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Unit 2 Reformation & Wars of Religion

AP European History


Unit 2 Chapters 3 & 4

Reformation & Wars of Religion
Unit Goal:
By the late fifteenth century many were calling for Church reform. Analyze the time
period to explain how Europe went from having one Christian Church at the beginning of the
sixteenth century to many by its end.
Language Objectives:

Define academic vocabulary using both oral and written responses. Explain content
material using complete sentences. Create a thesis and prove it.
Enabling Objectives: Students will be able to.using
1. Identify or define the following in terms of their significance to this unit:

Edict of Nantes
Union of Utrecht
Institutes of the Christian
2. Describe the central ideas of the reformers, and why they were appealing to different social
3. Explain how the political situation in Germany shaped the course of the Reformation.
4. Discuss how Protestant ideas and institutions spread beyond German-speaking lands.
5. Tell about the reforms the Catholic Church made, and how it responded to Protestant reform
Chapter 3, The Age of Reformation
Reading: Text pp.96-133
Th & F

Spanish Armada
Holy Office


Topic of the Day

Unit 1 Exam

Aug. 31 &
Sept. 1
Sept. 5


Sept. 6, 7

Th & F

Sept. 8,9

Church Chart Graphic Organizer

PPT Protestant Reformation
Doc.2.2 Martin Luthers Ninety-Five Theses
P. 108 A Raw Deal for the Common Man..
PPT English Reformation
APPARTS Doc. 2.8 Defense of Seven

No School

Unit 2 Guide
Read 96-105 (#1-16)
Read 106-116 (#17-30)
Read 117-126 (#31-43)
Complete Doc. 2.2
Read 127-133 (#44-47)
Complete APPARTS
Chpt. 3 Vocab Quiz Monday

Reading Guide

Sept. 12

Chpt.3 Vocab Quiz

Counter Reformation

Chapter 4 Unit Guide

Chapter 3 I.D. Notecards and Reading questions. Each I.D. notecard must list the definition and
significance of the topic. All questions must be answered in complete sentences.
1. Reformation (97)
2. What was the social and religious background of the Reformation? (97)
3. Martin Schongauer (99)
4. Martin Luther (100)
5. Why did Martin Luther challenge the church? (100)
6. Sola fide (101)
7. Indulgence (101)
8. Purgatory (101)
9. John Tetzel (102)
10.Ninety-Five Thesis (102)
11.electors (103)
12.Charles V (103)
13. Exsurge Domine (104)
14.Diet of Worms (104)
15.Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony (104)
16.The Peasants Revolt (105)
17.Swiss Reformation (106)
18.Ulrich Zwingli (106)
19.Marburg Colloquy (107)
20.Anabaptists (110)
21.Conrad Grebel (110)
22.Spiritualists (112)
23.Antitrinitarians (112)
24.predestination (112)
25. John Calvin (112)
26. Institutes of the Christian Religion (113)
27. What were the political ramifications of the Reformation? (115)
28. Diet of Augsburg (115)
29. Augsburg Confession (115)
30. Peace of Augsburg (116)
31. English Reformation (117)
32. Defender of the Faith (117)
33. List King Henry VIIIs wives.
34. Act of Supremacy (119)
35. What was the Counter-Reformation and how successful was it? (120)
36. Ursulines (1200
37. Ignatius of Loyola (121)
38. Council of Trent (121)
39. What was the social significance of the Reformation & how did it affect family life? (123)
40. What was religion like in the Fifteenth-Century? (124)
41. What was religion like in the Sixteenth-Century? (124)

42. How did the Reformation effect education? (125)

43. How did the Reformation effect the changing role of women? (126)
44. What was family life like in early modern Europe? (127)
45. How was the transition from medieval to modern reflected in the works of the great
literary figures of the era? (130)
46. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (130)
47. Willian Shakespeare (131)

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