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Question & Answers

Q1.Describe the four functions of management? (chapter1)

Q2. Explain Mintzbergs managerial roles? (chapter1)
Q3. Describe three essential managerial skills and how the importance of these
skills changes depending on managerial level? (chapter1)
Q4. List down 14 Points of Henry Fayol 14 Principles of Management? (Chapter 1)
Q5. Describe Contingency Approach? (chapter2)
Q6. Describe the external Environment and its components of the organization?
(Chapter 3)
1. Managers who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the plans and
goals that affect the entire organization are _____________.
a. first-line managers
b. top managers
c. production managers
d. research managers
(b; easy; p. 5)
2. All levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of the organization are
termed _____________.
a. middle managers
b. first-line managers
c. supervisors
d. foremen
(a; easy; p. 6)
3. The three essential managerial skills put forth by Katz include _____________.
a. technical, human, and empirical
b. human, empirical, and conceptual
c. technical, interpersonal, and controlling
d. technical, human, and conceptual
(d; moderate; p. 12) (d; easy; p. 6)
4. The lowest level of management is ______________.
a. a nonmanagerial employee
b. a department of research manager
c. a vice president
d. a first-line manager
(d; easy; p. 5)

5. _____________ is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and
through other people.
a. Leading
b. Management
c. Supervision
d. Controlling
(b; easy; p. 7)
6. Which of the following is not an example of a decisional role according to Mintzberg?
a. spokesperson
b. entrepreneur
c. disturbance handler
d. resource allocator
(a; moderate; p. 11)
7. The management process functions consist of ______________.
a. planning, organizing, staffing, and directing
b. planning, organizing, leading, and directing
c. planning, organizing, leading, and staffing
d. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
(d; moderate; p. 9)
8. The five management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling
was proposed by ______________.
a. Frederick W. Taylor
b. Henry Ford
c. Chester Barnard
d. Henri Fayol
(d; difficult; p. 9)
9. Writing an organizational strategic plan is an example of the ______________ management function.
a. leading
b. coordinating
c. planning
d. organizing
(c; difficult; p. 9)
10. According to Mintzbergs management roles, the _____________ roles are those
that involve people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature.
a. informational
b. interpersonal
c. technical
d. decisional
(b; easy; p. 10)

Chapter 2
1. The major contribution of the Industrial Revolution was the substitution of ________ for human power.
a. electricity
b. water power
c. machine power
d. critical thinking
(c; challenging; p. 27)
2. Based on his scientific management principles, Taylor suggested which of the following pay
a. monthly salary
b. monthly salary with bonus
c. seniority pay
d. incentive pay
(d; difficult; p. 28)
3. General administrative theory focuses on ________________.
a. the entire organization
b. managers and administrators
c. the measurement of organizational design relationships
d. primarily the accounting function
(a; easy; p. 29)
4. The 14 principles of management are associated with whom?
a. Weber
b. Drucker
c. Taylor
d. Fayol
(d; moderate; p. 30)
5. Bureaucracy defined as a form of organization characterized by __________________.
a. division of labor
b. clearly defined hierarchy
c. detailed rules and regulations
d. all of the above
(d; moderate; p. 30)
6. Which of the following approaches to management has also been labeled operations research or
management science?
a. the qualitative approach
b. the quantitative approach
c. the experimental approach
d. the theoretical approach
(b; easy; p. 31)

7. The quantitative approach involves applications of _______________.

a. statistics
b. optimization models
c. information models
d. computer simulations
e. all of the above
(e; moderate; p. 32)
8. Concern for employee motivation is most closely associated with which management approach?
a. bureaucracy
b. organizational behavior
c. scientific management
d. systems
(b; moderate; p. 32)
9. Workforce diversity refers to differences in employees such as ________________.
a. gender
b. race
c. age
d. all of the above
(d; moderate; p. 39)
10. A learning organization develops the capability to ______________.
a. add new training programs even when competitors are going bankrupt
b. accept conventional wisdom of the industry
c. continuously learn, adapt, and change
d. work in teams
(c; moderate; p. 41)
Chapter 3
1. What are the two views of managerial impact on the success or failure of the organization?
a. omnipotent and symbolic
b. omnipotent and reflective
c. symbolic and interactive
d. reflective and interactive
(a; moderate; p. 50)
2. The symbolic view of management means _____________.
a. managers are directly responsible for an organizations success or failure
b. managers have little or no responsibility for an organizations success or failure
c. that external forces are directly responsible for an organizations success or failure
d. the employees are directly responsible for an organizations success or failure
(c; easy; p. 50)

3. Managers operate within the constraints imposed by __________________.

a. government at the federal and state level
b. the employees of the organization
c. the organizations culture and environment
d. the organizations board of directors
(c; moderate; p. 51)
4. An organizations culture is ______________.
a. represented in organizational meetings by the top manager of the organization
b. represented by a common perception held by interest groups that watch the organization
c. represented by a common perception held by the organizations members
d. changed when the organization is purchased by new owners
(c; hard; p. 52)
5. Strong cultures _____________.
a. are found in organizations with strong leaders
b. have a minimal influence on the employee when she or he is making decisions
c. can be found in all organizations that exist
d. have a greater influence on employees than do weak cultures
(d; moderate; p. 53)
6. Employees in organizations with strong cultures _______________.
a. are more committed to their organization
b. are more likely to leave the organization than stay
c. are more willing to perform illegal activities
d. are more likely to follow directives from peers
(a; moderate; p. 53)
7. Which of the following is not mentioned in the textbook as a dimension of organizational culture?
a. attention to detail
b. people orientation
c. compensation
d. aggressiveness
(c; moderate; p. 52)
8. Sony Corporations focus on product innovation is an example of which of the following dimensions of
organizational culture?
a. attention to detail
b. people orientation
c. outcome orientation
d. aggressiveness
(c; moderate; p. 53)

9. External environment refers to _________________.

a. institutions outside the organization that affect the organizations performance
b. forces and institutions outside the organization that potentially can affect the organizations
c. forces and institutions inside the organization that affect the organizations performance
d. forces inside the organization that affect the organizations performance
(b; hard; p. 64)
10. The specific environment of organizations consists of constituencies that have a direct impact
on managers decisions and actions. The main constituencies are made up of customers,
suppliers, competitors, and __________.
a. legislators
b. pressure groups
c. employees
d. lawyers
(b; moderate; p. 64)

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