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Role of Port Community Systems in

Connec6ng and Integra6ng Intermodal

John Kerkhof, APCS

IPCSA Regional Representa6ve Europe and North America Region

Port Finance Interna6onal

Antwerp, Belgium 20th April 2016

What is a Port Community System ?
The Increasing importance of the
Electronic Exchange of Informa<on

The Complex Logis<cs Chain

The role of the PCS in the Mul<modal Chain

Who is IPCSA ?

What is a Port Community System ?

A Port Community System is not an IT project, but a
change management project.
Javier Gallardo, Por6c (IPCSA), Red VUCE mee6ng,
4th December, Cusco, Peru

A Port Community System is:

a neutral and open electronic plaGorm enabling intelligent and
secure exchange of informa<on between public and private
stakeholders in order to improve the compe<<ve posi<on of the
sea and air ports communi<es.
op<mises, manages and automates port and logis<cs ecient
processes through a single submission of data and
connec<ng transport and logis<cs chains.

The Port Community System

a typical example


The Increasing importance of the Electronic

Exchange of Informa6on
The World Trade Organisa6on
It is an organiza<on for opening up trade and is a forum for
governments to nego<ate trade agreements, seQle trade disputes
and operates a system of trade rules. Essen<ally, the WTO is a place
where member governments try to sort out the trade problems they
face with each other.

Ref: WTO Website -hQps://

WTO Trade Facilita6on Agreement

In December 2013, WTO members concluded
nego<a<ons on a Trade Facilita<on Agreement
The TFA will enter into force once two-thirds of members
have completed their domes<c ra<ca<on process.
Currently ra<ed by 72 of its 162 members.
The TFA contains provisions for expedi<ng the
movement, release and clearance of goods, including
goods in transit.
It also sets out measures for eec<ve coopera<on
between customs and other appropriate authori<es on
trade facilita<on and customs compliance issues.

TFA Links to Single Window

Ar6cle 10.4 Single Window
4.1 Members shall endeavour to establish or
maintain a single window
4.2 single submission of informa<on
4.4 .use informa<on technology to support the
single window.
Sec6on III - contains provisions that establish a
permanent commiQee on trade facilita<on at the WTO,
require members to have a na<onal commiQee to
facilitate domes<c coordina<on and implementa<on of
the provisions of the Agreement

Single Window UNECE

Recommendation 33
Recommends Governments to establish Single Window for Cross
Border Trade
Denes features:
one 6me submission
..of standardized informa6on and documents

sharing of informa6on amongst government agencies;

coordinated controls and inspec6ons of the various

governmental authori6es;

Allow payment of du6es and other charges;

Be a source of trade related government informa6on.

Source: UNECE, Tom Bu\erly, IPCSA Conference, 1st June 2015

PCS A Trade Facilita6on Tool

Links administra<ve
processes to
opera<onal ones
Thus re-using data for
both purposes and
the re-use of exis<ng
Informa<on Systems
Transparency &
reducing trade
Can also act as a
Gateway into a
Single Window

PCS thus link

Administra6ve and
electronically via
the exchange of
messages on a end
to end basis
(machine to
machine) with all

The Complex Logis6cs Chain

Trading relies on logis<cs the movement of
It is therefore part of wider and complex
logis<cs chain
Where Mul<ple par<es sending informa<on,
tradi<onally paper, between each other both
for Administra<ve purposes such as customs
and opera<onal purposes

Key challenges for todays supply chains

Global informa6on challenges

Mul6modal Transport Chain

The role of Port Community Systems
To provide a neutral and trusted plaGorm to
exchange data and informa<on between all
To remove paperwork from the supply chain
PCS are already connected to mul<modal
transport modes
Road, Rail, Short Sea, Deep Sea, Air, Inland

PCS Suppor6ng Transport Chains

IPCSA Track and Trace ini6a6ve

IPCSA Track and Trace ini6a6ve

Who is IPCSA ?
Formed as EPCSA in 2011, became IPCSA in 2014
Five Regions with members, with regions matching
those of UN Regional Commissions
Members operate in ports that handle in excess of
140m TEUs and 4 billion tonnes of cargo worldwide
Opera<ng in over 100 ports worldwide Members
handle tens of millions of electronic messages every
Membership open to PCS Operators & Port Authori<es
Associate members include Oceania Customs
Organisa<ons, FONASBA and INCU

Five Membership regions

IPCSA currently has 27 members and is growing

SOGET, France

MCP, United Kingdom

Por<c, Spain

Dakosy, Germany
dbh, Germany

Portbase, Netherlands
APCS, Belgium

Freeport of Riga, Latvia
Valenciaport, Spain

Port of Ravenna, Italy
ePuertobilbo, Spain

Portel, Madrid
Port de Tarragona, Spain
DubaiTrade, U.A.E
Portnet, Morocco

Port Authority of Hamburg
PPL 33-35, Ukraine

1-Stop, Australia
IPCS, Israel

SEGUB, Benin
ILCS, Indonesia

Port of Sines, Portugal

Abu Dhabi Ports Company, U.A.E

MGI, Marseille, France

Saudi Ports Authority, Saudi Arabia

Also Associate members
FONASBA Federa<on of Ship Agents
INCU Interna<onal Network of Customs Universi<es
OCO Oceania Customs Organisa<on

IPCSA Priori6es
IPCSA core priori6es:
Standardisa<on message and B2G Interfaces
Customs and other Government Agencies
Single Window / Trade Facilita<on
Cybersecurity and data protec<ons
Community Systems Development

IPCSA Ini6a6ves
Track and Trace
API Standards

IPCSA Representa6on
IPCSA works together with a number of Interna6onal and European
NGOs and Inter Governmental Organisa6ons to support them in
their work including:
Interna<onal Mari<me Organisa<on - Consulta<ve Status
APEC Secretary General is an expert on their e-Commerce Council
World Customs Organisa<on
Oceania Customs Organisa<on
European Commission (DG MOVE, DG TAXUD)
European Mari<me Safety Agency
Inter America Development Bank
Plus numerous other interna<onal and regional
trade facilita<on bodies and associa<ons

For more informa6on on IPCSA

Richard Morton, Secretary General
E: richard.morton@ipcsa.interna6onal

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