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Polymorphism, pt 1
COMP 401, Fall 2016
Lecture 07

Encapsula)on In Prac)ce
Part 2: Separate Exposed Behavior
Dene an interface for all exposed behavior
In Java, an interface is like a contract.
Indicates that a certain set of public methods are available.
One or more classes can indicate that they implement the

Name of interface can be used as a type name

Just like class names are used as type names.
Value of an interface type variable can be set to any object
that is an instance of a class that implements the interface.

Mark constructors as public

Interfaces in Java
Like classes, should go in their own .java le

Should have same name as le

Only one public interface per le.
Body of interface is a just list of method signatures.

Implemen)ng classes MUST declare these methods as public


public interface InterfaceName {

type method1(parameters);
type method2(parameters);
// etc

Classes specify which interfaces they implement with implements

modier as in:
public class ClassName implements InterfaceA, InferfaceB {

Interface Naming Conven)ons

Interface name must be dierent from class names
that implement the interface.
Conven)on A
Start all interface names with I for interface.
For example: ITriangle, IPoint

Class names can be anything that is not in this form.

Conven)on B

Use generic abstrac)on name for interface.

Make class names descrip)ve of implementa)on

If no natural way to do this, simply append Impl to generic

abstrac)on name to dieren)ate.

Personally, I generally go with conven)on B.

Programming To An Interface
Separates Point into an interface and an implemen)ng

No)ce that distanceTo() and equals() are part of behavior I

want the abstrac)on to expose.
Must be marked public

No)ce that main method uses variables with type

Point (the interface name), but that the actual object is
created as an instance of a specic class that
implements the interface Point.
No)ce that Triangle only interacts with the methods
specied in the Point interface.

Advantage of Encapsula)on
Can provide dierent implementa)ons of the
same behavior
Create a new implementa)on of Point based on polar

Exposed vs Internal Behavior

Exposed behavior should be reected in the
interface(s) that a class implements
Recall that any method declared in an interface
must be dened by an implemen)ng class as a
public method.

Internal behavior should be hidden

Use private modier on these methods to ensure
that access only occurs within the class

Con)nued applica)on of encapsula)on
principle to Triangle by
dening Triangle as an interface
rewri)ng what used to be the class Triangle as
the class PointTriangle that implements the
hiding internal behaviors as private methods

Summing Up
A Java le denes one public class or public
To support encapsula)on:

Dene exposed behavior as one or more interfaces

JavaBeans geders and seders for direct or derived
Other methods that are part of the abstrac)on.

A class provides the implementa)on of one or more


All elds within a class are marked as private.

Public constructor
Methods that implement any interface(s) must be public.
Internal methods marked as private.

Do you always need an interface?

Best prac)ce is to separate an abstrac)on into an
interface and a class that implements it.
Allows you to have mul)ple classes that implement
the interface in dierent ways.

For simple classes for which you know that there

will only be one implementa)on, you can get
away without dening the interface separately.
Should s)ll mark elds as private, constructor as
public, and make a dis)nc)on between public
methods for external behavior and private methods
for internal behavior.

Poly = many, morph = forms
General principle of providing access to an
abstrac)on or method in many forms
Idea is that dierent forms t dierent contexts
Goal of the underlying func)onality is the same.

In OO programming, principle is evident in a

number of dierent places.
Today: Constructor overloading

What happens when you dont dene a
Default constructor with no arguments.
Creates new object with all elds set to default value
Numeric elds set to 0
Boolean elds set to false
String, Array, and any other sort of reference value eld set to


An aside on puing more than one

class in a le.
A Java le can only have one public class.
A class marked public can be imported into other
Must match le name

One or more non-public classes in a Java le

can also be dened
Only available to code in the same package.
Does not have to match le name
Oken used to dene classes that are related to the
public class in that le.

Constructor Overloading
Can dene mul)ple versions of the constructor.
Dis)nguished from each other by type and number of
Must be some dierence otherwise the compiler wont be
able to tell them apart.

When you use the constructor, the right one will be

chosen based on the parameters provided.
Note that once you dene at least one constructor,
the implicit, default no-argument constructor is not
automa)cally available.


Constructor Chaining
Common padern is to chain one constructor o
of another.
To do this, the rst line of code in the constructor
must be the this keyword used as if a func)on with
The matching constructor is called rst and allowed to
Then any subsequent code is executed.
Can chain mul)ple constructors one on to another


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