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Wilhelm Wundt Experimental Psychology He opened the first laboratory

dedicated to psychology, and his worked his widely thought of as the beginning of
modern psychology

Edward Titchener Structuralism Studied under Wundt, and is best known for
starting the branch of psychology called structuralism

Mary Whiton Calkin Self-Psychology Became first women president of ASA,

which in turn allowed more opportunities for women

William James Functionalism Was the first person to ever teach a psychology
course in the USA, which led to the ability of people being taught Psychology in the
united states

Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditioning Discovered classical conditioning, which is

the discovery of the fact that animals can be conditioned to do a certain thing

Sigmund Freud Neurology Found a clinical method for treating psychopathology

G. Stanley Hall Experimental Psychology Became the president of the APA in


Margaret (Floy) Washburn Experimental Psychology Was the first women in

history to be awarded a PhD in the field of psychology

Jean Piaget Cognitive Psychology Is known for the theory of cognitive

development, which is the observing of how children develop intellectually
throughout their childhoods

Abraham Maslow Humanistic Psychology Founded humanistic psychology which

is a field that is still studied in the modern world

BF Skinner Behavioral Psychology He believed that all human behavior is

directly related to conditioning, which is important because it brought a new theory to
be tested

Stanley Milgram Social Psychology Best known for testing how far people would
go to obey authority

Noam Chomsky Contemporary Psychology Is known for being a political activist

Carl Rogers Clinical Psychology Created a nondirective approach to treatment; it

was called client-centered therapy

John Watson Behavioral Psychology Performed the Little Albert experiment, in

attempt to prove you develop fears into young children

Phillip Zimbardo Psychology of Heroism Created textbooks that are now being
used in high school psychology classes

Albert Bandura Cognitive Psychology Social learning theory, which is the concept
of self-efficacy

Erik Erikson Cognitive Psychology Theory of psychological development, as well

as the concept of identity crisis

Lawrence Kohlberg Cognitive Psychology Developed the theory of stages of

moral development

Solomon Asch Social Psychology Was one of the first to do research on the
psychology of conformity

Mary Ainsworth Developmental Psychology Known for her Strange Situation

assessment and contributions to the attachment theory

Albert Ellis Behavior Psychology Created an emotive behavior therapy for people

Gordon Allport Is referred to, and is known as one of the founders of personal
psychology, which is obviously important, as it introduced an entirely new section of

Martin Seligman Positive Psychology He is best known for being a person who
studied, and had a major impact on positive psychology

Robert Sternberg Mental Psychology He developed many theories for the

psychology of love, intelligence, as well as creativity

Elizabeth Loftus Contemporary Psychology Did a lot of research, specifically on

the human memory; most of this research helped gain more findings in the field of

Leon Festinger Cognitive & Social Psychology After graduating with a PhD, he
went on to teach at numerous different universities, which is critical in developing the
next generation of psychologists

Harry Harlow Social Psychology Is known for his isolation experiments with
monkeys, which helped further some research in the field of psychology

Stanley Schachter Developmental Psychology Developed the two factor theory of

emotion, which claimed emotions have 2 ingredients, which once again contributes to
more studies in the field of psychology

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