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Special Easter Message 23/03/08


Teachers to read bible scripture: <Mt 26-28> <Lu 22-24>

Children to memorize bible scripture: <Jn 14:6>

Today is Easter Sunday – the day Jesus resurrected. [Children, do you all know the importance of
Easter? That’s right, Easter is to commemorate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.] Jesus is
God Himself. He came to this world to save and heal us and all the people belonging to Him.
Therefore, when Jesus came to this world,
• He performed many miracles (water turned to wine, walked on water, calmed the storms, five
loaves and 2 fishes) to prove that He is God indeed
• He also healed many of His people (the blind, the lame, those with leprosy, those possessed by
demons), telling us that he came to help and heal His people
• He spoke a lot about God’s messages, asking many to believe and follow God, telling His people
not to be deceived by Satan.
However, the chief priests and religious leaders who did not know God wanted to kill Jesus because
they were jealous of Him. They brought many soldiers with them to capture Jesus, and handed Him
over to Roman governor, Pilate. Eventually, they had Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Actually,
God arranged for things to be this way because Jesus Christ is the savior for the people in this world.
Therefore, by His death on the cross, our debts of sins are cleared and we are freed from the clutches
of Satan. He was buried but on the third day, He resurrected for you and for me! After He was
resurrected, He told us that those who know and believe in Him will not die forever. They will be
eternally loved by God, will never have any sins and will always have victory.

1. The state we are in when we are born into this world

1) When people are born, they are departed from God, whereby they can see nor hear
Him. They only have about 70-80 years in this world before dying. Thereafter, they
will go to Hell and will be separated from God forever.
2) Because they are departed from God, people are born with original sin. Therefore,
without people teaching us, we will naturally feel guilty, inferior, selfish and ambitious,
jealous and lie to cover ourselves, greedy, hate others etc. These become worse as
we grow older! In the end, because of their own sins, people will die forever and be
in hell forever and hence cannot see God.
3) The Bible says, “Those with sins are bounded by the devil, Satan.” Those who are
born with original sin are deceived by the devil, Satan, accused, cheated, and do not
love God daily, do not love people. They live everyday for themselves and for the
world. They live for enjoyment. Then, when the time is up, they will follow the devil,
Satan into hell and be departed eternally from God.

2. Only Jesus Christ can save us

1) Although Jesus Christ is God, He came in human form to be with Man because He
loves us. This is so that we can hear God’s words, allowing us to come before our
heavenly Father and not be lost and be departed from God.
2) Although Jesus Christ had no sin, He willingly let Himself be caught and be crucified
on the cross for our sins to redeem all our sins because He loves us. Therefore,
although we still have weaknesses and commit sins be it in the past or presently,
(e.g. selfish, greedy, dislike/ get jealous of others), Jesus has already repaid all our
3) Although Jesus Christ had resurrected and ascended to heaven, because He loves
us, He is presently sitting on the right hand side of our heavenly Father above,
interceding for us day and night. Therefore, regardless of the environment, we are
being protected and have the power to defeat the devil, Satan.
* Emphasis: Jesus Christ is the only way, because there is no other way to where our
heavenly Father is, no other solution to resolve original sin; no other power to defeat the
devil, Satan.

3. Those who know and believe in Jesus Christ are God’s children forever
1) Because we are God’s children, we are therefore the most important in the eyes of
God! Therefore, we have to value ourselves, our parents, brothers and sisters,
friends, our studies, our talents and skills etc. All these are very important, with God’s
important plan and blessings amidst [Remember: Do not be deceived for Satan often
tells us to look down on ourselves.]
2) Because we are God’s children, God therefore gave us a noble mission, which is to
be like the Lord Jesus, to save and heal many of God’s people who are still being
bounded by the devil, Satan and together, tell them to know and believe the Lord
3) Because we are God’s children, God will help us at any moment. Therefore,
whenever we encounter any difficulties, the solution that God has given us is prayer.
Therefore, we cannot rely on our own intelligence but to rely on prayers!

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