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Revised Study Guide for Macbeth - KEY

General information on Shakespeare

1. Provide the dates of Shakespeares life. Shakespeare was born in 1564, and he died in 1616.
2. How many plays did he write? Shakespeare wrote 37 plays.
3. How many sonnets did he write? He wrote 154 sonnets.
4. When did he complete the writing of Macbeth? Shakespeare completed this play in 1606.
5. What type of play is Macbeth? Macbeth is a tragedy.
6. Define this type of play. Tragedy - describes the downfall of a great man. It has a sorrowful or
disastrous conclusion, and it imparts a feeling of great waste.
7. Macbeth was written as a tribute to whom? Shakespeare intended this play to be a tribute to King
James I.
8. What was this person to Shakespeare? James I was one of Shakespeares patrons.
9. What is a patron? Patron a person who supports an artist financially.
10. Which character in the play was said to have been the father to the first Stuart king of Scotland?
The character Banquo is said to have been the father to the first Stuart king of Scotland.
11. What kind of character is Macbeth? Macbeth is considered a tragic hero.
12. Define what the answer to question eleven means. Tragic hero a person of high rank and
personal quality who has a tragic flaw that leads to his downfall or destruction.
13. Where does the story of Macbeth primarily take place? Scotland is the primary physical setting
of the play.
14. When does the story of Macbeth take place? The play takes place in the years 1040-1042.
15. Who is the King of Scotland when the play begins? When the play begins, Duncan is the king of
16. What is Macbeths title as the play begins? Macbeth is the Thane of Glamis.
17. Where is Macbeths home castle? His castle is at Inverness.
18. Where is Macduffs home castle? What is Macduffs title at the beginning of the play? Macduffs
castle is at Fife, and Macduff is the Thane of Fife.

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Scene 1
19. a. When will the Witches meet again? They plan to meet again at sunset when the battle is over.
b. Why are the witches going to meet again so soon? The Witches intend to meet Macbeth at
this time.
c. Provide the quote that indicates this.
First Witch. When shall we three meet again?
Second Witch. Upon the heath.
Third Witch. There to meet with Macbeth.
d. Which literary element is indicated here? Foreshadowing
20. Which poetic device is evident in the following quote? Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through
the fog and filthy air. alliteration
21. Provide a quote that reflects the imagery of Macbeths armed conflict with the traitor Macdonwald.
unseamed him from the nave to th chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements.
22. a. Translate the following lines from the play. from that spring whence comfort seemed to come
discomfort swells. b. Which poetic device is being used in this quote?
a. Instead of enjoying victory over Macdonwald, the traitor, the Kings forces have to
battle the Norwegian king.
b. paradox
Scene 2
20. Who does King Duncan order to be executed? King Duncan orders the execution of the Thane
of Cawdor.
22. Who does King Duncan award the vacant title to? The vacant title is to be given to Macbeth.
23. Why does King Duncan give this award to him? Macbeth receives this title for bravely
defending the kings throne and being victorious in battle.
Scene 3
24. What two prophecies do the Witches make for Macbeth? The Witches tell Macbeth he will
become the Thane of Cawdor and the future king of Scotland.
25. What two prophecies do the Witches make for Banquo? They tell Banquo that his descendants
will be kings though he will not.
26. Where is Ross coming from, and what news does he bring to Macbeth and Banquo? Ross is
coming from the king, and he is bringing news to Macbeth about his new title of Thane of

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27. What is Macbeth contemplating and why? The Witches prophecy has wetted Macbeths
ambition, so he is contemplating killing the king to speed up the process in becoming king
28. What does Macbeth decide to do about the matter? (Line 143) He decides that he will wait on
fate he will let chance or nature take its natural course.
Scene 4
29. What statement about the throne of Scotland does Duncan make? (Scene 4, line 35-39) Duncan
names his son Malcolm, the Prince of Cumberland, as the successor to the Scottish throne.
30. Where does the King intend to travel? Duncan intends to go to Macbeths castle at Inverness.
31. What effect does the Kings announcement have on Macbeth (lines 48-50)? This is a complication
to Macbeths desire to be king. He again considers gaining the throne by other means.
Scene 5
32. What kind of woman is Lady Macbeth? Lady Macbeth is determined to see her husband
become king.
33. What does she say is a flaw in Macbeths character? She believes Macbeth is too kind. He is
ambitious, but he will not take dishonorable steps to achieve his desire.
34. Who is going to make the plans and provisions for the evening? Lady Macbeth will make these
35. What does this tell us about her? She appears more ambitious than her husband, and she lacks
his scruples.
36. What does Macbeth want to do? Macbeth wants to wait rather than act on Lady Macbeths
Scene 7
37. What are the five reasons that Macbeth thinks of for not killing the King? (See lines 13-25)
a. Macbeth fears he might be caught, and he is afraid of the consequences.
b. King Duncan is Macbeths first kinsman (blood relation).
c. He has given his oath of loyalty to Duncan as his subject.
d. He is Duncans host, and he should protect his guest.
e. Macbeth believes Duncan has been a good king, and that heaven will react violently if
Duncan is murdered.
38. What is the one most important reason for not killing the King, which Macbeth neglects to
consider? Macbeth knows that murder is morally wrong.
39. What does Macbeth say is his only reason for wanting to kill the King? (Lines 25-28) Only his
vaulting ambition is a reason he gives for killing the king.

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40. What does Macbeth tell his wife about what he has decided? (31) He has decided not to kill to
the king, so he can enjoy his new honors and the praise of others.
41. What is Lady Macbeths reaction to this news? She is angry.
42. How does she persuade him into committing the murder? She questions his manhood.
43. What is Lady Macbeths plan? (Lines 61-72) She plans to get the kings guards drunk and drug
44. What part does Macbeth add to this murder plan? He suggests that they use the guards daggers
and then put the bloody daggers with their owners, so the blame for the murder can be placed on
45. How are they going to react when the dead body is found? They are going to act surprised.
46. What are the three ingredients needed to enable Macbeth to murder Duncan?
a. The prophecy of the witches
b. Macbeths ambition
c. Lady Macbeths persuasion
LITERARY ELEMENT USAGE. Define each term and provide an example of the usage of each
of the following terms within the play. Make sure and use quotation marks.
3. theme (ambition can lead men to their destruction), p.309 - the meaning /point/purpose the
author is trying to make in the story.
tis strange and oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths,
win us with honest trifles, to betray in deepest consequence.
4. foreshadowing (Macbeths ambition), p.309 - the hints or clues to suggest events that have yet to
nothing is but what is not.
5. characterization (King Duncan), p. 310 the act of creating and developing a character.
Theres no art to find the minds construction in the face: he was a gentleman on whom I built
an absolute trust.
6. characterization (Macbeth), p. 312 the act of creating and developing a character.
...I fear thy nature; it is too full o th milk of human kindness [Lady Macbeth about her
7. foreshadowing, p. 313 the hints or clues to suggest events that have yet to occur.
The king comes here tonight.

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8. dramatic irony (Macbeths castle), p.314 occurs when the reader or viewer knows more about
a situation than the characters do.
This castle hath a pleasant seat [setting]; the air doth nimbly and sweetly recommend itself unto
our gentle senses.
9. internal conflict, p. 316 a struggle within a character.
We but teach bloody instructions, which, being taught, return to plague the inventor.
If it were done when tis done, then twere well it were done quickly.
but this blow might be the be-all and the end-all.
quotation marks.

Define each term and give an example of each from the play using

12. simile, p. 305 like a rat without a tail.

13. paradox, p. 306 (explain) So foul and so fair a day I have not seen. Macbeth could be
referring to the changeable weather, but he is probably referring to the deaths that have occurred
and the victories that are to be celebrated.
14. apostrophe, p. 313 Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here.
15. metaphor, p. 314 look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent underneath it.
ACT I VOCABULARY. Copy the definition and provide the quote from the play where each
word is used. Be sure to use quotation marks.
16. anon, p. 302 soon; shortly.
Second Witch. Paddock calls.
Third Witch. Anon!
17. broil, p. 302 quarrel.
Say to the king the knowledge of the broil as thou didst leave it.
18. interim, p. 310 the period of time between; meantime.
the interim having weighed it, let us speak our free hearts each to other.
19. implored, p. 310 to ask or beg earnestly for; beseech.
he frankly confessed his treasons, implored your highness pardon.
20. harbinger, p. 311 sign of something to come.
Ill be myself the harbinger, and make joyful the hearing of my wife with your approach.
21. hautboys, p. 304 oboes.
Hautboys and torches indicate King Duncans arrival at Macbeths castle.
22. surcease, p. 315 death.
catch with his [King Duncans] surcease, success.

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23. quell, p. 317 murder.

who shall bear the guilt of our great quell?
CHARACTERS. Identify and provide one (1) descriptive quote for each of the following
characters. Be sure to use quotation marks.
25. Macbeth, p. 302 one of King Duncans generals who kills the traitor Macdonwald in battle.
brave Macbeth well he deserves that name.
26. Macbeth, p. 307 By Sinels death I know I am Thane of Glamis; but how of Cawdor? The
Thane of Cawdor lives, a prosperous gentleman; and to be king stands not within prospect of
27. Banquo, p. 309 King Duncans other general and Macbeths friend.
tis strange and oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths,
win us with honest trifles, to betray in deepest consequence.
28. Macbeth, p. 309 The witches prophecy evokes Macbeths dormant ambition.
This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill, why hath it given me earnest of
success, commencing in a truth.
Macbeth rejects this temptation.
If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir.
29. King Duncan, p. 310 The King of Scotland. His fatal flaw is that he is too trusting.
Theres no art to find the minds construction in the face: he was a gentleman on whom I built
an absolute trust.
30. Macbeth, p. 311 His ambition resurfaces after King Duncan names his eldest son, Malcolm,
as his successor.
The Prince of Cumberland [Malcolm]! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else oerleap,
for in my way it lies.
31. Lady Macbeth, p. 313 Macbeths wife.
Hie thee hither, that I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chatise with the valor of my tongue
all that impedes thee from the golden round [the crown].
32. King Duncan, p. 314 Duncans description of Macbeths castle reinforces his own fatal flaw.
This castle hath a pleasant seat [setting]; the air doth nimbly and sweetly recommend itself unto
our gentle senses.
33. Macbeth, p. 316 Macbeth provides five (5) reasons for not killing the king, but only one (1)
for killing him.
a. Macbeth is afraid of the consequences if he is caught (bloody instructionsreturn to

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the inventor).
b. Duncan is Macbeths kinsman.
c. Macbeth is Duncans subject (vassal).
d. Macbeth is Duncans host.
e. Macbeths vaulting ambition (covetous desire) is the only reason for killing the king.
34. Lady Macbeth, p. 317 Lady Macbeth explains how they [she and her husband] can escape
consequences for killing the king.
What cannot you and I perform upon th unguarded Duncan, what not put upon his spongy
who shall bear the guilt of our great quell.
Act II
Scene 1
47. What bold-faced lie does Macbeth tell Banquo in their conversation? (Line 21) He tells him he
has forgotten about the witches prophecy.
48. What word of warning does Banquo give to Macbeth in lines 26-29? He says he will listen to
Macbeth as long as listening does not weaken his service to King Duncan.
49. In lines 33-49, what does Macbeth envision? He sees a dagger leading him to King Duncans
50. What does he envision this? Macbeth feels guilty about what he preparing to do murder the
Scene 2
51. Why doesnt Lady Macbeth kill Duncan herself? In sleep, he looked like Lady Macbeths own
52. What does Macbeth imagine hearing (lines 34-42)? He thinks he hears a voice cry, Sleep no
more! Macbeth does murder sleep.
53. What is Lady Macbeths reaction to Macbeths ravings? She seems to think that Macbeth has let
his imagination control his thoughts.
54. What did Macbeth forget to do? He forgot to leave the daggers with the kings bodyguards.
55. Who takes care of the problem? Lady Macbeth takes them back to the guards because
Macbeth is too afraid to view the scene of the murder again.
56. What is the significance of what Macbeth says in the last line of the scene? Wake Duncan with
thy knocking! I would thou couldst! indicates that Macbeth wishes he had not murdered the

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57. What is the main difference that is developing between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth at this point?
She is no longer persuading him, she has actually taken the lead.
58. How is the Macbeth we see at the end of this act different from the Macbeth we saw and heard
about at the beginning of the play? He is no longer the brave and noble person he was that
defeated Macdonwald. He seems afraid of every sound.
Scene 3
59. Who discovers the murder? Macduff was asked by the king to wake him, so he finds the body
of the king.
60. Who is first officially accused of the murder, and why is this accusation made? The kings guards
are the first accused.
61. Why did Macbeth kill them? Provide the real reason and what he tells his guests. Macbeth
probably killed them, so they would not be able to proclaim there innocence or shed any light on
the situation. He tells everyone that he acted impulsively when he saw them covered in the kings
62. Who criticizes Macbeth and becomes suspicious of him? (Line 102) Macduff asks why Macbeth
killed the guards.
63. Who is going to flee to England? The kings son, Malcolm, the named successor, flees to
64. Who is going to flee to Ireland? The kings other son, Donalbain, flees to Ireland.
65. Why are they going to different places? By separating they hope to be safe from those behind
the killing of the king.
Scene 4
66. According to the official investigation, who is suspected of having bribed the bodyguards? Since
the kings sons flee Scotland, they are suspected of having their father killed.
67. Who has been named the new King of Scotland? In the absence of King Duncans sons,
Macbeth is named king.
68. Who does not plan to attend the coronation of the new king? Macduff does not plan to attend the
69. Why does this person not plan to attend the coronation? He seems uncertain of his loyalty to
Macbeth. He certainly does not appear ready to end his mourning for King Duncan.
Scene 1
70. List Macbeths three biggest concerns about Banquo expressed in lines 48-64.

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a. Banquo knows of the witches prophecies, so he has reason to suspect Macbeth of

Duncans murder.
b. Macbeth now is jealous of the prophecy that says Banquos descendants will become
kings in Scotland.
c. He is afraid that Banquo might try to kill Macbeth, so Banquo can become king.
71. Macbeth feels that if he does not eliminate Banquo, then everything he has done thus far has been
for whom? He feels he has murdered for the benefit of Banquos children.
72. Why doesnt Macbeth simply execute Banquo? (Lines 117-121) He doesnt want to use his office
to attack Banquo because they have mutual friends that would be hurt by such an action.
73. Who else, besides Banquo, does Macbeth want the hired killers to kill? He plans to have
Banquos son, Fleance, killed also.
74. Why does Macbeth want this person to die? He now is jealous of the prophecy that would keep
his children from becoming kings in favor of Banquos line.
Scene 2
75. What do lines 8-11 tell us about the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? They are
growing apart, and Macbeth is no longer confiding in her. He is becoming increasingly
independent and impulsive.
76. Why does Macbeth envy Duncan in lines 22-26? Duncan, in death, no longer has to deal with
the cares of this world. He no longer worries.
77. Who died in Scene 3, and who got away? Banquo was killed, but his son, Fleance, escaped.
78. Who does Macbeth envision in Scene 4? He sees Banquos ghost at his banquet.
79. How does Lady Macbeth explain Macbeths strange behavior? She indicates that Macbeth
suffers from a childhood illness (seizures) that causes him to see things.
Scene 6
80. What is the tone of Lennoxs speech? The tone is sarcastic; Lennox does not believe what he is
81. Who is out of favor with Macbeth at this point? Macduff is now out of Macbeths favor.
82. Why is this person out of favor with Macbeth? Macduff did not attend Macbeths coronation,
so he has not yet given his oath of loyalty. Macbeth thinks that Macduff might suspect him of
King Duncans murder.
Scene 1
83. Macbeth sees three (3) apparitions. What do they prophesize?
a. The first apparition tells him to beware of Macduff.

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b. The second tells him that no child born of woman will be able to harm him.
c. Finally, he is told that he will not be defeated in battle until Birnam Wood, a forest,
moves to Dunsinane Castle.
84. After the apparitions, what further knowledge does Macbeth desire to know from the witches?
Macbeth asks if any of Banquos descendants will become Scottish kings. To his dismay, he is
shown a long line of kings.
85. Macbeth finds out the news about whose escape to England? Macduff has fled to England.
86. What does Macbeth intend to do to Macduff? Macbeth gives orders that Macduffs wife and all
his children are to be killed.
Scene 2
87. What happens in this scene? Why did Macbeth have this done? Macduffs wife and son are killed
in this scene because Macbeth cannot reach Macduff himself.
Scene 3
88. What has it been like in Scotland since Malcolm left? Macbeth has become a paranoid tyrant, so
conditions in Scotland are miserable.
89. What does Malcolm have planned (Lines l89-l92)? Malcolm is planning an invasion of Scotland
to regain his fathers throne.
90. What tragic news does Macduff receive? (Lines 204-205) Macduff is informed of the death of
his family.
91. Who does Macduff blame for this tragedy and why? Since he fled Scotland and left his family
behind, Macduff blames himself for this tragedy.
92. Why must Macduff be the one to kill Macbeth? Macduff wants to avenge the deaths of his
93. What major character did not appear in this act? Lady Macbeth is not seen in this act.
94. What does this indicate? Lady Macbeth no longer plays a dominant role in the play.
Scene 1
95. What does the gentlewoman report is the matter with Lady Macbeth? She is sleepwalking, and
she is bordering on insanity. A little water did not get rid of her guilt in the death of King
Duncan, and her inability to deal with this guilt is driving her mad. It does not appear that she
has any kind of relationship with her husband anymore.
Scene 2
96. Identify the setting. Malcolms forces are in a field near Dunsinane Castle.

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97. What are these characters doing? Some of Macbeths soldiers are deserting and joining
Scene 3
98. Identify the setting. The action takes place at Dunsinane Castle.
99. Why doesnt Macbeth fear the oncoming trouble? He finds comfort in the apparitions
prophecies. He feels invincible.
100. How does Macbeth feel about life? (Lines 22-23) He believes that he has lived too long.
101. What is it that Macbeth misses? (Lines 24-28) Macbeth misses the love, honor, respect, and
obedience his friends used to afford him.
Scene 4
102. Identify the setting. Malcolms forces are in a field near Birnam Wood.
103. What command does Malcolm give to all his followers and soldiers? He tells them to cut down
branches from the forest to camouflage their numbers.
104. What prophecy comes true here? Birnam Wood is indeed coming to Dunsinane.
Scene 5
105. Identify the setting. The action again takes place at Dunsinane Castle.
106. What news does Macbeth receive about Lady Macbeth? Macbeth is told that Lady Macbeth is
107. What is his reaction to this news? He believes she should have died later. He could be alluding
to the negative consequences that have resulted from their killing of the king.

108. What additional piece of bad news does Macbeth receive in lines 33-38? Macbeth is told that an
attacking force has been seen, and that it appears a forest is moving toward the castle.
Scene 7
109. Explain the reference in lines 2-4. Macbeth is now finding comfort in the prophecy that he
does not have to fear anyone born of woman.
110. Describe Macduffs feeling in lines 14-16. Macduff is focused upon killing Macbeth and
avenging the murder of his family.
Scene 8
111. Why doesnt Macbeth fear Macduff? He believes that Macduff is born of woman.

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112. What does Macduff say to Macbeth in reply (lines 13-16)? Macduff reveals that his mother
died in labor, and he was taken from her womb after her death.
113. What does Macduff say he will do to Macbeth if he doesnt fight? He will imprison Macbeth,
and then make a spectacle of him, like a sideshow or freak show.
114. What is the final outcome of the fight between Macbeth and Macduff? Macbeth is killed, and
Macduff cuts off Macbeths head. This is similar to Macdonwalds fate at Macbeths hands at the
beginning of the play.
115. Why is it fitting that Macduff be the one to kill him? Macduff never took an oath of loyalty to
Macbeth, but more importantly, Macbeth had killed all of Macduffs loved ones.
116. What final bit of information do we learn about Lady Macbeth in lines 70-71? Lady Macbeth
killed herself.
Final Comments
117. What is the central theme of Macbeth? Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts
118. What are Macbeths tragic flaws? He is ambitious. Away from battle, he is indecisive and too
subject to his wifes persuasion. After killing King Duncan, he seeks the advise of no one, he
becomes impulsive, and ultimately, he becomes paranoid, seeing everyone as a threat to his
position and power.
119. The play begins and ends with what? Civil war (battles) mark the beginning and the ending of
the play.

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