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Tingkah laku yang mengganggu di kelas mengakibatkan proses pengajaran dan

pembelajaran dipengaruhi jika tidak ditangani dengan baik oleh guru. Pelajar-pelajar lain di
dalam kelas mungkin tidak dapat menumpukan perhatian atau mendapat manfaat daripada
rancangan pengajaran kerana pelajar yang menimbulkan masalah disiplin mengganggu
kelas. Menjerit dalam kelas, berbual sampingan, tidak tumpukan perhatian, tidur dalam
kelas, dan menggunakan telefon bimbit dalam kelas adalah contoh-contoh tingkah laku yang
menimbulkan gangguan dalam bilik darjah. Tingkah laku seseorang pelajar yang
menimbulkan gangguan boleh menimbulkan isu-isu yang mengancam keselamatan dan
kebajikan pelajar-pelajar lain di dalam kelas. Guru-guru perlu terlebih dahulu mengenalpasti
tingkah laku yang mengganggu dan menangani tingkah laku yang mengganggu secara
profesional apabila ia bermula. Menghentikan tingkah laku mengganggu seorang pelajar
akan membawa kepada kesedaran pelajar lain bahawa tingkah laku mengganggu
mendatangkan akibat. Terdapat banyak cara guru boleh menangani tingkah laku yang
menimbulkan gangguan di dalam kelas. Salah satu cara sukses yang terbukti adalah
Hierarki Tindakan Pembetulan Canter yang terdapat dalam Model Disiplin Asertif Canter.
Kajian kes
Mei Ling adalah seorang murid berumur 8 tahun yang mempamerkan tingkah laku yang
menimbulkan gangguan berterusan semasa dalam kelas. Ayah Mei Ling telah meninggal
dunia 2 tahun lalu dan ibunya bekerja sepanjang waktu untuk membayar bil. Ibunya bergelut
dari segi kewangan dan tidak banyak menghabiskan masa bersama dengan anak
perempuannya. Akibatnya, Mei Ling menghabiskan banyak masa bawah jagaan abang dan
kakak sementara ibunya sedang bekerja. Mei Ling tinggal bersama ibunya, kakaknya Mei
Chi yang berumur 15 tahun, abangnya Kok Hin yang berumur 19 tahun dan teman wanita
abangnya Cindy yang berumur 21 tahun. Mei Chi menghabiskan banyak masa di rumah
bercakap di telefon dan menonton televisyen. Abangnya Kok Hin dan teman wanitanya tidak
bekerja dan sentiasa duduk melahu di rumah dan bertengkar. Ibunya sampai di rumah pada
waktu semua orang sudah tidur. Oleh itu, Mei Ling menyaksikan gelagat abang dan
kakaknya dan menunjukkan beberapa perilaku yang mengerikan di dalam kelas.
Persekitaran keluarga yang tidak kondusif bagi Mei Ling merupakan dinamika penting
mengapa dia menunjukkan tingkah laku ekstrim yang mengganggu sementara di dalam
kelas bersama Mr Guam dan dengan guru lain. Tingkah laku Mei Ling yang mengganggu
termasuk bercakap kuat dalam kelas. Mei Ling bercakap dengan rakan-rakannya semasa
Encik Guam mengajar dan menyampaikan pelajaran dalam kelas. Selain itu, Mei Ling
meniru Encik Guam dan enggan mendengar ketika Encik Guam cuba berbicara dengannya
mengenai perilakunya, bahkan dia

meletakkan tangan di atas telinganya untuk

menunjukkan bahawa dia tidak mendengar. Mei Ling mempunyai banyak rakan dan cuba

menghiburkan rakan-rakannya dengan berjenaka dan cuba membuat mereka tertawa

dengan mengejek murid lain dalam kelas. Jelaslah bahawa Mei Ling mengalami masalah di
rumah dan melemparkan kemarahannya dalam kelas. Mei Ling mengakui bahawa dia tidak
suka Encik Guam kerana beliau asyik bercakap dengan dia dan dia tidak suka rakan
sebelahnya kerana sebab-sebab peribadi. Encik Guam akan melaksanakan rancangan
pengajaran positif untuk mendorong Mei Ling mengawal tingkah laku diri sehingga Encik
Guam dapat memberikan pengajaran yang berkesan.
Canters Behavior Management Cycle First Step
Mr. Perry decided to implement Canters behavior management model in order to
successfully minimize disruptions in the classroom and to deal with Ashleys misbehavior.
The first step that Mr. Perry needs to take is, precisely and specifically inform the class of the
directions that he expects them to follow. He needs to attempt to form explicit directions, and
stray away from vague directions. He should not assume that Ashley or her classmates
know how to behave appropriately. Also, he needs to inform the class what it is that he
expects from them and it would be a great idea to have it posted in the class so, that the
students are constantly reminded.
Canters Behavior Management Cycle Second Step
Secondly, Dr. Perry should use behavioral management which simply means that he should
positively motivate the students to follow his directions. He should give the students effective
positive feedback. He should give the specifically give the directions, observe the class, and
then within two seconds inform the class of who is following directions and what they are
doing to follow the directions. It is apparent that Ashley is misbehaving to get attention,
however if Mr. Perry gives less attention to the students that are misbehaving and more
attention to the students that are behaving; it is likely that Ashley would behave to get
attention. Also, he should focus on behavioral narrating before he focuses on correcting a
students behavior. This shows that he is on top of the class, are monitoring the students to
make sure that they are on task, and setting a positive tone in the classroom. Dr. Perry can
even take it a step further and use behavioral narration with the points on the board award
system. This award system awards the class for following directions to get closer to an ward.
For example, after giving directions and noticing that Ashley is following the directions that
were given, state Ashley is sitting in her seat and working on her assignment and this has
earned the class one point closer to a homework free night. This would encourage Ashley
and other students to follow directions because they know that they are doing a good deed
for the class.
Canters Behavior Management Cycle Third Step

Lastly, Dr. Perry should take corrective action for the students who are still not following
directions and misbehaving. After giving clear directions, after 10 seconds of observing the
class and acknowledging the students that are behaving Mr. Perry should correct the
students that are misbehaving. He could do this by stating Ashley you should be sitting and
looking at me without talking, you have chosen to get a timeout. This lets Ashley know why
she is getting a time out and informs her that she is in charge of her actions. He should also
inform and post consequences from a discipline hierarchy that the students would receive if
they are disruptive. For example, for the first disruptive behavior the student receives a
warning, the second disruptive behavior the student receives 10 minute time out and so on.
Dr. Perry should make sure that the consequence was the childs choice by reinforcing their
misbehavior and the consequence for their action when they are misbehaving. Also, he
should focus on taking corrective action every time students are disruptive.
Summary of Strategies Used
The strategies that were used to correct Ashleys misbehavior are the steps from
Canters management cycle. Canters management cycle involves three steps in which the
teacher strategically follows in order to eliminate disruptive behavior in the classroom,
motivate students to swiftly follow directions, and maximize instruction time. The first step is
that teachers should specifically communicate explicit directions that are expected for the
students to follow. Secondly, the teacher should use behavioral narration to support students
that are following directions. Lastly, take corrective action with students who are still not
following the directions.
All in all, if Mr. Perry follows the steps in Canters Behavior Management Cycle, he
would be able to effectively eliminate disruptive behavior in his classroom. Also, by using
Canters model he can help Ashley with her misbehavior and help her seek attention through
positive behavior instead of misbehaving for attention.

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