real communication.
English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is a market
driven, need oriented and purpose driven course
but a snap shot of an ESP classroom in gulf
countries will reveal that it is often taught on the
line of teaching General English focusing on

language teaching methods. ESP teachers often

forget that ESP has some distinguishing features
unlike General English. ESP is a separate
activity within English Language Teaching
(ELT) with its own approach, material and
methodology by adapting and integrating with
other disciplines and it encourages learner
investment and participation. Since ESP uses
distinctive approaches, materials and methods
based on learners specific needs, ESP
practitioners must assess learners needs, design
course, develop materials, choose appropriate
instruction and implement it to satisfy the
identified needs of the learners. Therefore, just
knowledge of language system and ability to
deliver this is not enough for an ESP teacher.
This article is going to delineate how to teach an
Keywords: ESP, need, design course, develop
materials, evaluation

The formative purpose of such assessment is

reflected in the possibility for the
learners to use it as feedback on how they can
improve their performance, and for the
teacher on how s/he can adapt his/her teachin
g to better fit with the needs of the
Finally, an ESP program that aims to
meet the ever-changing needs of the
learners will include an on-going system of
evaluation, aiming to provide information
on how the program itself can be improved
through the introduction
of changes that
are deemed necessary.

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