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"[se referindo ao vdeo] As if nobody knows that they need to tryhard themselves AND

freaking babysite their teammates to success.

The game of dota 2 is literally carry your teammates. it's that simple, get over it. Fuck them.
You think you are superior? Then carry them. You want to be higher mmr than the trench
you are in? Then carry them. What else is there to say? Complaining about shit teammates
won't do a thing, flaming is basically throwing.
Aui you don't need 16min to explain that all things considered/aside, the more cooperative
team has more chance to win.
This has nothing to do with skill/mmr/whatever. This is just a long going increasing trend of
dota 2 encouraging ganging up to bully and discouraging anti social players. AKA le reddit
tyranny of the democracy, aka gabe commands that moar people play the game, so icefrog
has to keep dumbing the game down, pacing it up, and making it more teamplay oriented.
You talk about how skill diversity is bigger in 3-4k games to make some points. How
amusing you forgot to talk about the fact that in non-pro games skills literally don't matter as
much as in pro games as well, and that bracket, 3-4k is where most players are. AKA most
dota 2 players aren't playing dota 2 as it should be played (I didn't say this). How is this a
healthy state of dota 2 and OK to be ignored if you are targeting your video viewers at the
general public?
Also, what's "nice" about bullying? You know there's always gonna be anti social autistic
kids in this game, and if you just try to be "nice" to teammates you are basically exploiting
the fact that the opponents are fighting amongst themselves while/as/after you somehow
successfully "communicated" and kept gank training them and kept not giving them
chances to do the same and bam, auto win.
Sure, you may start a spark of flame that revolutionizes the dota 2 community and make it
so that everybody play pubs as if they are navi from ti2 so all4win and focused and
oneheart, and THEN we can talk equal ground about skillz, whether it be personal or
teamplay.. But that's a long road and on that road some, if not a lot, of players with great
mechanical skills/gaming potential are lost (already happened cus 4 years of dota 2
already) because they are/feel singled out. Also I doubt DragonFist went up 7k without
knowing all you said but you know that already. But I doubt he doesn't feel singled out once
every so often and I'd be damned if he tanks that 100%.
Dota 2 has been ruling out autistic and rude players since forever, at what cost? Dota 2
encourages report, ignore, it doesn't encourages understanding, and indeed nobody is
trying to understand each other--a lot of people are still repeatedly flaming and reporting
and ignoring each other at the first sight of disagreement in stuff, complaining about elo
hell, arguing over dk effect, etc hence your video. What you said, aui, doesn't help much. To
say the least this video can't reach the major masses in any time soon and it makes viewers
like me question the validity of your attempt to make a point, so much to the point itself.

You talk about "in depth" but the increasing focus on teamplay dissolves the significance of
personal skill and that's anti depth. I'm not saying people don't go for solo kills anymore. But
since "everybody" is exploiting the teamplay orientation, creativity in terms of solo plays is
stagnated. Even team plays are stagnated, because hello? A team is made up of
individuals and teamplay = individual plays done together. Forgetting the roots and trying to
build a tree is anti nature. Stagnation was ever so obvious in ti4 meta, and it will not ever
change, no matter how frequent the updates come, the mentality to gang up and exploit the
obvious in general has been hammered time after time and is rooted deep in dota 2
already. May I call dota 2 completely irrelevant to dota 1 cus the roots of dota 1 are gone
and its soul never to be rekindled.
And partly because "AKA gabe commands that moar people play the game, so icefrog has
to keep dumbing the game down, pacing it up, and making it more teamplay oriented." it's
quite amusing you kept repeating in your vids about dota 1 players sucking vs dota 2. Aren't
you just trying to convince yourself /justifying what's happening? Dota 1 was way more fun
as a single player experience and it's not just 1st position players. It was much less a team
above individual game vs dota 2. And because of that solo pubbing was way more fun. And
because of that people cared enough to develop great personal skillset because it helps
them win games/ brings them fun.
Dota 1 was a single player focused team game, nonetheless it blew up and got so popular,
partly credited to sc1 and wc3's 1v1 centric pro scene. It was such an awesome single
player experience shared with 9 players and furthermore the community. I don't know why
LoL blew up apart from the ever bubbling social media culture making everyone ever so in
sync yet shallow. But there's no denying the obvious Dota 2 has been trying to learn from
LoL's blatant and loud success formula. Dota 2 tries to be more and more popular by
largely de-prioritizing single player experience and only focusing on expanding the player
base by all kinds of network expansion methods such as recruiting, stressing/ rewarding
teamplay, supporting pro scene to such extent, then semi pro scenes as well. Literally
quantity before quality.
When there was less than 100k players back in 2012 I had way more fun as sf in pubs vs
2013-4 playing sf, I barely remember what fun was like, cus it has been just freaking
farming hoping to 1v9 or just deathball with cooperative teammates(if I want all games to be
like that I literally go full aui/new ppd and play the friendly dude and and praise and beg
teammates to earn help all game )
Since when did dota 2 become a game of diplomacy?
Why are you trying to take credit/rely on good communication? Is this in the name of
winning? Because that is simply exploiting.
You talk about maining a hero and long term benefits. But all this is shortsighted. Focusing
on gameplay and only gameplay is the long term vision. Focusing on communication in
order to cheat out some losses isn't. This is if dota 2 has any long term hope at all.

Here are 2 examples of pros with amazing personal skills, who are also successful, and
famous, and are confused about dota 2 and no longer have as much fun.
Dendi has always been amazing personal skill wise yet people claim he's declining in
personal skill and ignore the trend where dota 2 meta is going. Dendi himself said that last
hits don't matter and this was some 1 year ago. During post ti4-new patch he complained
that towers shouldn't matter, kills should.
Arteezy recently said in interviews that he wants fun heroes like sf and od back in the meta.
Sf to him is still not in the meta, albeit other pros still playing it. I myself knows that albeit the
"rekindling soul" update, and that pathetic buff to necromastery, and that long awaited(2
years? 3?) fix to shadowblade/phase full damage ulti, nothing has changed to sf in the
meta, AKA nobody plays it to win or have fun, cus everyone's all for fucking win.
Arteezy's sf winrate and kda in pubs has always been shit vs other players. When you look
at other players on top of dotabuff with their blazing stats, and actually check their replays,
all they do is farm, exploit the farming speed, and faceroll. Frequent shit razes, less
awesome razes frequently seen in dota 1 videos. Albeit a farm oriented player Arteezy
actually focuses on personal skill outside of farming as well, I dare say with sf too, not so
much so to most other players out there. SF in most past dota 2 meta = tank up, death ball,
auto win
The part you're right about is self initiation. Because in the end this is a single player played
game in pubs, no expectations should be made to randoms, only highest for yourself, be it
your communication stuff or my personal skill focus.
To me your mentality is the same along the line of Merlini encouraging the validity of
fountain camping "cus it's part of the game why not cus icefrog"
This is blatant predatory darwinism. Zero morals, all end results. After even icefrog
responded to griefing against such act, people were still enchanted by the idea of ultimate
stomping, as evident in the kuro penta rampage spam threads/gifs. Except stomping = no
skill/skill increased. Those who believe otherwise please knock yourself out.
Let's make another obvious example. Your teammate, EE. The known tryhard, and autist.
How can that be?
Cus he is first and formost an autistic dota 2 player. But then he wants to win so hard and
want to be famous so hard he gives up trying to be autistic or cares about "skills"
"mechanics" and actually becomes communicative in order to reach the status worthy of
being autistic-famous. Cus trying hard without communication in dota 2 (trying to feel good
being autistic) doesn't give results.
Cus one person facerolling 9 people is simply statistically bad for the money, per valve. And
5 people facerolling the other 5 is ok.
TL;DR? all4win and none for skill is short sighted. Unless you believe such thing as skill
doesn't exist and winning is everything. Then go ahead knock yourself out.

It's natural how Merlini took a more liberal approach to this topic stressing the importance of
"getting better" instead of just barely skimming over the term like you did. after all he's no
tier 1 pro player.
But at least you count yourself lucky. Don't recall Merlini saying as much like that about all
the fame.
And I like your bit "if you need to find the evil you only need to look in the mirror"
Everyone need self reflection even tho it's not what they want. At least when it gets done
and when things gets cleared, you realize it's not others telling you what to do."

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