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Deirdre Lonon-Davis

EDU 515- Lesson Plan

February 29, 2016

Lesson Plan
Learning Outcome 1.
Name: A Big Homerun
Content Area: Social Studies
Grade: Second Grade
Total Number of Students-24
Special Needs Students

# of Students

Accommodations and/or IEP Objectives


Read tests (excluding Reading) aloud;

Extended times on tests and assignments.

504 Plan

Use of times for work completion; check

agenda/backpack for work.

Other Special Needs

1) SWD:LD in reading-repeat directions,

Extended time reading on tests/assignments.
2) SWD:EBD-Use social stories to assist
with group work; use BIP to maintain
3)SWD: DHH- Provide written copies of
directions and assignment; extended time.

What accommodations and/or IEP objectives have been planned and documented?
The accommodations are listed above. The accommodations are the following: Repeat
directions, extended time reading on tests/assignments, use social stories to assist with group
work, use BIP to maintain behavior and provide written copies of directions and assignments and
extended time.

Student Assets: The information from the students Personal Learning Profiles revealed that the
students are 7 students above grade level, 7 on grade level and 10 below grade level.
Central Focus- The goal of this lesson is for the students to learn about Jackie Robinsons
desegregation experience in Major League Baseball. The students will demonstrate a clear
understanding of his life. Students will learn key academic vocabulary words and the meaning
of equality for all.
Purpose- To identify how everyday life of Jackie Robinson was similar and different from our
lives today. The book Jackie Robinson will help the students to understand how Mr. Robinson
changed the Americans opinions about African-Americans and sports.
Standards: SS2H1 The students will read about and describe the lives of historic figure-Jackie
b. Describe how everyday life of this historical figure is similar or different to
everyday life in the present (food, clothing, homes, transportation, communication,
recreation, civil rights, and freedoms.)
Learning Objectives
Knowledge Objectives:
Students will able to explain who Jackie Robinson is and his accomplishments in the area of
Major League Baseball and racial awareness.
Students will also be able to show and explain the similar and different items from everyday life
in the present (food, clothing, homes, transportation, communication, recreation, civil rights, and

Performance Objectives:
Students will do a Venn Diagram using the circles to identify the similar and different items
relating to food, clothing, homes, transportation, communication, recreation, civil rights, and
freedoms during Jackie Robinsons life and everyday life. Students will do a word splash using
the academic language and create their own poems or songs that relate to Jackie Robinson.
Students will write a short story about Jackie Robinson.
Essential Content:
This lesson will incorporate Black History into this unit. The students will perform different
activities to demonstrate their understanding of Jackie Robinsons struggles in life and baseball.
The activities range from poems, plays, stories, word splash, and vocabulary tests.
In what ways does your lesson provide for possible incorporation of Curriculum
Integration (Thematic Unit or Interdisciplinary Unit)/
The lesson enables the students to use their reading and writing skills to enhance their Social
Studies skills. Students are able to design stories and plays about the life of Jackie Robinson.
They are able to do research using the computer as a reference tools and writing the stories and
Standards for Technology Skills and /or 21stCentury Skills.
The lesson plan uses the ISTE Standards for Students. Number 3- Research and Information
Fluency-Students have the opportunities to use digital media to obtain, evaluate, and distribute
the information about Jackie Robinson.

Identify the academic Language necessary for mastery of the essential content.
Civil rights
What formal assessments will be used to show what students know, what they can do, and what
they are still learning to do?
Use a true or false quiz to test the students prior knowledge of Jackie Robinson and his
accomplishments in Major League Baseball. The quiz will consists of 10 questions and students
will discuss the answers in the class. Use the information from the quiz to modify the lessons.
Students achieve mastery of

Students achieve a partial

Students achieve a limited

Jackie Robinsons

knowledge of Jackie

knowledge of Jackie

accomplishments. Correct

Robinsons accomplishments.

Robinsons accomplishments.

answers > 8.

Correct answers 5-8.

Correct answers 1-4.

Performance measurements are listed above in the rubric. The same rubric will exist for the preassessment and post-assessment.

Summative Assessment:

Discuss in a group discussion about the events in Jackie Robinsons life. Ask the students how
they would handle the situations of being called names, racial injustice, and being the first person
from their race in playing sports. Remind them to focus on making good choices because they
are the representative of their race. Their choices are being watched by the citizens of the United
States of America and the whole world. Afterwards, the students write a short story describing
the experience and good choices that they made. Completed short story-C, Failure to finish the
short story-V.
Samples of Student Work:
Short Story
Venn Diagram
Word Splash
Songs and Poems about Jackie Robinson
Vocabulary Test on Academic Language
Book Jackie Robinson by Sally M. Walker.
What evidence will you collect?
Essay, Short Answer, Essay/
Assessments directly linked to the central focus, standards, and learning objectives.
Assessment requires the students to organize, interpret, evaluate and summarize the information
about Jackie Robinson.
Students written explanations of concepts require them to draw conclusions, make
generalizations and read like a historian (Social Studies)

Students understand the content and standards/objectives have been addressed.

Students are able to correctly identify the struggles of Jackie Robinson. In other words, the
students use the academic language and direct connection of his historical accomplishments.
The standards will be achieved by the students understanding of his struggles.
Monitor Student Progress
Students progress is monitored by works as individuals, pairs, and cooperative groups.
List the different resources and/or materials for each group of learners.
Tier 1- This group work on an interview with Jackie Robinson. They will form questions to ask
him and present to the class. The word splash with the vocabulary words will assist them with
the question. Tier 1 is the highest performance students (HA) in the class.
Tier 2- This group will focus on writing the short play about the trials and successes of Jackie
Robinson. They need paper and computer time to research more information. This group will
perform the short play for the class. Tier 2 is the middle performance students (MA) in the class.
Tier 3-This group will focus on making a creative rap or song about Mr. Robinson. They are
making sentences for the music project with the vocabulary words. This group will perform the
song to the class. Tier 3 is the lowest performance students (LP) in the class.
A graphic organizer is made to list the students in the groups of Tiers 1, 2, and 3. Each group
will have their own area in the classroom for the students to work.
Learning Outcome 2: Variety of Strategies to differentiate instruction.
The students prior accommodations are a great example of differentiate instruction. The
accommodations are excellent strategies to the lesson. They are the following: reading the test
aloud to the students (ELL), SWS:LD in reading-repeat directions, extended times with testing,

504 plan-timer for completion of work, SWD:EBD- use of social story to assist the student, and
SWD:DHH-provide written copies for all directions/assignment and more time.
The Learning Objectives/Focus
Tier 1- Learning objective is the ability of this group understanding of the assignment. The
understanding comes from the high thinking questions for the interview.
Tier 2-Learning objective is the students clear understanding of Jackie Robinsons life. The
understanding is communicated by the information in the short play.
Tier 3-Learning objective is the information in the creative rap or song.
Essential question (EQ)
What did you learn about Jackie Robinson and his struggles with people who dislike him?
Problem-Solving, critical thinking, and analysis.
Students are able to use their critical thinking by using their research to create wonderful projects
in the class. With the completion of their assignments, the students are able to work together in
groups and create their projects creatively;
Design the key activities for the students.
Start the lesson by discussing the civil rights of African-Americans during Jackie Robinsons life.
Have the students answer the question-What do you think that life was like for Jackie Robinson?
Ask the question-Who is Jackie Robinson? This is the prior knowledge of the lesson. Then, the
students read the book Jackie Robinson by Sally Walker. After reading the book, teacher
conducts the discussion about the events in the book. Higher thinking question is an open-ended
question. What impacts did Jackie Robinson contribute to sports and the United States.

Students will understand the learning objectives by completion their assign projects in the class.

Flow of Lesson.
Tier 1- This group work on an interview with Jackie Robinson. They will form questions to ask
him and present to the class. The word splash with the vocabulary words will assist them with
the question. Tier 1 is the highest performance students (HA) in the class. Time- 1 week
Tier 2- This group will focus on writing the short play about the trials and successes of Jackie
Robinson. They need paper and computer time to research more information. This group will
perform the short play for the class. Tier 2 is the middle performance students (MA) in the class.
Time-1 week.
Tier 3-This group will focus on making a creative rap or song about Mr. Robinson. They are
making sentences for the music project with the vocabulary words. This group will perform the
song to the class. Tier 3 is the lowest performance students (LP) in the class. Time- 1 week
A graphic organizer is made to list the students in the groups of Tiers 1, 2, and 3. Each group
will have their own area in the classroom for the students to work.
Hook- The hook is playing the song Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Teacher asks the groupDoes anyone know this song? After the song, the lesson is introduced to the group. Higher-level
thinking questions- What are some baseball words that you can use in the song? What are some
problems that Jackie Robinson had? Teaching Strategies are Independent Learning, Hands-on
learning, research materials, tiered activities, and academic language used in context. During
each learning segment, I would offer support to all students because it is needed. The biggest
support is to assist each student. I would listen to the ideas and offer suggestions. I plan to
actively engage the students by visiting each of the three groups. I will actively assist the
students in their discussion. Students will be working in their groups and doing their work. In

closing the lesson, I would remind each student that he or she had great ideas about Jackie
Robinson. My lesson reflects culturally responsive teaching because it is focusing on the
accomplishments and struggles of Jackie Robinson. He had a hard time being the first AfricanAmerican baseball player in Major League Baseball. The students will learn about his impacts in
sports and the United States.
As a teacher, I would actively participate by attending each group and offering honest feedback
to the students. Feedback is needed to guide their learning and give the students a deeper
understanding of the lesson. A great way for students reflection is to give the students a chance
to write down their thoughts on the groups. Students are given the chance to communicate with
the teacher about the experience.
Learning Theory
I like the constructivism by Jean Piaget. It emphasizes the active involvement of the students
and takes into account their prior knowledge with learning new materials. It is a great way to
learn the materials.
Support to each groups of learners- All students with ELL, IEPS, 504, and other Special Needs
are very important. All accommodations are important to the learning and will be followed in
every way.

Learning Objectives
Knowledge Objectives:
Students will able to explain who Jackie Robinson is and his accomplishments in the area of
Major League Baseball and the racial awareness.
Students will also be able to show and explain the

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